#tyler joseph flangst
Have Faith in Me
Summary: After horrible rumors end your relationship with Tyler, it will take a grand gesture and a leap of faith to fix things.  Pairing: Tyler x Reader Word Count: 2735 (without lyrics) Warnings: Few curse words, angst, implications of alcoholism.  Request: I always love a good fic where a rumor appears that the boy is having a relationship with someone else (despite the fact that he is very public with his relationship with the reader), reader thinks he’s cheating, boy does grand romantic gesture or is just super affectionate to show the reader he loves them and only them. Super cliche, but still has lots of flangst potential! Your choice of boy! Thank you very much in advance :) - @takenvysleep It’s been a while, I think, since I’ve written a one-shot of this length! I hope it doesn’t disappoint!  Song in the Fic: Have Faith in Me - A Day to Remember
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The smile on your face wouldn’t stop. Tyler had indulged you in an iPhone photo session of the two of you the previous night, before he had to re-join the current leg of touring, and now you were trying to decide which ones to post on social media. You finally decided on one of the two of you smiling together, and one of the two of you kissing, tops of your cheeks scrunched with smiles as you pressed your lips together. 
“Those are so cute!” your best friend, Ava, assured, double-tapping the post as she scrolled through her Instagram feed. “I really thought Josh and I were the cutest, but you guys give us a run for our money.”
You simply smiled and kept your eyes on the road. There wasn’t much you could say without sounding overly-confident or biased, although you were one-hundred-and-ten percent certain that you and Tyler were, in fact, the cutest couple. 
Ava continued scrolling on her phone screen as you navigated the way towards your apartment. The two of you had a lazy afternoon planned, complete with junk food, movies. There was a good chance naps would be involved, too. 
“Uh-oh,” Ava muttered after a few minutes, her brow pulling into a worried frown. 
“What’s wrong?”
Quickly, Ava stowed her phone in her pocket. “Just keep driving. I’ll show you back at your apartment.”
“Ava! How am I supposed to concentrate on the road when you clearly have bad news for me?”
“Nobody is dead or dying.”
You huffed. Clearly you weren’t going to get any more than that out of her, so you did your best to concentrate on the road and not speed. 
Back at your apartment, the two of you hauled up the snacks you had gone out to purchase, settled on the couch, and Ava turned on the TV. 
“Oh no you don’t,” you warned, snagging the remote from her hand and muting the sound. “That ‘uh-oh’ in the car wasn’t innocent, A. Tell me what’s up.”
The pleading look she sent your way told you she would rather swim with hungry sharks than show you whatever she had seen on her phone. Still, she handed it over to you, and you looked at the new article on the screen. 
“Tyler Joseph’s girlfriend, Y/N, posts cozy pictures shortly after new pics of the frontman and ex-girlfriend-slash-actress Alexis Richmond are released,” you read aloud. Scrolling down quickly, you saw copies of your recently posted pictures alongside pictures of Tyler with his girlfriend. They didn’t look as cozy as the two of you, but with his arm around her in that protective way, they certainly didn’t look like exes. “What the hell? When would he have even seen Alexis? Maybe this is an old picture.”
“I hate to be the one to point this out, but check out his tattoos, Y/N. A couple of those he’s gotten since you two have been together.”
Shaking your head in disbelief, you tried to justify what you were seeing. “Tyler is super open about his relationship with me. He posts about us, talks about us in interviews. He wrote a song for me and put it on his damn album!”
Ava held her hand out to slow you down. “I know, I know. This is the industry, okay? Lord knows Josh and I have been here more than once. The first time is always the most difficult. There’s probably a perfectly good explanation. Call Tyler.” 
But you were too entranced by the picture of Tyler and Alexis. When did he even have time to see her? Between touring and interviews and sleeping when he could, the two of you had some days when you didn’t even have time for a phone call. But he had time for his ex-girlfriend. Yeah. That made sense. 
“What are you going to do?” Ava asked just above a whisper. 
Swallowing down the lump in your throat, you turned to her with as much of a smile as you could muster. “I’m going to do exactly what I planned and spend the afternoon with my best friend. When Tyler calls later — if he calls — I’ll deal with all of this. I’m sure it’s just some crazy media thing anyway.”
Ava didn’t look convinced, and you had to admit, you weren’t doing a very good job of convincing yourself that you believed any of what you had just told her. 
Tyler wasn’t able to call until a couple of days later. You kept things light until then, not willing to hash out the whole thing in a text thread. You needed to hear his voice and see his face to know whether or not he was lying to you. 
