#v: resonance
lightingway · 11 months
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SÉRIE HYBRIS, a collection of sculptures by Monica Piloni, 2013
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nataliescatorccio · 2 years
i hate what bingeing culture has turned the consumption of media into. the pressure to watch everything all at once as soon as it drops otherwise you simply can't go onto social media or 'it's your own fault, you should know better!', the way it forms a dread around shows you know you can't watch straight away because of life commitments when you should be excited for them, and the way buzz only lasts for a few days before inevitably, everyone moves on and forgets about it. i just wish i could return to the excitement of weekly releases that kept me guessing for months on end and fostered a discussion around media
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breezypunk · 3 months
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somft bbs ♥︎
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transmutationisms · 8 months
that was always something that irked me with the whole "it's a coping mechanism" thing too. that idea got memed to hell and back by psy-science liberals because the slightly different camp of psy-science liberals who were pushing it never treated it in any kind of material analysis and so it was always just this absurd moralistic ideal of like, trying to determine which actions are "healthy" (no definition provided) and whether an "unhealthy" action can ever be "ethical" (no definition and no challenge to the underlying capitalist paternalism). these dicussions get routed into the realm of individual ethics because they are led by people fundamentally unwilling to consider affective distress as something caused or alleviated on any basis other than individual actions or moral failings. in reality "coping mechanism" always should have been rephrased to "means of surviving a hostile social infrastructure" and then instead of arguing over what another person is "allowed" to do we should have been talking revolution. and no i don't think all affective distress will magically vanish when we seize the means of production don't start with that
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lostxmelody · 11 days
you, an idiot: the MeMe mv room is inconsistent!! it's a continuity error!!! how could milgram do this?!
me, a genius: the inconsistency is representative of the discord in mikotos mind and a symbol of how he's always forgetting things. unlike us, the viewer, he's barely cognizant of the changes happening right in front of him; ergo, the inconsistent room actually displays a high level of attention to detail-
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origami-butterfly · 8 months
No one gets Lady Macbeth like afab trans people do.
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little-drunkhipsta · 1 year
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kaladinkholins · 4 months
i think fandoms can be soooo ridiculous a lot of the time (see: all the nonsensical fan wars, discourse, etc) but i cannot understate how much i actually love fandoms.
like yeah it may be super nerdy and even cringe and outsiders look at it like "why tf do you care about these fictional characters so much?"
but 1) my field is literally..... literary studies..... in which all i do is study fiction and analyse it like an insane person, and 2) even if that WASN'T my field, thinking about the stories we consume is important even for any person to do, because thinking about stories exercises our brain to think critically!! why do you think our ancestors used stories as a medium to share knowledge, to propagate moral values and lessons? stories—telling them, thinking about what they're saying, and caring about the characters within them—are all inherent to the human experience!!!
so that brings me to fandom. because we are literally just making these little communities with each other based on our shared love for a particular story, and for a particular character or theme within them that resonated with us, or whatever. we're all here because we loved a thing so much that we built connections from it!!!
like yeah my irl friends laugh at me when i tell them i write fanfic, cuz ha ha what a nerd what a loser etc, but dude. i made genuine real friendships from fandom alone. from just obsessing over two characters we thought were cute together, we've gone to sending each other gifts and postcards and having voice calls and confiding in each other and sharing parts of us and our personal lives and our cultures (cuz we're all from different countries) with each other! like now i don't even share a fandom with most of my old fandom friends anymore but we still stick by each other and that's amazing???
also like, i cannot emphasise enough how amazing and encouraging it is to share your craft (art/writing/etc) with others in fandom. because for example if i make my own personal art or write my own original work, i'd have no one to share it to, no one interested to see it, and thus no one will be there to provide feedback or encouragement.
but if i post a piece of fan art or fanfic, people actually do see the work i post and care about the craft and the content it's depicting and even share their thoughts on it and that ??? is so motivating and lovely ??? because even though i make art for myself, art is still meant to be shared and seen at the end of the day—even if only with one person. so to be given the means of sharing our art in such a way, to have such a community that fosters so much creativity, it's amazing. i don't really get that anywhere else.
and especially to have this in like, a casual setting, you know, where you can just be yourself and do things according to your own time and energy without the pretenses of professionalism and a perfectly curated resume or portfolio, and all the confines of a rigid work schedule, which would all make the process of creation less fun and less genuine, and instead just more taxing and chore-like.
because fandom is essentially meant to be about doing what's fun for you! it's about sharing your creations and enjoying what others share with you. you make friends and you go ham with it.
