#underworld: la croix du lac
white-queen-lacus · 6 years
Another excerpt from UW
“Arabella bit her lip, shaking her head. Her long blond hair fell on her face, disheveled. - You really could not have done it! Give me my life back... in exchange for yours ... please, give up! No ... it's not fair ... you should not ... for all this time, I... I ... oh gods, my love, come back! Do not leave me now ... Evandrus!! - Arabella screamed his name and it was heartbreaking, for her as for all of us. Evan had given his life for Arabella to come back to life and this fact was undeniable. But for all those years, Arabella had always just wanted him to be safe. She wanted to protect him, somehow, from the darkness that had swallowed him. Yet, there had never been so much light in him as at that time. Arabella continued crying, desperate, slumped next to Evan's face. She caressed him, kissed him, but nothing would bring him back. And it was then that I realized it too. Evan would never come back. Until the moment when Liger's mask had fallen, inside me, I had tried to be strong, believing that my brother would have continued to live inside me, even though I had never had a plaque on which to cry. But at that moment, his body was there. I would never see his smile again. Nor his amaranth eyes that looked at me with their nuances. I would never hear his sleepy voice again when he told me to sleep, or wished me a good morning with a hoarse voice, after a night of watching over me. I would never see him again wearing his carmine uniform with a loose tie. Neither pout because forced to do something reluctantly. I would never do anything with him again. And that thought disturbed me. Because it had been simpler to live with hope, even if vain, that perhaps, Evan could still be alive. That thought made the torment less painful, which at that moment had gripped my heart. While all around, life had returned to shine, in my heart and in that of Arabella, a storm stirred that never would have ended. Trembling, I put my hand on my sister's, who lifted her tear-red face, staring at me sideways. - A-Aurore ... -  We looked at each other, then Arabella squeezed my hand, while in us was born, for the first time, that association that had waited sixteen years to manifest itself. We were sisters. One loved Evandrus Delacroix, the other loved Evan Kensington. Both, we shared the love for that boy who had changed the destiny of a world.”
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white-queen-lacus · 6 years
Hey, anon who asked about your work. Thank you for replying. I'd like to know how the story ends. Nice plot tho! ^^
Ok, I totally forgot I had this ask… sorry! ç___ç *busy times*Thank you!! :) I hope you didn’t get annoyed or too much confused… I realized I wrote too many things all together…
Anyway, the story has a happy ending. Basically, since there was a prophecy to fulfill… or better, a promise 500 years old to fulfill, Evan, who is the last descendant of the Delacroix made a deal with the Croix du Lac: in exchange for granting her revenge on people who killed her (well, their descendants), she would release Arabella’s soul. Her entity could not pass out because of a curse placed on her original soul, so she kept on being “alive” for 500 years by feeding on sacrificed little girls. Arabella was the last sacrifice tributed to her, but instead of being confined, this time the Croix du Lac freed herself and used Arabella’s body as a vessel. But since she still believes in the promise her lover made 500 years before (freeing her from the curse and being reunited), she agrees to join Evan’s plan. So, Evan, after having acted under the masked alter ego of Liger (and interacted with Aurore, who thought that her brother was dead), collected the Piéces (the amethyst, the lapis lazuli, the emerald, the ruby, the amber), executed the descendants of the people who killed the Croix du Lac, faced the rebellion arisen from the action of Aurore and the new generation of nobles, and proclaimed himself the new Despot, legitimate by the CdL. During the true Renaissance, Evan, after having paved the way for a new world, sacrificed himself to restore the original nucleus of the star which gave light and life to Esperia (and which was dying again). He proclaimed the birth of the Empire of Neo Esperia, under the guidance of Amber Trenchard, former Duchess of Shelton and now first Empress, then he freed the CdL from her curse by pronouncing her true name (which was erased from her memory as a part of the curse), because only the Delacroix knew it and then he died after having finally saved Arabella, whose he was in love with. Actually, thanks to Greal (who was alive and finally reunited with his family) and the Thurs (an ancient stone from the previous people who populated Esperia, with regeneration powers), Evan’s heart was restored and he could come back home with his family (not before agreeing to be dead for his original world) in Darlington, to Aurore’s joy (not so much Damien’s, since Evan was possessive af XD). Then, happy ending: years later, Aurore, married to Damien, is expecting their first child (a girl) and she has a dream (different from the nightmare of the beginning): she sees Ivy, her daughter, Evan and Arabella’s child, Louis, Amber and Shemar’s daughter, Ethel Sophie, Violet and Ruben’s children,  Ian and Reina, walking all together in a Neo Esperia full of light as the old times, while the Croix du Lac (whose real name was Helise Delacroix) and her lover were watching, finally free and together. :)
