#utahraptor therian
omnivore-dinosupial · 7 months
You ever have one of those moments when all of the humanity leaves your body and pure animal instincts just kick in, well what if i told you there's a utahraptor on the other side of the screen right now
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mothinsden · 1 year
Oh to be in a pack chasing creatures through the tall grass
Preening my feathers after a good days hunt
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fuzzytadpole · 1 month
hello !! could you please make a feathered utahraptor moodboard with themes of the ocean + forest? if that's okay!
sorry if this bugs u ;o
Feathered utahraptor moodboard!
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Hi, thanks sm for the request! It doesn’t bug me at all :)
I think this one is very pretty, hope you like it!
Art credit: 🪶
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talks-with-the-void · 2 months
Fluid kintypes - identity doesn't need to be static
I used to be a wolf, once. Not in a past-life sense, but in a therian sense - I was a wolf therian and then I wasn't. Sounds weird to you? I'm not surprised!
Something that I have repeatedly been told by other therians and otherkin is "you are what you are and if you find out you are something else - well, then you never were the first thing at all." Especially when I joined the community several years ago, I saw this statement everywhere. But let me tell you: it's not true. I had several different kintypes over the years (side note: we are plural and for the sake of this post I am simplifying some internal structure things. if you want the complicated details, feel free to ask! /gen), started as a wolf therian, then I was a cryptid, a dinosaur, a dragon and some kind of monster. Now I am Khhanivore (from Love, Death and Robots) and Mewtu (from Pokemon, Mewtu is the German spelling) - and a raptor kintype is coming back. (I am also a werewolf, but that's not a kintype, that's just Purely Me And My Whole Essence)
"Okay Istasha, but isn't that just questioning or maybe flickertypes?", you might ask. Fair point, but no.
I honestly never really questioned my kintypes - if I truly question something, it turns out to either be a hearttype or Nothing at All. As for kintypes, I just know - all of us just know what we are, it's like chilling and one day, suddenly, one of us is like "oh, I am a horse. alright, carry on" and that's it. Our kintypes stay with us for several months at least, theoretically they could stay forever but tend to change along the way - which brings me to the next point. They aren't flickertypes either. We only really get fictionflickers and sometimes animalflickers and those are extremely short and always tied to media we are currently consuming - they feel, technically, like kintypes to me. For example, if I watch a lot of Supernatural, I sometimes get an intense feeling of belonging there, of being a non-canon character, of being part of the story, etc. I am this non-canon character in that moment, I might even get pseudo-memories or shifts, but as soon as I don't engage with that show too much again, it instantly fades.
Our kintypes don't work like that. Take my re-emerging dinosaur kintype as an example. I was walking somewhere a few days ago and suddenly had a pahntom sensation in my legs and feet and in the same moment I knew "ah shit, new kintype". I gave it a day because maaayyybe it's nothing? But deep down I already knew what was going on, so I have an Utahraptor kintype now. I am this. I identify as this through and through and it feels like I've always been this way. But it wasn't - a week ago I wasn't a dinosaur and now I am. I did not choose it, I did not engage with any dinosaur media at all, it just happened.
My kintypes have always been changing and trust me when I say I had a complete identity crisis when my wolf kintype first went away. But over the years Ive learned to accepot it - my identy is not static, it never was and it never will be and that's okay!
It doesn't make my kintypes less important or less real and it also doesn't mean I never was a wolf. I was. And then I wasn't.
I honestly think it is so, so damaging to still have this "kintypes are static"-sentient floating around in the community, because that's simply not true for all of us. For me, it honestly even makes more sense this way. Our brain has always been unstable, I lacked a true identity for so long. We grew up with untreated BPD andf although the symptoms are 95% under my control now (read: it's in remission), our brain still has a ton of habits from that time, like clinging onto different things to try and form an identity, to try and fill the void where a person should be. And the fact that the void is filled now, that I finally am enough of a person to fill it, this habit never changed. Our brain still randomly grabs things and makes them one of us, leading to fluid kintypes.
Let me end this with saying: being wrong about a kintype is fine. Figuring out you are X instaed of Y and never were Y is fine. But it is also fine to be X today and Y tomorrow.
I think I've said this before but I'll say it again: we, as a community, need to take our identities less and more serious at the same time. Let's stop the gatekeeping and policing others, let's stop overanalyzing ourselves so much. Let's stop looking for rules and asking "is it possible to be this?" over and over again - because the answer is yes. There are literally no rules as to how, why and what you can be. In order to be otherkin you need to do exactly one thing: identify as The Thing in question. Nothing else. On the other hand, we need to kindly educate those who confuse identify as and identify with, we need to kindly educate young therians who "choose their theriotypes", we need to make sure we are not watered down to being "a fun thing you can do".
I sometimes feel like the focus and effort of this community is in good faith but in the wrong place - static kintypes is one of them.
There are no limits. Be who you are today and if you are something else tomorrow, be that then. <3
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alienautism · 10 months
intro post lesgo,,,
🌟 im jj or the soul !!! {also atlas} 🌟
im black,, autistic as hell and a very queer canine { american akita + leonberger {+ utahraptor sometimes } who loves to draw !!! im totally not secretly an aussie yeahhhh !!
im physically 19 and my mental age is 12 {im permanently a preteen} !!
