#unofficial rec bulletin
destielfanfic · 2 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #177, Latest News Edition, December 2021
The show is over, long live the fandom! The irregularly posted Unofficial Rec Bulletin is back again. I’ve good news and bad news for you. Let’s get this ball rolling.
Fandom Events
Year in Review of tumblr fandoms and other things in 2021
Favorite Destiel Fic Survey (deadline December 26, 2021)
@destieltropecollection  (deadline - December 20th, 2021)
Fics that were deleted this year from Destiel Fan Survey Favs Collection
recently deleted AO3 profiles - sir_kingsley, deathbanjo, DarknessBound, HazelDomain
Destielfanfic stuff
Stanford era Dean meets Castiel fic rec list
Lost Fic Group Asks #193 - #195
Fandom Events
in the beginning of December, tumblr own tag counting and trends perusing blog @fandom released their annual Year In Review posts. Destiel and Supernatural were featured in several posts - Top 21 of 2021 #2 Supernatural, #3 Destiel, #21 Castiel SHIPS - #1 Destiel, #27 Cockles Celebs - #4 Misha Collins, #5 Jensen Ackles Memes - #18 SPNgate, #22 SPN memes
Favorite Destiel Fic Survey 2021 is back for another round of a sweet, sweet fic reccing and sharing! See the main post and link to google docs here. The curator of the collection, @unforth, answers questions about the proper way to vote here and here. And here’s the latest update about cheating attempts and waste of curator’s time. Honestly guys, please do not take for granted the volunteer efforts of event moderators. We are all here to enjoy fandom, not to serve entitled few. The survey will remain open until Sunday, December 26th, 2021.
this is your last chance to vote for favorite tropes in @destieltropecollection survey - deadline December 20th, 2021. The most popular tropes will be used to make next fic rec lists!
Favorite Destiel Fic Survey Collection on AO3 is an ever-growing treasure trove of beloved fics, but it suffers the losses along with the fandom. Here’s the post about fics that were deleted from AO3 and the collection in past year. 
And now the saddest news of them all, following authors have deleted or partially deleted their fics from AO3 (links go to relevant posts on @destielficarchive) - sir_kingsley, DarknessBound and HazelDomain.
The sadness and desperation rolled all over my dash when we learned that destiel fic author deathbanjo aka beenghosting has deleted all their fics from AO3. The main posts about deletion here and here.
As always, a friendly reminder to download your favorite fics for safe keeping and follow @destielficarchive to be always on top on all fic related news. 
Destielfanfic Stuff
Stanford era Dean meets Castiel fic rec list - a self-indulgent fic rec list about the time when Dean was young and hunted alone. The post is updated with the rec list made by the creator of the fanart @cat-peach! Check it out, it has more recent recs. ;)
Lost fics were looked for and found on our Group asks #193, #194, #195. 
disclaimer - destielfanfic is not affiliated with any blogs mentioned in Fandom Promo section
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victuuriwriters · 7 years
Blog Changes/Updates
Hello, hello! This is Rae, one of the VWC admins. As you’ve all probably noticed, we took a little bit of a hiatus a few weeks back. School and work were busy for everyone involved in this blog, and keeping up the blog was not a priority over “real life” matters. However, for the most part, we are now back and ready to jump into a new chapter of VWC’s history with some crucial changes and updates to the blog. If you’re interested in reading about what’s changed/changing, and what is upcoming, please read on. 
Thanks to the lovely @prince-nikiforov, we now have a new blog/mobile theme! We hope this will be more user-friendly than the ones we’ve used in the past and would love to hear what you think about the new look. 
If you haven’t heard already, the VWC Discord is no longer affiliated with VWC. This is for a plethora of reasons. A lot of people joined at one time, making it overwhelming for me to run. I’ve never admin’d a Discord before, and found that I do not have the time/stamina to keep up with a chat that is moving that fast. Also, being responsible for over 100 people really took a toll on my mental health, and after a couple of issues coming up that I don’t think I handled very well, I decided to step down as Discord admin and unaffiliated it from the VWC blog. At the end of the day, I can admin a blog, but I’m not equipped to run big group chats. 
However, the discord was not deleted entirely. Our blog admins @gia-cometti and @queenofaburiedkingdom decided to keep the discord up and running in an unofficial capacity under ‘Victuuri Writers Chat’. This is a general writing/Victuuri chat and is essentially the same as the old Discord. If VWC members wish to join a Discord, they are taking in new people and would love to have you! Message @queenofaburiedkingdom for a link if you wish to join it. 
This isn’t a big change, but the way we tag things on the blog is being simplified for clarity. Now, when we reblog a fic, we will only tag the author, fic name, length, and general genre it falls under. Example ( fic: insert title here, author: insert author name, 1kto5k, fluff). We will also begin tagging WIP fics that have appeared on our blog before with “wip” and “wip update”. Example: (fic: insert title here, author: insert author name, wip, wip update). We hope this will clarify the tagging process and make it easier for us to reblog things. 
One of our admins had to step down recently, which leaves a gap in our team! We are looking for people who can mainly help out with reblogging fics from the #victuuriwriters tag, updating the database, reading fics for our new biweekly “admin rec” bulletins, and choosing our Author of the Month and Fic of the Month. We have a Discord chat for blog admins that you would need to join too.  If you would be interested in becoming an admin, please fill out our Typeform. We will be looking over applications soon and choosing one to two new admins, depending on need.
One of the things we haven’t been able to keep up with is the weekly bulletin posts. We all got busy at the end of the semester, and we’ll be equally as busy when school begins again. After thinking it over, we decided a simpler route would be better for the bulletins. Instead of weekly bulletins, we will now be doing biweekly Admin Rec bulletins. Essentially, this will be a list of everything that the VWC admins have been reading. We’ll link the author, fic, and a summary in these bulletins. It’s not as intricate as the weekly bulletins, but this will be better in the long run for us to keep up with. 
For now, I think that is it! We really appreciate you guys for not walking away when we fell into hiatus and hope we can run this blog more efficiently in the future. 
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destielfanfic · 3 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #176, Fanfic Edition, August 2021
The show is over, long live the fandom! The irregularly posted Unofficial Bulletin is back this month. I’ve good news and bad news for you. Let’s get this ball rolling. 
Fandom events
Destiel fic on AO3 is approaching 100,000 mark
AO3 Ship stats 2021 by @centrumlumina
Tumblr plus and You post by @transformativeworks
Author Romilly King and plagiarism of destiel fic
update about apokteino’s fic With Understanding
update about moosefeels’s fics
@whyissupernaturaltrending and @spn-season-16-chronicles
Destielfanfic stuff
Destiel and Saileen
Destiel AU, vol. 7 - Soulmates and Blind Dates
from the inbox
in the beginning there was ...
Always the best man, never the groom
Lost Fic Group Asks #189 -#192 
Fandom events
Are we there yet? Not yet, but very, very soon the all time biggest ship on AO3, destiel, will cross 100,000 fanworks mark! As I type this on August 7, 2021 the number stands at 99,882 sorry, it’s 99,887 as I hit post. Here’s some posts anticipating the big even - post 1, post 2 and post about Misha tweeting about destiel fanfic. 
tumblr user @centrumlumina has been making and analyzing AO3 Ship Stats for years, and making them easily understandable in tumblr posts. Here’s  AO3 Ship stats 2021 All Time 100 with destiel as number one, and This Year’s Top 100 with destiel as number 2.  (link to the same post on AO3). Do not be sad about the second place on This Year’s table. That is a very huge improvement over 2020 listing, when destiel was number 16. According to OP, the low increase in new works could be explained with deleted fics making a dent in total numbers. Well, something clearly changed between the last survey and this year’s stats, if destiel is back on top. I wonder what.... 