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white-queen-lacus · 2 years
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white-queen-lacus · 3 years
OC's first kiss 💏
*because we need more fluff and romance in life* 💕
Underworld (2014), Aurore and Damien, 16 and 18 y.o.:
"- You once said that my eyes were the colors of lilacs, a color you had never seen before. You know, Damien, it's been the kindest and most beautiful thing you could ever tell me and I will never forget it. Please, try to remember... -
My hand shifted between his dark brown hair and I rose on my tiptoes, the most I could. When our lips met, at last, in the right and natural way, as it should be, we kissed. Damien hesitated for some instants, then he let go the grip on my wrist and his hand ended up entwining with mine. His free arm was around my waist and he kept me against his body. For the first time, I completely realized Mum's words. His lips were so warm and soft and they matched mine as if they were created to meet. It was so sweet and intense at the same time so much that I amost felt like it wasn't anything else around us that wasn't us. Yes, it was like losing my own soul to gain another double. And it was exquisitely marveillous. Then, after a time that I wasn't able to define, so much I was dazed by that kiss, we parted away. I opened my eyes and so he did. Emerald and amethyst together.
- Aurore. - he whispered, with amazed and tender voice. I smiled at him, feeling my cheeks burning."
Dark Circus (2020), Kate and Alexander, 26 and 35 y.o.:
"Alexander moved closer and I lifted my eyes, meeting his, again. He was so serious and pensive that I almost feel embarassed. His fingers moved to caress my face and the contact with his warm skin made me eager. I closed my eyes, letting myself go to the pleasure of that touch, until I heard his voice.
- Kate... are you sure? - I nodded, with my furious heart racing as if it wanted to get out from my chest. He also should feel the same and when his lips found mine, I clearly felt the sensation of a broken levee. A kiss that began almost reverential, to become more confident and deeper, when I answer to it with the same desire. How many times I had imagined, in those months spent together, how having been kissed by him would be? We almost had, but then, he desisted. I didn't fully understand why he did it, that time. I understood it that night. It didn't only mean letting go. He had asked me if I was sure of what I was doing. Of what I wanted. He needed me to be truly ready and that there weren't ghosts between us anymore. Even if it meant holding his own feelings back. After all, he had always had a very singular way to protect me."
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white-queen-lacus · 7 years
Re-reading some pages of my first complete original story, I noticed that this month it’s been 3 years since I finished to share it on EFP… and I felt so nostalgic. 💕 My lovely Aurore and her journey which led her to find the truth about her mysterious nightmares and her family… I would really have the chance to write something else, sometimes… Time passes but precious feelings stay and voices whisper again~
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 … E nel congedarsi, Helise tese la mano verso un punto lontano, poco prima di svanire nel nulla. Mi voltai, vedendo i nostri sei ragazzi che passeggiavano: Ivy, Louis, Ethel Sophie, Kyros, Reina e Ian, i due figli di Violet e Ruben. Provai una gioia indescrivibile nel vederli tutti insieme e pensai che mio padre aveva avuto ragione, un tempo. Avevamo fatto tesoro del passato, ma oramai eravamo liberi di lasciarcelo alle spalle. Un giorno, anche per loro sarebbe stato possibile. Ma fino ad allora, saremmo stati noi a proteggerli, così com’era stato per me, un tempo. Avevamo cambiato il destino di quel mondo. Ora toccava alla nuova generazione raccogliere quell’eredità e renderla ancora più preziosa. Per quanto mi riguardava, la nostra sfida era più viva che mai. Che fosse un sogno, che fosse la realtà, non aveva più importanza. Qualunque cosa fosse accaduta, non ci saremmo mai arresi.
