newmusic2day · 2 years
Mlindo The Vocalist – Umuzi Wethu (feat. Madumane)
Mlindo The Vocalist – Umuzi Wethu (feat. Madumane)
Lançamento recente da nova música do Mlindo The Vocalist feat. Madumane para o ano de 2022 intitulada Umuzi Wethu DOWNLOAD MP3! Primamos pela nossa capacidade de publicar novas músicas de artistas (inter)nacionais especificamente, Angola, Nigéria e África do Sul. Estamos a evoluir para fornecer uma plataforma onde se pode ouvir e descarregar canções. Abaixo tem a ficha técnica completa da nova…
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lazyworksinprogress · 10 months
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The Sunday Times Literary Awards Fiction longlist
Fiction Longlist - listed by order of author's surname
In The Shadow of the Springs I Saw by Barbara Adair (Modjaji Books) The Heist Men by Andrew Brown (Penguin Fiction) How to be a Revolutionary by CA Davids (Umuzi) Stirring the Pot by Quraisha Dawood (Penguin Fiction) The Man Who Loved Crocodile Tamers by Finuala Dowling (Kwela) The Dao of Daniel by Lodewyk G du Plessis and translated by Michiel Heyns (Tafelberg) Chasing Marian by Amy Heydenrych, Qarnita Loxton, Pamela Power and Gail Schmillel (Pan Macmillan) Peaches and Smeets by Ashti Juggath (Modjaji Books) Two Tons o’ Fun by Fred Khumalo (Umuzi) Notes on Falling by Bronwyn Law Viljoen (Umuzi) It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way by Alistair Mackay (Kwela) The Daughters of Nandi by Nokuthula Mazibuko Msimang (Paivapo) The Second Verse by Onke Mazibuko (Penguin Fiction) Things My Mother Left Me by Pulane Mlilo Mpondo (Blackbird Books) Across the Kala Pani by Shevlyn Mottai (Penguin Fiction) The Quality of Mercy by Siphiwe Gloria Ndlovu (Penguin Fiction) Hammerman: A Walking Shadow by Mike Nicol (Umuzi) An Angel’s Demise by Sue Nyathi (Pan Macmillan) An Unusual Grief by Yewanda Omotoso (Jonathan Ball Publishers/Cassava Republic Press) The Eye of the Beholder by Margie Orford (Jonathan Ball Publishers) In The Midst of it All by Thabile Shange (Kwela) A Dalliance with Destiny by Aman Singh Maharaj (Austin Macauley Fiction) A Library to Flee by Etienne van Heerden and translated by Henrietta Rose-Innes (Tafelberg) Red Tide by Irma Venter and translated by Karin Schimke (Tafelberg) Elton Baatjies by Lester Walbrugh (Karavan Press) The Other Me by Joy Watson (Karavan Press) The Errors of Dr Browne by Mark Winkler (Umuzi)
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shakahuquinho · 6 months
Shaka Zulu
Olá galerinha! Eai, beleza? Espero que estejam bem e gostando das minhas aventuram na terra natal dos Zulus e aprendendo um ao menos um pouquinho com o que eu mostro aqui no blog!
            Bom, sem enrolação, depois do dia de treino com os guerreiros zulus eu cheguei para dormir e “capotei” em menos de 5 minutos haha, eu estava exausto, mas o que quero contar de especial nessa noite de sono foi um sonho extremamente curioso e mágico se eu posso descrever dessa forma! Resumidamente, eu sonhei com nada mais com o próprio Shaka Zulu, o maior rei dos zulus e o mais conhecido de todos. Já ouviram falar de sonhos lúcidos? Pois foi isso que deve ter ocorrido comigo, pois eu lembro de cada detalhe e com isso vou contar para vocês sobre como foi esse meu encontro com Shaka que me ensinou muito sobre sua vida e tirou questões errôneas que eu tinha ouvido falar sobre ele em todos esses anos.
Bom, antes de mais nada, devo dizer que os zulus são umas das culturas mais conhecidas da África do Sul tanto no quesito de admiração ou repulsa na parte ocidental, e dentro desse tema a figura de um homem gera grande polêmica: Shaka kaSenzangakhona (Shaka Zulu), que na maioria das suas representações como em filmes ou jogos é um personagem sedento por sangue e não tão racional: Acho que vocês conhecem o personagem Khal Drogo da série de Game of Thrones, na concepção Shaka seria parecido com ele, quác!
