#tries to fight him while using Maul's moves but that way he only gets Mace's attention
Cool idea I had: time travel au where teenage Anakin gets send back in time to meet padawan Obi-Wan and his disaster of a Master.
Things go to hell really quickly considering a 16yo Anakin hates severely dislikes his Master while also thinking he is the most amazing thing to walk the earth. ...and Qui-Gon is criticizing his Master for not teaching him emotional control which Anakin does not appreciate. He thought Qui-Gon was cool deathstick smoker, not Council member material. OH! Also - the Council and Anakin bonding. For the fun of it.
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texanredrose · 3 years
Look Before You...
Blake took her seat, sweeping her gaze over the field currently filled with ‘knights’ from all over Menagerie. While they’d operated as a kingdom for years, only recently did they begin matching the other kingdoms of Remnant in certain ways and first came the overwhelming vote for the Belladonna family to become the ruling family. Her dad had tried explaining that that wasn’t how it worked, you couldn’t be voted into kingship, but it became one of the few arguments he lost during his tenure as Chieftain of Menagerie- a title he continued to hold, with the wider understanding being that he was their king and just had a unique title, which most people accepted enthusiastically. It seemed to be the widely accepted logic that, since they were exiled and driven away from the rest of Remnant, they didn’t need to strictly adhere to the other kingdoms’ precedents. When they did, it was with a bit of cheek, as evidenced by the array of ‘knights’ preparing to fight in the grand melee.
In other kingdoms, knighthood came after years of testing or with the proper bloodline. In Menagerie, anyone willing to challenge Ghira to a duel would become a knight after. The challenge came in the fact that her father was a moving mountain who spoke softly but hit very hard. Alternatively, prospects could challenge Blake’s mom, Kali, but even fewer would dare attempt that challenge. It was common knowledge that Chieftain Ghira, although strong, would simply beat you and leave it at that; Chieftain Kali, on the other hand, would usually leave you with a scar- not out of malice, of course, but because her opponents underestimated her and she sometimes couldn’t pull back her blows in time.
Blake shifted, one ear flicking back to hear the metallic tink of her sword’s scabbard hitting her chair. This would mark the first time Blake would be challenged as well for knighthood, which would be after the grand melee; the reasoning being that, those who felt well enough to continue fighting after the melee would be just as taxed fighting the relatively young Chief as they would fighting fresh against the more experienced Chieftains. Blake, for her part, looked forward to the tests to come; faunus all over Menagerie had taken up combat arts in the past year, starting the moment the tournament was announced. It would be an important, historic moment for them as a people.
Not least because the other kingdoms were becoming nervous about how easily the faunus thrived on the desert island they’d written off as being uninhabitable.
“You look bored.”
“I’m impatient,” she replied, sparing her best friend a glance. “I’m surprised you didn’t join the tournament. Isn’t the grand melee exactly the sort of fun you’d be dying to have?”
Sun shrugged, leaning on his bo staff as he stood next to her with a wide grin. “Yeah, but I’m already a knight. There’s no real benefit to me joining in, except fighting you at the end, and we do that enough when we’re training.”
“Well, I think it would be fun to fight in the melee,” she said, picking out the specific styles of weapons and matching them to the different regions around Menagerie. But then, her attention was caught by one figure specifically. “Is… that…”
“Something wrong, dear?” Her father took his seat behind her, awaiting the signal to officially begin the grand melee. When he followed the direction of her gaze, he saw what she did and muttered a curse under his breath. “An Atlesian knight.”
“A high ranking one at that.” Her mother mused, cautiously intrigued. “You can tell by the helmet.”
Blake didn’t know the different Atlesian knight ranks well enough to be able to discern much more but she did know that the closer the armor resembled the late King’s, the higher the rank, and this one matched the description she’d heard and read to the smallest detail, even the plume down the backside of the helmet. If not one of the Royal Knights, this one was close to the top of the order, despite seeming so… small and slim, standing there among the other warriors. The armor added bulk but it didn’t match up to the farmers turned warriors surrounding the knight. “What an Atlesian doing here?”
“I don’t know… but they haven’t started any trouble yet. Keep an eye on them, Blake.” Ghira rose to his feet and bellowed out that all might hear him. “Welcome, all, to the first annual Unified Menagerie Tourney! As a celebration of overcoming our struggles thus far, the first event will be the grand melee. Those arranged before you will fight until only one stands and, then, whoever can muster their strength may face Chief Blake to earn their knighthood. Then, we look at the advancements we’ve made…”
As her father continued to explain the three days’ worth of events, Blake watched the Atlesian knight, who seemed to hardly acknowledge anything aside from the details regarding the grand melee. It annoyed her, to some extent, because she felt like the knight might be there as some sort of statement, as if to prove that an Atlesian knight could best anyone in Menagerie. Then, she noticed something else. “That knight doesn’t have a shield.”
“Isn’t that a big taboo in Atlas?” Sun leaned towards the edge of the elevated box they sat in, tilting his head. “Everyone uses the same style; only the royal family can go without a shield, because their knights are their shield?”
“Maybe it’s not an Atlesian at all?”
“That might be worse.” Sun cringed. “Don’t think Atlas will be too happy if they hear someone wearing their armor got their butt kicked at our tourney.”
Blake pressed her lips into a thin line, watching the knight’s posture.
“As a reminder, all events are in the spirit of celebration and community; as such, killing blows are strictly prohibited during the grand melee,” her father said, impressively not allowing his gaze to linger on the Atlesian. “With that, contestants, assume your positions and prepare for the fight to begin!”
As the contestants moved to make a large circle, Blake watched the Atlesian’s movements with all her attention. However, the longer she watched, the more she noticed that the knight appeared to be… supremely uncomfortable, or at least unaccustomed to wearing the armor; their movements were sluggish and they turned awkwardly, as if they lacked any sort of awareness as to their size and expected to bump into something they couldn’t see at any moment. In fact, the more the knight moved, the less alarmed Blake felt; if anything, she worried that Sun might have a point and the person in the armor wasn’t Atlesian at all. That would be a diplomatic headache if word got back to the royal family of Atlas.
Her parents exchanged a look of concern but remained silent until the circle had formed. Then, her mother stood up and shouted. 
A horn was blown and about forty people shouted in response and charged forward. Metal clashed as weapons crossed, but in the hectic melee, Blake watched the Atlesian knight’s movements closest and… well, there was skill there, somewhere, but the person beneath the armor obviously had never worn it before during combat. Their left arm rose, a thin blade- so unlike the universally larger swords favored by Atlesians- blocking or deflecting errants attacks, but it seemed… sluggish. They certainly weren’t used to the limited view of the helmet, unaware of someone swinging a giant hammer at their back until it smashed into their backplate. No matter who was in the armor or what their attentions were, Blake winced when the blow landed; it looked painful.
The knight was sent sprawling in the dirt and essentially forgotten about; while many grand melees operated under the idea that a contestant either died, ran away, or won, and no one cared how many fell into the first category, this one was different. As long as an opponent stayed on the ground or only crawled, they would be left alone; the last person standing would be crowned victor, and each was in charge of gauging whether getting back up would be a wise idea. The knight got back up.
“Tenacious,” Ghira said. “I would’ve stayed down.”
“Only in a contest,” Kali replied, a lilt to her voice. “If something was riding on it, though, you’d get back up.”
He nodded. “True. They must be fighting for something.”
The knight- perhaps because of their weakened defense, perhaps because they were the only one fully armored, perhaps because they had the audacity to wear a foreign kingdom’s armor, who could really tell the motivation- became the favored target of those closest to them. Hammers, maces, mauls, swords, clubs, axes: every weapon on display turned against the knight, who met or blocked most but couldn’t be quick enough to block them all. When a battleax struck the knight in the head, a cascade of sparks indicating the killing edge of the ax had penetrated the helm, Blake thought the knight would stay down. It would be safer. But the knight got back up.
“Why won’t you stay down?” Blake leaned forward as the knight stumbled back a few steps, their right hand reaching up and roughly pulling off their helmet.
If possible, many mysteries were solved by the act, only to be replaced by a plethora more as an uproar began rising through the crowd. The entire Belladonna family jumped to their feet and leaned forward, each disbelieving what they could plainly see before them. Blake leaned against the banister, straining her eyes and ears for any hint of deception- because, surely, what she was seeing couldn’t be what was actually happening.
Yet, as the helmet fell to the ground, the visage of the mysterious knight became visible- piercing blue eyes, a scar across the left just a few weeks’ healed, and long white hair like an unbroken line of moonlight. In other words, a member of the Atlesian royal family, and a very prominent figure at that: Princess Weiss Schnee. She was busy fumbling with the straps to her chestplate while Ghira tried to call an end to the melee- the last thing they needed was a royal heir of another kingdom being seriously injured during the tournament- but the roar of the crowd drowned him out. Blake held her breath, unsure of what she expected or what she wanted to happen next.
Then, the Princess tossed aside the breastplate and all its attached bits- the heaviest part of her armor- and raised her sword, bellowing something at the opponents who surrounded her. Whatever she said, it moved a few of them, and three stepped forward to meet her. Three weapons sought to strike at her, without the bulk of her armor.
However, without the bulk of her armor, she was quicker than anyone expected. Without the helmet, she had her full field of vision; without the breastplate, she could twist and turn easily; without the pauldons, she could lift her arm with ease. Her sword flashed, knocking aside two of the three weapons turned against her- a scythe and a battleaxe- while meeting the third- a sword- which she batted away. She was akin to a dancer gliding across the battlefield now, twisting and turning to keep her blade between her and her enemies, even when they surrounded her. The wise ones, those who had battled previously, chose now to weed out some of their opponents, fighting off to the side, while those who had little experience attempted to best the Atlesian.
