#ugh. ugh. UGH. UGHHHHHHH
blueskittlesart · 5 days
in the nicest and most non-confrontational way possible. i feel like some of you think that anything that isn't directly openly spelled out for you within a story is "missed potential" or "unexplored." like. sometimes there are implied narratives. sometimes the point is that you as the reader are supposed to think and draw your own conclusions and participate in the story. the writers not directly spelling every little detail out for you doesn't mean that the story is poorly written or missed its own plot details somehow. PLEASE.
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kae-xii · 2 months
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Is he pretty enough yet? [ wip ]
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snowheartsz · 4 months
I think we moved on from this WAY too quickly
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molinaesque · 2 years
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“Bah, humbug!” (Scrooge: A Christmas Carol, 2022)
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kkolg · 2 months
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for you
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ughhh thinking back on the original atla and lok by association reminds me of how much the writers of these shows just... cannot write a good romance.
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hangmanbradshaw · 5 months
I’m busting at the seams about what I’m working on I need to TALK ABOUT IT
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whumpshaped · 6 months
ugh okay but like u guys dont understand. i wrote about jude two times and now im just forever obsessed with how pitiful he is. like hes the exact type of stupid starving vampire that u have to grab by the back of the head and push his face against ur neck if you want him to drink. and he'll prob whimper if u do
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fruityfroggy · 5 days
Love how ONE of my characters is just way more built than everyone else cuz I’m coping so so hard it’s not even funny
I’m not ready to let her go just yet, so hard copium it is
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stop- the new heartstopper chapter is so!!!!!!! Alice, oml, I adore you and the way with which you handle things <3
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toruvi · 3 months
When reader pulled her card out to pay at the bar and Levi goes “pull that shit out again im cutting it in half” has to be the hottest thing Ive ever read.
Of all the things in pwasoi I'm very proud of his dialogue and this is one of those lines fjsjdjfjfjddkdkcj
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It's Sam,,,
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ghastlywretch · 1 year
re-reading ACOK Theon I and like…this guy is just so lost. Like, how did I not know from the jump that his entire arc would be about his identity and how he doesn’t truly know who he is, where he belongs, and what place to call home. You read it for the first time and you think, “oh, he wants power, he wants control. He wants to be king of the Iron Islands.” and like…yeah? On the surface, yes, that’s what’s motivating him, but even in this very first chapter the shiny exterior of this motivation has so many cracks and when you look through those cracks it’s just…a boy who has been lost his entire life, who doesn’t know what to do with himself, or who he is. This entire chapter is just building Theon up to break him down, which is basically what Theon’s arc in ACOK is, as a whole. When he comes to Pyke, everyone and everything is just laying into him, no punches pulled, whether it’s Aeron or Balon, everyone does their best to ensure Theon feels absolutely unwelcome by the end of the chapter.
His motivation to begin with is very flimsy but in an intentional way that opens up so many avenues for the exploration of his character. He starts the chapter personally ambitious, and then as it goes on you realize that his ambition stems from a need to prove a point, both to the northerners who see him as an outsider, and the Ironborn who see him as a traitor.
He says in the opening paragraph that he’s returning home, and yet, he kind of…hates home? He describes it as bleak, damp, dark and mundane.
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And this makes you think he hates the Islands and the Ironborn, and you go with that, until he starts waxing poetic about the Old Way, and about how fearsome and mighty the Ironborn of old used to be.
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He thinks about how Balon had told him that a hard place breeds hard men, so his romanticization of the Old Way comes from Balon, who is really intense about fulfilling that Ironborn masculine ideal (and I’m not even going to get into the whole thing with gender and daddy issues in just this chapter alone rn oh my GOD) and Making The Iron Islands Great Again, so much so that he starts a campaign to become king to restore the glory of the Islands.
And this is so indicative of not only Theon’s cognitive dissonance vis a vis his native land, but also of how much Theon’s views, especially about the Islands, are shaped by his father. (again, not getting into this here, maybe another time, because there's SO much there)
Theon, according to Maester Luwin, was never a good student, so it’s safe to assume whatever information he has regarding the Islands is from Balon’s correspondence, and that shapes his view of both the place and the people, of their lost glory and the need to restore it.
He probably thinks about the wondrous past of the Ironborn so much because the thought of his people being impressive warriors and reavers probably comforted him as a young boy in Winterfell surrounded by the legacy of the Starks. He probably latched onto that idea because it was something to be proud of, after his house lost to Ned and Robert.