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            Dito isso, vamos para meu conto de Orfeu haha! Eu estava em um belo campo admirando a paisagem e o ar fresco vindo das montanhas até que escuto uma pessoa chamar meu nome tranquilamente, quando eu olhei para o lado era nada mais que o espirito de Shaka Zulu!! Ele me chamou mais uma vez e perguntou se eu estava entendeu seu idioma (mas como era um sonho creio que deva existir uma linguagem universal, quac!). Até que eu respondia que sim! E que eu conhecia sobre sua vida e o quão famoso ele era! Ele então sorria e me perguntou se eu estava gostando da minha experiência em Kwazulu-Natal, eu respondi que sim e que ainda tinha muito que aprender! Ele então colocou uma das mãos em meu ombro e disse “vamos nos sentar que eu vou te contar um pouco mais sobre minha vida, meu jovem! ”
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Shaka, primeiro me disse que seu reinado durou de 1816 até 1828, mas que antes disso tudo ele era filha de pais de famílias reais, embora não casados oficialmente. Seu pai se chamava Senzangakhona e sua mão Nanda e ele me disse que seu nome “Shaka” deriva de uma doença na realidade, que se chama “itshaka” que afeta as mulheres causando uma grande fadiga, o que ocorreu com sua mãe e como ela não era casada no momento o povo achou que ela estava sofrendo de tal doença.
Shaka então diz que em sua passagem no mundo espiritual vê como as pessoas o representam como um homem agressivo e cruel e que seu reinado foi de vasta destruição e devastação, e como ele fica chateado com isso, uma vez que já foi na região da África Austral bem antes dos europeus chegarem a região abrigava grandes grupos desde o século V por exemplo, então é um equívoco como ele disse pensar que seu reino era uma devastação. Shaka, também contou que os zulus tinham um estilo de vido pecuário, voltado para a criação de gado e essa cultura não se limitava somente ao campo alimentício, ia além, por exemplo: peles serviam para fazer escudos e vestimentas, os chifres para fazer recipientes. E o sacrifício de gado também ocorria em cerimonias, e também ter posses de gados significava riqueza! Quanto maior a quantidade de gado, mais esposas ele poderia ter e sustentá-las. Dentro da cultura zulu, Shaka relatou como os vilarejos chamados de “Umuzi” era organizado, cada umuzi era composto por um homem e sua família e dentro da umuzi a manutenção refletia nas relações hierárquicas.
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Por exemplo: o homem tinha sua cabana (umnunzana) e em frente a dele se localizava a da sua principal esposa e ao redor a demais e em torno a dos filhos. Shaka então perguntou se eu sabia dessas informações, e eu disse que não, e que achei bem interessante! Ele então olhou para o céu e disse que ia falar um pouco sobre ele!
            Ele disse que por não ser um filho legitimo, e ter ouvido rumores que seu pai iria “sumir” com medo de Shaka ser tornar um adolescente problemático, ele logo partiu para viver com os Mthelwa (um território entre os rios Mfolzi e Tugela) e que foi nesse período que ele aprendeu sobre a carreira militar e aprimorar suas táticas e estratégias de luta e sendo reconhecido por isso.
Antes do pai de Shaka morrer, ele se casou com Nanda e assim o tornando legítimo, entretanto a tradição dizia que o herdeiro devia ser o da esposa favoria do rei (que não era o caso de Nanda), mas segundo Shaka, o povo zulu implorou para ele se tornar o novo Nkosi deles, e assim foi feito.
Ele disse que em 1818, ele deve que enfrentar os primeiros ataques dos Ndwandwe contra seu povo, que fez seu território ter baixas, e com isso ele viu que precisava aprimorar e reorganização as práticas militares dos zulus! Como Shaka viveu durante sua vida em muitos povos, ele aprendeu sobre pontos fortes e fracos de cada um e isso o ajudou a desenvolver uma poderosa força militar no Reino Zulu.
Umas dessas organizações foi o ababutho, que era um sistema divisão de regimentos militares de acordo com a idade e que ficavam em constante treinamento supervisionado por alguém nomeado por ele. Ademais, eles também exerciam funções como: cuidar de gados, mensageiros e trabalhar nas plantações. Ele também colocou assentamentos em torno de seu reino chamados de amakhanda, que forneciam moradia para os soldados e serviam como bases estratégicas em pontos de vulnerabilidade política, além de proibir o uso de sandálias pois ele disse que os soldados deviam seguir uma rigorosa dieta com base em carne bovina e andar somente descansos para endurecer seus pés para ser capazes de percorrer longas distâncias.
            Não só, ele disse fez acordos comerciais com os comerciantes ingleses antes da guerra, e sempre esteve entusiasmado e disposto a isso, embora se arrependa de ter usado do marfim para ser o produto de comércio.
