#very historical historical fashion polls
📜 the state of the blog address 5/25/24 📜
hello my lovelies! 💕
I just wanted to give you all a little update on the various things that are going on with the blog at the moment 🥰
1. the last flower children poll has been posted 💐
I'm so glad y'all loved these charming and whimsical little sprites as much as I did ☺️ we've now gone through all the illustrations in the book, so our beloved flower children will be returning to the gardens and fields they call their homes 💐💕
2. 2k follower celebration – "very historical historical fashion polls"
you can read more about this here, but now that the 1k flower children celebration is over, to celebrate 2k followers (which is still absolutely wild to me btw 🤯) I'm going to feature some older fashions. to be completely honest, I have not sourced any of those images yet, but I'm working on it! I will make a separate post when you'll start seeing those on the blog ☺️
3. 3k follower celebration will be flower fairies!
there was overwhelming enthusiasm in this little poll that I did, so in a similar fashion to flower children, we'll be having some flower fairy polls once we reach that milestone! it will likely be a bit until that happens, since we have yet to hit 3k, and because I'll want to wrap up the event for 2k first, but I did want to let y'all know that that's in the works 🥰
4. I'm a bit behind on asks at the moment 😅
mostly wanted to put this in here so that folks who have sent in asks know that I haven't forgotten them!! just wanted you all to know that I treasure the lovely interactions that I get to have with you, and I'm so sorry that it sometimes takes me a while to respond to things 😭 I will be getting around to those within the next couple of days 🥰
I think that's everything I wanted to share with y'all today! all good things, I just wanted to make sure everyone knew what was going on with the blog! 🥰🥰
as always, please feel free to reach out if you have any comments, questions, concerns, or just want to say hi! ☺️💕
much love to you all,
the curator
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fairyhaos · 10 months
❍ the 2k event: jeonghan + empire
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vote for this fic in the poll!
alternative title: burn, palace, burn
pairing: prince!jeonghan x f!empress!reader
genre: historical au, empire au, enemies to lovers, angst
word count: 1517
warnings: mentions of blood, war, death, manipulation, imprisonment (yeah,,, this ended up a little dark)
event taglist (send ask to be added): @slytherinshua @rubywonu @pepperonijem @amxlia-stars @weird-bookworm @hannyoontify @my-moarmy-heart @suminsfav @minhui896 @haocovr @lockburn-castle @jeonwonwoo
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War is never something you’ve enjoyed.
Bloodshed is horrifying, and the amount of lives lost, often futilely, make your stomach churn and your heart ache. The effects of war are almost always felt for generations after, staining child after child and traumatising the land beyond belief, the blood of enemies and allies and victims painting nightmares into the soil.
What a shame that your hands are dripping in that very blood.
You sigh, straightening yourself in your throne, brushing at the delicate golden chains dangling from your headdress as they touch your shoulders. However, you’ve been brought up by a tyrannical family, hell-bent on controlling their people. It’s always been your greatest desire to undo that damage, create a prosperous society, but that has proved near impossible.
That was a lesson your advisors had taught you, early on in your reign. As a woman, you’d have little power but to do as the men before you had done.
“Your Imperial Highness! The Great Sun of our land! Your imperial army returns from their latest battle!”
The doors to the throne room burst open, and in strides the head general, helmet under his arm, chest puffed, cheeks splattered with blood. It makes you feel sick.
But what makes you even more ill is the fact that he’s not alone. Behind him, two other soldiers drag in a man, tugging on his chains and forcing him to kneel before you. His head his bent, once-rich robes tattered and torn. There is a crown on his head, but on closer inspection, it looks to be a crude imitation of one, fashioned from tatty cloth and rotten sticks.
“We have returned from our conquest in the East,” your Head General says, proud. “The Kingdom of Thae has fallen to your mighty reign.”
Another kingdom acquired by your crown, you think weakly. Another kingdom for your advisors to lord over. Another kingdom for you to play at being empress to.
“Well done,” you say, and try to hide the discomfort from your voice. Masking it should come easily, given the countless times you’ve done this, but your horror at what has become of you never ceases to fade. “The Imperial Crown thanks you for your service.”