Tumblr staff scared us all with their new blog monetization feature Post Plus, which prompted huge discussions about merits and demerits of putting your fanfic behind a paywall. Here’s a Tumblr plus and You post by @transformativeworks  that takes a deeper look at the problem from AO3 perspective and OTW’s Legal Committee answers some common questions.
and now the bad and sad news
An author of some 20+ m/m erotica books on Amazon, Romilly King, has been found to plagiarize at least 2 destiel fics. All important information with regular updates in notes and reblogs can be found on this post by @unforth. If you like dark, kinky fics, please check it out and see if you can help to track down other copycat novels. There’s is a strong suspicion that the author has ripped off fics from other fandoms besides SPN.
as we already mentioned on our post from January, 2021, destiel writer apokteino deleted their AO3 profile, including their most popular fic With Understanding (our rec post). There’s some misunderstanding about the fic appearing on AO3 as an orphaned work, but we are pretty sure that the repost was not done by the author. Please see this post and its notes for more info. 
and now even sadder news. It has come to my attention that a popular destiel author moosefeels has made all their destiel fics unavailable. I feel like a broken record, but for heavens sake, guys, please comment and kudos your favorite authors and download the fics you want to cherish. You’ll never know when they will be gone. 
one more shout out to @destielficarchive and its lovely mod @unforth!  This bulletin couldn’t be made without their posts. Check out the blog and give them a follow. 
and if you want to be always on top with destiel fandom news, check out @whyissupernaturaltrending and @spn-season-16-chronicles! 
Destielfanfic stuff
To celebrate #Their Love Was Real challenge held in February, we prepared a short rec list with destiel fics that also feature saileen. - Destiel and Saileen. 
Destiel AU, vol. 7 - Soulmates and Blind Dates - everyone loves a soulmate, right? Maybe not? Find out what happens in these latest additions to our #bonded tag! 
from the inbox - a new type of post where I answer selected fic rec asks. The irony for this kind of post is not lost on me. We stopped answering asks on the blog to make modding less time consuming, and yet here I am, answering asks on the blog again because this way I can be at least sure that the answer will be seen by our followers. 
in the beginning there was ... - after Mr.Ackles caused a great chaos in fandom with his announcement of an   SPN spinoff/ prequel The Winchesters, with young Mary and John no less, this fic rec list was born. 
Always the best man, never the groom -  a wedding themed destiel fic collection with a twist - it is not their wedding. In these fics Dean and Cas meet or finally get together thanks to other people’s weddings. I’ve been nursing this rec list idea for several years and was planning to post it after SPN finale. Needless to say things didn’t go as planned in fandom and I postponed it. Well, better late than never!
Lost fics were looked for and found on following Group Asks - #189, #190, #191, #192. If you asked for lost fics in past couple of month, check them out. Or see your DM, when I knew the answer, I sent a DM. <3
@destiel-fic-rec-lists - a self promo! Since I’m very behind on all new destiel fics, it seemed a good idea to collect other people fic rec lists in one place and share them with our followers. The blog was started to preserve destiel fic rec posts by`destielmybeatingheart after they deleted their main blog, but now it is expanding. I aim for several postings per week, usually a fic rec post and a fanfic meme or writing related post. 
We are NOT accepting submitted fic recs or any kind of promos anymore, lost fic asks are posted to Group Asks. Link to previous bulletins.
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destielfanfic · 3 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #174, Promo Edition, November -December, 2020
Hello guys! The show is over and we all hoped for some peace when we are done, but alas. 15x18 invigorated fandom and caused a creative outburst like nothing before. Season 16 is here and we all are winging it. Destielfanfic is bringing back our retired Unofficial Rec Bulletin to keep track of and to promote the latest fanndom events. 
Fandom promos
Favorite Destiel Fic Survey (submission deadline December 31, 2020)
@destieltropecollection‘s Trope Voting (deadline December 24, 2020)
DeanCas Big Bang 2020
How Supernatural Buried Its Gays documentary by @some-people-call-it-tragic
They call us .... destihellers.
Destielfanfic stuff
15x18 coda fic rec list Happiness Isn’t In The Having
Destiel Fic Starter Pack
bartender Dean rec list
My First Destiel Fic survey
Fandom Promos
The annual Favorite Destiel Fic Survey held by destiel fic writer @unforth is taking place right now and will be accepting submissions till December 31, 2020. This survey is geared towards discovering less known fics. Every submission counts, every submitted fic will be added to The Destiel Fan Survey Favs Collection on AO3 which contains more than 2400 fics and 550 bookmarks that were chosen by destiel readers in previous surveys. Check out this vast collection of popular vote fic!
There’s still time to cast your vote for your favorite fanfic trope in Trope Voting 2020 organized by @destieltropecollection
The one and only, the oldest destiel fanfic challenge  DeanCas Big Bang 2020 organized by @deancasbigbang finished posting it’s 2020 round. Check out their Master List here on tumblr or wander off to DCBB 2020 collection on AO3.
How Supernatural Buried Its Gays by @some-people-call-it-tragic​ - a fan documentary born out of spite, made by a fan for all destiel fans. It features video clips from destiel fans sharing their experience about the show.
They call us .... destihellers. They meant to insult, we took it back. 2020 will be the year when destiel fandom reclaimed the insult destiheller and started wearing it with pride. We are all hellers now. We also have art and an entry in Urban Dictionary. ;)
to help fandom to keep up with all new episodes of season 16, a new blog was born to check all the facts - @destieldailynews. Give them a follow! 
Destielfanfic stuff
Happiness Isn’t In The Having - 15x18 coda fic rec list. Castiel’s confession inspired destiel writers to pour their hearts and souls into writing coda fics and this floodgate has not been closed yet. This rec list is just a small sample of hundreds upon hundreds of coda fics. I’m planning on posting at least one more coda rec list for 15x20, just give me time guys. 
Destiel Fic Starter Pack was created to help new fans to get around destiel fic and I’m absolutely floored by the love and attention it is getting. After 15x18 our blog is experiencing a hike in new follows and we are happy to welcome everyonne. You can learn more about the history of this blog by going through our Seasons Change tag. 
for absolutely no reason whatsoever I wanted to mention that we have a bartender Dean fic rec list Living That Dream which was recently updated with a fic about a bar owner and brewer Dean W. who brews new beers and names them after Castiel. No reason to mention it at all! Also, check out our Group Asks  #185 and #186. Quite a few lost fics have been found!
My First Destiel Fic survey - a fun little project where every destiel fan is welcome to share their first destiel fic experience. See this post for submission rules and check out this tag for all relevant posts! All submissions will will be posted, starting tomorrow.
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destielfanfic · 3 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #175, Promo Edition, January 2021
The show is over, long live the fandom!  More info about the bulletin here. We are not accepting submitted fic recs anymore, lost fic asks are posted to Group Asks. Link to previous bulletins.
Fandom events
Wattpad is sold to South Korean company Naver
We own the servers - AO3
The 2021 Destiel Favs Survey
@destielficarchive - introducing new blog!
@destieltropecollection - it’s submission time! (deadline April 25, 2021)
Destielfanfic stuff
My First Destiel fic survey wrap up
Good Things Do Happen - post finale coda fic rec list
Group Ask #187. Group Ask #188, lost fics
Fandom events
Wattpad is sold to South Korean company Naver - see this post and its notes for fandom commentary on the situation; and since the source link goes to the article behind the paywall, here are some other articles - X, X, X. The fandom history teaches us that every time when a fic hosting platform is sold to new owners, the TOS will be changed and certain content can and will be deleted. Queer content is usually the first victim, but in the case of Wattpad there are legitimate concerns about the future of Real People Fiction (RPF) on the site. Side note - due to various reasons our blog has never recced fics that are hosted only on Wattpad, so this time our rec links are not affected.
We own the servers - AO3 - ever wondered how AO3 actually looks like? Now you can Just click on the link and see the mothership. <3
The 2021 Destiel Favs Survey had a successful run again and newly suggested fics are already added to the The Destiel Fan Survey Favs Collection on AO3. Check out the main post for the Rookies of the year list!
@destielficarchive - there’s a new destiel fic archive blog on the block! The Fic Archive Project seeks to find, preserve, and archive Destiel fics  with an emphasis on older, harder-to-find stories that have never been posted on AO3 and Works that have been deleted from AO3, LJ, FF.net, or any other platform. Check out their Introduction post and see if you can help in any way. The Archive is curated by destiel writer and Destiel Favs Survey creator @unforth. <3
@destieltropecollection is accepting the fic submissions for its Trope Collection rec lists, see this post for criteria. It’s time for some self promotion! (deadline April 25, 2021) Or check out the blog for their previous collections!
