#trying out a new art style as well (rougher lines than my usual)
bishicat · 1 year
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my V's got that there flameo mullet hair and the hots for a certain engram🔥
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luvlyrv · 3 years
The Fleeting Image of You | Wendy x Fem!Reader
Genre: angst and fluff
Summary: Your world was falling apart at the seams, until a mysterious girl fell into your life. Then, you began to fall for her.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: First time I’ve written something with the intention of making you cry. Please tell me if you cried, or if it at least made you sad. That’d be pretty epic. Is it mean of me to say that?
Also, I apologize for taking so long to upload something... I’ve been flooded with work lately and school is just getting way more stressful now :/ I have some stuff lined up for ‘Naughty’ and ‘Our Songs’ btw! Just have to finish.
Date: 2/2/21
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You sigh as you sit down in your favorite corner of the library. You set your stuff down, making it known that you'd taken the seat, and stood back up to begin scouring for something new to read.
Spending your time in the quiet and tranquil local library had become a new favorite past-time of yours. It was strange, you thought, how lonely you felt recently. You couldn't help but find yourself disconnected from the majority of the world, a cloud of sadness following you everywhere. No matter how much you tried it felt like you couldn't bother to reach out. Yet, when it came to the library the loneliness exhibited here was not something awful, but rather something chased after. Something you can find comfort in.
You stop in front of a shelf as you reach out for a book with a maroon cover. It seemed to be on the older side. You gently grazed the spine of the book, enjoying the rougher texture it had. You pull it out of the shelf, only to be surprised that it had no writing on either side of the book. Perhaps the title and author would be written in the first page.
You open up the book to look inside. Instead of any text, the first page was a beautiful ink illustration. It seemed to be a design of a mirror. You trace the image and upon closer inspection, it didn't look printed on. It was as if someone drew it in the pages by their self. Maybe someone left their sketchbook here? Or perhaps this was just a strange, unlabeled picture book?
Intrigued by the illustration, you go back to your seat to sit down and flip through the other pages. After the mirror, there was an image of a girl, and after that an image of another girl. You smile a bit, finding the images cute. Especially the one of the second girl, who seemed to share the same hair length and style as you. While in the middle of admiring the art in front of you, you felt a presence. You turn your head up, only for the sight to make your breath hitch as a beautiful woman stood beside you. The stranger was also seemingly enchanted by the book in your hands.
"H-hi" You say softly, mesmerized by how soft her brown hair looked as it cascaded around her face. Her eyes that were scanning the book moved to look into yours. You felt your mouth dry up.
"Hey, I was just wondering if it was okay for me to sit at this table next to you?" The voice that left her mouth was laced with a friendly confidence. You quickly looked around the rest of the library, noticing the overwhelming amount of empty tables. You decide to not question it though, because why would you deny the company of someone like her?
"Sure." You nod as you answer, she flashes you a smile and sits across from you. She tugs at the bookbag she has around her body to open it, pulling out a thick book. You look back at your own book, but you can't seem to focus anymore. You flip the page to try and look busy, but you don't really pay attention to what's on the paper anymore. Your eyes glance back and forth from your book to the woman, who's now peacefully reading.
It takes time for the courage inside of you to build up, and you're afraid of disturbing her, but you felt like you had to say something.
"So… " You begin speaking. The stranger's head perks up as she gives you her attention. "What's your name?"
"Oh I'm sorry!" She laughs a little bit, the noise is akin to a sweet melodic bell. "I never introduced myself. You can call me Seungwan, and you?" You notice that Seungwan slips a bookmark into her book and gently closes her book. It seems like she's giving you her full attention, a feeling you haven't felt in a while. You smile before you talk.
"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you. What brings you here today?" You start playing with your hands underneath the table as the nerves begin to truly settle in.
And that's how it all started.
For the past couple of weeks your mood had been brightening significantly. Before, it was hard to get out of bed for the day to attend your classes. It was hard to even pick up your phone and reply to the very few messages you got. Most of them being from Yeri, the only person you'd consider a real-friend who occasionally checked in on you. Yet lately you found yourself hopping out of bed, excited with the prospect of wrapping up your day quickly to head to the library as soon as possible.
You now officially considered the library to be your second home. Instead of working at your desk you could work in the quiet library, surrounded by the smell of books and coffee and most importantly, Seungwan. As the two of you grew more familiar with each other Seungwan seemed to have a paradoxical effect on you.
The way her eyes stared into yours, all her little mannerisms, they would make you struggle to continue speaking coherently. At the same time though, her sitting across from you, quietly humming, made you feel at peace.
You wouldn't mind spending everyday like this, an evening filled with library-talk with Seungwan. It wouldn't hurt to switch it up a little though. So, when Seungwan finally came over to your little nook in the library, you excitedly jumped from your seat.