“Stop the melee!” Ghira took a deep breath, preparing to bellow the words when it became apparent that he couldn’t be heard over the raucous excitement below. But Kali put a hand on his forearm.
“Wait… she wants to fight; let her fight.”
Blake could see it, too. Doffing her armor hadn’t made her invulnerable; she still seemed to be at a disadvantage and a few blows managed to land anyway. Yet, she kept getting back to her feet. One didn’t submit to this sort of punishment for no reason. Blood ran from an open wound on her head on the opposite side of the scar and she was clearly having difficulty breathing- perhaps a bruised or broken rib from the hammer blow earlier.
The veterans had nearly thinned out all the other contestants and the Atlesian had done her part to discourage the rest from continuing to fight. 
But everyone had their limits, and the Princess found hers when one of the veterans wielding a giant hammer took a swing from her blindside. The blow sent her sprawling and though she obviously struggled to try and regain her feet, another defeated contender nearby lifted his head just enough and seemed to say something to the Atlesian. Whatever he said, it convinced the woman to simply lay down until one of the tournament’s attendants hurried in to whisk her and the other defeated combatants away.
Blake turned immediately.
“Cub.” Her father’s voice held equal parts a warning and concern. 
“I’m just going to make sure she’s alright.” She was already halfway down the stairs by the time she responded, searching for where the disqualified contenders were brought. She could see some tents where people limped about and the occasional cry from wounds being tended drew her towards them. A few people acknowledged her- attendants who had no interest in watching the melee, competitors awaiting one of the later events, and those who left the melee but had recovered enough to move of their own power- but no one stopped her as she searched through those wounded during the melee to find the Atlesian. She eventually found the woman struggling to pick up her dirty and discarded breastplate, stringing together words in what Blake thought was Old High Atlesian but could’ve easily been an eldritch curse. “Well, at least you’re standing.”
Those piercing blue eyes landed on her with a force similar to one of the hammer blows she suffered earlier but softened almost immediately as her expression shifted from fury to embarrassment. “Your Highness, you needn’t worry about a- a lowly warrior-”
“You’re the Princess of Atlas.” Blake crossed her arms over her chest. “I think you underestimate how recognizable you are or how intelligent I am. Hopefully, it’s the former.”
Although her lips twisted into a sour expression, she nodded. “It is, I assure you. I intend no disrespect, Your Highness.”
Blake’s eyes narrowed, unsure what game the Princess might be playing at, seeing as they were of equivocal rank as far as Blake could see: both daughters to ruling monarchs. If anything, Blake might be positioned slightly higher, as she was an only child and Weiss was second born, but hardly enough to warrant the constant, stiff formality of the Atlesian aristocracy. Then again, she would expect an Atlesian to disregard her rank entirely simply to snub her. “None taken… Your Highness.”
They held each other’s gaze for a moment longer before they were interrupted by a tourney attendant entering the tent bearing a tray with a tea set.
“Ah, Chief Blake, apologies for intruding-”
“It’s fine.” Amber eyes fell on the tray, noting the single cup. “Could you bring a second cup?”
“Of course.” A low bow after setting down the tray preceded the attendant- a ram faunus, if she didn’t miss her guess- ducked back out of the tent.
“I hope you don’t mind,” she said, taking the teapot and pouring the cup. It had to be some sort of Atlesian tea, dark and pungent, as no tea leaf in Menagerie was that dark brown color. Then again, Atlas sat high in the mountains amid snow and ice while most of the tea shrubs they cultivated in Menagerie were surrounded by dirt and desert; it seemed there was some sort of inverse relationship between the color that surrounded a tea bush and the color of the liquid it produced. “But I find myself curious as to what a member of the Atlesian royal family is doing joining a tournament in Menagerie.” She picked up the saucer and held it out to Weiss, making it clear that she’d poured the cup for the woman and not herself. “Perhaps you can indulge me over a cup?”
Weiss looked at her as one might regard a snake poised to bite before relenting, sighing heavily and letting the breastplate drop unceremoniously to the floor so she could accept the saucer. “I suppose.”
Her ears canted back. “I don’t want to twist your arm about it.”
“It’s… not that.” The woman sighed, frustrated, and trudged over to a chair, setting down the saucer on a nearby low table as she eased herself into the seat, her greaves creaking with each step. “I’d hoped to earn a knightship as a means of proving… something.”
“Something?” Blake grabbed a chair and brought it over next to Weiss as the attendant returned. She poured herself a cup from the teapot and sat down next to the Atlesian. 
“Yes, something- if I could articulate it-”
“That wasn’t me prompting you,” she said, settling into her seat and grabbing her saucer. “It was… I suppose a bit of camaraderie. I know what it’s like trying to prove something you can’t explain… and you aren’t sure if you’re proving it to someone else or yourself.” A small smile. “To put your mind at ease, you can still attempt to earn your knightship; you don’t need to defeat me to earn the title.”
Weiss narrowed her eyes, pride bristling. “Are you implying I couldn’t defeat you?” Blake pointedly looked over the woman’s battered form. “I don’t mean right this moment, damnit.”
“I’m not sure but I’d like to see you try.” As she took a sip from her cup, Blake paused, then spat the whatever it was out of her mouth as her expression twisted up. “What is this? This tea is horrible!”
“It’s not tea; it’s coffee,” Weiss said, barely concealing her amusement behind her cup as she took a long sip without flinching.
Blake threw her a baleful look while setting down her saucer. “You knew.”
“I knew that I’d given her coffee grounds and told her how to make coffee and that she brought me back what smelled like coffee; you were the one who thought you knew what was in the teapot. You could’ve asked.”
The attendant from before- either anticipating the fallout or hearing Blake’s reaction- appeared with a second teapot that poured blessedly green tinted tea. She almost burned her throat trying to wash out the taste left in her mouth. “I hope you realize this is even more incentive to make you regret applying for knightship in my kingdom, Princess.”
“Then my impending knightship will be all the sweeter once it’s won, Chief.”
As much as she should be annoyed by the flippant response, Blake found herself smiling before taking another sip of her tea.
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sirspud · 3 years
The Daring Ducks: The Living Bones
Previous, Next
Built into the side of a small hill, at the bottom of the Serpent Gorge, lies the Crypt of the Everflame. An archway of stone forms a tunnel leading towards the Crypt's entrance, one of its massive wooden doors slightly ajar. Though much of the archstone is covered in moss, it is clear that the keystone of the arch is carved with a flame symbol, a stylised rune in its centre.
Before the archway lies the site of a massacre. A pair of horses and a trio of ponies lie slaughtered in the small field before it, each corpse still tied to wooden posts, set into the ground beside them. A swarm of flies hangs lazily overhead, and a light stench of decay pervades the area.
The young ducks stand on the edge of the scene for a while in horror, Louie retching at the stench. Was this part of the test? They didn't think so. It wouldn't make sense to slaughter pack animals for the sake of a trial.
Warily, everyone but Louie approach the scene. Huey immediately inspects one of the bodies (Heal Check = 25). Quickly analysing the wounds, he tells everyone that the beasts were slain approximately two days ago, the wounds on their bodies indicating that they were killed with crude, slightly rusted blades.
...or, he adds hesitantly, perhaps claws.
(Perception Check = Huey 10, Dewey 15, Louie natural 20, Webby 19)
Engrossed in analysing the body, Huey doesn't notice the scattered bones underneath one of the other animals. The others do, and they cautiously move up to the scene. Dewey gets down and lifts up the horse's carcass to get a better look at the skeleton underneath (Strength Check = 17). He winces at touching the disgusting, half-rotted body, but he manages to just push it up.
The bones are that of a duck. But the cracks and the fragility of the body indicate that the bones are ancient. The ducks look at one another, unable to come to a conclusion. Dewey quickly lets go of the body and lets it fall, quickly going off to wipe his hand on the stone arch.
The team spends a while searching the area, but no answers seem to present themselves. The only other things they find are a set of backpacks, only one of which is still full. Within its confines are ten arrows, each with a blunted tip, two days' worth of rations, two pillows that look reasonably comfy, and 2 pints of lamp oil. Dewey and Webby both take one of the rations, Huey takes the oil, while Louie puts the arrows into his quiver.
They approach the entrance to the crypt, stopping just before the entrance to look at each other fearfully. Then, they each unstrap their backpacks and put them to the side. Whatever was going on in this tomb, they needed to be as unencumbered and light on their feet as they could be. Once everyone's satisfied that they're only taking what they need, Webby and Dewey move up to the doors and slowly push them open.
As the doors swing open, the faint light from outside reveals a long chamber with risen platforms on either side. On the far side of the wall is a large, faded mural of Silas McDuck, his fearsome, bearded form holding a large waraxe and looking down at the room brusquely, as if to judge them. Two bodies, a duck and a hound, are piled into the centre of the room, and ancient bones litter the floor. As they party enters nervously, the feathers on the back of their necks stand up in fright as they hear the faint sound of an echoing wail.
Louie, at this point, suggests shakily that the party turn back, go home, get the adults to have a better look at this. They all look at each other, considering following Louie's suggestion for a moment.
Then, the air goes cold. Almost clammy.
And the bones start to rise.
Frozen with fear, the young ducks just watch as the bones float up into the air, re-attaching themselves into six animated duck skeletons, each donning a rusty chain shirt, and each moving with unnatural, jerky movements. Three appear to be wielding ancient scimitars, while the other three have only wicked claws.
