#trad esp
bevirspnsblmnt · 8 months
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trad sketches I drew today and then cleaned up and enhanced in ps later
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reima-c · 8 months
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Witch's Heart Inktober 2023
Day 5 - Bad End
"I'll kill you before you can kill me!"
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kitsiyo · 10 months
do you prefer doing traditional or digital art more and why? sending you hugs
I definitely have a favouritism for digital, as I'm very accustomed to the back button, and appreciate being able to flip my canvas' as well as being able to manipulate every part of my work with ease that I just don't get from traditional work.
Plus having access to every colour at one click, and can try different overlays and backgrounds without having to commit to any of them is nice to my brain. Traditional is fine, but if I have a choice I will choose digital any day
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accordionlover · 1 month
the problem with making music is That Shit's Embarassing .
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thedogslegart · 1 year
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Watchin TV.....
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naturalairhead · 5 months
more body diversity in goth fashion spaces please please please plea-
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gothoevsky · 6 months
i wish that all people who compliment goth girls (in a non creepy way) go to heaven no matter what 🙏
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agnesmontague · 1 year
i like remembering that white people live in a completely different reality sometimes. keeps me grounded keeps me sober
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alsoyooraiyah · 8 months
i feel like this comm im working on is like. teaching me a lot more than i expected it to
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forbiddennhoney · 1 year
why do so many white femmes think hyperfemininity is the only expression of gender nonconformity when it comes to femme culture
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What I do thoroughly love about House of the Dragon so far is it’s unreliable narration. Right from the very beginning, we’re being given a false sense of history, memory, and knowledge.
It opens with script, much like that of a history book, and then narration - from Rhaenyra Targaryen. This is House of the Dragon, so it makes sense, easily goes by unnoticed as a highly important perspective choice, but the rest of the episode puts everything into question. It is demanding the viewer to ask *why*. It doesn’t seem like it at first because the dialogue, while good, isn’t as witty as game of thrones.
But that’s part of the unreliability of our supposed objective experience. In the game of thrones, we get to see intelligent people unleash their tongues on each other, try to trick each other - but we tend to have all the context for the why. We can guess who is good, bad, in it for themselves, or simply being a dick. Here though, we’ve been framed as if we’re being shown events of the past, as they’ve transpired. But remember, George R R Martin enjoys unreliable narration as a style, it’s extremely present in A Song of Ice and Fire - it never truly carried over because Dumb and Dumber don’t actually understand the story. They know that each character tricks other characters, but they don’t realise they’re supposed to also trick *us*. (Where’s my dialogue of Sansa recounting her last moments with the Hound incorrectly?)
House of the Dragon writers seem to know this.
From Daemon’s speech being cut away from, to the Maester pulling Viserys aside, to Otto’s overt worry about King’s Landing, to Aemma casually saying how exhausted she is, and Rhaenyra’s voice over; we are being set up to make assumptions: Daemon wants power, the maester is unassuming (misogynistic maybe, by consulting the man first, but that’s pretty normal), Otto is a good councillor, Aemma is sick, and Rhaenyra is the titular hero. She is going to tell us the truth.
What is the truth? Who controls the truth?
This is a show based on a book written as if it were a historical document. A book in-world called the Dance of Dragons, and by George R R Martin as Fire and Blood.
We’ve been given a false sense of history, memory, and knowledge. We are falsely secure in our ability to perceive the objective truth.
The seat of all knowledge in Westeros is that of Oldtown; the home of the Hightowers, yes, but also the maesters. (YES im back on my bullshit, paranoia is the flavour of the season! A person commented on one of previous posts before and said there’s big suspicion toward maesters in the fandom and now I’m holding red string and pointing violently at a board.) Maesters are loyal to whom? A king or a lord? The sanctity of knowledge? Money? A god? Victors write the history books, for sure… but who actually *writes* the history books? What gets left in? What gets left out?
As someone with both an English and a history degree, this thrilllllllls me. I could absolutely go on a RANT about how the positioning of the written storytelling tradition as the supreme form of historical archiving in large scale civilisations is a control tactic that weaponises the accumulation of knowledge by maintaining a status quo driven by a literacy line, forcing the illiterate to take ppl at their word about history and tricking the literate into assuming that something is honest and accurate simply because it’s written. Oral tradition is the oldest and most common form of knowledge sharing in human history, yet in literate communities it’s viewed as inherently biased and low class.
(I mean you can even *see* this being discussed in episode ONE w/ the way the Targaryens value their mother language, openly engage in it, how Viserys and every! king! that! came! before! him! safeguards a propechy through memory alone, and how Rhaenyra tears a page in half to the shock of Alicent who values it above all else. Alicent who adores history, clutches the proof of it in her hands, a priceless manuscript that she only even has access to because of her status, while Viserys curates the proof of his city into tangible and accessible art, no doubt a piece of work that any person could engage in, while the Targaryens feel the proof of their ancestors in their language and their stories. *Culturally* we are shown that Oldtown and Targaryens are at odds with one another and how they exert power. Oldtown through literacy, Targaryens through magic. Propaganda vs military strength.)
