#trish wellington
dirtbagdefender · 1 year
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aprilfooledyou · 1 year
For anyone who actually remembers the show Harper’s Island.
I was OBSESSED when this first came out and I’ve rewatched it so many times.
Well I had my boyfriend watch it since he’s never seen it and can someone tell me why on the FIRST episode did he guess the killer? Like he wasn’t sure but he goes “well he’d be a real plot twist, you just wouldn’t expect it” and now I am MAD. So I’m just waiting to get to the episode where Henry is revealed and I just know he is going to be so proud of himself and it just hurts my soul since I would have never guessed it was Henry when the show first aired.
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sunnyie-eve · 9 months
Devastated || 10. Register
Paring: (Christopher "Sully" Sullivan x Original Female Character Mance!)
Word Count: 2067
Warnings: slight language, death mention, betrayed
Last: Appearance | Next: Motive
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Back in the main area, Jennifer thinks about her other brother she has no clue who he is. "You okay?" Danny asks her.
"He said it's part of their plan." She tells them.
"Their? He has an accomplice?" Sully asks.
"My other brother... he found him and they are bonding, making up lost time." She tells them.
"So there's someone else on this island we don't know about helping him?!" Danny panics.
"We have him locked up. No one we don't know is getting past us to help him get out." Sully tells them.
"What if-," Sully cuts Jen off.
"He's not getting out. And if he wants you he's gotta go through me first." He rubs her shoulders.
"He killed Shane, Sully for helping us girls. He strung him up over an oar... He'll kill you too." Her eyes get watery.
"If so at least it's me trying to help you." He kisses her forehead.
"Hate to ruin the moment but it's funny seeing you two like this. All lovey-dovey." Danny motions between the two.
"I don't care. Now, I'm going to see if I can fix this broken radio."
Abby arrives back at the station with Shea and Madison. Madison talks to Sully as he examines the broken radio, revealing he has knowledge of the inner workings of a radio.
"You just need a new one, I think." Madison tells him so he stops giving her a look trying not to snap at her.
"She's a child..." Jennifer puts an arm around his waist, "But there's gotta be another one somewhere on this island. There has to be." Jennifer looks at the broken one.
"If so it should shoot a beacon of light out of it so we know where it is." He looks at her.
Henry arrives moments later, announcing that Trish and Jimmy have disappeared. Shea mentions Jimmy's criminal record in the attic, causing everyone to suspect him.
"It's not him. Wakefield just told me about my other brother." Jennifer tells the others as Madison says Wakefield wanted to talk to Abby.
Sully reviews Jimmy's run-ins with Wakefield, each time surviving, and Danny suggests the head spade trap could have been set by a fisherman. Shea asks why, and Henry suggests he had been angered by Abby leaving seven years ago. Sully continues on to suggest that he had partnered with Wakefield.
"Please, guys. Just trust me; it's not Jimmy. I know that because my gut tells me." She says as Henry readies to find Trish and Jimmy enters, telling them that she fell at the bluffs.
Jimmy runs to gather supplies to rescue Trish and Henry grabs his rifle. Jimmy pleads for everyone to help Trish as they suspect him. Henry attacks Jimmy, suggesting he killed Trish, and Jimmy continues to plead for them to save her.
"Stop it!" Jennifer gets in front of Henry pushing him back. "It's not him!" She shouts at him.
"You're going to believe what Wakefield tells you?" Henry asks.
"Yes, because why would he lie to me about my other brother? He said he hasn't killed Jimmy because it's to mess with Abby and me and it makes him look suspicious to you guys." She moves to go over to Jimmy. "You aren't touching my brother." She glares at them and Henry huffs.
Abby, Jimmy, Henry, Jennifer, and Sully leave going to the bluffs and calling out for Trish. Jimmy readies the rope to climb down, and Henry suggests Jimmy pushed her off the edge.
At the bottom of the bluffs, Henry and Sully aim their guns at Jimmy, not finding Trish anywhere. Abby and Jennifer both step in front of their rifles, attempting to convince them Jimmy is innocent.
As tensions mount, Trish appears at the top of a bluff nearby. They all run to Trish, and she explains how she fell, before mentioning that she discovered a radio nearby.
Jennifer punches Sully in the chest before they follow Trish to the radio. Jimmy attempts to signal the coast guard using an emergency band. When he fails, Sully takes over attempting to fix the radio.
