lightsabersandpens · 1 month
Last Line Challenge!
i was tagged by @iceman-maverick
so i’m going to do a couple different last lines:
some vamp ice
- “Have you ever eaten anyone?”
“Jesus Christ.”
“What? That’s a valid question, isn’t it?”
“The correct question here is, ‘Have you ever drank anyone dry?’, and no, I haven’t. Never have, never will.”
a little bit from vamp goose ! (goose is going Thru It™️)
- “Broke every rib in my chest, and when I woke up, I wished I was dead…You know what that’s like.”
“Yeah,” Goose says, thick. “I know.”
and a little bit of my original work :p
- “No!” Edward shouts, watching helplessly as Max - Atlas - steps off the bridge for the thousandth time. For a moment he’s weightless, boundless, truly flying; before gravity takes it’s brutal hold.
(play along if you want ! @towering-book-piles @brendaonao3 @hoth-damn )
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en8y · 1 year
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vampice + auguvamp
[IMAGE ID: two horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has a pair of red lips, outlined in a dark purple. they have two sharp fangs protruding from them. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the left flag has these top three colors: dark green, green, and medium pink. the right flag has these top three colors: medium green, pink, and light pink each flag has these bottom six stripes: bright red, off-white, bright red, medium red, dark red, and black. END ID.]
vampice: a gender connected to being a vampire auspice; this gender is connected to vampires, vampire aesthetics, auspice aesthetics, the ominous grid of letters, and ominletity!
auguvamp: a gender connected to being a vampire augury; this gender is connected to vampires, vampire aesthetics, augury aesthetics, the ominous grid of letters, and nonbinary ominletity!
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vampiretdick2 · 7 months
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experiencing gender off the charts (he/she) more pics coming on of
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vampgenders · 2 years
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-> " a gender where one is connected to being vampire and / or vampiric royalty . this gender is also tied with roses , bats , and blood ! "
coined by me
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honey-makes-mogai · 8 months
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[Image ID: A MOGAI flag with seven equal horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors in order are: dark blood red, dark red, red, white, red, dark red, dark blood red. The white stripe has fangs coming from the bottom, overlapping the red and dark red stripes underneath. /End ID]
Cannivampic -
[PT: Cnnivampic -]
A gender related to (being) a cannibal vampire!
Tagging: @radiomogai
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[Banner ID: A pastel yellow banner with a sunflower on either side. In brown text with a white outline, it says "- Please let me know if this has been coined before! -" /End ID.]
[DNI transcript: "-DNI- Basic criteria, anti-mogai, proshippers, ableists, aphobes, racists, zoophiles, rpf shippers, fandom discourse, under 13, transid/transx". /End transcript.]
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puddingvalkyrie · 4 months
How long since you...?
  “Aurelia... how long since you...?” Tyrian blurted out the question as they walked back to the royal quarters after consulting hours were over.
  “Hmm?” Aurelia glanced over at him without stopping.
  Tyrian hung back though, fiddling with his sleeve buttons. “Victor’s not here for a little while, right? He went to see his mother.”
  “Yeah, you can bite me,” Aurelia replied, answering the unasked question. “He WILL be inconvenienced when he comes back, the timing isn’t perfect. But that’s probably a good thing.”
  “Oh... no. I’d better not, then.”
  “It won’t do him any harm to find a new donor,” Aurelia said. “It will be good for him to try. Rosie’s medicine has been great, but he can’t go from depending on his mother to depending on me. I mean, technically he can, because I have a much longer lifespan than him. But he probably shouldn’t.”
  “I suppose,” Tyrian admitted. “Still... I’d better not.”
They grabbed some dinner and retired to Tyrian’s bedroom.
  “Will isn’t coming home tonight, right?” Aurelia asked as she practically threw herself on the bed.
  “He’s staying at Marlena’s,” Tyrian confirmed, pulling out a book from under the bedside table. He sunk down into his pillow and opened it at the bookmark.
  “Hmm. Reading. What’s Will been reading...” She grabbed the book under the other table and flicked through the pages. “Huh. Some kinda comedy. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, but in my head he just reads Shakespeare and old timey books called things like ‘The Spaynyarde’s Mystrysse.”
  “I don’t think Will would be caught dead reading something called The Spaniard’s Mistress.” Tyrian chuckled.
  “He reads yours,” Aurelia pointed out.
  “Yes, he’s very supportive,” Tyrian remarked, turning a page. “Quite a lot of it is self-indulgent trash. I worry he has a skewed idea about what I want from him.”
  “I’m sure he’s familiar with the concept of a fantasy.” Aurelia closed the book and put it back. “And what are you reading?”
  “The Kelpie’s Bride,” Tyrian answered. He yawned and slid down the pillow a little. “But I’m falling asleep.”