Por fim, Shaka se levantou e disse, que mesmo sendo um líder que sempre foi retratado como um homem selvagem, ele sabe que isso se deve devido a interpretação da época, mas que também como um rei e soldado fez coisas para o bem de seu povo. A final ele me disse para continuar sendo um jovem curioso e levar meu conhecimento para todos, pois a memória deve viver e que agora eu carrego um pouco da alma dos guerreiros zulu comigo, e quem sempre vão me proteger! E assim ele desapareceu e eu despertei de manhã, quác, quác! Foi um sonho ou uma visão? Bom, fica ao critério de cada um, mas o importante é que eu vou carregar essa lembrança para o resto de minha vida de meu encontro com o Rei Shaka Zulu!
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Bem, pessoal vou deixar um vídeo para vocês bem bacanudo sobre Shaka zulu de um perfil no insta e espero vocês para a próxima postagem! Até mais.
SILVA, M. S. dos S.; DELCANO, R. V. . As disputas de narrativas em torno das imagens do imperador Shaka kaSenzangakhona e dos zulus na África do Sul. África, [S. l.], n. 43, p. e203596, 2022
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techwatchmagazine · 7 months
Thermacell MR300 Mosquito Repeller
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SPHELELE MALUNGA: Kungabe uyini lomkhiqizo? Ngaphambili kokuphendula loku ake sicabange loku, njengoba selizwathwasa ihlobo, iskhathi sezinsuku ezinde, nezishisayo, ukuhlala nabangane, umndeni okanye nobathandayo kungaphazanyiswa omiyane abangalalilisi kahle. Siyazi ikhona eminye imikhiqizo eyakhelwe ukunqanda omiyane nazo zonke ininambuzane zasehlobo ezindizayo. Kodwa azisebenzi ngalendlela engakuvikela ubusuku bonke. Ngakho ke sincamela le Thermacell. Okuwumkhiqizo wokuvikela omiyane nazo zonke izinambuzane ezindizayo ezingaba nobungozi ehlobo.
Kuyo yonke imikhiqizo evikela imiyane, singasho ukuthi le Thermacell iyona ehamba phambili nethembekile. Le thermacell ifana nonemikhiqizo esebenza njenge *diffuser, esebenzisa ukushisa okufafaza umthamo omncane woketshezi lokubulala izinambuzane emoyeni. Loketshezi lingaba i-Metofluthrin okanye i-Allethrin okungama *chemicals ahlonzwe njenganamandla nasebenzayo ekubulaleni komiyane kanye nazo zonke izinambuzane ezingaba yingozi eduze nomuntu. Kungabe usehlane nabangana okanye ekhaya zizwa uhlezi uvikelekile.
Nge bhetri le- Lithium-ion eligcwalisekayo ne *simple interface, evikela indawo engaphezulu kuka 300 squer feet (20 feet squer diameter). Ibhetri elingahlala iskhathi esingangamahora angama-9, elifika ne 12 hour catrigde (yize kukhona nena 40 hours).
Ngaloku singakwazi ukuqinisekisa ukuthi umuzi nomuzi kumele ube nawo lomkhiqizo, ukuba nobuthongo obuhle nobungaphazanyiswa yilutho.(Isthombe: UKClimbing)
Ungayithola kusukela ku R670 ezitolo zakwa amazon.com , takealot.com
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tasmiq · 1 year
Jumu'ah Khuthbah: 12 May 2023
Last Durban Zikr was boldly steered by us with a medically diagnosed personal case, of a dry cough. Whimsically referred to by Aunty Nolly as the iselesele in my throat:
We have subsequently learnt amusing techniques to manage the iselesele, some of which the Tariqa family observed earlier.
#1. A realisation thus became Allah's obvious sense of humour which manifested above all in our Nabi (SAW), our Shaykhs and thereafter in us! For clean humour makes us resilient, in the face of a trial. If we all think about some of the details of our lives, as I have done, it becomes so obvious!
True happiness and affluence lies in a person’s contact with God and his resignation to the will of God. Such a person who enjoys a perfect relationship with God is granted the status of Nafs-e-Mutma‘innah (the soul at rest)...
...This shows that a true believer is happy in every situation and is pleased with his Creator. In this respect, this true feeling of happiness and pleasant nature is not only indicative of his mental and physical health, but also becomes a sign of his faith. Who else can be at a higher status of gaining Allah’s pleasure than the Holy Prophet Muhammad? SAW...
