#unfortunately for everyone else around him. that means joel will do Whatever It Takes to protect those he loves bc that goes hand in hand
outer-edges · 10 months
one thing i’m always struck by with joel is the stark dichotomy this man exists within.
like, on one hand he’s this goofy dad who makes silly faces and banters with his daughter and devotes everything to taking care of her. and the next minute he’s bashing in mrs. adler’s head when tommy freezes, denies the family on the side of the road help, and yells at tommy to roll people over when they’re flooding the streets on outbreak day.
joel miller always has been, and always will be, a deeply selfish man. he will devote himself mind, body, and soul to those he cares about. but that’s it. if you’re not in his circle, then watch the fuck out.
even then, I would say he’s selfish in the way he loves because he doesn’t respect their wishes if they conflict with their personal well-being and safety.
on the less extreme side, in episode one, both sarah and tommy express an interest in helping that family on the side of the road, and he shoots it down immediately. and of course, we all know what happened to the fireflies.
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jammyambition · 7 months
Hello!!! Unfortunately for everyone who might see this, I have now attempted to write Baby’s First Smut™️. You heard it here first, I’m not just hoarding fics on this blog anymore (unless this crashes and burns then I will delete it and hide in shame forever ofc) I have been inspired by so many amazing fic writers on here, and I’ll tag a couple just so I can share the love, I hope that’s okay! @pascalisbaby , @tinycozycomfort, @cupofjoel, @joelscruff thank you for your amazing and inspiring work!! Lots of love!!❤️
If people like this I could always write a continuation!! I have lots of ideas in my brain 💡
Old Man.
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Jackson!Joel x Reader
Warnings: No description of size/appearance/skin colour. Reader is in early to mid 20’s, has a vagina/vulva, has hair long enough to pull, Joel uses terms of endearment such as honey/sweetheart/darlin’/baby/little girl, contains fingering, finger sucking, hair pulling, face grabbing, light/moderate spanking, slightly Mean!Joel, Joel is 56 so I cannot stress this enough, there is a big age gap! 1 single use of the word Daddy, slight humiliation and finally the use of the word Sir about 2 or 3 times. I imagined game!Joel for this fic, but ofc imagine whatever iteration you like!! I am done.
word count: 3,835
You and Joel have been patrol partners for a while now, and you have taking quite a liking to him. A cocky mistake nearly costs you your life, and Joel takes drastic measures to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
The air is crisp and cool as you walk slowly up the snowy path to Joel’s front door. Your mind racing as you think back to the events of your most recent patrol with him; you, a bunch of clickers and your near devastating misplaced confidence in yourself.
You thought you could take on a group by yourself from the safety of your horse. You’d managed to get a few headshots, reaching back to get another arrow from your quiver and nicking yourself on your knife, a sharp gasp leaving your lips at the feeling of your skin being sliced open. At the sound of your gasp, the clickers whipped their heads around, causing a whimper of fear to bubble out from your lips. You urge your horse forward as quickly as possible, desperate to escape the clawing hands and gnashing teeth of the monsters, but you’re not quick enough, they’re gaining on you with alarming speed. Your heart pounds in your chest like a frightened rabbit, your breath coming in quick, wet pants as you panic. The situation seems dire, and you do the only thing you can think of that might save you from certain death.
The clickers seem to gain even more speed at the sound of your scream, and you begin to worry that they might drag you off your horse, those gnarled claws and gaping mouths inching ever closer by the second. At the last second, just as you feel the tips of a set of claws scratching at your calf through your thick trousers, one of the clickers is thrown back by a direct shot to it’s head, a halo of gore and fungal brain matter splattering onto the ground and landing in patches on your clothes and face. Another deafening bang and another clicker thumps to the ground at the feet of your panicked horse, and after another 3 lethally calculated shots, you’re finally, blissfully safe. You feel colour and heat returning to your sweaty face, heart racing with adrenaline and relief. You look up, and he’s there. Your saviour. Of course it’s Joel, who else would it be? No one else would be that efficient, that calm under pressure, and also, you note with trembling breath, no one else would look quite that angry.
You can see the rifle clenched in his trembling fist, his nostrils flaring as he catches his breath, coming down from the panic of the last few minutes. He sets the rifle down and motions for you to ride over to join him.
The ride over to Joel feels somewhat like the ride to your own grave, the anger and frustration is radiating off him in palpable waves, his thick fingers twisting around the reins of his horse in a way that both frightens you and makes your mouth feel a little dry. You can’t deny that Joel is a treat to be on patrol with, between his hunting and shooting skills, his good looks and gruff, deep voice, usually you would jump at the chance to spend any amount of time with him, but right now you’d rather be on the receiving end of literally anybody else’s anger.
You turn to Joel, taking in the heavy, thunderous set of his dark brows, his usually kind brown eyes now steely with the promise of you being in for a real dressing down.
“So, you wanna tell me exactly what you were thinking back there?” Joel says, low and vaguely threatening, but tinged with genuine concern.
You swallow dryly.
“I-…I thought I could handle it Joel, I’m sorry. It was my fault.”
Your mouth feels dry and sandpapery, a fierce blush burning in your cheeks as your embarrassment grows.
He breathes in slowly, measuredly before exploding.
“You’re goddamn right it’s your fault, you couldn’t handle shit back there! What would have happened if I wasn’t there, if I hadn’t heard you call for me? I told you, I told you to stick with me and to let me handle packs of infected, and you ignored me and went off alone to try and what? Prove yourself to me? Well, I hate to tell you honey, but the only thing you’ve proven today is that I cannot trust you to follow my orders! I can’t believe you’d be so childish, so goddamn stubborn!”
He takes in another breath, this one sharp and gasping after this outburst.
You blanch, reaching another level of embarrassment you previously thought didn’t exist. He was right, you did want to prove yourself to him, you wanted to impress him, but it didn’t work, you just nearly got yourself killed. Your pride wounded and anger growing, you spit back at him in turn.
“Y-you think I want to impress you, old man? I only took on that pack of clickers because I thought YOU wouldn’t be able to handle it!”
You lie through your teeth, hating yourself even more the moment the words tumble from your freezing lips.
He looks straight ahead, over at the gates of Jackson which loom ahead of you.
“That right, sweetheart?”
He sounds as if he’s speaking through gritted teeth, and you feel your insides chill a little at the cold sound of his voice. You fucked up, bad.
You hitch your horses back at the stables, and as you walk away, desperate to go home, away from Joel and wash your day of adrenaline and crippling embarrassment off you with a hot shower, you feel his firm grasp on your upper arm, stopping you in your tracks.
He leans in close to your ear, his warm breath tickling your cold skin and making you shiver.
“I think you and I need to have a little talk about what happened today. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll have the decency to to show your face tomorrow. I expect an apology.”
Your breath catches in your throat at his words.
“Y-yeah, I’ll be there. I’ll see you tomorrow, Joel.” You stutter, your cheeks heating up even more.
He steps back from you, completely unaffected and calm.
“Good. I’ll catch you later, honey.”
He turns and walks away, over to where Tommy and Maria are beckoning him to come for a nightcap, greeting them with a familiar smile.
You rub your face with your gloved hands, squeezing your eyes shut and pressing your palms to your eyes.
“Shit!” You mutter under your breath. “Shit.”
And that is exactly why you’re hauling your sorry ass up Joel’s path, apologies and excuses dancing around your head, trying to work out just how you can get yourself out of this mess. You imagine Joel telling you that you can’t be on patrol anymore, you’re too irresponsible, too impulsive. Your stomach clenches with nerves.
Finally, you reach his front door and knock lightly a few times, willing him not to be in the house. You can come back tomorrow. You begin to turn away, making your way back down the path as you hear the latch of his front door opening.
You hear Joel’s heavy footsteps on the wooden porch and your heart sinks a little as you hear him speak.
“Don’t think you’ll get away that easy, darlin’. Get in here. Now.”
He steps aside to allow you to get past him, and you squeeze through into the living room, your shoulders brushing his lightly as you pass.
He steps back into the house and shuts the door firmly, your stomach jolting nervously at the finality of the sound. You’re trapped.
Joel moves through the living room, taking a seat on one of the large, comfortable chairs. He gets himself settled, leaning back with his arms draped casually across the back of the chair and his legs spread apart slightly. You can’t help it when your gaze flits between the exposed muscle of his bicep as the arms of his t-shirt rides up slightly, and the bulge in his blue jeans when he leans back. He adjusts himself again, pushing his hips forward. His t-shirt rides up just a little, exposing a sliver of soft, tanned stomach. You feel like you’re about to pass out as you take in the sight in front of you.
“Stop staring at him, for fucks sake!” You think, as you feel your face heat up even more.
“Come here.” Joel says sternly, pointing at a spot in front of him, about a foot away from where he’s sitting.
You walk tentatively over to where he points, coming to a halt just in front of his boots.
“That’s good, darlin’. So you can take orders, huh?” he rumbles, and you swear you hear a slight hint of amusement in his voice.
“I can take orders, old man.” You reply, tartly.
He grunts quietly, unamused.
“Now tell me, what’s with this attitude huh? You’re so polite with everyone else, so nice and sweet. Why do I get this bratty little attitude of yours?” He says, sternly, locking you in his steely gaze.
You don’t answer as you struggle to think of a reply, your mouth opening and closing over and over.
“You ain’t got nothin’ to say, sweetheart? You think I deserve this attitude of yours after I saved your life? Saved you from that cocky little stunt you pulled?” He goes on, filling the silence for you.
You feel hot and guilty as he lectures you, but your stomach twists pleasurably at the sight of him in front of you, and the deep, stern tone of his voice is making you feel hot and even a little damp in your underwear.
“J-Joel, this is…this is humiliating. I don’t need to be lectured like this, I’m not a child.” You find your voice, desperate to prove that you’re not as pathetic and bratty as he’s making you out to be.
“No? Then why do you act like such a child, out on patrol with me? Always with your bratty little comments, disobeying my direct orders, going off on your own when you think you know better!” He sounds more annoyed now, his voice taking on a sharper edge, you can tell you’re getting to him and a small part of you want to push further.
“Jesus Joel, you’re speaking to me like I’m not a grown woman, I’m in my 20’s for fucks sake! I don’t have to answer to you! I can take care of myself, I have more experience than you’ve ever given me credit for, old man.” You spit back, angry at the implications of his words and desperate to hold your own in this battle that you’re acutely aware you’re losing.
A dark look flits across his face, and he looks almost feral when he raises his eyes back to you. You a nervous tingling across the back of your neck as you realise you may have pushed it just a little too far this time.
His hand shoots out and grabs your collar tightly, pulling you down to his level, his forehead pressing against yours as his eyes bore into yours from below.
“Do you have any idea how much older I am than you, little girl? How much more experience I have than you? What I could do to a little brat like you?” He seethes, his voice low and threatening.
You feel a spike of arousal in your stomach as he grits his words out at you, his breath flickering over your face as his dark eyes search yours.
You swallow, steeling yourself against his intense gaze.
“Oh, I’d love to see what you’d do a little brat like me, old man.” You retort, smirking.
Another half-crazed look passes across his face and then suddenly he pulls you sharply by your wrist, unbalancing you and having you land directly across his knees, your ass sticking up slightly.
You’re in shock, feeling vulnerable and exposed despite the two layers of clothing protecting your modesty.
“Joel?! What the fuck?” You protest, trying to stand up, but his arm is solid and vice like around your waist.
He chuckles, clinging to your waist even tighter to ensure you can’t escape.
“Showin’ you what I do to little brats like you, sweetheart.”
Suddenly his hand comes down on your ass, taking you by surprise and making you yelp. Another sudden burst of arousal spikes through your core and you squirm in his lap slightly.
“You’re gonna spank me!? Really, Joel!?” You say, embarrassed.
“Don’t pretend you don’t like it, honey. I can see you squirmin’ from here.” He chides, bringing his hand down again, making you let out a strangled half yelp, half moan.
“F-fuck! That hurts, Joel!” You whimper.
“It’s meant to hurt sweetheart, how else is it gonna fix your little attitude problem?” He says, laughing slightly at your predicament.
You feel wetness pooling in your underwear as he strikes your ass again, and you squirm slightly again in his lap, feeling an unexpected hardness digging into your stomach.
“Don’t pretend you don’t like it, honey. I can practically feel you making a mess of your underwear, little girl.” He says coolly.
You whimper again, feeling hot and flustered from his ministrations and words. You can feel your pussy dripping with need and you worry it’s about to start making a stain on his jeans.
Joel runs a soothing, warm hand through your hair, coaxing you to look up at him.
“Cmon, darlin’. If you tell me the truth, I’ll give you what you want.” He looks searchingly into your face, big brown eyes kind and gentle.
You swallow, your throat dry with shame and your tongue thick with arousal, willing yourself to come up with a response that isn’t just incomprehensible whines and whimpers betraying your desperation for him.
“I..I…I don’t want anything, Joel. I swear!”
Your voice shakes as you lie through your teeth.
You hear Joel make a half grunt, half chuckle above you, and he draws breath before he speaks.
“You little liar.”
He sounds almost amused as he brings his hand down on your ass again, harder than before, and you accidentally let a strangled moan fall from your lips.
Your hand flies to your lips, as if you’re trying to push the sound back down your throat and your face feels impossibly hot. You can feel yourself leaking into your underwear, almost certainly soaking the fabric through entirely and you’re worried that it might start to leak out and stain his rough denim jeans.
“Oh, honey…” he says, sickly sweet and tender, and then winds a broad hand in the hair at the soft nape of your neck and pulls your head back sharply, slotting his face next to yours and pressing his lips up against your ear.
“I think you want me to fuck that little hole of yours until you remember who’s in charge here, little girl.”
You feel a gush of wetness in your underwear at his words, and an unrestrained moan leaves you against your will.
You nod your head as he begins to gently kiss and nibble at your ear slightly, making you shiver.
He leans back slightly and speaks again, his voice husky and laced with something like desire.
“Need words from you, darlin’. I ain’t doin’ shit until I know you want it. Come on, tell me what you want, honey.”
You gaze up at him, your eyes wide and probably slightly dazed looking from all the blood rushing away from your brain. You lick your dry lips and open your mouth to speak.
“N-need you to touch me Joel, please.”
He looks deep into your eyes.
“That right, baby? Need me to touch you, make you behave? Make you good for me?”
As he says this, you feel his large, warm hand sliding slowly up your thigh, stopping at your inner thigh and tracing small, teasing circles on the sensitive skin.
You can feel yourself get even wetter, and you squirm a little in his lap as his fingers move a little higher, tracing the large wet patch on your underwear.
He smirks slightly, almost condescendingly before speaking.
“All this from a little punishment, darlin’? You really this wet for me?”
He moves his fingers up to the waistband of your underwear and hooks his fingers under the elastic.
“Can I take these off, baby? You want this?”
You’re practically grinding on his thigh with frustration and your voice is small and desperate as you answer.
“Please Joel, take ‘em off, need you so bad.”
He chuckles, deep and warm as he slides your underwear down your thighs, tutting sympathetically as he sees the marks his hand left behind on your ass.
“Poor lil’ thing. Maybe I went too hard on you. Still, you look so damn good like this, honey. Is this how I should get you to mind me from now on? Put you over my knee and spank this pretty lil ass till ya’ listen?”
You moan quietly at his words, not at all opposed to the idea, which of course, Joel notices.
“I see I got a lil masochist on my hands here, ain’t that right, darlin’? You like a lil pain?”
You whimper out a response.
“Yeah, I-I like it, Joel. Now p-please, you’ve teased me enough, need you to touch me.”
He seems to take pity on you as he slowly pulls your underwear down your legs, urging your hips up to give himself room. As you lay back down in his lap you feel his hardness digging into your stomach and you whine out.
“Please Joel, I want your cock so bad, I’ll be good I promise.”
You look up at him with pleading eyes, and he brings his large hand up to your face, smushing your cheeks together so your lips push out in a pout.
“As cute as you are, darlin’, you’re not getting my cock until you can prove you can listen to me, take orders from me like a good girl. Got it, honey?”
You start to pitch up a whine, complaining slightly.
“B-but, Joel, I-I-….”
His grip on your cheeks goes tighter, and he nods your head up and down slightly, his mouth curved into a condescending grin.
“There we go, good girl. Say “Yes, Sir.” That’s it…”
He chuckles, dropping his grip on your cheeks and stroking your hair again in a soothing motion, then moving his hands back to your dripping wet core.
“Listen to me, little girl. You’re gonna lay nice and still over my knee and you’re gonna take what I have to give you, got it? Gonna show you who’s in charge around here, honey; you’re gonna mind me when we’re done.”
As he says this, he slides a thick finger into your dripping hole, and you feel yourself clench around his digit.
“O-oh, fuck!”
You whine as he starts up an unforgiving pace, and you can hear the sticky, wet noises of your own arousal echoing through the room.
“You like that honey? Huh?”
He says, as he slips another finger in, the slight stretch making you cry out in pleasure again.
“Where’s that bratty attitude now, little girl? You gonna talk back to me now you’re getting fucked over my knee? Fucked good by this old man?”
You feel yourself somehow get even wetter at his words, whines tumbling from your lips.
“N-no, Joel, I promise! I’ll b-be good, I swear! Just please don’t stop!”
He makes a thinking noise, his fingers not slowing as he moves his other hand to your lower back, holding you down.
“I don’t know honey, I’m not convinced that you’ll be a good girl for me. Show me some proper respect, and maybe I’ll think about it. Go on.”
You let out a frustrated whine, not believing that he can possibly make this situation anymore humiliating, but you think you know what he wants.
Finally you give in.
“Please, Sir! Please, don’t stop!”
You think you can feel his cock twitch slightly as it digs into your stomach from below, and you feel a slight sense of satisfaction as he speaks.
“Yeah honey, that’s a good girl. Showing me some proper respect now, huh?”
He seems pleased, and as if rewarding you for your efforts he scoops you up and sits you in his lap properly, draping your legs either side of his broad thighs.
You feel your wetness drip out of you as your core is entirely exposed to the cool air of the room.
“I think my good girl deserves a little reward now, show her I’m not all bad, right baby?”
His fingers go straight for your clit and begin to rub it in tight, calculated circles as the fingers of his other hand plunge back into your tight hole.
You moan loudly he does this, feeling yourself close to cumming already after his relentless teasing. You feel as if you can’t control the loud, desperate whines and moans leaving your lips as he continues to work your body expertly.
You hear him tut again as your moans reach a particularly loud crescendo.
“Shh, honey…damn, you really are desperate to cum, huh? You better quieten down, you wouldn’t want your lil’ friends to know you’re getting fucked so good by a man old enough to be your daddy. Ain’t that right little girl?”
As he says this, he takes his fingers out from your pussy and shoves them in your open mouth, silencing your moans.
“Yeah, that’s better. Give you something to keep you quiet while you cum, darlin’.”
You feel yourself tightening around nothing, your legs clenching and shaking as you begin to cum, Joel’s fingers in your mouth keeping you quiet.
He continues to rub your clit slowly as you come down from your high, the feeling making you shiver and spasm in his arms.
You relax back into his chest, feeling slightly dizzy from your intense orgasm, your muscles feeling jelly-like and utterly relaxed.
Joel wraps his arms around your shaking form, reclining further into the chair and allowing you to nestle into his arms.
“You okay, honey? Need anything, some water or something?”
You look up at him, his brown eyes kind and gentle again.
You giggle slightly,
“Maybe my pants back, old man…”
He raises his eyebrows in mock surprise.
“Oh, back to our old ways already are we, sweetheart?”
He says, playfully.
You laugh quietly again, resting your head on his chest.
“Yeah, something like that.”
You two stay like that for a while, until finally your legs begin to go numb due to the uncomfortable position. Joel sends you off with a kiss on the forehead and a pat on your (still slightly sore) ass, as well as a warning that you’d better listen to him next time you’re on patrol together.
You find yourself making a promise to yourself to show Joel just how much of a good girl you can be the next time you’re on patrol together.