“Mm.” Aurelia scooched herself over and leaned on Tyrian’s shoulder. “...It’s okay to be a little self-indulgent, you know.”
  “I know.”
  “Do you?”
  “There are people who would say I am intimately acquainted with the concept, what with how I’ve been running the place,” Tyrian said. “I have in fact, been accused of it quite often.”
 “And what do they know?” Aurelia scoffed quietly.
  Tyrian read on in silence for a little while.
  “Tyrian,” Aurelia interrupted.
  “You want to bite me.”
  “I mean, I...” He carefully avoided her gaze. “Victor needs you, and-“
  “Tyrian.” She used his name again. Just his name. It was good at getting his attention. “You just blurted it out, and you can barely look at me. It’s okay. I don’t know what’s brought this on but... you’re allowed.”
  Tyrian closed the book with a snap and stared at it, sandwiched between his palms for a long moment. “...Okay.” He pounced; dropping the book, he pinned her against the pillow, lifting an arm to let her free her own. He leaned over and clamped his mouth to her neck, sliding his fangs in. He immediately removed them, and sucked at the wound.
  Aurelia let herself go limp, settling against the pillow. “You know what, you’re right, I would’ve been offended if you were gentle.” He paused, pulling back a little. “I’m fine,” she reassured him. “Not sure if you are... No, don’t stop.” She slipped her arms around his back and he slipped one around her shoulder, keeping himself supported by the other hand. Gradually, he let himself slump, until they were both recumbent on the bed. She played with the ends of his hair, toying with the idea of plaiting it. He was growing it out again, but it wasn’t quite long enough to make a single braid. She could do a few little braids. It would look pleasingly curly in the morning... For a little bit, anyway.
  He let go and buried his face in her shoulder. “Aurelia,” he mumbled into the fabric of her pyjamas, “I love you so much.”
  “Mm, I know,” she responded.
  “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
  “Me either.”
  He shook with a few laughs and loosened his embrace. “I love you very much.”
 “Mm, you said.” She let him lie there for a bit. Eventually, she asked, “So, what was that about?”
  “I really don’t know.” He lifted himself off her and lay facing the ceiling. “I just wanted to bite you.”
  “That’s really it?” Aurelia leaned over him and brushed the hair out of his face.
  “Mm. No particular reason.”
  Aurelia lay flat too. She grinned at the ceiling. “How did I tas-“
  “You’re better than that question, Aurelia.” Tyrian wagged a finger at her, before letting his hand fall back to the sheets.
  “I think I know all the hated vampire questions by now,” Aurelia turned her head to look at him. “I’m this close,”-she made the obligatory gesture with finger and thumb-“to stringing every single one together.”
  “Don’t you dare.” Tyrian smiled as his brought his arms up over his face. “I say, you didn’t ask Victor any, did you?”
  “No, I did not ask the awkward vampire teenager the awkward vampire questions,” Aurelia replied. “I did not grow up with another awkward vampire teenager for nothing, you know.”
  “Was I that awkward?”
  “Victor has a few levels of awkward on you, plus some new levels of awkward previously unknown to fairykind,” Aurelia observed, “But he does remind me of teenage you.”
  “Hmm. You may be right.”
  “I am right.” Aurelia held up a confident finger. “The both of you... You’re weren’t... aren’t... comfortable... needing things from people. You’ve gotten a lot better at it. But still. You think you’re not allowed to want things. Sometimes.”
  “Because I’m not? Sometimes.”
  “True, I suppose. But... I already told you I’d say yes if you want to bite me. Ages ago.”
  “Yes, and then I asked, and then you said no.”
  “For the perfectly valid reason that Victor has dibs. But he’s not here right now.”
  “But he will be.”
  “And I told you that’s not an issue. And you still thought you weren’t allowed.”
  “You know, I was amazed? When you kicked all the nobles out of the palace,” Aurelia admitted. “Impressed, too.”
  “I think it was a coping mechanism,” Tyrian theorised. “I just needed them gone. I don’t know that it was me growing a backbone.”
  “That’s what I mean,” Aurelia pointed out. “You weren’t allowed to need that, and you went and did it anyway. And you refused to let them back in. Give yourself some credit.”
  “I was rather pleased about that,” Tyrian admitted. “I expected a bigger pushback than we got.”
  “There you go.” She reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. “Just think. The baby will be the first in centuries to grow up without nobles in the place.”
  She felt him tense. “Aurelia, it’s physically impossible that you’re pregnant,” he remarked.
  “I’m just saying, you know, eventually,” she clarified. “When we get around to it.”
  He relaxed again. “I’m leaving that up to you.”
  “You do also have to be involved, you know,” she nudged him playfully. “I know you know how this works. I’m not a lizard. I can’t do patheogenesis or whatever it’s called.”
