#tword text
secretgigglebuttons · 5 months
When the ler says their finger is stuck in your belly button and you call them a liar, which just makes them wiggle their finger a lot and scritch and poke at your little knot as ‘proof’ it’s stuck while you’re just squirming and crying with laughter
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featherbliss · 2 years
when they ask, “what does *this* button do?” and tickle your bellybutton 😤 absolutely illegal
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foamy-cafe · 11 months
lee moods
My lee mood right now, omgg I just want someone to hold me in their lap and just.. trace their fingers along my tummy~.. Or pin my arms above my head and kiss all over my belly and bellybutton.. Or just praise me as they blow gentle raspberries on my belly.. ♡♡♡ idk short asf lee post..
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pupboy-tckles · 1 month
I think we need more non romantic tickle content. Sibling tickles, platonic tickles, parental tickles. Double points if it’s for cheer up purposes.
I see a lot of my favorite characters as my family and I think about them in a tickle context a lottttt. Not all physical contact is for romance. (nsfw and proship dni !!)
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giggly-cloud · 2 months
I think you need some tickle tickle tickles followed by some cuddling and little nibbles here and there! That'll get you giggling like the cutie you are right? All this while I whisper how cute your giggles are while giving you gentle tickles and a couple squeezes to those sides of yours and who knows maybe I'll even wiggle some fingers into your armpits then I'll go slow in such an antagonizing way that you'll just have to ask me to really tickle you! Hehe love you gigglebug bestie 🙊💕
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꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱˖࣪ ¡ OMYGODDD WHAT DID I JUST READ- UHMMM... HM... HH.... UHMMM... ERM... UHM. I'M. HUH,, UH. ERM. HH,,,(⁄ ⁄>⁄ . ⁄<⁄ ⁄) KEKEKEKEKE... UHM WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY TO THIS- I'M AAAAAAAAAAA.. The fact you did it thinking on flustering me makes it even better- I usually don't react to text teases so bad except for nicknames but THIS!!?!??!??? Literally had to read it in 3 times...
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unnamable-lee · 3 months
i will share. 1- that is all yall get
ler, slowly lifting shirt, revealing all the tum, t then they put their face next to it an and nuzzle there abd use their hands to to tickle the lee's sides and other spots on tum im mmaknekebekb /)///(\
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chaoticklesblog · 5 months
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Husband promising to tickle me until I cry??? Yes pls. That's the good stuff right there. Stay tuned... 🙊🙊🙊
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secretgigglebuttons · 7 months
Asking ‘what does this button do?’ as you poke and tickle someone’s navel is the correct thing to do
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featherbliss · 1 year
I think Zero would be a very good ler because she’d be curious about the reactions and would keep testing various spots just out of curiosity and would unintentionally tease too
‘This is…torture? But you are laughing, aren’t you?’
‘How does such a light touch elicit this laughter?’
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pupboy-tckles · 1 month
I want my tickles to give you confidence. I don’t just want to make you laugh and squirm, but I want to make sure you know you are appreciated while I do. Tell you how cute your ticklish tummy is, how infectious your smile is, how beautiful you look as I wreck your most sensitive spots. You’re not allowed to say a bad thing about yourself when you’re under my hands, you’ll be too occupied with giggles. (nsfw and proship dni!!)
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paigebueckersmommy · 1 month
familiar - p.b
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paige bueckers x reader (uconn student reporter)
warnings: fingering, semi public sex
you were assigned to report the uconn vs jackson state wbb game. you knew why you were dreading this, it’s because Paige Bueckers gave you the best head you had received and never called you back.
you had finished interviewing paige post game, which you done with attitude, still pretty mad about the way paige had treated you.
you were picking yo your microphones, wire and other equipment when you saw a tall blonde approaching you from the corner of your eye. “hey,” paige said. “uh hi.” you say looking back to your equipment, the entire arena had been cleaned out by now. “uh sorry i was just wondering, do i know you? you looked pretty farmilar.” paige said. “um i don’t know does giving me the most sheet gripping head i’ve ever gotten then never texting me count as knowing me?”
“ohh.. uh i’m really sorry about that basketball was getting really tough on me.” i nod sarcastically at her comment. “listen i don’t care anymore but just don’t use the sports card on me.” you say, lying. you knew that you still cared just because it was paige bueckers. you saw paige’s mouth curl into a smile. “i mean i could give u a reason to care?” she says grinning. she waves two fingers in the air signaling and starts walking away tword the locker room.
you quickly follow her, knot the locker room. she presses you against the wall, kissing you messily. she began to hike up your skirt, so it was all by your hips. still kissing you, she moves your panties to the side plunging 3 fingers deep into your needy cunt. “you like that?” she says crooking her neck. you hurriedly nod, already out of breath from moaning making her giggle. the sounds of her fingers plunging into your wetness fill the room as paige watches you breathlessly moan from her fingers.
