#tw kidnappin
jahnavisurenda-21 · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel||Alastor X Reader||Creating Trouble Part 1. ||Kidnaping Scenario
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Being a human was a taboo in hell, all the words you never herd you herd, everything you never felt you felt, and it got you a lot of attention from the different residents.
TW- Trigger warning, Mentions of molestation, mild language.
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You couldn't scream or utter a single cry of desperation. These demons were much stronger than you could ever imagine, your worst fear was just about to come true.
"Just spray that perfume or whatever boss gave, before the radio demon comes." One muffled voice ordered.
Then you blacked out before they tied you up in constraints.
Everyone had been going nuts about the new extermination dates which had been scheduled much earlier. Everyone was creating havoc in hell during that time,
You came across a page, when you were with Alastor one of those days there was some tension and beef between Alastor and the top face of Vee.
"Oh, that's nothing, my dear! Just a little resident here who thinks he owns all of hell." Alastor said with a big grin,
"Your voice is really nice you know? Can I have those old records of yours that you were going to broadcast but never did?"
"They are just drafts my dear, it's useless."
"If they are so useless, why did you keep them?"
"Maybe I should show it to you someday my dear, I think you'll quite enjoy them. Now go to sleep while I finish some business with some co-workers of mine." Alastor instructed you had a habit of always neglecting your bedtime and sleeping the whole day.
That particular incident flashed before you were woken up with someone kicking your leg and splashing some water.
"I really thought that was some messed up shit you know. You think Lucifer's brat would?"
"Miss Bleeding Heart would probably be dead by now if it isn't that stupid radio demon watching her back all the time."
"Oh, speaking of the radio demon, did the brat wake up already? She sleeps too much; I'll just give her to one of the cannibals."
You woke up but instantly flinched when someone tall, wearing heart-shaped glasses, and a pink coat, type of soul came in front of you.
"How cute." He said amused, "Hey how much money do you think the brat can make?"
"Oh, shut it, Valentino, I didn't ask my henchmen to kidnap her so you could strike some business deal or some shit like that."
"So, listen here bitch, everyone here is horny assholes and if you want to keep that body of yours in peace, you better suck it up and answer all my questions one by one."
"OH, Kinky!" Valentino squealed.
Your heart raced rapidly, it felt like your diaphragm couldn't relax anymore and your mind had gone blank with fear, you would think with those comedic looks they would be good for a few hearty laughs.
But All your friends and you knew they were rivals.
"So did Miss Bleeding Heart and your little boyfriend ever strike a deal or something?"
"M... Miss bleeding heart?" You softly called out,
"Yeah, Lucifer's brat."
"I.. I don't know." You simply said just to be met with a harsh slap, shocking you. "I'm only a human I don't interfere with these things!"
"So, you're telling me, the radio demon has not gone soft after meeting you?"
"How is my personal status of any relevance?" You questioned,
You lay unconscious down below, struggling to get up you took a look around your surroundings, it was dark but a little dim blue light from the TV alerted you; you were bruised, and it hurt to breathe, how did you even survive?
It looked like the corridors were locked, and you were just left discarded here, with your remaining strength you hurried to the T.V., and it was the same page when Vox and Alastor had that little tension.
Could you reach anyone from here?
Judging by your injuries you must have been out at least for two to three days.
Back in the hotel.
It was Husk who noticed that you were literally not anywhere in the hotel, it further confirmed his suspicions, when Sir Pentious and Niffty asked about you, "Where did the goody two shoes go? She's acting like a bad girl!" Niffty huffed.
Everyone had been in a panic, at last when Alastor came back from one of his trips, he would always usually bring you a little trinket or something,
"My dear, sorry I got so caught up--" He realized you were not there.
Two days had passed when no news of your disappearance was updated, but it was getting busy as hell in the hotel and it angered Alastor when he was told to do something that didn't involve tracking you.
One day when Valentino had enough of your refusal he declared, He would ravage you if you didn't open your mouth.
Vox didn't want the entire image to get threatened by the media.
"So how are you, Alastor? Saw the sudden stop with your regular updates."
"Well, you see I'm in a bit of a dilemma myself, a dear friend of mine has been missing."
"Friend?' Vox laughed, "I thought it was more of a plaything?"
He pushed your tired form to the counter, as you barely managed to stabilize yourself.