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spookykoolkat · 9 months
the red j.m. | chapter four
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pairings: older!joel miller x plus sized!younger!reader
chapter summary: you've been in jackson for a month now and things are still a little rough. you haven't found the right crowd to fit into yet, and thought maybe you might have to settle for the family of four you already know, until you meet your patrol partner, tyler. unfortunately, joel doesn't seem to like the idea of you with any other man but him.
warnings: 18+ age gap (joel is 57, reader is turning 26), inappropriate thoughts, sexual language, teasing, touching, slight jealous!joel, x-rated descriptions, crude language, perv!joel, creepy!joel, mean joel not too mean tho, MDNI!!!
wc: 6.2k
na: HI! thank you for alllll of the love oh my god my little gothic heart is so full i love you guys!!! i hope this series is everything and more to you guys bc i love this so much! hopefully as chapters go by, i get better in my writing and hope everyone enjoys it! i appreciate all of your kind words and interactions with me and making me feel welcome since i am new to writing on tumblr and kind of took a six year break from writing oneshots/fanfictions LOL. anyways please enjoy this chapter things are g3tting a little hot and heavy :P I CANT WAITT i hope that my writing is cathartic for my big girls we do not get enough representation for us in stories and writings!please enjoy! smut coming soon fr fr LMFAOO
i appreciate all reblogs, likes and comments feel free to do any one of those things or ALL! if u think its deserved :P
you’ve been in jackson for a month now. you couldn’t believe it, you truly had every doubt about staying even a week. but, it’s probably the calmest life you’ve lived in a very long time. you enjoyed it and you truly felt you’d made the right decision, it didn’t take much convincing either. but, you still haven’t unpacked the items maria gave you and continues to give you. just in case. 
the neighbors are learning your name, as you are with them, and they actually care. as much as you let them. you felt quite bad because you found yourself still not clicking with anyone around you. and you’ve tried. the people your age find you boring, almost a dark cloud over them, bursting their bubbles. younger kids only approach you because of ellie, asking for advice on stance and grip. the older group, around tommy and joel’s age, finds you a bit much. 
your language, your lack of social awareness–sometimes it gets embarrassing. saying something old heads wouldn’t necessarily like, being too blunt and a little explicit. joel figured you should hang around your age group, yet you didn’t really click in with the rest. he was far from embarrassed being around you, you just said the things he was thinking out loud.
you only found yourself clicking with joel. in many ways, as much as he let you. he was standoffish most of the time, barely cracking a smile at your weird habits and the noises you make when you’re passed out on the couch. he refused to let you break him, this wall that he had up to survive. do not get attached. he thought, maybe the less he knew you the less it’d hurt to have anything happen to you. but it seems even as little as he does know you, he’s still feeling that tug at his heart laying his eyes on you. 
it was too late. whoops.
joel doesn’t want to address that feeling, and he doesn’t want to call it as it is. he actually cares about you. he had no choice but to call it that, because why else would he lie to you about finding cassettes in the house?— so that you didn’t know what he really did to get you whatever he could get his hands on. 
he didn’t want you to know that he actually smuggled in goods that he and his family needed, and while bribing, stealing, trading and selling for necessities, he made it a mission to find at least one cassette tape for you. he didn’t know you actually saw him red handed, and you still didn’t know where those boxes were coming from. he figured if you knew, you’d bring it up. 
he made it his mission for two whole weeks, after your first week of staying with him, and finally got his hands on some actual music for you. joel hadn’t made efforts like this in a long time, and he knew that denying the fact that he at least cared for you would mean he was being delusional. 
but he was always worried about you. you were his object of affection and he craved to find a way to get you out of his mind. he actually felt guilty for thinking about you in ways you’ve probably never been before, he felt guilty for wanting nothing but to make you feel good—however that was. 
you doubted it strongly of course, shaking the feeling off as your own delusion and insanity, but you always hoped. hoped that maybe his generosity and southern hospitality was actually him caring about you in a different way, but he was a grown man. you tried to off yourself in front of him–you were insane to think he’d even look at you as anything but a liability, he hardly looked your way as it was. 
at least you thought so.
joel paid attention to every single thing he sees and hears. he doesn’t show it, he doesn’t acknowledge it—all he does is observe. some more than others. 
you didn’t talk to him unless he talked to you, you kept your distance like he wanted, but somehow he knew everything that was going on. he didn’t have to talk to you to know you, and that’s what he was ashamed of. he watched you. 
he was a creep, he felt like someone who was abnormal and making things weirder than they had to be. he was studying you and you didn’t even know. he picked up on what made you smile, which cassettes you listened to the most, which just so happened to be the ones he was ‘holding on to.’ and in the midst of observing you, he checked you out any time he got. 
when you weren’t looking mostly, but even sometimes when you were talking to him about something not so important. he realized that if you did see that his eyes wandered over you, you were probably gaslighting yourself into thinking he wasn’t doing exactly what you thought he was doing. he loved your body. and he loved the way you dressed your body, the way the shirts you wore always clung to your heavy breasts, how even when you dressed in baggy clothes he still wanted to ruin you like that. 
sick. you’re a sick old pervert, ya kno’ that? he knew. what joel didn’t know is why you made him feel this way, why you drove him to do the things that he does for you. why he acted feral every time you bent over, why he would storm out of the room when you got on your hands and knees to pick something you dropped up off the floor. 
but he also studied you because he wanted to make sure you weren’t feeling how you felt the night you woke up in jackson, to make sure you weren’t feeling depressed or like you didn’t want to be here anymore. just talk to her fucker. he couldn’t. he would never admit it, but he’s eavesdropped near ellie’s garage to hear conversations between the two girls. 
“ellie, i mean it, you cannot tell joel.” you hushed as you glanced towards the door, back to ellie. 
she scoffed. “like i’d tell him, lay it on me.” you noticed the irritation in her eyes when you brought up joel, asking yourself if maybe there was something that wasn’t being said. you just put a pin in it. 
“okay. one, i’m finally allowed a gun and i got my patrol route.” you cheered in a hush and joel almost pressed his ear into the door. 
ellie rolled her eyes, grabbing the piece of paper. “no fucking fair. good looks, telling me bad news first. what’s two?” she joked. 
“i met my patrol partner. his name’s uh, tyler? i think. yeah,” you looked down and nodded, assuring yourself. joel made it a note to tell ellie how thin her walls were, not right now though. 
“tyler… tyler m?” joel thought of every man in this town named tyler with the letter M as his last name. instantly made a mental list of five tylers. 
“i don’t know. but he asked me for a drink. tonight, he was gonna meet me here but i told him i’d meet him there. lesson number 5, always have a way to leave anywhere you are if you need to.” you said. you figured it’d be best to teach her as much as you could, telling her things she needed to hear to survive. 
that’s how joel knew immediately what was happening when he heard your soft singing from your cracked door. you were getting ready for him. he actually hated it. he couldn’t remember the last time he felt that heat in his chest, biting the tongue—it wasn’t until his face turned down into the old familiar feeling, what he recognized as jealousy. 
who was he to be jealous? for what? it was a saturday night, most people were off of work, and everyone was settling in the town’s circle to drink and watch movies. everyone but joel. he was now classified as a bitter old man, with a dark whiskey in his glass. maybe now a bitter, creepy old man as he knocks slightly on the cracked door and you invite him in. 
you were fixing the laces on your shoes, simple black converse, and his eyes made his way up from there to your face. a deep v neck shirt that looked like a second skin from how tight it was, and faded black jeans with tiny holes from being lived in that hugged the fat of your thighs. he never noticed the gold dainty necklace that sat in the middle of your chest, but it sits right between the curves of your breasts. were they always that big? he felt like a kid, ogling and asking stupid questions.  
“hellooo? joel?” you called to him as you rested your palms on the width of your thighs. he saw your lips, coated in a sheen and your hair split down the middle instead of being in a pony tail or bun. creepy old man. you’re being creepy joel!!! he shook his head. 
“headin’ to the circle?” he asked. if he were close enough you could smell the whiskey on his breath. 
“yeah i-,” you thought for a minute. joel didn’t trust the next person as much as you did. you saw his protectiveness through ellie, you felt maybe he’d feel the same for you. even if you were a bit delusional. 
“-was gonna catch a movie with ellie, most likely be back around 12.” you said as you glanced at the clock, 9:32. 
“‘s that right?” he said suggestively, like he knew something you didn’t. he did. 
“yeah. that’s right,” you stood firm, even shot him a dirty look. “why don’t you enjoy the night, joel. you got the house to yourself, ain’t that what you’ve been mopin’ around for?” you stood up and grabbed your gun to put in your waistband behind your shirt, sticking a knife in your high top converse and one in your jean pocket. 
maybe you got too defensive, but you were right in a way. he looked miserable around the house, storming in just to grab a beer and lock himself in the library or room. 
“that’s right,” he was just smug. so smug you couldn’t stand it, you wanted to slap him. 
“whatever joel,” you wanted to be right so bad. you wanted to prove to even yourself that you were right. but neither of you were buying into this act you played, and you knew it. he was making you nervous with his stare, the hard shell you had was practically ripped off of you when he grabbed your wrist before you left the room. he held you, shoulder to shoulder and looked at your face, down your neck and to your chest. 
“if you need anythin’, you let me know darlin’.” darlin’? it was so foreign to you, so alien that you didn’t even have time to process it before your mouth moved to say a small alright and taking your arm from his grip. when you did, it was cold and you could feel the print of his hand around your wrist down the stairs. 
it was so different, something that leaked off of his words when he spoke to you. and you wanted to hear more of it, explore that with him. 
before you could psych yourself out of going through the bar’s doors, you heard someone call for your name and turned your head to the left to see tyler, walking towards you with a big grin on his face. tyler was just two years older than you, someone you met while you were in combat and patrol classes, and didn’t acknowledge until he approached you, re-introducing himself as your partner for the first two weeks. you couldn’t be cold and shoo him away, you just smiled and introduced yourself, really looking at him. 
he was not joel miller. tyler’s skin wasn’t as tan as joel’s but he wasn’t pale, and he was actually a bit lanky even under the thick coats he layered. you noticed that his chest wasn’t as broad and strong as joel’s, hell his arms were smaller than yours. he was a skinny tall thing, while you were a bit short and thick everywhere. and when he embraced you lightly at the entrance of the bar, you just felt cold. no warmth, no comfort, you felt like you’d break him. 
“hey, i was hoping you’d actually come.” he breathed in as he pulled away, still, it wasn’t feeling right. 
“why wouldn’t i?” 
“cause you’re out of my league,” he said with a seductive smile and you wanted to believe him. wanted to enjoy the night as it comes and maybe have a few drinks, talk. but your mind was on a bitter man who sat in a house all by his lonesome. 
the thing about ‘dates’ now is that small talk doesn’t happen anymore. what’s your mom like? she’s dead actually. really? mine too! it was pointless. if you ended up here, you knew that you were alone. 
it wasn’t long before you and tyler were sitting on two stools, side by side. your knees were in between his as the two of you talked, flirted, gave simple touches. you were having fun. doing what would seem normal at a bar, just enjoying the company of someone who actually liked you. 
“how come you’ve never hung out with anyone else? i never see you with anyone.” he said, his fingers tapping on your knee. 
“mmm, i’m just not for everyone.” you flirted, covering his fingers with yours. you knew this wasn’t going anywhere, but you’d like to live in it just a little longer. the touch of a man, someone who desired you even if it wasn’t how you wanted. something you started to crave from joel. 
“maybe you’re just for me then?” he suggested, and you decided to just play into it. it was kind of hard not to when you were thinking of joel, you needed to act out on it. 
“i doubt that, honey,” you said, tugging at the collar of his shirt. he smelled like tequila and grass, something not that appealing but you ignore it. you wanted something out of him tonight, because for some reason the words joel spoke to you kept ringing in your ears. if you need anything, you let me know darlin’. the words rumbled through your body and straight to your core, because if there’s anything you need he could definitely be of help. 
you didn’t know how long you stayed at this bar, teasing and touching each other until you felt the ache in your core, aching for a touch that you’ve had once before. but you didn’t give a shit about purity or virginity, you wanted the ache gone and you knew tyler was the best bet. 
“tyler,” you whispered in his ear as the bar started to empty. 
“yes, beautiful?” he answered and slid his hand up your thigh. 
“show me how good you are with your fingers, yeah?” 
he followed you back to joel’s, hand in hand as you turned the key to the house and softly opened the door to prevent the creaking. granted, you didn’t think this through, like everything else. maybe you should’ve gone to his. you cringed a bit, walking inside. 
it was dark inside, nothing but the sizzle of a freshly put out fire. you put your fingers to your lips to shush him, taking him slowly upstairs and to your room. you couldn’t help but find yourself glancing at joel’s door, which is cracked open. 
you finally made it to your room with the lanky man groping your body and trying to slither you out of your jeans, letting him. 
“only want your fingers, okay? if not you can leave.” you established as you stood in your panties and tight shirt. 
“fuck, yeah that’s okay,” tyler himself was craving a woman’s touch, he didn’t even care if he got off. he just wanted to see you, a woman’s body, to feel you. 
“can i touch you? like anywhere?” he asked as he sat on the edge of your bed, his cock already hardened against his pants. it didn’t sound right coming from him. you wondered what it’d sound like with the texas twang you craved to hear from a certain man. 
it still made your core twinge a bit, remembering the last time you were this vulnerable. you couldn’t lie, even if it wasn’t what you wanted, you fell in to the odd touch of the man desperately trying to touch you. 
“anywhere. keep your dick in your pants, i’ll touch as i go if you want me to.” you moved over to him and crawled into your bed, and he slipped in next to you as he propped himself on his elbow to look at you. 
“you’re so pretty, really.” he said, genuinely and you smiled. your stomach even fluttered a bit. it’s been a long time hearing that, hearing desire. 
“touch me, please.” 
tyler took his time, a little more than you’d liked but he was busy distracted with the way your tits pushed up to your chin, like you were suffocating. touching and teasing, his touch felt good but it still didn’t feel right, it didn’t feel heartstopping. maybe you’re expecting too much. 
but he didn’t talk to you when he dipped his hand in your panties, you just heard his whimpers and panting as he rutted his hard on into the side of your fat thigh, barely focused on you. you weren’t feeling it anymore, your wetness wasn’t even directed towards him really. everything you did with him was what you wanted to do with joel. you weren’t interested anymore and it started to feel wrong, it never felt good because tyler wasn’t worried about you. just his nut, and you didn’t like that. you didn’t like to feel used. 
“okay, wait, wait—i said wait!” you said and grabbed his wrist, pulling it from your panties and moving off of the bed. 
“wait, fuck i’m sorry, i was just so, fuck i’m so sorry.” he said a bit loudly, and you swore you heard a creak in the hallway as you moved to the door. 
“it’s okay, i just, i’m not–i’m tired. i think you should go.” you said, hugging your arm as he adjusted himself in his pants and got up. 
“i’m sorry, i,-” he tried again and you waved him off. 
“it’s done and forgotten, you didn’t do anything you were just really into it. i wasn’t.” you were careful with your words, not as tough as you would be because you’re vulnerable. but he wouldn’t get far if he hurt you, you knew that. 
“i’m sorry, goodnight. can we kind of like, forget this?” he asked rubbing the back of his neck and you softly laughed. 
“forget what?” you smiled and he returned it, giving a small kiss on the cheek before he left. he was a nice man, a good kid, and he meant no harm. he didn’t need a ruthless beating or yelling, just needed to tell him it wasn’t meant to be. you couldn’t shake the feeling of how wrong it was, how wrong it felt being tyler touching you. 
you knew who you wanted to touch you. as sweet and kind and charming tyler was, he wasn’t what you wanted. the man you wanted was across the hall from you, on the other side of the stairs. sleeping, maybe. 
you knew ellie was at a friends house doing only god knows what, so with the hope in mind that joel was asleep in his room, you trotted downstairs braless, and bottomless. you were still in the same tight shirt you left in, but now just in the pink panties that were apart of the gifts maria got you. just new/traded clothing you needed. the shirt hugged you and cut off at the dip of your curve, the fat of your tummy slightly protruding between the shirt and your panties. 
you didn’t look towards the fireplace where the sofas were, instead you grab a small cup and let faucet water pour into it, taking a drink. 
“work up a sweat?” a deep southern voice said behind you, from a distance. you jumped at the sudden break of silence and turned quickly to the sofas. 
“joel? what the fuck,” you breathed and stepped out to walk to the sofas. somehow, you completely disregarded the fact that all you had on was a shirt and panties, standing in joel miller’s living room. 
“what made you think it was a bright idea to invite a bastard in my home like that? not only that,” he said. you finally saw the light from outside shining on his face as he stood up, something glimmering in his hand. a gun. “but letting him touch all over you? that prick?” 
you had a lot to say, a lot to yell out. but the only thing to say was a snarky comment. “you know he called you the same thing.” 
which, he did. but you were too drunk on the flirting and drinks to care or to know why, even though you already knew. joel wasn’t nice to anyone but ellie. tommy and maria even think he’s an asshole, but that’s tommy’s brother and maria’s brother in law. he’s family. but there were things that you didn’t know about joel miller. things he didn’t want you to know either. 
“why do you even care? who’s touching me, i mean.” you scoff, feeling less embarrassed about your state of clothing. but being a lot more aware as he steps closer and closer to your curvy figure, putting his gun in the waistband of his sweatpants. 
he was intimidating like this. towering over you with his fists clenched, searching your face for something. you felt your heartbeat pick up as his eyes raked over you and fell on your lips. he was drunk off of you, the sight of your fat cunt only being clothed by a single piece of fabric drove him to dig his nails in his palms. the nakedness of your thighs, and the midriff showing—it was going to kill him.
“if you’re gonna fuck these town folk, make sure it ain’t in my house.” he spit, and you just rolled your eyes. you felt like you were in trouble for sneaking out, like a teenager. 
“i didn’t fuck anyone. we didn’t do anything. he wanted to, i didn’t.” you defended, feeling small now but still holding yourself tall.
joel just looked at you, not wondering if you were lying or not. he knew you weren’t, he heard it himself the minute he heard something bang against your wall. it was just you shuffling to get up, and he heard you consoling him. you weren’t satisfied. 
“why’d you lie to me? bout’ seein’ him tonight?” he asked, your head tilted up to his as he steps one step closer. your chest is almost touch his, and your breathing was getting heavier. 
“figured you wouldn’t trust him,” you said, sounding like you wanted to say something else but keeping it to yourself. 
he was watching you like you were his prey. like you were something he wanted to take and devour for himself, like you were something for his eyes only. 
“smart girl,” 
“he touch you wrong?” he couldn’t help but ask, the curiosity killing him slowly as time passes with you standing in front of him with your tight pink panties on. he looked down between the two of you and saw the hardened pebbles that were your nipples showing up through your black tight shirt, down to your tummy that was pressed against his. he liked the softness of your belly, he was practically dying to grip it himself. he wanted to grip every part of you, to palm your pussy and feel how warm you were in his grip. he even found himself hating his own mind as thought of what your pussy would look like sucking him in. 
“i, he,” you were stuttering, embarrassing yourself as his hand trailed up your arm, thinking of all the ways he could watch you take his cock for him. 
you watched him watch you. how his eyes went dark again, how there was a slight touch of possessiveness in his voice. you didn’t assume though.
“can’t find the words, hm? he wasn’t makin’ you feel good?” he asked softly, watching as you closed your eyes and breathed through your mouth, opening again to see a small grin playing on his lips, his head tilted to the side. his fingers barely left your wrist, and made their way to your fleshy hip, tapping against the bare skin. he was enjoying this. making you squirm. making you nervous. 
“fuck off, joel,” you meant it to come out a lot stronger than it did, even you thought you sounded needy. “s’ none of your damn business,” you spit, stronger this time.
and before you could even wallow in your retorts, a smile tugged very faintly at his lips. you weren’t so convincing when you were practically trying to pull him to your body with your fists buried in his sweater. he appreciated the effort though, he's never met someone with as much bite in their bark as you.
he just liked to watch you writhe for him. you wanted to whine with how eager you were for him, how mean he was being to you for no reason. you needed him.
“it’s like you’re not even tryin’, what’s the matter? do i make you nervous sweetheart?” he gleamed in his power over you, the way your eyes searched for him and your mouth parted, just for him. he wanted to ruin you in every way. ruin every man for you, show you how to truly be taken care of.