Perché alla fine dell’oscurità, quantunque profonda essa sia, c’è sempre la luce. 
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white-queen-lacus · 7 years
Tagging game :)
Thank you, dear @abybweisse for having tagged me too! <3 1. How has your opinion of yourself changed over the years? Unfortunately yes. I say “unfortunately” because when I was younger I used to be emotionally stronger, but the presence of certain people in my life made me become less confident (especially when it comes to people whom I love deeply, because I am more vulnerable to their opinions and attacks and I started suffering of panic attacks because of this). 2. If you had to pick one book to read for the rest of your life, which book would you pick? Kushiel’s Legacy (both Phèdre and Imriel’s saga) series. Those books are an endless source of inspiration. 3. What’s your favorite season? Do you have a particular reason for liking it? I’d say summer because of the light (I feel better when there is light all around). But here summer is like Hell because it’s hot af, so we are in July and I can breath flames… XD 4. What’s your favorite thing to do when you want to relax? Daydream about stories. Preferably mine… XD The ones I should write, the ones I wrote but I still have something to say. 5. Do you consider yourself lazy? I was born under the sign of Cancer. So yes, I am basically a lazy person, but when I find something interesting, I am not lazy anymore. 6. What’s your view on morality? I feel that many things do not go as they were meant to go, because we live in a very unfair world. To be honest, I believe that it is very important to listen to people’s reasons, but this is not so easy, because we are often too focussed on our beliefs. So it depends. 7. When are you most productive? When I am under pressure. Exams helped me a lot in this (instead of studying XD). Luckily I am about to finish! 8. Do you have any strong opinions about things most people don’t think much about? Love. About love. I strongly believe that love (in a romantic way) exists only in fiction, and I am totally unable to feel it for another person (my ex is the proof XD). Anyway I believe that the sole, endless love is the one between a mother and her child! ;_;<3 9. How do you handle stress? Mh… listen to some kind of music, mostly. 10. What would your ideal world be like? An ideal world would be like the one everyone has in his mind. Anyway, a world that allows children to be themselves and helps them to bloom would be a very good world. Extra Questions: 1.) What’s one story that you want to write/create but won’t (or haven’t yet)? Uuuuuuh… well: I started to write a story about a young student of Psychology in Boston, Kate, who is the only eyewitness of a little girl’s murder few days before Christmas. After that moment, few years later, she joins detective Alexander Graham’s Division as the departmental psychologist in order to find “the Magician”, the mysterious murderer of the little girl, when she finds out that he was also the killer of Alexander’s little daughter, Lily. Also, Kate discovers that her superior is not exactly a good person (actually not that he does too much for hiding his dark temper XD), but when he was a college student, he was the leader of a secret élite, the Dark Circus (just like other members of their team... I picture him like Vincent Phantomhive, Kougami Shinya and our beautiful Italian Leo Cagliostro) and the past involving both is more entwined that they could even suspect. Well, this is my “Dark Circus”, a story I really would love to write (I wrote some chapters but nothing more) and I have lots of ideas and the finale too, but lack of inspiration and university are not a good thing for a novelist… -__-“ Ah, I also wanted to write some one-shots for my *happily finished* fantasy “Underworld – La Croix du Lac” but same thing as DC.  2.) What’s an interesting moment of self-discovery in your life? My first job assignation (as a secondary school professor) and my teacher-training in Primary Education: I found out that I am really good as a teacher! 3.) Dream job? Cat-sitting! *_______________* And being mom! <3 Unfortunately, since I can’t find the raw material, I believe it won’t be easy for me to become a mother, one day… ;_; 4.) What’s a book/movie/show that has had a large influence on you? I do not know, actually… I can say that Kushiel’s Legacy has a large influence on my writing style, perhaps. But also, it depends on moments. 