It was Valentino who grabbed your collar and made you look at Alastor,
Alastor's eyes darkened, a threatening aura had befallen him, which made you nervous. Even if none of the anger was directed towards you.
When he left the remaining support you fell down again, "Exceedingly weak!" Valentino urged, kicking your frail body.
Charlie burst into tears, and Angel instantly bombarded the two with questions, "Did you piece of shi--"
"Anymore and she'll be of good use to me." Valentino warned.
Before the screen was shut.
"That was good don't you think?"
"Now we have to be wary of that Radio demon."
"I'll fucking kill them." Alastor's eyes widened when he recalled your body being manhandled, and thrown with such disregard,
He grew into his demonic form the more he thought about it the more, sadistic the punishments he concocted in his head grew.
"You worry about not letting the hotel fall into shambles, I'll make the Vee wish I'd stay gone."
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dumbbundrools · 5 months
'm thankful i have a thoughtful dom, i rlly am !!!! he's sweet n nice n always checks in n we give each other aftercare n its good!!!!! n i'm grateful!!!!!! my beeg bear dom is super cuddly n gentle with his bun!!!
(tw cnc fantasies under the cut)
smth inside me wants him to use me whenever he wants. i'm a service bun, thats what im for, right? nd i want him to ignore my pleas to stop n its too much by jus rutting into me harder :(((( (unless i actually safeword in which case he'll stop) n i'd wear a bracelet or certain underwear as I sleep to indicate it's okay for him to use me as he wants even if im not awake to say anythin abt it </3 n him fuckin me as i'm somewhat loopy on my sleep meds (bc i take them for insomnia) n him tellin me its all a dream n to go to sleep hdhrhjnxhsjdhdb
(tw dark cnc/kidnapping fantasy)
but most of all my biggest fantasy i have is him usin a play knife or play gun on me n tellin me if i'm too loud smth bad would happen which would jus make me so much tighter as he fucks me
i know its a lot of cnc n somno n kidnappin themes but jus. ejehdjdhdhdjdhbd blame blogs like kaionyx n boybreeding (rip boybreeding i miss you </3) bc im like. ive realized things abt this subspace that i wanna experiment with but im too nervous to bring it up to sir hrng-
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No but like I’m thinking about the Final Disc War bad ending again just like. Fuck. c!Tommy would be locked in a box specifically designed to torture him with his triggers c!Skeppy would be in a tiny cage with barely room to breathe c!Tubbo would be dead oh my god that was a Thing that was soooooooo close to happening.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 years
Father (I think, but it was definitely a guy from FMA) kept getting attacked by The Bad Guys (nothing in particular, just The Bad Guys), but they really sucked, and he kept beating them up. They even tried to kidnap his loved ones and hold them hostage, but that didn’t work, so The Bad Guys tried to use paintings of them to make him think they had succeeded in kidnapping his family (which also failed).
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fr-jedicreed · 2 years
Little One
[All dragons are in anthro forms!]
tw: violence, blood, mentions of child trafficking/kidnapping
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Koi didn't mind the patrols in the Lower Tier. Sometimes things happened to make it worth while. But lately, things had been far too quiet. Made the patrols boring. Koi wasn't the only one in the Torn Wings Mafia doing patrols at night (too much ground to cover for one dragon), and he had to wonder if theirs was just as boring.
"Shiiit, c'mon..." he mumbled, shaking his head, "Ain't nothin' happenin'? Do I gotta stir up some trouble t' make it worth it? ...Naw, better now. Lady Thyl'la might skin me fer causin' trouble in her territory..."
But just as he was about to resign himself to a boring patrol, some raise voices nearby caught his attention, his ears perking up instantly.
"C'mon, just grab the kid and let's go!"
"She won't stay st--OW! She bit me! Stupid brat!"
"Grab her and let's go! We're low on our quota, she'll hafta do!"
Koi's ears folded back. He didn't like the sound of that. Quickly, he made his way to the alleyway where the noises were coming from, and came upon quite the scene.
There were three dragons--a Pearlcatcher, an Imperial, and a Mirror. The Imperial was holding a bag, while the Mirror and Pearlcatcher held onto what looked like a very young Nocturne. A kid. Just a kid. And from the looks of it, she was putting up quite the fight, struggling as much as she could.
