hiking goals for 2023
climb 300,000 feet of elevation somewhere between 207,257 - 222,161
hike at least once per month hike grandeur at least once per month
more trail running
multiple 10k days (at least 2)
donate 1% of the vert I do in June to the Trevor Project
routes to choose from:
Timpanogos Sampler Out and Back    Timpooneke Trailhead -> Summit -> Aspen Grove Trailhead -> Summit -> Timpooneke Trailhead Attempted
Cottonwood Traverse (10K)
American Fork Twins to the Pfeifferhorn Saddle
Cottonwood Ramble Route (at least AF Twins to Big Cottonwood via South Ridge of Superior, maybe all the way to Millcreek) (10K, depending)
Beatout exit via The Notch
Box Elder Figure 8 (10K)
Kings Peak in a Day
South Ridge of Superior with Sabrina and Maia
West Slabs with Sabrina and Maia
The House to Park City (via Neff’s Canyon to Desolation Trail to Random Park City Trails) Different trails taken
Backpack Gannett
Backpack the Teton Crest Trail Trail Run, not whole TCT
Nebo with the Gals
Sundial Peak
Timpanogos Traverse   North Timp -> Timp -> South Timp
Cardiac Ridge Traverse  Superior -> Kessler (Northbound)
Cardiac Ridge + Superior via the South Ridge Linkup
Monte Cristo via Mill B South Fork (Lake Blanche Trail)
Cardiff Pass to Red Pine Lake Trail
Wildcat Ridge Traverse
Olympus via North Face
Olympus Double Feature
Olympus + Grandeur Peak via West Face
Olympus + Grandeur Peak via West Face + Kessler
Cowboy Scramble lol
Trail run down the Desolation Trail?
Whitney Mountaineer’s Route Attempted
Backpack to Lake Blanche? White Pine? Red Pine? With frands
Backpack in Great Basin
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an airbnb host has only one review on airbnb from a user who's been on other trips so I found the him on LinkedIn and I found the house location on google maps street view from the photos and so my final vetting will be to ask him a couple questions about the place before I book
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gummi-ships · 10 months
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Worlds of Kingdom Hearts
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Stranded Danny AU
Danny gets pulled into a faraway Dimension by a Villain one day, just after the events of Phantom Planet. He is barely 15.
He has no way to get back, but he does manage to unlock the power to make Portals. Unfortunately, none of the dimensions he ends up in are his own, and none have enough Ectoplasm to open portals for very long. It takes up to a week to scrounge up enough Ecto to open a single Portal into the next dimension over.
And none of these worlds have Technology strong enough to take him home either. The few times he did find some tech that could potentially get him home, it never worked or it was destroyed before he could finish it.
He spends well over 30 years of his own Personal Timeline trying to get back to his home dimension, constantly gathering scraps of Ectoplasm and Tech until the day he eventually collected enough to build a safe way home.
But time does not pass the same across dimensions.
What to him was a 30 year long Journey, was actually just 10 for his home Dimension.
And they had to move on without him.
Sam became a Business Woman who used her money to fund Nature Preservation Organizations. She hired Pamela Isley and helped her through her powers when she became Poison Ivy (still a Villain, but secretly working for Sam)
Tucker got a high ranking job at Star Labs, and helped Cyborg come to terms with his new life when he became a cyborg. He even helped upgrade his tech a few times.
Jazz became a successful Psychiatrist, and now works under Daina Lance as one of the Justice League's top Therapists, specifically their Child Psychologist for young Heroes
Ellie took his place as a Hero and became the new protector of Amity after he dissappear. After the Justice League was formed, she joined them and became one of their best members, always working and nor really taking many breaks.
They always wondered what happened to Danny, and spent many years trying to figure out what happened to him, but never succeeded. They finally began to assume that he was fully dead after a few years of searching. They had enough time to come to terms with it.
So one night, while a 22 yr old Ellie is resting on one of her rare days off, she gets called in by the League about a possible Dimensional Breach near her Home Town. JLD was deployed to investigate, and she was asked to tag along since she was the Resident Hero of the area.
But she refuses, thinking it's just some random ghost trying to enter the Living Realm illegally after she began regulating the Portal. JLD would be able to handle it on their own, let her sleep on her day off!
Meanwhile, JLD has located the spot where the Dimensional Breach is about to appear. They surround the Area, and prepare to interrogate whoever is about to appear, or deal with them if need be.
