ya-world-challenge · 1 year
Book Review - Our Shadows Have Claws
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Trying to catch up on some older Netgalley reviews!
This is a compilation of Latin American monster stories by YA authors - many known names as well as new writers. I’m a little late as it’s past Halloween but this is a great anthology for any season. Note that it isn’t billed as horror stories - while some of them are a bit creepy depending on your tolerance, others are tales involving folkloric creatures and legends, so exactly that: Latin American monster stories.
The stories vary in length and at 15 total, this a great volume to pick up and read a story every once in a while. From Haitian lougarou to Columbian la patasola to completely original creatures, this anthology is a rich bundle of creativity and culture.
My favorite, while not at all creepy, was probably Blood Kin by Ari Tison, a captivating tale of family, heritage, and eco-exploitation where the real monsters are the evil oil companies.
Other favorites were the opening tale, The Nightingale and the Lark by Chantel Acevedo, a Romeo and Juliet forbidden romance in Cuba with a monster-hunting twist; Dismembered by Ann Davila Cardinal, a horrifying but touching tale set in Puerto Rico; Beware the Empty Subway Car by Maika Moulite and Maritza Moulite, an emotional and lovely-written take on the lougarou legend; Leave No Tracks by Julia Alvarez, a feminist-focused story of finding magical heritage.
The Other Side of the Mountain by Claribel A. Ortega is unique for being the only male protagonist in the collection, otherwise the stories exclusively feature Latina teens. ¿Dónde Está el Duende? by Jenny Torres Sanchez is arguably the creepiest of the stories, next to Dismembered.
Altogether this was a very high-quality collection of spooky stories, also made interesting by being spread across a wide variety of locales in both Latin America and the United States. Each story also has its own illustration, which were a nice touch and added to the atmosphere.
★  ★  ★  ★   ★    5 stars      
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Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors by Piers Paul Read
“He was going to survive,” Continue reading Untitled
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How many of the Sussy smugglers speak olelo hawai’i ?
paco says:
Does aloha count or SMTH? I only know Espanol and English. You aint catching me sound like a Gringo.
jodio says:
cap paco you barely got a C- in spanish 1 bc you don't even know what car is. im not fluent but a few peeps taught me a word or two im more of a pidgin guy shoot, brah.
dragona says:
i've picked up a few phrases growing up but i'm not fluent. meryl mei actually knows a lot of olelo hawai’i and she's been teaching me quite some phrases over the years 😊. fun fact: meryl mei used to participate in merrie monarch when she was younger.
usagi says:
hiki iaʻu ke ʻōlelo iki (ʘ‿ʘ✿) he ✨ hapa✨ maoli au. ahaha ʻaʻole wau maikaʻi loa 😅😅😅😅 my fluency is BAD but i try my best~
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ohdarlings · 1 year
sorry to any argentinian followers but i hate your football team
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duranduratulsa · 4 months
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Dish of the day: Barbecued Provolone Cheese #food #foodporn #cheese #barbecue #barbecuedprovolonecheese #Uraguay #uraguayfood
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nobrashfestivity · 7 months
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Antonio Frasconi (American, born in Uraguay, 1919) "The Dog and the Crocodile". Woodcut print from two pine blocks, on paper, 1950
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hlupdate · 2 years
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charlielightening: #uraguay🇺🇾 
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louistomlinsoncouk · 2 years
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charlielightening #uraguay🇺🇾 
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writersmorgue · 1 year
i had food poisoning last night and was pissed about it. anyway mid-puke i remembered that Paraguay and Uraguay exist and i was like Paraguay is on top right? if I remember correctly from middle school geography. So i googled them to check
and then I read an article about the Paraguayan war bc apparently it was particularly brutal. anyway, i forgot about how bad my stomach was cramping and was just really upset about civilian casualties for a while so i guess it worked. stick it to the man.
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agustdeez-nutz · 1 year
how many fuckin times has a korean player gone down in the uraguay box ??
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holedyke · 1 year
our fun guy in uraguay 🫶🫶🫶🫶
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I always love this chart because if anything the correlation between firearms per 100 people and homicides is a negative correlation. (Very scattered data to be honest, but still.)
I never noticed this before but Uraguay js labeled there. Uruguay has a demographic make up close to the US and a very European culture. However, despite having 3 times less guns per 100 people than the US, it's homicide rate remains very similar.
