#tomoko chikazoku au
thotsforvillainrights · 8 months
Hope it's okay for me to send in an idea for Tomoko, Skeptic's daughter, but imagine a what-if scenario where Tomoko - fascinated with her dads luscious hair - wants to brush it. Skeptic figures since it's only brushing, why not? However as he gets more focused on his work/phone he doesn't notice how Tomoko has somehow acquired a pair of scissors, not until he hears that dreaded *snip* and the weight of his hair lifting
(Is it okay??? Is it okay?!??! I NEED TO WRITE THIS! This is one of the things that I'm way over the moon to write so thank you for setting me off to it. I love Dad!Skeptic and Tomoko so much😭)
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"Don't even say it." He mumbles out as he keeps his eyes on his phone screen and sips his coffee again. You gasp and place a hand over your chest. "How do you even know what I'm going to say? I could literally say anything!" He looks up at you with a bored expression and rolls his eyes. "I already know what you're going to say Y/N. You'll say something like 'Oh Tomo, please watch Tomoko today while I run some errands. It's so very important and it's your turn to do it anyway. Pretty please' just like that." You laugh at his terrible impersonation of your voice. "Ugh c'mon forreal though! Pleeeease?"
It's not like you two didn't love your baby to death! It's just that she was 4 years old now and ALWAYS busy with the world around her. It was a bit difficult to focus on the task at hand when it involved taking your eyes off her for a minute. About 15 seconds was all it took for her to get into something.
"Next you'll bribe me with something scandalous thinking it'll work like usual but you're in for a surprise this time. It's not working I can guarantee it. I've got an important project to focus on today and it involves running code and setting up a huge new program test for Feel Good. I've got to focus on everything on screen. One mistake can cause me to have to backtrack really far and I don't-" You interrupt him and lean to whisper in his ear, then smirk at the way his cheeks turn instantly red. He clears his throat and looks away for a moment.
"Fine, but you better carry through on your end of the deal tonight. Just like I want it by the way, or else." You nod with a smile and peck his cheek before prepping to head out the door. In the meantime, he's gotten up and prepared Tomoko for a new day. She's had her little morning wash, brush, and breakfast along with cartoons. She seated in her favorite spot on the office carpet with crayons and coloring books scattered about. Her barbies are splayed out on the floor along with some other ignored toys while she's moved on to watching silly videos on her little purple tablet. Tomoyasu is deep in his work by now completely forgetting he has a family in the moment. His eyes quickly scan the multiple numbers and letters on the screen as his fingers furious type away uninterrupted. Maybe this is about the time he doesn't notice his child has stumbled upon a barbie makeover video on the tablet.
She likes makeup...she likes fashion...she likes haircuts.
She really liked the way they cut the hair and curled it on the barbie specifically on her screen right now. She rewound it and paused it several times to get a good view on how the style was done. She'd snuck away to grab a pair of grown up scissors and returned to the office with determination riddled on her tiny little face. She was going to recreate this haircut perfectly (as a 4 year old could), but she didn't want to practice on her barbies on the floor...nooooo. She needed a big head of hair to match the big ol' grown up scissors in her hands.
Daddy has long hair doesn't he...
It's very unfortunate for Tomoyasu that he doesn't notice a single silent snip or light tug at his hair over the sound of the keyboard and his mind running a thousand miles an hour right now. In fact, he doesn't notice anything until he suddenly feels the cool wind on the back of his neck. When he stops typing and taps back into the world around him is when he notices the sound of the scissors snip and the weight of his hair lifted. His mouth falls open in horror when he suddenly reached behind him and feels the back of his head. Suddenly a pair of tiny feet stumbles off a step stool and takes off running down the hallway, just now realizing the gravity of the situation.
He remains silent, familiar veins bulging out beneath his eyes. Old friends he hasn't seen in a while since he'd been learning to try and control his anger. He takes a look at himself in the bathroom mirror and nearly goes as white as a ghost...
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(My shitty 3 minute doodle for reference in case you're wondering how it went.)