(Dragons may be otherworldly, but fire power is just a shield. Dragons, as weapons, are a recipe for disaster. The establishment of a literacy culture that actively *prevents* just *anyone* from being able to access or curate this knowledge isn’t just a weapon, it’s a noose.)
If you started reading this thinking I had answers I am so sorry. It’s gotten a bit away from me. I feel like the throw dog sketch.
No answers.
Only theories.
We are not meant to take each characters word for truth, I believe. Instead, we are only meant to view them as human. Capable of misinterpretation, miscommunication, assumptions, and prejudices.
This shits going to be complicated. I doubt there will be a straight answer. Nobody will be easily likeable when it’s done.
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summerfevers · 11 months
uottawa bring back all your language programs pretty please pretty please
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thesnowflake18 · 1 year
In my opinion, I produce 1 piece of good art per year and then I'm spent. Hopefully this year I'll be able to produce 2 good pieces lol
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vampyrjuice · 2 years
wish fiddlers green would tour near me...... 😭 and flogging molly. the way I'd die for some irish music rn
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aduckwithears · 8 months
The early 19th century sure was something for our boys (gn). They were taking things at a FAST pace. (If, of course, you’re immortal and need to layer everything under 6 layers of deniability).
Whatever you do, don’t think about how in 1793 Crowley rescued Aziraphale and then they got lunch, in 1800 he brought chocolates to the bookshop then saved Aziraphale from a heavenly promotion, then in 1827 they went on a date to a cemetery in Edinburgh(prime date spot at the time esp for non-trad couples) and Crowley seemed to be having the time of his life.
Then especially don’t think about Crowley getting lightning-sanded down to Hell and showing up 35 years later in a much grumpier mood and with a request for Holy Water as “insurance”.
And don’t think about the context of their last interaction being attempted suicide by poison drink after a partner was lost… no wonder Aziraphale didn’t take the request well and they fought. No wonder Crowley was offended by fraternizing - they’d been way beyond that. Nope, don’t think about any of that.
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rotzaprachim · 28 days
some smaller bookstores, presses, and museum shops to browse and know about! Most support smaller presses, diverse authors and authors in translation, or fund museums and arts research)
(disclaimer: the only three I’ve personally used are the Yiddish book center, native books, and izzun books! Reccomend all three. Also roughly *U.S. centric & anglophone if people have others from around the world please feel free to add on
birchbark books - Louise Erdrich’s book shop, many indigenous and First Nations books of a wide variety of genres including children’s books, literature, nonfiction, sustainability and foodways, language revitalization, Great Lakes area focus (https://birchbarkbooks.com/)
American Swedish institute museum store - range of Scandinavian and Scandinavian-American/midwestern literature, including modern literature in translation, historical documents, knitters guides, cookbooks, children’s books https://shop.asimn.org/collections/books-1
Native books - Hawai’i based bookstore with a focus on native Hawaiian literature, scholarly works about Hawai’i, the pacific, and decolonial theory, ‘ōlelo Hawai’i, and children’s books Collections | Native Books (nativebookshawaii.org)
the Yiddish book center - sales arm of the national Yiddish book center, books on Yiddish learning, books translated from Yiddish, as well as broader selection of books on Jewish history, literature, culture, and coooking https://shop.yiddishbookcenter.org/
ayin press - independent press with a small but growing selection of modern judaica https://shop.ayinpress.org/collections/all?_gl=1kkj2oo_gaMTk4NDI3Mzc1Mi4xNzE1Mzk5ODk3_ga_VSERRBBT6X*MTcxNTM5OTg5Ny4xLjEuMTcxNTM5OTk0NC4wLjAuMA..
Izzun books - printers of modern progressive AND masorti/trad-egal leaning siddurim including a gorgeous egalitarian Sephardic siddur with full Hebrew, English translation, and transliteration
tenement center museum -https://shop.tenement.org/product-category/books/page/11/ range of books on a dizzying range of subjects mostly united by New York City, including the history literature cookbooks and cultures of Black, Jewish, Italian, Puerto Rican, First Nations, and Irish communities
restless books - nonprofit, independent small press focused on books on translation, inter and multicultural exchange, and books by immigrant writers from around the world. Particularly excellent range of translated Latin American literature https://restlessbooks.org/
olniansky press - modern Yiddish language press based in Sweden, translators and publishers esp of modern Yiddish children’s literature https://www.etsy.com/shop/OlnianskyBooks
https://yiddishchildrensbooks.com/ - kinder lokshen, Yiddish children’s books (not so many at the moment but a very cute one about a puffin from faroese!)
inhabit books - Inuit-owned publishing company in Nunavut with an “aim to preserve and promote the stories, knowledge, and talent of Inuit and Northern Canada.” Particularly gorgeous range of children’s books, many available in Inuktitut, English, French, or bilingual editions https://inhabitbooks.com/collections/inhabit-media-books-1
rust belt books - for your Midwest and rust belt bookish needs! Leaning towards academic and progressive political tomes but there are some cookbooks devoted to the art of the Midwest cookie table as well https://beltpublishing.com/
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