and also it's why it's more frustrating when people take things too seriously and legitimately get upset over assumptions of other people's beliefs and hold the most minor grievances that could only be felt if you're like, chronically online.
but on that note, there are definitely still honest-to-god bad people in fandom spaces too (see: racists, TERFS, homophobes, groomers, harassers, etc). but that's the case with all communities, because bad people are always going to exist, and thus statistically speaking, the bigger a group or community is, higher chances are there's gonna be some awful people in there. but honestly that is its own can of worms and also that's not what this post is about, but i felt it necessary to address because i don't want to paint fandom as like, the best thing ever in the world, because fandom spaces are incredibly flawed, as everything is.
but i've always been one to appreciate things despite its flaws. and though this may be very personal to me, when i love things so much, i am still willing to stick around and try to change the culture around it in the ways that i can (like promoting internet safety measures, creating safe spaces for thoughtful and polite discussion, raising awareness on harmful stereotypes and fandom depictions or opinions, etc).
so regardless of the bullshit that online fandom spaces tend to perpetuate, i do very much still love the way that fandom allows me to connect with folks over something as silly as our little blorbos, and from there end up making life-long friends, or at the very least new acquaintances. insert reinforcement of my thesis statement about stories fostering human connection here. the end. send post.
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capri-i-i · 10 months
they need to start giving the shitty options to shiver im so tired of her winning
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heavensmark · 2 years
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DANIEL ARSHAM and HAJIME SORAYAMA, collaborative sculpture revealed at 2GTOKYO, November 2019
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lightingway · 11 months
Peering out the windshield at the flat, gray desert at evening, he understood that in fact very little of what he knew mattered; and that however he might have felt today—if circumstances could just have been better—he would now not be allowed to feel. Perhaps he never would again. And whatever he might even have liked, bringing his full and best self to the experience, had now been taken away. So that life, as fast as this car hurtling down the side of a mountain toward the dark, seemed to be disappearing from around him. Being erased.
Richard Ford, “Abyss,” A Multitude of Sins
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folansstuff · 2 months
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God why is every single social link in this game so fucking good.
I'm crying at my desk my poor boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :(
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breezypunk · 2 months
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takin' a little stroll. :]
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feisaru · 10 months
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@soccerpunching you're genuinely one of the best people I've met here bc you like almost every media I like
Apropos fighting. Remember when Adora jumps on Catra at Prom. Just them rolling on the floor. I wanted to draw that but didn't get round to it. The scene had such an energy
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inkykeiji · 11 months
i love greta gerwig so much she truly is a woman making films for women
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ozlices · 6 months
watched the kdrama celebrity over the last few days. was hooked from the first few seconds bc the EDITING in the show, & just the cinematography in general is on a whole nother fuckin level, man.
also, just. a really great show in general. v good at building suspense & throwing loops & very nice themes/takeaways. also just a rly interesting way to convey those themes/takeaways.
i think the only issue we had w it was the romance, but. eh. it wasn't so bad that it took away from the ample amount of good shit in the show.
def recommend it!! especially to anyone who really enjoyed the glory bc it has v similar themes.
#mine#celebrity#celebrity kdrama#i think it's definitely a v interesting & SUPER fucking relevant for modern times exploration of jealousy in the modern age#it definitely felt v cathartic in a lot of ways for someone who has so much trauma surrounding jealousy being aimed towards me#& it resonated too as someone pursuing content creation#idk how the instagram grind is at ALL. ive literally never used instagram properly & rly have zero cares to.#but. all of the shit portrayed still resonates in any field of content creation#& i think its overall message of the dangers of modern jealousy in the digital age & esp the hatred in can create were done rly well.#i wish i could make it universally required viewing honestly. esp bc it's like. the message of not just the average person#but specifically ppl even in ur own circles can turn on u at the drop of a hat for such superficial shit these days.#ive heard a LOT of content creators sharing v similar experiences to ones portrayed in the show. esp the holier than thou attitude.#it def comes across as the creator did research or even has experience w these things themself bc damn. it's accurate.#and once again. THE EDITING IS SO FUCKING GOOD MAN#THAT OPENING SCENE I COULD WATCH FOREVER IT'S SO DAMN GOOD. AND SMOOTH. AND THE OP?!?!?!? BANGER!!!#id recommend it for the editing alone honestly#it's just a nice bonus that it's also just a genuinely rly great show that i think is important to watch#esp if u consume a lot of content creators online or are one urself.#much to think abt and analyze. reflect on. def opened our eyes a lot.
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