  “Parthenogenesis, yes,” Tyrian corrected. He sighed. “It’s really too bad.”
 “Oof. Ow. OUCH, Tyrian,” Aurelia complained.
  “You know that’s not... That’s not what I mean.” Tyrian shifted uncomfortably. “I’ve just never thought of you like that. And I can’t just... flip a switch.”
  She rubbed his hand with her thumb. “There’s no rush.”
  He squeezed her hand back. “Did I mention how much I love you?”
  “Might’ve.” She rolled over and grabbed his face, kissing him on the cheek. “Love you too.” She sat up and stretched. “I am not at all sleepy. I think I’m going to go annoy Louis.”
  “Remember not to do anything too strenuous,” Tyrian warned.
  “I’m not going to drink or anything,” Aurelia reassured him. “I’ll be back later. You going to sleep?”
  “Going to read a bit more,” Tyrian answered. “I’ve woken up a bit.”
  “Do tell me if the kelpie ends up with a bride,” Aurelia joked. “Okay. I’ll be back when I’m back, I guess.” She gave him a smile as he snuggled back into the blankets with the book, then she closed the door.
Added a
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queerticulate · 2 years
There is not a single scene from the book in there, but I am obsessed with AMC’s adaptation of Interview with the Vampire
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speaksleazy · 6 months
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⚠︎ ⟮ A gender relating to the character Serial Designation N from Murder Drones and being a vampire, feeding off of worker drones for survival, being N and a vampire, N's vampiric qualities, etc. ⟯ ~ Self-indulgent
﹫ ❲ Please credit me when reposting the flag, no credit is needed for personal use! ^_^ ❳
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futchmutt · 2 months
vtm nonhuman.
this is going to be a long post! below are nonhuman flags related to vampire: the masquerade, made using the template by @revenant-coining. all flags use the colors of their respective -vampic gender flags!
i’ve also made vtm alterhuman flags, vtm otherkin flags, and vtm constelic flags.
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[Image description: A flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: blue-black, deep red, dark red, red-gray, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a blue-black symbol outlined with red-gray. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. End description.]
vtm vampire nonhuman. this can also be called kindred nonhuman or cainite nonhuman if the user prefers.
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[Image description: The left image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: deep pink, dark pink, dark red-pink, vivid red, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a deep pink symbol outlined with vivid red. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. The right image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: dark red, dark red-orange, vivid orange, bright yellow-orange, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a dark red symbol outlined with bright yellow-orange. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. End description.]
left: banu haqim nonhuman. right: brujah nonhuman.
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[Image description: The left image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: dark muted pink, muted purple, gray-blue, light cool gray, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a dark muted pink symbol outlined with light cool gray. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. The right image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: deep olive, dark olive, olive, muted orange, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a deep olive symbol outlined with muted orange. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. End description.]
left: caitiff nonhuman. right: gangrel nonhuman.
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[Image description: The left image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: deep gray-blue, deep gray-magenta, dark gray-pink, dark gray-orange, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a deep gray-blue symbol outlined with dark gray-orange. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. The right image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: deep gray, deep gray-blue, dark gray-blue, muted blue, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a deep gray symbol outlined with muted blue. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. End description.]
left: hecata nonhuman. right: lasombra nonhuman.
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[Image description: The left image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: deep muted blue, dark muted purple, muted magenta, soft pink, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a deep muted blue symbol outlined with soft pink. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. The right image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: deep brown, dark olive, dark muted green, muted green, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a deep brown symbol outlined with muted green. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. End description.]
left: malkavian nonhuman. right: ministry nonhuman.
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[Image description: The left image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: deep green-gray, dark gray-green, gray-green, gray-yellow, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a deep green-gray symbol outlined with gray-yellow. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. The right image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: deep red-brown, dark muted red-orange, dark muted orange, muted yellow-orange, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a deep red-brown symbol outlined with muted yellow-orange. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. End description.]
left: nosferatu nonhuman. right: ravnos nonhuman.
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[Image description: The left image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: dark muted red, muted magenta, light muted violet, soft blue, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a dark muted red symbol outlined with soft blue. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. The right image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: deep indigo, dark muted magenta, muted red-pink, soft orange, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a deep indigo symbol outlined with soft orange. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. End description.]
left: salubri nonhuman. right: thin-blood nonhuman/duskborn nonhuman.
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[Image description: The left image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: deep magenta, deep pink, dark pink, vivid red-pink, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a deep magenta symbol outlined with vivid red-pink. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. The right image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: deep red, deep pink, dark muted magenta, muted purple, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a deep red symbol outlined with muted purple. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. End description.]
left: toreador nonhuman. right: tremere nonhuman.
