#unsure which is melting quicker my heart or my soul probably both
goldheartofsteel · 4 years
apologies to my heart - a Moceit Soulmate AU
Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series)
Characters: Morality | Patton Sanders, Creativity | Roman “Princey” Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Sleep | Remy Sanders, Dark Creativity | Remus “The Duke” Sanders, Dr. Emile Picani
Relationships: Morality | Patton Sanders/Deceit Sanders, Dr. Emile Picani/Sleep | Remy Sanders, Dark Creativity | Remus “The Duke” Sanders/Logic | Logan Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders/Creativity | Roman “Princey” Sanders
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - College/University
Tagging:@omgsomeonesomewhereonearth || @patient–zer0 || @kawaiikat54 || @uniquedonutland || @sanderssides-angst || @wellhellothere09
Janus gently cups Patton’s face with both of his hands and smiles as he watches a blush blossom on Patton’s face in response. He rubs one of Patton’s cheeks with his thumb, simply taking in the moment because he’s finally where he’s meant to be. However, he also knows this will change everything for them so it shouldn’t be rushed. 
He presses his forehead against Patton’s as he keeps his gaze locked with his soulmate’s. 
“May I kiss you, Patton?” asks Janus softly. 
Patton beams up at him.
“Yes, Janus. You may,” he replies just as softly. 
Slowly, the distance between the soulmates disappears until Janus feels Patton’s lips beneath his. 
Oh, how he’s dreamed of this moment. 
He presses his lips firmly against Patton’s then when he’s sure this isn’t a dream then drops one hand from Patton’s face to grab him around his waist and pull him closer. Patton smiles against his lips at this. Then Patton wraps his arms around Janus’ neck, playing with the hair at the base of Janus’ neck with one of his hands, sending a shiver down his spine. Neither one wants to end the kiss but breathing won out in the end as they rest their foreheads against the other’s while keeping themselves wrapped around each other tightly. 
This is what had been missing with Emile and Remy. A warmth fills Patton from the top of his head to the bottoms of his feet as Janus holds him close. 
“I’m sorry, Janus,” says Patton.
Janus blinks in confusion, unsure about what brought on the apology. 
“Darling?” he asks.
Patton sighs then shakes his head before meeting Janus’ eyes with a sheepish smile on his face.
“If I hadn’t been so silly, we could have been doing this a long time ago is all.”
Janus gives him a chaste kiss, internally squealing that he can kiss Patton whenever he wants, within reason. He’d never force anything on Patton, he’d die first. 
“Oh love, I could have said something but I didn’t. Perhaps this happened right when it was meant to. Besides, what matters is we know now. I do have a question for you though,” Patton kisses his cheek then looks at him in anticipation of his question, “Will you, Patton, do me the honor of officially becoming my boyfriend?”
Patton grins brightly.
“Yes! There’s nothing I’d want more.”
Janus smiles in response, something settling in his soul but that’s as far as he gets as Patton kisses him enthusiastically which he returns in equal measure.  
They probably would have continued in that vein for sometime, to make up for lost time and all that, if not for their friends. 
“About fucking time. I thought I’d have to take some drastic measures to get you two to see the light,” Remus grins, obviously happy for his friends. 
They jump apart at the unexpected noise. 
Logan rolls his eyes at his boyfriend’s antics.
“While I may not share Remus’ dramatics, I too, am happy for the two of you,” Logan smiles at them.
Remus may be Janus’ best friend but Janus’ hasn’t wanted to kill him more than he did in that moment. 
Kissing Janus’ cheek and drawing a smile out of him as he looks at Patton, Patton wraps an arm around Janus’ waist and snuggles close. Janus’ arm wraps around Patton’s shoulder and he gives him a gentle squeeze.
“So where’s my bro and Spidey?” ask Remus curiously.
“Virge’s room, i think. He wanted to give us the chance to talk without a peanut gallery so he dragged Roman off,” answers Patton.
Remus wiggles his eyebrows causing Janus and Logan to groan in response. 
“You know what? I gotta pee, be right back,” he says before quickly leaving the room.
Patton can’t help grimacing at Remus’ words. 
“Something tells me….he isn’t going to use the restroom,” comments Janus dryly.
Not two seconds later, a loud scream could be heard emanating from Virgil’s room. 
“I didn’t know Roman or Virgil could scream that loud,” confesses Patton.