And, judging by the bleeding hands of the two, she had bit then quite hard.
Good girl... thought Koi, grinning as he came into the alleyway, "Oi! What's goin' on 'ere?"
The three dragons startled, and the Nocturne looked surprised, large eyes full of hope that she might be rescued. Poor kid was probably tuckered out from struggling so much. Koi didn't blame her.
"What's it to ya?" snarled the Mirror, letting go of the young Nocturne, shoving her at the Pearlcatcher, "Move along, this doesn't involve ya!"
"As he said, this isn't any of your business." said the Imperial, glowering at Koi, looking him over.
"Oh, I think it is my business." said Koi, cracking his neck as he moved towards the dragons, "Y'see, the Torn Wings Mafia dun take too kindly t' child traffikin', or kidnapping 'round these parts. An' the fact yer doin' it in our territory? Ya must have big balls t' try somethin' like that."
The three dragons growled, the Pearlcatcher tossing the young Nocturne aside roughly. She yelped as she hit the ground, and quickly scrambled up and pressed herself up against the wall. Koi then saw that her wrists and ankles were bound. No way to escape.
"If you're one of Thyl'la's goons, we'll take you out no problem." said the Pearlcather, pulling out a dagger, "If you're not around to report it, we can continue doing our business."
"Pretty nasty business, if ya ask me!" snarled Koi, "Kidnappin' children in th' middle o' th' night? Sickos, th' lot o' ya!"
"That's it!" roared the Mirror, drawing two daggers and charging at Koi, "Yer dead meat!"
Koi sighed, looking over at the Nocturne, who was watching with wide eyes, "Ya might wanna turn away, little'un. This ain't gonna be pretty."
As the Mirror charged at him, Koi's own daggers materialized by him, wispy shadowy smoke holding onto the ends. They hovered, as if alive, and as the Mirror drew closer, they stilled, before a wave of Koi's hand had them shooting right at the Mirror.
One in the throat, and one in the head.
The Mirror only took two staggering steps, before he collapsed onto the ground, into a pool of his own blood.
The messy splat seemed to echo in the alleyway. The remaining two dragons stood still, shocked. But they soon recovered, and charged at Koi with battle cries. The young Nocturne, despite Koi's earlier words, continued watching, eyes wide.
The battle didn't last long. Using his cane, Koi batted aside their attacks, and let his daggers take over. They sliced at the two attacking dragons, whittling them down, before delivering the final blow for each of them. A deep cut delivered to the neck of the Imperial, and a stab in the eye to the Pearlcatcher. Both dragons went down, into a bloody mess.
Koi flicked the daggers clean, before approaching the Nocturne. To her credit, she didn't even flinch, as she looked up at him. Kneeling down next to her, Koi used the daggers to cut the ropes bonding her ankles and wrists together. There were welts left behind, and he gently ran a finger over them to soothe them.
"Ya awright, kid?"
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The Nocturne nodded, swallowing hard before speaking, "Y-Yeah. Thanks."
"No prob. Jus' doin' my job." said Koi, patting her on the head, before standing up. But before he could leave, she reached out, grabbing onto his jacket, tugging it.
"D-Don't leave me, please!" she begged, using his jacket as leverage, as she stood up, "T-Take me with you!"
"Ya dun wanna come wit' me, it's too dangerous." said Koi, with a sigh, "Ye should back t' yer parents. They're probably worried, eh?"
The Nocturne's gaze turned down, large eyes looking sad, "I...don't have parents. Not...Not anymore." Her gaze went to the bodies of the three dragons, before looking down again.
Koi put two and two together, and sighed heavily. Orphaned, because she was targeted for traffiking. Poor girl...
"Yer name. What's yer name, kid?"
She perked up at that, though she still had some tears in her eyes.
"Axen. I'm Axen."
"Koi. Nice t' meetcha."
Using his cane, he scooped her up, using the nape of her shirt, before holding the cane against his shoulder, walking out of the alleyway. Axen yelped at the treatment, but didn't protest.
"Thank...Thank you for rescuing me, Mr. Koi." she said, looking over her shoulder at him.
"Bah! Mister...Dun call me that." chuckled Koi, shaking his head, "Makin' me feel old, kid."
"Then...what should I call you?" she asked, tilting her head.
