#vent? ehhhhhh ig
xolborsaysstuff · 1 year
To be honest my brain has convinced itself that it's highly likely I have both autism and adhd and I honestly don't want to admit to that and start talking about it or anything because I'm worried I could just be faking it without trying
I've always been like this but what if that's just because, what if I'm just trying to be 'haha quirky and relatable!!!' without realizing it
it's another reason I will never go to get a diagnosis,there's a chance it'll turn out I was wrong and so I'm scared of self diagnosing or saying things like 'I have adhd' and 'I have autism' because I fear the idea it'll turn out to not be true and I'd have basically lied about it, I've admitted to myself that I have adhd but despite being told by multiple people I have ADHD and autism, I'm just worried I'm lying to myself and honestly barely actually believe it despite the signs.
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strawberrii-milktea · 4 years
me: who’s been eating all of my edibles????
also me: *gets high so i can feel something* (:
me: oh yeah, shit.
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xolborsaysstuff · 1 year
Feels like my theme song would be that one 'worms ' nursery rhyme song and I hate that it would be my theme song despite the fact that I like the song
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