The Head General nods in acknowledgement, and point to the man kneeling beside him. “We have brought the prince of the Thae Kingdom here to you. Though their King and Queen have been slaughtered, Advisor Kim relayed that you would enjoy certain… spoils of war, if there were any left.”
Your head spins. This is horrific. You want to leave.
“Yes,” you manage to force out, as gracefully as possible. “Thank you.” You look down at the man, and his head is still bent, but his chained wrists shake from the way he clenches his fists tightly. “Pray tell, what is the prince’s name?”
The Head General smirks, and steps back. “Would your Imperial Highness like to take a look at him?”
It’s posed as a question, but you have no choice.
You rise from your throne, (lies, it’s not yours, it’s always belonged to anyone but you—) and descend the steps, kneeling before the man, the heavy silks of your skirt fanning out beneath you.
With one finger, you lift up his head, and your breath catches.
He’s beautiful.
“Prince Yoon Jeonghan, Your Imperial Highness,” your Head General introduces for you, and even his name is beautiful.
His hair, raven-dark and mussed up, is still velvet-soft as you tuck a lock behind his ear, mesmerised by his beauty. His eyes are like black diamonds, so dark that you could fall into them and yet endlessly bright and sparkling. His skin is pale, and he looks so small and delicate and you wish for nothing more than to whisk him away from this horrible, horrible world.
Jeonghan snarls, and his teeth sink into your wrist.
Immediately, the guards around him pull at his chains and tug him back, tug him so hard that he falls back, head crashing painfully on the cold stone of the floor.
“Oh!” You don’t even register the stinging teeth marks on your wrist, bleeding red beads, standing up and rushing to his side, holding the back of his head, even as he swats angrily at you, chains clinking. “Are you alright?”
Jeonghan stares at you as if you’ve gone insane, wrestling himself from your grip and receiving more harsh tugs for his actions. 
“I gather that Your Imperial Majesty is pleased with this prince?” the Head General says, and the sick pleasure in his tone makes you look up.
“Indeed,” you say, with all the authority you can muster. “Now, leave us.”
There are little benefits to being a puppet empress, but at least the people still have to respect you.
Once they all leave, and the room is empty, you fall to your knees beside him once again, brushing at his robes, seeing if he’s alright. But Jeonghan pushes your hands away again, hissing.
“Leave me alone,” he snaps, and his voice is cracked and hoarse but the anger pulsates, ever-present and unable to be hidden. “I refuse to be your boytoy.”
“Let me help you,” you beg, noticing the bruises along his arms, the dried-up blood on his neck. “Please. I could— I could give you a good life here. I promise.”
Jeonghan’s eyes darken, icy flames dancing in his irises, every blink oozing hate. “Your promises mean nothing to me,” he spits. “I refuse to bow down to a bully like you. You’re a killer, a manipulator, and I want nothing to do with the likes of you.”
Every word is a steel shard struck straight into your heart, and it’s startling how much the hate stings you. You’ve conquered countless kingdoms before, albeit not by your own choice, and you know that this is how people must view you. And yet, it hurts, to hear the venom and calculated rage pouring out of this prince’s mouth.
“I’m not those things,” you say quietly, voice echoing meekly within the large throne room. 
Jeonghan scoffs, opening his mouth to retort, and you rush to carry on.
“I’m not the one in charge. I have no power, no control here. I’m—I’m as much a prisoner as you are, a prisoner to my people, to my advisors, to my court. They prod me and push me around as they please, and I can’t do anything against them without being killed. Please, I— just let me help you.”
The hate does not waver in Jeonghan’s eyes. His delicate, pale face is contorted into an expression of such loathing that it makes you shiver in fear.
“If you’re all those things,” he says venomously, “then how can you help me?”
“I can keep you alive,” you say. “I can make sure you won’t die any time soon.”
Jeonghan freezes, and then slumps. He’s sitting on the floor of your recently polished throne room, satin robes torn and charred and splattered with blood. The floor shines, and his blackened fingers curl into the stone, fingernails scraping painfully.
“I just want my parents to be alive,” he says, quietly. “I want my life back.”