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thotsforvillainrights · 6 months
And last one for now! The puppy phase 
As kids most of us probably went through an animal phase and wanted to have a cute little puppy to care for. Tomoko is not exception, she is restless with her demands for a puppy. Please just one tiny little puppy she promises to walk it and feed it and give it all the things a puppy needs! Skeptic, of course, replies a simple No every-time, because puppies are a big responsibility (and he knows he’ll probably end up caring for it)
But then of course - of *course* his dear co-workers would - get her a puppy (you can decide who can give her it). Now Skeptic is not only having to raise a human child, he’s having to raise a puppy. It’s yappy and loud and it’s just learnt how to howl, it eats anything it can get its little jaws on (his expensive shoes are a delicacy), it’s getting dog hair on the furniture, and worst of its?? The little rat had the nerve to weasel its way into his heart 
One night Tomoko sneaks her way into his bed and sleeps with him. He of course heard her come in but instead of carrying her back to her room, he just pulls the covers over her and goes back to sleep. In the morning he wakes up to Tomoko and the furball curled up by his chest, sleeping soundly. Tomoko is cradling them like a teddy bear and the puppy’s itty bitty paws are twitching in its sleep- oh the puppy yawned, that was adorable. Why did he think that was adorable? 
Skeptic grumbles, swearing that this is the ONLY time the dog will sleep on the bed 
(The dog slept on any of the beds in the house at least three times a week)
(Oh the puppy phase is so real I swear. Skeptic strikes me as the type of dad to not want a dog but then treat it like a baby once he gets close to it)
~The New Puppy~
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As parents, there are a few phases you two are well aware of coming on the horizon. The 'where do babies come from' phase is going to be the most dreaded one of course. The 'can I join a sports team', yet the child may not stick and end up quitting way too soon. Even more so, you expect the 'can I have a puppy' phase to come before anything else with the way Tomoko is towards animals. Surely enough, the two of you were right. Your sweet girl was ruthless at it too. She was consistent, unyielding, NOT EVEN CLOSE to giving up asking any time soon. You let Skeptic handle this one considering he was better at saying 'no' to her than you were, She's gotten up in some age and he's had plenty of time to break free from spoiling her as best he could. He's managed to say no to her successfully many times in the past few weeks, but you can see his resolve starting to fail sooner or later.
The sneaky little thing even tried to trick Curious or Trumpet into getting it for her one day, had Skeptic not stepped in to say no just in time.
He sits her down one day and sighs, opting to have a deeper conversation and hoping to reach her through it. "Puppies and dogs in general are a large responsibility kid. It's not just something cute you can hang out with or take picture of. You need to clean them, feed and water them, take them on walks, take the to the vet and groomer, train them, and so much more." He's telling her all this but knows in the back of his mind that big responsibility for her will actually be a big one for him instead. She'd pouted afterward and he was sure she'd be right back at it later in the week.
It's unfortunate for him that he ended up bringing her to work on a day that his stubborn coworker would be there. This was a woman he'd describe as having so restrictions. No matter how angry he was, this was the first worker that actually didn't cower away from him. Perhaps he was annoyed he didn't have any control over this woman any more than the other higher-ups did. Worst of all, he hated how she'd go directly against what he was trying to teach his daughter. One day he caught Tomoko with a pocket full of half eaten candy after he specifically told her to wait until dinner time before sweets. It wasn't a question as to who gave it to her. It was precisely this very same coworker that took an *ahem* early lunch break and returned from the pet store with a small yapping rat. Now unfortunately for him, he was stuck having to raise not only a kid but also this damn dog as well.
The thing stinks, it smells like a bag of dirty pennies. It never shuts the fuck up. It shits and pisses all over the house rather than on the puppy pad, and it destroys EVERYTHING (including his most expensive pair of shoes). Woe is him...While you were supposed to take his side with this, you ended up falling for the thing rather quickly. Now it was two against one and he was stuck with it. Even worse on him, he began to find himself growing slowly interested in the little thing as well. He began calling it by it's name (puddles) and actually taking some extra time out of his busy day to help his daughter care for it. He hated every bit of how easily he tended to fall for cute things. Perhaps that's why you had him wrapped around your finger when the two of you first started dating years ago?
One night Tomoko had snuck her tiny self into your shared bed and fells asleep. He woke up to some muffled feet on the carpet and obviously knew he heard her come in but instead of carrying her back to her own bed, he just pulled the blanket over her and went back to sleep. That very next morning he woke up to Tomoko and the pup curled up near his chest...sleeping soundly. His babygirl is cuddled up closely against him with the small creature, its small little paws twitching in its sleep...When exactly had his heart gotten so warm at the sight? Oh well, nonetheless this was a one time thing. That dog (no matter how cute) would have to sleep in it's own bed after tonight.
At least that's what he said a week ago. The puppy has been sleeping in beds ever since.
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thotsforvillainrights · 6 months
That one I sent with the tooth falling out was long so imma try to keep the others short to not spam you! 