"Seungwan! How about we go do something fun?" You haven't even put your things down, expecting her to say yes. Instead she decided to tease you a bit first.
"Oh, is this not fun enough for you?" She plasters on an exaggeratedly hurt face and you punch her arm softly.
"You know I don't mean it like that. How about we go somewhere else for once?" You lean closer to her and tug on the sleeve of her cardigan to beg, and she quickly sighs in defeat.
"Let's go to a karaoke place then." She casually suggests. Meanwhile you start to panic, because god what if you embarrassed yourself in front of her?
"Well, uhm! I'm not too sure about that, how about we-"
"You're the one who's begging me to go out, so I'm picking where!" There's a playful tone in her voice as she immediately turns away from you, heading outside the library. You quickly follow her and decide not to worry too much about your singing skills.
When you arrive to the karaoke place and are ushered into your own room with Seungwan, you start to get nervous. She doesn't fail to notice the way your wiped your hands on your thighs as she hands you a microphone.
"Are you nervous?" She asks as she grabs a microphone for herself. She steps over towards you and sits down on the plush couch next to you.
"No. Maybe. Just a little." There's a pause before you admit your true feelings. "Yes, a lot." The both of you laugh at your comment before Seungwan gives you a friendly nudge.
"I won't judge! I promise you, just don't worry about it and we'll have fun tonight." She stands up and selects the first song for the evening.
If you didn't say that what you heard was angelic, you would be the world's biggest liar. You couldn't help but feel like the luckiest person in the world. It was as if an angel held a private concert just for you. Or perhaps, if sirens were real, this would be what they sounded like. Regardless of what you can compare it to, it was a special sound you wanted to treasure forever.
"I'm not sure how I could top that." You laugh after she finishes. She shakes her head before talking to you.
"Who said anything about being on top? Just have fun!" Then she drags you to go over and choose a song to sing.
You're nervous, you really are, but you decide to trust in Seungwan's words and give an honest performance. You pushed away your worries as you tried to enjoy yourself. By the end of the night, her promise came true. The many duets and solos you guys shared strained your throat, but it was a pain that was worth it.
Before the time in your room ran out Seungwan decided on singing one last song. You gave her some cheers as the song started playing, giving her some not needed (but hopefully appreciated) encouragement. After several seconds she finally started singing. Once again you found yourself feeling like you were on cloud nine solely from her voice.
It took a while for you to snap out in the trance-like state you entered, but once you did you truly appreciated the lyrics that your friend was singing.
"Do you think of me when you open your eyes in the morning? So you think of me when you see something nice? Do you laugh alone out of the blue like I do?"
It's a slow song, a soft song, a song filled with love and affection. It felt like her voice was built for something like this. As you listen to the lyrics heat begins to spread on your face. It felt like recently you've been asking the same questions to yourself about a certain person.
"Tell me is this the first time? Have you fallen for me as much as I have fallen for you?"
Maybe it was the intense desire in your heart that was playing tricks on your eyes, but it seemed like Seungwan's eyes kept looking between you and the screen more than usual. That there was a flicker of something within her welcoming brown eyes. Your heart is pounding too fast now. It threatened to beat out of your chest as your heartbeat filled your ears, becoming louder than the music itself.
"I want to know everything, if my heart has grown deeper than yours like a fool."
Certainly those lingering glances meant nothing. You ignore your feelings as you try to calm yourself down. When the song ended your time at the karaoke room was over. You complimented Seungwan before thanking her for her time. After promising each other to go out for karaoke another time, the two of you went your separate ways home satisfied with the fun night out.
When you got home, you pulled out a familiar maroon book before laying on your bed. You never properly checked it out. Mostly because it didn't even seem like a library book, judging by the fact that it had no stamps nor barcodes. You assumed that not many people were picking it up anyways, and so once you had your time with the book you'd carefully place it back where you found it.
It was odd that you wanted to keep the book so much, but that was due to how strangely comforting it was. Every once in a while you would pull it out again, only to admire it and its wordless contents. Besides the first few pages, every illustration had two girls together. Maybe those two girls were just friends, but in your mind you liked to imagine them as lovers. Your favorite illustration of it all was one towards the end. On the final pages there were illustrations of a night sky speckled with stars, the girls looking out to the sea.
You sigh before putting the book down and turning off the light. Closing your eyes you wonder, is that something you'd like to experience?
It's been a couple months now. You've spent a considerable amount of time hanging out with Seungwan, as well as a considerable amount of time gushing about her to Yeri. You never explicitly said you liked her, but you certainly didn't hold back on telling your friend every trait you admired about Seungwan.