5.) Has music ever changed your life, or at least your outlook on life? I will never stop thanking and blessing Marconi Union for their Weightless! 6.) Imagine you’ve become an established author/artist/creator. What would you want the fandom for your works to be like? “Discussing written works and theorizing about it/analyzing it, maybe creating fanfics that would work within canon. Creating fan art that is true to canon. Commissioning artwork or crafts from me”. @abybweisse I made copy/paste here because this is my exact opinion too! 7.) Same scenario as #6. What would the fandom actually be like? I experienced this on EFP with my “Underworld”. I noticed that my “fandom” was really curious and prone to theorize things (I still giggling at them thinking that Aurore’s father was an angel or something similar, Shemar being Sebastian’s relative, Liger being Evan… ok, this one was right! XD Aaaaah and I loved when they showed lots of empathy toward Celia and her backstory ç_ç). 8.) What’s a subject that you think should be taught in schools but typically isn’t taught at all? Guys, we are talking about Italian school here. As a teacher, I can say that in Italy there is a general lack of attention towards social studies. We try to study some arguments by transversal subjects, but in the end, what do we know about others, really? 9.) What’s a subject that you think should be taught differently in schools from how it usually is? Math (but also several subjects, especially in the secondary school). But the way Math is taught is terrible. No wonder that Italian students are among the worst in Europe. 10.) Are there any patterns in your interests/works that wouldn’t be immediately obvious to an outside observer? I love complex things. Perhaps this is because I am a very complicated person myself. But I believe that nothing is like it appears, that is why in my works I always hide things, details, hints that one day will help things to be clear (like many authors do, after all). When I wrote Underworld, I made several references to the fact that Liger, the main “enemy” of the story, was in fact Evan, Aurore’s adopted brother, like him playing with a Rubik cube, symbolizing his “triple identity”: Evan Kensington/Liger/Evandrus Delacroix or Aurore recalling that Evan’s favorite animals were the tiger and the lion and him claiming that it existed a hybrid called “liger”) but I noticed that my readers were too much in Aurore’s shoes that they could not noticed them at all (technically this is not a bad thing, since the surprise was shocking for Aurore and for them too XD). Only one reader suspected that Evan was Liger and the last living Delacroix (he made a fun parallel with Batman/Bruce Wayne’s story) after reading Celia’s backstory aaaaand… I know that I am going off at a tangent… XD Well, tagging time... whoever wants to do it! :) Fee free to do it!! :) I choose to not tag because I noticed that sometimes people are not interested, so I don’t want to bother... >_< 
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white-queen-lacus · 7 years
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Very old sketches and first sketches for some characters from my OS "Underworld - La Croix du Lac": the Lady of the Diamond, Cerulea "Celia" Rosenkrantz and Greal Valdes, the Lord of the Amethyst, little Evandrus Delacroix and Arabella Valdes~
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white-queen-lacus · 6 years
More about Underworld :3
Some days ago, I received an ask from an anon who wanted to know something more about my “Underworld”. For some reasons, when I answered, Tumblr decided to cut my answer off and I lost it... ;_;  So, in the hope the anon who asked is still interested in, here I am with a more complete ex novo answer. I’m starting with a premise. Underworld is my original novel, written and shared on EFP years ago, so everything I’m going to write here is linked to the subject. :) General plot: Underworld, la Croix du Lac, is a fantasy novel. It tells the story of Aurore Kensington, an almost sixteen yo girl who lives with her mother, Celia, and her older brother Evan. Since she was five years old, Aurore’s been having a recurring nightmare. In this nightmare, she feels like