#totk coming full circle with the green
spicyicymeloncat · 11 months
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First attempt trying to draw all of them :)
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89 Days Until Tears of the Kingdom Release. The Trailer Breakdown is here. Sorry Tumblr killed the image quality. This is Part Three, Part One is HERE and Part Two is HERE.
Same Warning Applies: This will be obscenely long. I have spent hours of my life on this and I even went around Hyrule in BOTW to double check things. I have also watched only one reaction/analysis video (Limcube) whose ideas I reference a few times but the rest is all me. Now, I know many of the oddities and differences could easily be explained by saying we time travel into the past but I’m going to approach this for the most part as if we are not time traveling because it's more fun this way. Also, the colors refer to the corresponding arrows/circles on the image above it.
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Blue: This falling green glowing block inspires many questions (like literally everything else in this dang trailer.) Why is it falling? Is it related to the odd rocks that are everywhere now? Is it similar to an elevator that could bring you down from an island or maybe up to one?  Pink: A green swirly thing!! Haven’t seen one of these in a bit. If these really are the things that send you up into the sky, I’m gonna shout “Beam me up!” before I use them.
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Green: Yup, that’s right. It’s a little hard to see but that is a yellow Korok flower. Ya ha ha, I found you.
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Pink: Ganondorf’s attack reminds me of Princess Mononoke (Studio Ghibli Movie) and that stuff that was wriggling out of the boar god. Fitting considering it curses the main character's arm.  Green: The Master Sword is already covered in malice and Link’s arm is messed up even before Ganondorf does his attack. Now this could be the second attack, Link having partially fought off the first one and sustaining damage, or it could be something else. I think there might be malice coming out from the Master Sword itself. Since it’s the sword that seals the darkness, the past darkness might be escaping as Fi is no longer strong enough to contain it.
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General thoughts: Poor Link looks to be in a lot of pain (understandable because that malice corruption went really far up his arm.) Again I really like the focus on his expressions.
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General thoughts: The simple act of dropping the Master Sword (sorry Fi) says so much about Link’s worry for Zelda. I think we are in for an emotional ride in terms of the TOTK story. Red: This area on his thigh makes me wonder just how far the malice corruption spread down his right side.
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General thoughts: I can’t believe the Champion’s Tunic gets destroyed to such a degree. I mean it’s obvious that someone fixes it later since Link wears it during the rest of this trailer but still. Stupid malice ruining the tunic Zelda made for Link. I’m attached to the damn tunic. Pink: It’s interesting that other parts of Link’s gear appear burned/corroded. I really wonder what watching the full cutscene in game will be like.
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General thoughts: I mean what can I say about this shot other than I’m worried about everyone in it. I’m worried for Zelda’s safety, I’m worried about Link’s injuries, and I’m worried about poor Fi who is also falling and damaged pretty badly. Plus, Link really reached out for Zelda with his injured hand, willing to suffer more pain if he could avoid being separated from her. I love their bond but I’m also expecting Nintendo to make us suffer emotional distress. Words: “Please, lend him your power.” This is what Zelda says in the English dub. When I first heard it I wondered if Zelda was praying to the goddess Hylia. It certainly is an odd choice to play that voice clip right before showing a situation where Zelda seems to be in far more need of power. However, Limcube mentioned that the German dub says something along the lines of “You have to save him” and the “you” in that sentence addresses either a group of people (possibly the Zonai) or someone of extreme importance (could be Hylia.) I also think Zelda could be talking to the spirit hand thing.
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General thoughts: And last but not least, the entire reason I started this account. Soon, my friends. Soon we will be able to play TOTK and get answers to all of our burning questions.
Finally, I congratulate you for making it to the end of my Tears of the Kingdom trailer breakdown. As you can plainly see, I am perfectly sane about this game. Thank you and have a good day. THE END.
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mallowninja · 11 months
finished tears of the kingdom so i'm thinking about it now
good game. i'd call it a 9/10 alone, 8/10 as a sequel
so I don't need to get into details about the plot opportunities Nintendo didn't capitalize on in the presumably 4-ish years of development or the lack of playable Zelda or any of that. It's all been addressed before I got here. We're going to take that all as given and move on.