These days, you and Seungwan would meet up in the library and sometimes stay there for a calm and quiet experience. Other times the two of you would be more inclined to have fun walking around downtown, going to karaoke, or enjoying the bustling energy of a café while drinking coffee.
Today was one of the days where Seungwan suggested to head over to get some coffee. Of course you agreed, as you decided long ago that anywhere Seungwan went you'd want to go too. Not surprised by your easy yes the two of you head out to your typical coffee place.
While in the middle of sipping on coffee Seungwan turns to the side. She rustles through her handbag to pull out two bracelets. She held onto the one with your name on it, while slightly bringing forward the one bearing her name. You stop drinking your beverage as you took a closer look at the bracelet resting in her hand.
It was a simple bracelet made with a dark string running through some beads. You appreciated the cute minimalism of it all. The beads were blue, and after spelling out her name there was a final bead that had a heart on it. You slowly reach out for the bracelet and wear it, admiring the way it felt and looked on your wrist.
You look at Seungwan's wrist as she also adorns the accessory. After your name was also a bead with a heart, and you can't help but to ask why she suddenly gave you such a gift anyways.
"Well… " She begins to look away, perhaps a bit nervously? When looking back at you she quickly looks back down. Unable to hold eye contact she explains herself anyways. "I thought it'd be a nice way to signify our connection. To keep us tied to each other." There's a moment of silence after she says this. You can't possibly control your heart, your mind, your feelings. Could this mean what you wanted it to mean?
"What kind of connection?"
"Whatever kind you want." The words come out a whisper as Seungwan finally looks back at you. Was this an opening? Did she mean what you thought she meant? You let your hand cautiously approach hers. She doesn't back away and let's you take it.
"Can I kiss you?" Your face is fire-hot as you ask, but now more than ever you wanted to. She leans in, and there was the first kiss you shared.
It was short, but it didn't need to be long. When your lips made contact it gave you a feeling of being weightless, yet at the same time it was enough to ground you into reality. This was it. It was really happening.
It had only been a few short weeks since you and Seungwan started dating. The two of you never said so aloud, but you both knew. She knew by the way you didn't shy to touch and be close with her more than before. You knew by the way she smiled and looked into your eyes. Sometimes when you like someone enough, you don't have to say it to understand.
Today when meeting up at the library Wendy took you out to eat at a nice restaurant. After enjoying dinner together she said she had something important to show you, curiously you followed her as the two of you eventually arrived at the boardwalk.
Since eating dinner took a while, it was now night. The bright white stars speckled the dark blue sky, while the inky black sea reflected the moon and the streetlights. Seungwan takes your hand, casually walking down the boardwalk with you while taking in the sights. You hum while enjoying the feeling of her hand in yours.
"Is this the important thing you wanted to show me?" You ask.
"I just wanted you to appreciate how beautiful the world can be sometimes, how beautiful living is." She says and looks at you. She gives you a smile. The kind of smile that told you that a person was content with life.
At one point Seungwan stops and leans over the railing, staring out to the sea. You lean over the railing right beside her. You spend some time admiring the sea, but you would rather turn and look at Seungwan. As you look at her she's still facing forward. Then she asks you a question you weren't expecting.
"Do I make you happy?" You would like to believe it's a rhetorical question, but she says it with a straight face.
"Of course you do, silly." You reply, scooting closer to her body to warm your own up. She smiles a bit at your answer before looking at you. There's a pause before she continues questioning you.
"Does anything else?"
"I don't know. Anything can be good as long as it's with you." You answer honestly, but Seungwan seems displeased. With a slight frown on her face and a glint of worry in her eyes she begins to hug you.
"I hope one day, Y/N, you realize you aren't alone." She says as she strokes your hair, tightening the embrace between the two of you.
"I won't be as long as I have you." You whisper into the crook of her neck. A moment of silence passes before she sighs and whispers.
"I wish you didn't rely on me so much."
She breaks the embrace and you begin to miss the warmth until she takes your face with her two hands. She looks at you with a longing you never saw before. Her eyes were watery as she gently confessed.
"Because I don't know how much longer we have together." You almost ask her to explain what she meant before she softly placed a kiss on your lips.
You wake up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as you look around your room. Just a moment ago you were by the sea with Seungwan, and now you were back in your room. You flopped in your bed in frustration that you dreamed up a scenario with her. You calmed down though, knowing that you could visit her again later today.
After attending your classes for the day you excitedly made your way to the library. You walked towards the little corner of the library that you and Seungwan always shared, surprised to see that nobody was there. You sat down at the table anyways, opening up your bag and trying to immerse yourself in a book. Your foot tapped and tapped, the words your eyes saw across the page meaning nothing to you. It had only been 10 minutes, but it felt like forever.