“That wasn’t either of them, Patton,” responds Logan. 
“How do you….oh.”
Seeing the slight blush on  Logan’s face confirmed Janus’s suspicions on how he knows what Remus’ scream sounds and Patton seems to catch on quicker than expected if his blush is anything to go by. 
Suddenly, Remus runs into the room then tackles Logan onto the couch where he buries his face against Logan’s shoulder as he hugs onto him tightly. 
Logan blinks at his boyfriend’s behavior before he starts running a hand through Remus’ hair.
“Oh Lolo, it was horrible. Virgil was kissing Roman, that’s gross. Who’d want to kiss my brother?” 
He grimaces, causing Logan to bite his tongue so as to not laugh at his misfortune. Janus and Patton, on the other hand, had no reason not to laugh so they did. 
Looking over at his best friend, Remus sticks his tongue out causing Janus’ laughter to grow.
Janus guides Patton over to the loveseat, sits down then pulls his boyfriend down onto his lap causing giggles to erupt from Patton. 
Cue a melting Janus. 
“Uh, what’s so funny guys?” 
The quartet turn to look at the entryway where Virgil stands hand in hand with Roman. 
Turns out it was Virgil who asked the question.
Janus smirks at his friends causing them to blush while Logan sighs as he continues to comfort Remus.
“Uh, friendos...is there something you’d like to share because you gave Remus quite the scare?” asks Patton. 
Virgil rubs the back of his neck with his free hand as Roman squeezes his other hand in support. 
“Well, I wanted you two to talk, congrats by the way, so I dragged Roman to my room without much thinking. He frustrated me like he usually does,” Roman lets out a gasp at this causing Virgil to kiss his cheek, “then he dared me to make him stop talking and the only uh thing, my brain thought to do was kiss him. So, I did.”
Roman pulls Virgil close and hugs him.
“Uh yeah, turns out we’re soulmates. Isn’t that something,” says Roman. 
Patton claps his hands and squeals as Janus and Logan smile fondly at their friends. Sitting up, Remus stares at his brother for a few moments then sighs. 
“Well, I guess I can forgive you for scaring me for life because you found your soulmate and you couldn’t do any better,” says Remus seriously for all of three seconds before grinning at his brother. 
Roman sighs then returns the grin because his brother’s support means more to him than he’ll ever admit.
“Maybe try knocking next time, bro. Then you won’t end up seeing something you don’t want to.” 
Before a fight can break out, Patton whistles to get everyone’s attention.
“To celebrate all the awesome love in the room, let’s order pizza and watch a movie.”
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ardentmuse · 6 years
At All Costs (Charlie Weasley x Reader) - Part 6
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Harry Potter - Charlie Weasley x Reader
Wordcount: 4.5k 
Masterlist // Series Masterlist
A/N: Warning: sex, fluff, talk of violence and torture, sexual harassment, general death eater horribleness. I’ve denoted with lines where the sex happens so if you don’t want to read it, just skip that chunk :) 
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As Charlie approached the fourth hour of his flight north to Scotland from Aunt Muriel’s, he could not stop smiling. It had only been six days since he saw your face, held it in his hands, and kissed it with the kind of passion and reverence that were fitting his marriage proposal, but he was overwhelmed with yearning to do it all again. Six days was nothing compared to the months you would sometimes go apart when he was in Romania and you were in some unknown corner of the country taking down dark wizards, but not so much was at risk then. Six days with you in the belly of the beast was far too long. And if he had to fly four hours every day to confirm you were alive and well and not victim to Snape’s desire to prove himself loyal, then he would, even if his thighs burned and his hands ached the entire way.
Charlie turned his head as he began his descent just south of Inverness. If he had not attached a basket to the back of the Firebolt the twins had purchased him last year, he probably could have saved a half hour. But as important as getting to you was, showering you in love was the highest priority. You were making the biggest sacrifice here, putting yourself deep among the darkest evils the world could muster to sabotage and to save. You allowed them to mar your skin, to take what you held dear, and use you, torture you, and violate you in ways he couldn’t imagine, just to better the lives of others. He needed you to know you were loved and appreciated, even if all he could do was hold you tight and tell you those words over and over.
The basket still hung securely on the end, bouncing lightly among the bristles with each gust of wind. Charlie reached back to adjust the lid, which sat rather lopsided due to the neck of the bottle of wine poking out.