somebody is running in the night. She can’t see who is or where this happens until she feels physical pain and she feels like an invisible, dark hand is protruding towards her. Then she usually wakes up screaming terrified. Only Evan’s presence can usually help her to calm down. Also, her family keeps moving from place to place periodically, until they finally settle in Darlington (US). While attending the Darlington High School, Aurore becomes friend with Violet Hammond, her best friend at the time of the events, and Evan is in the same class of Damien Warren, son of the History teacher, Leonard Warren, and the President of the senior year class. While Evan is constantly annoyed and p*ssed off at Damien, the latter seems strangely interested in them, but his inconstant behaviour isn’t welcomed by Aurore too, who, in fact, doesn’t like him at all. Things go like this until the moment odd pale people come searching for Celia and her children. This leads to the disappearance of Celia and Evan, after a discussion among them and Aurore about their mysterious past (Aurore doesn’t know anything about her father and she’s starting thinking that these events are related to him) and the appearance of Shemar Lambert, a young man who claims to be a knight in service of the Lady of the Amber, Amber Trenchard, who’s been sent to protect Aurore and the stone she holds, the amethyst. Coincidentally, Mr Warren is involved in the whole story, to the point of telling Aurore that the truth is waiting for her in the Underworld, their “home”. Also, he “kidnaps” his own child, Jamie, leaving Damien behind, full of rage, doubts and will of revenge for what happened to his beloved little brother. So, along with Shemar, both Aurore and Damien decide to walk through the Stonedoor, one of the portals which put in communication the world of the light (Earth) and the former continent/dimension known as Esperia, now known as Underworld, searching for the unbelievable truth behind all. ---- end of the plot ---- Now, in the ask, I was questioned about the not-so-like resemblance between the characters. So, I think that the best way to explain is to write something about them directly. In the drawings I shared, I only introduced Aurore’s family... and yes, they're not fully blood-related, or at least...there is someone who’s not truly part of the family, by blood. :) In a long flashback chapter, Celia told Aurore their story. Almost twenty years before the present events, Celia was Aurore’s age, and she was known as Cerulea Rosenkrantz, Lady of the Diamond and daughter of the Despot (the sovereign of the Underworld, chosen among the male firstborn heirs from the oligarchy which composes the nobility) Tantris Rosenkrantz. Celia is a rebel by heart, hating being confined in her rooms (since her mother died in childbirth, her father is strict with her) and she often runs away to her nanny’s chagrin. During the Renaissance ceremony event (the passage from winter to spring), Celia meets for the first time Greal, who’s one of the special class guards, whose job is the surveillance of the court. Both go along well, even though Greal is a young man of few words and very strict. While Celia is intrigued by him (and his friend and comrade Gregor Lambert), she quickly discovers that Greal is the second son of Lord Leutwin Valdes, as well as the younger brother of Ademar, heir and future owner of the amethyst (each most prominent family of the sixth lands that compose the Underworld are owners of a distinct stone: the amethyst is in the hands of the Valdes family, the ruby is in the hands of the Cartwright family, the emerald is in the hand of the Dobrée family, the amber is in the hand of the Trenchard family, the lapislazuli is in the hands of the Deveraux family. The diamond is symbolic and it’s believed to be owned by the supreme entity which gives life/light to the world: the Croix du Lac). Both Celia and Greal fall in love during the following months, among lots of troubles born from the fact that she cannot decide freely the man she wants to marry, her father’s illness and Ademar’s role in all this. In fact, Ademar, with the cooperation of his personal knight Lionhart Warrenheim (Damien’s “father”) and few families he obtained loyalty from, is basically operating to dethrone his predecessor by poisoning him. Since he’s a bastard inside, he