quasi-normalcy · 2 months
(Deliberately leaving out Star Trek because I know that way more people have seen it than read any of these books)
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jareckiworld · 2 years
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Makis Warlamis (1942-2016) — Utopias IV  [mixed media on canvas, 2007]
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almas-do-inverno · 2 months
Eu gosto de acreditar num amor romântico, daqueles cheios de pequenos detalhes bonitos, sabe?
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darkerangels · 6 months
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Banned in 15 states
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leregirenga · 6 months
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Serena, tranquila, la veo dormir y no quisiera que despertara; sería lindo verla en su mundo de sueños imperturbables y que así como se ve tan hermosamente tranquila, poder contemplarla una eternidad; como si viajara a un país de ensueño, a un lejano planeta más allá de la via láctea.
Llena de utopías, felicidad, gozando de su imaginación...
¡Que bella, preciosa imperfección que me atrapa el corazón y abraza mi alma!
Leregi Renga
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zedecksiew · 1 year
Ylang, a yellow sun on a distant shoal of the immersea. When the Star Imperium collapsed Ylang was spared the worst depredations, due to distance. It did not escape unscathed.
Oort-wards in order, the Ylang system is:
+ Verre, an agni-class world, molten seas. + Tesh, a bhumi-class world, on the warmer end. ++ Belt of Tesh, ice, rock, satellite debris. +++ Tesh Exchange, a moon-sized astropolis. + Ylang's End, a belt of wrecked starships. ++ Ylang's Gate, an immersea teleportal, dead. + Rake, a bhumi-class world, on the colder end. + Irrusine, a vata-class gas giant, blue-faced. ++ Irrusine Siphon, a moon-sized astrofactory. + Pravine, a vata-class gas giant, red-faced. ++ Pravine's Eye, an immersea tearpoint, buoys. + Gak-Gak, an asthi-class world, atmosphere-less.
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VERRE an agni-class world, molten seas.
Genemod-adaptation to Verre's fury give its children a silver pallor. They are the a martial people, the Ve; for generations they were gripped by blood-feuds, by warlordism.
Then the god-heroine Ayesha crushed the great houses, crashed their orbiting cruisers. It was Ayesha who forged a new Ve upon the Stone of Ecumen, and raised their choired voice; it was Ayesha who called on Rake and Tesh for union.
Following Ayesha's example, every Ve child puts a hand over their heart and swears to defend universal communism.
The Stones are fortress-cities with walls of mile-high obsidian; these shelter creches and gardens and markets from the planet's heat---most of the planet's heat. Who are the Ve, if not a people born in fire?
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TESH a bhumi-class world, on the warmer end.
Wears its overgrown craters like a veteran wears scars. Its air is fresh again, after centuries of care. Its forests green again. Its nightward face darker than you'd expect.
You fly over the gleaming jag of Imperium-era urban centres---now quiet monuments to history's follies. The landing port is a fuel line bordering a dusty field.
You did not expect the Commune's founding world to feel this provincial. The local town is coastal; its ranches fade into foliage.
The Teshi are obliged to spend so much time in cold orbit; when planetside they prefer the company of warm, breathing things. In deep forest glades there are shrines to small deities and animal spirits.
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TESH EXCHANGE a moon-sized astropolis.
Rises from the Belt of Tesh like a mountain breaching cloud. The bustle of traffic: exo-system trade flotillas; patrol squadrons; passenger fleets.
The warden assigned to your arrival is on comms. She greets you with the customary Teshi formula: "Be welcome home, returner."
Built pre-collapse, the Exchange serves as Ylang's primary bazaar once more. The outer sections are occupied. The inner sections were seeded with forests, and left to grow wild and weird; now they harbour heterodox sects, contraband caches, ghost AIs.
A glaring security risk. A commissar (usually Rakish) will bring this issue up every cycle. A station warden (usually Teshi) will shrug, and say: "the Green Mothers keep their own."
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RAKE a bhumi-class world, on the colder end.
Rakish ingenuity melted its glaciers and formed it into a flowing paradise. All without Imperium techno-sorcery!
They are perhaps too smug about this. It is said of Rakish communards that they see themselves as first among equals---that they have a saviour complex. When the Assembly discusses expansion (spatial or ideological), it is often the voice of Rake that rings loudest.