...Hazrat Aisha RA reports, “The Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW was very witty and used to say that Allah is not displeased with a person of true wit. (Jami‘-ul-Kabir, p. 142)
His companions relate that the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW used to sit in their gatherings and it never happened that they were sitting and enjoying themselves and he would talk about some sad or dull matter. He would sit with them, laugh and tell jokes and listen to their humorous stories.” (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Fadhail)
#2. Thereafter in the coughing quandary; I marvelled with gratitude, how Allah has gifted me with a new mind, heart and eyes to perceive life and Him. Subhana'Allah, it's something that even I can appreciate, as a self-critical but altruistic designer and researcher! 😅
It is where I have been able to make all of us fall in love with the Mexican movie Chupa. The cherry on the cake is getting approval "likes" from accomplished creatives like your Abbu as always, Dustin Craun, local Pralini Naidoo and even OT Fatima Hendricks.
In my bite-size writing style that I do my LinkedIn movie reviews, I wrote:
Is an ingenious Mexican production for the family on Netflix. It proves that being different is not only more authentic, but it can be a source of value!
These are just a few reasons you must savour its magic:
#1. It proves that cultural differences provide rich tapestries into life's experiences.
#2. It highlights the power of familial bonds in our globalised world, which has the power to transform one's life outlook.
#3. It provokes the sheer magic and whimsy of possibility thinking.
#3. After this Ramadan, I have embarked on continuing my Qur'an Juz and lo and behold, this is the assurance that Allah has given me!
As for those who strive for Us, We will surely guide them to Our paths, and Allah is with the doers of good - (Al Ankabut [The Spider], 69)
- The Qur'an, Daily Reading for All Humanity, Chronological Edition
[translation by, Es-Seyyid Es-Shaykh Taner Vargonen el Ansari]
What's more your Abbu has inspired me to fill the hole in my knowledge chest, on the Seera of our Nabi Muhammad SAW (the Prophetic Biography). I have always been scared off by the contestation with hadith...but bismillah with your Abbu, into Martin Lings' version.
#4. Shaykh Taner says that we must prepare ourselves for the possibility that the truth might be something traumatic, and we may well not like it! Moreover, if we are after our nafs, we are definitely not going to like the truth.
Here, I was left thinking about the resultant effect of our accident. Only after I came to full terms of acceptance of its trauma, have I been brought to peace with it, after having the strength to reject my nafs!
Ya Shakur (Divine gratitude) that Allah has facilitated the passage of grief with such productive ability, in relearning life with my new body. Such that you love your Ammu's Instant Pot cooking, and proudly show people Ammu's reality of being in a wheelchair during our family adventures!
#5. Moreso, being arrested in disability means that one is less distracted and less forgetful - which is a natural human disposition! Therefore our common experience of a world challenged by Climate change and the resultant coping strategy of electricity outtages... It is more acutely felt by an accident survivor reliant on an electrical inflatable mattress for instance. Therefore, Allah's miracles and presence can be felt far more tangibly, but always tricky to correctly describe - Subhana'Allah and Ya Shakur!
This ends our Jumu'ah tradition that it has beautifully become. We end with gratitude to Allah for it, and an appeal for Abbu's safe return from Pumula:
Ya Shakur
Ya Muhaymin Ya Hafiz
Ya Wadud Ya Salaam Ya Jami Ya Nafi
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nadclo · 1 year
DOL HEUNING NOGEENS DEUR SA #AKADEMIE VEREER @SJNaude #Afrikaans; #LeesAfrikaans; #penguinrandomHouse; #lesersvandiegram; #lesersvanTwitter;
Op één jaar en één dag nadat die SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns die Hertzogprys vir ’n tweede keer aan SJ (Fanie) Naudé toegeken het, is hy met nóg ’n prys deur dié liggaam vereer.Dol heuning (2021, Umuzi), Naudé se bundel wat verlede jaar met die Hertzogprys bekroon is, is vanjaar met die CL Engelbrecht-prys vir letterkunde vereer. Dié prys word elke vyf jaar om die beurt vir letterkunde en…
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kmgquote · 2 years