“Hey, beautiful,” Tyler greeted when you answered. The bags under his eyes told you he was tired, but you couldn’t let that stop you. You needed to know. 
“Hey,” you returned. “How’s tour?”
Tyler yawned. “Busy. Shows are going great, but I’m looking forward to being back home with you. I really miss you, Y/N.”
For whatever reason, all rational thought fled your mind with that statement. Instead of feeling insecure and nervous, you were now angry and confused. 
“Right,” you scoffed. “You missed me so much you went to Alexis to fix it.”
You rolled your eyes. “I saw the article, Tyler. Ava found it right after I posted those pictures of us from when you were home last. Said I posted those pictures right as the pictures of you and Alexis came out. Not only have you been lying to me, obviously, but you made me look like an idiot! Like I was posting the pictures of us as some insecure girlfriend who needed to defend our relationship!”
“That sure as hell is what you’re acting like right now!” Tyler snapped back. 
You nodded. “Okay. So you didn’t see Alexis? Those are old pictures or what?”
He rubbed the back of his neck with the hand not holding the phone. “I did see Alexis, when we were in New York. But it’s not —”
“Not what I think it is, right?” you interrupted. “I cannot fucking believe you! You saw your ex-girlfriend, got cozy with her, and I had to find out like some nobody. I’m your girlfriend! We’ve been planning for a future and now — you know what. Forget it. I don’t matter enough for you to tell me what’s going on when it’s happening, then you’re not worth the effort to hear what I have to say.”
You hit the red circle with the little white x in the middle, effectively ending the conversation. You texted Ava, asking her to come over, then set up all of Tyler’s calls to go to voicemail and all of his message alerts to stay hidden. You needed to cry and maybe drink, and definitely to never think about Tyler Joseph again. 
Two months passed. You kept up with your day to day schedule, went to work, put on a happy face. No one from the outside looking in would have known that you had broken up with the love of your life just eight or so weeks before. 
Ava could see it, though. She saw it in your weight dwindling just enough to make the change in your figure noticeable. She saw it in the quiet nights you two spent in your apartment, not talking, just being silent in the same place while you stared at the television or your laptop, pretending to be occupied by anything except how much your heart hurt. 
As the tour came to an end, the boys inevitably circled back around to Columbus. Through Josh, Ava of course had tickets and passes for the two of you. She promised that Tyler was just as much of a mess as you were, but you refused to believe it. 
“Just come with me,” she pleaded. “Hear him out.”
But you shook your head. You didn’t want to see Tyler; it would be like ripping the bandaid off of a bullet-wound. Too little help to begin with, but still missed when it’s gone. 
“Fine. I’ll leave your ticket and pass here, then.” She dropped the items on the coffee table in the living room. “I really hope you change your mind, Y/N.”
After Ava left, you slumped onto the couch. The remote was in your hand, but you didn’t want to do anything with it. You held onto it because, at that moment, you needed to something to hold onto. You wanted to stop dwelling, desperately wanted that, but your heart was hurting so much, you didn’t know how to let go of the pain. 
“Maybe going to the concert will give me closure.”
You tested the thought out loud, to see how you felt about it. There was some hesitation, some nerves. Some emotion resembling fear. Finally, you shook your head. 
“This is ridiculous. I’m just going to go. If it’s really that bad, I can always leave.”
With a new determination — and, if you were honest with yourself, a deeply buried desire to see Tyler at least once more — you got up from the couch and rushed through a shower. You didn’t need to look perfect, so you kept your appearance casual but cute, shoved the ticket in your pocket and slipped the lanyard with the pass over your neck. 
“Keys, phone, wallet … I think that’s everything,” you mumbled to yourself as you headed for the front door. You swung it open, taking one last look around the apartment to see if you had forgotten anything, and when you turned back around, Alexis Richmond was standing in the hall outside of your apartment. Immediately, you were on the offensive. “What are you doing here?”
Alexis held her hands up. “I’m not here to — I just want to talk to you, Y/N. On Tyler’s behalf.”
“I’m going to see Tyler right now, actually. Whatever he needs to say to me, I’ll hear it from him.” 
You tried to push past her, but she stepped in your path. “Please. I really want you to hear this from me. Those pictures were my fault to begin with.”
You really didn’t want to hear anything from her, but maybe you could give her a couple minutes to explain. 
“But only a couple,” you warned, motioning for her to join you. You stood by the door, arms crossed of your chest. “So?”
Alexis nodded and took a deep breath. “Tyler and I were friends first, Y/N, same as you and Tyler. When we were together — he left me because of my drinking problem.”
“He may have mentioned that once,” you admitted. “Go on.”