"go fuck yourself," you retorted and he actually laughed. and he laughed at you. a sudden heat rushed to your cheeks, embarrassment filling you.
“i didn’t tell you but,” he paused as he leaned into your ear, grazing his cheek against yours and smiling to himself, “you looked real pretty today, ya know that? you look even prettier like this, all flustered for me.” 
you had to be dreaming. had to have gone to sleep after tyler left, and this was your wet dream making up for it. there was no way you were this exposed to joel and he was practically pressed up against your body as he told you how pretty you looked. you couldn’t speak, your tongue was tied and joel smiled to himself as he realized he got you to shut up.
“would ya let me touch you, sweet girl? maybe you'd be nicer if someone knew how to touch you,” he asked, his fingers playing on your hip. 
you still couldn’t answer. it felt like a trap, like if you let yourself give in to his words, every guard you put up was pointless. you were frozen, and suddenly felt insanely vulnerable but his voice was so inviting, so impossible to not fall into.
“touch me where?” you asked, treading lightly. you wanted to hear it, you wanted him to tell you he wanted you as bad as you wanted him. you wanted to prove to yourself that you hadn't lost your mind yet. but you also wanted to stretch whatever this was as long as possible before you find yourself on your knees for him without even asking.
joel felt like he was out of his body. like he was watching you squirm and move under his presence from above. he was so distracted by how hard your nipples were rubbing against him that he didn’t even notice your fists balled into his shirt, trying to take him in closer. maybe it was the alcohol he drank to ignore the jealousy he felt, or maybe it was the fact that tommy came to tell joel about the boy you were seeing. how the two of you were practically on top of each other before he left, how he was touching you in public–he was angry. 
nothing was done, nothing more than joel grabbing your almost bare hip and you tugging on his shirt, but it still felt like something that was crossing a line. a line you wanted to cross.
until he got the courage to grab the hand that was buried in his sweater, taking it in his own and touching you with your hand. he was answering your question. his hand ghosted on top of yours as his eyes watched your eyes train on the sight between the two of the bodies, enjoying how soft and pink you look. you were hot and bothered, and he could get used to seeing you like this. 
“first place i’d touch you, baby,” he breathes, his lips practically against your cheek now. he was breathing you in, drinking you in, “is right here,” 
his hand guided you to cup your mound, angry that it wasn’t his hand touching you. your breath was shaky while you watched him, your eyes flickering from his moving hand to his eyes, and every time he made sure your eyes latched onto his. he wanted you to know how much he was enjoying teasing you like this, he wanted you to remember the way he looked at you while you panted against him. 
“but like this, lemme show you ‘xactly how i’d touch you sweetheart,” he was lost, drunken only on you, ignoring the world around him. “don’t think that boy would be enough for a woman like you, ain’t that right?"
he took his own hand as you were still pressed against his front, his lips now teasing the skin of the crook of your neck and starting to pull your panties away from your skin to dip his hand inside. your breathing was uneven and your soft whimpers were getting louder the more he trailed down into your underwear, and he was loving them.
the second he felt the scruff of your unshaved mound, he heard you release a shaky, sexy breath, and he grew harder against your bare abdomen. even feeling the heat of your skin on his clothed cock made him want to get on his knees and worship you.
"needy little fuckin' thing, that desperate for me huh? you gonna let me feel this pretty pussy how i want?"
he was so fucking filthy. so filthy for someone who hasn't even seen you naked, so filthy for someone who didn't even talk to you before this. it was agonizing, you were melting into his harsh words and wanted to listen to him make you feel small like this all night.
"joel, i swear," you warned as his breath hit your lips with his eyes on yours.
you had a bush, he thought to himself. he really didn’t think that would turn him on of course,  but now he pictured you standing in front of him, bottomless. how your belly would look with your curves, the way your breasts would rest at their natural position, your thighs fat and wide all for him, and the pretty fat mound waiting for him to feel and taste. worst time to think all of that of course, because it sent a flood of blood and excitement to his groin, giving him another thing to be nervous about. but god did he want to see it, see all of you laid in his bed, and tugging on the thatch of hair on your mound. he was fucked.
and god forbid you figured out that he’s been picturing you bent and folded in every way just so he could reach to the back of your cervix, if you figured out that his anger towards you is pent up sexual frustration because every time you’re in the shower, he’s thinking of the way you looked lathered in soap, waiting for him to join you. he was a sick man to think of you like this, but all of his desires and fantasies were threatening to barge in, to unleash all of his wants and needs to you. 
he was fighting himself to be a respectable man, a man who doesn’t think of women who were young enough to be his own kid in ways that were sinful. he shouldn’t be wanting to fill your throat with his cock when you smart mouth him. he was losing whoever he thought was himself, and letting heart and cock do his thinking. 
you couldn't think right, nothing was processing as you felt the heat of his hand on your cunt. you felt another wave of pleasure hit you and suddenly, you could feel your wetness pooling for him in your panties. you had a hard time wrapping your head around the fact that joel actually wanted you too, even if he wanted to put you in your place for once and shut you up.
you didn't care how he wanted you. you were a bitch, but you were desperate for him.
"mmm, you're real scary, baby, threats ain't gettin' you anywhere. you have t' beg me for my fingers," he teased, rubbing the hair on your mound.
"oh fuck off, i'm not begging you for shit," you're putting up a fight with yourself, and you were winning. at leadt you thought so. even if you were letting him touch you this way, you weren't goping to beg him or give him the pleasure of watching you submit to him.
"yeah? maybe i'll jus' make ya," he grinned, his sinister smile forming while he rested his forehead on yours, his hand inside your panties as the two of you watched him tease your lips.
the second joel’s finger moves from your hairy mound to the fat lips of your cunt to spread and feel just how much you ached for him, to tease your hole so you'd be sent into a fit of desperation, the two of you heard the doorknob jiggle and a loud laugh from the outside, meaning it was ellie. joel pulled his hand and body away quickly and nodded upstairs with a hard look, giving you the hint to go before ellie saw you in your panties. 
your face expressed everything to him, you needed him. and you didn’t want to let go. he watched as you walked up the stairs, your ass practically eating up the fabric of your panties. it left nothing to the imagination and he groaned, something you swore you heard, before he fixed himself in his pants. 
ellie walked in, and you stayed at the top of the stairs out of sight to hear the lecturing. 
“are you outta your damn mind, ellie? it’s three in the mornin’,” his paternal instincts were coming out, and you smiled. 
“i was down the street. relax, i just didn’t want to stay there.” ellie defended as she slipped her shoes off. 
“did somethin’ happen? are you hurt?” he asked quickly, examining ellie to see if he saw blood or cuts anywhere. 
“jeez, no joel lay off. why are you up anyways isn’t it like six hours past your bedtime?” she scoffed, annoyed at the father figure lecturing her right now. what was he gonna tell her? 
“was waitin for your friend to come home, so i can lock up before bed,” he lied. he was lying and you knew it. you came home an hour ago, and he was still up. 
“you’re in love aren’t ya? old man,” ellie teased. her demeanor was a little more playful than she’d been this last month and he shook his head annoyed, but to you it was silent. your lips pinched into a thin line as you heard joel grunt.
“go to be ellie. now.” he ordered and she rolled her eyes, saying her good nights and going to the garage to sleep in her space. 
a part of you wanted joel to come upstairs, into your room and to do everything he wanted to do. you didn’t know exactly what he wanted to do, but with the touching and flirting he was doing, it seemed like he wanted you. maybe he was drunk, you could smell it on his breath! he seemed pretty sober talking to ellie. you cursed yourself as you moved quietly to your room, leaving the door cracked open just in case. 
but nothing. you heard him trudge up the stairs, and walk directly the opposite direction into his own room. you were frustrated at this point. sexually frustrated if you must say, and the ache in your core was not leaving any time soon. 
you felt embarrassed, and you felt like joel was toying with you. all of the sudden this comes up and he's trying to finger fuck you in the living room when you genuinely thought he didn't even acknowledge your mere existence. it was so confusing for you, but the only thing you knew for sure now after a few weeks of deciding is that you craved joel miller.
it was a weird feeling. only because growing up in an apocalyptic world as a teenager and a young adult meant your chances of love and relationships were slim to none, at least for you. but you met joel in times where you had given up already.
as you lied in bed, wondering if joel was asleep or thinking about you too, you felt silly. you were setting yourself up for disaster by having hope that whatever this was with joel was more than that, and not just that. you worried you were getting ahead of yourself, maybe you were taking joel's advances too seriously. what if he just wants an easy fuck? nothing serious, something for pleasure in this dark world where everyone seeks a way to alleviate their pain
you felt like maybe you were geting into your head like you always do. maybe this could be good. maybe this could be your chance to let go, be vulnreable again, let someone make you feel like a teenager again. you had your fair share of crushes when you were in the QZ, you remembered that innocent feeling of liking someone, the shyness that came with it, how nervous you got around them. and with joel, you felt that times one hundred.
the flutters in your stomach, the goosebumps on your skin when he stands too close to you. he made you feel good even without trying.
but nothing good comes from joel miller.
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lifeless-v5 · 9 months
We all whipped our heads towards the stage. We looked at the podium, confused, when suddenly-
???: Upupupu…
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???: Monokuma appears!
Jimmy yelped and fell off the stage when the stuffed bear appeared on top of the podium. I offered him my hand and he pulled himself up.
Joel: What the hell?!
Ren: What is that infernal thing?!
Pearl: Is that a… teddy bear?
???: I’m no teddy bear! I’m Monokuma!
Martyn: That- huh?
Monokuma: I’m your headmaster! I’m here to make sure you all live your school life to the fullest!
Tango: Woah. The robotics in that thing have got to be incredible. Hey, can I take you apart and see them?
Monokuma: No way! Violence against the headmaster is strictly forbidden!
Skizz: This is some kind of joke, right? It’s gotta be!
Impulse: I’m sure it’s just an elaborate prank. Probably the school’s doing.
Scott: I’m sure you’re right.
Monokuma: Upupu… tell yourselves whatever you’d like. But do it quietly! I’ve got some important announcements!
Martyn: …Announcements?
Monokuma: The first of which is… this school is to be your entire world. For the remainder of the foreseeable future, you will live in this academy. Leaving is strictly forbidden.
Pearl: Yeah, it’s a prank.
Cleo: Stupidest prank I’ve ever seen. Did they really think we would believe this?
Jimmy: I don’t know… I have a bad feeling.
Skizz: What, you think we’re actually trapped here?
Monokuma: Go check the exit for yourself, if you really don’t believe me. But wait till I finish my announcements.
Joel: Get on with it, then.
Monokuma: Rodger that! My second announcement is that as soon as this assembly is finished, you will all be starting the killing school life!
Lizzie: Oh my… killing school life?
Bdubs: Hell’s the killing school life?
Monokuma: Well, I told you you’re to be living the rest of your lives at this academy, riight? Well, I can’t imagine that’s something you all are enthusiastic about.
Tango: No duh.
Monokuma: If you want to leave here, it’s fairly simple. All you have to do is kill.
Ren: Kill?! What on earth are you saying?!
Monokuma: I’m saying, kill.
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Monokuma: Stabbing, strangling, bludgeoning, poisoning… maybe even drowning or electrocution! Any method is fine, as long as you get the job done.
Bigb: That- that’s awful!
Etho: It’s ridiculous.
Skizz: Yeah! Even if this is real, there’s no way we’d kill each other!
Pearl: Yeah! That’s right!
Grian: It does seem unlikely…
Scar: It’s completely preposterous!
Monokuma: Upupupu… preposterous it may be, but the only way to leave here is to participate in this killing game. Are you sure you’re content with never seeing your friends and family again?
Scott: You- you’re sick.
Grian: He may be sick, but he is unfortunately right. There is a non-zero chance of someone getting killed.
Cleo: Don’t say stuff like that.
Martyn: …Hey, Monokuma, I’ve got a question.
Monokuma: Shoot!
Martyn: Is that really it? We just- kill someone, and… leave? No catch?
Monokuma: You have a very good eye there, Littlewood. The truth is, no, you can’t just kill someone and waltz on out. You have to be careful to not get caught by your classmates. It’s a bit more complicated than that, but you can find all the info on your Monopads!
Scar: Monopads?
Monokuma: Yup! I stuck ‘em in your pockets to replace those dinky old smartphones.
I scrambled around in my pockets, everyone else doing the same. Sure enough, instead of my phone, there was a small black and white tablet.
Congratulations! You can now use the @monopad-v5! Things like report cards, a school map, and regulations are all there. The @ will be in the pinned post.
I clicked on the icon for School Regulations and read through, my blood turning to ice.
Lizzie: By punished, you mean…
Monokuma: Execution, of course!
Tango: This… this can’t be real…
Monokuma: Believe what you like. It doesn’t change the truth.
Jimmy: I… I don’t…
Monokuma: Upupupu… You kids should sleep on it. Maybe you’ll feel a little more murderous in the morning. Check your profile in the report cards. It’ll tell you where you’re staying.
With that, he disappeared.
Bigb: …What now?
Cleo: I think we should listen and get some sleep. We’ve all had an exhausting day. We could use the rest.
Grian: That seems the best course of action.
Martyn: I agree.
We checked our maps, and made our way to the dorms. I had a feeling that sleep would be a long time coming for all of us.
Prologue/A Life, Limited/ <End>
[You got a School Crest.]
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 10
A/N: y’all ever think about that one empires episode of pearl’s where she helps sausage fight off a raid and that turns into a pvp battle between them, and she absolutely destroys him? yeah me too. also check out this awesome art by @amostfoolishgold​! anyway back to jimmy pov!
Warnings: injury, unconsciousness, fevers, talk of death, violence, corruption/infection, self-blame
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost
The sun was nearing the horizon, casting the Overgrown in a golden glow. The castle was beginning to take shape, but they had unfortunately run low on materials, and Joel and Lizzie weren’t back from their gathering trip yet. So for the moment, they all just sat in the half-constructed shell of a castle, having light conversation as they waited for Joel and Lizzie to arrive. But soon enough, the conversation dwindled into an awkward silence. That is, until Gem stood up with a determined look in her eyes and a gentle smile.
“Why don’t we head to my empire for dinner? We’ve been working hard all day and could use a break!” she said brightly. Jimmy wasn’t sure how he felt about Gem quite yet, after everything that had happened- but she and Pearl had been a huge help. Meanwhile Shelby looked intrigued by the offer, and while Katherine first nervously glanced to the horizon, she looked back to Gem with a smile.
“That is very kind of you, Gem. I’d love to- we should probably just leave a note for Joel and Lizzie to let them know where we’ve gone,” Katherine said, standing up as well. Gem looked to Jimmy semi-nervously- and well, Jimmy was always a bit of a softie, wasn’t he? He smiled at Gem and stood up too.
“That does sound nice, thank you for inviting us,” Jimmy said. Gem beamed, and Pearl looked relieved as she stood up next to Gem.
“Well, you definitely won’t see me complaining about free food!” Shelby chimed in, hopping up to her feet. That caused the group to break into laughter, and the air between them felt comfortable again.
Once Katherine had written the note and put it where Lizzie and Joel could easily find it, the five of them (minus Pearl, who had wings) equipped their elytra and flew off to the Crystal Cliffs. When they first arrived there, everything seemed normal. The grand cliffs themselves, the buildings nestled in and around them, the towers- it was a beautiful and mystical place. But there was something blue, white, and gold that stood out in a heap on the ground near one of the buildings- a very familiar something blue, white and gold.
“Oh my god-” Gem started, landing on the ground beside the figure.
“Is that-” Pearl said, unable to finish the thought as she landed just behind Gem.
“Scott?” Jimmy finished, voice shaking as he came in for a bit of an unsteady landing a few feet away from where Scott laid on the ground, breathing shallow and upon a closer look, something red pulsing and spreading beneath his skin like some sort of vine. Jimmy barely registered Katherine and Shelby landing on either side of him, too focused on what was before him.
“This- this red stuff reminds me of the redstone spikes in Fwhip’s empire- or maybe something from the nether?” Gem pondered as she knelt beside Scott, a purple glow coming over her hand as she reached out towards the infection in his arm.
“I’ve seen that before,” Shelby said, voice sounding distant and laced with horror. Everyone turned to look at her, surprised to hear such a terrified tone of voice from the usually enthusiastic gnome.
“The infection?” Pearl asked.
“The corruption. I’ve seen it happen to my people back home, until it consumed them until there was nothing left- it’s why I came here, to try and find a cure or some way to stop it. But nothing worked,” Shelby explained shakily, sounding like she was on the verge of tears. Jimmy felt like he was going to cry too- and some awful part of himself thought that he should be glad that this happened to Scott, that it served him right after betraying Jimmy and breaking his heart- but he couldn’t. Despite everything Scott had done, despite never wanting to see Scott again- none of that meant that Jimmy didn’t want a world where the winged elf wasn’t in it. And what about what Pearl had said? Scott didn’t seem happy with Fwhip either, but now Jimmy would never know the truth. Not if it died with Scott.
Jimmy was so wrapped up in his conflicted mess of emotions that he didn’t even notice that someone else had flown in until Katherine let out a sharp gasp. He tore his gaze away from Scott to see what had caused that reaction from Katherine- and saw Fwhip. A mix of anger and terror boiled in his veins and swirled in his stomach at the sight of him. Fwhip looked baffled to see so many people in Gem’s empire, and plastered on a forced friendly smile. Jimmy’s hand found Katherine’s, and she squeezed it back tightly with no intention of letting go.
“Gem! Hi, so I wanted to smooth things over- I think we left things on a bad note-”
“What did you do to Scott,” Gem demanded, cutting off Fwhip as she stood up from beside Scott. Purple sparks danced in the air around her, and Jimmy swallowed nervously- he didn’t think he had ever seen Gem seem so intimidating before. Jimmy was relieved to see that Fwhip looked nervous too.
“Well, I haven’t seen Scott since our meeting, he seemed upset when he left- weird that he ended up here- y’know I was actually gonna go and talk to him after you-”
“If by talk, you mean do whatever you did to Scott to us?!” Pearl demanded, hand on the hilt of her sword as she took a step forward to stand beside Gem.
“I didn’t-”
“I’ve had enough of your lies, Fwhip. What. Did. You. Do,” Gem said evenly. Fwhip swallowed nervously, before sighing and finally giving in.
“Okay, so I may have set a few traps in his empire and got Sausage to help me with letting a raid infiltrate his village and the surrounding lands- but I figured Scott could handle a few traps and some mobs, it was only meant to be a warning, I never meant to kill him! He must have really gotten soft if he couldn’t deal with it,” Fwhip rambled. Gem and Pearl seemed semi-satisfied with his answer, but Pearl kept her hand on her sword and purple sparks still danced around Gem. But there was something that Fwhip said that bothered Jimmy, and along with what Pearl had said… guilt was beginning to settle in the pit of his stomach.
“What do you mean by that?” Jimmy asked tentatively. Fwhip let out a harsh laugh, turning to Jimmy incredulously.
“The idiot actually fell for you. He was just supposed to be a distraction, a contingency plan to make sure you wouldn’t be trouble. But he got in too deep, and look where that got him,” Fwhip scoffed, looking down at Scott’s deathly still form in disdain. Guilt was crashing on Jimmy in waves now. He had pushed Scott away. Scott had actually cared about him and he pushed him away. And then he had no one to go to for help when Fwhip decided to send a “warning” and got hurt as a result.
“You’re lucky I’m a pacifist,” Katherine spat, more angry than Jimmy had ever heard her. He wished he could have shared her anger, shouted at Fwhip too- but Jimmy just felt numb.
“Well unluckily for Fwhip, I don’t have that problem,” Pearl fumed, drawing her sword. Fwhip started to scramble back as Pearl leapt at him. His backwards stumble turned into a run, and Pearl kept pace with him just fine, using her wings if necessary and brandishing her sword to chase him away.
“Pearl can handle him- can you three help me get Scott to the apothecary? I’d do it by myself, but he’s tall and there’s the bulk of his wings to worry about too,” Gem asked, looking down at Scott worriedly.
“Erm- right, of course,” Jimmy said, letting go of Katherine’s hand to join Gem at Scott’s side.