@destieldailynews - your one blog stop for all the latest destiel fandom news! 
Destiefanfic new content
Thanks to all followers who participated in My first Destiel Fic survey! It was a trip down to memory lane for sure, and a fascinating read. If you enjoyed fic recs from our followers, be sure to check out our Follower Spotlights from 2013/2014. A lot of good stuff there as well.
Good Things Do Happen - post finale coda fic rec list. This time with less angst and more humor. 
Group Ask #187 and Group Ask #188 - our followers found 7 out of 10 lost fics! SUCCESS
disclaimer - destielfanfic is not affiliated with any blogs mentioned in Fandom Promo section
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destielfanfic · 6 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #173
More info about the bulletin here. We are not currently accepting submitted recs. Link to previous bulletins.
Fic Recs:
Everything Comes Back to You
Grown-Ups Making Grown-Up Choices
Honey and Butter series
I'll Cross the Sky for You 
Let It Be Me
Under the Mistletoe
Fic Recs:
akasha by casthewise (quillquiver) [T, 14,200 word count]
(su, au, fluff, solo hunter!dean, witch familiar, djinn dream, case fic, pre season 4, fallen!cas, pets) recced by flyingcatstiel
Five years ago, an angel fell off the coast of Cannon Beach, Oregon.
Dean’s coming off a vamp nest in Boise when he gets the call on his Other Other Cell: two dead, definitely his kinda thing. But when he arrives in town, what originally looks like a cut-and-dry case soon turns up more questions than it does answers: What kind of monster uses medical equipment to exsanguinate its victims? Why is this monster here in the first place?
And what the hell is up with the witch at the end of the street?
Everything Comes Back to You by VioletHaze [NC-17, 33,000 word count]
(su, angst, pretend boyfriend, case fic, hurt comfort, fuck up!dean, pining!cas, pining!dean, challenge fic) recced by flyingcatstiel
Dean knew better. Of course he did. But Cas seemed so charmed by the antique-filled bed and breakfast that Dean went along with it when the proprietor mistook them for a couple. Telling himself it gave them a strategic advantage to be so close to the crime scene, he agreed to the weekend special she offered them. When the case ended up being a bust, they stuck around anyhow because hey, the second night was free…
Grown-Ups Making Grown-Up Choices by Carrieosity [NC-17, 81,000 word count]
(au, fluff, domestic, abo, pining!dean, pining!cas, mechanic!dean, bottom!dean, humor, ask about fic like Let this Remain (self improvement)) recced by flyingcatstiel
Dean is a grown-ass man - he can take perfectly good care of himself, thank you very much. Except that sometimes the easier or more fun choices aren't always the right or best ones, and, all right, maybe thinking ahead and working the long game isn't his strongest suit. It's fine! He's fine.
When he meets Castiel, he realizes that flying by the seat of his pants may not be the best way to attract the super-serious (gorgeous, funny, genius) Alpha. Dean's shrink has been telling him he needs to start making "grown-up choices," and if that's what he has to think about in order to make Cas fall for him, then he'll give it a whirl.
Honey and Butter series by Morethancupcake [T and M, 12,400 word count for the series)
(au, fluff, angst, autistic!Cas, fuck up!dean, mechanic!dean, pining!dean, pining!cas, insecure!cas, jealous!dean, jealous!cas, established relationship, artist!cas, hurt comfort, alcoholism)  recced by flyingcatstiel
"Castiel collects things. Flower petals he finds on his bedroom floor, probably brought by the wind. Pictures of trees, plants, mushrooms he sees during his walks in the forest. Different teas in beautiful old tins. John Winchester’s words, out of Dean’s mouth, like thorns in his heart."
Castiel is different. But between his bees, his pictures and his friend Sam, he's happy. Then comes Dean. Dean who's loud, and mean, but so beautiful.
I'll Cross the Sky for You by superhoney [NC-17, 33,400 word count]
(au, fluff, scifi, shop au, pining!dean, pining!cas, bottom!dean, ask about baker dean) add sub rec to scifi/in space list  recced by flyingcatstiel
Castiel thinks it sounds ridiculous: a spaceship that’s also an Earth-style coffeeshop? But upon his first visit to The Family Business, he quickly realizes that the owner, Dean Winchester, is incredibly handsome, the pastries are delicious, and the coffee is out of this world.
One visit leads to another, and before long, Castiel is completely won over by both the coffeeship and its owner. It’s hard to maintain a relationship when you’re constantly flying across the vastness of space, but for the sake of both his heart and his stomach, Castiel swears he and Dean will make it work.
Let It Be Me by queenannabethwinchester (orphan_account) [NC-17, 127,000 word count]
(au, angst, fluff, high school, teacher!dean, pining!cas, pining!dean, moderate age difference, bottom!cas, angel family, bigbro!gabriel, John, !samjess) recced by anon
Castiel is a focused, hardworking student and Dean is a teacher. When Castiel is forced to take elective classes, he finds himself in Dean's auto shop class and is taken aback by his sudden attraction to his teacher.
Under the Mistletoe by whelvenwings [T, 10,400 word count]
(au, fluff, Christmas, pining!dean, pining!cas, coworkers, hate love, ask about pranks between dean and cas) recced by flyingcatstiel
Dean and Castiel are locked in deadly combat, a battle that has raged for three years - a prank war that's been their Christmas tradition since their romance catastrophically failed to launch. Since they both work at the same huge grocery store, it's easy for things to get a little out of hand. This Christmas, however, things might not be as simple as covering up a fire they started in the dairy aisle; this year, Castiel is trying to deal with the fact that Christmas doesn't quite feel like Christmas anymore.
Also, Dean decided to wear mistletoe to work.
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destielfanfic · 6 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #171
More info about the bulletin here. We are not currently accepting submitted recs. Link to previous bulletins.
Fic Recs:
Heaven is a Kiss and a Smile 
House & Home
In Your Sweet Little Bungalow
What Happened in Vegas
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Big Bang 2017 (DCBB)
DeanCas Secret Santa Exchange
DeanCas Tropefest 2017
PSA: Save Your Favs
The SPN Holiday Mixtape
Fic Recs:
Heaven is a Kiss and a Smile by WinJennster [NC-17, 38,000 word count]
(au, fluff, pining!dean, 2014!cas, stripper!cas, smart!dean, roommates, abusive family, charlie, drugs, meddling!sam, mary, !samjess, bottom!dean, challenge fic) recced by kyrie101
Dean’s life is well ordered. He’s successful and happy - at least, that’s what he keeps telling himself.When his little brother slash roommate moves out to live with his fiancé, Dean’s faced with living alone. Sam recommends his TA, Cas Novak, for Dean’s new roommate. Dean happily accepts, relieved that he doesn’t have to go through the trouble of finding a new roommate himself. Only Cas moves in with a stripper pole. Because apparently, his hotter than hell new roommate is a professional stripper. Who managed to see Dean in purple panties his first night in the house.Cas is probably going to shake up Dean’s entire world - and Dean just might let him.
House & Home by G33kDiva and palominopup [NC-17, 127,000 word count]
(au, fluff, angst, slow building romance, rom com, sex then love, enemies to lovers, snarky!cas, celebrity, bottom!dean, bottom!cas, meddling!sam, jealous!cas, ask about reality TV) recced by kyrie101
Sam Winchester was in trouble. His job with a popular home improvement network was in jeopardy unless he could come up with a new show that would boost ratings. He needed new talent that would invite more viewers. Enter his brother, Dean, a lewd, loud carpenter, who looked like an underwear model and Castiel Novak, a hot-headed interior decorator that catered to the rich . The two men were to take a rundown home and turn it into a showplace. At the end of each season, the house would be given away in a big contest. But, they had to finish it first, without killing each other in the process. The first day on set sparks flew, but not the good kind. The two men hated each other. Sam just knew they’d have to pull the show after its pilot episode aired and he’d be back to making commercials about genital herpes. But the viewers loved it. The emails and tweets about the two men required the network to hire more people just to keep up with them. The snarky comments, the glaring looks and the sexual tension shot the show to the Number One position. Then one night after filming, the months of tension exploded into hot, angry sex. Something changed between the two men and the viewers couldn’t stop tweeting about it.