That said, I do think there are some easy things, and some not-so-easy things they could and should have done with this.
Remember Zelda's diary in Breath of the Wild that you could locate in her bedroom? I think they should have done that here. I'm not sure where specifically they'd place it, but I think it'd be reasonable to tuck it away somewhere in the sky, either in one location from earlier on in her time in the past, or in scattered pieces and imply they're travel logs from gathering up the Sages. Point is, I wanted more of Zelda's feelings written out here. It's straightforward and right to the gut in getting the player to make Zelda feel more Real even as she's not there.
If not a diary, there should have been little notes from Zelda carved into stonework throughout Hyrule, of her trying to leave help behind for him. It would've been a fun detail that they could have spread at least to the four major regions as per Zelda's implied traveling in order to request the Sage's aid for Link in the future.
Put a little scar line around Link's bicep if you're going to give him his original arm back! You could even make it a little Zonai green-ish if you wanted!
On that note actually, instead of giving Link his arm back, keep it gone. It's wrecked. Give an opportunity to show how Sheikah technology has been progressing in the post-credits by giving him a Sheikah prosthetic that still has full articulation. I'd believe it.
Give Zelda a lil' scar on her forehead. (bonus points it's a target for link kisses)
Anything textual about the Sheikah tech from BotW that got overtaken by Ganon being dismantled in the aftermath would have done a lot to explain why none of it is present in TotK. Even if it's all text and none of those lines are voice-acted. This is kind of what I assumed happened but I really appreciate the game actually giving me the info (or telling me outright) where stuff like that is concerned. Player assumption should only go so far!
please for the love of god let the Gerudo children wear full tank tops or something. please. PLEASE
Why is controlling Mineru so awkward and slow. I don't know what necessarily should be done to improve this but PLEASE do SOMETHING. Give her a run button or something.
I think there should have been at least one walk and talk cutscene for Zelda in the past, just like we had the game open with Link walking and talking with Zelda through the forgotten foundation down toward where Ganondorf was imprisoned for ten thousand years. I know we see glimpses of Hyrule's past when we see Zelda's memories in the geoglyphs but. I want more please.
Realistic or not, a walk and talk cutscene to close the game after the credits would've been fun too, at least to get up to the scene with Mineru and the others. I dunno. I like gameplay actions coming full circle. (Like Link reaching out for Zelda with the same hand he lost at the beginning. Very good, devs. A+)
why are there dogs at all the stables but no cats. why are there absolutely no cats in this Hyrule. Are there no mice in Hyrule? No vermin? We know squirrels exist. where the fuck are the cats.
Take the Amiibo button and the Map button off the Zonai menu. Put the Amiibo button somewhere in your key items. Why did you put the Map button on there if just to fill in the 8th slot. This was extremely unnecessary.
Good game though. If you liked BotW you'll like this one, I think. If you didn't then sorry it's more of the same.
The vibe is fantastic, the gameplay is engrossing, the difficulty spikes in a way that's a little hard to figure out until you really embrace either keeping stat buffs on via food or keeping your armor upgraded but is otherwise pretty reasonable, and the shrine puzzles are a ton of fun, even the battle ones. The Sage dungeons are overall MUCH better than the Divine Beasts (Mineru's is hit or miss; the Thunderhead Isles are great imo and the Depths portion is fucking dogshit) to the point I actually... had fun? Doing them? Holy shit.
Also the voice acting is fine. It's fine! Patricia Summersett is Good as Zelda. I thought this in BotW and I think this now. Don't bother to fight me because I don't care to engage.
I truly hope the dev team goes back to more structured storytelling after this because there's a LOT of opportunity narrative-wise to capitalize on in this game that they didn't follow up on, but just enough really nice details that makes me want more meat in the story even if the gameplay side suffers a bit.
But then, I like visual novels, so that says a lot about my priorities.
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