“Hold on- go to the other side and help me turn him over,” Gem said. Jimmy did as she asked, and being mindful of his wings, the two of them gently rolled Scott over so he was on his back. Scott was feverish to the touch, and even unconscious his expression was contorted with pain.
“He’s hot,” Jimmy said, distant horror in his tone.
“Now isn’t the time for that, Jimmy,” Gem teased, trying to lessen the tension in the air. Jimmy’s face scrunched up in irritation as he half-heartedly glared at her.
“He has a fever, Gem,” Jimmy huffed. Gem laughed nervously.
“I know, I know, just trying to make this less terrible than it is,” Gem sighed. Jimmy gave her a weak smile, and together the two of them gently lifted Scott up. Jimmy ended up mostly holding Scott, while Gem supported his wings. Scott’s head lolled against his shoulder, labored breaths fanning his neck. Jimmy should have felt embarrassed or flustered, cradling Scott like this- but he was too concerned with how limp and unresponsive Scott felt in his arms.
“I’ll get the doors for you!” Shelby offered, quickly making her way over to the apothecary door. Katherine hovered around Jimmy and Gem semi-anxiously, making sure that they had a good hold on Scott as they made their way over to the apothecary. But all went well, and they were able to safely transport Scott into one of the apothecary beds. He had begun to shiver and tremble every so often now, and Jimmy could have sworn the corruption had spread, reaching his fingertips.
“There’s gotta be a way to stop that, or at least slow it down,” Gem murmured in thought, pulling up a chair to sit at Scott’s side. She reached out to the cut where the corruption on Scott’s arm stemmed from, hand glowing purple again. She closed her hand over it, and her eyes began to glow the same purple as her hand. But then the glow flickered, turning red for a moment before it dissipated entirely and Gem drew her hand back with a yelp, stumbling backwards out of her seat beside Scott’s bed. Jimmy scrambled over to help her up, eyes darting nervously between her and Scott.
“Is everything alright? I chased Fwhip off, but I swear if he’s done something in here…” Pearl trailed off as she walked into the apothecary, eyes zeroing on Gem as she rubbed at her temples.
“I’m fine. The corruption- it fought back. It’s… alive, somehow,” Gem said with morbid curiosity in her tone.
“It’s a type of fungus. That’s as much as my people could figure out before I came here to try and find a cure. The red stuff is everywhere in my old home- even if you tried to get rid of it, it would just come back. And in the cases where it latched onto a person… there was no getting it out,” Shelby explained, sounding like she was going to cry. Gem hummed thoughtfully.
“Did you try any sort of magic with it?” she asked.
“No, my people were not magic-users- in fact I’d hardly seen magic before I came here, where the air seems charged with the stuff,” Shelby replied, gesturing around her. A determined expression came over Gem’s face.
“Then I’m not gonna stop trying. I don’t know if I can fully fight off the corruption, but I definitely think I can slow its spread. In the meantime, we’re gonna need to get Scott’s fever down- at this rate, that’ll kill him before the corruption will,” Gem said, resting the back of her hand on Scott’s forehead and frowning.
“He’s probably a little beat-up too- Fwhip did say he trapped his empire,” Katherine added. Gem nodded in agreement.
“We’ll need cool water and cloth to make a compress for his forehead- and I should have some healing potions around here- it couldn’t hurt to brew some more though too, just in case,” Gem rambled, starting to stand up before Pearl put up a hand.
“You two stay here with Scott, I know where you keep things around here. Katherine, Shelby and I can worry about getting things for you,” she soothed. Jimmy tilted his head in confusion.
“Wait, I can help get things too…” Jimmy trailed off uncertainly.
“You can help if you want. I just figured you’d wanna stick by Scott,” Pearl shrugged with a gentle smile. Jimmy flushed slightly as he looked down at the floor, away from Pearl’s knowing stare.
“I… yeah. I’ll stick by Scott,” he said softly, gaze shifting to look at the winged elf who always managed to make his emotions into a muddled mess. Scott was an enemy, a friend, a- a something, then an enemy again- but whatever Scott was to Jimmy now, he knew one thing: he wasn’t letting Scott out of his sight again. Doing so the last time caused this to happen. He had to be there if- no, when Scott woke up. He had to apologize for pushing him away, and hope that maybe Scott still cared about him after everything that had happened to accept it.
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Wounded wolf
After an argument with Joel, Ellie leaves Jackson County to clarify her ideas, which will cause all kinds of consequences and feelings.
FanFiction AO3
With the first stars lighting up the sky, she arrived the walls of Tommy’s community. When she saw the floodlights on the control towers, she sighed in relief. She spurred the mare to come closer.
The guards in their respective posts took a moment to recognize her. After giving a couple of orders and instructions on the radio, the huge iron gates in the southern area squeaked as it opened. The smell of meat roasted in the fire rose in the air and pierced the entrance, causing her stomach to growl anxiously. Unfortunately, she had more important matters to attend first.
The pain reminded her constantly.
Ellie knew the guards; she knew that, at least on their side, the news of her return would take longer to spread through the streets of the county. The rest of the discretion would depend on herself.
She directed the mare to the stables. The street lighting and the moon threw shadows on the wooden planks, making the horses look much larger than they were. However, when Ellie approached them, most slept or got nervous to see her.
The mare whinnied softly when Ellie loosened the webbing and released the saddle straps. She filled its trough with fresh hay and she let it rest.
“You’ve done very well today,” she whispered. “Thank you.”
She left the stables and headed home. It was strange because, on the one hand, she wished to arrive as soon as possible to the small cabin that was in the northeast wing of the community, but at the same time, she was delaying her way back, dragging her feet and taking the longest roads to reach up there.
From the great majority of the back porches, small columns of smoke towered, revealing the nocturnal barbecues that the families had organized. At a distant point, she perceived the chords of a guitar that accompanied the tranquility of the night. Someone had taken the trouble to place small pots with lavender, poppies and tulips on some facades and balconies. During those days it hadn’t rained, but the oil lanterns reflected its light on the dew drops.
Whether she liked it or not, sooner or later, she appeared in front of the old wooden door of the cabin with  green facade worn and cracked.
Stealthy, entered the house. The living room lights were on. Ellie tempted luck.
A complete silence answered her call.
She poked her head through the entrance to the living room, which was at the first door of the hallway, on the left. There was no sign of Joel, although it seemed that it hadn’t been long since he had left the cabin. The decoration was simple and rustic, creating a homely atmosphere. There was a sofa, two armchairs and a small round table. On the walls there were a series of paintings that showed several forested scenes and at different seasons of the year. But what stood out most about the rest was the small picture framed on the chimney. Joel and his daughter Sarah showed their best smile to the camera.
Hopefully she could have met Sarah, she must’ve been a very sweet girl to make Joel smile that way. When had been the last time she had seen him so happy since fate did cross their paths? Unable to remember a specific moment, she climbed the stairs that led to the upper floor.
Joel’s room was at the end of the hall, while hers was next to the stairs and the bathroom. She entered the toilet and closed the door. She examined her facial wounds in the mirror. Little was left of the girl she had been. If it wasn’t for her green eyes, she would think she was seeing another person staring back at her, watching her with a distant expression that contained a latent fury. She was stained with blood, both her own and someone else’s. She pressed carefully on the left cheekbone, swollen and with a slight purple color, making a face.
She lifted the fold of her red lumberjack shirt. The years after their integration into the community had provided her with hours of work, which included care of the stables and horses, repairs and maintenance in the turbines of the plant, as well as patrols and explorations around the county and constructions of new buildings. Even she had helped Joel set up a small orchard in the back of the garden. As she grew up, the result of her persistent physical exercise became more visible. She still had a slight build, but her arms were strong, her abdomen firm and her legs agile and stealthy now.
However, that didn’t mean that she was immune to the blows and tortures that came to everyone who entered the outside world: She had multiple bruises and wounds scattered on the skin, making a grotesque contrast with her freckles.
She undressed and went into the shower. The cold and refreshing water immediately fell on her bruised body. She sighed with relief. She closed her eyes and let the water wash her face and hair. Then the shoulders and back. She put her hands on the wall and lowered her head. A small part of the pain seemed to dilute and leave her body. At a moment when she came back to herself, she opened her eyes and watched, a little rapt, how the water in the shower formed a puddle that was dyed red and dirty earth.
A few minutes later she was already in her room, with fresh underwear and jeans and new converts from her closet. She also chose a black sports top for later, although she didn’t know what shirt she could wear. A small part of the wet hair picked it up in a bun and the rest let it dry itself.
In summer, she always left the window open, with the curtains swaying with each breeze of air. Many times she had been surprised watching them move. They transmitted peace to her, as if the world had stopped, keeping silent. Once again she found comfort near the window. A warm gust stroked her naked torso. She felt chills when the wind brushed her wounds.
Everything had happened very quickly.
Since they arrived at Tommy’s dam, she had done nothing but meet new people, and several of those people had their lives taken away, without her being able to do anything to avoid it: Some children became ill, but they didn’t have the necessary medications or specialized personnel to care for them; Many good men and women were robbed by bandits, or were devoured by a horde of infected.
It was assumed that, after she all had been through, everything that she had done, it couldn't be for nothing, that she was born to die for a greater cause.
But Joel made the decision for her, and there wasn’t going back.
The nightmares soon appeared. At first they were arbitrary, one or two per week. Then got worse and she had them almost every day. She woke up agitated, shivering under the sheets, covered in a cold sweat. In the midst of the darkness it didn’t matter if she closed her eyes or not. She saw again their empty faces of life: Tess, Sam, Riley… They told her they were still waiting for their turn to meet her again. She could remember the sound of their scratches at the door, screaming agonized from the other side. Many times she rethought don’t sleep as long as the dead didn’t torment her. On sleepless nights, her greatest ally was her guitar, with which she composed small songs about a beast that wandered through her dreams.
That same morning she had decided to discuss the issue with Joel.
“None of that is on you,” he said her. “These things,” he stroked his broken watch, “have always happened, humans do whatever it takes to survive.”
Ellie shook her head, desperate for guilt. She needed Joel to understand.
“All these people would still be alive. There would be no more hunger, no more clickers.”
“You don’t know that!” Joel retorted. “What if it hadn’t worked for anything? You would have died and the world would remain the same. And it will continue to be.”
That was when Ellie exploded.
“You hadn’t right! You should have let me die!”
She picked up her gun, hung her bow on her shoulder, picked up some food in her backpack and ran away. She heard Joel’s voice calling her screaming, more hurt than angry. She didn’t look back.
She crossed the busy streets of the dam. During the summer, work activities and daily life began early in the morning, before dawn, to take advantage of the cooler hours and rest during the time when the sun loomed from the sky.
She passed through the crowd. The neighbors were wondered what the hurry was for. Some believed that the bandits were attacking them again or a group of infected had been sighted near the zone.
She left the stables mounted on her mare and entered the forest galloping. She rode south, leaving the course of the river on her left. She made the mare move away as quickly as possible from there, until she left the one she considered her home far away, leaving no trace.
There were rare cases in which a citizen decided to leave the county because he preferred a life alone, or he was just passing through until he continued on his way. Tommy, even though it broke the scheme of his united community, understood their situation, and he couldn’t force them to stay.
Deep down and over time, Ellie was understanding that lifestyle. Of course, her stay in Jackson was still better than Boston’s, but it still had walls. Riding gave her the freedom to clarify her ideas and disconnect from her problems.
When they distanced themselves enough, she slowed down and went to the pass. Despite the noise of the water running with unstoppable momentum through its channel, she could hear, or rather feel, the animal snorting repeatedly.
It was a beautiful specimen, light brown and well brushed mane. Its speed was compared to its loyalty to Ellie, although it felt a great fear of shooting, fire and the infected. She couldn’t rebuke it.
She had baptized it with the name of Rain. She was told that, when it was little more than a foal, it liked to turn in the mud on rainy days. Washing it afterwards was almost useless because, no matter if left it in its stable, it found a way to open the door again and continue in the rain. Ellie found the anecdote so funny that the name was decided.
She patted its muscular neck.
“Good girl.”
At noon they stopped to rest and eat. Ellie sat among the roots of an oak tree, under the shelter of its shadow, while Rain was grazing near there. She read Anna’s letter for the umpteenth time. Whenever she didn’t find enough comfort with Joel, she got it in her mother’s memory.
She read it very slowly, trying to imagine what her voice would be like, what she would look like… Was it possible to miss someone who had not met? Ellie thought so.
“Find something to live for,” she read aloud. “Make me proud.”
In the last syllable her voice broke. She detested crying. She must have been strong. She would protect as many as she could... at any cost. She wouldn’t fail anyone else.
She was surprised by Rain, who snorted over her head and kissed her hair. Ellie put an arm under the animal and hugged it.
“I know, girl.”
A small breeze raised whispers among the leaves of fir trees. The vegetation around them, ferns, wheat and wild berries, formed beautiful waves. In the branches of the trees, in the distance, she sensed the sound of a woodpecker busy with its nest. A few meters away she saw a mom boar with its little ones, always alert and close to them. Among the trees a young deer called a possible couple.
Rain rummaged with its snout inside Ellie’s backpack. The excess of confidence on the part of the animal tore a smile to the girl.
“What are you looking for, spoiled miss?”
Ellie knew the answer beforehand. As she could, she retrieved her backpack and took out two apples. They weren’t entirely fresh, but Rain showed no signs of demand. She cut one in half with her switchblade and offered a part to her mare. The animal sunk its teeth with a slight cheerful whinny.
“You’re welcome, miss,” Ellie laughed.
They resumed the march shortly after. They continued trotting along the river path. A few miles later, it opened into a torrent that connected with another tributary. The only option to cross the small canyon had been a bridge, but now only its rests of iron remained, hoping that the current would also take them away.
They turned south-west, taking a shortcut down a slope. When they reached the boundaries of the dam’s territory, Ellie pulled the reins. The sun indicated an hour close to the afternoon, and she only thought of continuing. Beyond it was unknown terrain, at least for her. She looked back, rearranging all the way they had traveled. They could still explore a little more, she told herself, then they would return before nightfall and she talk to Joel.
The plateau began to pronounce its altitude, but her mare was able to overcome any obstacle that interposed. They advanced crosscountry, crossed small streams and discovered abandoned cars and old highways taken by nature.
Above the treetops, a squawking, haughty and proud, crossed the area. Ellie looked up and watched, amazed, an eagle furrowing the skies.
Rain seemed to read her thoughts. A sensation of vertigo grew in her stomach as the mare increased speed, lifting fallen leaves and dust in its path.
She had lost track of time. By then both she and the mare were damp with sweat. They had reached a hill. Several trees crowned its top. Hundreds of miles away, the mountain range continued to stretch. Under their feet a valley was making its way, and in a particular area of the plain, in the middle of the forest, there was what looked like an abandoned building surrounded by tons of scrap metal.
Another more sensible person would have turned around, but instinct told Ellie to come closer, she had a hunch. She tied Rain’s reins to the lowest branches of a tree, promising that she would return soon and down the hillside.
She approached the mountain of scrap metal and discovered that she had entered a scrapping car. The place seemed to have been active long before the outbreak began. Most cars were stacked on columns rusted by time. Soon she was aware that she wasn’t alone: a group of hunters had set up a small camp in the center of the compounds. Everyone wore tattered and dirty clothes, and worse, they were armed. There were too many for one person to take care of. The best thing would have been to turn around and alert the county. But something caught her attention. While some of them stood guard, others, cooking rabbit on a bonfire, talked about the latest preparations to attack “those idiots at the dam”.
Her heart hit her hard inside her chest. Instinctively, she brought a hand to the gun behind her waist. She didn't have many bullets, she would only use it in case of an emergency. She also had her bow and several arrows in her backpack but, would that be enough? After examining the position of the group again, the most convenient thing was to take care of the lookouts first and then surround the rest by the flanks. She hated to recognize it, but in her situation it was almost impossible for her to get out alive if she faced them.
She was about to turn around and get out of there... when she felt the cold smile of a penknife in her neck.
“Still, little shit,” a man growled, “or I’ll feed you to the infected.”
Ellie clenched her jaw, but listened to the hunter. She raised her hands without making sudden movements, and had to let himself be dragged to the camp.
“Hey, look everybody!” The man shouted triumphantly. “Look what I found snooping through the trash.”
The others gathered around them, cursing and laughing. The man continued to harass her and made her kneel when everyone reunited near the campfire. As soon as she was unable, the gun, bow and backpack were removed. They crossed her arms behind her back and grabbed her shoulders.
A middle-aged man, who was to be the leader, made his way among his companions. He had left a beard for several days and the sun had burned his skin. What stood out the most about that dude was that he was the only one who didn’t carry any weapons.
“Who you are? Where you come from?”
“Fuck you,” Ellie said simply.
The man wasted no time. He punched her in the face. He hadn’t used all his strength; It was a warning.
“You see, my boys and I have been sent to spy on a community where we suspect there is a lot of supplies and food. It would be very useful for you to help us.”
Ellie had realized the scorched rabbit and the empty beer bottles.
“I think you are already served.”
The second blow wasn’t so clemency; The leader shook his hand.
“There is nothing in several miles around,” he continued, walking around her. “Are you from the dam?”
Ellie didn’t answer. She followed his gaze without blinking. The man got the message. He gestured and those who held her stepped back.
This time it was a chain of continuous blows on the face and ribs. Her head was spinning and there came a time when she couldn’t remain on her knees. Her face fell against the ground, contracted and contorted with pain.
There was a murmur of laughter. Those with guns had ceased to pointing at her. She didn’t pose a threat to them. She looked out of the corner of her eye where her things were. In addition to the leader and the man with the penknife, there was a bandit armed with an iron lever. On one shoulder he carried her bow, and on the other, her backpack. A smaller guy, in a worn yellow cap, examined her gun thoroughly, as if it were the first time in a long time that he didn’t see such a clean and well-groomed thing. He got rid of his splintered wood plank. Beside him, another one with a weasel face, sitting on the hood of a car, was holding a shotgun on his lap. The last member of the band was the quietest. He was a big boy with a baseball bat, topped with iron spikes at the end.
Luckily, none of them had considered looking under her clothes: A pocket knife was easier to hide.
“I could do this all day,” assured her captor.
Ellie glared at him. In the same tone, she said:
“Me too.”
The man found the answer funny, or perhaps he was imagining what other methods of torture he could use later.
“Where is your boyfriend?”
Ellie should have bitten her tongue.
“And yours?” She knew that some men didn’t consent to questioning their ‘virility’. This time the man buckled down and kicked her in the stomach.
The leader crouched beside her and forced her to look him straight in the eye, grabbing her scalp and raising her head. She swallowed a groan, and she could see, pleased, how the man had been disappointed by her reaction. It was enough to act: In a quick movement she took the blade from her switchblade and sank it into the hunter’s jugular, killing him almost instantly.
Instinctively the others who were nearby backed away, struck by the daze, unable to move. If she had taken a second longer to react, Ellie would have been riddled right there. But she pulled away, with the adrenaline running through her veins.
The scream of another assailant broke the moment of confusion of his companions:
“She killed Jason! Finish her!”
The bandits raised their weapons again, barrels pointed at Ellie. There was no time to think. In a desperate attempt to save her life, she slipped behind the shell of a car, before the first bullets whistled, inches from her head.
“C’mon! Spread out and kill her!”
That place was like a huge maze. There were several sections of aisles made up of stacked cars, tons of accumulated junk and columns of vehicles placed meaningless.
The building she had seen from the hill turned out to be a workshop. She entered and left the door behind her. Pressing hard on the surface, she searched every corner for any object that would serve as a weapon. The air inside was concentrated with mold and gasoline in equal parts. There were several dust-covered stainless steel shelves, a car that had seen better days and oil stains on the floor. At the other end of the room was an automatic door the size of a car, but she didn’t think it was possible for anyone to get in there, at least quickly. Her only chance to get out of there could be found on the upper floor. She tried to calm her breathing and sharpened her ear. She could hear a group of footsteps surrounding the building. She stopped wasting more time. She climbed the steps of the stairs that led to the first floor three at a time and opened the door citing “Authorized Personnel Only” with a push. She had arrived at an office. Lockers, papers, a desk... Nothing to help her.