In Your Sweet Little Bungalow by annodominique [NC-17, 13,700 word count]
(su, fluff, reunion, fallen!cas, !casother, bottom!cas, pining!cas,  domestic, jealous!dean, pining!dean, happy canon, ask about life after Sam died) recced by flyingcatstiel
All things considered, Castiel has a house. All things considered, Castiel has life. Without Dean.  It has been seven years since Sam died, seven years since Dean left Castiel, broken and human, and disconnected from humanity. Cas had to cope on his own somewhere along the way. He chose a little town of Oregon to settle in.  Seven years, and Dean shows up at his door on a chilly February night, saying the stupidest set of words to ever be said to Castiel's face.  "I was--just passing by the neighborhood. Thought I'd drop by...to see you."  And Cas doesn't know what to do.
What Happened in Vegas by Ltleflrt [NC-17, 18,400 word count]
(au, fluff, road trip, teacher!dean, artist!cas, secret affair, bottom!dean, bottom!cas, !sameillen, feelings recovery, challenge fic) recced by flyingcatstiel
Long time friends Dean and Castiel are road tripping from Chicago to San Diego for Sam and Eileen’s wedding, and a pitstop in Las Vegas turns into drunken love confessions and a surprise marriage. Turns out the pining has been mutual this whole time, but now they’re finally together and on cloud-fucking-nine. Until they remember that this trip isn’t supposed to be about them. To avoid undermining Sam and Eileen’s important weekend, they decide to keep their new relationship status a secret. They’ll keep the heart eyes toned down and their hands to themselves, but the struggle is real.
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Big Bang 2017
The Dean Cas Big Bang for 2017 is now over! This was the first year the challenge was run on tumblr. Be sure to send your love to the mods who did an amazing job at promoting fics on tumblr and twitter this year. The master list will be out soon, and until then be sure to check out all the fics on the Official DCBB 2017 AO3 Collection. 
DeanCas Secret Santa Exchange
Yes, the Dean/Cas Secret Santa Exchange will be happening this year! Assignments are due January 4th and posting will be happening in January. Find more details at LiveJournal here and at their collection on AO3. 
DeanCas Tropefest 2017
The Dean/Cas Tropefest is a big-bang style challenge for experienced fic writers & artists that features all your favorite tropes. The challenge is now over, so check out all the amazing works on their Master List and the collection on AO3!
PSA: Save Your Favs
We have been saying this a lot recently. Many authors have been either moving on or switching fandoms and in some cases they are deleting past works. This is a reminder to all, that if you want ePubs and PDFs save them while you can.
The SPN Holiday Mixtape
This advent-inspired seasonal challenge brings us stories with a holiday musical theme. Fics are posting NOW!! Check out their tumblr and AO3 collection.
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destielfanfic · 7 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #169
You can submit fics to be include in these here. Other recs/promos/etc can be dropped in our ask box. More info about the bulletin and submitted recs here. Link to previous bulletins.
Fic Recs:
Colder Weather
Non timebo mala - I won’t fear evil
Take a Look to the Sky
Walk into the Tide
Other Recs/Promos
DeanCas Graphics Challenge
DeanCas Tropefest 2017
Destiel Harlequin Challenge 
SPN Canon Big Bang
Fic Recs:
Colder Weather by Shannon-Kind [M, 24,500 word count]
(au, super au, angst, creature!cas, pining!dean, pining!cas, depression, suicidal, bigbro!gabriel, challenge fic) recced by @ellis-park​
“I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but there are some people that just seem to suck the joy out of the world around them.” Dean chuckles darkly in understanding. “My parents were like that.” Dean Winchester doesn’t suspect his new friend Castiel’s sincerity. Castiel Novak is a Pranat. One wrong touch, and anyone from his species can digest the joy from the world around them. Unwilling to doom any one town to that fate, Castiel overcomes his ‘disability’ by driving an eighteen wheeler between the hubs of a large shipping company and living on the joy from the packages in his care. A few smiles here, a hearty laugh there, but at least he can believe no one is too deeply affected. When a terrible snowstorm forces him to pull into an empty parking lot, a kindhearted cook brings him inside the empty diner for some coffee and company. Over several visits together, they begin to share friendship, and maybe something more. But as much as he craves it, Castiel can never allow himself to touch Dean Winchester. Not if he wants his new friend to lead a happy life.
Non timebo mala - I won’t fear evil by romachebella, supernaturallyconfussed11 [NC-17, 69,500 word count]
(au, angst, dark, porn, mafia, historical au, hurt comfort, bottom castiel, !sastiel, !dcbb 2014, challenge fic) recced by @slashhaven11​
Non Timebo Mala is a story about hope and not losing it even in our darkest moments. Sam Winchester is a trained assassin whose moment has arrived; the job that he has waited for has come to him. A murder contract, which will lead him to his long lost brother who is caught in the arms of the Yakuza. Castiel Novak: An American translator working in the embassy gives refuge to a criminal one night only to be thrown into a whirlwind of crime and passion that he never thought he would experience. Dean: An American in the yakuza and the face of the Kuro Tora company, a front for the yakuza's activities in post war japan. He is strong and almost indomitable, until he meets the American translator who promises him something that he lost a long time ago
Take a Look to the Sky by chicktar [NC-17, 185,200 word count]
(au, angst, dark, abo, noncon, protective!cas, mechanic!dean, neighbors, bonded, bottom!dean, abusive family, bdsm) recced by @chicktar
AU with Castiel and Dean as neighbors. Alpha Castiel has been pining for his neighbor Omega Dean. Castiel discovers Dean after he has been raped and tortured and all of his protective instincts kick in. Not sure where I'm going -- this is my first fanfic ever, so I'm just trying this out to see where it heads.
Walk into the Tide ‘verse by ahrent [T, 14,800 word count for verse]
(au, fluff, angst, amnesia, hurt comfort, mechanic!dean, teacher!castiel, protective!castiel, !samjess, domestic, marriage) recced by @winchesterwithwings​
The first time Dean met Castiel was at a wedding. They would have a lot of firsts. It was the start of a love story, of sorts.
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Graphics Challenge
This monthly challenge provides graphics makers a forum to explore Dean and Cas through a series of ever evolving lenses! July’s challenge is Aesthetics. Example prompts will include vibrant, pastel, greyscale, vintage, neon, etc. Rules can be found here and here!
DeanCas Tropefest 2017
The Dean/Cas Tropefest is a big-bang style challenge for experienced fic writers & artists. Authors have the summer to write a fic at least 15k in length that incorporates two or more tropes. Artists have six weeks to illustrate two or more scenes from the fic(s) they claim. Check out the Rules and Schedule. Art claims are open NOW!
Destiel Harlequin Challenge 
The Destiel Harlequin Challenge is a writing and art challenge for lovers of cheesy romance novels - and what is not to love!! These fun fics started posting July 1st, so check them out!
SPN Canon Big Bang
All canon fics, all the time! That is the basis of this new big bang. Bring your case fics, monsters of the week, angels and demons and have some Canon fun. Postings began July 3!
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destielfanfic · 7 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #170
You can submit fics to be include in these here. Other recs/promos/etc can be dropped in our ask box. More info about the bulletin and submitted recs here. Link to previous bulletins.