His words hit too close to home, and your heart constricts. It takes you several deep breaths before you manage to compose yourself again, and you rest a hand gently on his own.
“I can’t give that to you,” you admit, “however much I want to. I… I can’t even do that for myself.”
Jeonghan looks up, and there’s a question there, amongst the flickering flames of derision and fury and sadness.
“But I can give you a life,” you say. “It won’t be your old one, but it’ll be a life all the same. If you work with me, I can… I think I can free you. Free everyone.”
Jeonghan’s brow furrows, and a sheen covers his eyes as he thinks it over. He’s tattered and underfed and probably suffering several wounds, and yet he is taking the time to think of your offer, and part of you wonders faintly if Jeonghan, before all of this had happened to him, had been someone intelligent and calculating and revered by his people.
You feel even more ill for what you've done to him. For what others have done to him in your name. 
“Very well,” Jeonghan says finally, and your eyes widen. His chains clatter once again, and he holds his hand out. “Help me, and I help you.”
You smile, and take his hand, gently helping him to his feet. “I promise.” You prod at the chains on his wrists. “I'll free you. I will."
The beginnings of a smile tug at Jeonghan's lips. He tugs at the golden threads of your crown, and you let him, let him push it off, let it crash to the floor in a tinkle of expensive and heavy metal. 
"How noble of you, Empress," he says, but there's a light in his eyes, devious and cunning. He's a fighter, Jeonghan is. You can tell. He grins. 
"Let's burn this empire to the ground."
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trupowieszcz-moved · 4 months
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janeeyreofmanderley · 5 months
Of course an incomplete list, please for the sake of the question disregard the historical, social, technical, hygenic and political dimension of the times, this is a very shallow poll, all about the looks!!!!
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fairytale-poll · 6 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
She's from one of my favorite childhood shows and she's cool
She's kind, pure, and hardworking. She never takes things for granted, and always appreciates the little things. She isn't afraid to speak up when she sees something she thinks is wrong. She's such a cute and cool character!
Just look at her, she’s such a cinnamon roll
she's cinderella's daughter and an overall sweetheart. she's super hardworking and can talk to animals!
She is the most adorable baby girl in this show (along with many other baby girls) and she's suffering from being in an impossible love story. She has an impeccable taste in fashion and shoes so she's deserving the win.
She's really nice and I'm very nostalgic for the show
daughter of cinderella doomed to repeat her mothers story. she’s cute she’s nice and she makes shoes for a living!!
she literally said "I can love him so much i can literally change destiny" and ykw? slay
She's from one of my favorite childhood shows and she's cool
She's kind, pure, and hardworking. She never takes things for granted, and always appreciates the little things. She isn't afraid to speak up when she sees something she thinks is wrong. She's such a cute and cool character!
Just look at her, she’s such a cinnamon roll
she's cinderella's daughter and an overall sweetheart. she's super hardworking and can talk to animals!
She is the most adorable baby girl in this show (along with many other baby girls) and she's suffering from being in an impossible love story. She has an impeccable taste in fashion and shoes so she's deserving the win.
She's really nice and I'm very nostalgic for the show
daughter of cinderella doomed to repeat her mothers story. she’s cute she’s nice and she makes shoes for a living!!
she literally said "I can love him so much i can literally change destiny" and ykw? slay
ASHLYNNNNNNNN OH MY GOD!!! she is SUCH a sweetheart and I know this isn't the point of the poll but her DOLLS DON'T MISS Also??? Look at her with pink hair Vote for Ashlynn PLEASE I BEG OF YOU
Reminder to vote for Ashlynn because she is so adorable. I love Frankie too but ASHLYNNNNNN
This is, imo, the single best retelling of Cinderella out there. She has a great character, her relationship with the prince grows organically rather than happening in a single night, and the scene with the bandits is top tier
The story is told as a historical romance instead of anything supernatural happening. Drew Barrymore is a cute Cinderella, Anjelica Houston is an incredible stepmother, and she's also really nasty to one of the stepsisters too, who ends up taking Danielle (Cinderella)'s side. Also Leonardo da Vinci is hanging around painting a portrait of Danielle at one point.