“shit shit shit,” you moan signaling your close orgasm. which only makes her speed up her pace. your practically screaming by this point when paige says, “u gonna cum baby? c’mon cum on my fingers,” with a smirk seeing the condition her fingers have you in. you finally clench around her lengthy digits, as she watched your cum spill out onto her fingers. “fuck,” she breathes.
she brings her fingers up to her mouth as if she’s just finished a meal. “yea what was that number again?” she says, pulling out her phone as you two begin to leave the locker room.
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cyberkitty1 · 1 year
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- he knows that the work he does is dangerous and could very easily all blow up in his face, but he wants.. no needs to keep you and the other two people he has in his life. He keeps his work away from home he doesn’t want you or his mother to figure out anything. But one small mistake and he releases his secret.
“ Where is he? “ you mumbled to yourself dressed casually ready for your pre-planned date with Miles. You guys where planning on going to small restaurants to eat at them go to him place for a movie. Checking the time on your phone your realize he’s an hour late late. He was supposed to pick you up at 7:00.
So you text him
y/n. where are u??? you where supposed to pick me up over an hour ago
“ Are you kidding me? “. You stare at your phone waiting for a response but it doesn’t happen. you start to get frustrated, upset even. The tears build in your eyes as you tilt your head up to the sealing. This is the fifth time he flaked on you, in a row.
You decide to get undressed, no point in waiting anymore. Just as you where about to lay down and put on your favorite show, Bzzz he texted you.
miles. im sorry mami i got called in for work ill make it up to you
y/n. so work is more important than me now???
miles. dont start now we will talk later
y/n. sure
She was mad, beyond mad angry. The thing that got to her the most was that he told her he would take her out not the other way around. Slowly the anger turned into sadness, why was he always working? Was this so called work even important? was he cheating? No he would never.
You where just so confused. You checked the time and saw is was already 10 o’clock, had you thought that much? You sighed brining the blanket up to your neck turning off the TV to watch tiktoks on your phone. He texted you multiple times but you where not in the mood to respond.
Suddenly you heard the familiar sound of your window being opened. You knew who it was but you didn’t want to look; continuing to face the opposite way.
You heard him close the window behind him and walk a couple steps. “I know youre awake” he said “ I never said I wasnt “ you spit back. “ well you werent even looking at my texts, whys that?” he questioned. You sat up turning twords him “ you know why! “ tears filling your eyes.
“I waited an hour for you to show up but you never did! I waited and waited until i gave up.” Miles sighs holding the bridge of his nose. “ im sorry you know that, I had work-” “ oh! so work is more important than me? Youre willing to ditch me so you can go do your so called “ work” you said doing air quotations.
His face hardens “alto, te dije cuando nos pusimos serios que mi trabajo me llama al azar. Whenever they need me I go” he sighed. You thought about what you were going to say next. “ Ok Miles, but i need you too” you tried to keep your voice even but failed, your eyes welled with tears threatening to fall. He sat next to you on your bed.
“Lo sé mami, lo siento, sé que puse el trabajo antes que tú, pero estoy haciendo esto para mantenerte a salvo, ¿verdad?.” You only stared at him. “ Keep me safe from what?” He closed his eyes taking a deep breath, and explained to you everything from the moment his dad died.
“ Solo lo hago para que mi mamá no tenga que trabajar tanto por dinero. Ella ya hace tanto por mí que necesito ayudar. Do you understand?” You turn and look at his brown eyes just as the moonlight hits them. His eye bags are dark his face is tired.
You know what he does now and for some reason you are not scared instead you feel for him. You had no idea he was going through all that he never told you.
You wrap your arms around his neck bringing him into a hug, in turn be wraps his hands around your waist head resting on your shoulder.
“ You’re not scared of me right mami?” He says quietly “never mi amor.”
This was not proof read that much sorry .
This is my very first writing on here so please be kind. I have more in the works so expect more soon 🤭
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cloudsontherainbow · 2 months
I am at a need of any tword community Hazbin Hotel roleplayers, I am starving for it
I mostly rp as Vox
just text me in my dms if your interested!
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psss psss c’mere peoples
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Round 2 Group B Match 6
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expand for propaganda ↓ (wall of text warning)
Missy Elliott:
"Missy is hot, funny, talented, and mostly lets the rumor mill churn out whatever it wants to say about her sexuality. She is an ICON of 90s hip-hop and hip-hop eternally."
"I need missy elliott to put me down flip me and reverse me"
"missy elliott deserves to win this whole thing. her outfits will forever be iconic!"