Annoyed at her absence, you walked around searching for her, thinking maybe she was hiding and playing a trick on you. You whispered her name as you peeked your head around corners, going up and down in the aisles between selves. Fed up with searching, you went to a familiar librarian and asked if she'd seen Seungwan yet.
"I'm sorry Y/N, but who's Seungwan?" She said with a confused look on her face. You gave her a confused face back, shocked that a woman who had recommended books for the both of you to read, a woman who had watched your blossoming relationship with Seungwan progress, act like she didn't exist. You scoff and laugh it off.
"Sorry for asking." You say in a slightly sarcastic manner and go to pick up your bag. You reckon that Seungwan made her play along with her joke. You'd have to scold her for messing with you so bad later today.
You're bored and you don't know how to spend your time with Seungwan. As you walk down the familiar path, looking out to the sea, you grab your phone and decide to call Yeri.
"Yerim!" You call out as soon as you hear her answer the phone.
"Yeah, what's up Y/N?" She asks you.
"I'm bored and have some time to kill since Seungwan isn't here today. Do you wanna grab something to eat?" There's a silence on her end for a while.
"Sure, where do you wanna meet up?" She asks, but before you can answer she gives you another question. "Also, who's Seungwan? Is this a new friend you made? You should introduce me to them!" Your mouth feels dry all of a sudden and you don't know what to say. You stammer out a response for Yeri.
"Uh, just meet me at the boardwalk. I'll be waiting here." Before Yeri can say anything else you end the call. You bite your tongue in frustration. Did Seungwan make Yeri play in on this too? Despite all the reasoning you tried to do, a deep, unsettling feeling took over your entire body.
When Yeri arrived, you smiled and went about your day with her. Throughout the day Yeri noticed that something was off about you. You kept zoning out and were unable to really hold a conversation. As frustrated as she was with your lack of engagement, she figured you were working through things and didn't question you about it. Later that night she dropped you off at your place and you thanked her. You went back to your room, allowing yourself to putt all your weight on your bed as you stared at the ceiling.
The tears you had been holding all day finally broke through. The hot and salty tears streamed down your face uncontrollably. Had this all just been a cruel joke from your mind? Was it just a dream that lasted too long? Maybe, just maybe, the voice screaming in the back of your head was right the entire time. Seungwan was just too good to be true.
You decide to pull out a book from your nightstand, the book that you found within the bookshelves the day you met her. Thankfully the book was there. Perhaps your memory didn't fail you entirely. When you opened it to the first page though, you were shocked to see nothing. Frantically, you scanned through all the other pages only to see them in the same state. You wanted to question it, but considering what happened earlier today you just couldn't.
All you could do now was cry. Nothing made sense to you. What happened to the person you just kissed mere hours ago? The person who made living bearable again?
Afraid of getting the book wet, you quickly close it and put it away. You raise your hand up to your face as you sniffle. Wiping away the waterfall coming from your eyes, you feel the soft scratches of a string and bead. You pull away to see the bracelet you so distinctly remember putting on snuggly fitting on your wrist. Nothing made sense and you could only come to one conclusion.
She was gone, but not gone from your memory.
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jancmalandra · 4 years
Moominpapa Steps Up
On going home in style
When he awoke Thursday morning, Moominpapa decided to do his best not to worry about Friday, which was when Moominmama, Snork Maiden, and Little My were hopefully returning. Thanks to him guiding everyone's efforts all week, Moominhouse was spotless, Moominmama's vegetable garden was in superb shape and everyone was well fed. He had laid out the plan for the welcome home party on Friday, and everyone was ready to spring into action once the three women returned. He really had done all he could. He also knew that Moominmama would forgive him. Their love had withstood every test that time and chance had thrown at them, and this time it would be no different.
He announced a day off from chores at breakfast. He encouraged Moomintroll, Snufkin, Tayberry, and Moomin to focus on preparing a welcome for the three women when they arrived on Friday.
"Nothing too big or showy is necessary," he said, "I'm going to give Moominmama a bouquet of flowers from her flower garden, so please don't do that. You must try to think of some small way that you can show them how much you love them."
That evening, Moominpapa, Moomintroll, Snufkin and the children gathered in the parlor after dinner as usual to hear the last part of Moominpapa's story of his adventures just before he met Moominmama. This time they had milk and Moomintroll's chocolate chip cookies as they enjoyed the story.
"By my fourth year in New York City, I had become truly handy at leading the Hemulen Police and the other city gang members astray so that the Mumriks' operations could go on unimpeded. In my own mind at the time, I thought I had become a truly notorious figure in the underworld. The truth was I was more of a colorful nuisance both to the police and the crime lords. The important thing was that I was a truly valued member of the Mumrik gang. Aunt Jane continued her relentless pursuit of me, but she was no longer any match for me due to the knowledge of the city streets I had gained. I thought that I was truly at the peak of my adventuring career, but by the end of April of that year, I was being overwhelmed by feelings of sadness and being out of place."