also killed his own parents, and when he finally becomes the new Despot, he decides, out of jealousy towards his little brother (who has inherited the amethyst instead of Ademar), to marry the woman his Greal loves, Celia. The latter is forced to obey, also in order to protect both Greal and the child she’s been bearing. In the end, Celia gives birth to her and Greal’s first daughter, Arabella, and during the successive three years, she and Greal try to keep their clandestine relationship, until the moment Ademar decides to make them pay. The price for their crime is that Greal is accused of having slaughtered to last living people of the first family which crossed the Stonedoor more than 500 years before, the Delacroix. This family was the one who ruled the new world in the past, creating a powerful and peaceful Empire, until other minor families dethroned the Emperor and sacrificed his daughter to the Croix du Lac. At the time of the flashback, only one child was able to escape the slaughter (actually perpetrated by Lionhart): Evandrus Delacroix, the last living heir of the family. Since the Delacroix were few members and they didn’t have many exchanges with the nobles, their lineage was pure, and Evandrus was the direct descendant of the man who’d sworn to save the soul of the Emperor’s sacrificed daughter. Unfortunately, when the rebellion spread, after Ademar’s declaration of guilt towards Greal (the slaughter of an unharmed and legendary family was an unforgivable act which had led to consequences), Greal and Celia try to run away in the world of the light (Earth) along with Arabella and Evandrus (who was saved by Greal) but their run was difficult, full of sorrow and loss. Plus, an accident occurred and only Celia (who was also unknowingly pregnant with Aurore) and Evan (who lost his memories in the process) were able to reach the world of light, leaving Arabella, Greal and a world in the fire behind. So, this is basically the reason why there isn’t a great similarity... Arabella looks like a younger version of Celia, Aurore is the spitting image of Greal in his youth and of her grandmother Annabelle, and Evan took after his birth parents, inheriting their amaranth eyes, which Aurore loves so much. <3 And that’s all! :)
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white-queen-lacus · 6 years
;___; Damn Tumblr mail!! Spending half an hour writing an answer and then seeing that only one line has been shared... so you’re forced to erase everything... ç____ç WHAT A MISFORTUNE!!!!!! To the anon who asked me about Underworld and why in the drawings my characters didn’t seem this alike... I’ll answer as soon as I can, hoping Tumblr won’t screw up everything again... ç___ç
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white-queen-lacus · 6 years
Mh... I don’t know if I’d already shared scenes from Underworld, but since I’m in the mood today... I’ll share the prologue. The original version is in Italian, so I guess there will be mistakes here and there in the translation. >_<
It began with a nightmare. A nightmare returned from the depths of the soul in which I had tried to relegate it countless times since I remember it. There was not a place, there was not a time I could define, just a succession of steps and breaths, pressing, more and more, in the darkness. I had never been able to figure out how many people there were, two, or maybe three, maybe they were not even people, but they were unquestionably terrified, fleeing from something or someone, an unknown enemy whose identity I did not know. The first times the nightmare gave me no other feelings than absolute terror and worry. And this time, it was not different. I felt anxiety growing, I felt something pungent, a strong pain in my chest, as tangible as the perception of the wind on the skin. I had the chills, I knew, now all too well, that the moment was coming. And then, growing, like the rising tide during the storms, it arrived. I stumbled, sharp brambles tore at my flesh, acute suffering pervaded every single cell of my body. I wanted with all my strength to get up, to end the torment once and for all. In the most complete darkness, a sudden flicker, dark fingers protruding menacingly toward me. I closed my eyes, squeezed them as hard as I could, before abandoning myself to the only human reaction I could afford. To scream. 