Their soulless eye sockets turn as one to look at the party.
Then, they advance.
The skeletons move faster than the party can react (Initiative Checks = 26, 25, 24, 21, 18, 14), immediately launching into a full-scale assault with blade and claw. The two skeletons at the far end of the hall can't do much more than approach Louie and Huey in the first few seconds of the fight, while the other four rattling menaces make their way towards the two fighters in the front. A flurry of claws and swords come towards the two ducks, and while Webby manages to deflect the blows that come towards her, Dewey isn't as well prepared, and takes two light cuts from the swords of the skeletons.
Huey quickly tries to compose himself (Initiative Check = 13), attempting to analyse the hollow monster before him (Knowledge [religion] Check = 10). These things are undead - obviously - and he realises that the hardened bone and gaps in the skeletal structure will reduce the damage from slashing or piercing damage. He instructs the party to use bludgeoning weapons, then he takes the symbol of Athena dangling from his neck and he calls forth the goddess's divine power.
Celestial energy erupts from the symbol in a flash of golden light, searing the undead monsters before them (DC 10 Will Save = 5, 5, 16, 19, 15, 4). The skeletons recoil from the golden light in pain, reducing the skeleton facing him and one of the creatures fighting Webby to dust.
The rest of the party try to fight back (Initiative Checks = Louie 9, Webby 6, Dewey 4), but to no avail. Louie swings his club, Webby her greatsword, and Dewey tries to hit one of the nearby skeletons with the pommel of his longsword, but the agile fiends manage to evade their attacks.
The next few seconds are frantic, marked by the two fighters at the front rapidly deflecting blows left and right. One of the skeletons catches Webby across the cheek with the tip of its scimitar, and another stumbles as it attacks, narrowly dodging two attacks made by Huey and Dewey. The skeleton in front of Louie tries to swing at him and Webby with its claws, but ends up tripping on the uneven flagstone of the crypt's entrance. Both Webby and Louie immediately retaliate. Louie starts to swing his club, but takes too long, leaving himself open and narrowly dodging a claw swipe from another one of the skeletons. Webby, meanwhile, swings her greatsword square onto the head of the skeletal beast, smashing the creature underneath the blade's mighty weight and reducing the skeletal horde to three.
Noticing that both the front-liners are looking a bit scuffed, Huey channels divine energy once more, this time channelling it into his allies and closing a few of their wounds. Louie moves behind one of the skeletons, trying to flank the skeleton, but missing with his club regardless. Webby and Dewey each make another attack, Webby attacking with all her might and Dewey trying again with his pommel, but neither blow lands.
The skeletons continue to try and shred the ducks to pieces, Dewey taking another claw right across the face as two of the skeletons move to flank him. The single skeleton facing Webby and Louie makes two more attacks with its claw, one of which rakes across Louie's face, causing him to cry out in pain.
Huey cries out in alarm and starts to move, only for Louie to shout at him to focus on destroying the things. Reluctant, but determined, Huey raises the symbol of Athena once more and calls forth a burst of light. One of the skeletons appears to resist the brunt of the blast, while the other two are sent stumbling backwards. One of the skeletons near Dewey is blasted into a thousand tiny pieces by the divine wrath.
Louie hesitates, waiting for Webby to move before making an action. The barbarian girl circles around the skeleton in front of them, yelling a battle cry as she swings her sword. And although the skeleton dodges out of the way, in doing so, it exposes itself to Louie. Taking his club, he swings it as hard as he can into the skeleton's skull, smashing apart the flimsy bone and sending the monster down to the ground in a pile of white shrapnel.
Dewey leaps up onto one of the upraised platforms, only to miss another attack against the skeleton. In retaliation, the skeleton slashes him through his waist with its scimitar and carves its claw across Huey's face, leaving both with a cut. Huey swings his mace once more, only for the blow to miss, and then Webby comes screaming from behind, swinging her sword into the creature's chest and sending its bones flying across the chamber.
The party take a moment to recover their breath, panting, fearful. No more bones rise to fight. They look at each other, as Dewey asks the important question - what on Earth was that?
Huey instantly begins rambling off facts about undead, saying that they can only be created by powerful, horrifically dark magic, they shouldn't be here! Was the tomb invaded by a necromancer? There's not enough information!
They spend another moment to recover before they investigate the room. The walls of this part of the tomb are covered with murals of Silas McDuck leading the villages to battle against a horde of men in dark green armour. The man in front of them, an obese old duck with a scar across his eye, leads the green warriors - presumably the mercenaries. It's clear that mildew and mould has taken its toll on the crypt, as the stench of rot is heavy in the air.
Staying well away from the two bodies, Louie investigates a pair of nearby packs, leaning against the wall. Another twenty blunted arrows are retrieved from within, as well as a pair of smokesticks, alchemical cylindrical blocks that are used to create smoke signals, and two days worth rations, which are taken by Huey and Louie. The smokesticks are handed over to Dewey.
Webby kneels beside the two bodies, both badly mauled and of two ducks. They look familiar to her, and she asks the other three if they recognise them. The boys approach, though they still keep a good five feet distance from them. Louie studies the faces of the bodies, unease written across his face (Knowledge [local] Check, taking 10 = 16).
Louie's heart catches in his throat. He does recognise them. Marcus Thinfeather and Adrian Gagglequack. A cobbler and a trapper from back in town.
Louie promptly turns around and head back outside, feeling sick. The party chase after him, asking where he's going. When he announces his intention to go home, Huey and Dewey try to stop him. The green sibling whirls around, tears in his eyes, and he just shouts them down. Between illusions that felt real, wolves, crappy weather and now freaking undead monsters, the past couple of days have been horrible, and whatever they'll get from going through that tomb cannot possibly be worth it. He's done.
Huey suddenly snaps at him, telling him that he's being selfish. There are five horses, and only two bodies. When Louie asks so what, Huey poses the question - "Where are the other three?"
Louie stares at him for a moment. Then, his shoulders slump in realisation. Dewey adds onto what Huey's saying, telling the younger sibling that they have to explore the place, if only to find the others. Even if they're... he hesitates, then continues. Even if they're dead, they owe to the village to find the bodies.
Louie looks down for a moment, silent. Then, quietly, he says, "Fine."
He walks back towards the brothers, and they return to the archway back into the crypt, in front of which Webby is standing, awkwardly watching the whole argument. Asking if everything's alright, the boys reassure here that they're fine.
Huey gets to work. He channels energy once more, wincing as it saps at his stamina, healing most of the party's wounds. Unsatisfied, he sacrifices his divine favour spell to cast a weak cure wounds spell on Webby, before telling Dewey to drink the healing potion. Back in a fighting state, the team move back into the entry hall. They decide to investigate the wailing sound, coming from the eastern halls of the crypt, opening the eastern door towards the back and delving into the Crypt of the Everflame.
+202 XP.
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steadypatrolchild · 3 years
Lego Star Wars 3 Wii Game Cheat Codes
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LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Cheats. The insanely popular and better-than-bad LEGO Star Wars series returns, this time covering the Clone Wars that were featured in the popular animated series.
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This page contains LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars cheats list for WII version. Now we have 3 cheats in our list, which includes 1 easter egg, 1 glitch, 1 secret. We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars on WII platform. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask. Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars on the Xbox 360, with a game help system for those that are stuck. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars for Nintendo Wii. This page contains Cheats for Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars organized by sections for Nintendo Wii. This game has 'Action Adventure' as genre, made by Traveller's Tales, released on Mar 22, 2011. If you can't find a hint or secret in our list, then please check this page periodically for the latest updates.
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Buy the Red Brick Detector
If you go through Mos Espa Podrace, when youpass the giant holes go on the far left side andgrab the Red Brick. Once you get it save up250, 000 studs and go to the extras section atthe counter in the cantina and purchase it.
Play As Car
Only on two player. Have one person get in the car and start driving around. Then have a second person, most effective as a jedi or sith, keep pressing the change person button while facing the car, while the car is moving. Once it shows that the second person isn't in control of anything, have the first person get out of the car, and the second person can pay as the car. It only works if the person in the car is second player, while the person to turn into the car is first player.
300,000 Studs Or More
Go to episode 3 chapter 1. Chose droid tri-fighter. After you shoot the first set of guns,crash. Keep doing this until you have 300,000studs or more.
Unlocking Stuff
My advice is to play through the levels first thengo back and play it 'free play'. This way you willhave the characters you need to get into specialareas.
Extra Lightsaber Damage Combo (Wii Only)
This move only works on lightsabers, but if you press the B button AND swing the Wii remote, it will create extra damage (you have to time your swings, don't just attack randomly)you can create different combos yourself like B+B+Swing.Also if you swing the Wii to do a super-smash (double-jump+attack) it will create more damage.You'll have to practice a lot to get it perfect (remember; timing is everything) but it really comes in handy in two-player duel and things like that.(P. S . The third attack, or final blow, can cut through anything on a person, even if they are blocking of are a droiddekka with their shield on. ).
Red Brick In Mos Espa Spaceport
To get the red brick in the mos espa level in episode 4, head forward right when the level starts. Right when you walk under the broken bridge turn left. Then with Luke or Obi-Wan, destroy all trash can's in front of the wall. Then you should see a little door with nothing behind it. Use the force with Obi-Wan to take the parts off the ground and put them on the wall. There then should be a panel with R2's face on it. Activate the panel with R2, walk in the door and you then should have unlocked a special secret.