Uzilibele na? Izolo ubukhuzwa Namhlanje wangena ze Ngoku uyosulela kuthi – Uguqule intliziyo Wabhentsisa ingcwangu Wahloya inimba Wajiqisa inkohlakalo – Wena wedwa waveza ulunya Waduntsisa ikhala Wadyobha ulutsha Wabhenqisa isidingo – Uwubulele umuzi Ulenzile uhlazo Kwaba ngonanga ubatshwantsusele Ulufezile ugqwatso lwakho – Bajonge kuwe as umsingaye Baxolele nantoni just to…
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apeshityouth · 5 years
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Subtle Photographed by @spacekidoj aka milkandoj
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pantaleonigiorgio · 4 years
UDINE. FESTIVAL DEI CUORI 2019 da FRANCO CELANT Tramite Flickr: SUDAFRICA. UMUZI WENKOSI ZULU FOLKLORE DANCE ENSAMBLE. Il gruppo della città di Estcourt,provincia di KwaZulu-Natal è stato creato nel 1994 sotto la direzione di Umuzi Wenkosi e Umgungundlovu,Musica ed Arti Popolari. L'Ensemble è impegnata in tutto il Sudafrica a educare i giovani nelle attività teatrali e nelle arti tradizionali. Le voci della troupe hanno deliziato il pubblico di tutto il mondo. La potenza delle splendide danze tradizionali,accompagnate dai tamburi Zulu,riesce a conquistare ogni pubblico. Hanno riscosso tantissimi successi in tutto il mondo,tra questi si ricordano le esibizioni per la Regina Elisabetta II,gli spettacoli per Nelson Mandela e per il campionato del mondo FIFA 2010 in Sud Africa. Per chi volesse ammirare il filmato, da me girato in occasione del Festival dei Cuori, che riguarda questo gruppo folkloristico,clicchi qui : www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOYH-d9JdC8 CANON EOS 6D Mark II con ob. CANON EF 70-300 f./4-5,6 IS USM
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afrojuke · 3 years
Big Zulu ft Lwah The Ndlunkulu – Umuzi eSandton (MP3 Download)
Mountainous Zulu Umuzi eSandton Mp3 Download Mountainous Zulu Umuzi eSandton: Mzansi rapper, Mountainous Zulu returns with a brand contemporary single titled “Umuzi eSandton”, featuring collaboration from The Ndlunkulu. Seize a Hear below: https://ift.tt/2ZavqsH material/uploads/2021/07/Mountainous-Zulu-feet-Lwah-The-Ndlunkulu-Umuzi-eSandton.mp3 DOWNLOAD MP3: Mountainous Zulu feet Lwah The Ndlunkulu – Umuzi eSandton
AfroJuke - Download Mp3, Latest Naija Music, Latest Bongo flava, South African, Ghana Music & More!
from AfroJuke https://ift.tt/3wCuKut
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princehenry11 · 3 years
MasterPee – Umuzi Onjani ft. Tricks La Vocal
MasterPee – Umuzi Onjani ft. Tricks La Vocal
DOWNLOAD MasterPee Umuzi Onjani ft. Tricks La Vocal Mp3 DOWNLOAD MasterPee Umuzi Onjani ft. Tricks La Vocal Mp3: Check out as the talented singer MasterPee deliver a new song, titled “Umuzi Onjani” featuring Tricks La Vocal. Stream & Download Below 
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blackkatblog · 6 years
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unyazi-designs-blog · 4 years
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Timeless Stories ⌚️ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Inspired by a twenty-five-year-old daughter of Martha Skosana ————————————————— The murals of the entire Ndebele uMuzi (house) was decorated by her daughter for a family wedding, using only black soil from the nearby river and outlining it with pale green to produce this beautiful art.... The story continues on https://unyazidesigns.com/shop/ Unyazi: The luxury watch you have been Dreaming of 🎨 #unyazistories #handmade #luxury #love #africa #art #creative #watches (at Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCCHmU-jNW4/?igshid=1xg0oz1os9eaq
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this-writer-d · 4 years
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Ready and excited for my day of volunteer working at @magictileco at umuzi today. If you're in the area pop around and see some epic 3D tiles #southafrica #3dtiles #tiles #secunda #umuzilodge #themagictilecompany #magictileco (at The Magic tile company) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9I5PUvBS3D/?igshid=14o2nieye6tni
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Emuva Kokuphindelela KweSodoma Limelana Naye Futhi Limzonda, UNkulunkulu Uyalibhubhisa Uyayiqeda Nya
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Emuva Kokuphindelela KweSodoma Limelana Naye Futhi Limzonda, UNkulunkulu Uyalibhubhisa Uyayiqeda Nya
Uma sesinokuqonda nokho isimo esilungileyo sikaNkulunkulu, singabuyisa umqondo sibheke umuzi waseSodoma lokho uNkulunkulu akubona njengomuzi wesono. Ngokuqonda ingqikithi yalo muzi, singaqonda ukuthi kungani uNkulunkulu ayefuna ukuwubhubhisa nokuthi kungani wawubhubhisa wawuqeda nya. Ngalokhu, singafika ekwazini isimo sikaNkulunkulu esilungile.