BTW, the homicide rate is homicide (not murder, but HOMICIDE, counting justified homicide and manslaughter) per 1 million people. It is funny when people talk about GuN deAThs (of which 2/3 are suicides.) And not the actual you know just any old killing of people.
Charts a bit dated but its lovely.
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sallertiafabrica · 7 months
Which 3 countries in the world would you like to go to, and explain if u want why do you want to go to these countries?
Some places that always come to mind when I think of traveling Internationally are Canada and Ireland, and maybe the USA, if only because many of my friends live there. Don’t know how to explain it without getting into some personal stuff, so I won’t.
I’d also like to visit more South American countries like Argentina, Peru, Uraguay, etc. Just to see more of this part of the continent. I’m not a very outs-y person, but I like seeing new places and then proceeding to spend the rest of the stay cooped up inside a hotel or smth lol
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jaylanii-moibom · 8 months
Say Goodbye to Spotify Uraguay 
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Spotify is considering completely withdrawing from Uruguay due to concerns over proposed changes to the country's copyright laws. Uruguay, with a population of about 3.5 million people, is thinking over significant modifications to its copyright legislation, prompting Spotify to contemplate a full-scale exit from the market
As of yesterday according to Digital Music News, the legislation has already been approved by Uruguay's House and was officially introduced in the Senate. This bill aims to modify articles 284 and 285 of the country's primary copyright law, No. 9.739. This legislation applies to many different media platforms such as the internet and social media, allowing musicians to be able to “demand remuneration” for the use of their works. Supporters of this policy change view it as a simple way to redistribute income from different rights holders to local musicians. In contrast, Spotify strongly opposes this view, arguing that it would disrupt existing licensing agreements and require the platform to make duplicate payments to continue operating in Uruguay.According to Music Bussiness World Spotify issued a statement explaining how if Spotify were to be forced to pay twice for the same music, it would make [their] business of connecting artists and fans unsustainable in this market; this would result in Spotify having to be compelled to cease its availability in Uruguay, ultimately affecting both artists and fans negatively. Overall, this underscores the intricate relationship between technology, the music industry, and legal rules, potentially affecting artists, fans, and the audio-streaming sector by illustrating the impact of legislative changes on key players and business models.
(Word Count: 267 )
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cleoenfaserum · 11 months
URAGUAY tiene... La LEYENDA de la TABA ... y ...
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Una larga historia con el cine desde sus origines. Dice Wikipedia en su articulo: Anexo: Películas de Uruguay, en el listado que reseñan, su primer registro data de 1898 Carrera de bicicletas en el velódromo de Arroyo Seco que es un cortometraje documental uruguayo producido por el inmigrante Español Félix Oliver.​ Es considerada la primera película de Uruguay.​ Así que podemos decir sin equivocarnos que el cine uruguayo tiene solera.
(1vid) Una Carrera en el Velódromo. Felix Oliver. Cine a ... https://youtu.be/YlHW6cD_k90
¿Que es una TABA?
Una taba es un hueso que se encuentra en el tarso cuyo nombre científico es astrágalo. Desde la antigüedad se utilizan las tabas de algunos animales, particularmente las de las patas traseras del cordero (de unos 3 × 2 cm), para la práctica de diferentes juegos de azar. Todos se basan en el lanzamiento de la taba a modo de dado. 
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Leer mas: Juego de las tabas - Wikipedia
El juego de la taba en el Cono Sur
En Argentina, el Norte Chico en Chile (Provincia del Choapa), Patagonia chilena (Provincia de Aysén y Provincia de Magallanes), sur de Bolivia (Tarija y Chuquisaca), Uruguay y sur de Brasil (donde se lo conoce como «jogo do osso» o «juego del hueso»)6​ juegan dos contricantes apostando dinero, sobre un terreno de tierra pareja dividido en dos partes por una línea. Sobre esta línea a veces un tercero oficia de depositario de la apuesta y árbitro, puesto que es conocido como el de «canchero» o «coimero».​
Los jugadores se alejan alrededor de cinco metros uno a cada lado de la línea y desde sus posiciones lanzan la taba, que habitualmente es de hueso de vaca. La taba debe pasar al lado contrario, de lo contrario se repite el tiro. Luego de jugar ambos contendientes, se determina el ganador observando de qué lado cayó el hueso. Las partes huecas son las ganadoras y las lisas las perdedoras:
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(vid) https://youtu.be/hOwfZRHc6Gk?t=1035 COMO JUGAR A LA TABA CRIOLLA (O TABA SUDAMERICANA)
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De este juego derivó la expresión "se le dio vuelta la taba”, que nació en el medio rural y luego se popularizó, significando que a una persona a quien las cosas le marchaban bien, sufre un cambio repentino para mal, o bien que se invierte totalmente una situación.​
(VID) https://youtu.be/kz91yK40cCs LA LEYENDA DE LA TABA- Capitulo de la segunda...