Hope Sandoval:
"my dad is in love with her i'm in love with her she is simply the most enchanting woman alive. it you watch the fade into you live video it is like falling in love. every song she's ever sung is like heaven. She's like a siren. ever single time she looks up from the mic to the camera she goes into yr soul and wraps it with a sweet perfume mist and you will never be the same. watch concert videos before you vote. if she doesn't win i'm deleting my blog"
"hope sandoval love of my life"
"i would gut my insides to leave a flesh skin and a lump of red lumpy organs while still staying alive if it meant that she could let me hit just one and by hit a mean a kiss on the cheek please hope respond to my brainwaves sent twords you"
"if i met here i would take a photo then kill myself to spend my last moments alone in her arms so that i could die a happy man. i truly believe that is the only way i could end my life on a happy note. i wouldn't be able to beat that moment."
"hope sandoval has the voice of an angel and if you don't vote her i will actually cry"
"i was conceived to mazzy star"
"I would let her do UNSPEAKABLE things to me"
"look first of all she sang fade into you, so automatic bias there. but also look at the pictures of her performing???? oh my god. she's so pretty. if I could link pictures I would just go google it she's amazing."
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mediocre-quill-ink · 9 months
Pt 5
Content: Gavin is pissed but what's new?
Connor and I walked into the station, his hand resting on the small of my back. I tried to take in deep breaths as I waltzed through the doors, preying I didn't look as nervous as I felt. I needed to look calm, relaxed, maybe even cocky.
I tried to straighten my posture a little bit, throwing on a subtle, fake, but confident smile as I fought the urge to look at gavin.
Not yet, don't aknowlage him yet. Pretend it's just me and connor.
I felt a few sets of eyes on us as we made our way to our separate desks. Not the whole office, thank God. But it was enough to raise my anxiety. Connor gave me a soft kiss on the cheek, whispering, "Are you okay so far?" I nodded subtly in return and leaned away, making his way to his desk.
I sat down at my desk, being sure to keep my calm, This-is-totally-normal persona as I let out a slow, tense sigh.
I glanced at connor, giving him a staged longing stare, which he returned with a wink. I smiled, then looked back at my desk
Then I finally let myself look at the gavins desk. He was leaning back in his chair, arms crossed and just staring at connor. He looked upset. I smirked a little.
Good. He's mad.
I mean, when is he not mad, but there's a certain energy to it that just feels different. I can't quite place what it was, but whatever it is, I like it.
Lick it up because you're getting more of this bullshit gavin.
Hw slowly slid his attention twords me, and I smoothed down the pride into neutral, but happy look. Play it cool.
Gavin stared at me, and I stared back, putting on a happy go lucky persona, but it was hard to hide the almost sadistic joy in my eyes. The way he looked at us both was a kind of anger I haven't quite seen out of him.
Most kinds were loud and explosive and violent, but this was seathing, boiling, sharp, quiet, and hot, kind of anger. I liked it.
He gave connor a final look before returning his attention to his computer.
I let the satisfied smile return to my face once he looked away. For once, I felt powerful over him. Not a force of friction he had to fight against, but a power now held over him. He could snap back all he wanted with other circumstances, but now all he can do is watch.
Oh I'm going to have fun with this one.
I checked the clock, break time. I let out a sigh. Thank God.
I got up from my desk, making my way to the breakroom. Gavins desk was empty, It looked like he was already elsewhere. I positioned myself at one of the sleek white tables, leaning over it and scrolling on my phone. I'm checking for texts, looking through youtube feed, notifications on all my socials... everything looked normal in my notifications, I saved a bunch of youtube videos to watch later...
In the corner of my eye, I saw Connor walking into the breakroom. "Good afternoon, sweetheart." He greeted with a little smile. I looked up at him, smiling back and laughing a little. "Hi, connor." He stood next to me at the sleek white table, wrapping his hand around my waist. It forced a blush onto my cheeks. "Oh my god, connor." I whispered a nervous chuckle, "gavins not here, we don't have to do this kind of stuff."
He leaned in slightly, whispering, "I know, I'll stop if it makes you uncomfortable, but I had a thought." I glanced from my phone back to him for a moment,"and that is?" Connor tilted his head slightly, saying, "we don't have to display romantic behavior often out of his presence, but doing it every now and then would make our story more believable. After all, we are in an office of detectives even if they don't care, some suspicion would eventually crop up."
I nodded, tilting my head slightly. "True."
"I assure you, we won't have to do it often... or at all if it's outside your comfort zone." Connor whispered. "It's just a suggestion."
"No, you're right." I noted. Connor replied, "If you're not comfortable, we don't have to." I nodded and said, "No, I know. But you're right." I leaned in a kissed his cheek softly.
Connor stiffened a little bit, and I laughed. He quickly smiled and said, "Sorry, you caught me off guard." He laughed a little.
I tisked, looking back at my phone and smiling.
This definitely still felt weird. Being held like this by my friend but also, weirdly it felt... nice? Like... comforting I guess. Weird.
"Did you see the way gavin looked at us when we walked in?" I smiled. "I did." He nodded. "He looked so pissed. God, that was a funny look."
