#transplural safe
honeydew-wecantwo Β· 12 days
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on the new frenzy of anti-endo tumblr users
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silly-guyyys Β· 12 days
hi !! can i have some transplural (or possibly transDID) tips ?? i'm bodily a singlet and super dysphoric ^^; /nf
no rush btw !! take your time !!
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of course!! idm, tips before the cut will have nothing to do with trauma, but tips under the cut may be triggering!! Please be careful and do whats best for you!! There's not a lot, but if you need more send another ask!! I also linked some carrds to help!
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first off, before the tips! Remember the terminology!
carrd for terms (themed, colored and lots more terms/pages)
carrd for terms 2 (less color and more straight to the point)
crash course on systems (not checked to be transplural/endo safe!! check with caution)
now, for the tips!!
Start by clearing your mind. Try to envision what one alter may look like. Do they have wings? Horns? Brown hair? Dyed hair? Think about one at a time. Then, once you've gotten that down, what's their names? What's their relationships to each other?
2. pluralkit or simplyplural are really good and endo/transplural safe! Pluralkit can help on discord and show who you are/who is fronting. So it helps people call you the alter name and help immerse yourself into it! Simplyplural and pk both can add descs to members, so you can help with their info, faceclaims and more!
3. System discords! theyre usually open for everyone(endo and cis), but i recommend saying youre cisplural/traumagenic, helps convince your mind you are a system!
4. remember, the brain/mind never fully accepts being a system, so dysphoria about it can help in a way! Even cisystems think theyre not real systems or fakeclaim themselves. So keep that in mind!
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5. what would you trauma be? How would it effect you? Would it make you osdd, did, hc did, etc? Think about it! research types of plurality and trauma if you're comfortable doing so!
6. Imagine how trauma makes your alters feel. Do they become angry? sad? blurry? Immerse yourself in that.
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treatroses Β· 4 months
Could I have some transplural tips please? Most I’ve got is just what I’ve learned not to do from watching those fakedisordercringe videos(I mostly watch them to figure out what I shouldn’t do when trying to transition, as well as some the YouTubers reactions. I don’t watch the often though).
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systempositive Β· 1 year
If you struggle with aspects of your plurality and it distresses you/your system, you're allowed to call yourselves disordered. You don't need to say which disorder it is or whether you even have DID, OSDD, UDD or P-DID. Your symptoms don't fit exactly into those boxes, but you know you're disordered? Call yourself a disordered system, if you want.
But you don't even have to say that. You could just say "We're a system," and you'll be just as valid.
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littlemelonberry Β· 5 months
there's no "wrong way" to be plural.
you don't need to be a "system".
you don't need to be a "collective".
you don't need to hear voices.
you don't need to have concrete ideas or knowledge about the "others" inside you.
you don't need a consistent headmate count.
you don't need a checklist for what's a "real" headmate.
you just need to feel at home in a plural community. you just need to see experiences and say "yeah, that feels right. i feel like that fits."
that's all it takes.
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bl33ding-rats Β· 29 days
people using pedophile/psychopath/narcissist/zoo as an insult gives me such an ick. like wtf
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harmfulgod Β· 2 months
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a term for those who identify themselves as cisplural/cissystem for any reason.
no dni. just be good.
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heavenly-wanderer Β· 2 months
as a cisplural person.
transplurals ARE plural! we're proud of you :)
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shittygirlfriend Β· 14 days
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✚ transΒ²pluralq π“ŽŸπ“ŽŸ
pt: transΒ²plural
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a transid / transplural flag for cisplural beings who feel as if / identify as being transplural despite being cisplural, this may be because most of their system may be cisplural but some of their system members are transplural, or other reasons.
self indulgent coin.
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systempositive Β· 1 year
Figuring out if you have either DID or OSDD-1 can be pretty tricky. Our brains hide our amnesia from us, too, so we can easily just not know we’re experiencing it.
Symptoms of CDDs can be really hard to track due to the nature of CDDs themselves, so this can make it hard to tell whether you have OSDD-1 or DID. We say: don’t sweat it. Your symptoms cause you distress, so you know you’re disordered, and the difference between the two disorders can be very arbitrary depending on who gives you the diagnosis and which text they use.
Do you experience distress due to your CDD? Do you experience being β€œmore than one?” Then you’re absolutely a disordered system, and the distinction between DID and OSDD-1 doesn’t really matter in the long run.
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happy pride month to radqueers. and antis too i guess.
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translockdown Β· 9 days
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transspeciesguy Β· 20 days
How can people who are pro endo/are endo be anti transplural?
You do realize.. if a transplural person transitions that makes them endo.. right?
It's literally just being a tulpa/willogenic system with a different name.
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bl33ding-rats Β· 1 month
i fully support shoplifting. please steal from chain corporations. they deserve it
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cecilnightvalepalmer Β· 3 months
I fucking love all of you, everyone in this community, whether I know you or not, whether I agree or disagree with any of your views, I fucking love you in any way you want that to mean. I care so much about all of you and goddammit we will change the future together. Stand with your brothers and sisters and siblings and creatures and robots and gods and everyone and everything and the things who are not perceived.
We will be okay.
The tides are fucking changing and we'll be okay.
Get some rest, God speed to all of you, may your nights and days today be amazing and know I am always, always here. For all of you.
I know sometimes it's a shit show, but we're gonna be recognized.
That day will come.
And it is coming soon.
Praying, wishing, and spelling.
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pupym Β· 14 days
if you are willogenic, transdid, or transplural PLEASE!!!! please infodump about the system you have/ would like to have
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