The Drew Barrymore Cinderella is fantastic. It’s got real history mixed with beautiful whimsy! I absolutely love the butterfly wings and how she spoke up for her step mother and sister at the end (and that they were still punished). I feel like I need to go watch it now.
she’s funny and smart and she’s resourceful (also her outfits are historically accurate!)
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dresshistorynerd · 4 months
I don't actually have time for that but I think poll tournaments are so fun and I want to do a poll tournament for fashion eras. Like which was the best historical style. It's very dumb thing to have a tournament for which is why I find the idea so appealing. But I shouldn't do it, because I do not have the time (I'm trying to convince myself not to do it).
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crownsofesha · 5 months
Top Post of Each Month of 2023
(I used tumblr top ten to find out which when the top post of each month)
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This was just a really simple post, in my old editing style as well, apart of a short series of portiture introducing the Holmes. Cousins of Anne through Jane. Not my favorite of the month, but still cute. Other parts of the month in general was just some story posts.
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I love this post a lot, it marks the beginning of a collab that will come out in the next arc. I thought it would have come out sooner, but I ride the waves of motivation. The picture itself was one of my favorites with that editing styles, and still is. February saw one of my favorite posts, featuring Jane and their kids (including Anne).
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And so begins my recent editing style. I love it so much. This post as well. And I was able to come out with the part two to this lookbook in this year, thats a win for me. The post itself really helped me establish more cultural things about the people of Esha and their connection to plants and colors. In March I made my first and probably only guide on Russian Titles and the first part of the "What Once Was, Will Never Be." The second part gets to come out wayyyy later.
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My first poll! (I'm pretty sure). I just love dressing Esther up, and wanted a little cinderella moment, but Hildegard really did look way better in the dress (as well as the color chosen for her). This month I only posted 5 seperare posts, and most of it was asks.
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An introduction of three Queens and a Grand Princess through out the history of Esha. (Including one for the future) I introduced a decent amount of future gens this month. I wish the mother's day post from this month got more traction than this. (It had my next two gens featured) I also did a couple of lookbooks.
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I finally had another story post this month and this post for some reason was the most popular of the month, and for the rest of the year until just recently. Its just a picture of a crown! I was so confused when I found out that it was my top post. Don't get me wrong I love the work and worldbuilding I put into the royal collection I made, but it just confuses me why it was so popular. I did a lot of worldbuilding in June.
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This was very fun to do! Also technically a worldbuilding thing for me in the fashion, but the portraits that came out of it are really pretty! I didn't have much going on for this blog during July.
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A lookbook of Arabella's outfits! This was very fun, it got me more interested into what They wear for royal outings and just in general. This month saw another story post (One of my favorites) and the start of the Six Queens storyline!
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This is an Au post where if Anne didn't marry George, Esther would have, for ...reasons :) The month saw the beginning of chapter two of the six queens story and just some of my favorite edits as well. Like some magazines I did for Esha.
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This was the beginning of a series of portraits I did for the modern royals of Catalia. October was also the start of Sima and I creating a second short story other than Six Queens, which will come out after Six Queens has finished. It also saw two of my favorite posts of the Six Queens short story and the end of Six Queens Chapter Two.
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One of my favorite posts of all time, and getting to feature some of my favorite historical sims that are now dead in the present. The month itself was mostly just portraits and answering asks.
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The post that beat the crown! I was so happy with how this came out. This involed more worldbuilding for the country of Chelyabinsk, and me wishing for more Kokoshnik cc. This portrait was used for Tsarina Sofiya's wikipedia post, which I accidently forgot to add her death date, which I will add at a later date and publish again with other wikipedia articles. I want to add more just to hers. The rest of this month was more portraits and a chanukkah post that I planned on having more to it, which I do plan on posting for when its chanukkah in universe (insert crying emoji here) and I got to 200 followers, which was very exciting!
I can't wait to see what happens in the next year for this blog. I have a lot going on in TBS and I can't wait to publish it all. Happy New Years!
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Come one, come all, to the Gentleman/Phantom Thief Showdown!