Durazno parece un lugar particularmente apto para la fermentación de leyendas. En Arroyo de los Perros, ubicado en dicho departamento, una historia subsiste desde los tiempos en que la esclavitud aún era permitida.
Un estanciero, que trataba cruelmente a sus esclavos, decidió una noche de alcohol jugar a la taba con su lacayo mulato. Este último estaba con gran suerte esa noche. (SEGUIR LEYENDO: La leyenda de la taba – Duraznito history (wordpress.com)
​(VID) https://youtu.be/2w4tgqr9B_w?list=PLz8UFaveEq4sIsON6lzv1sKt5PBJR157E LA LEYENDA DE LA TABA (PELICULA)
REF: 630
ALGO MÁS QUE HUESOS: LAS TABAS (solohuesos-isabelcaceres.blogspot.com)
ᐈ Juegos de【Las Tabas】Cómo Jugar, Origen y Variantes (juegostradicionales.net)
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boissonsaumiel · 1 year
Project Log:
Equipment Capacity:1gal🫙: 1 of 4 in use ½gal🫙: 3 of 7 in use 47oz🫙: 1 of 2 in use . In Progress: Batch No.070823 | ½gal🫙 1¾lb🐝 Honey: Sierra Wildflower Source: Sierra Nevada Mountains Brand: Kingsburg Honey Stg. 1: D-47 sub water for brewed Hōjicha (Numi) Stg. 2: TBD Batch No.071823 | 1gal🫙 4lb🐝 Honey: Yosemite Wildflower Source: Yosemite Brand: Yosemite Honey Co. Stg. 1: Day 1: K1-V1116 D-47 立山小種 (Stash) 3lb🐝 10☕ IG 1.130 Day 7: 1☕ Day 15: 1lb🐝 ½☕ Stg. 2: split into 1L bottle w. roses (4/28 pasteurized), 750ml bottle Batch No.090123 | 1gal🫙 3⅛lb🐝 Honey: Black Button Sage Source: Glendale, California Brand: Lili Honey Stg. 1: K1-V1116, gall nut tannin Stg. 2: ½gal root beer spices Batch No.092423 | 1gal🫙 3⅛lb🐝 Honey: Cactus Flower, gall nut tannin Source: Mexico/Arizona Brand: Topanga Quality Honey Stg. 1: K1-V1116, gall nut tannin Stg. 2: split into 2 bottles, 1 sarsparilla bottle, one blended with forbidden rice 103123 Batch No.103123 | 1gal🫙 16cup饭 Rice: Forbidden Rice Source: Northeast China (东北) Brand: ??? Stg. 1: Shanghai yeast balls w/ kōji, cooked rice Stg. 2: split into one 1L two 16oz bottles, remainder blended with Cactus No.092423 Batch No.110523 | ½gal🫙 +⅓cup⚪ Juice: Pomegranate Source: Clovis, CA Brand: n/a -> home grown, harvested & pressed Stg. 1: D47, pectic enzyme, white sugar Stg. 2: bottled in 16 oz bottles, + 1l blended w/ blackberry 011324
Batch No.112423 | 1gal🫙 + 3lb麦 Carbs: Oat Flour, Maca Powder, Molasses Source: Canada, Peru, tba Brand: PuroRaw, Nuts.com, tba Stg. 1: Shanghai yeast balls w/ kōji, 11cups Teeccino brand Chaga Ashwagandha Butterscotch Cream Mushroom Herbal "Coffee" Stg. 2: racked into milk bottle, remainder dumped
Batch No.122023 | 1gal🫙 3lb🐝 Honey: Sierra Wildflower Source: Sierra Nevada Mountains Brand: Kingsburg Honey Stg. 1: Bourgovin RC212; sub water for brewed Hōjicha (Numi) Batch No.011324 | 1🫙 3lb🐝 Honey: Blackberry Source: California Brand: Topanga Quality Honey Stg. 1: D-47, red wine tannin Stg. 2: split into ½gal (4/28 pasteurized); ½gal pomegranate 110523 blend (pom blend bottled in 1L bottle & 750ml bottle) Batch No.020124 | ⅓gal🫙 1lb🐝 Honey: Sierra Wildflower Source: Sierra Nevada Mountains Brand: Kingsburg Honey Stg. 1: EC-1118, 金师尊(光敏) Stg. 2: 4/28 bottled, pasteurized Batch No.032324 | 1gal🫙 3lb🐝 Honey: Cactus Flower(~2.5lb) + Manuka (~0.3lb) + Wildflower (~0.2lb) Source: Mexico/Arizona, New Zealand, Uraguay Brand: Topanga Quality Honey, PRI, Trader Joe's Stg. 1: D-47; sub water for silver needle white tea, gall nut tannin + red wine tannin Stg. 2: TBD .