Behind the desk was a window. She rubbed in circles the yellowish glass with one hand and glanced outside. She only saw more columns of crushed cars and no sign of the assailants. But they were there. The calm before the storm. Fortunately, just below the window was a plated roof that, probably, surrounded the entire side of the facade.
She heard footsteps on the ground floor. When had they entered?!
“Look around the car,” he heard one say. “I will look up.”
She quickly scanned the office for a tool to force the window. The only thing new in what she hadn’t noticed before was at a ticket office that was next to the door. She didn’t think twice.
Her own beats deafened her in such a small space. She waited patiently, observing the vertical line that formed the ajar door of the box office. The bandit with the iron lever entered, his shadow was cast on the door from where she was hiding. But he was on his back. Quick and stealthy, she left the box office, covered his mouth and stabbed him in the neck. The man growled and struggled in pain. Ellie sank the switchblade once more, and the lever slipped from between the bandit’s fingers.
“There is nothing here. Have you found anything?” They said from below. She hurried to retrieve her bow, her backpack and also hoped that the weapon of the recent body would be useful. “Did you hear me, you idiot piece?”
She placed the end of the lever in the window frame and exerted force. A few seconds later she was able to open it enough to exit through a small space. She calculated every step she took on the roof. It was slightly inclined, so she moved as close as possible to the outer wall, muffling the noise of the soles against the metal.
Between the roof and the firm ground there was a separation of about three or four meters. She was used to jumping from those heights, but she couldn’t give away her position without knowing where the enemy group was. She came this close to slip when she saw the guy in the yellow cap crossing next to a school bus. He focused the view in the direction of the workshop, maybe the automatic door, but didn’t move from there. It was a matter of time that he turned his gaze to the corner of the building and discovered her. She took her bow, aimed straining an arrow and the cap took on a new color.
The others didn’t seem to have noticed another casualty. A few meters later she found an escape route: The pipe of a drain.
As she suspected, the companion who had entered with the lever bandit soon sound the alarm:
“Shit, fuck!” His screams came out the window. Ellie didn’t stop. She hurried down clinging to the drain. “She has kill him! That brat has also killed Dick!”
A few meters from the ground she come loose and crouched in the nearest car. She heard screams in the distance, spouting curses and orders. Those who were alive began to get impatient, claiming revenge with the payment of her blood.
The bus wasn’t far, there was only a separation of about fifteen steps. She crawl under the cars and began to move forward. The closer she got to retrieve her gun, her clothes more got dirty with dust and grease. Nor was it something that mattered to her.
Then she found a blood groove, she was close. The one that had become the favorite weapon of the bandit in the yellow cap was waiting for her beside his inert body. The urgency caused Ellie to extend her arm to reach it. But someone kicked it away and an arm with a dizzying force pulled her out of hiding.
“She’s here! She’s…!”
Ellie was shut him up with a punch. She grabbed the man’s wrist with both hands, clenching her teeth, preventing the bladed weapon from getting closer to her face. The penknife blade trembled a few millimeters from her eyes. She refused to desist: She kneeled him in the stomach. The bandit backed away with a groan. She felt around her, picked up an object with a thin and cold surface, and hit him fully in the temple. The bottle broke instantly on his face, sending him sprawling to the floor. She didn’t think he was dead, but she didn’t have time to find out.
“Daughter of…!”
She heard more steps and the click of a shotgun when reloading behind her. The situation was getting complicated. She picked up her gun and took cover behind the front bumper of the bus. The rearview mirror burst into a thousand pieces. The bandit giggled.
“This is how your face will look!” Shouted the weasel’s face.
Ellie checked how many bullets she had left; That arsehole in the cap had spent more than half of the magazine during the shooting. She would have to improvise with what she had. She reloaded the gun and slipped off the other side of the vehicle. A direct attack would be useless, she had to strike him down in another way.
She jumped over an SUV. Hidden, she studied the options that the bandit could take while searching for her. He had reached a crossroads where two corridors were connected in parallel. Apparently, he wasn’t as stupid as she had initially believed: If she decided to attack now he would see her approach in all four directions.
She hadn’t even thought about using the bow. She hadn’t angle for a good trajectory, risking failure and wasting her element of surprise. She knew what was best. Again under the cars, she crawled moving in the direction of her target, lightly pressing the index finger on the trigger.
“Where have you been?” The man scoffed. “As soon as I see you I will blow your head!”
Ellie slipped to the waist outside the car, pointing from below. She emptied the rest of the magazine in the man’s chest: two in the abdomen and another in the torso. He fell into his own pool of blood and convulsed until he stopped moving.
Ellie stood up and put the gun away. She looked at the body, thoughtfully. There was too much calm for her taste. As she recalled, there were six men in the camp and she had killed five.
And where the hell had the big boy with a…?
At the last moment she could dodge the blow aimed at her head; The door of an old car wasn’t so lucky. The boy quickly regained his composure, revealing a huge metal dent and the remains of the window pane scattered on the floor.
The man barked:
“Do you kill my friends and pretend to get out of here alive? How dare you?!”
He didn’t give her an alibi to attack. He was superior in body weight and would use that advantage to wear down her or kill her as soon as he had a chance.
Ellie was forced to retreat before the mountain of meat, the iron lever prepared for what was coming: The bat went in the direction of her side, with a quick leap backwards dodged it again. But the bandit, despite his size, was also agile in his movements. He wielded his gun with his arms raised and, blinded by anger, lowered them to Ellie. She had read his intentions before a sudden dodge and had enough time to firmly plant her feet on the ground and tighten her arms with the iron lever.
The impact of the blow spread throughout her body, almost making her faint with pain. She blocked two more attacks and the third her vision clouded.
The gorilla’s fingers, ruthless, closed around her neck and threw her into the air. The fall of a few meters left her breathless. The lever had slid across the floor, far from her reach. The big boy charged against her, bat high, ready to strike the final blow.
Ellie, still on the ground, backed up flexing her legs and poked around in search of her bow. She raised an arm to take an arrow from her backpack and tightened the rope, forcing herself to ignore her stiff muscles and focus her vision. The first projectile hit his chest and made him stop dead, interrupting his war cry. The second and last arrow hit him right in the heart. Blood spread through his dirty shirt, turned his eyes and before he fell to the ground he was already dead.
Panting, Ellie leaned her back on the wheel of a car. She had reached her limit. Her breath was choking when she breathed, her stiff hands trembled, blood fell tortuously from her face. She could afford a minute of rest. However, the presence of someone approaching put her on alert again. Perplexed, she observed the bandit who had discovered her entering the vehicle depot. He was painfully approaching her, limping and with an ugly wound next to his face.
“We’re finished, but what about you? The rest of our group will find us and avenge us. Or maybe you kill them all too. But there will always be someone who manages to reach you. Will meet those you care about and will torture them to death.” He taught a row of bloody teeth. “All of that will on you”.
What happened next, not even she could explain later. A throaty scream arose from her throat, more like an animal than a human being, and pounced on the man, who she knocked him down and held him under her body. The unfortunate hadn’t time to react but astonishment before the blows began. Ellie turned her knuckles white and lowered her fists straight to his face. One, another, and another, and another again, until everything were soaked red and it began to hurt too much.
She dropped to the side. A clear sky and an intense blue surrounded her completely. Her overwhelmed lungs searched for air, hungry for oxygen. She remembered that she wasn’t yet out of danger and forced herself to get up. She dug her nails into the floor and with a terrible effort she straightened. She left the car cemetery, now also being that bandit’s group.
She didn’t bother to inspect the bodies for supplies and ammunition. The fury of the confrontation was gradually abandoning her body, and if she didn’t act quickly, soon her survival instinct would fall on her, it would exhaust her completely, and run the risk of falling flat, or worse, not having enough strength if she should deal with more dangerous creatures than assailants and murderers.
Stumbling and and stooped, she gathered the energies she had left to climb the hill. The slope was steeper, and the backpack, heavier than she remembered. She saved the expletives for herself.
Rain continued to wait for her among the trees at the top. When it saw her, the animal began to act nervous, as if she were a stranger who hid bad intentions. Trying to reach out a hand to reassure it, the mare caught the smell of iron and death, and bucked and struggled with its reins in the middle of scary neighs.
Ellie’s heart shrunk. Her appearance must have been terrible for her mare didn't to recognize her. Maybe that was the same feeling the last hunter suffered before she lashed out at him. She didn’t want to think about that anymore.
Time was running out. The sun would soon hide behind the mountains. The sky was beginning to turn orange.
“Hey, little girl,” she said in a voice. “It’s me. Ellie.” The mare watched her with caution; At least, she had caught its attention. “Shh, shh. That’s it, easy,” she whispered softly. Seeing it more willing, Ellie held out a hand again and the animal let her was caressed its snout. Its expression relaxed. “You are better? Listen. We have to go back, okay? We have to go back... home.”
She kissed it between the eyes and climbed into her saddle, hoping she could resist all the way back without losing consciousness. She concentrated on remembering the first time she entered Jackson County, the cold wind in the fall season, the laughter of children playing in the snow, the peaceful sound of a campfire, guitar lessons with Joel, the Dina’s beautiful face... For all this she would endure a little more. Just a little more.
And the rest was history. Leaning against the window of her room, she kept wondering how she was still standing. She wasn’t afraid of pain, at least, the physical. But sometimes she took a while before starting to heal her wounds: She would resist everything until she put on the last bandage, without screaming or growling. With any luck she would sleep all night because of fatigue, despite the dull pain that would accompany her the following days. Then everything would return to normal. She couldn’t allow Joel start asking questions, or Tommy, or... she...
She didn’t know what her present relationship with Dina was. They met shortly after settling in Jackson and since then they were very good friends.
It was several years until she realized what she felt for Dina. For a while she refused to believe it. Few people had come so close to her heart. Riley had been one of them. After her death she was lifting a barrier, which she believed impenetrable, until Dina arrived, and began to see cracks in the wall she had created. When she finally accepted what was happening, she was very excited, and also scared, but one day she would gather the courage to tell her best friend.
All her hopes were shattered when she officially began dating Jesse, another of her friends and with whom Ellie used to coincide on most of her patrol days. Deep down, she had seen the blow of truth hovering over her: She couldn’t ignore Dina’s smile as she crossed a glance with Jesse, she couldn’t ignore Dina’s interest in wanting to know more about the boy, she couldn’t ignore that Dina was talking always about him...
And, yet, as much as it hurt her, Ellie hadn’t right to interfere between them. She would remain her friend and appreciate all the moments they would continue to share. The months went by and the pain subsided inside, in a suffocating silence, when Dina personally told her that she was done with Jesse. She gave no further details, and Ellie almost felt selfish.
But the voice of reason reminded her that she was still her best friend. And besides, how could she have a chance with someone like Dina? She was just... a girl...
It wasn’t until the dance of a few weeks ago that all her expectations changed. A party had been organized in the old county church. Ellie, at the request of her friend, came reluctantly. She dedicated to observe from the bar how everyone enjoyed the evening, without worries, smiling. Then she saw Dina, took her to the dance floor. And then... Then...
She had imagined many times what it would be like to kiss Dina, in countless scenarios and possible circumstances. Sharing a kiss with her was much better than in any of her dreams, so much so that, she thought she hadn’t woken up yet. And when she smiled back her, in her mind she took the oath to protect her to her last breath if necessary.
And that was what she did.
Bleeding her heart, she pulled away from her arms and left. Away from noise, people and Dina.
What hurt her most to remember was her expression, halfway between disappointment and affliction. But she was firm in her decision. She couldn’t allow it to be repeated again. Not again. Dina wouldn’t become one of those things. She wouldn't.
After that night, she did everything possible don’t meet Dina, and when she hadn’t choice, she exchanged a couple of words with her, without looking at her face, and quickly slipped away. She was doing correct... right?
She shook the thoughts of her mind. She had had enough ordeal for a day.
She took out the health kit he kept under the bed. She sat down slowly at the desk and began to take out what she needed to clean and disinfect cuts. Then a roll of sterile bandages and scissors. Willing everything, she looked up in front of the mirror to study her bruises again... but what she saw froze her blood.
At first she hadn’t seen her. She thought thought it was her imagination, a lot of clothes in a corner would be playing tricks on her. But there she was, staring at her eyes in the reflection and then diverting the view to her body, her face pale.
“No, no, no,” Ellie thought, hysterically. “Everyone but her. Anyone but her!” She felt like screaming and running away from there, getting lost in the forest and never to be seen again.
Fast as a bullet’s flash, ignoring the sudden pain of her body, grabbed the shirt she had worn, or what was left of it, to cover her chest.
“What…? What are you doing here?” she babbling. The words choked in her throat. “How did you get in?”
Dina seemed to come back to herself. She cleared her voice, staring at some point on the floor. That night she wore a white tank top, with short jeans and sandals. Dark hair had it in her usual bun, except for two undulating strands, one on each side of her ears.
Dina picked up what looked like a book she carried.
“I was coming to give you this back, your Savage Starlight comic,” she replied; “I knocked on the door, but nobody answered. It wasn’t locked, so I entered a moment.”
Damn them Dina, Dr. Daniela Star and Joel.
But above all she blamed herself. She threw back her hair, circling around the room. It had to be a nightmare.
“Why did you come now? You could have waited until tomorrow.”
“I know about your fight with Joel and I have come to see you as soon as I know you were back. I wanted to see how you are.”
“I’m fine,” she replied bluntly.
Dina frowned.
“Is that what you call be fine?” She pointed with her chin, defiantly, apparently recovered from the initial shock. Dina hated being lied to, especially when the truth was in front of her and the others didn’t deign to recognize it. “Ellie,” she replied, emphasizing an eyebrow. She said very slowly: “You aren’t fine.”
Given the situation, Dina was able to understand that she needed to adopt a calmer temper.
She took a step.
“Let me see you.”
Ellie took another step back.
“No!” said. The nerves began to overwhelm her. She made a great effort to speak calmly. “It’s... it’s nothing, really. Just a few scratches.”
“A few scratches?” Dina said, almost offended. “I have seen many wounds throughout my life and I know that those aren’t ‘a few scratches’, Ellie; I won't leave until I know you’re okay.”
The weight of her gaze was difficult for Ellie to maintain. She was taller, but at that moment she felt so, so small. She didn’t want Dina to see her in such a vulnerable state... or believe she was... a monster. It was said that beasts in their most difficult moments were more dangerous.
She lowered her shoulders, defeated. She couldn’t refuse. She dropped into the chair. Dina interpreted that she could approach. She sat on the edge of the bed and, taking a cotton ball with alcohol, lifted Ellie's chin toward the light of the lamp. Dina watched her bruise, contemptuously.
“You’re fucked-up,” she murmured. She carefully pulled the cotton to her cheekbone and felt the swollen area. The air was concentrated for a moment of smell of alcohol. Both wrinkled their nose.
Dina was too close for Ellie’s mental health. She looked at her as if it were the first time she was seeing her, and at the same time, as if she hadn't done it in years. In other circumstances, she would have said herself thought she was beautiful. If Dina noticed Ellie’s gaze on her at some point, she don’t gave indication of noticing.
“Hands,” said her provisional nurse.
Ellie prayed that her hands wouldn’t shake so much. She extended one while the other still held the shirt over her chest. Her knuckles were raw, satiated with the blood of that last fucker. Dina shook her head and continued her work.
She must admit that Dina had a great ability to heal wounds. She examined them carefully, frowned and didn’t open her mouth until she was satisfied with her work. Her hands were as soft as she remembered, unlike hers, that they were calloused; Ellie showed the other when she asked.
“The other,” Dina made an exception and broke the silence when she attended the remaining knuckles, “How has he look?”
Ellie hadn’t asked herself at any time. Maybe he would be unconscious for a couple of hours or maybe he was dead.
“I don't know,” she admitted, “But I gave more than I received.” A second after saying it, she knew she had made a mistake.
“How nice.” Dina pressed harder than she should on the last fingers. “You must be very proud.”
Ellie forced herself don’t to move her hand away, as if she had just touched a boiling pan. She almost swore to have seen a slight expression of repentance in Dina’s eyes. Ellie distinguished her as synonymous with fun, laughter and jokes, and knowing that serious and worried facet of Dina was disconcerting for her.
“The back.”
“You've heard me. Let’s cure that disaster.”
“I won't repeat it, Willians.”
Ellie faced Dina. Their faces were centimeters away. She had to gather all the willpower don’t unleash the fury that contained her eyes, otherwise... Dina’s dark eyes were hard to decipher. They stood firm on hers, but who knew what was behind that boldness. Maybe deep down she was scaring her.
She let out a long sigh, the fingers were still among hers. Slowly, feeling her muscles throb with each movement, she turned and showed Dina her back.
The girl behind her stifled an exclamation.
In the light of the desk lamp she could feel her recent wounds. Judging by the pain, she must have a horrendous bruise in the area on the right, under the armpit, and a few cuts extended by the trapezius and dorsal. Also, to Ellie’s fear and Dina’s amazement, the light source highlighted the faint lines and marks of ancient scars. She moved awkwardly; Dina was the first person to see them: She had an arrow wound on her right shoulder. She was lucky that the projectile entered cleanly, without piercing the bone or an artery; several ferrous scratches of infected and biting wild dogs had engraved her side.
What she would never recognize, however, was that the pain woke up frequently under the scars, as if the wounds had opened again.
Dina outlined them one by one with her index finger, sowing caresses in each pore. Despite her curious nature, she didn’t ask about the reason for each wound. Anyway, Ellie was unable to speak now. She had left her throat dry.
Her friend dipped a cloth in alcohol and brought it to her skin, but she backed away at the last moment. She sensed her hands were shaking.
Ellie understood it too well. There was a big difference between healing yourself and a loved one. The memories led her to that cold winter that she had to treat Joel's horrible wound, take care of him, and, when she didn’t, she hunted on her own for both of them. It had been a long time since that experience, but in return it made her mature even more for her age.
Dina returned her to the present. In her reflection she saw that she was trying to relax. She counted once, twice that she breathed deeply. When she opened her eyes, they shone with determination. Ellie felt a surge of pride grow inside her.
“Maybe it stings you a little,” Dina warned.
Ellie said nothing. She clung to the back of the chair and let Dina do her job. On several occasions she clenched her jaw and scratched her palms to form a fist. But she didn’t hiss and avoided as far as possible to keep the body tense. The last thing she wanted was to make Dina believe that she wasn’t doing well.
After cleaning and disinfecting, Dina used the sterile bandage to cover the most severe cuts and wounds. After a few minutes she had finished treating Ellie. With Dina’s petition fulfilled, she would approve her wounds and go home, she wouldn’t have to give her any more explications. They would distance themselves again in order to protect her.
She couldn’t be more wrong.
Ellie jumped when Dina’s warm hands circled her waist. She closed her eyes. She held his breath, tried to sort her thoughts. Yet Dina sank the bridge of her nose on her back, where she had received so many blows and mistreatment, but never a kiss, until now. She was brief and concise kissing each exposed scar one by one. And Ellie couldn’t find a way to tell her to stop. Was that what she really wished?
“Sometimes I feel like I don't know you at all,” Dina whispered, as if in a trance state, “as if you were a mystery to me.”
Ellie released all the contained air, exasperated.
“You don't understand,” she replied. “That man talked about finding you. Then he would torture you and kill you. And I would see everything, without being able to do anything!”
“And you forget that I have very good shot.”
She was right. A rifle in Dina’s hands was a fearsome weapon. She was able to shoot any enemy and correct the trajectory of the next bullet, regardless of distance, wind force or air humidity: The worst nightmare come true for the most desperate survivors and the most dangerous infected.
But Ellie didn’t give an arm to twist. She wasn’t willing to take a chance. A mistake. One mistake and she would lose everything again.
She couldn’t longer hide her trembling. Guilt, helplessness, hate... They came back to life within her, pressing her chest, threatening to completely drown her mind.
She didn’t know if Dina could have any idea what was going on inside her, but she hugged her tightly and affectionately. She had become her lifeguard.
“You act as if the survival of humanity falls on your shoulders.”
A little more relaxed, Ellie slid a hand through the ferns of her tattoo, in black and bright ink, until she lay it on the little moth. There where she hid her deepest scar.