Fic Recs:
Dean (and Cas’) Top 13 Zepp Traxx
Five Times Sam Didn’t Catch A Clue
Living the Dream
Other Recs/Promos:
Asexual Supernatural Mini Bang
Destiel Big Bang
PSA: Save Your Favs
Summer Gen Exchange
Fic Recs:
Alexandria by tikistitch [T, 74,200 word count]
(au, fluff, fantasy, protective!dean, John, spells, !samjess, bobby, lucifer, crowley, benny, !dcbb 2013) recced by @antisocialarchives​
Fantasy AU. Castiel De Angelus is a bladesmith finishing his apprenticeship in a sleepy seaside town and caring for his two younger brothers. But when he runs afoul of the new territorial governor, Metatron, he finds himself shanghaied and forced to serve at a remote desert fortification run by the boisterous Winchester family. This ancient outpost, carved out of a mountain by the legendary Men of Letters, is part of mankind's last line of defense against the mysterious desert-dwelling monsters known only as the Enemy. But the real enemy might just be the Winchesters's scheming rival, Lucifer. This one is pure Saturday afternoon serial: think Indy Jones meets Dune with a dash of Road Warrior and just a pinch of Kitchen Nightmares.
Dean (and Cas’) Top 13 Zepp Traxx by pantheon_of_discord [NC-17, 82,500 word count]
(su, angst, fluff, season 12, ending, pining!dean, pining!castiel, road trip, alternating POV, bottom!dean, music, Mary, !sameileen) recced by @pantheonofdiscord
Dean eases Baby down the frontage road, trying not to look in the rearview mirror as his home gets smaller and smaller behind him. He’s done this a hundred times. He’s driven down this road in the soft morning light, heading out to some little town in some distant corner of the country. This is a job like any other. “It’s not like we’re never coming back,” Cas says from the passenger seat. * Dean and Cas and the open road, to the tune of Led Zeppelin. A post-series story in thirteen parts.
Five Times Sam Didn’t Catch A Clue by twfftw [M, 5,100 word count]
(su, fluff, crack, humor, blindsided!sam, established relationship, secret affair, outside pov) recced by @alisajbrown
Sam has no idea Dean and Cas are in a relationship. Dean has no idea that Sam has no idea - has Sam not been paying attention?
Living the Dream by oceanbluecas and sixxstiel [M, 16,200 word count]
(su, angst, season 12, case fic, bunker, djinn dream, trapped, hunters, !sameileen, challenge fic) recced by susan
Djinn are nothing new to Dean. He’s been in this situation before, except this time, he knows it’s a hallucination. Here, monsters are nearly extinct, loved ones are alive again, and there’s a new generation of hunters in training. Everything is perfect, but perfect isn’t something Dean’s comfortable with. He sees Sam’s smile and feels Cas’s touch, and thinks of the eerie visions of another reality, one where he dangles helplessly in the dark, a ready meal for his captors. He’s determined to escape from the dream, because it’s a lie. It’s not real. Or is it?
Other Recs/Promos:
Asexual Supernatural Mini Bang
This is a challenge focusing on the portrayal of Supernatural characters as ace spectrum! The 2017 Ace SPN Mini Bang is now a wrap. Be sure to take a peek at AO3 collection for all the fics from this challenge through the years!
Destiel Big Bang 
The Destiel Big Bang is a tumblr-based bang to celebrate the love between a Righteous man and his angel. Postings started July 1st. Check it out!
PSA: Save Your Favs
We have been saying this a lot recently. The most recent is Ltleflrt (her post here), the author is actively reworking the fan favorite Kiss the Baker (check out our review here).  This is a reminder to all, that if you want ePubs and PDFs save them while you can.
Summer Gen Exchange
SPN Summer Gen is an anonymous, prompt-based, gen fanworks gift exchange designed to help Supernatural fans while away the quiet months of summer hiatus. 2017 FAQ can be found here. Stories are posting NOW!
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destielfanfic · 7 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #168
You can submit fics to be include in these here. Other recs/promos/etc can be dropped in our ask box. More info about the bulletin and submitted recs here. Link to previous bulletins.
Fic Recs:
‘Cause You Had A Bad Day
Every Story Has to Start Somewhere
No Righteous Path
The Sum of My Regrets
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Graphics Challenge
DeanCas Tropefest 2017
SPN Case Fic Bang
SPN Dystopia Bang
Transdestiel blog
Fic Recs:
‘Cause You Had A Bad Day by noxsoulmate [M, 15,000 word count]
(au, fluff, hurt comfort, !caslucifer, pets, law enforcement au (dean is cop), alternating pov) recced by anon
They say bad things happen in threes. That must be a lie because Castiel Novak is having the worst day of his life. Three bad things have already happened, but now – to top it all off – the police are pulling him over. Maybe he shouldn’t have been driving while crying his eyes out. But then again, losing his license would probably be the least of his problems today.
Every Story Has to Start Somewhere by tricia_16 [NC-17, 26,700 word count]
(su, fluff, porn, season 12, bunker, happy canon, bottom!cas) recced by tricia_16
Cas finally takes a chance and makes a move, and Dean freaks the fuck out.
Cas is the perfect guy for Dean, and takes everything painfully slow. He lets Dean pick the pace, not pushing him into anything, or asking him for anything.
Read along as Dean fights away his fears one day at a time, and realizes he doesn't really have to change all that much to have everything he never knew he wanted.
No Righteous Path by jupiter_james [NC-17, 105,700 word count]
(au, fluff, feelings recovery, abo, bottom!cas, teacher!cas, domestic, hurt comfort, angel!family, Sam/Jo ask) recced by flyingcatstiel
On his 40th birthday, Dean Winchester suddenly begins to worry that he may have lost his chance for a real mate. He’s been so focused on his business as a 24-hour roofing and repairman, that he’s never taken the time to date properly, or even make any lasting friendships outside of his family. Beginning in their late 30’s, alphas and omegas start to lose their mating and bonding hormones, making it more difficult - and often impossible - to mate or bond with anyone past a certain age. But as a modern Alpha, Dean would be content with a companion, at least. Blood bonds aren’t the be-all, end-all. However, after a late night emergency roofing repair call from Castiel Novak, Omega, Dean starts to hope. Yearn. The only hangup is that Castiel admits to being as old-fashioned as the books he teaches. Nervous to go against his religious upbringing by being with someone who he can’t bond properly, as alphas and omegas are intended to do. But he can’t deny his attraction to Dean, and despite his sensibilities, he thinks that, just maybe, he can change for the man he’s falling in love with.
The Sum of My Regrets by LoveIsNotAVictoryMarch [M, 20,500 word count]
(su, season 12, coda, time travel, sex swap, pining!dean, vessels, grace) recced by prcasdeanating
“A quick trip to the past, that’s all. Look Cas, I know we can’t do anything about all the innocent people getting into the crossfire of our battles, but this I can do. Let me rescue this child and give Lily Sunder back her life. What can possibly go wrong?”
In which Dean Winchester travels through time, learns a thing or two about best laid plans and falls in love with an angel – all over again.
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Graphics Challenge 
This monthly challenge provides graphics makers a forum to explore Dean and Cas through a series of ever evolving lenses! July’s challenge is Aesthetics. Example prompts will include vibrant, pastel, greyscale, vintage, neon, etc. Rules can be found here and here!
DeanCas Tropefest 2017
The Dean/Cas Tropefest is a big-bang style challenge for experienced fic writers & artists. Authors have the summer to write a fic at least 15k in length that incorporates two or more tropes. Artists have six weeks to illustrate two or more scenes from the fic(s) they claim. Check out the Rules and Schedule. Sign ups are open NOW!
SPN Case Fic Bang
The Supernatural Case Fic Bang strives to unite fans from all pairings and all ratings into writing a work based on where it all started – case fics! For more info, check out the FAQ. Fics are posting NOW! 
SPN Dystopia Bang
This bang focuses on dystopian worlds “An imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one.” Check out their FAQ to learn more. Postings began June 1!
Transdestiel Blog
The transdestiel blog will collect all Destiel or gen fanworks that feature trans, non binary or genderqueer Dean and/or Castiel. They are also creating an AO3 collection. Check out their Welcome post! 
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destielfanfic · 7 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #167
You can submit fics to be include in these here. Other recs/promos/etc can be dropped in our ask box. More info about the bulletin and submitted recs here. Link to previous bulletins.