Sully manages to reach the Seattle coast guard, and Trish explains the situation to them. The coast guard tells her they'll be there in less than four hours, and to have someone stay by the radio.
Sully volunteers to stay with the radio, so Jennifer says she'll stay too. Henry agrees to take Trish to the Candlewick Inn for some dry clothes, and Abby decides to return to the Sheriff's Station with Jimmy.
"You're gonna regret it when Jimmy is cleared." Jennifer tells him as they were alone.
"You can't be too trusting Jen. You haven't known Jimmy for seven years. He could have snapped." He tries to explain to her.
"I know my brother and it's not him and why would Wakefield lie to me? Jimmy isn't his other kid because my dad hates I wasn't his like Jimmy was. Why can't you just trust me?" She takes his hands into hers.
"I'm scared, Jen. And I don't know who to trust. The only person I can clear is you." He tells her.
"If you love me and mean it... you'll trust me." She tells him.
"I do..."
"Then trust me, please." She begs him so he kisses her.
"Okay, I'll trust you."
"Thank you." She kisses him back.
After some time Shea and Madison arrive and informs them that Wakefield has escaped, "We think someone's helping him." Shea tells them.
"Yes, but it's not Jimmy. He never went in the back to see him in the cell so he couldn't have helped him get out." Jennifer says and looks back at Sully.
"Yeah, he's with Abby. They sent us here to find you." Shea agrees.
Sully asks about Danny, and Shea informs him that Danny fought off Wakefield to help them escape. Sully radios the coast guard again, informing them about Wakefield, and is enraged when they tell him they haven't left yet.
Sully notes the boat hanging in the boat house and decides to use it to leave. He tries to talk Jennifer into joining Shea and Madison on the boat but she refuses to go with them.
"I'm not leaving you here alone! I'm not leaving Abby, Jimmy, or Henry either! Plus, Trish is still out there." She fights him as he tries to get her to get on. "NO! I'm staying with you!" She yells.
"Fine!" He gives in as Shea heads off with Madison. "You're stupid." He tells her.
"I know, but I'm not leaving you here. We've known each other for fourteen years, and for eleven of them, you've been trying to get me... now you got me, and I'm not leaving you." She kisses him, "Let's get back to the boat house in case the others go back there. We can also let the coast guards know about Madison and Shea."
Sully radios the coast guard again, informing them of Shea and Madison's boat as Jennifer leans on his back with her arms wrapped around his shoulders as he sits at the radio and neither of them hear Henry enter.
"When the hell are you guys getting here?" Sully asks.
"I'll get back to you in a second with an ETA. Over."
"Yeah, thanks. Take your time." He puts the walkie down, "You should have gone with them." Sully sighs as Henry stays quiet walking to them slowly.
"Maybe but I wasn't leaving your side." She kisses his shoulder as Henry makes the floorboard squeak causing them to jump.
"Henry. Damn it. You scared the hell out of me. Man am I glad to see you." They huh each other.
"Did I hear right? Shea and Madison got off the island?"
"Yeah. Wakefield escape and I had to make sure they were safe. I tried to get Jennifer to go but she wouldn't go with them." Sully tells him.
"Why didn't you go with them?" Henry asks as Jennifer watches him. She hasn't exactly cared for him since he wanted to kill Jimmy. Yeah, Sully did the same but it was different and she couldn't explain it.
"And leave you?" Sully tells him.
"I...I'm impressed. Seriously. That is quite possibly the stupidest thing you've ever done."
Sully talks to the coast guard, while Jennifee watches Henry out of the corner of her eye messing with Sully's gun. Sully agrees to meet their helicopter at the marina in forty-five minutes.
"Jen, why don't you stay here in case Abby and Jimmy or even Trish come back?" Henry suggests not wanting her to go with them.
She looks at Sully not wanting to leave his side, "We'll be fine. Once we find them or if we can't, I'll come back to get you, okay?" Sully walks over to her.
"It's not just Wakefield out there... remember." She tells him scared and nervous about Henry's tiny recent actions. He was her best friend but like Sully said, who can you really trust. She course didn't want to think it was him, but she just confused with him for the past couple of hours.
"I'll be back. I promise you that. As you said, I've been trying to get you... now I got you, and I'm not leaving you." He kisses her while Henry glares at them from the side.
"Be safe, please." She kisses him back. "Henry," She gives him a head nod.
"Of course. Jenny, everything will be right once this is over." He gives her a weak smile as him and Sully leave.