Throwing/Pushing Enemies Into Walls/Trees
Switch to a person that is from the Dark Side, (Darth Vader, Emperor, etc.) and force him using Z. Do not hold him into the Air for a long time or they will die. While in the air, push him intoa wall/tree, and he will die. It is almost like a Jedi pushing droids.
Ghost Character
To buy the ghost character, you need to all-the-way complete story mode/All Episodes.He cannot get hurt and is not paid any attention by troopers, unless in cars.
Unlimited Studs
If you go to level one of episode IV in The Complete Saga there will be a machine with a lever. Pull the lever and out come about 10 silver studs. You can keep doing this to get money but it is slow so you may want a studs x cheat on. So far this has worked and is a good way to get cash.
Go to build-a-character and select luke's head, darth maul's body, black waist, legs and hands, skin arms black hair and a red lightsaber and then you have STARKILLER as a playable character!
Random Stormtrooper Sounds
First go to the level 'Jedi Destiny' and select any character. Then when you take out the all of the Emporer's hearts ECEPT two. Then (make sure you have extra toggle turned on) change to the Imperial Egineer and jump once and then you'll here Stormtrooper noises.
Minikit Detector
Go to 'Cloud City Trap' (Episode 5) throw bomb atmetal gate beside R2D2 picture (unlockable point).The minikit detector is behind where the gate was.
Cheats Listing
Type in AASDF.
Type in bobazxc.
Boss Nass
Type in GIJ989 at the bar.
Tie Interceptor
Type in HUT845 at the bar.
Boss Nass
Enter CLZ738 at the cantina.
Battle Droid Commander
Type in H6J9P56
Darth Maul
Type in BDC866 at the bar.
Rules of The Cheat, How to Play the Card Game To play the Cheat card game, you need: A deck of 32 or 52 cards (which can be doubled depending on the number of players). Be at least 2 players. The rules of cheat card game. Any player who suspects that the card discarded by a player do not match the rank called can challenge the play by calling 'Cheat!' Then the cards played by the challenged player are exposed and one of two things happens: 1. If they are all of the rank that was called, the challenge is false, and the challenger must pick up the whole discard pile.
General Grevious
Type in EVILR2 at the bar.
General Grievous
GGF539 or ACK646
Tie Fighter
Adi Mundi
Mbox 2 number pad tv game cheats 9. Type in ZZR636 at the bar.
Count Dooku
Type in HJF584 at the bar.
Zam's Speeder
Type in PLL967 at the bar.
Type in NBN431 at the bar.
Jango Fett
Type in AAB123 at the bar.
Captain Tarpals
Type in HHY697 at the bar.
Force Grapple Leap
Complete the game to 100%
Secret Master
Sell your landspeeder to the Jawas.
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A New Hope
Finish Episode VI in story mode.
Crossover: Destroy Jango Fett with Boba Fett
Arcade Master
Shoot First
Unlock Indiana Jones
Go into the 'Bonus' doorway in the Cantina, then go through the door markedTrailers and watch the trailer for Lego Indiana Jones. You can then buy him for$50,000.
The Phantom Menace
Finish Episode II in story mode.
Revenge Of The Sith
Finish Episode V in story mode.
Going For Gold
Collect all mini-kits.
Lightsaber Master
Perform 200 perfect lightsaber deflections.
Destroy 300 stormtroopers.
Droid Slayer
Lego Star Wars 2 Cheats
Destroy 50 TIE fighters.
Yee Haw
Break Jar Jar 20 times.
Slam Dunk
Destroy 5 people with one attack (Jedi super slam).
Lego Star Wars 3 Wii Game Cheat Codes Ps4
Destroy 10 characters with one thermal detonator.
Let The Wookiee Win
Set off all three Discos.
Use The Force Luke
Start a Cantina Fight with 50 casualties.
Lego Build-master
Max out the Stud counter
Cloud Cover
Wear Every Hat
Revenge: Destroy The Emperor with Mace Windu
Nobody Expects….
Revenge: Destroy Anakin with Dooku
Who Needs Obi-wan?
Revenge: Destroy Darth Vader with Obi Wan
Online Player
We have no easter eggs for Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
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wittygaypuns · 4 years
#70 & #97 for villaneve
70; Locked in a room
97; Time Travel
BEHOLD. Crack fic prompted through this Fic Mashup list (feel free to send me more, these are fun) Takes place in the same universe as the other Alaska fics I’ve written where VIllaneve have dogs (a male named Carolyn and a female named Konstantin) and got married. Mostly behind a cut because it’s almost 3k words...
“Let's go camping, she says,” Eve half-shouted, “It'll be romantic!”
“Oh my god would you stop, I didn't know there would be a fucking blizzard okay? It's MAY, I didn't think it would happen!” Oksana protested.
“We're in Alaska, Oksana! Check the forecast!” Eve shouted for real, looking back at her as they trudged through whipping winds and biting cold.
“Why did you agree then? Why didn't you say, hey Oksana, you usually make really bad decisions, maybe we go vacation in Hawaii instead? Or book a hotel somewhere and not go out into the wilderness?” She spat back.
“Because every time I tell you you make bad decisions you make it about me and you, you jackass – I can hear it now 'Oh, do you think I made bad decision when we got together?'” Eve mimicked an overly deep Russian accent. She sounded like a villain in a cheesy 90s action flick.
“Yeah, that's probably true.” She conceded, grinning. “Oh! I see something.”
“Is that a cabin?” Eve looked where she was looking, eyes going wide.
“I think so – come on, before it gets any worse. We'll see if they'll be nice to us and let us stay the night because we're stupid and tried to camp...” Oksana began to pick up her pace.
“We're stupid? WE? This was your idea, do not slander me to strangers.” Eve huffed, trying to keep up with her. It was difficult – Oksana was all leg.
“Maybe just a little slander, huh? You love me.” Oksana grinned, taking her arm.
“You're lucky to have me. Anyone else would have let you die in the snow.” Eve muttered, holding on to her; though she was bundled up, Oksana's body was something she naturally gravitated towards. Their dogs, Carolyn and Konstantin, flanked them on either side, on the alert for any wildlife looking for an easy target.
“I wouldn't die. I'd open up a bear and sleep in it until morning.” Oksana said.
“Like in the Revenant?” Eve remarked.
“Wasn't that a horse?”
“Was it? Oh, yeah, he fought a bear and slept in his horse. Man, that movie was fucked.” Eve laughed.
“We should watch it again. So I can remember how not to fight a bear. Just in case.” Oksana nodded.
“You have a gun and I have bear mace.” Eve pointed out.
“We both have bear mace. You insisted. But we could always lose those, and then what? A bear can just fuck us up. Well, I'd have it fuck me up as you ran away.”
“I wouldn't leave you to get mauled by a bear.”
“Yes you would.”
“... Yeah, you're probably right. But only if I didn't have bear mace and the dogs.” Eve grinned as they came to the steps of the cabin.
It was hard to tell if any lights were on, or if it was occupied; it was snowing so hard that it was almost a white-out, rendering visibility next to nothing. As they scaled the steps up to the covered porch it was obvious that it was abandoned and in poor shape. There were two-by-fours blocking the door, and the windows were also boarded off. This did not perturb either of them.
“Can you go in my bag and get the -” Oksana started, but Eve was already leaning up to go through her bag.
“The hammer-pick thing?” She confirmed.
“It's a geological hammer.” Oksana grinned. “See? I told you it would come in handy.”
“Yes, it's handy this one time out of like, the thousands of times you've brought it somewhere. You're brilliant and I love you.” Eve pulled out the tool, and looked to her. “Can I?”
“Please. I love watching you work.” Oksana stepped back, pushing her hood back, shaking off the snow that had layered on top of it. Konstantin shook out her fur, while Carolyn simply sat on the porch, content to be covered. He gave a soft 'boof' at his sister, who moved next to him.
She giggled in delight as Eve started cracking at the boards with the small hammer, jumping a little at the noise of the impacts. Eve yelled as she did it, for some reason; maybe it gave her more power. Oksana did not question her process out loud, always enjoying the destruction that her wife was capable of. She knew Eve wasn't actually upset about the blizzard, or her insistence that camping would be fun; it would have been if the weather had been right, and nothing in the forecast had said the snow would be so bad. A dusting, it had predicted, not the solid curtain they were currently trying to escape. They had been trying to make their way back to the car, but had been turned around at some point – or turned sideways, or upside down. It was impossible to tell. Neither of the dogs were put off by the noises their other mother was making; they just watched with Oksana from a safe distance as she cracked the boards off one by one. Konstantin gave a soft whine, looking up at Oksana.
“It's okay baby. I know mommy is crazy. That's why we love her though, right girl?” She grinned down at the dog, who panted happily at her.
“Mommy needs to get – her – aggression – out! Every now and then.” Eve cracked at the last board, speaking through it as she hammered and throwing her arms up in triumph as it fell to the side, broken.
“Mommy is very sexy holding a geological hammer.” Oksana wiggled her brows at her wife, who rolled her eyes and tried the door... then groaned.
“Boarded and locked. Your turn.” Eve muttered, walking back to her spot.
“I taught you how to do it, though.” She smiled, letting her take the spot between the dogs.
“You're better at it.” Eve smirked, “Besides, I think it's kinda hot, so – get to it.”
“As you wish.” Oksana gave a bow, then moved into position.
As she was wearing what Eve affectionately referred to as 'shit kicker' boots, it was a simple task fireman kicking the door into submission. With one mighty kick, the door cracked and splintered next to the lock enough to be pushed in. It was a chore pushing it in, however – something was behind it. She frowned and put her shoulder into it, trying to push it open. Was someone living in there? Were they about to find a body belonging to some long dead homesteader? How was there something barring the door on one side and boards barring the other? Did someone bar it and leave out a window?
