iiigris · 9 months
I think I’m just gonna start making bracelets of songs and artists and albums that I like. it started with fob for my concert, and now I have more beads than I know what to do with so I’m gonna expand. improvise adapt overcome etc
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the-kr8tor · 8 months
🧵 💗💗💗
- 🪐
HIII 🪐 anon!!
My fic under the clock tower was supposed to be the ending for ttn. This was wayyy before I fully outlined it (there's a lot I've scraped from the original outline). Reader was supposed to be a gwen stacy variant (still no specific physical description for R), I decided to scrap it and go for what we have rn and rewrote the original ending/stacy variant for utct instead! (And yes TTN has been in development since those early days lol)
Thank you for asking!
Send me an emoji and I'll reveal some secrets abt TTN
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enby-at-the-pyschward · 2 months
*During TTTYG or UTCT Era*
Pete,sniffling:Calm down,I’m probably not sick.It might just be allergies.
Joe:Okay,tell me this:are you like, really tired?
Pete:I have depression,what do you think?
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dhampiravidi · 9 days
my review of Bring Me The Horizon's POST HUMAN: NeX GEn...
k so, I didn't know it was released til 15 min ago. also just got the Angry Oli Maid Pics. I have a feeling that I know how this first listen is gonna go, but who knows.
[ost] dreamseeker - no rating
If any of this is Eve from the concerts, I'll have to skip the OSTs, because AI scares me (been giving me nightmares for months now). Anyway, this just seems to be a clip of filler/ambient noise. I'll only give ratings to actual songs (longer than 2 min & w/singing).
2. YOUtopia - 5/10
I keep hoping it'll get better as I listen...it just sounds kinda whiny & maybe it was a Jordan Fish thing, but there's no build really. Of course, the name of the song is a pun...IDK. Song sounds a lot more hopeful than I thought it would, since I thought POST HUMAN was all apocalyptic/post-. Giving this a 5.
3. Kool-Aid - 8/10
Pretty sure they already released all the good stuff. I remember hating how "heavy" this sounded initially, but I love this song now. It's an anthem for...something. I guess it's a warning tale for cults, hence why I thought this was an "end-of-the-world" type thing. Solid 8.
4. Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd bloOd - 6/10
IDK why I just thought of FOB's Under the Cork Tree. Probably because I'm getting a pop-punk sound (apart from the fairy techno) that's either UtCT or maybe a lighter That's The Spirit (specifically, "Avalanche"). The sound definitely matches that of "LoST". I keep asking myself if BMTH's songs usually repeat the same parts musically & lyrically...I don't remember. If they do, I didn't notice.
5. liMOusine (ft. AURORA) - 6/10
Optimistic about this one! As long as it picks up...I like the guest singer's voice! It's beautiful on it's own & it complements Oli's pretty well. I'm thinking there should be (based on what BMTH usually does in its collaborations & what I think would go well) a section where he screams while she sings...ah, here we go. I guess I was thinking about what happens in AmEN. Hmm...I suppose they wanted a slower song.
6. DArkSide - 10/10
RAHHHH! I love this song sm. Again, I think all that we heard before today is probably the best parts of PH: NG. This is my favorite BMTH song (the last one Jordan worked on, I think). Pretty sure we've all heard the comparisons to Linkin Park for this one 😊. I love how it ebbs & flows but ultimately is a complete song, one that sounds great onstage, makes me dance, has a message & uses all of Oli's range.
7. a bulleT w/ my namE On (ft. Underoath) - 7.5/10
Immediate mixed feelings here. I love the part where the guitar & drums kick in. It always takes me a second listen to get used to the parts where Oli screams because I don't always expect them. I don't like when they edit his vocals to sound super-techno because then it's almost like implying he can't sing without autotune. OMG I can hear Jordan in the background...then I hear "guess this is goodbye" RIP, man. Have we ever had a song where he clearly sings backing (w/o muffling)? Oh, well. ANYWAY. This song fits the BMTH style, I think. IDK what it's saying at the end--I'm never a fan of editing in stuff that can't be understood unless it's a rhythmic thing.
8. [ost] (spi)ritual - 7.5/10
Best of the OSTs so far. It's a chill lil bop. *looks up the lyrics* oh sHIT. I had to pause it because apparently it's an occult ritual used to clear the room of negative energy prior to doing another ritual & um...I'm no expert in this stuff, so I'm just gonna skip to the next song!
9. n/A - 8/10
OK initially I thought this was a bad joke of a song, given Oli's past addictions & time in a mental hospital. It's actually a good song musically & lyrically. I just feel really awkward listening to it. I think it's referring to how he relapsed during COVID...the music video part of Spotify shows a demented kid's picture...
10. LosT - 9/10
Again, we got the good part. I think we all know the message behind this, which I respect considering how many meds I've gone through trying to improve my own mental health. I have thoughts (positive) about the music video, but this isn't a music video post-! "LoST" has the ebb & flow that I love. "Too much to take, I can't fucking stand it" & "I think I'm gonna break down" are my favorite parts. I can only love screaming when it's done to emphasize clean singing &/or the melody.