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[Image description: The left image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: deep purple, dark muted blue, muted blue, muted teal, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a deep purple symbol outlined with muted teal. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. The right image is a flag with seven horizontal stripes. The sizes of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. The colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are: deep muted blue, dark muted green, muted green, beige, and the first three colors in reverse. In the center of the flag is a deep muted blue symbol outlined with beige. The symbol is the nonhuman symbol, a circle outline with a diamond outline inside of it, with a smaller circle with a small line coming out of the top and bottom, as well as a small dot inside of that. End description.]
left: tzimisce nonhuman. right: ventrue nonhuman.
tagging: @radiomogai
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hazyinkglades · 10 months
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Vampic themed raysona for my partner as well :D pretty proud of it lol!
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ourtlebugg · 2 years
A dangerous..turtle yokai?? Has been spotted by a few people in the hidden city. Avoid contact until further notice. - 💜
- Name: Unknown (known as "Vampic").
- Age: Unknown.
- Height: Around 6'3.
- Specie: Turtle? Specifics unknown.
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vampiretdick2 · 7 months
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you alright there pup? (he/she)
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modernghostfare · 8 months
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hello. so. mara was born into azura worship due to being a dunmer, rodion came to it on his own bc hes a little khajiit wizard. price has the ebony mail, nikolai regularly stages fights in her honor. grinch (vampire) has not gotten tricked he just gained his favor, but yegor Has been tricked by clavicus vile. krueger is currently with hermaeus mora bc he Likes to Know Things but hes worked with namira in the past bc he likes to eat raw human flesh AND with vaermina bc he likes to give people nightmares she IS his favorite but hermaeus more gives him knowledge. so. IN my mind krueger is literally like miraak rn except hes like freeroam he travels everywhere thru apocrypha. azur is a werewolf, golem is a werebear. obviously. bale is just, like, an orc who is more dedicated than minotaur, velikan is like half orc doesnt really care doesnt matter he JUST wants to fight people w/out also being like Underhanded Secret about it. mace is like completely independent in his mehrunes dagon stanning and its really not deep hes just like. enjoying the empowerment to revolutions hes not gonna like go opening any oblivion gates. syd literally just wants to have fun, she has the ebony blade AND pieces of the threads of the webspinner (she is also in the dark brotherhood haha) gaz has the dawnbreaker, alex travels looking for chombies, and griggs for sure takes care of a shrine. lerch is a vampice. roze is a NIGHTINGALE (bc the armor is hot also bc shes sneaky) agent of stealth. otter is not happy about being afflicted but now he's like in it. Whatever. wyatt is so fucking chill. nikto is so a hater of sheogorath. he wants to kill him. but he doesn't want to die and be stuck in the isles forever so he can't die.
the vigilants are NOSY. we're also going to ignore that i forgot the 2nd r in stendarr sorry i dont respect him. no generally they just want to help people who are like. in trouble.
normies dont care dont want to care have their own issues dont wanna be bothered.
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honey-makes-mogai · 8 months
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[Image ID: A MOGAI flag with seven equal horizontal stripes. From top to bottom the colors in order are: dark red, red, light blue, white, light blue, red, dark red. The white stripe has fangs coming from the bottom, overlapping the light blue and red stripes underneath. /End ID]
Canniclervampic -
[PT: Canniclervampic -]
A gender related to (being) a cannibal cleric who is also vampire or (being) a cannibal vampire who is also a cleric!
Tagging: @radiomogai
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[Banner ID: A pastel yellow banner with a sunflower on either side. In brown text with a white outline, it says "- Please let me know if this has been coined before! -" /End ID.]
[DNI transcript: "-DNI- Basic criteria, anti-mogai, proshippers, ableists, aphobes, racists, zoophiles, rpf shippers, fandom discourse, under 13, transid/transx". /End transcript.]
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candragloomblade · 1 year
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Moloch from Vampire: the Masquerade.
In the book Fall of Carthage, it is written that in Carthage there was a Palace of the Immortals with statues of great vampic heroes with Troile at the head, and apparently Moloch designed it all. Here in the picture he is thinking about the project.
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lightsabersandpens · 20 days
Last Line Challenge !!
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
tagged by my beloved pal @adiduck
and to the great displeasure of everyone waiting for vampice content, i’ve been writing original work instead ! so…enjoy this. and tagging people is so hard, no pressure to play along ! @iceman-maverick @lambourngb @towering-book-piles
“I…” Matt trails off, looking confused in a way none of them has seen before. “I don’t know how to teach being left-handed.” He says, “It’s just…you know…normal? It’s just like using your right hand for you.”
“But dude. Scissors-“
Matt’s face twists into a grimace of annoyance. “Okay, but they make left-handed scissors now.”
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