We’re lovers of characters who steal the unstealable, evade the inescapable, confound the unconfoundable, all with a smile on their faces and a tip of their hats! If you enjoy characters who steal priceless things, have a flair for fashion, have a rival (usually in the police), have impeccable manners, and follow a strict code of honor (even if it’s solely their own), then this poll showdown is for you! We’re collecting characters that fit the criteria of gentleman or phantom thieves from all forms of media:
Steals items that are not merely very expensive but often priceless (Such as: fine art, unique gems, historical artifacts)
Leaves a calling card for the intended victim
Master of Disguise
Uses trickery and illusions to escape undetected
Has a rival in the form of a detective or police inspector
Steals for reasons other than personal gain, such as personal challenge, vigilante justice, or just for the lols
May break the laws of physics or common sense to achieve their goal
Is meant to be admired by the audience (or at least respected for their wit, audacity, and adherence to self-made rules)
If there’s anyone in particular you’d like to see in this showdown, please submit characters in this form! Only one character per form, please, but you can submit as many as you’d like! Tthough please, don’t spam a character just because you want to see them! As long as you make a good case for a character, we’ll consider them, even if they’re only submitted once!
There are, of course, a few characters that are so well known that it’s obvious they’ll be here, so don’t worry about nominating them, they’re guaranteed spots in the bracket! They are:
Arsène Lupin (the face of the gentleman/phantom thief archetype!)
Lupin III
Kaitou KID (from Magic Kaito 1412 and Case Closed)
Joker (from Persona 5)
Carmen Sandiego
Please share this post! We’d love to hear from as many people as possible!
Just a PSA to all you lovely folks:
First off, we would like to thank everyone who has submitted thus far. Twenty-four hours ago, this tournament has gone from 6 nominations to over 60 and we are overjoyed by the overwhelming support. We have thoroughly enjoyed all the characters that have been submitted and the faces we have been introduced to.
However, there have been a few entries that have made us realize that our written criteria has been lacking when it comes to representing the actual gentleman thief. So we would like to add and clarify a few points:
Gender does not matter (Please feel free to submit some ladies! They are very underutilized)
Character must be a hands-on thief, as in pulls heists or rob places. They cannot be conmen, someone who steals through use of words and manipulation to earn their prize (they may pull cons, but that cannot be their primary gimmick).
Gentleman thief means that they are a thief that abides by the gentleman code. They are well-mannered and charming, and they do not kill/are not down for collateral damage of bystanders.
Please do not let this dissuade you from submitting! If you feel a character may qualify, we wold be overjoyed to see them. However, as this is a tournament surrounding the gentleman thief, we would not wish to lose true contenders to the suave conmen.
If you are uncertain, require clarification, or have any questions of the like do not fear sending us an ask! We would be absolutely delighted to answer
Thank you very much and may you have a swell day!
- Mod Silver
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tittysuckersworld · 1 year
hyper specific poll cause yes
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proton-wobbler · 11 months
Round 1, Poll 54
Oriental Stork vs Arabian Babbler
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sources under cut
Oriental Stork Propaganda
"it's very fashionable, you understand. iconic wading bird elegant figure. the red eyeliner and the black beak. Very Classy."
This stork was historically found in Japan, Manchuria, Korea, and Siberia. It was extirpated from Japan and the Korean Peninsula, but in 2007 there was a report of a hatchling in the wild- the first time in 40 years.
As these birds were largely impacted by the growing rice industry and use of pesticides, there has been a push for rice to be organically grown so the storks have a chance to successfully breed.
Arabian Babbler Propaganda
"I spend lots of time in the Desert and see them around a lot!"
"in Hebrew, they are called ""Zanvan"" which means ""Tail haver""! They have a habit of lifting their long tail up and wagging it a bit like wagtails :) Also I often see them in the morning and they are so cute that they almost make living in the middle of the desert worth it despite the giant camel spiders everywhere."
They have private sex. We still don't know why because it's typically the main mated pair doing this, so it's not like it's a competition thing. They just like to be private.
Guys they are So Complex with their social grouping, I would need an entire post to describe them. They've been studied as a particularly altruistic species with many helpers to the breeding pair.