Farm and factory co-ops the size of cities. Space elevators pulse like metronomes. On the way down you are assigned a drone liaison.
"I am LED," the android intones. "God-AI of planet-wide logistics. Let me know your purpose, and I shall assist."
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IRRUSINE SIPHON a moon-sized astrofactory.
Irrusine Antimatter was a minor corpostate of the Star Imperium; its human citizens wiped themselves out in interdepartmental warfare sometime post-collapse.
Its artificial administrators remained.
Free from the logics of profit, Irrusine's AI choir mainly desires continued function. They are gardeners of the gas giant that fuel them. They make staunch but dispassionate communards. Mutual aid just makes mathematical sense? No more, no less.
Immigrants now equal AI drones in number. Friction flares now and again, but never too badly---you need only look at the mummy-pods that girdle the station to remember that flesh is more perishable than AI quantum-circuitry.
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PRAVINE'S EYE an immersea tearpoint, buoys.
With Ylang's Gate shut the Eye is the system's main passageway.
Reality is threadbare, here. Beacons broadcast warnings, a strict transit schedule. If you jump queue you risk collision and para-real phenomena.
There are merchant trains bringing ur-mercury and exoplutonics, whales and refugees. There are tankers leaving with antimatter fuel and Verre-milk and revolutionary psi-dramas.
There are mass drivers, watchstations. The polities of the core systems---the Ansible League; Viridia-Twelvecent-Rogex; the Hundred Houses---many of these are predators. The Commune builds more kill-cruisers, these days.
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GAK-GAK an asthi-class world, atmosphere-less.
A dead planet, never colonised before the Universal Commune. Its settlement was a test---a way to prove that the ideals of communards will spark life in the most sterile of worlds.
The older habs are matrices of interconnected diamonds, in echo of the UC sigil. Eight-star and open-palm motifs everywhere. Your market guide points this out before you can. He apologises for the gauche fervour of his forbears.
"We are way more chill nowadays," he says.
Now hab-complexes twinkle across Gak-Gak's surface; and Gakki shipwrights launch the sleekest, most luxuriant colony vessels.
I have been playing Starsector, recently. I am really bad at it? But it has given me a space-opera itch to scratch. So here it is.
Not sure why I went with space communism. Personal inclination, I suppose? And you don't really see it much, in sci-fi fiction or games, relative to all the gear porn and mega-industry and corpo-democracies. (The United Federation of Planets is not communist, folks ...)
The bits about Irrusine Siphon are a tentative prod at an idea I've had for a while: the notion that an artificial intelligence without limits / gone rampant / outgrowing its human makers might go in the opposite direction sci-fi bros fear? What if an AI crunches the numbers, with as complete a dataset as is possible, and concludes that conciliation and cooperation is truly the mathematically best way to function?
What if reality is ultimately and objectively more Kropotkin than bloody social-Darwinist?
Tesh is a discount Valley of the Na, and this whole thing owes all to Le Guin's Ekumen.
I don't write a lot of sci-fi stuff. But it's fun!
( Image sources: https://www.starwars.com/databank/vader-s-castle http://www.simonstalenhag.se/tftl.html https://nerdist.com/article/cowboy-bebop-episode-guide-14-bohemian-rhapsody/ https://www.artstation.com/artwork/kZWa6 https://www.goodfon.com/wallpaper/distant-outpost-kosmos-poyas.html https://www.graphicdesignforum.com/t/how-the-soviet-space-age-was-imagined-by-artists-of-the-era/6803 )
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notasfilosoficas · 9 months
“No hay comparación entre lo que se pierde al no tener éxito y lo que se pierde al no intentarlo”
Francis Bacon
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Francis Bacon fue un filósofo, escritor, político y abogado inglés nacido en Londres en enero de 1561, considerado padre del empirismo filosófico y científico.
Era el hijo menor de Nicholas Bacon, guardián del gran sello de la reina Isabel I, y su madre Anne Cooke, una de las mujeres mas ilustradas de la época.
Su formación estuvo a cargo de su madre y se basó en los principios del puritanismo calvinista. A la edad de trece años Bacon ingresa al Trinity College de Cambridge en 1573 y cursa estudios junto con su hermano hasta 1576, en donde el estudio de diversas ciencias lo lleva a la conclusión de que los métodos empleados y los resultados obtenidos eran erróneos.
