#trump's cucks
realhankmccoy · 5 months
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Not surprising. America is full of people who treat you this way. I still don't tell my orientation to most people because I know how awful most people are. They know better, the information is at their fingertips -- but they don't care, and they will vote Republican to hurt you more. Anyone who would treat you that way is godawful. You're born this way.
I guess Americans were just spoiled to think they're better than everyone based on body type -- the same sort of think Trump's cuck truly believes in, always using it for its advantage just as Trump always does, always thinking its its right to use it to its advantage because it's 'the real victim' just as Trump always does -- so they leave those kind of comments.
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republikkkanorcs · 3 months
Bathmophobia, fear of stairs and slopes. It’s why he desperately holds someone’s hand on stairs, inclines, or ramps where he needs a general’s arm.
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rejectingrepublicans · 3 months
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
I just learned that Trump said he would be open to serving as Speaker of the House????? No????? I didn't realize that's a thing you can do????? 😭😭😭 can anyone become the Speaker?????????
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jethroq · 3 months
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idk how many of you follow twitter drama, but this was posted by Matt Taibbi, the journalist who attached himself like a remora to Musk and was in charge of the ”twitter files”, the qttempt to drum up controvercy of twitter’s old administration’s supposed anti-conservative bias.
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senatortedcruz · 2 years
Literally why was the Patriot’s administration so close with Donald Trump lol?
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tehjleck · 11 months
maybe someone should tell the GQP that if TFG could do no wrong / break no laws while he was president - the same would apply to the *current* president who is actually president. So all the talk of charges against 46 is moot because he's president and by gqp logic - acting presidents are above the law.
ah, but then they'll say, he won't always be president and when our guy gets back in, we'll go after yours...
but that'd be checkmate, gqp - you just admitted that a former president *IS* subject to the law and Donnie diapers is fucked.
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realhankmccoy · 8 months
It is important for Trump's cucks to destroy or alter the meaning of Jesus's words so that
Trump looks better for not going to church
A simple straw man enemy (belief in a fictional God) is generated to distract from real problems like income inequality, climate change, and marginalised minority groups
'The sky's the limit on money and power' is what they personally hope for for themselves, even though they will never have a small sliver of Elon's money or power.
The New Testament quotes Jesus as saying in Luke 18:25 that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" (Jesus and the rich young man).
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schooltrashers · 11 months
Woke-Man's Message To Destiny
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
what's been particularly vile to me is this group of white online leftists who insist that anyone who cares about more than this one issue for the election is a bad person, like, as if us black and brown people are making up reasons to be afraid and not.....believing the gop when they say they are coming for us. believing trump who has said previously that he does not bluff, that he will do the things he's said he will do (i hate what social media has gone to the word gaslighting but it feels like gaslighting. we lived through four years of trump. we saw the damage. stop treating us like we're being dramatic). it must be great to not have to worry about that i guess? "life won't change under trump" is such a telling admission because maybe theirs won't but mine will. and so many others' will.
and it is often again these (white) online leftists that love to call anyone who disagrees with them a white liberal (derogatory) because they know it would be racist (bad) to be this shitty and condescending to poc but they don't want to actually listen to anything black and brown voters are saying. it's easier to just call us white liberals and throw our opinions out, to ignore the work of black people for decades to gain the right to vote, to disregard the weight of telling them to not do that. it's genuinely appalling. they care so much about racism until it's time to engage with poc who have different opinions than their online echo chambers, then we're just stupid liberals with terrible opinions like..... wanting to live. not wanting four more years of trump. so sorry for that.
sorry for this vent in your inbox, i'm just so fucking tired of white people trying to rewrite history as if trump wasn't that bad. he was for my family and countless others and i am terrified for what's to come if he wins.
The thing about (the often-white) Online Leftists is that they have become just as much as a radicalized death cult as the diehard Trumpists. If you don't want to die for The Revolution and/or sacrifice your life, friends, family, the rest of the country, etc., then you're Insufficiently Pure and must be Purged. (Which I think is just complete BS, as none of them could actually handle sacrificing anything, but it's increasingly the only kind of performative rhetoric that is acceptable in leftist-identified discourse spaces.) This is functionally identical to "if you aren't willing to lay down your life for our Lord and Savior Donald Trump and the Great White Christian Nationalist Dictatorship, you're a liberal cuck," but with the names and justification changed. It doesn't change the underlying radicalization, nihilism, and insanity of the premise.