Fic Recs:
All Your Lies
Falling Through the Ice
Hurry Up and Wait
Silence Falls
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Graphics Challenge
DeanCas Tropefest 2017
Summer Gen Exchange
Fic Recs:
All Your Lies by Speary [NC-17, 102,500 word count]
(au, angst, historical au, war, danger and sacrifice, law enforcement au, past !deanother, bottom!dean, !dcbb) recced by spearywritesstuff
When Sam is captured in East Berlin, in the summer of 1953, there is some fear that he’ll be lost to them forever. However, Agent Dean Winchester catches a lucky break. His agency has captured a KGB agent. They’ve negotiated prisoner exchanges before, but only after they had extracted what secrets they could. And Dean has enviable skills when it comes to interrogations. His prisoner, Dmitri Krushnic, though, seems to know too much, and he also seems to be somehow familiar. The more time he spends with the prisoner, the more questions he has, about the past, about what he lost in the war, and about the truth that he wasn’t ready to see.
A DCBB 2016 fic
Falling Through the Ice by althaclena [NC-17, 22,600 word count]
(au, fluff, angst, reunion, athlete!dean, athlete!cas, dancer!cas, PTSD, coming out, homophobia, masturbation, bottom!dean) recced by knittedgauntlets
Dean's finally retired from the Dallas Stars, and he's back at his original home ice-rink for a publicity stunt for his autobiography. Problem is, he has to do something that terrifies him. Second problem is, he has to do it in front of the man he was best friends with as a kid, until the ice cracked under him and he was left on the wrong side of an increasingly large chasm.
A story about smashing expectations (and some pumpkins), what it means to be brave, and how to follow your heart. Also, smut.
Hurry Up And Wait by MittenWraith [M, 22,000 word count]
(su, fluff, season 12, case fic, Mary, fallen!cas, hunter!cas, Charlie) recced by flyingcatstiel
Cas has given up his grace to hunt with the Winchesters, but that's not the only thing that's been a long time in the making. A strange potential case perks Dean's interest, if for no other reason than it pushes every geeky button he's got. An impossible murder committed with a sword from a special collection of weapons straight out of the Lord of the Rings leads them to discover another treasure they've waited far too long to find again.
Silence Falls by TheIttyBitty [NC-17, 47,800 word count]
(au, fluff, super au, witch/familiar, fairy tale, fantasy, !sabriel, !samjess) recced by ltleflrt
In an attempt to hide from their pasts, Dean and Sam Winchester relocate to the small town of Silence, Maine, hoping for a fresh start. Instead, they find a whole new world, populated by creatures of myth and fairytale. Mermaids, fairies, and witches are common fare in Silence. The town promises magic, love, and even healing, but a darkness festers at its center. Dark, twisted creatures crawl out of the forest in the dead of night, something is definitely wrong with The Mayor, and the Lighthouse Keeper is loosing memories. Can the Winchesters and their new friends figure out what's wrong with the town in time? Will it be enough?
Other Recs/Promos: 
DeanCas Graphics Challenge - Throwback Edition
It has been two years since the DC graphics challenge began and to celebrate, they are hosting a Throwback Edition. Chose any past prompt as a do-over or enter a round previously missed.  Previous rounds are found here. Rules can be found here and here!
DeanCas Tropefest 2017
The Dean/Cas Tropefest is a big-bang style challenge for experienced fic writers & artists. Authors have the summer to write a fic at least 15k in length that incorporates two or more tropes. Artists have six weeks to illustrate two or more scenes from the fic(s) they claim. Check out the Rules and Schedule. Sign ups are open NOW! 
Summer Gen Exchange
SPN Summer Gen is an anonymous, prompt-based, gen fanworks gift exchange designed to help Supernatural fans while away the quiet months of summer hiatus. 2017 FAQ can be found here. Sign ups are from now until May 19th.
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destielfanfic · 7 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #166
You can submit fics to be include in these here. Other recs/promos/etc can be dropped in our ask box. More info about the bulletin and submitted recs here. Link to previous bulletins.
Fic Recs:
Confessions of a Cam Boy
If You Fall, I Fall
One Cold Night
Reading between the lines 
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas BigBang
DeanCas Graphics Challenge
DeanCas Tropefest 2017
DeanCas Tropefest Midwinter 5K
SPN AU BigBang
Fic Recs:
Confessions of a Cam Boy by MsCaptainWinchester (rons_pigwidgeon) [NC-17, 13,000 word count]
(au, fluff, porn, anonymity, office workers, pornstar!dean, bottom!dean, moderate age difference, !dcbb) recced by flyingcatstiel
Dean runs a cam show to pay his way through marketing school, but he's about to start an internship that he doesn't know will change his life. Watching Dean's show is Castiel's favorite way to wind down after a stressful day at Sandover Bridge & Iron. When Cas comes to work one day and finds his favorite cam boy setting coffee on his desk, he is completely thrown. Will Dean finish his internship without knowing his favorite viewer is his new boss, or will he be able to see through Cas' non-existent poker face and figure it out?
A DCBB 2016 fic
If You Fall, I Fall by casbabyangelface [NC-17, 107,000 word count]
(au, angst, writer!cas, teacher!dean, stripper!cas, hurt comfort, humor, coworkers, PTSD, noncon, homophobia, abusive family, road trip bottom!cas, bottom!dean) recced by casbabyangelface
Dean Winchester's life as an English professor is fairly uncomplicated. His nights are spent watching reruns of Doctor Sexy and having the occasional one night stand--two things that nobody can make him feel badly about, not even Sam. When a certain blue-eyed author in an ill-fitting trench coat is assigned to work with his class, Dean suddenly finds himself accidentally dating a stripper, becoming attached to a guinea pig, discovering that Sam is a fangirl, drunk texting his crush in the middle of the night and maybe, just maybe learning that the messy things in life are worth fighting for.
One Cold Night by xylodemon [NC-17, 16,600 word count]
(su, fluff, season 12, case fic, Mary, challenge fic) recced by flyingcatstiel
"Dean, are you all right?"  "Yeah. I'm just ─" Dean shivers again. His teeth clack together. "Jesus Christ, it's cold."
Reading between the lines by consultingcas [T, 15,600 word count]
(au, fluff, love hate, anonymity, mechanic!dean, homophobia, !dcbb) recced by flyingcatstiel
Dean hates corporate drones in suits. He hates people who think they can tell him how to fix a car, when they probably have no idea how the hell to do it themselves. Most of all, he hates having to sell up the garage to Angelus Motors, not to mention dealing with that asshole Castiel Novak who they’ve sent along to balance the books.  Good thing he’s got his online friend Emmanuel to complain to about it all.  Aka the one where Dean and Castiel have no idea that the guy they’ve become best friends with online is the same jerk who’s been making their lives a misery at work.
A DCBB 2016 fic
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas BigBang
It is that time of year! The DCBB sign ups are open NOW. Author sign ups close May 1st. There have been some significant changes such as new mods, a dedicated AO3 collection, and a new home on Tumblr.  Check out our PSA here and be sure to read through the Challenge Info and Schedule sections carefully. 
DeanCas Graphics Challenge
This is a monthly graphics challenge dedicated to the relationship between Dean and Castiel. May’s challenge is Seasons and all entries must be submitted by May 31st. Rules can be found here and here!
DeanCas Tropefest 2017
The Dean/Cas Tropefest is a big-bang style challenge for experienced fic writers & artists. Authors have the summer to write a fic at least 15k in length that incorporates two or more tropes. Artists have six weeks to illustrate two or more scenes from the fic(s) they claim. Check out the Rules and Schedule. Sign ups are open NOW! 
DeanCas Tropefest Midwinter 5K
While you are waiting for the tropefest main event, check out these fun 5K oneshots written for the the midwinter challenge!
SPN AU BigBang
The challenge is now complete! Check out the works for some springtime reading here!
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destielfanfic · 7 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #165
You can submit fics to be include in these here. Other recs/promos/etc can be dropped in our ask box. More info about the bulletin and submitted recs here. Link to previous bulletins.