Uma sibuka ngamehlo obuntu, iSodoma kwakuwumuzi owawukwazi ukwanelisa izifiso zomuntu nobubi bomuntu. Wawuheha, uloya, ngomculo nombhiyozo wokudansa ubusuku ngobusuku, ukunethezeka kwawo kwaholela amadoda ukuba ahuheke futhi ahlanye. Ububi baso badla izinhliziyo zabantu kwabaloya bawela enkohlakalweni. Lona umuzi lapho imimoya engcolile nemimoya emibi yayichanasa khona; wawugcwele phama isono nokubulala futhi wembozwe iphunga elinuka ukubola negazi. Kwabe kungumuzi onyantisa igazi, umuzi umuntu ayewuhlehlela angafuni ukusondela. Akekho kulo muzi owesilisa noma owesifazane, omncane noma omdala—owafuna indlela yeqiniso; akekho owayelangazelele ukukhanya noma owayefisa ukushiya phansi isono. Babephila ngaphansi kokulawula, inkohlakalo nenkohliso. Base belahlekelwe ubuntu babo; babelahlekelwe imiqondo yabo, futhi base belahlekelwe inhloso yokuba khona komuntu, yokuqala. Benza izono zokumelana noNkulunkulu ezingenakubalwa; bakunqaba ukuqondisa Kwakhe futhi bamelana nentando Yakhe. Kwakuyizenzo zabo ezimbi ezafaka laba bantu, umuzi kanye nayo yonke into ephilayo kuwo, igxathu ngegxathu, endleleni eya ekubhujisweni.
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Noma lezi zindima ezimbili zingasho imininingwane echaza izinga lokukhohlakala kwabantu baseSodoma, esikhundleni salokho zibhala ngokuziphatha kwabo ezithunyweni zikaNkulunkulu, emuva kokufika kwabo emzini, iqiniso elisobala lingakhombisa izinga abantu baseSodoma ababekhohlakele, bebabi futhi bemelene noNkulunkulu ngayo. Ngalokhu, ubuso nengqikithi yangempela yabantu balo muzi yadaluleka. Hhayi nje ukuthi abazange bemukele izexwayiso zikaNkulunkulu, babengakusabi futhi ukujezisa Kwakhe kunalokho, bayishaya indiva intukuthelo kaNkulunkulu. Bamelana noNkulunkulu ngenkani ongathi izimpumputhe. Akukhathaliseki ukuthi wayenzani noma eyenza kanjani, imvelo yabo enonya yavele yanyukela kunakuqala futhi bamelana noNkulunkulu bephindelela. Abantu baseSodoma babenobutha nobukhona bukaNkulunkulu, ukuza Kwakhe, isijeziso Sakhe, kanye nakakhulukazi, izexwayiso Zakhe. Babengaboni lutho oluhle phakathi kwabo. Babeshwabadela futhi balimaza bonke abantu ababengabashwadela futhi babalimaze, futhi wawungekho umehluko endleleni ababephethe ngayo izinceku zikaNkulunkulu. Mayelana nazo zonke izenzo ezimbi ezenziwa abantu baseSodoma, ukulimaza izinceku zikaNkulunkulu kwabe kuyisicongo nje sentaba yeqhwa, kanti nemvelo yabo ekhohlakele eyavezwa yilokhu, yayilingana cishe neconsi nje olwandle olubanzi. Ngakho-ke uNkulunkulu wakhetha ukubabhubhisa ngomlimo. UNkulunkulu akasebenzisanga uzamcolo, akasebenzisanga isiphepho, ukuzamazama komhlaba, itsunami noma inoma iyiphi enye indlela ukubhubhisa umuzi. Kwabe kuchaza ukuthini ukusebenzisa kukaNkulunkulu umlilo ukubhubhisa lo muzi? Kwakuchaza ukubhujiswa okuphelele kwalowo muzi; kwakuchaza ukuthi umuzi wanyamalala ngokuphelele emhlabeni nasekutheni ubukhona. Lapha, ukubhujiswa akuchazi nje ukunyamalala kokuma, nesakhiwo noma ukubukeka kwangaphandle komuzi; kwakuchaza nokuthi imiphefumulo yabantu babengaphakathi komuzi yashabalala, ngenxa yokubhujiswa ngokuphelele. Ngamafuphi, bonke abantu, izigameko kanye nezinto eziphathelene nomuzi zabhujiswa. Kwakungeke kube khona kamuva noma ukuzalwa ngokusha komunye umzimba kubona; uNkulunkulu wayekususe ngokuphelele kubantu, indalo Yakhe, ingunaphakade. “Ukusetshenziswa komlilo” kwakuchaza ukuma kwesono, futhi kwakusho isiphetho sesono; leso sono sasingeke sisaba khona noma sisabalale. Kwakusho ukuthi ububi bukaSathane babulahlekelwe inhlabathi yabo ebondlayo kanye nasemathuneni lapho base buthole khona imvume yokuhlala nokuphila. Empini phakathi kukaNkulunkulu noSathane, ukusebenzisa kukaNkulunkulu umlilo uphawu lukaNkulunkulu lokunqoba, uSathane abekwa uphawu ngalo. Ukubhujiswa kweSodoma kuyimbuyiselamuva enkulu ekuzimiseleni kukaSathane ukumelana noNkulunkulu ngokonakalisa nokushwabadela abantu, futhi ngokufanayo kuwuphawu oludumazayo lwesikhathi ekuthuthukeni kwesintu, lapho umuntu enqaba ukuqondiswa uNkulunkulu wazinikela ekonakaleni. Ngokungaphezu kwalokho, kuwumbhalo wokwembuleka ngeqiniso lesimo esilungile sikaNkulunkulu.