As soon as the door closes, her heart drops and has a bad guy feeling about everything. No one they couldn't have known have slipped past them to help Wakefield escape.
You might already be very close to your brother; who knows?
Jennifer knew the only guys left were Sully, Henry and Jimmy. She knew 100% it wasn't Jimmy or Sully, but Henry...
Everything will be right once this is over. She hears Wakefield say it in her head and then Henry says they exact same thing to her.
"No," She rushes out of the boathouse trusting her gut.
He was the only person that made sense of you go over things. Always defending Abby and her a bit too much. He knew where Trish's dad would stand. He wanted the wedding to be on the island. Plus he locked up Wakefield.
As she was running around looking for them, she could hear a faint yell from Henry in the distance so she follows it running faster than ever.
Both guys keep calling out Trish's name as they walk around looking for her. "You know what I don't get. How Wakefield escape from that jail cell. He must have had help."
"Yeah, but who?" Sully asks.
"One of us it had to be." Henry tells him.
"Well, Jimmy wasn't anywhere near the jail and Jennifer made sure I cleared him as she gave me things to do so." Sully lets him know.
"What about Wakefield's kid? He could have done it."
"Then, he's a ghost. Cause there is no want in hell this guy slipped past us. And we know Jen didn't do it." Sully huffs.
"I locked Wakefield up. I could've slipped him the key." Henry says making Sully confused.
Sully brings up saying if this son was real that be was a wack job like his father so Henry explains he could just be really pissed about the whole thin being lied to.
"Dude. You're creeping me out." Sully stops to look back at him.
"You're right. Sorry. So you and Jennifer?" Henry changes the topic as they keep walking.
"What about it?"
"Got her to fall for your charm?" Henry shoots daggers into his head from behind.
"Turns out I didn't have to try. She said she's had a thing for me since we met. All I had to do was just be open. Why are we talking about us right now?" Sully asks confused.
"I'm just surprised seeing you two kiss. Especially her kissing you back after she said she was smart enough." Henry says so Sully glances back at him.
"She said she scared because of the type of guy I was so she can tell I've changed. Man, what we're going through has changed me and I realize some shit okay." Sully keeps walking.
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patwrites · 1 year
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arch-whatscanon · 9 months
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@snaptwice asked : ∗ 13﹕ an  intoxicated  text .
[ TEXT : JIMMY ] : tel me to not marry him [ TEXT : JIMMY ] : what does marrigage even MEAN anywaysl mao [ TEXT : JIMMY ] : i know tWO marriages that are total shams after today [ TEXT : JIMMY ] : whats even the point
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sapphire-weapon · 1 month
I'm hunting for Ashley outfit mods soo mind recommending me some that you like? :) also Leon too so they could match a bit
this ask is old and i suck and i'm sorry but if you're still in the market
Ashley cute game over outfit + hair strands color pack (red & black) + black wellington glasses
Villain no feathers + default head over villain
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Ashley black dress + Eva's hair
Leon badass boss
alt. Ashley with Trish's hair + emo makeup (vanilla) & Leon the professional
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Ashley OG beta outfit + long ponytail + black wellington glasses
Leon RE3.5 outfit
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Ashley reverse bunny + Trish's hair + emo makeup (vanilla)
Leon bunny
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Ashley 18th century dress + Trish's hair + makeup addon from Ashley as Maria
(I just use Leon's hero outfit with this; no mod needed)
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Ashley punk outfit + Hair Strands color pack (Red & Black) + emo makeup (vanilla)
Leon casual grey jacket w/ Tool patch
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Ashley modern jeans
Leon Made in Heaven jacket + black t-shirt + denim jeans
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hotdadlicense · 10 months
top 5 albums??
laurel....... i love you.
CURRENTLY??? aka the albums featured most heavily in my personally crafted playlists these past few months
gag order - kesha happy i would quite honestly die for you. you are on REPEAT baby girl
dance fever - florence choreomania and daffodil im holding your hands until the end of time. also mermaids but thats technically a b-cut i guess
tell me i'm alive - all time low you're in the car it's late at night you're listening to this album. u know what happiness feels like.
high road - kesha i downloaded u in like 2021 and u still feature on like every playlist i make. love you forever and ever and ever.
mainstream sellout - mgk 100% blame my sister for my mgk phase whatever this album bangs and again i downloaded u in like 2021 and you're still making it onto like all of my playlists. thanks.
