#trying out something shorter so this ask gets published and doesnt collect dust in the drafts folder- hope this is ok!
5eraphim · 9 months
I fucking love your writing so much it’s so hddjjdhdRASHHHHHH <3 <3 <3 <3!!!!
But like
Can you imagine how the Yandere mercs would handle a very dense obsession?
Like they’re not stupid but they cannOT tell when they’re being flirted with, even when it’s so clear
Like they think the mercs are being just nice or funny
big thank. very kind. much love. O(∩_∩)O
here's how i would see this going down:
sees it as low-key a blessing bc they know they can get away with being creepy and possessive and toxic and you won't be suspicious, or at least wont suspect they were romantically motivated. are content to keep up the act, not entirely bother by your lack of recognition, though would eventually make motives clearer in the name of finally getting reciprocation: Medic, Spy
doesn't exactly see it as a good thing, bc they aren't content with loneliness, and want to feel validation for their romantic attraction, however is also aware of their negative "creepy/threatening/generally intimidating" reputation with others, and is at least thankful you aren't overtly creeped out by their behavior. overall unhappy with the situation, but willing to endure- thinking the best course of action is to allow you to acclimate to their behavior around you before confessing their feelings in earnest: Heavy, Sniper
takes this as a challenge to try and up the ante around you not really discouraged by your obliviousness. constantly overstepping boundaries, pushing your buttons, doing whatever he can to get under your skin. He isn't really happy with the situation, but intend to get you to be the one to eventually see their true motives, no matter how long it may take: Demo, Scout
(soldier would be included in the list above, however- he would treat the quest to get your attention less seriously and more like some messed up game. perhaps even under the impression you're only playing oblivious to spur him on.)
disappointed in you, not only bc you dont seem to view him as a potential romantic partner (on account of natural charisma and charm), nor are you picking up on his efforts to get through to you. he would try not to take it personally, but can't ignore the hurt and frustration. he is desperately trying not to lose patience- but the inner turmoil and insecurity would be a real ego-killer: Engie (also Spy and scout? a little? maybe?)
somehow even less aware of the unhealthy relationship developing than you: pyro
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