Space begins to tear apart as the fabric of Reality breaks apart at the seams. And from that wound in existence, an Adult Danny steps out. He is 44 years old, and looks like a less buff version of Dan without the mustache (basically imagine Danny as Ford Pines from Gravity Falls)
The JLD can sense that he is strong, but not too much so. It feels like he is powerful, but like that power has been starved for a while.
"Who are you?" Asks Wonderwoman, ready to jump into battle if needed. "What are your intentions in this World?"
Danny ignores them. He is staring into the Night Sky, eyes wide. The Constellations he hadn't seen in 30 years were there. The stars were in the right locations. He takes a deep breath, tasting the amount of Ectoplasm in thr Air. This is it. He's home. He's finally home.
"Finally" He says breathlessly. A slightly manic Grin on his face.
"What the hell does that mean?" Demands Constantine. The grin had unsettled him, and he began preparing a few spells just to be sure.
Danny ignored him again, this time deciding to close his eyes and finally eat his fill of Ectoplasm for the first time in 30 years. He was ravenous, this was the first decent Meal of Ectoplasm he had been able to have in 30 years. He was giddy, he was so happy to finally be home.
However the Heroes didn't know what was happening. All they knew was that some guy had ripped a hole in reality, said "finally" with a crazy grin on his face, and started emitting a dangerous amount of Death Energy for no apparent reason.
Constantine reacts on impulse, trying to cast a Banishing Spell on this guy.
Danny, feeling the spell begin to pull him away from his home after he had just found it again after Thirty. Fucking. Years. Does something that he would consider reasonable.
He quickly dashes over to Constantine and slams him through a tree.
This sparks a fight between Danny and the JLD. And at first he is having some serious trouble, but as he continues to feed on Ectoplasm and recover his strength, he becomes progressively more Powerful. It comes to the point where the JLD can't keep up anymore, and call in Backup.
Ellie was enjoying her night off, but the desperate Call from JLD about a powerful Entity at the edge of Amity finally got her going.
She rushes over and slams into Danny just as he is about to attack Constantine again. Neither of them recognize eachother, since they have changed since they were kids (Danny moreso) and continue to Duke it out.
Ellie is trying to banter with him, but Danny is really angry at this point. So he resorts to his final attack, his Ghostly Wail.
He levels a good chuck of the Forest, and in the end he is standing over Ellie as his anger fades. He says "Sorry" and he starts taking a look around him to see if there is anybody else.
Ellie is on the ground, shaken because she recognized that power.
She gets up, and asks "Danny?"
Danny finally gets a good look at her and says, and says "Ellie?"
Meanwhile JLD still has ringing in their ears and thinks that Ellie just called Danny "Daddy"
(Which makes sense because of the new age difference)
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milkibana · 9 months
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there's rats in the vents again
comms open
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sun-and-moon-mushroom · 2 months
Former demon lord and unfortunate transmigrator Bingge falls on hard times because he doesn’t have demon powers or a legal identity in the new world he’s been brought to, ends up forced to work for a shady maid hiring service… but when he goes to his first job it seems his new employer, Shen Yuan has very different ideas about what the job entails than he does
Bingge: yeah I can have sex for money that’s fine
Also Bingge: *forced to sit through SY ranting about whatever shitty web novel he’s been reading* just kill me now
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ltwilliammowett · 11 months
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Traverse Board, 18th -19th century
Simple traverse boards were used in northern Europe by the 16th century to keep a record of a ship’s movements. They were circular and had a series of holes along lines marking the 32 points of the compass. Pegs were attached to the board by string and placed in the correct hole for the course being steered, normally one hole for each half hour of the watch, as measured by a sand-glass.
At the end of each watch the records were written down, usually by the ship’s master, and the pegs pulled out ready for the next watch.
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ackee · 7 months
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people pleasing 💭
ka'meisha tends to attract people who think she's pretty, but want her to change to fit whatever image they have of her in their head (or whatever image their friends have in their heads).
sometimes she knows her worth and leaves. but most times…
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theartingace · 18 days
What’s your opinion on centaurs vs stairs. How (un)successfully do you think they’d try and get up and down stairs?
ohh I think it would depend entirely on the stairs, but they would be able to manage most stairs, depending on the setting and what kind of hooves they have! As obviously a draft-type taur may have more trouble keeping their big ol dinnerplates gripped onto some narrow stairs than a mini would with their delicate little tippers who could probably manage stairs that would give humans trouble!