- Aurore. - A voice, a reassuring voice that called my name. I opened my eyes, my gaze fell back to the moon that was right there, in front of me, shining in its white pallor, huge luminous sphere capable of illuminating the most powerful darkness and making the darkest night clear. I felt my eyes stinging. The sight of the moon, so clear, began to crack, slowly, until I found the courage to take a deep breath and turned around. I focused slowly, two figures looked at me worried. - Another time. - - It's all right, honey. - I looked better, as the forces returned and tears, which were forcefully poured out of my eyes, traced two wet furrows along my cheeks. - I'm ... I'm fine. -  A sigh of relief, while the gentle hand of a charming woman from the indecipherable age stroked my forehead, reassuring me and that feeling that just before my heart had faded, leaving room for a renewed serenity. - Mom. - I spoke in a whisper. Too many times I made her worry, ever since I was five years old and memory of that recurring visitor. She smiled. Her cerulean eyes brightened, a smile rekindled the porcelain face that reassured me. She was beautiful, my mother. I replied to her smile, sincerely relieved and I raised myself, noticing that a warm hand was holding mine, but it was not my mother's. Beside her, the voice that had brought me back to the reality of my safe life whispered words of disappointment. Evan, my older brother. The usual story, the end of the idyllic family gathering moment. - Always the same. But is it possible that you cannot sleep normally? It does not take long, you know? It will be the case that I bring a cup of chamomile to you. - Instinctively, I shook his hand. He looked at me, the rebellious brown tufts that fell on his forehead gave a start. His eyes, of a singular amaranth shade, looked at me, reflecting in my, singularly amethyst, a descent of my father, I had been told. - Do not ... do not leave me, please ... - He looked at me, scrutinizing me for a very long moment. During that moment I realized I had to have a really slammed face. If I had been in the right mood I would have done the compliments alone... in the middle of the night, waking up screaming and waking up the whole house was really a big hit. Yet, it had always been like that, never once had I been abandoned to that nightmare, but on the contrary, before being captured, Evan's voice saved me. I was grateful to him, but for a sort of reverential fear I did not dare tell him. Evan did not like to expose himself particularly, he had never bound with anyone but us, in his life. From what I remember, we have always been on the road, so we did not have time to settle in a place that we already had to change it. I think much of my fear in that nightmare was the materialization of my suffering. We lived our lives as if perpetually pursued by someone, forced to flee and hide. It was a feeling, I knew it was not reality, but often fiction surpasses reality itself. I saw it in the vagueness of my mother's explanations. I had stopped asking her questions, her answers to mine because they faded into the unknown, but at the same moments, I saw in her eyes a trace of ancient sadness. I did not have the courage to ask her why. My father, maybe. A figure shrouded in mystery. Neither Evan nor I have ever known him, I only know that he loved us, but Mother never told us anything else. Who knows, maybe it's a memory for her too, infinitely painful. I already said how beautiful my mother is. She is an enigma, wonderfully perfect despite the passing of time, which seems not to touch it particularly if not in making its beauty more pronounced. She is wise and witty, but also very sweet and full of care. She never let us miss anything, she proudly, sometimes even stubbornly, grew me and my brother, without making us weigh ever so much, the absence of our father. Evan, for his part, has never asked for explanations. I proceed by suppositions, we have never really dealt with the matter directly, but I believe that in its own way, you feel resentment towards it, if not hate. He has always been the man of the house, the one who was supposed to protect me and mother. A little sister who since she was a child was a great nuisance and a mother who sometimes sent to the devil the wisdom for unknowing choices, Evan once said, precisely when we left France to go to Patagonia. My mother has always loved traveling, just as she loves the legends that populate the places where we lived. For about a couple of months we moved to a new city, Darlington. It is a beautiful town, very refined and elegant. I must say that it is definitely one of the best places we have ever lived. I did not tell him, but I really would like to stay. I looked at Evan, who kept staring at me. - Excuse me, I'm the usual selfish. I should remember that I'm not five anymore, right? - - Only if this implies not asking me to carry you on your shoulder until you fall asleep. No offense, but you're getting really heavy. - He smiled mockingly. I squeezed his hand harder, eager to hurt him, but the only result I got was to see him grimace in a sneer. He made me laugh when he was like that, he assumed a strange expression that seemed to deform his face in a funny mask. I burst out laughing, the tension faded completely and my mother stroked my hair, raven like the deepest night, and got up. - I think it will be better tonight for you to stay with her, Evan, so there's no need to get the witch's shot. - Mom said.