OF ALL TIME????? uhhhh
two lefts don't make a right... but three do - relient k (cos i was raised in a christian household and was not allowed to listen to non-christian music so relient k and superchic[k] and switchfoot pretty much owned me. also they all still slap i fuckin still listen to them regularly! they feel like home and childhood, especially this album? also their christmas album is one of the first ones i break out every november/decemeber)
so wrong it's right - all time low (cos they were like the first band i "discovered" when i started listening to non-christian music when i was like 11 or 12 or whatever and this album really REALLY changed the course of my life in MANY ways. like i don't even know the girl i'd be today if i that fake dylan efron on myspace didn't have dear maria as their myspace song. its been like 16 years now and me and my sister were just having a breakdown last night trying to organise seeing them again cos they finally dropped aus tour dates. all cos of this silly album. literally again they feel like homeeeee
between two lungs - florence and the machine (cos when i was a young little dumbass and in my supernatural phase aka when i was like 13, i watched a ship video on youtube between dean winchester (supernatural) and trish wellington (harper's island) becos i wasnt aware of me being #bi yet but i was slightly obessed with ruby 1.0 on supernatual who was played by katie cassidy so naturally i went through and watched like. all of her shit. and this ship video had blinding - florence as the song and i was like. oh this is it. this is me entering a new phase of my life. and i was right. and over the years i dragged my sister in it with me and we've seen her every time she comes to aus together and everytime blinding comes on in the car my sisters like 'idk why you love this song so much but yes we can listen to it. even though she has better songs' anyway. feels like home x3)
idk i could probably put kesha or mgk in here as well given the #stats of my last two year reviews on apple music and just the patten of songs in all the playlists i've made in the past 2+ years but it's still too soon. they're still fresh in my heart. and i'm too baby to commit. yet. and i know there's like homesick - adtr and can't stop won't stop - the maine and even the fucking high school musical soundtrack but like. idk nothing really deserves to be on the same tier as those three above so. TOP THREE BABY.
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aboutdjcsanders · 1 year
Bio: Daniel John Corbett Sanders, born 1994, is a Pākeha artist and curator from New Plymouth, New Zealand, of Dutch and Ashkenazi descent. He is interested in critical geographies and social power structures, particularly as they pertain to LGBTQ+ people. Sanders is the Managing Director of Enjoy Contemporary Art Space in Wellington, New Zealand. Sanders has worked as a curator and facilitator independently and across several galleries in Aotearoa New Zealand. He has curated exhibitions and projects for art festivals and large scale public events. Sanders has also curated several independent exhibitions and projects, often collaborating with LGBTQ+ businesses and community groups, and using curation as a method for finance and resource redistribution. In 2020 Sanders founded Parasite, a gallery that sought to present new modes of making, in particular those that situated LGBTQ+ artistic practice in a wider conversation on the socio-political context of everyday life. Gallery history:
Managing Director, Enjoy Contemporary Art Space, Wellington, New Zealand (2022 - Present) Assistant Curator, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand (2021-2022) Founder & Director, Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand (2020-2022) Creative Director, Karangahape Road Business Association, Auckland, New Zealand (2017) Gallery Technician & Photographer, Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary, Auckland, New Zealand (2017) Co-Director, RM Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand (2016-2018) Gallery Assistant, Trish Clark Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand (2016-2017) Gallery Coordinator, George Fraser Gallery & Projectspace, Auckland, New Zealand (2015-2017) Duty Operations Manager, Auckland Art Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand (2014-2016) Gallery Assistant, George Fraser Gallery & Projectspace, Auckland, New Zealand (2014-2015) Gallery Assistant, Auckland Art Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand (2013-2016) Gallery Assistant, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, New Zealand (2012-2013) Curatorial Assistant, Lesley Kreisler Gallery, New Plymouth, New Zealand (2012) Selected curatorial:
2022 The Tableau of Two Throats, Tobias Allen with KATE BUTCH and Billyskuxx, Enjoy Contemporary Art Space, Wellington, New Zealand Neighbourhood of Truth, Cushla Donaldson with Quentin Lind, Christchurch Art Gallery, Christchurch, New Zealand  Nina’s Dance, Alex McFarlane, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand Neighbourhood of Truth, Cushla Donaldson with Quentin Lind, City Gallery Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand  Perhaps She Comes From/To_Alang, Anchi Lin, Physics Room, Christchurch, New Zealand mgluw tuqiy na Temahahoi/malahang cu awusa Temahahoi na tu’uy/Finding pathways to Temahahoi, Anchi Lin, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand The Killing, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand  Neighbourhood of Truth, Cushla Donaldson with Quentin Lind, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand  Backdoor Doorbell Studio, Dieneke Jansen, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand Te Tamaiti te Ao, Hana Pera Aoake, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand Shadow's Studio: Chatting with scones, Shadow and Dieneke Jansen, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand In Good Faith, Whakamana, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand Mother's hands are lovers hands, Elton Irvine, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand Prairie's Drama Club, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand Alexandra McFarlane: IM/PERFECT, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand K'Road Expression, Marika Venczellak, IM/PERFECT, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand I Wouldn't Pick A Fight With A Swan, Personally, Gwyn Easterbrook-Smith, IM/PERFECT, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand Nayan Patel, Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand
2021 Guilty Pleasures, Bronte Perry, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand Cruel Optimism, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand On My Volcano Grows the Grass by Deborah Rundle, Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand Maybe someone is starting to bloom by Laura Duffy, Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand New World Daughter; a sterile sermon on the vile waha of a fuckin' leitī by p.Walters, Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand Splitting Lips, Limbs and Eyes by Obadiah Russon, Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand Command & Conquer: The Covert Sculpture by Xun Cao, Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand Salon De La Mort, Auckland Art Fair, Auckland, New Zealand
2020 For Future Breeders by Owen Connors, Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand Still Life by Nayan Patel, Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand Daddy by Samuel Te Kani, Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand Hypno.Matrix by Aliyah Winter, Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand As Above So Below by Ali Senescall, Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand On Rat Bones, May Fair Art Fair, Auckland, New Zealand Grind House by Tash Keddy, Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand Parasite, Auckland, New Zealand
2018 Under Your Skin You Look Divine, Basement Specialist Adult Store and Cruise Club, Auckland, New Zealand Duplicate, Shi Xu, RM Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand Don’t Sweat your Metal, Hannah Berry, RM Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
2017 [yahaan se dekhen], Shivanjani Lal, RM Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand Ary Jansen and Matavai Taulangau, RM Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand He aha e tangi te kainga rite? / What sounds like home?, Uniform, RM Gallery (offsite at Ellen Melville Centre), Auckland, New Zealand Ideate!, Isabella Dampney and Theo Macdonald, RM Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand Hard Press, Owen Connors and Anna Rankin, RM Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand The Windows Are Alive, Auckland Pride Festival, Auckland, New Zealand
2016 NSFW, New Zealand Fashion Week, Auckland, New Zealand dorf, White Night, Auckland Central Library, Auckland, New Zealand Bus of Tales, White Night, Auckland Central Library, Auckland, New Zealand
2015 Mobile Library, White Night, Auckland Central Library, Auckland, New Zealand Selected exhibitions: 2023 TBA, The Physics Room, Christchurch, NZ (solo) 2022  Becoming Animals, Play_Station, Wellington, NZ (solo)  2021  Urban Nothing, RM Gallery, Auckland, NZ (solo)  Twisting, turning, winding, Objectspace, Auckland, NZ (group) 2020  Queer Pavilion, Auckland, NZ (group)  Social Practice, Auckland, NZ (group)  2019 Intimate Atmospheres, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, NZ (solo)  The Marketplace of Feelings, Corban Estate Art Centre, Auckland, NZ (group) Bttm Methodologies, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, NZ (group)  2018  After Jack, Window, Auckland, NZ (solo)  After Carmen, Meanwhile, Wellington, NZ (solo)  Fool for a world that will end, Mother?, Auckland, NZ (duo) Under Your Skin You Look Divine, Basement Specialist Adult Store and Cruise Club, Auckland, NZ (group)  2017  I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, because I don't hate you; I love you, Artspace Aotearoa with Michael Lett, Auckland, NZ (group)  A Room of Our Own, Auckland, NZ (group)  2016  Your Luxury Gift, Fresh 'n' Fruity with Rockies, Auckland, NZ (group)  2014  One Night Stand, Fuzzyvibes, Auckland, NZ (group) Agitprop, Fresh 'n' Fruity, Dunedin, NZ (duo) Education:
BACHELOR OF VISUAL ARTS, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand HE PAPA REO - NZ CERTIFICATE IN TE REO, Te Wananga o Aotearoa Grants/Awards/Residencies:
Creative New Zealand Arts Grant (2021) Creative New Zealand Arts Continuity Grant (2020) Artist-in-residence, 2 months, RM Gallery, New Zealand Selected publications, periodicals, events, talks:
2022 The Shredding Machine - who gets to be made visible and who doesn’t?, Daniel Sanders, The Dominion & Stuff.co.nz, December 2022 2021 Francis McWhannell, A Moment of Optimism, Auckland Art Gallery Art Toi, ISSUE 3, March 2021 Richard Orjis, Compost Fountain, Multi-Naturalism, Art + Australia, March 2021 Popular Glory: Contemporary Queerness and the Moving Image (with Neihana Gordon-Stables and Robbie Handcock), Circuit Artist Film and Video Aotearoa Bronte Perry: Guilty Pleasures, Artspace Aotearoa, December 2021 A Conversation Between Bronte Perry and Daniel John Corbett Sanders, The Art Paper, December 2021 Reposition Pleasure As A Value, in conversation with Samuel Te Kani, The Art Paper, November 2021 Deborah Rundle in Conversation with Daniel John Corbett Sanders, The Art Paper, September 2021 In Conversation with Daniel John Corbett Sanders, The Art Paper, January 2021 2020 Queer as fuck, How Not To Be An Asshole (with Samuel Te Kani), Spotify Kiss Me Through The Phone (with Hana Aoake and Mya Maree Cole), Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand Owen Connors, Cameron Ah Loo-Matamua, ARTFORUM.com, December 2020 Unmissables, Francis McWhannell, Pantograph Punch, December 2020 Unmissables, Francis McWhannell, Pantograph Punch, September 2020 On Rats Bones, Robyn Maree Pickens, May Fair Auckland, August 2020 Parasite, Francis McWhannell, Index Magazine Online, August 2020 To queer or not to queer: What can galleries do to address homophobia?, Samuel Te Kani, The Spinoff, April 2020 Unmissables, Natasha Matila-Smith, Pantograph Punch, February 2020 Where are the queer art exhibitions?, Mark Amery, The Big Idea, January 2020 2019 Abbra Kotlarczyk, What alerts, alters, There Are No Failures Everything Is Working, Artspace Aotearoa, November 2019 Samuel Te Kani, A Farewell to Arms, Intimate Atmospheres, Artspace Aotearoa, September 2019
2018 Spectacle, Runway Australian Contemporary, Sydney, Australia
2017 Failure, Runway Australian Contemporary, Sydney, Australia
2016 Fuck Me (3), RM Gallery and Project Space, Auckland, New Zealand Fuck Me Too, Artspace Aotearoa, Auckland, New Zealand 2015 Dead to the World, Hapori, Auckland, New Zealand Dreary Modern Life, Fresh 'n' Fruity, Dunedin, New Zealand
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beholdtheapocalypse · 3 years
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Happy Halloween!
Harper’s Island (2009) 1x01 - Whap // 1x04 - Bang 1x09 - Seep // 1x11 - Splash
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Harper's Island AU where Beth and Lucy someone weren't horribly murdered? Like Lucy crawls out of the pit and Beth like i dunno someone survived getting cut in half and she and Lucy embrace and Gigi is there and everyone claps
AND THEN Lucy lights HENRY on fire and also Abby and Trish are together in this AU and Trish stabs Henry, like whilst he is on fire, and then everyone goes home
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gentlegraceinc · 5 years
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Cousin Ben
The First
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dani-ellie03 · 6 years
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One by one.
~Harper’s Island (2009)
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sunnyie-eve · 10 months
Devastated || 2. Untimely
Paring: (Christopher "Sully" Sullivan x Original Female Character Mance!)
Word Count: 1918
Warnings: slight language
Last: The Island | Next: Fumble
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The next day everyone was supposed to be teamed up to do a scavenger hunt, so Jennifer dressed comfortably for the day.
"Oh, Jen!" Henry calls out to her as she walks in front of him someway so she turns around to face him, "For the scavenger hunt, we had a say in teams, so I made sure you weren't stuck with Sully for the day." He lets her know. "You should be yellow, and he should be blue. Trish wanted to put him with you, but I talked her out of it. I know you hate his flirting."
"You didn't have to do that, but I appreciate the thought." She laughs, walking with him to join the others.
"Look, we're all on the same team." Sully comes back from talking to Cal with a yellow bandanna.
Jennifer just looks at him, making Danny laugh, which catches Henry's attention, "Jennifer," He calls her over, "I'll let you join another team."