Fic Recs:
3 AM
Hunger of the Pine
What is Hidden, What is Seen
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Graphics Challenge
Fic Recs:
3 AM by drdean [light NC-17, 6600 word count]
(su, porn, fluff, bunker, pining!dean, happy canon, wing!fic, meddling!gabriel) recced by drdean
Written for SPNFANFICPOND challenge with the prompt: You are an angel and I’m totally into you but you’ve barely noticed my flirting so now I’m sitting here at 3 am reading up on angel courting rituals.
Dean and Cas want each other but don't seem to speak the same language.
Assimilation by komodobits [M, 5,600 word count]
(su, angst, season 12, coda, Mary, homophobia, bunker, established relationship, outside pov) recced by flyingcatstiel Coda to 12.01 Keep Calm and Carry On.  Mary always thought you were supposed to be able to tell. That you could just look at someone and know they were – you know. One of that sort. It’s not supposed to happen to her son.
Hunger of the Pine by LoveIsNotAVictoryMarch [NC-17, 21,300 word count]
(au, fluff, angst, pining!cas, writer!cas, mechanic!dean, bottom!dean, rom com, Benny, Lisa) recced by procasdeanating
Red Lake could very well be the place where Cas found the peace he had searched for. Instead of honking cars, shouting people and indistinguishable music, he could hear only the whispering wind and the rustling of birds and small animals in the nearby thickets. “It’s perfect,” he whispered. Dean huffed. “You just wait a few days. You’ll be bored out of your mind in no time.” Cas looked over and deliberately held Dean’s gaze for two seconds longer than socially acceptable – because he was masochistic like that and felt daring. “I don’t think so,” he said.
rain by museaway [M, 18,400 word count]
(au, angst, abo, it’s a terrible life au, coworkers, snarky!cas, bottom!cas, challenge fic)  recced by prosthetic-face
Dean Smith has experienced passing attraction to other alphas before, but never dreamed he’d act on it until he falls in love with his best friend. Even though he’s certain that Castiel has no interest in him beyond friendship, Dean can’t bring himself to move on. But when Castiel is outraged by a derogatory comment at work, he shows up uninvited at Dean’s lakeside cabin to demand his help, and several truths come out.
What is Hidden, What is Seen by ExpatGirl [M, 83,300 word count]
(su, angst, season 11, depression, hurt comfort, demon possession, danger and sacrifice, alternating POV, lucifer, hell, wing!fic) recced by ellis-park
The Darkness has descended, and Castiel must make a choice. What, in reality, is the nature of Free Will, and where does love end and self-effacement begin? And why didn't Castiel know about the Mark of Cain and its relation to The Darkness in the first place? This began as a one-shot called "The Hanged Man" and has turned into...something else.
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Graphics Challenge
This is a monthly graphics challenge dedicated to the relationship between Dean and Castiel. March’s challenge is Disney Lyrics and all entries must be submitted by March 31st. Rules can be found here!
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destielfanfic · 7 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #164
You can submit fics to be include in these here. Other recs/promos/etc can be dropped in our ask box. More info about the bulletin and submitted recs here. Link to previous bulletins.
Fic Recs:
The breath that passed from you to me 
From Eden
The Stag and the Hunter’s Son
You’re Not Alone
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Graphics Challenge
DeanCas Pinefest
Destiel Round Up
SPN Reverse Big Bang
Fic Recs:
The breath that passed from you to me by marieondetre [M, 35,100 word count]
(au, angst, super au, historical au, hunters, hurt comfort, hospital, slow building romance) recced by dixseptdishuit
When Dean Winchester had to stop hunting with his brother for a while to be treated in Waverly Hills tuberculosis sanatorium, he wasn't expecting to meet someone who fought the same creatures as him. It turned out his doctor, Castiel Novak, was also a Man of Letters. And he was also going to become so much more for Dean...
From Eden by BFab [T, 37,700 word count]
(au, fluff, fairy tale, mechanic!dean, pining!dean, creature!cas, transported to au, bigbro!gabriel, meddling!gabriel, abusive family) recced by bfab
Dean saw his guardian angel for the first time when he was seven years old. He discovers later on that his name is Castiel, and he isn't actually an angel, but he is twined into Dean's past - a past that Dean wasn't even aware he had.
SextersAnon.com by unforth [NC-17, 16,700 in first instalment, 169,000 word count total]
(au, angst, porn, insecure!cas, artist!dean, anxiety, breakdown, depression, self harm, hurt comfort, anonymity, long distance, bdsm, spanking, bottom!cas, bottom!dean, cas!pov) recced by tincidunt
After years of self-imposed celibacy, Castiel Novak decides to seek an anonymous sexual partner to engage in long-distant text-based activities. Things get personal quickly, though...
The Stag and the Hunter’s Son by soupernabturel [NC-17, 74,200 word count, WIP]
(au, angst, porn, super au, creature!cas, hunters, case fic, domestic, established relationship, deathish, !sameileen, abusive family) recced by soupernabturel
Dean Winchester was alive. And not just alive, but alive and purchasing fabric softener in a mountain hick town in Vermont. Sam was going to kill him.
Supernatural retelling where Sam grew up as a Man of Letters, Dean was the one who left and Castiel is less of an angel and more of a God.
You’re Not Alone by wordsintothevoid [M, 15,400 word count]
(au, su, angst, as kids, suicidal, pining!dean, secretangel!cas, pre-season 4, hurt comfort, gay panic, depression) recced by wordsintothevoid
Dean has an imaginary friend. Sure, that's weird as hell but he doesn't care. Cas has been there to support him during every horrible thing in Dean's short miserable life and he is not giving up Cas. Sure, Dean may also sorta kinda be in love with him. Oops. And it hurts but Dean will keep it platonic. But then Cas leaves. And then Dean breaks.
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Graphics Challenge
This is a monthly graphics challenge dedicated to the relationship between Dean and Castiel. March’s challenge is Disney Lyrics and all entries must be submitted by March 31st. Rules can be found here!
DeanCas Pinefest
The Dean/Cas Pinefest is now a wrap. Check out all the art and fics on their tumblr site and on AO3.
Destiel Round Up
The Destiel Round Up has moved. It is now on twitter. Check it out here! 
SPN Reverse Big Bang
The Bang is now done! Be sure to check out all the fics and Art on their LJ page and the collection at AO3. Note that even though it is now 2017, this challenge began in 2016, so the AO3 collection is the 2016 SPN Reverse Bang. Enjoy!
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destielfanfic · 7 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #163
You can submit fics to be include in these here. Other recs/promos/etc can be dropped in our ask box. More info about the bulletin and submitted recs here. Link to previous bulletins.
Fic Recs:
A Long Way Home
In A Mirror Darkly
Th1rteen R3asons Why
The Unexpected Duet
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Pinefest
Hey Sweetheart
PSA: Stolen Fanfic
SPN Canon Big Bang
SPN Reverse Big Bang
Fic Recs:
A Long Way Home by MashiarasDream [M, 67,700 word count]
(au, angst, fluff, homeless, hurt comfort, bunker, ptsd, !casother, christmas, bigbro!gabriel, war, charlie) recced by prosthetic-face
Dean sees a lot of people come and go. He and Charlie are running a soup kitchen / shelter after all. He always feels compassion but he also always respects the boundaries he and Charlie have set for their private lives. Always, that is, until one winter night, a quiet man with dark hair and blue eyes comes in, wearing nothing warmer than a hoodie and obviously intent on going back out into the cold.
In A Mirror Darkly by anyrei and mugglerock [NC-17, 196,000 word count]
(su, angst, dark, porn, season 12, slavery, bamf!cas, possessive!cas, transported to au, fantasy, bottom!dean, noncon, dubcon, bdsm, drugs, wing!fic) recced by anyrei
“Do you trust me, Dean?” “You know I do,” Dean answered, his voice carrying resignation and sadness. He knew Cas was right. This was the only way if he wanted to help save his brother. He had to do it, even though everything in him wanted to fight it. But he trusted Cas with his life. And now he was going to show him just how deep that trust ran. Dean fell to his knees in front of the angel, bowing his head forward as he was fitted with the extraordinarily heavy collar. Castiel’s fingers caressed his skin when he closed the clasp of the sign of slavery; the symbol that gave Dean’s life over to the angel’s mercy. Dean suppressed the urge to close his eyes.