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✨ i am so hyperfixated on chonny jash that i cant function without listening to his music 24/7 looolo,,,, heart and mind are real and they talk to me irl im so serious {might be a parogenic + paragenic system lol}✨
🏳️‍🌈 my queer identities include 🏳️‍⚧️ -
• pangaylesbian {into guys but also girls/other genders}
• australian 💔💔🇦🇺
• transmasc demiboy
• dog {we're super queer-coded}
• french learning 🇫🇷 😓😥💔
• aroace-flux {+ hypersexual ← not a sexuality,, a problem}
‼️ please be aware that i draw artistic nudity,, i do not draw nsfw of any kind ‼️
🚫 also dni if you are🚫 -
nsfw | dream stans | racist / n*zi / zi*nist | sysmed / anti-endo | radqueer / kandiqueer / xenosatanist / pro/neu/com-contact paraphile / pro-transid | queerphobic / transmed / anti-mspec lesbian/gay/etc | puritan / anti-fiction / anti-kink / believe in thought crimes / "immoral" attractions / "fiction affects reality" | overly sensitive | anti-transspecies / therian | anti-agere / anti-permakid / etc
{i will always be accepting of those who are kind to all and do not commit/support harm irl {and if u support harm to those u find 'icky' without them doing any harm irl especially over fiction of any type,, ur the person who's not safe to be around,, not them{ur literally a diet c*nservative}}}
so yeah anyways,, i love men a lot and also go listen to chonny jash NOW !!!!
also heres some of my art !
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wehdile · 10 months
~*~Therian Strength Scale~*~
Utahraptor > Cougar > Wyvern > Crocodile
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volfdog · 4 months
Intro post, I guess
I recently found the therian community on tumblr and realized what I'm feeling isn't just a "me" thing, and decided to make a dedicated sideblog.
I'm not sure what is the proper term to call myself, so I'll go with therian.
My theriotypes:
Moutain lion
Also, english isn't my first language so sorry in advance, I tend to make a lot of errors when I'm thinking wolfy thoughts.
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omnivore-dinosupial · 7 months
Utalphir Virgstrommaysana - also known as the dinosupial mostur. A rare animal that resembles a cross between a theropod and marsupial. It lives in forests and makes their nests near trees, they live in packs of three to five. Stands a meter tall from ground to shoulder, omnivorous and curious in nature, the Utalphir Virgstrommaysana is both a quadruped and bipedal animal, it posesses large opposable sickle claws on its hindquarters seen on dromaeosaurs, and a long prehensile tail feathered at the tip. It has a large head relative to body size and over 50 sharp teeth designed for eating all kinds of food, it has wing-like arms with strong digits at the end designed for climbing. Females of the species posess a pouch like marsupials, however they still lay eggs. When their offspring hatch the mother will carry them on their back until they have grown. It is a fierce predator when it comes to catching their prey, their long hind legs built for speed with their front limbs mostly designed for climbing and gripping. When under extreme pressure and finds fight a not feasable option it drops on the ground and plays dead much like an opossum does. They make a variety of noises from hissing to clicking and unique calls, they often come in colors of black, grey and yellow.
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sar3nka · 5 months
Ok just for fun if I'm a therian I'mmm uhhh wolfdog but also some big cat and a raptor. I think utahraptor perhaps. Reasons: I'm soooo sleepy
Cringe behavior </3
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plushself · 3 years
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Utahraptor therian flag!
(req by anon)
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mothinsden · 4 years
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Source: @therian_eli on instagram! 
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seaside-cliffs · 2 years
Dude a few days ago I dinosaur kinshifted in the Sam's and it was kinda like.
The primal fucking urge to lean forward and walk like a dinosaur with hands in front of you, peer around the walls and watch people, and twist ur body around at every loud noise that interests you.
Also all the while avoiding the cameras in the store because people r gonna think it mentally ill
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angies-aesthetics · 3 years
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utahraptor moodboard & fashion kit for @utahraptor-speaks
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soda-kins · 4 years
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[ ☆/☆/☆/☆/☆/☆/☆/☆ ]
A Stimboard for a Utahraptor―with sand, scales, rocks, and feather stims in neutral colors!
Making this stimboard was super fun! Especially since I’ve never made a request for a dinosaur-related kin before! That’s so cool! Beyond that, with looking at different scale stims, I went down this rabbithole of basically looking at different scale-related Youtube videos. I’m still doing that currently. Pretty interesting!
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- Mod Sig★
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Everything here is ridiculously outdated I wouldn't pay much attention to it. I can't be assed to update this and I rarely use Tumblr anymore.
Hiya, I'm Shinya, I prefer to go by my kin/IRL names but if you want to use something more general, Sakura works too. My pronouns are fluid, please ask me!! I'm 18 so be mindful of this if you choose to message me; personally I'm okay to talk to anyone 16+ for now :)
I'm diagnosed ASD and i believe i may have ADHD + OSDD-1.
Note: Some of my "kins" are in fact IRLs (these are not the same thing, I'm happy to clarify what this means if you don't understand), so be wary of this please. I didn't want to make a separate blog for IRLs.
{ more under the cut }
Please do send me asks about my timeline, memories or experiences; I'd love to talk about them!!
➥ Some of my memories are very dark, but I'll always tw/cw these as appropriate.
Practically begging other alterhumans to interact, please do send a message or an ask, whatever you're comfortable with!!
I'm very happy for sourcemates to interact!! I'll gladly take more sourcemates <3
I try to check over blog rules before reblogging anything here but I do miss things sometimes; if I rb something here and you'd rather I didn't (I know some people don't like to have their stuff rbed to kin blogs/tagged as kin etc.) please just drop me a message and I'll take the post down :)
My Kinlist!!
robotkin, alienkin (xenomorph), ghostkin, therian (mule/fallow deer, mimic octopus, architeuthis, blacktip reef shark) and palaeotherian (velociraptor, microraptor, archaeopteryx, utahraptor, guanlong, tusoteuthis)
+ fictionkin!!
on our system carrd!!
art cr: Afrothunder678 (i think?)
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wehdile · 2 years
haven't really done therian stuff in a while but yeah im your utahraptor lawyer 😑
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