If you knew… She thought regretfully.
She owed an explication to Dina, but it was difficult even for her to know exactly what was happening to her. She looked up and there she was again. A tormented soul, who didn’t say what she would have to say, who didn’t love who she would have to love and didn’t die when he would have to die.
“I’ve had a recurring dream these weeks,” she began. “I dream of a wolf, or that I am the wolf... I’m don’t sure. I go through the forest, looking for something. I don’t know what it is. And every time I go faster, I run through the trees…” She silent for a moment. Dina had remained very still. “Until I found a man with a rifle. He was waiting for me too. I pounce on him and… a shot is heard, above the howls of the man and mine.”
Her words floated in the air. Ellie watched every movement of Dina, letting her get closer more to her body. She found a comfortable and intimate place behind Ellie’s ear. Her breath tickled her when she spoke.
“Do you think you’re the only one who is scared to end up alone? How do you think Joel would feel? How do you think... I would feel if I lost you?”
On rare occasions she had witnessed restlessness in Dina. One of the things she liked most about her was her bravery. She was able to lift the morale of an expedition group lost in a snowstorm or organize an entire team in the midst of an ambush.
She took responsibility in the most pressing moments. Already the danger passed, they standing aside or being alone, she recognized to her that she had never stopped being afraid, but that was what she had to do.
But Ellie would never have been prepared for what Dina confessed to her that night, completely crumbled her:
“You terrify me too, Ellie” she whispered. “I am terrified of what might happen to you.”
Hopefully she had found an answer to Dina’s words. What was she supposed to say? How was one supposed to fight a blow as devastating as the fear printed on the girl she loved? She was weary. Weary of repressing what she felt.
Dina backed away to get up, and she felt empty. She tore her inside.
“I leave you alone for a while. See you in the morning.” She was already in the door frame. Something in the tone of her voice, resembling sadness, made her react.
Find something to live for.
“Dina,” she called her.
Before she was aware of what she was doing, she walked towards her, without shame, even though she saw her naked torso, and, with great delicacy, surrounded her waist, caressed her cheek and kissed her.
She had taken Dina by surprise, but she reacted quickly and corresponded her. At first it was a shy kiss. Ellie rested her hands around Dina’s waist, and she put her arms around the wider shoulders. When they broke the first kiss, they half-opened their eyes, with their foreheads glued and their noses side by side. Both awaited the approval of the other to continue. With a silent agreement, they resumed the kiss. This time Dina directed the rhythm, her hands sank into reddish brown hair, and Ellie, following her partner, slowly raised her hands, stroking her back and bringing their bodies closer more. Dina presented her with a sigh of pleasure on her lips. It was then that tongues met, wanting to recall their touch in a sweet dance.
Ellie forgot everything that had nothing to do with Dina. At some point the pain in her muscles had mitigated and her scars eased. The burden of responsibility she carried on her shoulders became lighter; She had filled her with peace. She felt under the skin the notes of the guitar that interpreted the song “Ecstasy” by Crooked Still, which made her float, and with Dina in her arms, she believed she was flying. She was... happy.
Her cheeks suddenly wet. Dina stopped dead, with a worried expression.
“Ellie, what’s wrong?” She took her cheeks.
And then she noted that she was crying again. Ellie hurried away the tears. A lump in her throat was preventing her from speaking clearly.
“In recent weeks I’ve behaved like an idiot with you... and now you’re here… and there’s you and me…”
“No, no, Ellie,” she stroked her freckles on her face with her thumb, “that doesn't matter anymore.” She shut up for a moment, her eyes widened. “How long have you been holding back?”
“…Too long.”
“That is cruel even to you. Just... let it go.”
Ellie was aware at the time that it was what she had most needed to hear. She just got carried away. She hugged her tightly, believing that if she let her go, she would lose her forever. However, Dina didn’t depart. Her face took refuge in the hollow of her neck. Dina let her take everything she had inside, waiting patiently until she calmed down. She stroked her hair and whispered warm, comforting words in her ear. Shortly after her chest stopped shaking and her crying ceased.
Her friend asked if she was better. She nodded and sipped her nose. Dina pushed her last tears away and kissed her cheek, right on her bruise.
“Now we’re going to find you new clothes.”
Dina searched her closet for something worthy of her criterion. Some hangers passed indifferently before her and others seemed more interesting. That Ellie looked good had taken it as a personal issue. Dina would never stop surprising her.
“Ripped and bloodstained clothes went out of fashion a long time ago,” she commented, approaching her again. “This will fit you much better.”
The girl had opted for a white short-sleeved shirt, which fitted her body, under a denim shirt with intentionally undone sleeves. Ellie couldn’t suppress a faint smile, it was one of her favorite styles.
Her friend circled around her as she dressed again. Thoughtful, she stroked her chin.
“How about it?” Ellie extended her arms in front of her.
“Hmm... There is still something missing...”
After a moment of reflection, Dina said:
“Well, I may don’t always be there to help you if you get hurt, so...”
She took off Hamsa’s bracelet around her wrist and offered it to Ellie. She was skeptical of all religions and kinds of beliefs, but she knew very well the meaning of that silver hand with a blue eye. She had lost count of the times Dina had told her the origin of her ancestors, but she would never forget the emotion of her voice when recounting it.
“A symbol of protection,” Ellie recalled. “But... Dina, it’s very important to you. Are you sure you want to give it to me?”
Dina flashed another smile.
“Of course! So wherever you go you will have a little piece of me. It won’t be a very intimidating weapon, but every time you see it you will remember where to return.”
She would never find enough words to thank everything Dina had done for her. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“I love you,” she whispered to her.
The girl threw her head back to let out a laugh. That was the Dina she knew. Hearing her laugh was a pleasant feeling.
“What are you talking about?” she said. “Everybody loves me.”
Ellie camouflaged her sudden shyness by infecting Dina’s laugh, though in a more discreet way.
“You know… what I mean…”
“Yeah, wolf. I think so…”
She leaned down to kiss her. It was a shorter kiss than the previous one, and yet, it was just as sincere. Dina separated a little, just enough to look her in the eye. Her expression had become serious.
“Just promise me one thing, Ellie: Make peace with Joel. He is almost like a father to you. You’re all he’s got left.”
Ellie watched those pleading eyes that had made her so in love.
“I promise,” she said. And silently, she also promised that, when the time was right, she would tell Dina the whole truth.
Suddenly, the front door opened with a clatter; The guitar played a few last chords and their feet touched earth again.
“Ellie?” Joel’s voice was heard, urgently.
Still in her arms, Dina looked over her shoulder.
“Here, Joel,” she said loudly.
“Dina?” Joel’s voice came muffled in their ears every time he spoke. “Is Ellie fine?”
Both looked at each other. Silly, Ellie shrugged.
“Yeah, Joel,” Dina responded with some irony. “Ellie is fine.”
There was a moment of silence.
“God...” Joel sighed.
Before leaving, Dina reminded her of how she should treat her wounds if she wanted to prevent them from becoming infected, borrowed the next chapter that belonged to her, Savage Starlight: Foreign Element, and urging her with her eyes (“You know what you have to do”), she said goodbye to Ellie.
She watched her cross the door and go down the stairs. Only when she lost sight of Dina did she allow her knees to weaken. She had to lean against the wall so as not to lose her balance. Her lips were still tickling.
“Hi, Joel,” Dina jovial greeted from the entrance.
“Hi, Dina.” Ellie noticed that he wanted to be polite, but there was still tension in his voice. “Is Ellie really okay?”
“She has been in worse situations, I’m sure. Oh, and she told me she wanted to talk to you.” She raised her voice and shouted, “Isn’t that right, Ellie?”
The idea of running back into the forest and facing a horde of infected now didn’t seem so far-fetched. Dina didn’t wait for her to answer.
“Good evening, Joel”.
“Good evening, Dina. And thanks for talking to Ellie.”
She heard sandals moving away and then the door close with a squeak. Silence reigned again in the cabin. A truce had been agreed between them. On the occasions they discussed, they took a little time each, until they decided when they finally wanted to talk about things. It was like a show of respect to demonstrate that they were interested in fixing their problems.
Then Joel started up the stairs. As his dense steps approached, her heart beat faster. What would be his first impression when he saw her? Would he be angry? Whatever the answer, she was willing to face Joel face to face, would bury her nerves in the back of her stomach.
A shadow was projected on the door of her room, and behind it, Joel appeared, in his old green plaid shirt and worn jeans, to match his brown riding shoes. His lips, under a slightly more grizzled beard every day, showed no emotion, but as he crossed a glance with Ellie, the wrinkles on his face relaxed, just an instant before he noticed her bruise on her cheek and approached her, worried. Ellie didn’t know how to utter a word to protest, much less get away from his touch.
“Oh, baby girl.” He cradled her face with his hands. Ellie always marveled at how affectionate and protective Joel could be, for such a big and hardened man. She supposed those were some of the qualities it meant to be a father. “What happened? How did you do this? And... your knuckles are...”
Ellie took a deep breath, and told him everything. From her journey on horseback, until her discovery of scrapping. She described what the assailants planned and how she had finished them one by one. She didn’t regret it, but neither she wasn’t proud of what she had done; Joel listened carefully, in complete silence, in which he went from curiosity to uncertainty, from the most frightening panic to the purest relief.
At the last moment, Ellie decided to skip her encounter with Dina: She had to assimilate everything that had happened and confessed in that room.
Joel needed a few seconds to sort his thoughts. He seemed to fight his own emotions, the memory of his past.
“For a long time I blamed myself for Sarah’s death. It would have been very easy to surrender to this new world if she was gone.”
Ellie’s eyes threatened to sting again.
“I’m so sorry, Joel... for everything.”
“I don’t want you to make the same mistake. I’m not asking you to get over it now, nor that do you forget it, but... try to live with it and move on. You have your friends, Dina and me. You know it, right?”
“Thank you, Joel.”
“No, Ellie.” He planted a kiss on her head. “Thanks to you.”
It didn’t matter how many years passed. Joel’s arms comforted her after witnessing hell. She was safe. She was at home.
Joel took a quick look at the end of the stairs. Ellie feared his next comment. Her father raised his eyebrows, with an air of complicity.
“Hey, and... have you asked her out?”
“Joel! We are only friends.”
“Yeah, sure. “He smiled with amusement. “But you can be even more, if you take the step.”
“Joel!” In her years of living with him, she had discovered that he was very curious about what his baby girl was doing: Her first patrol, her first party… But talking about love issues with Joel wasn’t so common.
Luckily, he let it be. He stared at her for a moment with strong hands on her shoulders.
“You’re getting older,” he said wistfully. “And I very old!”
“Hey. You are still very scary. Sometimes you look mad man when you get angry.”
Joel had to take it as a compliment.
“Thanks… I think. You must be hungry What do you think if I prepare something for dinner while you setting the table?”
The suggestion made her stomach demanded attention come back.
“That sounds good, Joel.” She smiled at the collar of his shirt. She had a ravenous hunger, comparable to that of a beast. A thought suddenly sprouted in her mind, the first step, now also with her tattoo, to learn to forgive herself. “Joel.”
“I want to adopt a dog.”
Joel’s face looked a sight.
“A dog?”
“Yeah,” Ellie replied. Her eyes had a special glow. “One black. And big, like a wolf.”
And with this we finish the fic. Thank you so much to arrived to until here. Any doubt, questions or constructive criticism are very well received ^^
I hope I have satiated the wait a bit until the date of departure of the sequel. Let’s hold on a little longer, Neil Druckmann and his amazing team are giving everything to deliver the game as polished as possible. I cross my fingers because the plot is, at least, as good as the previous one.
Endure and survive.
We rock and read!
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Valentine’s Day F/O Letter
For the event hosted by @nougatships​ and @megane-shipping​! I decided to write a letter to Giovanni Potage from EE because I am love him SO MUCH right now. Anyway, it got kinda long, so most of it will be under a cut.
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Hi Gio,
             This is the first time I’ve ever really written anything of length to you. To any of the ones I love this way, really. Beginnings are hard. There’s so much I want to say, and I’m not sure where to even start. So let’s get the basics out of the way: how are you doing? Successful heists lately? Epic tales of villainy I simply must know about?
           I’ve been fine. Life’s boring, as usual. I would say I don’t even know how you put up with it, but I’ve seen your couch-potato side, so that’s not really a big mystery. I like that. I like that you’re equally up for breaking the mold with some adventure and just…kicking it. (Wow. That’s some old slang. When’s the last time anyone said “kicking it”? Me. Just now.)
           So as for the reason I’m writing this letter…I think it’s best if I just begin in chronological order. So you and I both know you’re not the only one in my heart, and I’m glad you respect this. There’s a time, a place, and an AU for you, and it doesn’t make you any less special. But I’m always stunned when I look back at how we met. The others, it took time to realize I loved them, and how much they meant to me. But you? You broke through that fuckin’ museum wall, and I KNEW you were my type. If you want the receipts, I have the Discord chat of when I was talking to my friend while watching you and screaming about how much I wanted to cuddle you. (LISTEN. I KNOW THAT WAS FORWARD. I’M SORRY FOR BEING A CREEP. SOMETIMES I’M A STALKER.) …Actually, the exact words were when my friend, knowing you were my type, said “If he were any further up your alley, he’d be at your house” and I said “He could come to my house anytime” and I’m sorry your girlfriend is such a creep.
           I haven’t felt that instant…fall that many times in my life. The last time I can remember it, it was for someone real. As in who originates in my world. I think you’ve figured out that sometimes, I compare you to him. That chase went on such a runaround…with men, my whole life after him, I’ve thought of them as goals to achieve. I got the attention of the hot one! Yay! Finally! Now he can love me and all of my little quirks, even though I’m super boring! And I’m not saying that’s incredibly wrong. I’ve made some good relationships that way, actually. (All fictional, of course.)
           But you…what struck me is how much I wanted to be with you for your sake. Not mine. Not to bandy about getting you to notice me, or playing the tsundere game, or worrying I’m not good enough. Sure, I like a slowburn and a good confession, but I really just wanted to be close to you because you made me smile. You had a good sense of humor, you have that unbreakable lighthearted confidence I adore…you’re a little bit of an idiot, but in the absolute best way possible (and you have emotional smarts where I don’t). And on that note! You’re one of the nicest guys I know! Even if you are the bad guy.
           Which was kind of the two-hit combo that slayed me. I have a villain problem. You know this. I know this. I wasn’t sure how to handle it. Some days, I want to be a villain, myself, and have the freedom to do what I want, take revenge on those I feel wronged me, take whatever my heart desires, just not have to live by the RULES anymore. But some days, I become acutely aware of my conscience. Could I ever be a real villain? Could I actually steal? Could I KILL? I think about the people I’d hurt, and I don’t wanna do that. I now know that depending on the situation, I can laugh with the sinners and cry with the saints. (Little Billy Joel for ya.) But with you, I know I don’t really have to…pick. You let me be me, and you let me have that freedom of just…doing bad things that are against the rules. And it feels AWESOME. But then, we never really take it too far, and we still have our friendships, our standards, our moral codes, our etiquette. Basically, you’ll let me be the good guy, too, and you’re just a sweetie pie. Some days, I need to toe the line more; some days, I need to shed blood. But you let me suspend in between, getting the best of both worlds.
           And all this is why I think…maybe you’re my favorite out of all of them. It makes me feel guilty to love you best when I’ve given my heart to two others, and who knows where it will stop? But it’s you I find myself thinking of most often. You who I’d have fun with. You who’d make me smile. You who I’d want to make smile.
           Also, I realized lately. I don’t get jealous over you, not like I thought I would. I like seeing you depicted with other partners, the Blasters or other selfshippers/OCs. I love when I meet someone else who had the good enough taste to fall for you! If you want to invite Crusher or Spike or anyone else you like to be part of this…I know you have enough love for all of us. We can all be happy together. Just say the word!
           Knowing you would support me emotionally no matter what is touching. I’ve relied on you for a lot. I’ve done scary grown-up government stuff while listening to your theme. I invited you to the crew that would go on that flight with me because I hate airplanes so much, and I knew you would give me amazing distraction-cuddles (though I suspect you, also, fear the airplane, and if I’m right about that, I admire you so much for not letting it show). There are times I…really hate myself, or feel worthless. Especially because I have so much trouble validating myself. But I know you’d just put a hand on my shoulder and tell me it’s going to be all right before inviting me to slip on some ski masks and pretty supervillain clothes so we can go hijack sugar cookies from the bakery. (Pink for you. You always have dibs on the pink ones! I haven’t forgotten! And blue for me <3)
           The adventures we’ve been on in my imagination…the walks around Twilight Town (YEAH YEAH I KNOW WRONG WORK OF FICTION), snuggling up in your knitted blankets (which are SO SOFT), making my villainess dress together, the first kiss on the rooftop, dancing like idiots, THE HEISTS…it all makes me really happy. You remind me that I don’t necessarily have to “grow up” to be a grown-up. And, I mean, I knew that, but you make sure I REALLY know that. (Speaking of which, don’t you love how if you add the two of us parents’-basement-dwellers together, you probably end up with one [1] functioning adult?)
           I also really have to thank you for being accepting of my asexuality. I’m always scared it will push others away. They say men only want one thing, right? And I am unfortunately attracted to men. Yaaaaay me. But there are big exceptions to the rule, and you’ve always been the one to say “Fuck gender roles!” I feel like when I’m with you, I never have to worry that you’ll be wanting something I can’t give you.
           In return, I will accept you no matter your body, your identity. I’ve run into a couple different takes on you, but they’re all you.
           I guess that brings me to the hard part of this. This is going public, so I don’t know how specific I want to get. But there was a very powerful force that suggested I couldn’t see you through my own eyes. That no one could do so. It almost tore us apart. I thought it was my moral obligation to let you go. I thought loving you would mean taking a stand on the wrong side and hurting my friends. I thought that what would happen is that every time I thought of you, I would be reminded of ugly truths and harsh realities.
           But after two days, I missed you so much. It was a good wake-up call to know this relationship wasn’t completely baggage-free, and it reminded me that I have many characters in my life who I want to give my attention, but it also proved to me that if I tried to let you go…I would have to physically push you away instead, and in the end, I couldn’t do it. I think back all the time to how good of a brother-dad-mentor-figure you were to Molly, and how you got worried about Fred’s astigmatism, and how I was sure you’d get along with so many of the characters who already made up my world, and how this spoke to your heart. Oh, and also, I needed your dumb ass to say loitering in front of a truck was a valid crime. (Please don’t ever loiter in front of a truck. I’m begging you.) I need you to show me how easily you shift from Grandma Mode to Knife Mode with your knitting needle, to be proud of the way you season your soup attacks, to keep making your own capes, to insist on the benefits of wielding a bat with a fucking knife taped to it, to jet your friends to safety when they’re afraid of such things as fire and traitor bears.
           Whatever comes of all that, I hope there can still be a space for us. You and me. And I’m confident it will happen, now. It already is happening. Because I know that you’d just want me to be happy, no matter where you fell on the issue that began it. And you love and respect my friends, too. I know you see us as our own little group of villains and co-minions and talk about us like we’re an evil team that has to take care of each other, and that’s…honestly so cute. Too bad I’m terrible at putting your words to work. Maybe one day. When I learn how to find the approval I seek without fighting it out of people. But I think that was the moment it went from a crush to actually loving you. When I saw how you would do that with Molly. With everyone. Make sure they knew how valid they were. I…feel bad that I haven’t been able to live up to this lately. Like I’ve failed you. But I can always try again, right? That’s what you’d want me to do! And I do improve on things every day. One day, the minion will surpass her villain (but still stay around with you because that’s what we do)! I hope I can support you in the same way – that when you have things that trouble your mind, that I can help you feel better and get you toward a solution to the problem.
           I know I’m safe with you, and I want to keep you safe, too. I know how much you’d put on the line to defend me, and I just want to protect you from all of the bad in your world – from snooty Vice Principals who call their armies to beat you up (I’m still SO SORRY you went through that!), from the law chasing you away from all that’s familiar, from all the insults and mockery that could ever come your way. I want to stand before you like a shield. To gather the troops of the other characters I know and form a protection squad around you. To make you smile. (Even if you are really, really cute when you cry. Look, I’m not gonna beat around the bush – I do love getting to comfort you. It SUCKS that you have to go through the hard times, but I like…being there. I hope that doesn’t make a sadist of me. Yeah, yeah, I know, that’s an overreaction.)