She chewed on her bottom lip for several seconds before working up the courage to continue. “I finally decided to go to rehab. I had no one left. My parents and my sister cut off contact with me after I made a drunken idiot of myself at the last family event I was invited to attend. All of my friends are in the industry, and they certainly don’t want to be associated with anyone who has to be admitted to a facility. When Tyler left, he told me that when I was ready to get better, I could call him. So I did. Those picture you saw, Y/N, that wasn’t Tyler and I being cozy. That was a million paparazzi trying to follow us, get exactly the story you saw, and Tyler trying to stop them from following us all the way to the detox center. I’m trying to keep my stint as under wraps as possible, and he was just trying to protect an old friend. I’m ninety-two days sober, and I swear, there’s nothing left between me and Tyler. There hasn’t been, for a long time.”
So it really hadn’t been what you thought, but you had let your emotions and fears get the best of you. Your insecurities had taken over and caused you to push Tyler away.
“I should have heard him out when he first tried to explain. It was easier to push him away than have my insecurities be confirmed — that someone out there was better for him than I am.”
Alexis shook her head adamantly. “That’s not true, at all. Tyler talked about you the whole time he was helping me — which was only a few hours, by the way. He came in to New York, got me to the facility, and went to do his shows. He checked on me once, that was it. That was when I found out what had happened with the two of you. I promised that as soon as I was okay to leave rehab, I would come talk to you. I’m going back because being in the real world has shown me maybe I’m not as ready to leave as I thought, but I had to come talk to you first.”
Once again unable to control your emotions, you crossed the room and hugged Alexis Richmond. “Thank you. This means a lot.”
“Tyler’s a good man. He deserves someone good like you,” she returned. “Now. I should let you get going. You’re going to be late.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at that. The two of you walked down to the parking lot where Alexis caught a cab to take her back to the airport. You got in your own car, prepared to fight traffic all the way to the venue. 
The show was half over before you joined Ava in the usual spot towards the side of the stage where the two of you stood to watch your boys play. She hugged you tightly. 
“I’m really glad you came!” she shouted into your ear over the music. 
You nodded. “I was going to come anyway, but Alexis came and talked to me. That kind of sealed the deal!”
Ava smiled. You suspected she had known the whole story for a while, but she was always one to mind her own business. Anxious to enjoy being in Tyler’s presence now that you were aware of what had happened and that the misunderstanding had been all your own, you turned toward the stage to enjoy the music. 
When the portion of the show came for the boys to do covers, the opening band didn’t come out as usual. You frowned and looked to Ava, who simply shrugged, despite the knowing smile tugging at her lips. 
“I’ve got someone special here tonight,” Tyler spoke into the microphone. “I wasn’t sure she would show, but I’m glad she did. This one’s for her.”
Josh’s sticks rolled over the drums in a rhythm you recognized in a song that had to be at least ten years old. You still knew every word, though coming from Tyler, and with the situation at hand, they meant something different, something more, now. 
Have faith in me ‘Cause there are things that I’ve seen I don’t believe So cling to what you know And never let go You should know things aren’t always what they seem
I said I’d never let you go and I never did I said I’d never let you fall and I always meant it If you didn’t have this chance, then I never did You’ll always find me right there, again
By the end of the chorus, you were, inevitably, crying happy tears. Despite the really dumb thing you had done and allowed to drag on, all Tyler was asking was for you to have some faith in him. 
I’m going crazy ‘Cause there are things in the streets I just don’t believe So we’ll pretend it’s all right Stay in for the night What a world I’ll keep you safe here with me
I said I’d never let you go and I never did I said I’d never let you fall and I always meant it If you didn’t have this chance, then I never did You’ll always find me right there, again
When the song wrapped up, Tyler came to the edge of the stage and reached down for your hand. You reached up to grip his hand, and he pulled you on to the stage with him, near the piano. 
“I’m so sorry,” you said, hoping he could at least read your lips over the sound of the crowd. He leaned in so you could hear him more clearly. 
“I never meant to do anything for you to think I would hurt you,” Tyler returned. “Can we go back?”
You shook your head. “No going back, only forward. I just wanna go forward with you.”
Tyler grinned, cupped your face with one hand, and kissed you. The fans went even more wild; you couldn’t help but giggle. After a few more kisses, Tyler pulled back to look at you again. 
“Obviously, I need to finish this show, but will you wait for me?”
You nodded before hopping down from the stage. Ava put an arm around your shoulders and squeezed. Your heart was racing from the events of the evening, but that didn’t stop you from dancing along to every song for the rest of the show. 
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