Charlie let out a sigh as he returned his focus to flying. He could already feel his body warming from the liquid and you on top of him. He could already feel the intoxication of the fluid and of your flesh and your lips and the way you sigh his name as he enters you. Charlie never really understood what all the fuss was about regarding sex until he allowed himself to love you. And with you, sex was an expression of deep-seated emotions, a way of saying with the body so many things he often had trouble putting into words.
And today, he needed you to hear those things, and he needed to hear them in turn as well.
As the castle slowly came into view just below the clouds, Charlie swerved and dove into the forests beyond, flying low between the evergreens to evade detection. And when he came into the small clearing in the heart of the woods, he nearly fell off his broom at what he saw.
Two bonfires burned on either side of a large red quilt, illuminating the grove and providing immense warmth on an otherwise brisk night. A bottle of wine sat against the stones, half empty and lazily recorked. And you laid among a smattering of pillows, clad in the long robe Charlie had gifted you two Valentine’s Days ago so you could keep warm in his cabin and still not dress, your head deep in a book as you reclined on your side.
Charlie couldn’t take his eyes off of you: your easy relaxation, your lazy movements, your complete comfort, and your legs sticking out ever so slightly. You were an image of peacefulness, something he never expected given, well, everything.
When you heard him nearly crash to the ground, you flicked up your eyes and smiled.
“I know you said you’d bring the wine,” you began, pausing to laugh as Charlie stumbled to stand on his feet, “but I got impatient.”
Charlie laughed as he dropped his broom down between his legs, not even bothering with the basket upon the end. The instant he could, he began quick strides towards you, pushing his coat off his sleeves with each step, abandoning it to the dirt as soon as he could.
You couldn’t even stand to properly greet him. Within seconds, Charlie crashed into you, tossing you back into the pillows as his hands found home under your robe against your bare waist.
You squealed and scrambled backwards to get away. Charlie looked upon you with outright fear, unsure of what he did to warrant your fleeing.
“Charlie, your hands are like icicles!” you screamed.
Charlie looked down at his hands and, upon seeing the redness on his knuckles, chuckled.
“Sorry, love,” he said as he pulled his fingers to his mouth to blow upon them.
You gestured to your side, “We do have fire.”
Charlie took your suggestion and walked a few paces on his knees until he could hover his hands over the flames. He felt your arms come to rest upon his stomach and your head just between his shoulder blades. He smiled as you melted against him. The warming of his heart was a much quicker process than that of his limbs.
“I’ve missed you,” you said as you kissed the skin of his neck. It tickled Charlie more than he cared to admit given how rare it was that that bit of skin was ever exposed. He really needed to grow his hair back out, and avoid his mother any time she was near a pair of scissors.
“I’ve missed you, too.”
You sat together in comfortable silence for several minutes as Charlie waited for proper blood flow to return to him. He felt you pull away for a moment but before he could turn in curiosity, he heard the slosh of the wine bottle.
“Care for a glass?” you asked.
You crawled your way in front of Charlie, sat upon your knees, and held the bottle to his lips.
“Well, too bad because we don’t have any.”
Charlie obediently opened his mouth and allowed you to pour in a tablespoon of the cabernet. After he swallowed, he finally had the opportunity to laugh.
“You had time to bring out all this,” he said, gesturing with one hand to all the pillows and blankets you had amassed somehow, “And you didn’t bring glasses?”
You began playing with the hem of your robe, not meeting his eyes.
“I had my priorities,” you whispered, using that airy tone of voice that Charlie knew all too well from your bedroom, “And besides Pitts is still in the kitchens. Basically threw the bottle of wine at me just to get me to leave. All this I brought out here over the past few days. I’m storing things in the abandoned red cap hole for your visits.”
Charlie took the bottle of wine from between your legs as you spoke. He swallowed two giant gulps, determined to feel the same lightness you clearly were. He patted his lap with his free hand and immediately you straddled him. Charlie placed a hand within your robe but not against your skin, waiting for your approval of his touch. When you looked up at him through your lashes, he thought he might crumble to pieces. Everything he needed was in your eyes, reflections of the soul he loved so dearly that was housed within your frame, like a well-kept safe protecting the world’s most precious gemstone. These death eaters were banging at the doors, using their sharpest tools to drill and bend at the locks, but none of them could get to the treasures within, treasures you allowed him access to with just a simple look.