Image Sources: Stork (u7 Liao); Babbler (Itamar Donitza)
(the private sex thing is from a book: The Bird Way by Jennifer Ackerman)
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another follower celebration?
hello my loves! 💕
I come to you with both good and bad news today
bad news first: we have just over 10 flower children polls left, at which time they shall all return to the gardens and fields from whence they came to continue bringing joy and whimsy to all those they meet
good news: in the meantime, we have hit 2k (!!!! 🤯🤯) and I would love to do another celebration for you all to say thank you!!
my plan is as follows: I've had a number of requests to do earlier fashion periods, and for a lot of reasons, I have limited myself to primarily commercial fashion plates/fashion illustrations (more on that here) and thus the images that I personally source for the blog don't go much further back than the mid-1700s (more on that here). HOWEVER, for our 2k celebration, I will be temporarily lifting some of those restrictions and expanding the time period of the blog!! 🥰🥰
two caveats:
sourcing these types of images takes more time and effort, so I will not be able to keep this up indefinitely (esp since I'm starting my phd program in the fall), but as I get things sorted for the celebration I'll let y'all know how long I'll be personally sourcing images from a more expansive time period and a broader range of sources
you are always welcome to submit images from earlier periods!! I just have to be realistic about what I can personally do in terms of research and sourcing for the blog, but if you have older images you want to see featured, you can send them in at any time!! (all info on submitting images can be found in my pinned post! ☺️)
but now onto what I'm best at: a poll!! I'd like to know what you all would most like to see and what areas I should focus on, so if you have thoughts, please vote in the poll below and let me know! also, some of these responses are vast ranges of time, so if you have a specific year/decade/century within one of the options, please do let me know via tags, comments, asks, etc. 🥰 also I cannot promise that I will be able to find usable images for all of these periods – I mostly want to gauge interest before I go looking for potential images to use ☺️
and yes I did use art historical classifications, please don't judge me it's what makes most sense to my brain 😅🫣
if there is a lot of interest in a specific time period, I'll likely run some more specific polls to narrow in on some key moments of interest, but please do let me know any specific things you might like to see! ☺️
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voskhozhdeniye · 5 months
Back when Trump was in office, at some point, Megan Rapinoe had some very strong words for him in an interview.
I was listening to a sports and politics radio show after the interview came out. The main hosts are in their mid-forties, and they had a guest host, an older gentleman in his mid-sixties I believe.
The guest host was disgusted by the language Megan used in the interview. He was stuck on respectability politics. The younger hosts were trying to explain to him that when fighting fascism, if you get caught up in the ways in which people attempt to resist, and shame them for it. You've already lost.
2024, we are, checks notes, angry at protesters who interrupted a Biden speech in a historic Black church that was the site of a rather recent mass shooting.
We are mad at people who demanded Joe Biden, the man who is circumventing congress to send undocumented amounts of weapons to a country that is live streaming a genocide it's committing.
We are angrier at the protesters who confronted the head of the child killing machine, than we are at the machine itself.
It was disrespectful to interrupt Biden's speech in a church, but not for racist Joe Biden to use a Black church for a prop in a similar fashion as his predecessor. Remember Trump with the bible after siccing his goons on protesters?
When you demand that people only confront the oppression that oppresses them in ways that you deem fit. You have chosen your side. You've already lost.
Please protest in a way that doesn't inconvenience me.
Cowards, a country full of cop and wannabe cops, afraid of their own shadow. The true sign of a fascist nation.
Also, white people, have y'all noticed that whenever Democrats are down in the polls. They take a little trip to a Black church to get us niggers on board with their shit? Biden, Obama, both Clintons.....
Don't forget folks, if you ain't for Biden, you ain't Black.
oops, wrong election cycle.
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bred-crumbs · 1 year
There’s no more than one option I’m forcing u to choose 💣💥💥💥💥🎇🎇🎇
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revivisection · 8 months
trying to draw (spoilers) a trans outsider image (thanks entirely to that poll i made and the person who tagged "transgender👍" underneath it) but now i'm just thinking a lot about the undergarment situation in the dishonored universe. last night i was alight with the image of him in some sort of stays situation (i am not putting that guy in a modern binder) (one time i saw a drawing of corvo in a sort of stays situation) but now i'm plagued by google searches. looking very intently at the npcs like what do you have on underneath that. not in a weird way but you know. in the interest of fashion. interesting because the most dressed down looks you have are worker dudes in tank tops and courtesans in both corsets and bras. but no lacing going on at least not anywhere outwardly, i'm only seeing laces on boots and only sometimes, these people love their buttons and buckles and whatever this is
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you see i just don't really see how that's working there.