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So, in terms of his dilemma with identity, Theon feels a huge disconnect from the Ironborn by virtue of having spent a decade away from them, and his most important years of development, at that. He can connect more to the legends of his people than he can to the actual people, and he doesn’t feel like a Stark, either, because he has been keenly aware of his status as hostage all these years, regardless of Ned trying to “play the father from time to time”, just because of the entire conceit of him being in Winterfell in the first place (which is, you know, as a hostage, because his father was defeated in a war that wreaked havoc upon his people and his own family)
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To makes matters of identity, self and belonging worse, he meets Aeron, who is nothing like the man he knew, which makes him feel uneasy and out of place. This feeling of unease is made even worse when he reaches Pyke and hardly recognizes anyone there, all the servants he had remembered having died. But back to Aeron, who is not only different, but religious now, reminding Theon of his lack of faith in his ancestral god.
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This is a great passage, because not only are you getting Aeron accusing Theon of becoming a Stark by saying he prays to the old gods and not the Drowned God of his people, but also another mention of Ned that elaborates on Theon’s complex relationship with him, and on a more general level, the Starks.
And what’s interesting here is that Theon is indifferent about the gods. He doesn’t care much either way, and then he plays up his abhorrence of the old gods because of their connection to ned just to get in Aeron's good books. Even when he takes part in the ritual of the Drowned God with Aeron, he doesn't really care, and does it more as a way to gain Aeron's goodwill than anything else.0
Then, we get:
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This really hits the nail on the head as far as his sense of alienness is concerned, as Aeron basically tells him that not only is he not considered trustworthy by himself and Balon, but his status as heir to Pyke is also under threat.
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Aeron literally calls him a Stark, to really drive the point that they don’t think of him as one of their own home. Balon does the same in their meeting.
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It’s so sad having to watch Theon attempt to assure his own father, again and again, that he is, in fact, not a traitor, that he is Ironborn. His blood. His heir. And then Balon hints at what Aeron had mentioned earlier, that Theon might not be Balon’s heir, so deep is the distrust of him in his own home.
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I love this quote because again, Balon is asserting that Theon is out of his depth, and in alien territory, but also because he says that he will pay the iron price for his crown, reminding Theon of his gold chain bought with the gold price. He also mentions Urron Redhand, the same person Theon had mentioned whilst boasting oh his homeland, and it feels like a slap on his face, almost as if Balon is telling him that the Ironborn legends are not his to boast of, because he is not one of them.
I love how his interactions with Aeron and especially Balon are so chock-full of posturing on his end, trying to prove himself to his own family, and how the intimidating image he had built of himself in the intial part of the chapter is completely shattered. Chef’s kiss. lovely. I love a pathetic loser failprodigalson.
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crabonfire · 2 years
I love you more than I love tom jones
character: scout
warning: none!
Note: this is a confession!!! how he'd react to a confession from you and how he'd confess. I'm gonna do all the other mercenaries, but for now I'm doing them one by one! So look out for the next ones :)
readers confession is short, because it can be whatever you want it to be. So I only made it how he'd react to one, not a specific one. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! xx ♡
When he confesses...
• he's a nervous wreck, he makes plans to tell you how he feels, heck the whole team is in on it!
• though, as always, disaster strikes and everything fails.
• after a day of failed attempts, he gives up even when the others tell him to keep going, and goes to hang out on the roof to look at the stars.
• you and him are practically best friends, and you had noticed hes felt down recently. so, with two cans of bonk in your hands, you make your way up to the roof to talk to him.
"Hey man, you good?".
"HAH-OH-fuck ya scared the shit outta me Y/N. Hey, yeah no I'm good. Definitely."
As you sit next to him you hand him a can and he graciously accepts, yet its obvious by his weary smile he's not well.
"Cmon Jer, I can tell your lying. What happened?"
Silence falls between you two, the crickets deafening to your ears.
Finally, after what felt like forever, he spoke.
"...there's this person I like. And...I've been meanin' to tell em...ya know...I like em. But, everythin' keeps on going wrong," He pauses,
"I just wanna tell em, but they're so clueless about it. It...its hard. Listen, I'm not shy or anythin' but damn! It's difficult."
You listen intently, as he pours his emotions out to you.
"I don't know if I should keep goin' cause...what if they don't like me back like that?"
• He finishes, taking a sip of his can as he stares off into the starry sky. You frown at his uncharacteristic self, he was usually never one to give up so this person must be really special to him. You placed a hand on his shoulder, making him pull all his attention towards you.
"Jeremy, listen to me very carefully. You are such an amazing person, your funny, you care about others even if they don't give you the time of day, your strong, talented, and honestly? Really fucking cute. If that person can't see how much you care about them? Then fuck them, why? Cause there are tons of people out there who love you Jer."
His face is tinted with a soft pink, as he chuckles. "You really think so?"
"I know so Jeremy. I doubt that they don't like you back though, nobody can resist your charm." You tease, making you both laugh.
"Yeah, yeah I guess your right."