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But I think the biggest factor would be how steep they are, if you want to make sure any centaur will be able to climb your stairs, just make em shallow and then they're only slightly more slippy than rough terrain!
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but the steeper they go past 45 degrees or so and you're closing in fast on a ladder, and we've already established how that goes for centaurs (NOT GOOD. TOO MANY LIMBS)
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dandylion-s · 1 year
Gwen Stacy really traversed dimensions instead of making a new friend and that's accurate queer representation babey
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internetskiff · 2 months
While I personally prefer the industrial aesthetic of Portal 2, it's kinda hard to deny that Portal 1's BTS areas had a sort of vibe to them that is unlike Portal 2's take on it. The industrial areas from Portal 1 are basically a hell of nonsensical technology. It's hilarious, it seems like GLaDOS rebuilding the place from scratch after her awakening somehow made it arguably LESS of a nightmare. I mean, just look at this.
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That's not so bad? OK. It gets worse. Why did Aperture have these devices.
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What do these pistons even DO they're just here to crush people and smudge up the ceilings with MOLD. Did they put these here so the janitors would always have massive stains on the ceiling they would have to clean (or, more than likely, die trying)?????????
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Some of these areas look like they wouldn't even be TRAVERSABLE unless they just handed portal guns out willy nilly.
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You know you've fucked up when the homicidal robot is more generous with catwalk placement than whatever termite mound of construction workers that had to pile on top of eachother to build all of this. The only areas I'd argue look even remotely hospitable are the offices, which actually do look kinda cozy, but you'd probably end up getting squashed by a stray piston before you could even GET there.
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Y'know Chell is pretty formidable but I think who we really need to fear is whoever the hell worked maintenance before the incident because if you can survive this building-sized tetanus-infested oven I'm pretty sure not even the fuckin Combine would be much of an issue for you. "Oh yeah I had to dodge like 10 pistons in order to get to Turret Manufacturing" like JESUS CHRIST.
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pigdemonart · 24 days
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Tried my hand at drawing the characters from Los Brujos as different Dungeon Meshi races. Super fun little challenge!
Their “official” versions if they were part of this universe are the portraits with the circles in the bg.
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legionofpotatoes · 4 months
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My annual invocation to play The Pathless to anyone that will listen
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gummi-ships · 10 months
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Kingdom Hearts - Traverse Town
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seaofgoldensand · 2 months
so, i had seen a lot of people saying that xavier only loves queen mc, but after reading his 3rd anecdote, i’d beg to differ. 
there is a quote in there where he says “no matter how many times it takes, no matter where you are… i will find you.” 
to xavier, mc is both hunter and queen. there is no difference. even if mc were to have another life, xavier will still see her as the same person, the love of his life basically. and no matter how many lives it may take, he will go through anything and everything to find her and be with her in some way.
also, his relationship from queen mc evidently carried over to hunter mc. remember in his myth where she was in a duel with xavier before he was taken away and jeremiah came up to talk to her, but when xavier returned and saw jeremiah’s arm around mc, xavier clearly was pouting and even told him basically to stay in his own lane. then we have hunter mc who jeremiah was measuring her figure in order to create an outfit to fit her fake role only for xavier to deadass spray water at him like a misbehaving dog saying that she can do it herself. 
i know damn well jeremiah had a ball in both instances, he just enjoys provoking xavier whenever possible.
his jealousy shows the same whether queen mc or hunter mc, perhaps he learned from his mistake before, but his efforts with hunter mc seems more like ‘i’ve made this mistake before, i won’t allow it to happen again’. because, if it were truly only for queen mc, then why would xavier go out of his way for hunter mc; when mc lost caleb and josephine, how she felt lonely and xavier told her about snowflakes falling on loved one’s shoulders by their passed loved ones. or even the most recent cards such as ‘romantic afternoon’ and ‘succumb’  as well as his 4* memories altogether. 
for someone who is coined as the one who only loves and cares for one version of a woman…he sure treats hunter mc a lot better than he did with queen mc. but, i still stand on this hill that xavier loves mc, no matter what version she is. also something i want to add, man is old, he’s been traveling space to and fro, he would never waste his time on someone he didn’t genuinely want to be around or simply be with.
when i say it transcends, this is legit what i mean.
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to him, queen mc is right there with him, once made to be his knight, now hunting and defeating wanderers side by side.
also for @ly-pleiades because she asked to peek into my thoughts about xavier and such and i am happy to deliver what i can
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sixtyune · 1 year
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Hear me out: Toppin Peppino
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