He smiled, amused, as he went to the closet, not exactly the maximum tidy, and making his way through my clothes, he retrieved a blanket. Evan looked at her sideways, really angry when mother teased him. He was proud, my brother. And yet, in the pout that followed, I saw his child's face, a face that I had always loved, pervaded by a unique sweetness under that frowning look. Once, he smiled more often, but for some time, reserved his sincere smiles only on occasional occasions, limiting themselves, in most cases, to smiles of sufficiency and circumstance, which attracted the dislike of his classmates. But the thing, after all, did not touch him, Evan had always been immune to the reactions of others, did not break down, or let himself be involved. The only time I had seen him lose control, showing a side of himself that he normally never let out, was when Damien Warren, son of the history professor of Evan’s class, as well as Head of the third year classes, had teased, pointing out that I did not need a nanny (of course, in a new school, without any reference point, he was the only one I could trust). That time, I saw for the first time an extremely cold, sharp look, I heard Evan’s voice lower in a threatening tone, as he commanded him to turn off from us. I hated Warren for this. Not only had we allowed ourselves to speculate about our lives, but moreover, no less serious, had allowed a side of my brother to emerge, which I was sure, he himself did not want to let go out. Evan had never been cruel, I knew it and the idea that Mr I-know-everything would attack him like that hurt me. He was my brother, no one should ever insinuate that he was someone who was not. Since then, I avoided that boy who, with contemptuous and superior air, was allowed to criticize us. It was not bad, I must admit, in fact, I knew that he was considered one of the most promising boys in school, but intelligence and pride are not a combination destined to last particularly unless there is a good dose of cunning and Warren ... I knew him too little to identify with certainty which of the two cases was, but for that little, I would have put my hand on the fire. - Aurore, get down, it's late and we need to sleep. - Evan said, distracting me from my thoughts. Who knows, maybe he had guessed something, but his tone had changed, coming back gentle. - I'll bring you a cup of chamomile, kids. - Mother echoed, putting the blanket over Evan's shoulders and coming out of my room.  The moonlight that had lightened the room at my quick and traumatic awakening had given way to the light of my lamp, a gift my mother had given me during a stay in Paris. My room was a souvenir festival, I thought. There was everything from plush toys to lamps, from books to clothes, but the thing that I preferred the most was my corner of the photos. I watched them, quickly rethinking our journeys. Europe had always been our favourite destination, but the last ones were the ones I preferred because next to us three finally appeared a person, my best friend, Violet. Every morning I could not wait to meet her again. She was really nice, and she was the first, in my new class, to accept me, helping me to settle down.  I smiled and looked at Evan, then took a seat under the covers.  - Do you think it will come back? - - Mom? Unless you fall asleep in the kitchen, I think so. - He commented - Do not joke! I protested, tip. - He smiled. - I will not allow it. I'll hold your hand tight all night, so if it happens, I'll be there to fight it. - You always tell me that ... "Is it not my duty to protect my little sister so easily subjected to suggestions? - I looked at him, a feeling of unmotivated disappointment pervaded me. - In your opinion are suggestions? - - It is scientifically proven. The human mind plays bad jokes. You can imagine having a coin in your pocket, but it is not said that you really have it, right? - - I hate your rationality. -  It is not rationality, Aurore. It is only a fact. But this does not mean that the moment they occur, they are the most real thing you are experiencing. For this reason, do not be afraid, I am there and I will always be there. - I nodded. It had always been like that and that confirmation calmed me. I closed my eyes, eager for sleep. I felt the weariness that recovered me, the limbs relaxed, the eyelids became heavy.  Evan's voice, a whisper. - Do not ... ever forget it ... I ... I'll always be with you ... -
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white-queen-lacus · 6 years
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A nice thing of being a teacher is that I'm having plenty of time to excercise my imagination... So, between a drawing and another drawing, I found my old folder containing my original characters from my original novel Underworld~ Aaaw, my Valdes/Kensington family... I'm still thinking that I don't have a picture of all of them together... 😩
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