           By the way, I’m kinda sorry for not ordering the lobster bisque at the pub in the airport. I was gonna because of you! But I chickened out! And that salmon I got instead was REALLY good, okay? But it’s a double whammy because I had JUST found out the soup place in the mall closed and I need to make up for this. There will be soup!
           (As of the most recent draft, I had a horrid stomachache last Sunday, and chicken soup was all I could eat for most of the day. I thought of you. Though yours would’ve been better than Campbell’s and we both know it.)
           Fun fact: you are dating a silly, sappy lady. I keep thinking back to this letter – I drafted it once, then went back and added things, and here I am saying I ALMOST mailed this without talking up your looks. Which is probably a good thing because it means I’m primarily with you for your personality, but everyone deserves to feel like they look nice, so here goes: I love your silly, sly smirk. I love your cute little fangies. I love your untamed pink hair. I love when I can see just how deep-pink your eyes are. I love how much of a beanpole you are, and how much taller you are than me (even if it does mean you can’t carry me bridal-style for more than thirty seconds). I love how innocent you can look, and how you can look the absolute OPPOSITE of innocent when you want to. I love the way your face lights up when you’re happy about something, or when you’re being cocky. I love the way you wear your emotions on your sleeve, and I can always see how you feel just by looking (I’m bad at body language and reading between lines, after all). Do not ever doubt that is one handsome man looking back at you from the other side of the mirror! Because I could just watch your smile for so long, unbroken, you don’t even know.
           Thank you for being you. Thank you for letting me be me. Thank you for the fact that we’re our silly selves and we can be grown-ups without growing up in the gray space between good and evil. I can’t wait to see you more – in your own story, where I’m not; in the story just for us, in our own little timeline; in the TBTCverse Twilight Town where we are hounded by complex crossover lore; in the beautiful art everyone draws of you; in any other universe that may bring us together.
           And someday, the time might come that we have to part ways romantically. I’m not looking forward to that. I’m really not. I hope it doesn’t happen. But someday, we might not have the chemistry anymore, or you might find someone better, or I might have to put more focus in what I guess is the “real world.” If that day comes, I hope we can still be friends and mean something to each other. Zucchinis/QPPs, preferably. But if we have to be more distant…just so that I can think of you, and you can think of me, and we’ll both treasure those memories.
           I love you, Giovanni. Or should I say “Boss”?
 Sincerely, with all my heart,
Rachel “Composer” Scribere/Inlustris
(P.S. I wasn’t sure which universe’s last name I should put, seeing as I obviously am not going to write my last name in THIS world, so there, have both the ones you know me as.)
(P.P.S. “If there’s a place that I could be, then I’d be another memory. Can I be the only hope for you? Because you’re the only hope for me.” ~MCR, “The Only Hope for Me Is You,” Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys)
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
Let's Play. (Zeus Brundle)
Summary: When your your boyfriend thinks your anniversary and game night are the same thing.. (Highly metaphorical js 😂)
Genre: Fluff/comedy
(Second Person Point of View)
It was your first anniversary with Zeus today, and to your dismay, he hadn't brought up any plans to hang out. However, you weren't gonna jump to conclusions just because he didn't talk about any plans for the past week. Maybe he was gonna tell you today, right?
You take a glance at the clock hanging on the wall. 1:00 P.M. You sigh. He's more likely asleep by now.
"Could you calm down?" Amelia giggles, "I'm sure he hasn't forgotten about it. He probably has a big surprise planned for you!"
"You don't know that." You point out, "plus, I don't want a big surprise; I just want to spend time with him." You fidget with the edge of your duvet, avoiding your roommate's gaze.
"You wouldn't know if I know something." She says. That caught your attention, but when you ask what she means, she dismisses it, saying she was only pointing it out. You give her a look but let it go.
Before either of you could say anything else, you heard a knock on the door. The dorm mother informs you that you have a guest waiting for you outside.
Overjoyed with the thought of seeing your boyfriend, you shot out of bed and quickly got dressed in a cute outfit you totally didn't prepare for this occasion. Nope. You put your hair in a simple half updo for a change and rush outside after giving Amelia a quick 'Goodbye!'.
Your features soon change into a confused expression when you realize your guest wasn't Zeus. A familiar silver-haired male stood with a smile, waving at you.
"Good afternoon, (Y/N)." Leon greets.
"Good afternoon, Leon." You tried your best to not let your disappointment show. It wasn't because Leon was there; it was just because Zeus wasn't. You didn't want to make Leon feel bad for something he didn't do, though, so you give him your best smile and wait for him to tell you why he needed you.
"Zeus told me to give you this." Not surprising due to his usual strange and awkward self, Leon simply states with no introductions whatsoever, as he hands you a white card folded in half.
Your confusion was quickly brought back as you take the card, "What's that?"
Leon places his index finger and his thumb around his chin, as if thinking or trying to remember something, while staring off into a different direction, "A game, I think."
"A game?" Opening the card, you question the reliability of Leon's answer. Unfortunately, seeing the content of the card didn't help you get any more information about what Zeus was planning either.
In a messy handwriting, a simple yet puzzling statement was written. The one who never stops nagging.
"What does that mean?" You weren't sure if you were asking yourself or Leon, considering you could never be sure if the boy was fully aware of the actual situation or if he understood it in his own unique way.
"He told us you'd follow the clues." He replies.
"Us?" You raise an eyebrow.
"I have to go." The boy states before turning on his heel and marching away.
"Leon, wait!" You call out, but he was already too far gone. Helplessly, you stare at the card, trying to understand the meaning of this situation. Follow the clues? This is your first clue? The one who never stops nagging. So, you need to find a person. But that's not fair, Zeus is convinced everyone is always nagging!
Huffing, you rub your temples, hoping you could figure out which specific person could this be aimed at. And then you had an idea. Could it be..?
"Klaus?" You knock and allow yourself in after hearing his usual come in.
"How can I help?" The way he acted suddenly made you doubt he had any idea of what was going on with Zeus.
"Uh..um..well, do you happen to..have anything to do with whatever Zeus is planning?" Your fingers kept fumbling with the card nervously.
"I do have your second clue if that's what you're asking." He chuckles, reaching to open one of his drawers and handing you a peach-coloured card, "I only agreed to help that idiot because I figured you'd be happy with this kind of thing."
"It seems fun." You agree, taking your next clue from Klaus. "Thanks." You say before heading towards the door.
"Oh, by the way," Klaus calls out, making you stop in your tracks, "He wouldn't tell me what he wrote in the first card..what was the clue to bring you here?"
You take a hesitant glance at your first card. The one who never stops nagging. "I think you're better off not knowing."
He raises his eyebrows at you. Fearing death, you quickly hand him the card and take a step back.
"Why am I helping this rascal anyway?!" Clearly annoyed by the clue, Klaus complains, "wait, why would I be the one you think of when you see this?!"
Suddenly the blame was shifting to you, so you had to run for your life. "Uh..gotta go!" You laugh nervously and rush out of the office, "see you later!"
You let out a sigh of relief after successfully escaping Klaus's office and reaching the safety of the backyard garden. Finally getting a chance to open the second card, you waste no time to do so.
Second easiest place to fall asleep for me.
"Are you kidding me, Zeus?" You mumble. Just how would you know this? Okay, calm down. Think clearly. You'll figure it out; it can't be that hard. Well, since he said second, then it probably isn't his dorm, right? Where else would he fall asleep anywa- right. Day class.
You prayed Klaus wasn't searching for you or something, as you carefully make your way back into the main building. You were beginning to enjoy this so-called game of his, and without noticing, your pace was getting quicker; you were really curious about your next clue and to where it leads you. You were also curious about what waited for you at the finish line.
"Elias? Yukiya? You two have my next clue?" They were they only students sitting in class, which was explainable since it was a supposed day off.
Both giving you smiles, they nod. Elias takes out a pastel pink card from his bag and hands it to you. "I'm really glad we didn't have to wait here too long." He jokes.
"It's because I'm good at figuring out his riddles; they're far too easy!" You beam proudly.
They both give each other knowing looks before looking back at you, "Just don't get so proud so soon" Yukiya chuckles.
"Well, you're not wrong." You agree, fearing your next clue would take you forever to figure out. "Well, I should go finish this game, so I'll see you guys later!" You wave, exiting the classroom, and they return the gesture.
Impatiently, you unfold the card before even leaving the main building. This time it was just three words. Your favourite milkshake. Does he want you to go buy your favourite milkshake? Was Zeus trying to wear you out and make you go broke on the same day? Is that what this is? Regardless, you were determined to get to every spot he leads you to, so you make your way to town.
The moment you step inside the shop, an excited manager rushes to greet you. "You're (Y/N), right? We've been waiting for you!" She squels and links arms with you, quickly leading you to the counter where an equally excited worker was standing.
"It's (Y/N)?" He asks the older lady, and she nods eagerly. You were getting quite weirded out by the overly friendly staff. They also knew your name which was strange. But then again you visited here quite often, so that could be the reason. Why the excited greetings though?
"Your boyfriend is such a sweetheart! Hold onto him, dear!" She tells you before handing you the milkshake you were planning to order.
"Um, yeah, he is, and I will; thanks." You nod, still not very sure what was going on. When you tried to reach into your pocket to pay for the drink, she immediately stops you.
"Oh no, this is paid for already, honey. Now drink up." She pats your shoulder lovingly before leaving. Paid for? Zeus?
Your drink in hand, you walk out the shop and roam around aimlessly. Was that the finish line? A free milkshake? It was a sweet gesture, but you wished Zeus was there. You didn't want to spend the day alone. Well, at least he prepared all of this for you, right? You push your longing for your boyfriend to the back of your mind and slowly sip the heavenly milkshake.
After a long walk around town, you were done with your drink. You decided to throw away the cup then head back to your dorm. However, when you were about to throw the plastic cup into the bin, you notice something at the bottom of the cup. Quickly, you pull back the cup closer to you and lift it up lightly to look at the ink at the bottom.
"I will go on a diet tomorrow!"
It was your next clue! The game wasn't over yet! Excitement filled every part of you once more, especially when you knew exactly who this clue was aimed at. But for God's sake, Zeus, why did he need to make you go in circles?? Why couldn't Amelia just have the first clue?! Jeez!
"You knew all along!" You point an accusing finger at your roommate, making her burst into laughter.
"Come on, I couldn't spoil! It's no fun!" She defends.
"True." You agree, letting her off easy.
"Here's your next one!" Amelia excitedly gives you a card. A strange one. This card was in two colours. Blue and Gold.
You open it, and the statement inside leaves you in utter bewilderment. Eyes of the Chimera. It made you remember Yukiya's warning from earlier. "Eyes of the chimera? Now he wants me to hunt down chimeras?!" You groan.
"Don't take things so literally! It could be a person!" Amelia's hand quickly flies to cover her mouth, realizing she said too much. You stare at her for a few seconds, still puzzled, until you realize how obvious this makes your most difficult clue. Eyes of the Chimera aka mismatched eyes aka the one and only Joel.
"Thanks, Amelia!" You giggle, as you quickly run out the dorm.
"Ugh, shut it!" You hear her yell in frustration.
Marching to the boys' dormitories, you begin to feel tired from all the walking. God, Zeus, this better be worth it! It better be the last card too; you were exhausted. You were also getting impatient; you wanted to know how this all ends.
"Finally! I thought I'd have to wait a few days before you showed up." Joel teases.
"It's not my fault the milkshake didn't seem like a clue!" You defend.
"Told him it'd be risky and that you might throw away the cup without paying attention, but you know how stubborn he is." Joel shrugs, as he walks over to his bed to take the purple card lying on his pillow. "Your next one." He smiles, handing you the folded card. You thank him and exit his dorm, taking a look at the content of the new card while leaving the building.
This time it was just one word- one clear word. Lake. Something about this card made you feel like it was your last one. It could be just your brain trying to trick your sore legs into holding on for a bit longer, though. You weren't very sure.
You reach your next stop, but there's no one around. No more friends and no Zeus either. You walk around carefully, trying to spot one more friend of yours; there were plenty left, so it could be anyone. Suddenly, you felt your shoe brush against something that wasn't grass. A pastel green card. Really, Zeus? Green between the grass? You sigh, leaning down to pick up the card.
Congrats! You just followed some clues for no reason :P
"Zeus..I'm going to punch you next time I see you." You huff, your fist clenching. Did he really just make you walk all over Gedonelune for a dumb joke?!
However, Zeus wasn't that annoying. He just enjoys teasing you. You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist; Zeus places his chin on your shoulder before planting a kiss on your cheek. "Does that change the punching me plan?" He chuckles.
You felt your face heat up: this time you were blushing instead of planning murder. "Maybe." You mumble.
"Hmm. How about this?" He turns you around to face him, gently placing his hands on your cheeks. He tenderly presses his lips against yours, pouring his love and adoration into the kiss, allowing you to melt into his touch. Without hesitation, your lips move against his with such synchronization, like the world was non-existent, and the only thing that mattered was his lips on yours.
"You're off the hook." You giggle after you both pull away.
"Good; cuz I have a lot more to show you!" He grins, holding your hand and leading you away from the lake, "I was scared you'd take so long that we wouldn't have time to do anything else!"
"Shut up; you have a smart girlfriend!" You lightly punch his arm.
"No doubt." He laughs.
And with that, your fun didn't end at what you thought was the finish line; the fun was just beginning, and now, you had Zeus to enjoy it with.
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average-fanfics · 7 years
Wizardess Heart Modern Au
So this was greatly inspired by Rayheart on tumblr, with her modern AU. I couldn’t help myself. I just had to write it. This is still Gedonelune but given a modern world instead. I am basing this off of both my high school in Australia and what my friend's high school is like for her in America. Also, Wienfix is mentioned in Sigurd's route (but I found it on tumblr). I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT AMERICAN FOOTBALL, SORRRRYYYYY….
“So Liz, you going to attend the football match tonight?” Liz turned to her left to face her best friend, Amelia. They were walking together on the way to their next class, which was an elective, and the only class they have together.
“Of course! I love to cheer on the football team, especially Klaus, Serge, Vincent, Guy, and Glenn!” Liz enjoys cheering on her friends every week, either it is a home game or an away game.
“You should consider the cheerleading squad, Liz,” Amelia suggested, combing her fingers through her orange hair, trying to catch knots that didn’t leave that morning with her hairbrush.
“I don’t know… plus I have to wear those suggestive outfits, and guys already hit on me left to right.” Liz explained her reason to not join. SHe would love to cheer for her guys and be a part of a team, but with boys around the school constantly flirting with her, she doesn’t want the extra attention.
“I understand your reasoning, but in most stories, the cheerleading squad girls are the most popular girls on campus! Think of that, popular!” Amelia’s grin was spread across her face, popularity looking good to her.
“I don’t need to be popular when I have friends that care about me.”
They stopped in their tracks as Amelia gives her a big hug. “This is why we all love you, Liz.”
“All I need is my friend’s love.” Liz hugged her back before the pair started walking again to their class.
Liz had spent years of her life alone, after her and her parents were involved in a freak car accident. When Liz was only 13, they were on a trip to the neighboring continent, Wienfix, when unfortunately, a drunk man speeding in the opposite direction collided with their car. The car was severely damaged in the front, killing both of Liz’s parents. She survived in the back seat and had to live with her aunt and cousin for 4 years till she was 17. She now lives in an apartment by herself, earning her wages by working at the local cat cafe.
The first period passed as normal, as did the next 3 periods until lunch. She had cooking during the 4th period, meaning payday. This was another way to earn money. She would cook and end up selling the food at lunchtime, she didn’t ask for this, but she needs any extra money to continue living alone.
“So today I made some Yo-Yos. They are an Australian biscuit, which is also called Melting Moments. They have a cream filling and are extremely sugary, with lots of butter as well. Unhealthy but delicious.” Liz explained the contents of the biscuit.
“They look delicious, Liz.” Elias was the first person to comment on her food. Having a sweet tooth, and instantly bought some before they were gone, Klaus not too far behind.
“Just what I need before practice. Be better if I had tea with me.” Klaus bought some before more guys started to show.
“You should try some coffee, Klaus. I bet these are amazing with coffee.” Sigurd butted in. Klaus instantly scrunched his face, disgusted by even the mention of coffee.
“Keep that coffee far away from me, also Serge gave me his money to buy some for him since he is already down at the pitch. He said he needed a lot of whatever you baked.” He gave extra money to Liz to buy some for Serge.
“Tell Serge I said hi, and you're welcome for baking these.” Liz smiled, knowing how happy Serge would be for these sweets.
“Will do.” And with that, Klaus was off.
“Can’t believe he won’t try coffee… Maybe I should swap his tea for coffee sometime.” Sigurd walked off after purchasing a couple of Yo-Yos. You could tell by the concentrated look on his face, he was figuring out a way to make Klaus drink coffee.
Lunch rolled past quickly, with all her sweets being sold before halfway through lunch. Yukiya had popped in to buy 1, while other’s like Luca and Joel, bought a handful, not letting the ‘beautiful’ food go to waste.
For the rest of lunch, she sat down on the grass field, overlooking the football and the football team practicing, with Amelia. They gossiped, well, Amelia gossiped, about what was going on through school. A secret relationship was revealed when they told their friends they were dating, and one girl accidentally told another girl. That other girl had a habit of not keeping things secret, and by the end of the day, Amelia was sure the whole year level would know this. And by the end of the week, the whole school would know. That was the way it worked here at Gedonelune High School. Something couldn’t remain a secret for long.
The day quickly ended, with Liz walking side by side with Amelia, on the way to the cat cafe to attend work. The bonus of working there, you get to hang around cats. When Amelia and Liz arrived, they changed into their uniform, a simple white shirt and black skirt with an apron. It had only been 5 mins until Elias walked through the door with a book in hand, and sat in his regular corner seat.
Liz walked up to him, with a notepad to take down orders in hand, and tapped his shoulder to get him out of his book. “So what would you like today, Elias? The normal chocolate and caramel slice with hot chocolate, or would you maybe want to try our new triple chocolate cake?”
“I would like the normal hot chocolate, 3 teaspoons of sugar and 2 marshmallows, and I would like to try the new chocolate cake please.” Elias smiled as a tabby cat came over and sat on his lap. “Hello, Mr. Fluffy, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” He talked to the cat, which was named Mr. Fluffy because of his large fluffy fur.
Liz walked back up to the counter and told Liz his order. “I swear, he orders diabetes every day.” Amelia laughed.
“Klaus isn’t any better. They both live off sugar, which apparently they and their older brother got from their father.” Liz laughed along as they both prepared his order. Liz working on the hot chocolate and Amelia cut a slice of cake for him. When both were finished, Liz walked back over to him with a plate in hand, and he instantly started eating.
After eating, Elias complimented her on the food. “Thank you, Liz, I deeply enjoyed the cake and hot chocolate.” He gave his fan-killing smile to Liz, which could melt anyone’s heart. “The cat’s are just an added bonus, as I mostly come here to see you- I mean eat your food! You did say you cook some of the food here, right!” He was blushing from head to toe, causing Liz to blush as well.
Liz gave a slight thank you, as she walked away to the counter, Amelia watching the exchange from her position with the widest grin on her face. “You two are soooo adorable together!” She squealed at Liz, getting excited. “I hope you two date someday!” This caused Liz to blush even more.
The next couple of hours continued, with Elias leaving not too long after the embarrassing conversation. He normally stays for longer, but the girls guess he couldn’t handle the embarrassment, but either could Liz. However, the shift continued with nothing of the sort happening again, just serving customers.
Amelia and Liz made plans that Amelia would drop Liz off at her place, as usual, but pick her up later to attend the football match. This prevented Liz from happening to walk to the school grounds at dark, even if the school is in walking distance.
An hour later, they were both at the school football field, cheering on their fellow friends. Sitting with them on the bleachers was Elias, Yukiya, Azusa, Joel, and Leon. Not too far was Cerim, Leslie, Sigurd and Mel, and Luca sitting amongst the girls, obviously with his new girlfriend, which would not last too long. God knows how many girlfriends he has had, although Amelia might actually know since she stays a top of gossip.