11. sTraNgeRs - 8/10
All I'll say is...I prefer this version to the acoustic & my favorite part is "take us back to yesterday" (that whole thing before the last chorus).
12. R.i.p. (duskCOre Remix) - 9/10
This is the first new song that I actually like. I love the "club" songs that BMTH makes, where they sound happy but the lyrics are metal as hell. The "make me the villain if you want" *side-eyes The Darkling* I feel like that man has heard a BMTH song.
13. AmEN (ft. Lil Uzi Vert & Daryl Palumbo) - 10/10
I'm not familiar w/Daryl Palumbo, so I'm not sure what part he sings/screams, but I love this song. It's almost like a dramatic monologue, in the way that I can imagine someone doing all these over-the-top gestures as they sing each part of the song (maybe using puppets). I know I'm mouthing the words every time the song comes on (even though I still don't know the screamed part at the beginning, lol).
14. [ost] p.u.s.s.-e
Very interested to see what the acronym stands for (if it stands for anything)...welp, the Genius annotation says it's about a drug created by the fictional Church of Genxsis to "suppress people who will not obey their will" o-o don't fuck w/cults, kids.
15. DiE4u - 10/10
o-o just releasing how long it's been since this was released. This is bringing up angsty memories...anyway, I love the music video for this (Oli's a Real Vampire Agenda) & I love the pacing of the song. IDK why the "lemme see my halo" part sounds so good.
16. DIg It - 7/10
Fuck, I think this might be Eve talking...*scans some of the lyrics* OK the song's actually alright. Just don't look up the song on Genius unless you want some meta-AI-related stuff. I can tell this isn't supposed to be a banger as much as it is a sad song. It reminds me of Oli's monologue (done while high) on Music to Listen to...("Underground Big", I think?) & it could definitely be used on a soundtrack IMHO. I'd love to hear Oli just sing something chill w/o editing.
Alright, the average of all the ratings is...
5 + 8 + 6 +6 + 10 + 7.5 + 7.5 + 8 + 9 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 10 + 7 = 111
111/14 = 7.9 out of 10
So to me, about half the songs were good. I've felt that way about albums before. I wonder how they finished the album considering that Jordan left in December & yet he's credited on the songs. I don't think this album will be given high ratings, but if it wins an award...I wonder how that'll go down. Anyway, yay for angry maid pics!
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d3ad-on-arriva1 · 2 months
utct the album written for meeeee. album for novahhh. just meeee.
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transportemx · 4 months
Transportistas bloquean la Autopista México - Querétaro por el asesinato de operador
Esta mañana, un bloqueo de transportistas en la Autopista México-Querétaro ha colapsado el tráfico en esa importante arteria vial. Los inconformes se manifiestan por el reciente asesinato de uno de los operadores y se encaminan hacia la Ciudad de México (CDMX). Lo anterior, como parte de la manifestación convocada por La Unión de Transportistas de Carga y Turismo (UTCT) rumbo a las instalaciones…
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vantagevu · 7 months
Shoes for Good: Lace Up, Donate & Celebrate with Jack Black at Ultra-Trail Cape Town Jack Black is thrilled to announce their partnership with Ultra Trail Cape Town (UTCT), scheduled for 24, 25, and 26 November 2023. Once again, Jack Black is calling on the running community to go the extra mile and donate their pre-loved shoes through their Shoes For Good initiative, now in its fifth year.…
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therovingrunner · 9 months
The Return Of Jan Snow
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It’s been a while. Hell, it’s probably been more than 2 years (pre-Covid) since I’ve actually taken the time to write down my thoughts and trail tribulations.
Why? There’s probably a few reasons I could give, from not having time due to work, being fat, lazy, injured or just not motivated to run. Basically LIFE happened.
My last competitive race was the Tankwa Trail in 2021, somewhere in between Stage 2 or 4 of Covid (and stage 6 loadshedding). Covid lead to little or no racing and only social runs with the Wolfpack.
Then events started coming back, and my weekends was spent either marking routes, managing them and then clearing them. Not a whole lot of “me time” to run, other than with my group of mainly primary school learners I started coaching in ‘21, and hell, coach can’t keep up with them unless we do LSD’s (no, not the drug, I don’t need WADA rocking up at my training sessions)
I must confess that the joy I get from coaching, and seeing these youngsters reach their goals, improving or just finding a love for running and trail in specific, has outweighed my own personal needs to some extent.
Have I missed the trail running community? Yes!
Have I missed running & summitting a mountain peak with the Wolfpack (Jon, Jamie, Sam & Colleen)? Yes!
Have I missed reaching that said mountain summit before sunrise and enjoying a cold beer before 9am after a proper trail run? Hell yes!