"Frederick had become my closest friend in the city. We would meet in secret regularly so that I could update him on my life in the rougher parts of town. He really enjoyed the way that I told my stories. He often encouraged me to become a writer, and I decided to take his advice. I knew that it would be impossible for me to do that in New York City. I needed much more peaceful and serene surroundings. I also knew that I needed to confide my feelings to him and get his advice."
" 'You're homesick, my dear boy!', said Frederick, 'You need to return to your colony in Moominland as soon as possible! Now, I won't hear of you setting out in your homemade sailboat! You deserve a truly grand trip home, and I know just the way to do it!' "
"Moomin's Finest Clothing promoted itself to the world's richest beasts by providing entertainment of a sort on grand luxury cruises on the finest ocean liners. Aunt Jane would send her top fashion designer along with their latest seasonal fashion line and a squadron of models to wear it on the biggest cruises headed for Europe each season. The next cruise was set to happen in early June. Frederick's plan was to have me take the place of the fashion designer and direct the daily fashion shows that would be taking place on board the ship. He spent all of May drilling me in the art of fashion and teaching me how to wear high fashion clothing."
"The designer was a Moomin named Francois, and a more unbearably pretentious and snobbish person would be hard to imagine (at this, Snufkin and Moomintroll both smiled knowingly at each other and suppressed giggling fits, remembering their encounter with Rudolpho in Calais during their first trip South together). I really hate to admit this, but I could have passed for his identical twin brother! Frederick made me Francois' assistant during May as he prepared for the cruise as part of my training. I learned Francois' mannerisms and way of speaking as I learned everything I could about how fashion shows were run, so that everyone involved would believe that I was him when I took his place."
"The real test of my acting abilities came somewhat unexpectedly when Aunt Jane made a surprise inspection of the fashion show on the Monday of the week before we were to board the cruise ship. I was guiding the models' walking routine down the runway and testing the lights and the sound system at the same time. Aunt Jane seemed to appear from out of nowhere right behind me, and it took all of my self-control not to jump out of my skin in fright when she began interrogating me!"
" 'So, will you be ready in time for the cruise, Francois?', Aunt Jane asked pointedly, with her usual severely judgemental and suspicious look on her face."
" 'But of course we will, madame!', I said, imitating Francois' phony French accent and elaborate hand gestures perfectly. Suddenly, I caught sight of Francois heading towards Aunt Jane at top speed and an absolutely fiendish plan formed in my head."
" 'Here is the assistant that your husband so kindly made available to me!', I said, indicating Francois, 'I still don't know his name, but he has proven invaluable to me! You should really thank him for how fast we got everything ready! As an added bonus, he's awfully good looking. It's like looking into a mirror!' "
"Aunt Jane's eyes narrowed as she looked closely at Francois. She turned to look at me, and then back at Francois, and then her face turned red with fury. She had come to exactly the conclusion that I had hoped she would."
" 'Moomin!', she bellowed at Francois at the top of her lungs, 'I can guess what you're trying to get away with here, young man, but I have caught up to you at last and stopped you just in time! How dare you try to ruin my fashion show, and get out of the country on my payroll into the bargain! You're coming home with me immediately! Don't try to get away!' "
"She immediately went to grab Francois' arm. But, he had clearly seen that he was in a great deal of peril from her and that there would be no reasoning with her. He pulled his arm away and made a desperate run for the nearest exit with Aunt Jane in hot pursuit. That would be the last that I would see of Aunt Jane until she tracked me down to Moominvalley many, many years later in an attempt to put me in charge of her fortune."
"Frederick saw me off on the day the cruise ship departed New York City. I had packed up all my treasured belongings from my two years at sea with the Hattifatteners and my time in New York City. I left my handmade sailboat where I had hidden it in the hope that some future adventurer would find it. It was a very emotional moment for both of us. Just like Hodgkins and Colonel Higgins before him, he had become a real father to me. We hardly dared to say anything other than goodbye to each other for fear that one or the other of us would change our minds. But, we both knew that I really belonged back in Moominland, so we hugged each other for the last time and I went aboard the ship."
"The cruise was another wonderful experience for me. I got to show off my acting abilities every day in front of an eager audience. I ate exquisite food and slept in a luxurious state room every night. I won Moomin's Finest Clothing a number of new wealthy clients. The company of models and stage hands and I became good friends. When we finally made port at the Autarch's estate, they helped me leave the ship in disguise. After that, it was a short trip back to my colony and Moominhouse. The ghost and the other residents of the colony had all missed me terribly and the Autarch himself saw my return as an opportunity to throw another grand party in his Garden Of Surprises. Well, you all know the rest of the story. It wasn't long after that that I rescued Mama from the sea during that fateful storm and building a family with her became the greatest adventure of my life."