Lapho umlilo uNkulunkulu awuthumela usuka ezulwini usuqothule iSodoma kwangasala lutho nje ngaphandle komlotha, kwakusho ukuthi umuzi obizwa ngokuthi “Sodoma” wawuyoyeka ukuba khona, njengakho konke ngaphakathi komuzi uqobo. Wabhujiswa intukuthelo kaNkulunkulu; wanyamalala ngaphansi kolaka nobukhosi bukaNkulunkulu. Ngenxa yesimo sikaNkulunkulu esilungile, iSodoma yathola isijeziso sayo esiyilungele; ngenxa yesimo sikaNkulunkulu esilungile, yathola isiphetho esiyilungele. Ukushabalala kokuba khona kweSodoma kwakungenxa yobubi bayo, kwakungenxa yesifiso sikaNkulunkulu ukuthi angaphinde ayibone, noma abone inoma ibaphi abantu ababekade bekuyo noma iyiphi impahla eyayikade ikhulele kulo muzi. “Isifiso sikaNkulunkulu sokuthi angaphinde awubone lo muzi” wulaka Lakhe, kanye nobukhosi Bakhe. UNkulunkulu wawushisa umuzi ngenxa yokuthi ububi nesono sawo kwamenza Wezwa intukuthelo, ukunyanya kanye nokunengeka mayelana nawo futhi wafisa ukuthi angaphinde awubone wona noma nabantu nakho konke okuphilayo okuhlala kuwo. Emuva kokuthi umuzi sewushe wangqongqa, kwasala umlotha nje, wase ungasekho ngempela emehlweni kaNkulunkulu; ngisho izinkumbulo Zakhe ngawo, zasulwa. Lokhu kusho ukuthi umlilo owawuthunyelwe usuka ezulwini awuzange nje uqothule kuphela wonke umuzi waseSodoma kanye nabantu bakhona abagcwele izono, futhi awuzange nje ubhubhise zonke izinto ngaphakathi komuzi ezazingcoliswe isono, ngaphezu kwalokho, lo mlilo wabhubhisa izinkumbulo zobubi bomuntu nokumelana noNkulunkulu. Lokhu kwabe kuyinhloso kaNkulunkulu ngokushisa umuzi.
Isintu sase sonakaliswe kwaze kweqa. Babengazi ukuthi uNkulunkulu ngubani noma babevele kuphi. Uma uphatha uNkulunkulu laba bantu babegasela, banyunde futhi bahlambalaze. Ngisho noma izinceku zikaNkulunkulu zazifikile ukuzomemezela isexwayiso Sakhe, laba bantu abazange nje kuphela bangabonakalisi zimpawu zokuzisola; abazange bakulahle ukuziphatha ngendlela ekhohlakele. Esikhundleni salokho, balimaza izinceku zikaNkulunkulu ngokweyisa. Abakukhombisa nabakuveza kwabe kuyimvelo nobukhona babo obunobutha obudlulele noNkulunkulu. Siyabona ukuthi ukumelana noNkulunkulu kwalaba bantu abonakele, kwabe kukukhulu kunokwembulwa kwesimo sabo esonakele, njengoba kwabe kukukhulu kunesigameko esisodwa nje sokunyundela noma ukubhuqa okusuka ekusweleni ukuqonda ngeqiniso. Kwabe kungebona ubulima noma ukungabi nalwazi okwakudala ukuziphatha ngokukhohlakala kwabo; kwakungekhona ukuthi laba bantu babekhohlisiwe, futhi kwabe kungesikhona ukuthi babedukisiwe. Ukuziphatha kwabo kwase kufike ezingeni lokuphikisana, ukumelana kanye nobuyaluyalu noNkulunkulu, okwakunokweyisa okusobala. Ngaphandle kokungabaza, lolu hlobo lokuziphatha komuntu kwakuzovusa ulaka lukaNkulunkulu, futhi kuvuse ulaka lwesimo Sakhe—isimo okungafanele sicasulwe. Ngakho-ke, uNkulunkulu wadedela ngqo futhi nangokusobala ulaka Lwakhe nobukhosi Bakhe; lokhu ukwembulwa ngeqiniso kwesimo sakhe esilungile. Ebhekene nomuzi owabe uchichima yisono, uNkulunkulu wafisa ukuwubhubhisa ngendlela esheshayo kakhulu kunezinye; wayefisa ukuqothula abaqede abantu abakuwo kanye nazo zonke izono zabo ngendlela ephelele kakhulu, ukwenza abantu balo muzi ukuthi bangabi sabakhona kanye nokuvimba isono esabe singaphakathi ukuthi sichume sande. Indlela eyabe ishesha futhi iphelele yokwenza lokhu kwabe kuwukushisa ngomlilo. Umbono kaNkulunkulu ngabantu baseSodoma kwabe kungesona esokubashiya noma ukungabakhathaleli; kunalokho, wasebenzisa ulaka, nobukhosi negunya Lakhe ukujezisa, ukuvithiza nokubabhubhisa nya laba bantu. Umbono Wakhe ngabo kwakungesona kuphela esokubabhubhisa ngokomzimba kuphela, kodwa kwabe kungukubhubhiswa komphefumulo, ukushabalalisa okungunaphakade. Yilokhu empeleni obekuqondwe isifiso sikaNkulunkulu ngabo ukuthi “bangabe besaba khona.”
kwethi Izwi Livela Lisenyameni
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thamsanqapasiya · 5 years
Technology is changing the future of jobs.