“There's something behind it? What the hell.” Eve muttered, moving to help push the door. “How? Oh fuck, do you think someone's in there?”
“We'll find out, I guess.”
When they pushed it open enough to slip inside, Oksana took the gun from its holster at her hip and kept her head on a swivel. If there was anyone or anything hostile in there, she'd defend her family without hesitation. It was easy enough to make someone disappear in Alaska. The item behind the door was a couch with a heavy oak frame coated in a fine layer of dust. She frowned; judging by how heavy it was, the place was definitely abandoned. Carolyn squeezed in past the two, ears perked. He was a fiercely protective animal, and looked around just as readily as Oksana. Konstantin came in after Eve.
“Eve...” Oksana mumbled, looking back to her.
“What? Did you see something?” Eve looked forward, worried.
“If you're mommy to our babies, doesn't that make me daddy? I thought we agreed that made me daddy.” Oksana asked, grinning cheerily as she moved to check the bathroom and bedroom.
“I never agreed to that. You had that conversation entirely by yourself.” Eve rolled her eyes, untensing her shoulders.
“What do you think, Caro? Am I daddy?” She asked the dog, whose tail wagged at being spoken to. “What about you Konny? Am I daddy?”
“They're just coming to you because you're talking to them, don't take that as confirmation. Now... It looks like the place is empty, right? Let's go lay on that disgusting bed with the dogs and wait out the storm while our stuff dries out.” Eve suggested.
“Okay. It does look pretty gross, but a bed is a bed.” Oksana agreed; the fatigue of walking for an hour in a blizzard was hitting her hard now.
Within a few moments both had stripped out of their outer layers and boots, snow caked items hanging up to dry. Oksana tilted her head as she looked down at the bed. There was no dust on it, or anything else in the room. The quilt was standard cabin fare, heavy and wool, but stained to hell. Making a face, she yanked it off and immediately stepped back. Underneath it there were a number of journals, scattered yellowing papers, and knife that looked vaguely ceremonial. It was stained black with old blood.
“Oh, wow. So the former owner of this place was a crazy person researching something, I guess.” Eve mumbled, looking at them as well.
“Great. Lost in a blizzard and in a crazy person's cabin.” Oksana muttered, a feeling of foreboding gripping her belly. She went to retrieve her gun.
“They're probably long gone, baby. We don't really have an option to go anywhere else right now, not with the storm, so let's just... clear this off and get some rest, right? We checked the whole place, there's no one in here. Leave your gun there, help me clear this. The dogs would be freaking out if something was wrong.” Eve reassured her. She had followed her to where the gun was stashed, a hand placed over hers.
“... Yeah, I guess. Isn't it weird there's no windows in this room, though?” Oksana mumbled, uneasy.
“This room would get sun blaring into it during polar day.” Eve pointed out. “Our bedroom doesn't have them either.”
“Okay okay. I just have a creeping feeling, you know? Maybe I'm just tired.”
“Wanna keep it on the nightstand?” Eve offered, looking to the gun.
“Yes please.” She nodded quickly. Having it nearby would reassure her.
Shoving the strange feelings down, she placed the gun on the nightstand and went to help gather up the detritus on the bed, frowning as she looked at the papers. They were all written on, front to back, or drawn on. The paper was not actual paper, as she had assumed before, feeling more like some sort of fabric. None of the words were written in a language she could understand – and she could read and speak seven different ones, and had been slowly attempting to teach herself Inupiaq since moving to Alaska. Languages had always fascinated her, so to come across one she didn't recognize easily...
“What language do you think this is?” She asked, hoping Eve might have some insight.
“Kinda looks like runes.” Eve was examining a paper of her own.
“Like – viking stuff?” Oksana asked.
“Well, something from that time period, I guess.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “Or aliens wrote it.”
“Don't joke about that. Aliens freak me out.” Oksana stared at her.
“Don't think about it too hard, baby.” Eve smirked, tossing her pile of papers and journals to the floor beside them. Oksana added her own. Both looked at the knife at the same time, then at one another. Eve instantly brought a finger to her nose.
“Not it.”
“Damnit, you always get me with that. If I move it and an alien pops out of somewhere, we're going back outside.” She muttered as she took it and tossed it haphazardly to the floor by a corner, not wanting to look at it anymore.
The door suddenly swung shut. Oksana grabbed her gun and moved to Eve's front; the dogs had the same instinct, standing like proud soldiers in front of her. Their ears were up and alert. Eve gripped the hammer-pick, and then gave a sigh.
“I didn't close the front door off. The wind probably pulled it shut. Calm down, my loves, it was just the wind.” Eve said, moving towards the door – Oksana grabbed her arm and grunted at her.
“I'll check, just in case.”
Eve conceded to her extensively-trained-in-armed-combat wife, frowning softly as she crept towards the door. There was no reason to be paranoid, right? Doors closed by themselves sometimes. Wind and pressure did strange things in cabins. Especially old, creepy ones with notebooks full of runes and daggers in the bed. Oksana swore to herself that if she opened the door and found a zombie, ghoul, draugr, or any other sort of beast out there she would never, ever suggest a trip again. All outing planning would be Eve's from then on and she would do them without complaint because, really, Eve would never allow her to live it down. 'Remember when we got caught in a blizzard and had to fight a ghost? That was bullshit, Oksana' – she could hear so clearly.
With a deep breath, she touched the door handle and turned it.
When it opened and she peeked out, her face drained of what little color she had, looking over her shoulder at Eve.
“What is it? Oksana, is there something out there?”
“I... I...” She stammered, whispering 'мамонт'.
“I don't know what that means baby – what's out holy SHIT IS THAT A MAMMOTH?” Eve screamed as she peeked out – Oksana threw a hand over her mouth to quiet her.
“EVE.” She whisper-yelled, eyes wide and horrified.
Eve screamed behind her hand, dropping immediately into an entirely reasonable panic. Oksana squashed her own freak-out to wrap her arms around her wife, holding her tight to keep her from going completely insane right away. She sank to the floor with her, stroking her hair to try and soothe her. Outside the door there was no longer a cabin. Outside the door, the whole landscape had changed. They were tucked into the single room, a room which was now flanked by glacial drifts. In the distance was a wooly mammoth, enormous and red-furred, walking with its mate and young, paying the pair absolutely no mind.
They had somehow gone back in time.
“This is crazy, right? We're not seeing that. There's no way. Absolutely no way.” Oksana whispered to Eve, who was shaking at the implications, mouth still covered as she whimpered.
“Caro, stay!” She yanked her mouth away from Oksana's hand as the dog attempted to creep out.
He whimpered and sat, ears straight up.
“I just – I – close the door. I can't look at that. This is stupid.” Eve shook her head, looking to her.
“Yeah...” Oksana mumbled, leaning up to get the door.
“So we're in a time traveling room? Like the Tardis but super shitty?” Eve mumbled, eyes just as wide as hers.
“Or we're buried in a snow drift hallucinating while we die.” Oksana suggested lamely.
“Either way this is... pretty awful.” Eve said.
“What are we gonna do?” She asked.
“I... Well, we have each other, our dogs, and some supplies. I guess we're gonna just... have to figure this out, right?” Eve said.
“Can we take a nap first? I think my brain is fried.” She whined in response.
“Okay, okay... Time for another adventure, huh?”
“And, Oksana? You're never choosing our vacations again.”
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goddamnmuses-a · 4 years
Dan Watches: Star Wars: Episode I -The Phantom Menace
So.. I got the idea of writing my thoughts up as I go basically as they get to the Gungan city so.. i’ll try and remember my thoughts before that and then I’ll do it kinda live. Under the cut cus long. 
Alright.. So the opening crawl was very.. politics which to be honest as i’ve got older I actually kind of enjoy that side of Star Wars but it doesn’t really add anyhting to the actual film because I think everything thats in it could be picked up by just watching the film. 
I kinda like the battle droids.. weird soft spot for them. I like the big ship ones too and Droidekas i thought were the coolest shit ever when i was a kid and i stand by that. 
I’m not all that bothered by the racial stereotypes because like.. i’m not the races they’re sterotyping but i can see why it’d be problematic.
Jar Jar isn’t as annoying as everyone makes him out to be.. don’t get me wrong.. he’s annoying.. but he’s not cancer. 
Aesthetically the Gungan City is pretty cool, giant underwater bubble city.. i bet there’s cool fan art of it somewhere. 
Alright now we’re live.. The duck things the Gungans ride are weird. 
Do Gungans like JarJar eventually become the giant Green guy? .. I googled apparently they’re just two different races of Gungan despite looking like totally different Aliens.
It’s nice that all races are like “Life debt? Oh yeah thats a legit thing.”
Gungans speak like English or Common or.. i forget the Star Wars term.. Basic? is their second language.. but it isnt. 
Yooo Qui Gon just made JarJar go to sleep using the force.. Why is Force Sleep not a thing in more stuff... gotta keep an eye out for that now. 
Naboo is pretty.
Padme is so extra, she’s in her iconic red dress that’s already extra as fuck and then sees that she’s been captured and is like “Alright.. but first.. wardrobe change!” and then shows up in some black number. I’m not sure if at this point she’s actually Padme or if Padme is pretending to be one of her servants now but either way she had a costume change and nobody questions it so she must be having costume changes all the time. 
When Qui Gon force pushes two battle droids theres a really weird sound effect that sounds like it belongs in a mario game. 