Without thought, Charlie crashed forward. His mouth eagerly sucked at your own, stealing your air and forcing you off-balance. Charlie’s hands held strong to your waist, abandoning the bottle of wine with a boom beside him. He felt the liquid spill against his jeans but he didn’t care a ton. They were about to be abandoned in a minute anyway.
He allowed his hands to run the length of your flanks and down your hips until he was cupping the cheeks of your rear, still covered in your robes, within his palms. With a quick jerk, he was up upon his knees, holding you tightly in the air. He felt your hands grip around his neck, pulling at the soft material of his t-shirt that covered his shoulder blades. Charlie moved his mouth down your jaw, sucking at the flesh just below your ear. He heard you hiss as he begin to take his steps. Your hips thrusted ever so slightly in his hands as he allowed his tongue to swirl against your neck, but Charlie held you tight.
Once he had you properly over the fort of pillows you had made, he laid you down. You never let go of his shirt and as you fell, you pulled the material over his head. Charlie found himself pushing at the sleeves of your robe once you were settled, all the while still frantically kissing your lips, eager to taste whatever elixir you had to offer. Your hands had found a way between his, frantically and ineffectively trying to pull at the button and zipper that held his jeans in place.
As your robe became just another blanket encompassing you, Charlie reached down to stop your hands. He wanted to simply stare at your body, completely exposed to him. He had expected some kind of undergarment, just something to protect you from the elements, but nothing blocked his gaze or his hands from your precious flesh. His eyes roamed each and every inch, each curve he had missed these past few months, each blemish and scar that let him know you were indeed you.
“I got impatience,” you said, pulling Charlie’s eyes to your face once more. Charlie laughed at your adorable pout.
“I’m not complaining,” he assured you before reaching down to undo his jeans with the ease you lacked.
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His eyes once more found your chest so he could watch the rise and fall as you tried to catch your breath. He loved seeing the impact he had on you. Even after all these years, after fumbling around and discovering your sexuality together, you were still so in love, so infatuated with each other, and so, so eager for the kind of closeness that only sex could provide you both. Charlie couldn’t recall a time where he had gone from zero to one hundred so quickly, but watching your body, watching your nipples perk in the crisp chill of the night, watching the way your mouth puckered with each expressed breath, watching you, all of you, open up to him so beautifully, was all he needed after so much time apart.
When he had finally stripped himself bare, he came to rest between your legs. He laid himself upon you and enjoyed the feel of you immediately encircling him with all of you limps. Charlie found himself giggling into your neck, a sound so foreign to his lips, as he began lightly rocking his hips against you and kiss whatever bit of skin he could reach.
He felt the gentle scratch of flannel against his back, encompassing the both of you. He leaned forward to offer your neck a few more kisses as he enjoyed the feel of your hands running the length of his chest, through the coarse hairs that lined his belly and lower.
“Ready, love?” he asked when a particularly long stroke of his length against your core had you moaning and biting down upon his shoulder.
You pulled yourself away to meet his eyes, “Of course,” you said with a kiss to his beard and a suck upon his earlobe.
Charlie chuckled as he stroked himself a few times, moving what fluid he had to make those initial few thrusts as easy as he could for you. He took the time to touch you, gently and adoringly, calming your muscles and increasing your eagerness.
With a lift of your thighs, slowly, patiently, he entered you, watching your face the entire time for signs of discomfort. But you were lost to him. Your head was back against the pillows and your neck stretched so long that Charlie could see your pulse within. Your eyes were closed and your breathing steady. He knew that face of yours: the face of you trying to block out all other sensations to focus all your energy on feeling. Charlie loved when you lost yourself in him. But today was not the day for that.
“Sweetheart,” he called. Immediately, your eyes popped open. It was so rare he used a pet name other than love that it often got your attention. “I love you,” he whispered before leaning forward to kiss you on the mouth, just as slow and patient as his thrusts.
“I love you, too,” you said with a laugh that immediately turned into another moan and a flop of your head back against the pillows as Charlie pushed just a little deeper.
“No, no no,” he said. He bent down to pick you up once again. You whined as Charlie flipped unto his back, holding you in his lap as he continue his trusts upward. “No disappearing today, love, please. I’ve missed you too much.”