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because this is the back are you telling me the front is supposed to unclasp???
anyways i don't have to be like superrrr historically accurate because obviously. dishonored. everyone is wearing pants already that's the biggest thing there i can just make up the stuff that is not shown to me. but i am still Thinking about it. also thinking about a nice pretty design to put on there. but i can't until i figure out the structure. also also thinking about how the outsider seems to just be wearing a shirt and jacket and that's it on top like honestly i think he's freeballing it no undershirt no vest no underpants do you think he even has socks on i don't. honestly adding another layer at all seems like disrupting the peace but i still want to do it. for my own sake because i would like to see it.
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astrabear · 2 years
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I posted 810 times in 2022
That's 489 more posts than 2021!
363 posts created (45%)
447 posts reblogged (55%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 684 of my posts in 2022
Only 16% of my posts had no tags
#ask game - 102 posts
#my fic - 100 posts
#the old guard - 96 posts
#the old guard fanfiction - 35 posts
#life of a writer - 31 posts
#nicolo di genova - 22 posts
#andromache the scythian - 19 posts
#yusuf al kaysani - 18 posts
#nile freeman - 18 posts
#quynh - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#obligatory clarification that i don't think there's anything inherently bad about putting on different accessories and making them kiss
My Top Posts in 2022:
I really enjoyed Our Flag Means Death and I'm glad a second season has been confirmed, but as an Old Guard fan it has been hilarious to see the OFMD crowd acting like waiting an entire ten weeks for news of a sequel was torture. You are a child, an infant. Your impatience is thus infantile. Our fandom has forgotten more ways to yearn for updates than entire stan armies will ever learn.
218 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
Thinking about “We all remember what it was like.” They all remember, even Nicky and Joe who came into immortality together. After almost a thousand years, Nicky still remembers the confusion and fear and alienation, enough that it makes finding this new immortal their most urgent task.
My favorite fic treatments of their first deaths really lean into this. Not just surprise or awe, but horror. Going a little bit out of their minds, begging to die and stay dead, because that’s what humans do, that’s how the world is supposed to work. I feel it viscerally, imagining the terror of finding yourself so profoundly apart from everything you’ve ever known to be true.
And the only other person who’s in it with you is the enemy you were trying to kill. This is the real impediment to replicating their dynamic in an AU. Anyone can run the enemies-to-lovers course. But enemies to “I still hate you and I don’t understand you but you are the only solid ground in this terrifying new reality and I think if we don’t hold onto each other we’ll lose everything” to lovers is pretty hard to capture in any other setting. 
282 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
unofficial poll time
You are reading fanfic. The source property is set in the present day. The fic, maybe because it’s an AU or the canon just works that way, is set in a noticeably different historical period. Which of these answers most accurately reflects your feelings? (choose all that apply)
A. I like it when the writing style (both dialogue and narration) is period-appropriate, or at least a general approximation thereof.
B. I like the dialogue to be period-appropriate, but it’s fine (or even preferred) for the narration to feel more modern.
C. I don’t care either way, as long as there aren’t glaring anachronisms.
D. I prefer that both the dialogue and narration are similar to what I’m used to reading and seeing. So not modern slang or anything like that, but I don’t want it to be jarringly different.
E. I like it when the characters speak the way I’m used to them speaking, even if it’s not period-appropriate.
F. I simply don’t read fics set in past eras.
G. The only thing that matters is that it’s well written.
H. English is not my first language, so old-fashioned phrasing and vocabulary is more difficult for me to read.
I. I actively dislike attempts at period language unless the writer has done enough research to do it correctly.
J. I honestly couldn’t tell you in advance what kinds of things are likely to throw me out of the story, I just know that there’s a potential for it to happen.
K. I read fic because I like the characters and tropes. I don’t pay attention to writing style.
L. Other (in tags)
Please share and answer in the tags. This is very relevant to something I’m working on and I’d like to get some outside perspective.