We know good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell, but where do the medium people go? Welcome to Limbo, a fourth plane of existence, ruled by angels and built upon the servitude of the humans enslaved to them. While on a routine salt n’ burn, the Winchester boys encounter a garrison of angels. Sam ends up being taken to Limbo; leaving it up to his brother, Dean, and the angel, Castiel to infiltrate the plane in order to rescue him.
Th1rteen R3asons Why by confessyourlove [M, 39,000 word count]
(au, angst, high school, tragedy, suicidal, pining!dean, !megstiel, !calthazar, Anna, Bobby, crossover, noncon) recced by sylvia and sooyoungjo
You can’t stop the future. You can’t rewind the past. The only way to learn the secret is... to press play.
Dean Winchester doesn’t want anything to do with the tapes Castiel Novak made. Castiel is dead, he reasons. His secrets should be buried with him. Then Castiel's voice tells Dean that his name is on the tapes—and that he is, in some way, responsible for his death. All through the night, Dean keeps listening. He follows’ Castiel's recorded words through the streets of their small town… and what he discovers changes his life forever.
The Unexpected Duet by jupiter_james [NC-17, 39,100 word count]
(au, fluff, celebrity, office workers, neighbors, music, bottom!cas) recced by ltleflrt
Dean Winchester, best damn HR Manager ever, has a tough job to do. His only relief is the moment he can leave work and blast his classic rock at top volume. But after a particularly difficult day, AC/DC does nothing to calm his frayed nerves when he has to fire a good employee who doesn't deserve her fate. Stretched almost to the breaking point with nothing to relax him, Dean unexpectedly hears a distant piano playing from somewhere nearby. He knows nothing of classical music, or the person playing it, but he's immediately comforted by the melancholy piece. What he doesn't realize, is that the famous concert pianist responsible for the music, Castiel Milton, is equally charmed by the the classic rock music drifting through his own windows and the voice of the man who puts a lot of heart into singing along every day. Through a chance encounter, Dean and Castiel discover more to love than just their music.
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Pinefest
The Dean/Cas Pinefest is a 15k fic and art challenge celebrating that wonderfully painful trope we all know and love: pining. Fics started posting on Feb 6th and will continue to post throughout the month. Check them out on their tumblr site and on AO3.
Hey, Sweetheart
The Hey, Sweetheart Valentines Challenge is now done. Check out the masterlist on tumblr and the AO3 collection for the art and stories that feature Dean calling Cas “sweetheart!”
PSA: Stolen Fanfic
Sadly, the issue of plagerism and stolen fanfic has raised its head again. IN this case it involved several Destiel writers. Details are here. There have been a few updates and the works in question have been removed from iTunes and beyond, but this is a sad reminder to be on the alert that fanfic is open to theft. If you find work somewhere it shouldn’t be, please alert the author.
SPN Canon Big Bang
All canon fics, all the time! That is the basis of this new big bang. Bring your case fics, monsters of the week, angels and demons and have some Canon fun. Check out the schedule and rules. Author sign ups are open from now until March 1st. 
SPN Reverse Big Bang
Posting NOW! The reverse of the usual big bang, artists created one piece of art that was posted anonymously and authors then wrote fics based on the art they chose. To learn more, check out the Rules and FAQ and the posting schedule. Note that even though it is now 2017, this challenge began in 2016, so the AO3 collection is the 2016 SPN Reverse Bang. Enjoy!
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destielfanfic · 7 years
Unofficial Rec Bulletin #162
You can submit fics to be include in these here. Other recs/promos/etc can be dropped in our ask box. More info about the bulletin and submitted recs here. Link to previous bulletins.
Fic Recs:
Find me now
Music, Memories and Other Subjective Things
Those Kind of People
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Pinefest
DeanCas Secret Santa Exchange
Deleted fic search: Glassyskies - FOUND IT!!!
Season 12 Watch
SPN Reverse Big Bang
Fic Recs:
Find me now by fridarules and naniquena [NC-17, 264,000 word count]
(au, angst, fluff, porn, abo, mechanic!dean, food, bottom!cas, !samruby) recced by naniquena
Dean has always been a free spirit. For 30 years he's been a free Alpha male hunting jobs and beta girls. And now, almost at his 30's, he has the weight of the law above him and the ticking of his internal alarm clock stating "you have to mate NOW". Sam is a Meta with a purpose in life, a career as an important Doctor and a girl. The white picket fence American dream Castiel has been an outcast his whole life. A mated Omega with no mate.
Meta-Sexual by Harpless [NC-17, 11,400 word count]
(su, crack, fluff, porn, bunker, humor, pining!dean, bamf!cas, grace, dirty talk, masturbation, meddling!sam, happy canon) recced by harpless
It's quiet out there. Not much to do in the bunker except watch movies and read fan fiction.
Music, Memories and Other Subjective Things by iambadatcomingupwithusernames [T, 112,000 word count, WIP 35/37]
(au, angst, high school, homophobia, bullying, hurt comfort, slow building romance, !deanlisa, abusive family, !samjess) recced by theorangedead
In the summer they were 14, Dean and Cas met. They became friends and supported each other in managing their extremely different, dysfunctional families. Their feelings for each other, though, were more than friendly.
Now it’s fall, and they’re 18. Neither has heard from the other in two years, which means that neither knows that they’re going to the same school until they end up in the same Intro to Literature class.
Those Kind of People by Psychsie [T, 6,100 word count]
(su, angst, season 9, bunker, fuckup!dean, homeless) recced by tjeansx
Dean didn't regret the choices he made in the past, not to say he wasn't ashamed of them. The list was endless, but there were a rare few that causes an ache in his chest. Ezekiel, or Sam, was one of them. Castiel was the other. Choosing his little brother over his best friend was never really a difficult decision. The death of one over the contentment of the other wasn't even a debate. However, the secrecy between the two was, in fact, the most difficult and conscience-wrecking thing Dean has done in a very, very long time. But he doesn't know all of what his actions have made the ex-angel lose. Castiel has been alone on the streets for a while. Trying and effectively failing to find anywhere to call home, and too scared to call the only real one to come back to, he accepts his fate and carries on. One day at a time. Often, very long, tedious days, he might add. However, one day, when Castiel needs it most, he comes across something he never thought possible. A friend.
Other Recs/Promos:
DeanCas Pinefest
The Dean/Cas Pinefest is a 15k fic and art challenge celebrating that wonderfully painful trope we all know and love: pining. Fics started posting on Feb 6th and will continue to post throughout the month. Check them out on their tumblr site and on AO3. 
DeanCas Secret Santa Exchange
It may seem like Christmas is long past, but reading the wonderful fics from this year’s Dean/Cas Secret Santa Exchange mean the holidays just keep giving. Check out the works posted on LJ and AO3, and may the holiday spirit keep giving! 
Deleted fic search: Glassyskies
Several authors have either moved their work away from LiveJournal or have deleted their accounts. GlassySkies is one of the more recent ones. Please contact us if you have a PDF or ePUB of Don’t let go of the world:
Don’t let go for the world  [T, 51,000 word count] PDF courtesy of nicky69 AU. Set in the It’s a Terrible Life universe. Dean Smith just got promoted. And now he apparently needs help managing his workload. It’s his choice of personal assistant that’s making life a whole lot more difficult interesting.
Season 12 Watch
Episode 12x11 brought a favorite trope (amnesiac!dean) to life. Check out our amnesia tag and in particular take a peek at Hearts Here to Steal and Building a Memory for canon verse fics that explore this trope. Enjoy!
SPN Reverse Big Bang
Posting NOW! The reverse of the usual big bang, artists created one piece of art that was posted anonymously and authors then wrote fics based on the art they chose. To learn more, check out the Rules and FAQ and the posting schedule. Note that even though it is now 2017, this challenge began in 2016, so the AO3 collection is the 2016 SPN Reverse Bang. Enjoy!
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