And just like that, you focused all your attention on Charlie, on the movement of your hips in time with his, the sound of his unstable breathing as he concentrated his energy, on the feel of him filling you, that torturous fullness that left you completely weak to the man.
And Charlie, too, found his eyes only upon you. With each of your tantalizing bounces atop him, he thought he might lose his mind in pleasure. Charlie’s strokes were long, deep and purposeful, so different from his normally playful and light demeanor. But still you found the perfect rhythm against him, matching his time and increasing his pleasure tenfold. You were perfect, a perfect fit, like he was meant to find home inside your body. And each stroke atop you was a shot of pleasure down his spine, a confirmation that you were the source of all good things, the fulfillment of the purest love his heart had to offer.
As the wind rustled through the trees, you began to rock more frantically against him. You buried your head in his neck and sucked upon the skin there along his collar bone. His hands held your hips and he deepened his movements. Before he knew it, his orgasm hit in like a freight train, hard and all-consuming, everything he had and felt for you leaving his body in a single, joyful burst. He tensed and spasmed against your movements, enjoying the unintelligible sounds pouring from your mouth in volumes you grew accustomed to in the Romanian wilderness. All he could do was cling to the flesh of your tights and try his hardest to allow you to continue to take your pleasure from him until he felt you shake and come upon him. A few tears began to roll down his face, a natural result of the overwhelming emotion that came with having you so close, so happy, and so fully his.
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As you came to, you reached up to rub the stray tears from his cheeks. Charlie opened his eyes to look upon your smiling face, happy and sweaty and only a little disheveled.
“My angel,” he whispered as he took you in, haloed by the campfires and the moon through the trees. A dark angel. A fallen angel burning red and gold, but his angel nonetheless.
You couldn’t help but smile, falling forward into his arms and against his chest. Charlie pulled the blanket over your back and shoulders, cocooning you against him.
“You’re always so romantic after sex.”
“Hmmm,” Charlie hummed, his attentions clearly elsewhere, perhaps the fire or the canopy of trees.
“An angel? Really?”
Charlie turned his head so he could meet your gaze. His eyes scanned your face, pausing just a moment at your lips before locking eyes once more.
“Yep, I stick by it,” he said, “Angel, for sure. And maybe a succubus, too, because I am fairly certain you’ve drained the life from me.”
You nestled closer and shut your eyes.
“I love you, Charles,” you sighed as you kissed his neck once more, “Good night.”
Charlie jerked upward.
“You can stay?” he asked.
“I’m not in charge of a house. I’m not doing rounds tonight. Of course I’ll stay.”
Charlie found himself smiling. He closed his eyes and sleep came quickly for the first time in a long while.
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As the first rays of light broke through the trees and the embers of the fire began to lose their heat, Charlie stirred.
“Y/N,” Charlie whispered to the top of your head. He went to tap your face but instead felt some dampness upon his chest where your mouth hung upon just a little bit. He didn’t mind at all though. Clearly you were comfortable.
“Y/N, love, you need to get up.”
You began to stir and rub your eyes, but the instead you processed the light around you, you jumped upward, frantically searching for your clothes. You tossed the pillows and blankets aside in the search for your robes, putting on each item as you found it, regardless of the order.
Charlie began to dress as well, though with much more calm than you had.
“Where’s my hat? Charlie, where’s my hat!” you asked as you spun in circles now as you slipped your arms through your outer layers.
Charlie searched around the pillows and found your wand. Once he handed it to you, you used it to summon your hat and the one sock you were still struggling to find, both flying up and at your face from among the blankets.
As you put on the last of your garments, Charlie stood before you in just his jeans and ran a hand down your arm.
“Y/N, whatever you need, I’m here for you. Next Monday, yes?”
You adjusted your hat on top of your head, and presented yourself for his inspection. Charlie fixed your collar and gave you a smile.
“Yes, next week,” you confirmed.
Charlie’s hand moved up your neck and pulled you forward for a slow and purposeful kiss.
“I love you,” he whispered against your lips as he pulled away.
“I love you, too, fiance,” you said as you pecked him once more. With a final smile, you turned and ran out of the forest grove, holding up your skirts with one hand and holding your hat in place with the other.
Charlie turned to begin the task of finding his shirt and heard your voice off in the distance.
“Oh, the pillows!” you shouted, but Charlie just waved a hand in your direction, already lifting his wand to fold and organize the pile.
