#varian was literally so close to going back on his redemption arc in that episode
whaleiumsharkspeare · 2 years
*during Flynnpostor when Lance was acting captain of the guard*
Lance: This is the uniform of a great man!
Varian: Does he know you’re wearing it?
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tangledinart · 5 years
i never wanted to say it before but i feel you on the cassandra stuff tbh, her type of character is actually one that i'd normally love and despite her taking a while to grow on me in season 1 i DID come to really like her and i love her voice and her design too! but personally i was so sure that she wasn't going to become an antagonist that destinies collide's ending just frustrated and confused me, and now her storyline in season 3 is frustrating and confusing me even more and it doesn't (1/2)
help that its entire basis is not one but TWO theories i personally never believed in or wanted (her going bad + being gothel's daughter). and i also agree that she tends to overshadow other characters a lot and i hate it. the movie was nearly as much about eugene as it was about rapunzel, and his best friend lance apparently doesn't even deserve so much as a new outfit. i love this show and i wanna love cass again but i'm just kinda annoyed right now and i hope something comes to change my mind (2/2)
I completely agree with you! When we first met Cass it took me till Secret of the Sundrop to like her... At first I didn't trust her, and I also already was annoyed that she wanted to cut Eugene out of everything, but I learned to appreciate her in early S2 and now I can go back and watch S1 and love Cassandra and she completely gained my trust! I think her bickering with Eugene is so funny and that she was such an inspiring character who I could relate too so much and she meant a lot to me. But then episodes like Freebird, or Rapunzel and the Great Tree, or Rapunzel Day One came rolling around... I was starting to get irritated because I felt like Cassandra was overshadowing all of the characters (tho I'll still forgive Ratgt because buddy is so funny and its a phenomenal episode XD). Eugene and Lance never get anything when Cass is being focused... Its not like I am mad when Cassandra gets focus I think she did deserve focus, I just get mad when she is focused and the other characters like Eugene and Lance, AND NEW DREAM AS A COUPLE are neglected or poorly written and Freebird is the best example. And I actually was happy Cass was getting focus in S2 at first cause she didn't get a ton in season 1, but when it started overshadowing Eugene and Lance I got upset. Eugene deserves to not be poorly written in episodes because of Cassandra and LANCE DESERVES AN ACTUAL CHARACTER ARC FOR PETE'S SAKE. So when Cassandra somehow got into No Time Like The Past... I was very angry because I've been wanting to know Eugene and Lance's backstory for 2 years and honestly it wasn't even a backstory, and all I really enjoyed were some moments and seeing all the younger characters! But I was heartbroken that it wasn't at all that we expected and it was all done for Cass and Eugene's character has actually been changed, she literally is getting focused in the next episode Beginnings so she did not need to even be mentioned in this one and Eugene did NOT need a character change and should be able to have a valid opinion that Rapunzel doesn't agree with, that episode made it look like Eugenes opinion was wrong and it pissed me off... I would of much rather had Lance and Eugenes actual backstory and I know several people who agree with me. And I'm really upset with Cassandra rn, i don't think her reasoning to betray Rapunzel is good enough. I think Cassandra's betrayal is terrible for several reasons, 1 everyone who assumed Cass would be an antagonist was proven right and I hate it cause Cassandra deserved better, and less predictable writing and I completely agree with you saying the two worst theories came true..... 2, she is overshadowing the other characters even more with this arc and its beginning to become overwhelming because Cassandra got so much in S2 and its getting annoying.... 3, her being Gothels daughter is not a good enough reason for her to betray Rapunzel especially after how close Rapunzel and Cass were and also I don't think its logical that Gothel had a daughter and I found it cheap and I expected better. That was my least favorite theory in the show for multiple reasons and I am mad it came true and Cassandra deserved better. And Rapunzel deserved better, Rapunzel already had to deal with Varian's betrayal and this one is WAY worse and even harder for her, because Cassandra is her best friend and GOTHEL is the reason it happened and Rapunzel DID NOT deserve to have to be pained by Gothel again and I'm so upset.
I can understand why Varian betrayed Rapunzel because Rapunzel actually did hurt Varian, there was nothing she could do during Qfad and its not her fault but Varian had a right to be upset, especially because no one ever came to him afterwards until he reached out to Rapunzel with the note. I do not and never will justify Varians actions in S1 but he had every right to be upset and everything he did was to try to save his dad, what he did was terrible but he had good intentions for his dad at least and he thought it was his last resort to get his dad back, so with Varians betrayal I could see why and it made complete sense!.... But I just can't see why with Cassandra's betrayal. Its not Rapunzel's fault that Gothel chose Rapunzel over her, and its not Rapunzel's fault that her hand got burned. And what does taking the moonstone accomplish for Cassandra? Just to be noticed? FOR WHAT?! Cassandra wanted nothing more but to be recognized for the good things she's done and she is gonna do nothing more with that moonstone then destroy and jeopardize the people she wanted to be recognized for good in the first place. And I feel like its a disgrace to Cassandras character and I dont see how she is going to get a satisfying ending now. I don't see how she is going to reach her dreams now and it breaks me because I wanted Cass to get her moment of glory like she wanted so bad and this isn't it. This isn't what Cassandra wanted.... Varian had time to redeem himself, he completely had an attitude change and took responsibility for his actions and made amends with Rapunzel and he has a whole season to get fully developed for his ending... but Cassandra? There is a chance she will be like this till finale and she will just get some rushed redemption or not even get one at all. So unless she gets out of this around midseason I don't even know how they can give Cass a good ending. And yes I'm also aware Cassandra is being manipulated and lied too and is being corrupted but she is still aware of what she is doing and she chose this... and I'm upset cause I truly loved Cassandra and am heartbroken and yes I am confused and don't even completely understand why she did this and don't know where they are going with this. At Destiny's Collide I had no solid opinion on MoonCass cause I had no idea why she did it, but now I'm also confused and frustrated because what we did find out wasnt good enough to me and they have a lot to prove to make me like this arc. And I hate not liking something and have to depend on hope that maybe just maybe it will get better. I hope to goodness it gets better and I haven't given up on Cass yet but right now I don't like her. I just think her new arc is so cheap and predictable and could of been executed so much better, and the worst part is the other characters are paying for it.
-Rapunzel already had to go through a betrayal and shouldn't have to go through this again and its also distracting her cause she is hurting so bad. It hurt her so much in priemere she tried isolating her feelings and its definitely still affecting her. (But I'm also proud as heck of Rapunzel for stepping up and ruling Corona through all of this.)
-Eugene is always poorly written or neglected when Cass is getting focused. Cassandra is treated as if she is more important then Eugene and its ridiculous. Eugene is an original character from the movie and should be prioritized before Cassandra instead of being used as comic relief in Cassandra episodes.
-Lance has yet to get a character arc and has only been used for comic relief, and I haven't forgotten that Cassandra told Lance that everyone has a destiny and Lance needs his. And I don't really see how Lance is supposed to get an arc with this Cassandra plot. Though I guess I can't really predict that far, but LANCE BETTER GET AN ARC HE DESERVES IT.
-Varian's redemption was used as a tool to help Rapunzel cope with Cassandra's betrayal. He has always been used as a tool for the plot and I'm afraid he is going to only be used as a tool for Cass's situation this season instead of his own thing because they resolved his situation so fast.
Sorry if this was too negative for some of you but I've been upset about this for a bit and its best I get it out. I really hope the crew knows what they are doing here and that Cassandra's situation somehow turns out really good, and I haven't completely given up on her and I still hope she comes out of this good... but right now I'm upset at the direction her character took.
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