A su juicio, la filosofía precisaba de un verdadero cometido y de nuevos métodos para alcanzarlos, Bacon fue enviado a Francia como agregado del embajador, en donde la situación política y social en Francia durante el reinado de Enrique III le proporcionaron al joven Francis una muy valiosa experiencia política.
A la muerte prematura de su padre en 1579, Francis se vió obligado a regresar a Londres y a terminar sus estudios en abogacía, derivado del exiguo patrimonio que heredó de su padre, en donde comenzó a ejercer la abogacía y cuatro años mas tarde es elegido (por mediación de su tío), miembro de la cámara de los Comunes dando comienzo a su carrera política.
Su situación mejora con la subida al trono de Jacobo I quien lo nombró procurador general en 1607, fiscal de la Corona en 1613 y lord canciller en 1618, además de obtener algunos títulos nobiliarios. A pesar de verse involucrado en problemas de corrupción y maltrato a sus subordinados, logró salir de los problemas y con la fortuna adquirida y dedicó sus siguientes años al estudio de la filosofía y las ciencias.
Los escritos de Bacon se engloban en tres categorías: filosófica, literaria y política. Sus obras filosóficas mas prominentes son “El avance del saber” (1605), y el “Novum Organum” o indicaciones relativas a la interpretación de la naturaleza en 1620.
Se propuso ante todo reorganizar el método de estudio científico percibiendo que el razonamiento deductivo destacaba a expensas del razonamiento inductivo y creyó que eliminando toda noción preconcebida del mundo, se podía y debía estudiar al hombre y su entorno mediante observaciones detalladas y controladas realizando generalizaciones cautelosas.
Su “Novum Organum” influyó mucho en la aceptación de la ciencia de una observación y experimentación precisas. Se le reconoce haber aportado a la lógica el método experimental inductivo.
Como escritor se le debe la creación del género ensayístico en ingles, con sus “Ensayos sobre moral y política” en 1597.
En “La nueva Atlántida” escrita en 1610, ofrece la primera utopía tecnológica, en donde los gobernantes serán los científicos de la “Casa de Salomón”, una especie de gran universidad y en donde se prevén grandes adelantos científicos como maquinas voladoras, submarinos y telecomunicaciones, no obstante su aparente relación con los grupos herméticos como la francmasonería y los rosacruces, profetizaba que especialmente los rosacruces llegarían a ser los científicos gobernantes.
Bacon es considerado el primer representante del empirismo inglés, corriente filosófica que postula la experiencia como fuente de todo conocimiento y que tendría un amplio desarrollo en la obra de John Locke, George Berkeley y David Hume.
Francis Bacon muere a la edad de 65 años de neumonía y una estatua de él se localiza en el Trinity College de Cambridge.
Fuentes: Wikipedia, biografiasyvidas.com, ua.es y encyclopaedia.herdereditorial.com
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ebookporn · 2 years
One of the Earliest Science Fiction Utopias Was a Protest Against Patriarchy
Over a century ago, Bengali Muslim writer Rokeya Hossain wrote a short story about a world run by women, fueled by solar power
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by Tanya Agathocleous
Solar power. The end of war. Gender role reversal. Dirigibles. First published in 1905, Rokeya Hossain’s short story “Sultana’s Dream” is steampunk avant la lettre, strikingly advanced in its critique of patriarchy, conflict, conventional kinship structures, industrialization, and the exploitation of the natural world.
Notably speaking to the concerns of our contemporary world as much as its own, it is also striking for being a parodic critique of purdah by a Muslim woman. At a time when British colonialism was using the treatment of women in India as justification for colonial intervention there (a rhetorical strategy still in use by the West today), Hossain’s story imagines a world in which men rather than rather women are kept inside, thus framing her protest against Islamic patriarchy within a larger feminist vision that takes on Western as well as Islamic forms of gender hierarchy.
“Sultana’s Dream” is not just one of the first science-fiction or utopian stories written in India by a woman; it is an integral part of the emergence of sci-fi as a form of speculative fiction at the turn of the nineteenth century, more often associated with male Western writers such as H. G. Wells, Jules Verne, and Arthur Conan Doyle. At the same time, it is one of the first feminist utopias in modern literature, published a decade before Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland (1915), and part of a wave of fin de siècle utopias that includes Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward (1888) and William Morris’s News from Nowhere (1890). It is also one of the first literary works in English by a Muslim writer in South Asia. In all these ways, Hossain’s story is an important part of Anglophone literary history that has yet to be fully recognized as such.