"Not Mister." he said, before humming in thought, "...Try 'Sensei' since I'll be takin' ya in. Lady Thyl'la can't say no, if I'm takin' ya in as a student."
Axen nodded, smiling, "Thank you, Koi-Sensei."
Koi chuckled, grinning. That sounded better than he thought. He could get used to this...
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agapaic · 5 years
Accidentally deleted an ask for the prompts that read "tianshan - childhood trauma" so here you go! TW mention of violence/death.
'Childhood trauma—'
'Gun violence—'
'Fucking hell,' He Tian mutters, swinging his feet up to rest on the edge of the coffee table, ankles crossed. 'Are we scrolling Netflix or tagging themes to our autobiographies?'
Guan Shan throws him the remote and reaches for his beer. 'You choose,' he says, taking a swig. 'Since you're so fuckin' hard to please.'
He Tian takes the remote and clicks through genres, running his tongue over his teeth. Guan Shan watches him from the corner of his eye. Action, comedy, K-drama—
'D'you really think that?'
He Tian raises his eyebrows, but doesn't look away from the screen. Click, click, click. 'Think what?'
Guan Shan says, 'That you've got childhood trauma?'
He Tian pauses. He sets the remote down, sets both hands around the beer bottle and leans his head back against the sofa, neck exposed, pulse jumping in his throat.
'What else would you call it, Guan Shan?' he asks, sounding tired. 'The maids carried guns. We had a safe room.'
'Yeah, but—'
'I found my mother in the bath with her throat slit, Guan Shan.'
Guan Shan goes still. His tongue clicks against the back of his throat when he swallows; the image hits him behind his eyelids when he blinks.
'It was everywhere,' He Tian murmurs. 'Never found out if she drowned in the water or on her own blood.'
'You never told me,' is all Guan Shan can say.
'You've got your own baggage,' He Tian says, dismissive. He sets his bottle back down, goes back to scrolling, his smile shuttered. 'I didn't want you to have to deal with mine too.'
prompt sent from ‘Send me a pairing…’
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melancholicgardens · 7 years
Tw: Implied suicidal thoughts
"... Where exactly are we going?" Ren asks.
Kayo cocks her head to you all during idle state and replies.
“... Still better to not tell ya everythin’ yet, but we’re trying to make you guys more or less… invisible fer awhile. Hide ya. But… Hmmm. Well. We need to keep an eye on yer… mental stability fer awhile.”
Aiko had been silent for a while, mostly shaking from the effects of being tasered and weeping quietly from the pain, but finally they pulled their head up, glaring at the others, both their classmates and their elders.
“Y-yeah, I’m sure you have our best interests at heart after f-f***ing that,” this time, they narrowed their gaze on their classmates. “This is kidnapping. I don’t want to be here, you can’t make me stay. Y-you’re no worse than her if you make me stay. Or is that what you want? You sadists, do you just want to watch me squirm, to watch me suffer? Then you really are no different than her,”
Kayo openly laughs. “Pffft… Suffer? Really, kid? Ya got quite the imagination. Ya see, That’s exactly why we’re takin’ ya guys in. Mentality like that. Ya can’t trust anyone anymore… so! Therapy. We’re gonna give ya therapy. … Won’t deny kidnapping ya, though. That’s kind of an accurate statement. I’m not lettin’ ya throw yer life away, and without the kidnappin’, that’s exactly what ya’d do. That or gettin’ yerself assassinated, which would just set off riots. Kid. This is fer yer own good as much as it is fer the country.” She’s not even taking Aiko’s insults the slightest bit seriously, is she?
“Got a good friend named Yuuma. Pretty skilled at readin’ emotions and knowing what’s holding a person down. Ya guys will be in contact with him through webcam calls. I trust him, but still… we’d rather keep this location known by as little people as possible.” She finishes the thought. 
“So more or less, we’d like to keep ya somewhere safe and unknown to anyone but us. And well, I can’t let ya leave on good conscience.” She doesn’t pause, if even a single moment is stopped for a breath, she’d hear protests and she knew it. “Yer going to be under our protection. With minimal contact outside. I’ll get ya in contact with yer sister, of course, Kondou. Already found her. Wasn’t hard.” She chuckles softly. Riku, who had tensed, relaxes again slightly at the assurance and leans against Campana once more.
As the information leaves her lips, you notice the car doors are locked, and the van begins moving.
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