Moomintroll, Snufkin, Tayberry, and Moomin all applauded Moominpapa's story. Then, they each hugged him in turn and reassured him individually that everything would be all right on Friday and that they would all be there to support him. Everyone went to bed, and they were all able to sleep soundly.
To Be Continued
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harddrivetrash · 4 years
Methods for Creating Robust RPG Characters From an Actor’s Perspective
I know I don’t post a lot at all, but I’m trying to be better about that. So instead of empty promises and some Assassin’s Creed screenshots, here’s some Real Content! This one’s for all you RPG’ers who might want some advice on character writing. Hope you enjoy it.
For context, I am an actor in Northern California with professional training and seven years of theatre experience. I’m in college currently pursuing a theatre degree. I have been running rpgs for about a year now, and I am the forever game master (GM) for my gaming group.  With that in mind, know that the suggestions in this article come from a place of strong knowledge and love for the art of theatre, and from personal experiences, both onstage and at the gaming table. I have a lot of particular thoughts regarding aesthetic philosophy, specifically as it relates to acting and theatre art, but I’ll try to keep those to a minimum.
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1. Start With Your Gameplay Vision
This method focuses on the player’s gameplay preferences first and builds the personality to accommodate that. What do you want this character to be like in a social situation? Do you want a suave talker who can charm his way into trouble and then bluff his way right out of it? Or do you want to be the quiet, brooding type who lets her allies talk things out whilst backing them up by looking intimidating? Similarly, consider how you want to approach combat. Whether you’re a guns-a-blazin’ type player or a stealthy assassin doesn’t matter; the most important part is making that concrete decision and then creating a reason for it.
For example, if you want your character to be a gunslinging, animal-taming bard, decide why they fight that way. Why do they like guns, and how did they learn to shoot? When did they discover their love of animals, and when did they practice the skills which enabled them to tame creatures? With each additional answer, keep adding to the backstory and make sure that everything you add to it stays consistent with its ability to facilitate your gameplay preferences.Keep asking and answering these kinds of introspective questions about your character until you feel comfortable with that creation.
I recommend this method for beginning players and game masters because it allows one to write up a character based on something you’re already excited about. I’ve found that this method works especially well for Dungeons and Dragons, but it’s a perfectly effective method for other, more role-play focused games like Call of Cthulhu or Vampire: the Masquerade. 
The beauty of creating a character this way is the simplicity; the player only needs to consider whether or not every added detail to the character’s personality and backstory is consistent with their desired playstyle. There is no need to worry (too much) about the lore of the game world. The biggest drawback, however, is that this method encourages players to think about actual play in a much more meta-minded manner, as opposed to focusing primarily on immersion and role-play, especially for new players. You might find that you or your players will only play this character so far as to create an opportunity to roll dice. This is totally okay, by the way; there is nothing wrong with hungering for a good dice roll. It’s just something to keep in mind.
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2. Find an Environmental Anchor
You may find the previous method to be too basic or meta or for whatever reason not your desired method for character creation; that’s fine! Sometimes when you start a new character, you don’t have the slightest idea about what you want to do in combat or maybe you don’t want to build a character based on class or combat role. No matter what, this method is totally focused on immersion into the game world and nothing else. 
First, speak to your GM about the setting and theme of the game. Try to get as much information as you can about the world and its lore, and then pick something you like as an anchor. For example, if there is a rugged mountain range in a high fantasy setting that you like the concept of, consider making a connection to it with the information you have; is your character from there? Do they want to go there? Did something happen to them whilst travelling through the mountains? Whatever it is, define a clear connection to that place (assuming it works with your game master’s world and lore, of course) and then work from there, asking “why” and “how” along the way to smooth out those rougher details.
Environmental anchors don’t even need to be related to the geography, either! For example, if you’re playing a sci-fi setting where your character lives on a colonial planet, find out what that culture is like. Why is there a colony? What government funded the development of this colony? How do people feel about their leaders and what do they do about those feelings? Acquire any and all information about the people and their culture as you can (assuming your GM shares that with you) and then consider how you want your character to exist in that context. If it’s a religious society, define whether or not your character is religious and how they feel about religion. Do they follow the same religion as everyone else? How has religion affected them in the past? These kinds of questions help you to define how your character acts and feels in the context of the game world without focusing on the different aspects of gameplay or game balance. You’ll definitely find your fighting style along the way, don’t worry.