Pretty sure Padme is the handmaid now and this new Queen should take the opportunity to be like “Yoo peace out bitches.” Then we get Keira Knightley’s adventures in Star Wars.
Also who was she before this swaparoo? Was she a handmaid and just suddenly got promoted to queen? Like she could be saying all sorts of shit. I know she gets revealed later on but think of how much she could do whilst Padme is away. 
The first words ever spoken to R2 in Star Wars, chronologically, (although inderectly) are “Hello Boyos”. Just sit with that. 
The first words spoken to him directly are “How rude.” which seems about right tbf with how sassy he is. 
Darth Maul is awesome. 
Keira Knightly or Sabe (I looked it up) is like “Yo actual queen, clean that droid!” i think she just wanted to feel more powerful than the actual queen there, little power trip. 
Nice Poncho Qui Gon. Cal approves. 
I wonder how long Padme took to convince the others to let her go off alone with Qui Gon and Jar Jar and R2 (Dunno why R2 joins them?) on a planet thats ruled by the Hutts
I kinda like Watto.. not as a person.. he just amuses me.
Kinda cool that Anakin can speak Huttese, wish he spoke it more often.. just cursing in Huttese as Obi Wan tries to teach him stuff. 
“Are you an Angel.” Smooooth kid. Smoooth, you’re gonna get with her. Despite her being way older than you. They couldn’t have just made him the same age as her? 
Toydarians should be used for more things, especially involving force users. 
Anakin. The slave. Is like “Here Qui Gon, you’ll like this food.” and he’s just like “Cheers” and pockets it for later. Dude. Try it. 
I really hope they do go into more High Republic stuff next, give me a Destiny-type game where you play as a Jedi with your mates. 
Quigons like “You must have Jedi reflexes to race pods” Then he catches Jar Jars tongue in a blink of an eye and Anakins like “You’re a Jedi Knight aren’t you?” And Qui-Gon is like “What makes you think that?” ...? .. You just fucking.. God damn it Qui-Gon. 
Anakin: “No one can kill a Jedi”. Palpatine: “Hold my Blue milk.”
I feel like im becoming fluent in Gungan broken basic which is worrying. 
Anakins mom whos name i’ve literally just forgot is like “He was meant to help you.” ... bitch.. what? Why does nobody question that? 
WHY DOES JAR JARS MOUTH MOVE WITH OTHER PEOPLES LINES!? ... Darth Jar Jar.  #PlagueisTheWiseWasAGungan. I mean not rly but seriously.. that would have been a really cool plot twist. 
Jar Jar got numbed and got his hand stuck.. so like.. perhaps not.. otherwise you’re playing a little too dumb mate. 
The look of worry from Shmi, good stuff. 
The two Headed announcer speaking basic and Huttese is pretty smart like, the one doing one and the other doing the other. 
What the fuck is Clegg Holdfast?
What the fuck are any of these races? Like.. where are these races throughout the rest of the franchise? 
Crazy that lightly bending that one part of the podracer can fuck it up so bad. 
Who the fuck is that other Hutt? Oh yeah I’m watching the like updated version with Geroge Lucas’ “Fixes” in it. Probably should have said that earlier. 
I cant remember if this is true but I’m pretty sure Qui-Gon knows Padme is the Queen and is just fucking with her at this point. 
Man Pod Racing is cool, fuck whoever says it isnt. 
Gimmie an updated Pod Racing ps4 game.
What the fuck is that long thin alien thats selling food to the crowd? Gimmie a Jedi version of him. 
Havent commented in a while because i just kept watching it tbh.
Coruscant looks cool. Still want more High Republic stuff. 
What the fuck is that driver alien, he looks in pain to exist. 
“There is no civility, there is only politics” The Chancellor code. 
Is it too late to call a vote of no confidence on Palpatine? 
I see you there in the background Yaddle. Get it girl. 
Fuck me the added extra of this long neck ass Jedi Master is so distracting. 
Where Jaro Tapal at tho?
You’d think after Padme’s like “Surprise bitch it’s me” moment coming up the Jedi would be like “Well shit.. maybe we’re less aware of things than we think... Yoda.. are you just a short human painted green?” 
Amedala... So extra with these outfits. I get that she’s a Queen but Jesus. 
Eyyyyyyyyyyyy it’s ET. 
Qui-Gon is such a bad boy. 
I kinda get why Jedi take kids when they’re really young, so they can’t remember their parents so they aren’t constantly worried about their parents and then fall to the dark side... doesn’t make it any nicer though. 
My vote went to Bail Antilles. 
To be fair not training Anakin could have been very bad. He could have like gone even more Darkside and Palpatine could swooped in and trained him himself completely. 
Maul is barely in this but fuck is he still cool. 
You know what I don’t hate Midichlorians. They’re just like atoms that stick to certain people and thats what gives them access to the force, it doens’t really change anything it’s just a scientific explination. 
You know what.. During the middle of the film, Jar Jar keeps his mouth shut and just lets people get on with it, that’s alright. 
How old is Obiwan supposed to be in this film? 
A little more variation in these creepy ass gungans would be nice. 
Damn the Viceroy and the other guy are huge or Maul is smol. 
Love that Gungan dindgeridoo horn thing. 
I also love the giant bubble shields. 
Are they watching a Star Wars battle tactics pc game on that screen?
Fuck The Darth Maul fight is badass. 
I don’t buy Anakin at all, he wants to fly out there and get involved, the little shit. 
Quigon doesnt even flip when he jumps, he’s just like “I’m too old for this shit.”
Yeah R2 is like “Go back” and Anakins like “Naaa fuck that”... Tut tut. Boys gonna be trouble.
The way Maul stalks back and forth the other side of that barrier like a Sith Tiger.. Good shit. 
Aaaaand Quigon is dead. RIP. 
“Now This is Pod Racing.”.. It’s not though is it? 
Nice to have something blow up and actually have debris instead of just all being gone completely. 
Anddd there goes Maul to go get robot spider legs and then be found by his bro Savage. 
Why do you wanna bring balance to the force anyway if it’s currently so one sided favouring the light side? Surely bringing balance is a bad thing at that point. 
Yoda’s already soooo old. 
Alright so they know there’s a Sith out there and the guy is still just like right next to them and they don’t know. Tut. 
That Jedi behind Mace Windu at the end looks intimidating as shit. 
Padme, he’s a kid, calm yourself down woman. You predator. 
Alright.. Film done. 10/10 Best movie ever. Naa tbh I enjoy the prequels more than most, obviously if you’ve stuck with me this long you know that but it clearly has its flaws.. still.. I enjoyed it! Feel free to ask me my opinions on specific things if you want.  Also shamelessly gonna plug my two star wars muses Cal and Savage here, rp with me you cowards. Also I’m down to star wars verse any of my other characters, literally any of them, i have ideas for all. 