"Babe," Trish sighs.
"No, it's fine. Really, I can put up with him. Thank you, though. Now you two have fun." Jennifer winks at them going to join Danny, Chloe, Booth, and Sully.
The scavenger hunt wasn't that fun, and at the moment, Chloe wanted to go see where Wakefield was buried. "Wouldn't you kinda know where he is?" Chloe asks Jennifer as they look for it while the guys don't.
"I left the island before they did it. My mom, who got away, got me off the island."
"You're mom almost died?" Chloe asks, shocked.
"Yeah, and there he is." Jennifer points ahead.
"I'm gonna go tell the guys." Chloe leaves her side. She comes back with just Sully, "The guy at the museum told me they wouldn't bury him in consecrated land."
"He killed six people, almost seven. He doesn't even deserve this." Jennifer stares at the headstone, so Chloe makes her way back to the group.
"Almost seven?" Sully asks, confused.
"My mom..." She looks at him, "That's one of the reasons why she sent me away from here. The other was because she doesn't, didn't, believe he's really there." She looks back at the grave.
Sully looks at her, slowly leaning towards her to kiss her, so she leans away, making him stand up straight so she looks at him, "You never give up, do you? Even when it is obviously not a good time." Jennifer sighs, "Sully, it's been eleven years. You're a good guy, but you never think with the right head, and that's what doesn't help you with me." She lets him know before going to join the others, telling them she's done with the scavenger hunt.
Instead of going to the Inn, she goes to the docks to hopefully find Jimmy working, and luckily he was there, "Aren't you doing a scavenger hunt?" He sees her walking towards him.
"I quit because of a certain attractive 6'1 with blonde hair, blue eyes, and whose name is Christopher but goes by his last name but shorter." She explains to him.
"You having boy trouble?"
"He hasn't given up in eleven years, Jimmy." She takes a seat.
"Eleven years?! I didn't know it was that long."
"He's a playboy and thinks with the wrong head. I just don't wanna get hurt. Like he's already eyeing Chloe while flirting with me." She explains to him.
"I'm guessing you already told him in a kind way to give up?" He stops working a bit.
"You remember how I said eleven years, right? Of course, I told him. And then I'm having a moment about Mom making me leave at Wakefield's grave, and he tries kissing me."
"Yeah, he doesn't use the right head." Jimmy laughs.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left... I'm sorry I never came back. And I'm sorry for leaving you to deal with our parents' death, but I couldn't do it. I had my reason why I didn't come back and why I was okay with Mom sending me away." Jennifer changes the topic, so he listens to her, "Dad hated me because of mom. After Mom was almost murdered, she went crazy with me and demanded I had to leave because she didn't believe Wakefield was dead and he would take me from her. Then Dad threatened me that if I ever stepped foot on this island, I would regret it. I was scared to come back home."
"Why do you think Dad hated you?" Jimmy walks towards her.
"I didn't think I knew because I heard them arguing one night. Jimmy, we have different dads. Mom had an affair with some guy she knew when she was around our age. Mom never told Dad who the guy was, and I for sure have no idea who. That's why he hated me. He thought I was his, and I wasn't."
Jimmy pulls his sister into his arms, hugging her as she tries not to cry, "I'm not mad or upset you left. And I never answered you because I didn't want you to come back. I thought you would be better off the island."
"Asshole," She laughs as she takes a seat and watches him for some time as they chat a bit.
"Permission to come aboard!" Henry comes towards the boat, "You quit too?" He laughs, seeing Jennifer.
"Sully," She smiles.
"Not surprised. Also nice. This is yours?"
"Yeah, I finally ponied up. Got it last spring." Jimmy tells him.
"Hey, listen, um, I wanted to come down here and make sure we're still cool. I know my brother and Shane got into it last night."
"Okay, that's been going on since we were kids. Come on, that never affected you and me." Jimmy tells him.
"Eh, still... I had a talk with JD earlier. I asked him to cool it until after the wedding."
"If you're asking me to talk to Shane, that's not going to change anything. It's just the way he is. Come on, you worked with him. You know how he is. Jen, especially knows first hand being his ex." Jimmy tells him so she nods her head.
"Uh... so listen, we're having a party tonight. A bonfire down at Harmon Beach. It should be fun. If you and Shane want to come by, hang out, we're gonna have a lot of food and cold beer." Henry invites him.
"I don't know. Tonight's going to be tough."