Another thing the Trumpists and the Online Leftists have in common is that they are busily rewriting just how bad Trump was in order to serve their Ideology. Ever since January 6, 2021, the Republicans have thrown everything they have at revising and whitewashing any suggestion that it was an "insurrection," and the Online Leftists have done the same, in an attempt to "prove" their insane point that Trump "would be better" than Biden. This is embodied in the recent ultimate-brainworm-nonsense maximalist-online take that "Biden has to lose so the rest of the world will see that the US rejects genocide!!!" That's right, the message that the rest of the world would take from Biden losing to Trump is that the US rejects genocide. Never mind if Trump literally wants to commit all the genocide possible and to install himself as a fascist theocratic dictator. In the deeply twisted minds of the Online Leftists, this is the only possible interpretation of Biden's loss, so they'll push for it as hard as they can! The Trumpists and the Online Leftists, at this point, are working pretty much in concert to damage Biden for similar insane reasons and get Trump elected. Etc etc., one Nazi and ten people at the same table is eleven Nazis.
Like. Sure. Four years ago, when Trump was president and people were dying by the thousands because he didn't want to wear a mask because it smeared his bronzer, just to name literally one of the terrible things he did every single day (and not even mentioning how much worse a second term would be) we were absolutely better off. Super-duper great. (Sarcasm.) Either that or "there is suffering and evil in the world and the only solution is to drastically increase the suffering and evil for everyone and to destroy what progress we have managed to make because It Does Not Fix Everything Now" is an absolute moral imperative, and either way, yeah. I'm calling bullshit.
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mariacallous · 1 month
You actually need to be informed. 1982, Biden stood out as the only senator defending the Lebanese War: “The senator — Biden — said he would go even further than Israel, adding that he’d forcefully fend off anyone who sought to invade his country, even if that meant killing women or children,” writes the Times of Israel.
Israeli PM Begin reportedly said he “disassociated” himself from Biden’s comments.
“I said to him: No, sir; attention must be paid. According to our values, it is forbidden to hurt women and children, even in war. … Sometimes there are casualties among the civilian population as well. But it is forbidden to aspire to this. This is a yardstick of human civilization, not to hurt civilians,”
Biden has been more genocidal Zionist than anyone else, for longer than anyone else. More than anyone in the US govt. More than many in the Israeli govt!
This is BIDEN'S GENOCIDE. Genocide Joe will not be known for anything else.
He is breaking multiple US laws to further this genocide. Many presidents before him have held Israel back from this kind of destruction. He absolutely had every ability to stop it, and still easily does.
He will lose this election dramatically for the one and only reason that he thought doing genocide was more important than "protecting America from trump"
Democrats and Republicans do whatever the corporations need to take your freedoms away. Biden said he'd sign the fucking tiktok ban!! But even if democrats were marginally better on a couple issues and it wasn't just aesthetics. You still couldn't get me to vote for someone who is singlehandledly able to stop a genocide and won't.
And frankly, if you are willing to vote for someone who is currently *giving the weapons being used to commit genocide* then you have no fucking moral standards. And for that very reason, *guilting people into voting for someone committing genocide will not work.* sorry that is just not how guilt works lmao. You have to have some moral standards in order to feel it.
If you gave a shit about humanity, instead of pressuring voters into voting biden again, you would be using the massive political momentum behind #FreePalestine to fucking pressure biden into being a less-genocidal candidate, if hes so reasonable. Or pressure the DNC to pick someone else! They could so easily do that! Why didn't they do that?!?
The Democrats obviously do not care that much about winning. If they don't think protecting your rights are important enough to stop giving weapons to do a genocide, do you really think they give a shit about them at all?
The Democrats could have made Roe v Wade a law. Why didn't they? Why did they just wait? Oh, I know! It's so they can say "vote for me or you'll lose your abortions!!" Its fucking blackmail. "Trump" is just the democrats saying "we will do nothing for you. We will commit genocide. Vote for us anyway, cucks." Trump is their blank fucking check. And you are content to hand over that cash in perpetuity.
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thehalfwaypost · 9 months
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db-1986 · 4 months
Awe. Little cuck couldn't handle being told they were wrong. @designchic75 what's wrong? Don't like being shown you are wrong? Trump has never had the popular vote.
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Love when little bitches have to fire off a message and immediately block the person so they don't have their bullshit refuted.
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fipindustries · 3 months
the slimy little cuck bent the knee, rest in piss
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