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pokefan531 · 4 years
Star Wars Retrospective 2 - Prequel Trilogy
This time, I will do my retrospective on the Prequel Trilogy. Merry Christmas and may the holidays be with you. DISCLAIMER: This post will contain my opinions of the prequels. I am gonna be fair to the goods and bads on each three films. If you respect my opinion and understand my reasons about my retrospective and current thoughts of the films, I will appreciate it. No pure hate will be done on anyone involved in those films, and will be honest about the people and what I think they should've done. This is mainly about retrospective. To recap from my Original Trilogy posts, I played the games first before seeing the films in full length. Just to remind you, I did see Episode 2 in theatres first, before seeing any other Star Wars films. In late July 2002, I was in Peru for a trip. One day, I went to the mall in Lima. The mall looked nice, and it was mostly outdoors. The hallway and the eating area are all outdoors. I enjoyed looking around the mall with my family. Later, we said we're gonna see a movie. I didn't know at the time that I'm gonna see Star Wars, but when I sit on the seat in theater, I was waiting to see what movie it was. I didn't even ask, and the fact I have very basic Spanish skills. When I saw Star Wars logo on screen, that's when I realized we're watching it. Granted, this is my first time seeing a Star Wars movie in theater, but in the US, it's The Clone Wars movie, and The Force Awakens as a main film. The entire movie was in spanish, and I didn't understand much of it. Episode 2 came to Peru in July 2002 instead of May. I thought all the action scenes were interesting. I mainly focused on those scenes. I remember seeing the chase on Zam Wesell, The Kamino battle and negociations, Anakin fighting Tuskin Raiders, and the entire Battle of Geneosis. Also including the rest of the movie. I didn't realize the romance scenes because I watched it on unfamilar language, and filler dialogue. I would admit that they have a lot of them, but I still liked the action parts as a kid. My most memorable scene was Anakin vs Count Dooku because he cuts Anakin's arm off. I didn't notice much of CGI. I was a kid, but as of now, a lot of the CGIs don't really look terrible. Noticable, but not awful. There are exceptions like Dexter Diner scene and the hallway with Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Mace Windu. I know there's more, but the CGIs, admittedly, didn't age well. It's more like PS3 and X360 graphics than PS2 graphics. PS2 graphics would be like Food Fight or Sharkboy and Lava Girl. As a kid, after seeing it, I had fun seeing it. It's common that you had fun after seeing a Star Wars movie in theaters, but it was new to me. I remember having Galactic Battlegrounds, and so I tried to recreate the battle arena of Geneosis. I think we had a good time at the mall. I don't know if any of my family didn't like it, but I know I did. By the way, I don't remember hearing people gasping for Yoda grabing his lightsaber. Fast forward to December, we brought Episode 2 to see it in English. I understand some of them, but still enough to know a lot about the movie. I saw it with my other family members who didn't came to Peru with us. I remember some dialogues like I HATE THEM!!!. I enjoyed seeing the action scenes again, especially Geneosis. Even as a kid, I knew they had filler dialogues. I still didn't notice the romance scenes being bad though, at the time. I do think a great scene that everyone mentioned is Anakin's anger on Tuskin Raiders, and as a kid, I thought it made sense. After seeing it in English, I decide to see the Geneosis segments again few days later. I'd admit, the lightsaber duel looks pretty cool, even now. It was the only Star Wars movie I have at the time, but I mostly play the video games like Star Wars Racer, Galactic Battlegrounds, and Rogue Squadron 3D. Fast Forward to Late 2007, I already mentioned about me playing Lego Star Wars 2, and seeing the OT. My cousin decides to show us all the movie on the visit. We saw the OT first, and then we saw Episode 2. We didn't go to Episode 1 yet. When I saw the movie again, I'm like, I remember the movie. I kinda had the same opinion as I has when I was younger, but I know much more about the movie, and I liked Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan and Count Dooku was well casted. I wouldn't want to fill my retrospective on Episode 2 more, so I'll move on to Episode 1 and 3. I saw Episode 1 last, so I'll move to Episode 3. My cousin played it. The first several minutes were pretty amazing. We get to see Anakin and Obi-Wan in more action. I thought General Grevious was just a villain. I knew he wasn't written as good as Count Dooku or Anakin, but his battle with Obi-Wan was satisfied enough to me back then. Even before all the memes, I quickly regonized the dialogues from the movie. The dialogues aren't as great as Original Trilogy, it was still better than the first two prequels. Seeing Anakin vs Dooku again made me feel like I really waited this long to see a sequel. I know it's random, but I used to remember enjoying their first duel. I find it interesting that we question ourselves during the movie about what happened. We do that a lot during our childhood. My favorite duel in the movie is Anakin vs Obi-Wan. In my first glance, we do see their acutal connections, and Anakin's perspective on the Jedis. We used to play with lightsabers to fight. I remembered the birth of Vader's suit, and even the Nooo. Back then, I thought it was fine, but I get that already it's not really good. I don't mind it, and I see it as a meme. I thought my first time seeing Episode 3 was exciting. I liked a lot of parts of the movie, and to an extent, I still do. It's funny how I think about the connections back then about the events from the prequels. I never felt there was any huge disconnections on continuity. Even to this day and during the backlash on the prequels, I never was against Episode 3. I thought it was tolerable and satisfying, but I'll discuss this later. Now let's go to The Phantom Menace and how I first saw it. My cousin's next visit brought Episode 1, and we saw it together. To be honest, we over-fun the visit because he brought his lightsaber and PSP with Lego Star Wars 2. I knew about the Pod race because of the video game. We played the movie, and we were having fun in our own terms. Wow, what a memory. We do see Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan slicing off the droids and stuff, and it was a pretty good start for action. I never knew about force speed that they used to escape from droidekas until six years later. Seeing Jar-Jar the first time, I thought he was little funny back then, but I never see him as my favorite thing nor really smart. I notice the political discussions, but in this visit, we somehow just talk over it, saying how the astestics looks cool. Later, we realized Jake Lloyd was playing as Anakin, and it's because our favorite movies back then was Jingle All The Way. We thought it was cool when we first watched it. Pod Racing was pretty exciting. It reminds me a bit about the video game. Let's get to the part where Battle of Naboo started. The three of us decides to play Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Darth Maul and take turns, so we saw Duels of the Fate four times! Second one is when we start reenacting the characters. On our second to fourth time, we fast forward whenever it cuts to Jar Jar, Padme, or Anakin. It was very fun! It was. It was our favorite thing from the movie. We thought Darth Maul was a cool character and so as Duels of the Fate soundtrack. Back then, we never thought about Anakin surviving the space battle nor how unhelpful Jar Jar was in the battle because of this. After we saw the movie, we thought it was pretty good. Granted, it was actually not the best film, and even back then, we found the Original Trilogy even better. While we enjoyed all the movies back then, it was pretty fun to enjoy Star Wars. I did play the first Lego Star Wars a month after I got the second game. Since I went all through the prequel trilogy retrospective, let's discuss about the flaws and backlash that it went before. I discovered the backlash of it in 2012. I did see the 3D version of the Phantom Menace, which was almost as pointless as Solo, and I started to realize how the movie has problems with pacing and stuff. It wasn't really 3D, so it wasn't worth seeing. At first, I thought it was okay or not great. A year later, I do find more backlashes of the prequel trilogy, and some of the things made sense. Episode 1 was pretty monotone and didn't handle the politics discussions correctly. It has fillers that they could've trimmed out. I do see Jake Lloyd become a joke, and I do think he wasn't well acted, I knew it was the problem with the directing and choices. Jar-Jar was pretty dumb, and at that time, I never thought he's the worst character that anyone would say outside the fandom. Mine was Iris from Pokemon anime, and I used to proof she was worse than Jar Jar. I never blamed Ahmed Best for playing him. There was medi-chlorians thing, but I never did analysis on it. Episode 2 has the CGI and bad romance. CGI was used in most of the film, but many parts didn't look too bad. I get the Dexter's Diner scene and Green Screen with Obi-Wan, Yoda with hover, and Mace Windu, but the rest didn't seem that bad to be honest. In the last couple of years, I think the written romance made connections between Anakin and Padme really awful. I know the lines and directing made Anakin a cringe of a character, but I never blamed Hayden Christiansen. I thought he was a good actor, but I knew the production handled him poorly. I feel sorry for him for getting the hate. He was never mean or anything. He's done decent or good on other movies. I think he does a bit better in Episode 3 though. Episode 3, I honestly never understand how people see this movie as bad as the first two. I thought it did a lot better. I think it's not up there with the OT, but at least good enough for me to enjoy. I get the flaws of the movie, but I never understand it being really a terrible film. The flaws I can point out are the romance balcony scene, the pacing of Anakin becoming a sith, the Nooo Vader scene, or Padme's death explanation. I know people find General Grevious a weak villain, but I find him pretty okay. He's better in Clone Wars 2003 and 2008 one, but he's really best in the first one. The dialogues are somewhat monotone, but it wasn't as appearant, and many of them are memeable. Hello There. Your move. I got the High Ground! Not a happy landing. Ewan Mcgregor is my favorite protagonist actor of the trilogy. Obi-Wan seems pretty enjoyable. The CGIs in the film got better, but few places looks fake, but not really bad. Mustafar was a prop if you look at behind the scene stuff. Back to Hayden Christiansen, I thought he was pretty fine in this film and did better than episode 2, and I don't think the bad acting or directing are enough for him to win Worst Supporting Actor. Ian McDirmid was pretty good. The Yoda vs Emperor, I know many people find it pretty silly and I do understand, I don't really mind to be honest. I know Episode 3 is not as great as the Original Trilogy films, but I find it pretty satisfying. The things I found wrong in the backlash are few thing. First big one is George Lucas. Well, he got full control to make the trilogy, and did a lot on his own. While I do think some of his decisions are questionable, I never see him as a bad guy. Many people hate him for the prequels and Special Editions. I get it he doesn't do well on those. It goes out of hand on the hate. Many people hate on him so much that they made a song about him ruining their childhood. If you know the song and the lyrics, you know what I mean. I couldn't believe they made a song against him. That's where I found the backlash pretty brutal. The People vs George Lucas, I never seen it, but Mark Hamill did an interview in early 2017, saying how they were hating on him. Yeah, the backlash on George Lucas was pretty brutal especially since he's a creator who made the greatest franchise. I know not all creators are good people, but he had helped several people in the business. See Pixar and Lucasarts, and guys like Steven Spielberg. He had done decisions that isn't right, like special editions, but I don't think he really did anything harmful or insulting. My second thing that I find wrong with the backlash is taking it on actors. Jake Lloyd is a good example. I know you can critize the actors all you want, but don't see them as they purposely ruin the movies due to their acting or what they were told to act and say. Jake Lloyd got really bullied after Episode 1, and he ended up destroying his memorabilia and later committed DUI, and ends up in Mental Institution later on. Ahmed Best seems like a nice guy. I didn't know that even a voice actor can still get blamed even if not seen directly in the movie. He tweeted once about his suicide thoughts, but he decides not to. Thankfully, he attended Celebration 2019 in The Phantom Menace panel. Hayden Christiansen, I already mentioned him. Natalie Portman, I get that she's not really a good actress, but I don't think she's that bad of an actress. My third problem with the backlash is going against fans who enjoys the prequels. I met someone who likes Episode 1. He tells me why, and I never went against him for liking it. I never see those movies as really bad movies. I know this is a problem with the fandom since the hate on the prequels went strong in late 2000s (correct me). My former reviewer, Nostalgia critic, made 11 good things about the prequels. While his review was likable, he gives it a sense that people will go rage on him if he defends the prequels or say Hayden Christiansen is well casted. I don't watch his videos anymore, but that used to be accurate of how the hatedom was. The backlash declined somewhere in 2016 before Rogue One. I know they aren't perfect movies, but I can point out some things of what I liked about them. McGregor, McDirmaid, Christopher Lee, and Ray Park were pretty great playing their characters. My favorite protagonist is Obi-Wan. Soundtrack is amazing and it's really memorable. Lightsaber duels are really enjoyable. Some lines are memorable that they became memes. I know recently, people see this trilogy differently. I don't think the trilogy are generally a masterpiece, but it does vary by person who finds them enjoyable in any way. I'm just doing my retrospective and what I think about the criticism of the prequel trilogy. I do realize some of them are pretty fair. Episode 3 is enjoyable for me for its lore and story on multiple characters. I'm gonna include the fan edits. I recommend Hal 9000 fan edit of the prequel trilogy as a way to rewatch with several problems greatly reduced. I find his episode 2 fanedit pretty great. It did make it look like a substantial improvement that makes it watchable than the actual movie by cutting away fillers or bad scenes away as much as it can. Granted, with the cuts, few scenes that are cut can be questionable, like trimming away Qui-Gon's sense of Anakin or shortning Yoda vs Dooku to only using the force, but the fanedit is worth seeing. It add deleted scenes that made sense. I made a review of it last year, and it's pretty positive. I haven't seen his Episode 3 yet, but what I can say is that I would watch his fanedits to rewatch the prequels at the best way possible. Here's the question I'm gonna get asked since I post about the criticism. What about the sequel trilogy, especially The Last Jedi? I will cover the sequel trilogy once I see The Rise of Skywalker. It comes out this weekend, but I'm not sure when I could see it. I'll cover the history about those three movies. I am only covering the main films, not Rogue One or Solo. Once I'm done with the retrospective, I'll finally post my rank on all the movies made by Lucasfilm production. 