"When is he not mad?" Connor added. "Ah, true. But it was different. Usually, his anger is explosive, popping, sharp. But this is different. It's quiet and simmering and blunt. It's weird but a nice change of pace." He was silent for a moment, nodding before asking. "Why do you like making him angry so much? Believe me, I'm not fond of him myself, but it seems feeding into his anger only makes things worse. Have you considered talking to him about your issues?"
"Does he seem like the kind of person who would have a conversion?" My tone was light and joking, but we both knew he wasn't the most communitive person, "I remember... when we met... I tried talking stuff out with him, but it just didn't work. Eventually he ticked me off more and more, and I just gave up and started arguing with him. I fight back because I'm sick of his asshat behavior, I don't like him getting away with everything. Let me revel in pissing that jack ass off."
Connor was silent for a moment before saying, "understood."
"Sorry." I sighed, "I didn't mean to get a little aggressive there." I turned off my phone, sighing.
"There's no need to apologize." Connor spoke softly."I understand what you're saying, I just think, if possible, you should consider talking to him some time in the future."
"I'll consider it." I mumbled.
"And speaking of whom."
Just as connor said that, Gavin appeared in the corner of my vision, he walked twords the breakroom before stopping in his tracks when he saw us. The moment of hesitation was short but he continued to drag his feet into the breakroom, walking past us without so much as throwing a second glance.
It was strange not his usual cocky strut, an eye roll, or so much as a "hey." His silence was unnerving and out of character. Connor and I threw brief glances to each other as Gavin stood by the coffee machine, pouring himself a cup, then reaching into the mini fridge for his caramel creamer.
The mask of cigarettes was still fresh on his clothes, some snow flakes melting on his shoulders. He looked... tolerable?
I wasn't sure how else to put it but it made my chest tighten looking at him for some reason. Like I couldn't breathe. Why was it that in that moment I didn't want to punch him?
"The fuck are you staring at?" He grumbled.
Never mind.
"Sorry." I stumbled out, averting my gaze to the mini-fridge instead.
There was a long moment of silence where Gavin was just stirring the creamer into his coffee. longer than he should, to be honest. He stood stiffly, and after a few beats, he spoke awkwardly "so. How long have you two been together?"
"A couple of months." I replied almost instantly.
Gavin slowly turned around, resting his elbows on the counter behind him.
"Really?" He asked almost sarcastically.
Connor squeezed my waist softly. When he did that gavins eyes narrowed for a moment before looking into his coffee. "it's true. We started dating a few months ago." Connor added.
Gavin just nodded, stirring his coffee mindlessly. "Hm." Was all he added, his jaw shifting for a moment.
There was a moment of silence, an uncomfortable waight in the air as I heard the plastic spoon stir in the paper cup. Connor remained still next to me as if nothing was wrong.
"How long did you want to keep this little secret from me?" Gavin asked, a quiet, sharp tone to his voice.
"It's not a secret. I just didn't think it was any of your business." I spoke slowly, clenching my jaw a little. "I don't expect you to tell me about your life."
His brows flicked for a moment. He just nodded. "Good to know." He spoke quietly.
He looked up from his cup, staring at connor for a moment, "what do you get out of this."
Connor remained still beside me, his hand still resting on my waist as he spoke, "I don't gain anything out of this relationship aside from happiness. I don't wish to gain anything. I'm grateful for the relationship I have."
I wanted to gag. It's very sappy, but I smiled softly, leaning against him a little.
Gavin just rolled his eyes "god. What a fucking joke."
I blinked for a moment. "Excuse me?"
"Listen, I normally wouldn't give to shits about your romantic life. Or anything about your life for that matter. But an android? You really are pathetic, aren't you? Did his fancy little emotion imitator really trick you that much? It can't feel. It's just a bunch of code."
I squeezed my hand shut for a moment. I wasn't in the mood for an argument. We've discussed this once or twice in the past, and it never ends well. "What does it matter to you?"
"It matters to me because where the place humanity is going is fucking depressing. I can't just accept this is the way humanity is." He added, getting a little angrier "besides, this guy's an asshole. It's more of a smartass than other tin cans. And that's saying something."
"Are you done?" I asked in a low tone, trying to keep myself from snapping.
Gavin shifted his jaw, looking to his left.
"Just fuck off. This is pathetic to see." He mumbled, popping a lid on his coffee and walking out of the room.
I glanced at connor, my eyebrows shooting up. I didn't even know what to say.
"So is your plan working?" Connor asked softly.
I took a moment to consider. Whether or not he believed it was a little unclear to me but I'd think so. And he certainly seemed pissed which, for once, was nice to see.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'd think so."
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secretgigglebuttons · 7 months
grazing gently across the belly button as you tickle a tummy or just circle gently around the rim are both very evil and very necessary actions
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