The biggest downside to using this method as a player is that you need to bug your GM a lot. Chances are they’ll be more than happy to help, especially if they’ve built the entire game world from scratch. But remember, depending on the person, you might not get a lot of information because it’s all an elaborate secret, or they might just not have that information available for you. However, the silver lining is that in asking your game master specific questions about the world, their creative wheels start to turn as they ponder these questions. I’ve found that this usually leads to the GM creating a far more robust and detailed land than they would have done otherwise. In any case, be kind and patient with your questions.
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3. Define Personality Traits
Maybe you’re an experienced player and want to try a different method of character creation, or maybe you’re a new player who wants to focus on role-playing a particular archetype, but you have yet to define their more nuanced personality traits. This method is perfect for building a personality, and then writing your backstory to accommodate that. 
Like the other two methods listed here, the most important thing is to decide on a concrete center for your character concept, regardless of what it is. If you want to play a character who is a brave and honorable warrior, start with that. Why do they value bravery and honor? Was it ingrained in them during childhood or did they learn those values later in life? Just those two questions can give you a lot of creative room with which to work. Keep asking questions about the reasons for your character’s attitudes and the way they react in different situations. 
I personally use this method a lot in conjunction with finding an environmental anchor. You don’t have to, but if you choose not to create a character who is tightly tied to the game world in some way, you run the risk of creating a character in a contextual vacuum. I’ll expand more on this idea at a later date, but the key thing to remember is that people, and by extension characters, do not exist in a vacuum. There is always a social and an environmental context which affects how your character develops. Once you’ve used this method to come up with a good personality for your character, be sure to work with your GM to implement them into their game world as smoothly as possible before play begins.
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4. Assist Your Players
This one is for all the game masters out there. I find that it is incredibly helpful and important to assist players in character creation, especially if they are struggling. Asking your players questions and providing suggestions which they themselves may not have thought of goes a long way in helping them develop a character with some real depth. In my experience, this collaboration also helps immensely with prompting players to create more intriguing backstories.
Communication is incredibly important (again, I plan to elaborate on this subject in a future post) and as a GM, character creation goes a lot smoother when you inform your players about the setting as soon as possible. Keep them updated as things change in your planning so they can change their ideas in time, if need be. 
The biggest pitfall with this method for both players and game masters is the risk of allowing the player's creation to become the GM's creation. Too many suggestions for backstory plot points or personality traits can smother the player's creativity and lead them to play a character which actually isn't their own creation, and they might not be happy about that. 
Personally, I like giving my players as much agency as possible, so i tend to keep my suggestions to a minimum and focus on asking my players questions about their character. However, if your players enjoy taking your suggestions and everyone's having fun, you don't need to worry. 
One Last Thing…
Remember that your character, especially if you’re a player, is your vessel through whom you may freely express yourself. Stay true to whatever your vision is and create something that you actually enjoy, even if it takes a little bit more time than you’d expect. Playing tabletop games is about having fun and sharing a narrative experience. Don’t worry too much about if your character is “right” or “interesting enough” or “different enough” from your own real personality; that stuff doesn’t matter. As long as you’re all having fun, you’re doing it right. 
Be kind to each other and stay healthy.
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New follower here! :D I love your work! As for a request? I was wondering how Zenyatta, McCree, Reaper, Soldier, and Mercy would be with an artist s/o. They're super shy and don't show off their work often but one day s/o decides to show their partner a drawing they did of them? I hope you have a lovely day/night~!
This is me if anyone wants to date
I’m also pretty sure I’ve done a piece like this in the past? If I find it (probably on my Wattpad because that’s easier to maneuver than Tumblr), I’ll link it!
Sorry for the long wait; school and all. Welcome to the blog (sorry again for the inactivity
Like what I do? Leave me a tip!