• You are met with silence once again, with you now closer to his body. Your arms press against each other, as he goes back to staring into nothingness.
"Hey, Y/N."
"Yeah Scout?"
He looks to you, and you both lock eyes. The way he's staring into you right now makes you feel nervous yet you can't seem to pull away from him.
"I...love you."
His voice, calm and gentle. His expression once sad was now confident, and radiant of positivity. Your body flinched at those words, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. You are left speechless, you were the one he liked? The clueless person who had left him head over heels?
The realisation hits you like a bus, as your mouth opens to an O shape.
• as he laughs, you freak out internally. He likes you too??? And...and he's been giving out signs and your DUMBASS HASNT REALISED?? FOR FUCKS SAKE Y/N
• you bury your face in your hands as he goes on, finally stopping to hear a reply.
"So uh...do ya like me too?"
"Fuck...yea...I um. I love you too Jeremy."
His smile widened and became a cheeky grin. He was absolutely brimming with excitement you could practically feel it! He was bright, brighter than the shining sun, god was he so happy.
"Really? You...your not saying that just because right? Right?"
"No Scout, I really do love you too."
"Holy...oh my god? Holy fuck...wait no way..ya like me too?"
"Yes scout."
"Like...like like? Love? All that romantic stuff?"
"Yeah man, I love you."
"Fuck say that again?"
"Pfft...I love you scout."
He jumps and stands tall on the roof, puffing out his chest, "THEY LOVE ME, HEAR THAT SHIT? YEAH, THEY LOVE ME." You burst out laughing at his sudden proclamation. Though he quickly sits back down, clears his throat as if nothing happens and stares at you happily.
"I uh...can I hug you?" He asks, as he twiddles his fingers together.
He leans in to wrap his arms around you, engulfing your soft scent as his smile widens even more. He's ecstatic he really is, and you don't doubt it.
You two will spend time with each other just being in each others presence for a bit at the rooftop, until he decidedly gets "tired" and goes back to his room just so he can brag about it to everybody else.
They're happy for him, I mean they knew about your crush for him so it would always end up this way, but happy nonetheless. Plus his shouting about "they love me" and whatnot was heard all over Teufort, waking up some of the other teams members.
He will not sleep that night, shuffling in his bed and giggling like a school girl thinking replaying those words in his mind. "I love you, Jeremy."
Will definitely ask you out the next day, no hesitation needed now that he knows you feel the same.
When you confess...
• you...you love him?
• "I er....wow. I didn't know ya felt that way. Fuck, uh..."
• he's...so happy? But incredibly shocked! He never knew you felt the same way he did for you. Without a word, he pulls you into a tight hug, not letting go as if he did his whole world would collapse.
• "shit...I love you too Y/N. fuck that's good to get of my chest."
• you both stay like that for a bit, until he let's go. With a confident expression, he asks
"SO...how about I take ya out to dinner? You, me, fancy restaurant? How does that sound toots?"
His voice cracks slightly, making you giggle.
"I'd love that."
Your soft eyes make his heart tremble, a lovesick smile plastered onto his face. "GREAT! Pick you up at 8 tomorrow...yeah!"
He runs off to brag to his teammates, who is glad he's so happy but you confessing to him gave him a bigger ego boost it needed to.
• when he confesses to you, he feels less nervous. When YOU confess to him? He's so happy it's like he discovered the cure for cancer. The difference is intense.
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stars-inthe-sky · 7 months
#went on my first real work trip in FOUR YEARS yesterday. had one meeting.#woke up this morning and was getting ready for a day of stuff with another one tomorrow#only to find out that one of the only five other people in the wednesday meeting just tested positive for covid#and another had found out she'd been separately exposed as well#so today turned into doing all my meetings on zoom and rearranging travel plans#and now instead of a professional thing i'd been really looking forward to and then a fun weekend add-on with the fam#i'm flying home late tonight to isolate in our third-floor guest room while boyfriend parents etc.#at least we got credit for his and bébé's last-minute flight cancellations#and we decided to leave the dog with the sitter that had already been arranged to just have one less thing on the collective plate for now#but UGH#and what's extra infuriating is that i am probably fine. i got boosted just a few weeks ago and wasn't like hugging anyone or whatever.#but you just don't know and when there's an actual case it's reason to be actually careful#and i'm just so exhausted and bummed about a lot of things already and had so been looking forward to this whole trip#best laid plans#as they say#anyway cross your fingers for me and the battery of rapid tests i'll be taking this weekend#and in addition to staying negative i'm also very concerned about whether anyone will be comfortable will me at thanksgiving#so that's a whole other thing#UGHHHHHHH#fucking#coronavirus
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ballisterboldheart · 2 years
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i've seen the best fighters in the valley. keene, moskowitz, diaz. i believe you have more potential than any of them.
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