Finished batches:
Batch No.052123 | 1gal🫙 3lb🐝 Honey: Desert Wildflower Source: Arizona Brand: Crockett’s Honey Stg. 1 Ferm.: EC-1118 mulling spice blend* Stg. 2 Ferm.: n/a Batch No.060123 | ½gal🫙 1½lb🐝 Honey: 2:1 Sainfoin, White (Wildflower) Source: Central Asia (天山) Brand: Arashan Stg. 1 Ferm.: EC-1118 ~2 cup fresh rose petals v Stg. 2 Ferm.: n/a Batch No.060323 | 1gal🫙 3lb🐝 Honey: Avocado Source: California Brand: Topanga Quality Honey Stg. 1 Ferm.: EC-1118 Stg. 2 Ferm.: sur lie (no racking) Batch No.061023 | ⅓gal🫙 1½lb🐝 Honey: Organic (multi-floral) Source: unspecified Brand: Nature Nate's Stg. 1: EC-1118 sub water for fresh coconut water Stg. 2: 1oz root beer spice blend steeped 2.5 days** Batch No.061123 | ½gal🫙 1½lb🐝 Honey: 1:2 Sainfoin, White (Wildflower) Source: Central Asia (天山) Brand: Arashan Stg. 1 Ferm.: EC-1118 cardamom 2 days Stg. 2 Ferm.: 1g saffron Batch No.061223 | ⅓gal🫙 1lb🐝 Honey: White (Wildflower) Source: Central Asia (天山) Brand: Arashan Stg. 1: EC-1118 Stg. 2: add to batch No. 061623 🫗Batch No.061623 | 750ml🫙 ⅔lb🐝 Honey: 2:1 Sainfoin, White (Wildflower) Source: Central Asia (天山) Brand: Arashan Stg. 1: EC-1118 Stg. 2: lavender & rosemary | absinthe 🫗Batch No.070523 | ½gal🫙 8cup饭 Rice: Short Grain Sushi Rice Source: California Brand: Lundberg Stg. 1: Shanghai yeast balls w/ kōji, cooked rice Stg. 2: ½cup crepe myrtle flowers ½cup allulose Batch No.070723 | 1gal🫙 3lb🐝 Honey: Yosemite Wildflower Source: Yosemite Brand: Yosemite Honey Co. Stg. 1: D-47 Stg. 2: gall nut tannin; aryuvedic spice blend
Batch No.110623 | ½gal🫙 +1.5lb🍁 Syrup: Last Run Maple Syrup Source: Putney, VT Brand: Hidden Springs Stg. 1: K1-V1116, 1L coconut water, ⅛tsp balsamic vinegar, ⅛tsp red wine tannin
*cardamom, cloves, star anise, mauby & cinnamon bark, orange peel **A&J's Root Beer Spice Blend by Nelson's Tea: sarsaparilla, burdock root, birch bark, star anise, fennel seed, cinnamon chips, licorice root, coriander, dandelion root, chicory root, cloves, ginger root, juniper berries, unspecified "natural flavors" ***coriander, fennel, cumin
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