"Okay. Just wanted to invite you for old-time sake. Plus, I'm sure your sister misses you." He adds.
"I appreciate it."
"Well, I'm gonna go back with Hen. It was nice talking." Jennifer hugs Jimmy goodbye.
On the way back to the Inn, Henry asks what exactly did Sully do to make her quit the scavenger hunt.
"He tried kissing me after I said my Mom got away from Wakefield. At Wakefield's grave."
"I'm so sorry." Henry apologizes.
"You don't need to apologize for him. He's an adult that can apologize for his own actions. I wouldn't have a problem with him if he just took advice from us." Jennifer laughs.
"I'll talk to him."
"No, don't do that. Really, Henry. He won't listen now if he hasn't in the past." Jennifer begs him, "For me, don't."
"Since you asked, I won't."
"Thank you." She says as they arrive, so she goes straight to her room.
As she walks in, she sees a letter on the floor, so she picks it up to read it; Jennifer, on the outside. She opens up the envelope, taking the letter out to read it.
Have you ever wondered who your real father was? Being kept from him?
Jennifer puts the letter away, throwing it into the trash can. Only Jimmy knew because she just told him, so who the hell wrote that letter to put into her room.
After some time, there was a knock at her door, and she opened it to see Sully, "I want to apologize. No, Henry didn't come find me and give me a speech. Like you said, it was an inappropriate time, and yeah, I'm not the best guy..."
"I didn't say you were a bad guy. I said you're a good guy, but you never think with the right head. You want me to fall for your charm but you also eye Chloe from a distance. Tell me, Sully... how do you think that will work?" She lets him into her room.
"To be fair, I was hoping it would make you kind of jealous." He sits at the end of her bed.
"So for eleven years, every girl you come across near me you flirt with is to make me jealous? Yeah, I don't believe that." She sits next to him.
"Most were, but again I'm sorry. I should have noticed after eleven years of nothing, I should've given up."
"Change some, and you would be surprised. Now, get out of my room. I'll see you at the party." Jennifer gets up from the bed. Sully gets up, nodding his head with a slight smile leaving the room.
At the bonfire at night, everyone was having a good time eating and drinking. "Did you see that? I did it." Sully was happy with himself juggling.
"Not jaw-dropping but a small applause." Jennifer gives him one holding her beer.
"Thank you, my lady, for being the only one to care."
The sound of a punch makes everyone look to see Henry standing while Shane was on the ground. Jennifer goes over to get closer to hear them.
"Come on." Henry says but Shane just leaves.
Jennifer watches some before following him, "What the hell did you do now?"
"I didn't do shit. I have no idea what he's talking about. If I did something, you really think I would show up?" Shane steps closer to her.
"I don't know, you're pretty messed up."
"Believe whatever you want because I don't care." He tells her.
"Okay," She turns to go back to the party.
"Jimmy told me you guys talked and settled things." He speaks up.
"Yeah, I did. What about it, Shane?" She turns back around.
"Seven years ago, did you really what to fix things between us or?" He asks.
"I did, yes. But that was seven years ago. I'm sorry how things were left and I'm sorry we never got to end us on good terms." Jennifer tells him then goes back to the party.
"Hey, where did you go?" Danny asks as she joins them again.
"Talk to Shane and apologize for something in the past." She takes a seat, confusing him.
"They used to date before she left and it was on bad terms." Abby lets him know.
"You used to date that?" Sully looks at her.
"I did for five years. I know, don't add any comments, please." She begs him.
"Cal! Has anyone seen my cute little Englishman?" Chloe walks around.
"Oh, man." Jennifer hears Sully.
"Sully, why did you go, oh man?" She gets up.
"I might have forgotten to get him help... He's hanging upside down in the woods..." He tells her so he, Chloe, Jennifer, Malcolm, and Abby go find him.
Once they do, Chloe rushes over to him and Cal was slightly unconscious from hanging upside down for too long. "How do you forget about him?" Jen looks at Sully.
"I went to apologize to you, so I got sidetracked. I'm sorry." He apologizes.
"Don't tell me sorry; tell them." She points at the two.
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patwrites · 1 year
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New ship unlocked
@laurelwinchester this is your fault
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arch-whatscanon · 10 months
muse tags masterpost
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naslaidirearch · 3 years
i have like an hour or so to go before i have to go back to sleep for night shift tonight so i'm gonna try and work on some stuff in between sorting caps from harper's island for matt & katie.
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