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
lego star wars the complete saga wii
lego star wars the complete saga wii
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga cheats & more for Wii (Wii)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Wii (Wii). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
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Also Known As: Star Wars: The Complete Saga (LEGO)
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Unknown Publisher: Lucas Arts ESRB Rating: Everyone-10 Release Date: November 8, 2007
Buy the Red Brick Detector
If you go through Mos Espa Podrace, when you pass the giant holes go on the far left side and grab the Red Brick. Once you get it save up 250, 000 studs and go to the extras section at the counter in the cantina and purchase it.
Play As Car
Only on two player. Have one person get in the car and start driving around. Then have a second person, most effective as a jedi or sith, keep pressing the change person button while facing the car, while the car is moving. Once it shows that the second person isn’t in control of anything, have the first person get out of the car, and the second person can pay as the car. It only works if the person in the car is second player, while the person to turn into the car is first player.
300,000 Studs Or More
Go to episode 3 chapter 1. Chose droid tri-fighter. After you shoot the first set of guns, crash. Keep doing this until you have 300,000 studs or more.
Unlocking Stuff
My advice is to play through the levels first thengo back and play it “free play”. This way you willhave the characters you need to get into specialareas.
Extra Lightsaber Damage Combo (Wii Only)
This move only works on lightsabers, but if you press the B button AND swing the Wii remote, it will create extra damage (you have to time your swings, don’t just attack randomly)you can create different combos yourself like B+B+Swing. Also if you swing the Wii to do a super-smash (double-jump+attack) it will create more damage. You’ll have to practice a lot to get it perfect (remember; timing is everything) but it really comes in handy in two-player duel and things like that. (P. S . The third attack, or final blow, can cut through anything on a person, even if they are blocking of are a droiddekka with their shield on. ).
Red Brick In Mos Espa Spaceport
To get the red brick in the mos espa level in episode 4, head forward right when the level starts. Right when you walk under the broken bridge turn left. Then with Luke or Obi-Wan, destroy all trash can’s in front of the wall. Then you should see a little door with nothing behind it. Use the force with Obi-Wan to take the parts off the ground and put them on the wall. There then should be a panel with R2’s face on it. Activate the panel with R2, walk in the door and you then should have unlocked a special secret.
Throwing/Pushing Enemies Into Walls/Trees
Switch to a person that is from the Dark Side, (Darth Vader, Emperor, etc.) and force him using Z. Do not hold him into the Air for a long time or they will die. While in the air, push him intoa wall/tree, and he will die. It is almost like a Jedi pushing droids.
Ghost Character
To buy the ghost character, you need to all-the-way complete story mode/All Episodes. He cannot get hurt and is not paid any attention by troopers, unless in cars.
Unlimited Studs
If you go to level one of episode IV in The Complete Saga there will be a machine with a lever. Pull the lever and out come about 10 silver studs. You can keep doing this to get money but it is slow so you may want a studs x cheat on. So far this has worked and is a good way to get cash.
Go to build-a-character and select luke’s head, darth maul’s body, black waist, legs and hands, skin arms black hair and a red lightsaber and then you have STARKILLER as a playable character!
Random Stormtrooper Sounds
First go to the level “Jedi Destiny” and select any character. Then when you take out the all of the Emporer’s hearts ECEPT two. Then (make sure you have extra toggle turned on) change to the Imperial Egineer and jump once and then you’ll here Stormtrooper noises.
Minikit Detector
Go to “Cloud City Trap” (Episode 5) throw bomb at metal gate beside R2D2 picture (unlockable point). The minikit detector is behind where the gate was.
Cheats Listing
Admiral Ackbar ACK646Battle Droid CommanderKPF958Boba Fett Boy GGF539Boss Nass HHY697Captain Tarpals QRN714Count Dooku DDD748Darth Maul EUK421Disguise BRJ437Droid Tri-FighterAAB123Ewok EWK785Force Grapple CLZ738General GreviousPMN576Greedo ZZR636IG-88 GIJ989Imperial Guard GUA850Imperial ShuttleHUT845Jango Fett KLJ897Ki Adi Mundi MUN486Luminara LUM521Padme VBJ322R2-Q5 droid EVILR2Sandtrooper CBR954Stormtrooper NBN431Taun We PRX482TIE Fighter DBH897Tie Interceptor INT729Vulture Droid BDC866Watto PLL967Zam Wesell 584HJFZam's Speeder UUU875
The Emperor
Type in AASDF.
Enter evilr2.
Boba Fett
Type in bobazxc.
Boss Nass
Enter HHY697 at the cantina.
Type in GIJ989 at the bar.
Tie Interceptor
Type in TNT729 at the bar.
Imperial Shuttle
Type in HUT845 at the bar.
Boss Nass
Enter HHY697.
Force Grapple Leap
Enter CLZ738 at the cantina.
Battle Droid Commander
Count Dukou
Type in H6J9P56
Darth Maul
Type in EUK421 at the bar.
Vulture Droid
Type in BDC866 at the bar.
General Grevious
Type in PMN576 at the bar.
Type in EVILR2 at the bar.
General Grievous
Enter PMN576 at the cantina.
Admiral Ackbar
GGF539 or ACK646
Tie Fighter
DBH897 at the bar
Taun We
Adi Mundi
Imperial Guard
Type in BRJ437 at the bar.
Type in ZZR636 at the bar.
Count Dooku
Type in DDD748 at the bar.
Zam Wesell
Type in HJF584 at the bar.
Zam’s Speeder
Type in UUU875 at the bar.
Type in PLL967 at the bar.
Type in EWK785 at the bar.
Storm Trooper
Type in NBN431 at the bar.
Jango Fett
Type in KLJ897 at the bar.
Droid Tri-Fighter
Type in AAB123 at the bar.
Captain Tarpals
Type in QRN714 at the bar.
Boss Nass
Type in HHY697 at the bar.
Force Grapple Leap
Type in CLZ738 at the bar.
Unlock all characters.
Complete the game to 100%
Secret Master
Collect all available red bricks.
Cash In
Sell your landspeeder to the Jawas.
A New Hope
Finish Episode IV in story mode.
Return Of The Jedi
Finish Episode VI in story mode.
Crossover: Destroy Anakin with Vader
Love Is�
Crossover: Destroy Jango Fett with Boba Fett
Arcade Master
Get 100 points in Arcade mode
Shoot First
Shoot First
Unlock Indiana Jones
Go into the “Bonus” doorway in the Cantina, then go through the door marked Trailers and watch the trailer for Lego Indiana Jones. You can then buy him for $50,000.
The Phantom Menace
Finish Episode I in story mode.
Attack Of The Clones
Finish Episode II in story mode.
Revenge Of The Sith
Finish Episode III in story mode
The Empire Strikes Back
Finish Episode V in story mode.
Going For Gold
Collect all available Gold Bricks.
Mini Mayhem
Collect all mini-kits.
Lightsaber Master
Perform 20 unblockable combo attacks.
Lightsaber Defender
Perform 200 perfect lightsaber deflections.
Perform 200 blaster character dodges.
Stormtrooper Slayer
Destroy 300 stormtroopers.
Droid Slayer
Destory 300 droids.
Fighter Ace
Destroy 50 TIE fighters.
Yee Haw
Ride all mounts types & ride-ons.
Crowd Pleaser
Break Jar Jar 20 times.
Slam Dunk
Destroy 5 people with one attack (Jedi super slam).
Disable 5 Droidikas with R2D2.
Fire In The Hole!
Destroy 10 characters with one thermal detonator.
Let The Wookiee Win
Pull 25 arms off other characters.
Disco King
Set off all three Discos.
Use The Force Luke
Death Star Trench Run without Firing.
Bar Room Brawl
Start a Cantina Fight with 50 casualties.
Lego Build-master
Make 100 Build-its throughout the game.
Max out the Stud counter
Cloud Cover
Finish Cloud City still wearing a Helmet.
Follower Of Fashion
Wear Every Hat
Crossover: Destroy The Emperor with Darth Maul
Did I Break Your Concentration?
Revenge: Destroy The Emperor with Mace Windu
Nobody Expects�.
Revenge: Destroy The Emperor with Kit Fisto
Hands Off!
Revenge: Destroy Anakin with Dooku
Who Needs Obi-wan?
Revenge: Destroy Darth Maul with Qui-Gon
Strike Me Down
Revenge: Destroy Darth Vader with Obi Wan
Online Player
Play through an entire level online
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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