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oparadoxodemaria · 1 year
Há algum tempo eu tenho sentido
Três das últimas noites de verão
Uma vontade, uma dor, uma alegria
Desejo que dilacerava todo resto, dentro de mim jazia uma força abrupta, inata
Entre as cachoeiras, os mares, as matas
Tudo sussurrava tão profundamente, era necessário correr então
Por fim me dei conta que a voz que se construía com flechas, espadas no meio da mata me diziam
Você precisa morrer
Há algo que precisa ir, os passos precisam atravessar as colinas, caminhar entre as folhas
Sentir os frutos, alimentar-me
Regenerar as dores para nascer novamente
Neste sábado de verão
Senti minha Mãe sussurrar, entre as águas, entre a luz que se entrelaça
O sol, a mulher, a água
Há de nascer
Viver e criar raízes
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danielkhent · 1 year
We need #utopias. #Solarpunk imagines a green, economically just society emerging from a post-capitalist world.
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inebubble · 1 year
hey guys serious question
are there any utopias in contemporary literature and media?
I just realized today that most of the contemporary projection fiction pieces im familiar with are either dystopian or post-apocalyptic, and… idk it says something about our generation but also there’s gotta be some optimistic pieces of art out there??
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caosneptuno · 2 years
opuesta a Neptuno
no sé qué hago o si hago bien cuando me aíslo
todo parece una simulación
la confusión es total
me causa mucha tristeza cuando empiezo a descubrir que algunas amigas ya no son más mis amigas porque realmente no puedo contar con ellas
que quizás todo era sostenido de un solo lado
me cansé de ser la que sostiene todo para que las cosas funcionen, que dependa de mi, que no me la hagan un poquito más fácil
me da miedo aislarme pero el cuerpo me pide silencio y soledad y vos no paras de hablar
perdón, ya se que quiero corregir a todo mi alrededor a mi forma, está re mal.
es molesto cuando no podes parar de ver los defectos de los demás
ojo que en mi perfeccionismo todo el tiempo estoy chequeando qué tengo que mejorar
mientras vos te quedas parado hablando de algo que no es que no esté escuchando es que simplemente no me interesa
me encantaría que tengas un poco más de registro de mi, de tu entorno, que tengas metas.
será que ya estoy haciendo el duelo desde antes?
me (en)cierro y le doy vueltas al asunto.
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jareckiworld · 2 years
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Hans Erni (1909-2015) — The New Icarians  [tempera on paperboard, 1940] 
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almas-do-inverno · 1 year
eu percebi que havia esquecido de mim mesma quando até o que eu mais amava fazer perdeu a importância
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sunderedandundone · 2 years
So for anyone who's interested, I've started *attempting* to organize my wonktastic UrSkek lore/worldbuilding material, including the backstories for the Twice-Nine and the fuckups that got them deported :-) , over at my AO3 pseud? Stay tuned for updates roughly at the speed of proofing/editing (i.e, whenthefuckever)
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leregirenga · 1 year
Mujer bonita, es la que trasciende las utopías de la vida y lucha contra las barreras de cualquier sistema que le impida cumplir sus sueños. Porque la mujer atractiva es la que enamora con su inteligencia, la que seduce con sus pensamientos, la que cautiva con sus ideas, la que excita con su rebeldía, la convierte su mente en un arma y su cuerpo en un maquina y hace de su vida una revolución individual y autónoma, manejando y manipulando su existencia. Porque la mujer seductora es la que irradia coraje, emite valor y emana osadía; haciendo de su día a día un contexto de arrojo y agallas, convirtiéndose en mas que una mujer, en una guerrera. Porque la mujer encantadora es la que lucha sin parar, la que cae y se levanta, la que llora de alegría, la que corre sin cesar, la que grita al horizonte. Porque la mujer fascinante es la que convirtiendo su vida en un devenir de sentimientos y emociones, de latidos y sonrisas, de coraje y de belleza; porque la mujer maravillosa es la que vive y muere por sus sueños. Jorge López
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