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As you slunk through the giant oak doors to the Entrance Hall of the castle, you heard the clank of forks and dishes and the chatter of children that let you know breakfast was in full swing. You were taking a moment to catch your breath before entering Great Hall when you were shocked out of your skin by a voice behind you.
“Professor, it is nice of you to join us,” said McGonagall from her place beside the house point hourglasses.
“Well-- I--” you managed to stammer, but Minerva just laughed.
“My dear, those are the robes you wore to dinner last night and that is quite a lovely ring you have on your finger.”
You instinctively reached down to cover your hand at her inspection.
Minerva took a step closer and looked at you hard and long from over the square rims of her glasses.
“Now, if you intend to keep sneaking out to meet that Weasley of yours, then you best bring a change of clothes and maybe leave some music on in your room, yes?”
You shrunk a little at her inspection, though in the back of your head, you realized what a miracle this was she knew of your true intentions without you having to find a way to say it.
“How?” you asked.
Minerva gave you a smile as she reached up and pulled a small twig from behind your ear. Tossing it aside, she took your arm and began walking you to the Great Hall. She seemed lighter somehow and let out a small breath once you reached the doors leading to breakfast.
“Let’s just say I am also watching for Potter, Medusa,” Minerva said with a wink in her voice that reminded you so much of her deceased mentor. “Tell your fiance hello for me next time you see him, yes? He was the best quidditch player I ever had the privilege of leading, and a good kid too. Well, good when he wasn’t following you into danger or falling lovesick during my classes.”
You laughed at the absurdity of it all. And when you regained yourself, you went to speak again but she interrupted you once more.
“Yes, dear, I’ll keep your secret and help however I can. And take off that ring of yours. Carrow would be mighty angry if he knew you were taken. And you should speak to Ginevra. You may be of more use here than you realize.”
And with that McGonagall opened the doors to the Great Hall and walked you to the head table, keeping the kind of distance expected of one who openly opposed the presence of death eaters.
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After breakfast, class with the fifth years and the third years, lunch, a staff meeting, class with the sixth years, including a small chat with Ginny, and a trip to Hagrid’s hut to care for the kneazles he had imported before he left, you were finally situated at the dinner table, casually enjoying your meal and reading the newspaper, searching for clues of anything that might reveal what was going on with the Order.
You were halfway through a story on Pius Thicknesse’s first set of departmental evaluations when you felt a hand ghost your lower back, sending chills down your spine. In front of you, at the second long table, you watched Ginny’s eyes narrow at the figure hovering over you.
Before you even turned to look, you said, “Amycus, is there something I can help you with?”
“Such things would be inappropriate for a dining room, beautiful,” he whispered directly into your ear as his arm snaked around your waist. His fingers danced over your belly button and threatened to go lower. “Maybe I could sneak you into the dungeons, lift up these robes over that gorgeous ass of yours and let--”
You pushed your chair back into him hard, knocking him just a few inches further away. You turned and smiled, pretending like you had just meant to give him your full attention. But his face made clear that he was insulted by the gesture.
Just as Amycus began to snarl, you heard the squeak of the headmaster’s chair. Snape stood and walked towards you both. With his hands clasped firmly in front of him, he peered down upon you protectively, almost fatherly if he could ever be such a thing.
“Ready, Professor?” he asked to Amycus, spitting out the last word like a threat more than an honor.
“I was just telling Y/N that we needed to leave for a meeting.”
“Okay,” you said with a smile, trying to maintain your chipper and ignorant attitude, “Will I need my course plans?”
Snape frowned at you, “It is not one of those meetings.”
You let out a small gasp when you understood his words. Immediately you stood and followed the two men out of the hall. Just as you were rounding the Slytherin table, you felt your arm begin to tingle, and then full-on burn. By the time you were fully off the grounds and into Hogsmeade to apparate to your master, your arm was in excruciating pain.
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When you arrived at Malfoy manor, Alecto was already there, side by side with her master, eagerly awaiting the news. The room was surprisingly empty, just the Hogwarts staff, the Malfoys, Bellatrix and Yaxley.
“Severus,” Voldemort hissed as you arrived, “Please, be seated.”
As you moved towards your end of the table, Snape pulled out a chair for you beside Bellatrix. You took the seat offered and turned towards the woman who was twisting her curls around her wand. She offered you a toothy grin, which you returned.