You drew him while he was working in the sanctuary
It’s a picture from your perspective at one of the smaller of the mismatched dining tables
Zen is helping a group of children gather plates of food, either to eat themselves or to carry back to their families
It takes you a while to decide that you’re going to show him the piece, being shy about your work and all
After a long day of work, Zenyatta comes to you with the notion that he sometimes feels like he’s not doing enough
Even some days the brightest light can dim sometimes and Zenyatta is no exception
It’s then that you decide to buck up and show him your work, hoping to prove to him that his notion is wrong
You don’t expect a whole lot in response but are quickly proven wrong
Zenyatta is touched to point where, if he was human, he’d probably tear up
Not only by the meaning of you showing him but by the fact that you care enough about him to show him your work despite your shyness
He’s also greatly impressed by your work, and tells you so
He wants to keep the piece as a keepsake, to remind him that his work matters even during darker days
If you let him take it, he keeps it pinned to his room’s wall, above his personal indoor meditation area
Traveling, he packs the piece up and carries it as a keepsake
The piece you drew was of Jesse cleaning his Peacekeeper after getting home from a long mission
It was just a soft, quiet moment and the lighting was great; you couldn’t help yourself
He probably noticed you drawing him not long after you started, resulting in him flashing crooked smiles and locking eyes with you whenever you looked over at him
He also probably finished cleaning his gun before you were done drawing but made the executive decision to keep pretending do so, so you didn’t lose your muse
When you’re pleased with the finished product, you relax
Only to see your gentle cowman trying to peek over despite being on the far side of the room
Of course, he always respects your wishes and never presses if you choose not to show your work
That doesn’t mean, however, he won’t give you puppy eyes every time to try and convince you to do so
This time, you just so happen to be in a good enough mood to not mind, not to mention he’s been practically watching you the entire time when not trying to be your muse
When you get up to show him, he’s very excited
He’s your biggest fan, regardless of how often he gets to see your work
He just loves experiencing what makes you happy with you
Loses his damn mind when he sees the work you did
Genuinely impressed with and excited about your work
He’s just Like That
Wants to hang it somewhere in the house if you’re alright with it
Will definitely try to keep it whether you want him to or not
If you try to take it from him, it will probably result in a wild goose chase around the house
Even if you manage to get it back from him, the next day it will probably end up framed in the living room
The piece is of Reaper working in his office late at night
He’s still wearing his uniform and hard at work doing paperwork
You’re tired, bored, and, unless you have a tablet or sketchbook on you, are probably doodling said piece on a napkin or the back of scratch paper
You’re sharing his desk and kinda sleepy, so Gabe’s able to catch a glance of what you’re on occasion
During this time, Gabe has probably suggested once or twice you going home instead of staying up until ungodly hours with him, to no avail
Your sleepiness is what gives you the courage to show him your art
Which he is in awe of, but also flustered by
There’s a very clear sentiment to your work, with the fact that you decided to draw him at all and even decided to show him
Considers better than any photo that has been taken of him, especially in his Reaper uniform
He asks if he can keep it, and if you, in your sleep-induced haze, allow him to, he keeps the original piece hidden away in his desk for when he’s having a day that’s rougher than usual
Lowkey wants to pay you for your efforts and thinks it’s not fair that he gets to have your work without you getting anything in return
But that’s something he’ll talk with you about when you’re not half-asleep
If you let him, Gabe will make a blown up copy of it and use it as his official Talon image
Soldier 76
You thought it would be funny to draw the grumpy, hardworking man in a cute, cartoon-y style
In the image, Jack’s in his uniform and poised to fire at an enemy off the page, very serious despite his current cute stature
You think the finished product is amusing enough to show him
You just kind of track him down, push your piece into his face, and ask him what he thinks
Of course, he loves your art and as someone who doesn’t draw immensely well unless it’s battle plans, he’s impressed
“Why is my head so large and why are my arms and legs so tiny?”
When you tell him you thought it’d be fun to draw his grumpy self in a contrasting cute state, a teasing argument breaks out on whether or not he’s actually that grumpy
Mister Soldier “I’m not grumpy; everyone’s just stupid” (AKA “I’m an old man” 76 everybody
Once that settles, he asks if you’re giving it to him or not
If so, he’ll take it and keep it on his at-home office desk
If you prefer to keep it, he tells you that’s fine, compliments your work, and then gives you a smooch on the forehead
If neither of you are busy, you’ll probably hang out and snuggle for a bit too, until Jack’s inevitable workaholic tendencies creep up
Then it’s time to do everything in your power to convince him not to do the thing and stay for more cuddles instead
You drew her while the two of you were lounging around on one of her few days off
She’s curled up in the cozy armchair next to the couch, wrapped in a blanket and wearing comfy clothes that she doesn’t usually get to wear
Reading one book from the several stacks of miscellaneous reading materials that sit on almost every flat surface in her humble home
If she wasn’t a literal goddess, you’d probably consider her a goblin among her hoard
Although, a dragon would make sense too
Yes, and dragons are prettier too
Angela’s definitely a beautiful, intimidating, take-no-shit, dragon with a book-hoarding problem
After your weird self-debate, you chuckle and make a mental note to draw your girlfriend as a dragon at some point
Your little giggle catches said girlfriend’s attention and she gives you a questioning quirked-brow and small smile look over the brim of her book’s cover
It’s a quiet moment and neither of you really want to break the silence fully, so you just smile back and shake your head a bit before turning your piece to give her a quick peak
To which Angela’s response is to break the silence and tell you that it’s gorgeous
She also adds that you were probably weren’t laughing at that, then asks if she can see the piece properly
You hand it to her after she saves her place in her book
You get to watch her marvel at it a bit, gently running her fingers over the lines, before telling her about your dragon idea
Angela cackles and warns that you better make her a pretty dragon, to which you promise you will
She mentions that she’d love to see that piece when you’re done as well
Now it’s up to you to chase your shyness away for long enough to show her
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