So let’s back track a little bit. Although I’m lucky enough to play a part in the biggest trail running festival our beautiful country has to offer, UTCT, and got to run a few of the recce runs exploring the route, there has been no major races on my horizon. You get sidetracked by things if there is no real goal race to run. The Otter African Trail Run has been such a integral part of who I am as a trail runner, and the reason I even started running trail, but when that chapter closed in 2019 after Otter number 5, nothing really drew my attention again, other than the Tankwa Trail which is an amazing event with the perfect combo of racing/socializing and having one heck of a trail bash weekend in the Koue Bokkeveld!
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With my trusty steed Cole Stanton! We'll be back racing in Nov (or at least attempt to)
Sept ‘22 my running world came crashing down! From harmlessly kicking a soccer ball to hardly being able to walk 50m pain free 2 days later, I underwent back surgery a week later! It felt that my whole being, or that, that defines me as a person in the running community (runner/coach) imploded, and I was house/bed bound for the next 7 weeks.
Coaching happened via preset plans sent on Whatsapp, with the mom’s having to lead sessions and give feed back on times and progress. I’ll forever be thankful for my family (having to deal with old grumpy) and my athletes (having to deal with their mom’s who are apparently much stricter than I am) for sticking with me through this time. We made it out the other side, and they delivered PB’s, records, gold medals and provincial colors the following season!
Rehab followed, and I promised myself I would run one more time before year end! On the 31st of December I laced up my shoes and went for a 5km trot at my happy place down in Cape Agulhas (just don’t tell my physio), a week or to before the set given.
Slowly but surely the running got easier, the pain less and the enjoyment returned, although I still lacked motivation.
Fast forward to May ‘23 and on our way to our annual hunting trip, I bumped in Carel Heroldt, from Dryland Event Management. Over a Karoo thorn bush fire, in a dry riverbed, just off the N1, with a brandy & coke in my hand, a new goal was set! The 2023 edition of the Rhodes Dryland Traverse!
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I’ve been lucky enough to run a few Dryland events, 2 Tankwa’s & 2 Traverse’s, so convincing me to run their events is easier than stealing money as a government official or finding dollars in couches at Phala Phala!
So over the next month and a bit I’ll be sharing my “Almost Complete Rookies Guide To Stage Racing”! You can use it if you want, I certainly will be again!
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digitalmore · 1 year
ท่าเรือยูนิไทย จัดแข่งขันกอล์ฟกระชับมิตร
BangkokStyle ท่าเรือยูนิไทย จัดแข่งขันกอล์ฟกระชับมิตร
ท่าเรือยูนิไทย จัดแข่งขันกอล์ฟกระชับมิตร ท่าเรือยูนิไทย (UNITHAI CONTAINER TERMINAL) ได้จัดงานแข่งขันกอล์ฟกระชับมิตร UTCT Friendship Golf Tournament ณ สนามกอล์ฟ ธนาซิตี้ จังหวัดสมุทรปราการ เพื่อเป็… อ่านเพิ่ม
ท่าเรือยูนิไทย จัดแข่งขันกอล์ฟกระชับมิตร BangkokStyle
from BangkokStyle https://ift.tt/gHVYkUf
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moshpitpuppyx · 2 years
i will forever be so upset they didn’t put the music or the misery on utct
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pearcoinpro · 2 years
Pearcoin 正式上线 DOGEKING/USDT交易对
报名方式:打开表单https://gleam.io/hTG6h/doge-king 填写UID报名
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ranjitgaind · 4 years
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Great race this year, thanks @sportograf for the pics #utct (at Table Mountain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5wsqWPp4z4/?igshid=1twm6tv19gmto
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the-kr8tor · 16 days
Your alternate ending post sparked this !! But do you think that after Under the Clocktower, with the og ending, that when Hobie joins the Spider Society he earns a new lil spark of hope to see R?? Like he keeps an eye out for them, or a version of them, everytime he is sent on a mission or visits a friend's universe? And the stinging etches it's way back into his heart knowing he not only is breaking his promise to R by hoping to find them, but it isn't his R even if he does find an alternate universe. I think a Spider! R would suck tbh, a alternate universe of your dead lover who also is going through the double life of being a hero and such,,,
Yeesss! I've thought of this after writing utct! I'm sure the first time he got his watch he was immediately trying to find you or a version of you at least (just to see your face one last time) but when he finally sees you in the most unlikely place aka the spider society in your own suit, he definitely crumbled :(
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enby-at-the-pyschward · 2 months
*During UTCT Era*
Patrick:You know,I want to be one of those hot bad boys.
Patrick:But I'm tiny,soft and sensitive.
Patrick:Do you see my problem?
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forrestrunners · 7 years
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dustdogza · 5 years
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Nerves aside, I made it 💪 #utct #running #runcapetown #trailrunning (at Gardens Rugby Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5h21PLna2N/?igshid=1nwng8kpjei68
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