Babies first swear. I think Skeptic does swear, but he’s not dumb enough to swear in front of his own flesh and blood, at least within hearing range. He’ll have times where he *almost* slips up, but he never actually does. 
So image the absolute boiling rage he feels when he leaves Tomoko in the care of his co-workers for a day - ONE day - and she comes home to excitedly tell him the funny new word she heard. Of course, when he innocently asks her who taught her such a word, she replies she doesn’t know, she just heard someone yell it, before toddling off. 
The next day Skeptic has to physically restrain himself from busting the office doors off their hinges as he proceeds to interrogate his coworkers 
(No worries! I enjoy writing Dad!Skeptic content so much. It's like a little treat for me every single time lol)
~Unsupervised Attention~
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It's a certainty that Skeptic swears. He used to do it a lot more before getting together with you. Now he tries to keep it to a minimum here and there. When Tomoko came along, he's gotten an even better hold of it...at least when it's in front of her specifically. Surely he has his times when he nearly slips up in front of her. An example would be last week when he was heading into the kitchen for breakfast half-asleep. He stubbed his toe on the couch corner and you saw a tear roll down his cheek when he slapped his hand over his mouth to prevent the cursing from coming forward. Those tiny eyes were watching and those tiny ears were most definitely listening as well. Tomoko was younger at this time frame. She's in the phase where she copies everything she hears around her and will likely say it even when the situation doesn't call for it. She heard you say 'Oh wooooww' sarcastically and now she's been stuck saying it for 2 weeks straight (even when it doesn't match what's happening in the moment).
It's probably the worst day for Skeptic when he brings her to work with him. It's not that you had any errands to run but that school was closed for today and he wanted to spend a little time with his mini-me for a bit. It was supposed to really be a quick in and out trip to the office. He didn't intend to actually get wrapped up in the essential work the other board members had presented to him. He had no other choice in this very moment than to leave Tomoko with some lower level grunts so he could get the work out of the way quickly. So after littering her face with kisses (and threatening the workers to make sure she would be protected) he left his baby girl alone for a few hours. Those few hours turned into many before he was finally able to retrieve his daughter and bring her home. He gave a few good look overs before holding her closely and taking her out of the busy building. On the way home she piped up excitedly in the back seat, telling him she learned a new word today. Skeptic, being the excited father that he was, eagerly asked her what that word was. He expected to hear some tech related vocabulary thinking he would be able to have a gateway to teach her a little more about computers from this point.
He wasn't expecting to hear the word 'shit' leave her precious little mouth. He gasped and she giggles sweetly, not fully understanding the gravity of the situation at hand. He finally cleared his throat and asked her through gritted teeth "Who taught you that word, kid?" She only replied that she didn't know but that she heard someone yell it earlier. He nodded to himself, trying to remain calm as he pulled into the driveway. Once inside, she toddled off elsewhere to play with her dolls while Skeptic was already creating a hit list in his head. The very next day it took everything within him to not take the doors off the hinges when he burst into the building. Working at F.G.I it wasn't an unusual sight to see Tomoyasu Chikazoku fuming at something or someone. However, that didn't make it any less scary. This is especially more terrifying for the few employees he gathered to interrogate about his daughter learning a 'new word' at work. God help the man/woman/or person that confesses to being the root of this issue...
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@the-videodame quick doodle, I'm happy to have gotten the chance to churn out some Tomoko content! Thank you!❤️
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Proud dad, can you tell????
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thotsforvillainrights · 6 months
I think kids are resilient little dudes. Combine that with them being adventurous, and naturally, kids end up with a few scrapes. So imagine this sorta scenario: It’s Skeptic’s first weekend off in MONTHS. It’s unusual to not be working, but it’s not terrible, he concludes, as he sits in the shade with a book or something (side note: if this man doesn’t wear factor 50 suncream he’ll combust into flames). In the yard, Tomoko is playing nearby, entertaining herself….until she decides she’s going to climb to the tree, because why not? 
She gets a decent ways up before Skeptic glances over to check on her, doing a double take when he catches her in the tree and HOW did you climb that so quickly young lady?! 
Tomoko ends up falling outta the tree seconds later, she’s totally fine, a bit sore but she’s fine. Unlike Skeptic, who is very much NOT fine in fact his heart may have leapt into his throat for a second. 