“Killed anyone this week?” she whispered your way like a schoolgirl gossiping about a crush.
“No,” you said, trying your hardest to sound sad about it, “But there were quite a few children I had to hang upside-down for insubordination.”
“Oh, fun!” Bellatrix squealed. You heard a huff from the man beside you. You looked up to see Snape angrier than you had ever really seen him. His jaw was clenched and he was staring down at you like the devil itself.
“What’s got him so sour?” Bellatrix asked. But before anyone could respond, Carrow had reached over to take the seat beside you. Snape snapped to, hitting Carrow’s hand deftly with the wood of his wand, before taking the seat with a flourish for himself.
“Now, everyone,” Voldemort began once Carrow sat next to his sister. “I am sure you have heard of the misfortune we experienced with the recent infiltration to the Ministry. Many muggle-borns have escaped our custody and Potter has run off with some valuable items which were in the Ministry’s possession.”
Voldemort took a look around the room to make sure everyone was listening intently.
“It is imperative that we keep our most critical weapons in a place of great security. Bellatrix has offered her family vaults as a primary storage center for us but now we need to collect! Severus, I need the sword of Gryffindor. Bring it to me upon our next meeting.”
You felt the words more than you heard them. The most powerful weapon you knew of at Hogwarts, a sword forged by the finest goblins and the most precious silver, used by Harry to destroy one of the greatest evils within the castle. Your wheels were already turning…
Snape nodded curtly at his master, his jaw still just as tense as it was before he started talking. 
“And now a show!” Voldemort cheered. He waved to Bellatrix, who skipped out of the room. A moment later she lead in Ollivander and a few men and women you didn’t recognize. They were chained together and placed in a line by Bellatrix at the end of the table.
“Y/N,” Voldemort said as Bellatrix unchained Ollivander and immediately used her wand to float him above the table, “Care to start today’s festivities?”
And with a swallow and a smile towards your faux master, you lifted your wand. You tried to convey your sorrow in your eyebrows as you met Ollivander’s gaze. And with a deep breath and a thought to Charlie, you managed to conjure the intent needed to utter the first of many curses you’d be responsible for today.
All tags: @fangirlandnerd, @aerdnandreaa, @thisisbullshytt,  @cancerousjojian, @whovianayesha, @themarauderstheoutsidersandpeggy, @luna-xxxxx, @sleepylunarwolf, @potter-thinking
At All Costs tags (crossout means I couldn’t tag you):@trentadepresso, @pollytypes, @tatlikar, @semicharmedkindofali, @sly-vixen-up2nogood, @cucumberinmyass, @sugarrusheb, @kaitlynnn27, @soosahya, @sugerquill, @allonsymexgirl, @fuckboylukey, @dooriha, @igotmadskills, @thatlittlered, @rupard7, @awkwardcora, @tessimagines, @ineeduhnap, @caramiriel, @starryrevelations, @otherthingsinhead, @reallykosborne, @anarchtayreads. @agirlwhoneedalittlelovingtonight, @humblemei, @littlegeekwonder, @owlsarebirdstoo, @miniaturesandwichmaker, @oboewan-kenobi, @jayrart, @bees-love-books, @theboywhocriedlupin, @earthwaterfall, @amberisnotcrazy, @jesslovesfandom, @justducky0423, @bananafosters-and-books, @stellar-amo, @indicisive-af, @yhound, @batgirl-87, @tellmyselflies, @graymountaingal, @blxxdy-hell, @missihart23, @one-stately-raven, @lonikje, @thatswhatmakesyoumiserable, @lady-efriyeet, @i-padfootblack-things, @diamondgirl1111, @hypotheticalforest, @lunarinne, @b0rkk, @fandoms-allovertheplace, @cinnamoncam, @cutie-bug, @bloodangelballerina, @maralisa124, @arthurianbisexual, @0-lost-in-stereo-0, @basically-hayley, @weasleyismyking540, @bethanystan, @fandomfindings , @sassyvetstudent, @that-new-york-girl. @dancing-in-embers, @eh-ilikestuff, @broken-pieces, @fearlessmaxima, @mybabys-gunsnroses, @comanderquinnmoore, @hogwarts-is-home-gryffindor, @br00dy-elf, @wnygirl2012, @firekissedwitchbitch, @whysoseriouspadfoot, @deannaraquel, @goldenbabby, @gayfortulip
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