The game was off to a good start, with Guy being the fastest runner, scoring a goal. This continued on, with their team winning. With a combination of Glenn’s strength, Guy’s speed, their teammates, which includes Serge and Vincent, and Klaus’ leadership as captain, they were sure to win.
It was halftime break, and Amelia used this to talk to the guys sitting with her and Liz. “So Yukiya, take anymore stray cat’s home again?”
Yukiya moved his head so he was facing Amelia. “I found a stray cat on the way back home after school, but after mum’s last warning about bringing home another animal, I could only give him some leftover lunch and make a little shelter out of nearby boxes and containers.”
“Awww, that’s so sweet…” Amelia cooed.
“I could maybe take that cat home, could you show me where it is if it is still there?” Leon asked Yukiya, who was sitting next to him.
“Sure. Let’s just hope the cat is still there.”
“I love cats,” Elias joined the conversation. “but unfortunately, Klaus is allergic to cat hair so I’m not allowed to bring any home.”
“That’s a shame,” Yukiya responded.
The game then continued, with their school still in the lead. The other team was gaining up, causing a tie. Both teams were desperate to win this match, which would lead them to the finals. They had little time left and wanted to try every strategy to win. They decided on Guy going in for the final goal, and fortunately, he did it. He managed to score a goal before the end of the game, meaning that they won!
Everyone from Gedonelune High School ran down to the pitch to congratulate them on the win. Liz headed down as well, but not running like everyone else. She headed to where Klaus and Serge were crowded.
“Hello Klaus, Serge. Great job on winning tonight!” She smiled up at them as she felt happy for their win.
“Well, I couldn’t have done it without those delicious treats at lunch!” Serge hugged her, his way of saying thank you.
“Serge, I wouldn’t mind a hug normally, but you’re sweaty.” Liz pointed out. He immediately let go, now aware of how terrible he must smell.
“Those treats were delicious, Liz, and I do believe they helped us today.” Klaus butted in, obviously not happy that Serge was close to Liz.
The crowd eventually faded, and Liz was dropped off at her apartment by Amelia. She quickly changed into her pajamas, taking out her twin pig-tails held together by pink ribbon. She flopped onto her bed quite dramatically, as she felt exhausted from today’s events. She had a quick scroll through social media before falling fast asleep, dreaming about the events of the day. Selling food, the football match, and don’t forget about Elias’ blushing. That was the most awkward of today's events. She dreamed of something happening between the two, a romance.
She was happy in her dreamland until she woke up.
Word count: 1885
Yeah, so that is it. Will Liz end up with someone, since 15 guys like her? That scene with Elias though, our adorable tsundere is all grown up! If I continue this, it might have one feature guy per chapter, I don’t know. Again, thanks to Rayheart for her amazing modern AU that prompted me to write this!
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sammysreelreviews · 7 years
How Dead Hannah Baker keeps the Manic Pixie Dream Girl Trope Alive
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*pictured above: Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford) from 13 Reasons Why
I know that some of you may be wondering what exactly is a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Well there’s no text book definition but here’s one I found online from urbandictionary.com:
“A Manic Pixie Dream Girl or MPDG, is a term coined by film critic Nathan Rabin after seeing Elizabethtown. It refers to "that bubbly, shallow cinematic creature that exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly soulful young men to embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures." A pretty, outgoing, whacky female romantic lead whose sole purpose is to help broody male characters lighten up and enjoy their lives.”
Now that you have an idea of what this is I’ll start by giving you examples. Usually the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, MPDG for short, is only there so the nerdy usually white male that is obsessed with them can grow from the experience with them. Now I know you’re thinking “how exactly do I spot one of these creatures?” Well guys it’s very easy and I’ll give you some tips. Most MPDG’s are white, have a wild outlook on the world, and are deemed gorgeous by the general public. 
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*pictured above: Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet) and Joel Barish (Jim Carrey) in the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The first MPDG I can think of is Clementine from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind. She is a wild says whatever is on her mind kind of girl and meets poor Joel on the train. This film happens through flashbacks and dreams showing how happy she made him. The relationship went sour which it usually does with a MPDG and they both have each other erased from their memories. Dramatic, I know, but losing her and getting her back helps Joel in some crazy way. It’s like without her he can’t fully live his life and that’s just sad.
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*pictured above: Tom (Joseph Gordon Levitt) and Summer (Zooey Deschanel) in 500 Days of Summer
People love this movie and don’t even realize that Summer is problematic as fuck. Summer is this cool girl who doesn’t believe in love and basically drags poor Tom around for you fucking guessed it, 500 days. Tom thinks that Summer is the one for him and tries to date her and show her love exists. Even though they do end up dating things fall apart because cool, secure, witty as all hell Summer is still scared of love. I mean I thought that was a LA thing. It doesn’t take Tom to realize how pathetic he is until he sees Summer at a park AND REALIZES SHE FUCKING GOT MARRIED. Summer’s excuse is that she wasn’t sure about Tom but she was sure about her husband now.... LOL need I say more? 
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*pictured above: Margo (Cara Delevigne) and Quentin (Nat Wolff) in Paper Towns.
Last example is John Green’s book turned film Paper Towns. Quentin has been in love with the popular girl next door Margo. One random night Margo climbs into Quentin’s window and asks him to get revenge on her now ex boyfriend. They spend the whole night at the store getting supplies, ruining the boy’s car, and looking over the city they live in. Margo feels stuck where she is and unlike feels different tan her friends. Spoiler alert: she’s not. At the end of the night they both go home and of course nerdy Quentin is blissed the fuck out. Before I go in on this, we have to acknowledge that all of John Green‘s main characters are MPDG’s. It’s basically his forte. But I digress. Quentin wakes up and, surprise, Margo has gone missing. Quentin is determined to find her and believes that she left clues for him. Quentin his two friends and Margo’s bestie go on a roadtrip from florida to upstate New York and find themselves while trying to find Margo. His friends eventually leave him because no way in teen rom com hell are they going to miss the prom. Quentin stays and eventually finds the girl of his dreams. Turns out Margo didn’t want to be found at all and just like Tom in 500 days of Summer Quentin looks like a fucking dumb ass. Quentin makes it home in time for prom and enjoys it with his friends cause in the end that’s all he really needed... but it took a cross country road trip trying to find a selfish teen girl who doesn’t care about you to figure that out. Nice!
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*pictured above: Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette) and Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford) in 13 Reasons Why
As we all know Jay Asher’s book 13 Reasons why has been turned into a tv show on Netflix. The premise is that high schooler Hannah Baker has killed herself and left 13 tapes for certain people to listen to. If you’re on this tape, you’re one of the reasons why she’s gone. Creepy right? Well in the book, which is only 288 pages, Hannah is a sweet girl who seemed to have the worst time of her damn life. The book is short so it seems like every event that happened to Hannah happens like one day after the other. Clay listens to his friend’s tapes in one night and it really hits you in the gut. Personally I like the book better but I am here to address the show. If you want to read my full opinion on the entire show you can do so by clicking here. 
The problem with the Tv series is that by stretching the fuck out of this book they have to add on to the characters. Unfortunately Hannah is made into a MPDG from beyond the grave. In the show Hannah is deemed pretty by everyone around her. If the high school jocks think you’re hot, you’re golden am I right? What makes Hannah a MPDG is the way she treats poor Clay Jensen. Clay is the main character in the show and you find out what happens to Hannah by watching him listen to the tapes. SInce it takes Clay fucking weeks to listen to 13 DAMN TAPES only through flashbacks do you get to see what Hannah is truly like. Hannah on the show confused me after I watched it. I was like “Why don’t I like her?” Don’t get me wrong I felt for the girl and everything that happened was horrible but something was just off. She talked to Clay all the time in witty banter and even gave him a nickname. There were so many chances where she could have just kissed him or got alone time but she didn’t. The other problem with Hannah Is that she was so confident and cool, and filled with teen angst, it didn’t make sense for her to care about what people thought. It’s like she had two personalities. When we see her with Clay she’s this smart funny girl who seemed unattainable but when we see her with virtually anyone else she’s insecure and dying for attention from any popular boy in school. Hannah makes it seem as if Clay isn’t good enough for her when in reality he’s the only person she has. In the 12th episode while Hannah is taking a walk she ends up at a house party where all the popular kids are. Even though she thinks Clay hates her at this point she could’ve tried to talk things out with him. It just frustrates me that she would go to a rapist’s house cause she’s that desperate for attention. Why fight for these douche bags that have done nothing but hurt you instead of fighting for Clay? 
Clay shows character progression only when he’s listening to the tapes. Hearing his dream girl tell the stories before her untimely death makes Clay a better person to people around him. I mean that is the point of all this but at the same time, it shouldn’t take tapes from a girl who has committed suicide to realize that hey, high school is hard don’t be a fucking asshole to people. Clay also grows some balls while listening to the tapes. He basically yells in the middle of the school hall and even lowkey bullies this kid Tyler. I mean Tyler was a creep but bullying someone would be the last thing on my agenda while listening to a dead girl’s tapes. I wrote this for me to get my thoughts out cause everyone keeps asking me about this show. Every conversation I have I always say that I didn’t really like Hannah so if you think Hannah kind of sucks I’m here with you. Hannah is the most twisted MPDG ever and yes it’s because she’s dead. Clay only grows while listening to these tapes which is kind of in a way fucked up. Even though Clay, unlike the book, gets justice for two sexually assaulted girls and Hannah’s life it shouldn’t take Hannah’s 13 tapes to grow. Hannah killing herself should’ve made everyone change and grow on their own.
I know at this point you’re probably saying “ I read this long ass article what is the point?!” The point is that women are not objects. Being a woman is hard and having to grow up is truly a journey. You have media constantly showing you how the perfect woman acts or talks or dresses. Going through high school you have to deal with the pressure of society and unfortunately care about what your peers think. I grew up from my own damn experiences. I didn’t just find myself cause I left a boyfriend or cause I cut my hair I learned that I am what I am and I can’t change that and I’m very happy with who I turned out to be. This is especially hard to do when you’re a black girl like me raised in an all white community. Why must men in these movies need a girl for them to realize who they are? I’m not saying it’s easy to be a boy but come on dude the girl of your dreams isn’t gonna finally give you this sense of Omg I know what my purpose in life is. Your dream girl is not your mom teaching you about life. You know what’s right and what’s wrong without a girl whispering you to the right direction in your ear. You can only figure out who you are by being you and it is completely possible for films and TV shows to show this without a MPDG. I know the show 13 Reasons Why is supposed to show how small things matter and can snowball into this big thing. I get it I really do. The problem is that they could’ve shown that making Hannah solely the victim and not a jaded Manic Pixie Dream Girl. 
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averagefanfics · 4 years
So this was greatly inspired by Rayheart on tumblr, with her modern AU. I couldn’t help myself. I just had to write it. This is still Gedonelune but given a modern world instead. I am basing this off of both my high school in Australia and what my friend's high school is like for her in America. Also, Wienfix is mentioned in Sigurd's route (but I found it on tumblr). I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT AMERICAN FOOTBALL, SORRRRYYYYY….
“So Liz, you going to attend the football match tonight?” Liz turned to her left to face her best friend, Amelia. They were walking together on the way to their next class, which was an elective, and the only class they have together.
“Of course! I love to cheer on the football team, especially Klaus, Serge, Vincent, Guy, and Glenn!” Liz enjoys cheering on her friends every week, either it is a home game or an away game.
“You should consider the cheerleading squad, Liz,” Amelia suggested, combing her fingers through her orange hair, trying to catch knots that didn’t leave that morning with her hairbrush.
“I don’t know… plus I have to wear those suggestive outfits, and guys already hit on me left to right.” Liz explained her reason to not join. SHe would love to cheer for her guys and be a part of a team, but with boys around the school constantly flirting with her, she doesn’t want the extra attention.
“I understand your reasoning, but in most stories, the cheerleading squad girls are the most popular girls on campus! Think of that, popular!” Amelia’s grin was spread across her face, popularity looking good to her.
“I don’t need to be popular when I have friends that care about me.”
They stopped in their tracks as Amelia gives her a big hug. “This is why we all love you, Liz.”
“All I need is my friend’s love.” Liz hugged her back before the pair started walking again to their class.
Liz had spent years of her life alone, after her and her parents were involved in a freak car accident. When Liz was only 13, they were on a trip to the neighboring continent, Wienfix, when unfortunately, a drunk man speeding in the opposite direction collided with their car. The car was severely damaged in the front, killing both of Liz’s parents. She survived in the back seat and had to live with her aunt and cousin for 4 years till she was 17. She now lives in an apartment by herself, earning her wages by working at the local cat cafe.
The first period passed as normal, as did the next 3 periods until lunch. She had cooking during the 4th period, meaning payday. This was another way to earn money. She would cook and end up selling the food at lunchtime, she didn’t ask for this, but she needs any extra money to continue living alone.
“So today I made some Yo-Yos. They are an Australian biscuit, which is also called Melting Moments. They have a cream filling and are extremely sugary, with lots of butter as well. Unhealthy but delicious.” Liz explained the contents of the biscuit.
“They look delicious, Liz.” Elias was the first person to comment on her food. Having a sweet tooth, and instantly bought some before they were gone, Klaus not too far behind.
“Just what I need before practice. Be better if I had tea with me.” Klaus bought some before more guys started to show.
“You should try some coffee, Klaus. I bet these are amazing with coffee.” Sigurd butted in. Klaus instantly scrunched his face, disgusted by even the mention of coffee.
“Keep that coffee far away from me, also Serge gave me his money to buy some for him since he is already down at the pitch. He said he needed a lot of whatever you baked.” He gave extra money to Liz to buy some for Serge.
“Tell Serge I said hi, and you're welcome for baking these.” Liz smiled, knowing how happy Serge would be for these sweets.
“Will do.” And with that, Klaus was off.
“Can’t believe he won’t try coffee… Maybe I should swap his tea for coffee sometime.” Sigurd walked off after purchasing a couple of Yo-Yos. You could tell by the concentrated look on his face, he was figuring out a way to make Klaus drink coffee.
Lunch rolled past quickly, with all her sweets being sold before halfway through lunch. Yukiya had popped in to buy 1, while other’s like Luca and Joel, bought a handful, not letting the ‘beautiful’ food go to waste.
For the rest of lunch, she sat down on the grass field, overlooking the football and the football team practicing, with Amelia. They gossiped, well, Amelia gossiped, about what was going on through school. A secret relationship was revealed when they told their friends they were dating, and one girl accidentally told another girl. That other girl had a habit of not keeping things secret, and by the end of the day, Amelia was sure the whole year level would know this. And by the end of the week, the whole school would know. That was the way it worked here at Gedonelune High School. Something couldn’t remain a secret for long.
The day quickly ended, with Liz walking side by side with Amelia, on the way to the cat cafe to attend work. The bonus of working there, you get to hang around cats. When Amelia and Liz arrived, they changed into their uniform, a simple white shirt and black skirt with an apron. It had only been 5 mins until Elias walked through the door with a book in hand, and sat in his regular corner seat.
Liz walked up to him, with a notepad to take down orders in hand, and tapped his shoulder to get him out of his book. “So what would you like today, Elias? The normal chocolate and caramel slice with hot chocolate, or would you maybe want to try our new triple chocolate cake?”
“I would like the normal hot chocolate, 3 teaspoons of sugar and 2 marshmallows, and I would like to try the new chocolate cake please.” Elias smiled as a tabby cat came over and sat on his lap. “Hello, Mr. Fluffy, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” He talked to the cat, which was named Mr. Fluffy because of his large fluffy fur.
Liz walked back up to the counter and told Liz his order. “I swear, he orders diabetes every day.” Amelia laughed.
“Klaus isn’t any better. They both live off sugar, which apparently they and their older brother got from their father.” Liz laughed along as they both prepared his order. Liz working on the hot chocolate and Amelia cut a slice of cake for him. When both were finished, Liz walked back over to him with a plate in hand, and he instantly started eating.
After eating, Elias complimented her on the food. “Thank you, Liz, I deeply enjoyed the cake and hot chocolate.” He gave his fan-killing smile to Liz, which could melt anyone’s heart. “The cat’s are just an added bonus, as I mostly come here to see you- I mean eat your food! You did say you cook some of the food here, right!” He was blushing from head to toe, causing Liz to blush as well.
Liz gave a slight thank you, as she walked away to the counter, Amelia watching the exchange from her position with the widest grin on her face. “You two are soooo adorable together!” She squealed at Liz, getting excited. “I hope you two date someday!” This caused Liz to blush even more.
The next couple of hours continued, with Elias leaving not too long after the embarrassing conversation. He normally stays for longer, but the girls guess he couldn’t handle the embarrassment, but either could Liz. However, the shift continued with nothing of the sort happening again, just serving customers.
Amelia and Liz made plans that Amelia would drop Liz off at her place, as usual, but pick her up later to attend the football match. This prevented Liz from happening to walk to the school grounds at dark, even if the school is in walking distance.
An hour later, they were both at the school football field, cheering on their fellow friends. Sitting with them on the bleachers was Elias, Yukiya, Azusa, Joel, and Leon. Not too far was Cerim, Leslie, Sigurd and Mel, and Luca sitting amongst the girls, obviously with his new girlfriend, which would not last too long. God knows how many girlfriends he has had, although Amelia might actually know since she stays a top of gossip.
The game was off to a good start, with Guy being the fastest runner, scoring a goal. This continued on, with their team winning. With a combination of Glenn’s strength, Guy’s speed, their teammates, which includes Serge and Vincent, and Klaus’ leadership as captain, they were sure to win.
It was halftime break, and Amelia used this to talk to the guys sitting with her and Liz. “So Yukiya, take anymore stray cat’s home again?”
Yukiya moved his head so he was facing Amelia. “I found a stray cat on the way back home after school, but after mum’s last warning about bringing home another animal, I could only give him some leftover lunch and make a little shelter out of nearby boxes and containers.”
“Awww, that’s so sweet…” Amelia cooed.
“I could maybe take that cat home, could you show me where it is if it is still there?” Leon asked Yukiya, who was sitting next to him.
“Sure. Let’s just hope the cat is still there.”
“I love cats,” Elias joined the conversation. “but unfortunately, Klaus is allergic to cat hair so I’m not allowed to bring any home.”
“That’s a shame,” Yukiya responded.
The game then continued, with their school still in the lead. The other team was gaining up, causing a tie. Both teams were desperate to win this match, which would lead them to the finals. They had little time left and wanted to try every strategy to win. They decided on Guy going in for the final goal, and fortunately, he did it. He managed to score a goal before the end of the game, meaning that they won!
Everyone from Gedonelune High School ran down to the pitch to congratulate them on the win. Liz headed down as well, but not running like everyone else. She headed to where Klaus and Serge were crowded.
“Hello Klaus, Serge. Great job on winning tonight!” She smiled up at them as she felt happy for their win.
“Well, I couldn’t have done it without those delicious treats at lunch!” Serge hugged her, his way of saying thank you.
“Serge, I wouldn’t mind a hug normally, but you’re sweaty.” Liz pointed out. He immediately let go, now aware of how terrible he must smell.
“Those treats were delicious, Liz, and I do believe they helped us today.” Klaus butted in, obviously not happy that Serge was close to Liz.
The crowd eventually faded, and Liz was dropped off at her apartment by Amelia. She quickly changed into her pajamas, taking out her twin pig-tails held together by pink ribbon. She flopped onto her bed quite dramatically, as she felt exhausted from today’s events. She had a quick scroll through social media before falling fast asleep, dreaming about the events of the day. Selling food, the football match, and don’t forget about Elias’ blushing. That was the most awkward of today's events. She dreamed of something happening between the two, a romance.
She was happy in her dreamland until she woke up.
Word count: 1885
Yeah, so that is it. Will Liz end up with someone, since 15 guys like her? That scene with Elias though, our adorable tsundere is all grown up! If I continue this, it might have one feature guy per chapter, I don’t know. Again, thanks to Rayheart for her amazing modern AU that prompted me to write this!
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