Unemployment is the biggest issue that we are facing in South Africa today. The unemployment rate percentage has now risen to 28% and still growing as stated by Stats SA in 2019. The research also shows that the youth aged between 15-24 years are the most vulnerable in South African labor market as the employment rate for this age group was 55.2% in the first quarter of 2019. The lack of digital skills in South Africa is one of the major complications that’s influencing the rapid rise of unemployment rate. The growth of digital transformation in the global ecosystem has brought a lot of opportunities that plays a huge role in economic growth of a country, however these openings are demanding digital skills. In the SONA 2019 president Ramaphosa revealed that they are working on the new curriculum which will assist school children with learning the new digital skills that are in demand globally. The curriculum will include but not limited to Coding, AI, block chain machinery, the internet of things and capabilities in data analytics.
The lack of digital skills is still the main factor that is limiting unprivileged countries from economic growth. We live in the world where technology is continuously growing and expanding its capabilities to function better and be more helpful to human beings. This however has proven to be more of a threat than an aid to people living in developing countries because of the fear of losing their jobs. Research by McKinsey states that 45% of all current jobs could be automated with the present technology. Do we need to be terrified by this? Absolutely No! Remember machines can only do what we program them to do but the emotional intelligence and the aptitude to influence creative machines will always remain with the people. The rising machinery can only replace us by doing all the things we really never enjoyed doing.
The takeover and the influence of the new technology aims to change the entire job world. More creators and inventors are to be discovered. Automation is already playing a huge role in the unemployment of most South Africans, machines are replacing people on their jobs. Standard Bank recently retrenched quiet a number of people with the aim of transforming their business into digital. The digital transformation process is setting a new trend for the people in the job world. People will be required to be creative inventors and creators that will build machines that can solve our daily problems. Through unlearning old knowledge and processes we are able to learn the new technology and how we can use it to benefit our lives, the school system, businesses and the economic growth of the country at large. If people don’t take the advantage of learning the new technology then we will end up with unemployable people, hence the unemployment rate is continuing to rise quickly. The digital skills are now in demand for any career you might choose to pursue.
Starting more programs like Digify Africa and Umuzi to challenge the youth in developing themselves with the digital skills can prove to be more helpful to the growth of the country especially economically. There’s a rapid growth of businesses that fail even before the beginning and businesses that are currently not doing so well, while so much money is invested in them. So, clearly the issue is not the money but it’s the lack of knowledge and the marketing skills that are digital. Once business owners and aspiring business owners can take full advantage of the technology and the advanced digital marketing skills, then more successful business will rise in South Africa. With the rise of AI, Machine-learning and Deep-learning big companies like MIT, Oracle and large management firms are adopting these technologies to accelerate their businesses. The world can only get better with you and the tech.
Thank you for reading through.
Thamsanqa Pasiya
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