315 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
The violence at the end of the episode was upsetting, but I tell you, what has stuck with me in the days since I watched it was "Which one of you gonna fuck me?!" It haunts me. Deeply shocking, viscerally repulsive, absolutely heartbreaking... and just the tiniest bit funny. It's like a gut punch every time I think about it.
I think a very young Claudia is much better suited to a written format. A five or six year old actor can't give the kind of performance that's required... and some things just wouldn't be right to do with a child actor of any age. But a 19-year-old playing a character who's physically 14 opens up so many tragic, horrifying possibilities.
And Bailey Bass is so good. I can't get her face out of my head. "And after forty years... still little boys?" God, there's just so much going on. And you feel all of it.
388 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The tough thing about boundaries is that it’s not enough to state them, you have to enforce them.
I think some folks see “setting boundaries” as a kind of magic talisman to influence other people’s behavior. “I’ll tell you what I need or can’t accept, and you will act accordingly.” And sometimes that’s what happens, and that’s great! But if the other person disregards your stated boundaries, it doesn’t mean setting boundaries didn’t work.
Because boundaries aren’t about others’ behavior, they’re about your own. If the other person’s behavior doesn’t change, then yours has to. “Please don’t discuss [x topic] with me” is a request. “If you continue to talk about [x topic] then I will end this conversation/hang up/leave” is a boundary, which you must then enact. The point is less about stopping the other person (although that’s ideal) and more about protecting yourself. And you have to be committed to protecting yourself, because no one else will be.
You have to be so committed that you’re willing to tolerate other people being hurt or angry or uncomfortable. You have to accept that some relationships might change. You have to hold onto the idea that it’s all right for them to change, because the way they were before was hurting you, and you deserve to not be hurt. You gave them a choice: maintain a relationship or keep doing the thing that hurts you, and they chose to keep hurting you, so if the situation is now awkward or unpleasant that was because of their choice. Enforcing boundaries means deciding that if someone is going to feel bad here, it need not be always and only you.
There is no magic formula that will make other people treat you kindly and respectfully. But you can learn to treat yourself with kindness and respect. That’s what enforcing a boundary is.
9,690 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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spiderandthesims · 1 year
So I’m going to starting playing my new decade challenge about a week or two after the baby update. My first reason being that very same week I start a new job and I need to focus on that my second being I wanna give myself sometime to learn all the new features and give the amazing cc creators in this community some time to create some baby cc.
I still haven’t decided whether or not I’m gonna follow the results of the polls I put out. I’ll most likely end up following the career poll I made but I’m still stuck on whether or not I’m gonna progress time naturally. I’m still leaning towards not doing that solely because changing the decade with whomever the heir is gives me 1. more time to explore the time period 2. more time to explore fashion, number two being the most important to me.
I’ve gained a surprising amount of followers over the past year, which is funny since I’ve basically gone a whole year not playing.
Because of my new follows I just wanna clear somethings up that I didn’t last time I played and it lead to some anons I found particularly rude.
I’m not really in this for the thrill of historical game play and I’m not 100% invested in being historically accurate. Clothing is gonna be as close as I can reasonably get to accurate but it will be mixed! If something looks like it would probably work better for another decade rather than the one I’m using it for, you’re probably right! But some decades have fewer options than others and sometimes I have to get creative. My historical game, for the most part, exists in the fictional world the sims franchise has set up. I’m not gonna touch heavy topics because this is my silly little game and not a learning tool, nor am I a historian. I’m a 25 year old queer white-passing mixed race nb from California. It’ll be acknowledge that queer sims cant get married until the 2010′s (which is accurate to the games history as well) and that women until the mid/late 20th century were mostly homemakers (even when they didn’t want to be). I’m skipping segregation all together. I have neither the skill nor energy to appropriately or respectfully touch on the the topics of homophobia, misogyny, and racism.
This is just my silly little game I play when I wanna remove myself from the real world I don’t want it to get too serious or cause accidental upset.
Mind you, I may change my mind about some of these topics, but I absolutely will not change my stance on racism and segregation in my game. It will not happen.
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