Tomoko brushes off his worries with a “I’m okay dad!…Oh but my tooth fell out” and holds up a little tooth in her palm. Her tooth was already wobbly before hand, but she wanted it to be a surprise to her parents when her first baby tooth fell out, so all Skeptic is thinking is his dear baby daughter fell from a tree on his watch AND HER TOOTH FELL OUT?! Oh god he needs to run a medical check asap- 
(If there's one thing I learned about kids is that they're definitely little troopers. I've seen some kids get wrecked and not even shed a tear until asked if they're okay first. My nephews and nieces always end up with random scuffs after school and playing at the park. Kids are rough sometimes lol!)
~Tomoko's Tooth~
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For whatever unknown reason, Tomoyasu had been granted a weekend off. It felt like it had been a million years since this last happened. In all reality it was a few weeks to a month, but that's not the point. No, he was finally going to focus on something other than work for once. His brain that was always thinking, always formulating, was finally somewhat quiet. Sure he plans to spend it lounging with you when you get home from running errands later tonight but for now he was outside soaking up some sun for once. He'd always been rather pale and you'd joked that he had the same complexion of a boiled unseasoned chicken breast. He scoffed at you whenever you brought that up as a joke. 'Yet, you chose to marry this chicken yes?' he'd always reply back.
He'd slathered on some essential sunblock to keep himself from getting burnt (which happened easily) and leaned back into his lounge chair with a book. Nearby Tomoko was playing some sort of game she'd created all by herself. Being an only sibling was no issue at all to her as she'd always managed to play well by herself AND with others when given the chance to do so. She'd gotten up in age just a bit and so he didn't need to glance at her every single second like he used to do when she was smaller. However, he'd soon come to regret that when he realized it was a little too quiet.
Never a good sign with kids involved.
He paused his reading and jerked upward when he didn't immediately see her anywhere in the backyard playing. His heart fell flat when he looked up and noticed her halfway up a tree! Tomoyasu tossed the book aside and rushed to the tree a mere second too late. Tomoko had fallen out of the tree right in front of him. He quickly dropped to his knees and pulled her into him checking for any visible injuries. She was quiet but hadn't passed out it seems. In fact, she didn't seem to have a reaction at all! She sat patiently as he examined her head for lumps, rips, or tears. He stuck a finger in her ear and checked for blood, none. She was...fine?
"I'm okay dad!...Oh but my tooth fell out!" She laughs as she opens her hand and reveals her tooth. All the color he had left rushed from his face at the sight of it. Tomoko herself had known the tooth was coming up on it's last days. She noticed at school lunch it was wobbly and after speaking with her teacher about what it meant, she'd confirmed for herself that her baby teeth were leaving and her grown up teeth were coming in! She was so proud about it that she wanted to keep it a surprise from you both until it happened. However, she didn't quite get the reaction she previously anticipated from her father. This was especially true as he stuffed her into the back seat of the car, buckled her booster seat, and rushed to the hospital while rambling on the phone to you and apologizing. He was beating himself up about the fact his baby had fallen from a fucking TREE on his watch when all he had to do was pay attention to her!
Oh well, at least Tomoko would be getting lots of yummy ice cream out of the ordeal soon!
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I was looking for some new skeptic stories
But all I seeing is you simping for a washing machine man
(No hate, but still)
SIMPING FOR!? I would personally destroy that damn machine with my bare fists if he were real!
(Anyway, since you mentioned my darling gremlin Tomoyasu, I’ve had this stupid idea in my drafts for a hot minute now lol. Hope some Dad!Skeptic is okay with yah!)
~Dad!Skeptic: The Apple Doesn’t Fall To Far From The Tree~
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“Hey Tomoyasu, you busy?” Your head popped through the doorway of the office. He stopped typing for a moment and stared at you. Although his bangs covered his eyes, you already knew what his expression was. “Y/N are you dense? I’m always busy.” You laughed before walking in the room and standing behind him. He went back to typing as your rubbed the tenseness out of his shoulders. “Well I just needed a favor from you is all. Think you can handle it?” He hummed and paused his typing once more. “What’s in it for me?” He was already going to do whatever you asked. This was just him playing around with you. “What’s in for you hmm? Well...” You leaned down and whispered in his ear, first moving the hair out of the way of course. “I’ll show you that special little outfit I bought from the mall after Tomoko goes to sleep. I have a feeling you’ll want to see me in it~” He gulped before quickly saving his work and shutting his laptop.
“I’m listening.” 
“I need you to pick Tomoko up from school today.” He immediately grimaced. “No deal.” He grunted before swiveling back around in his chair and opening his laptop again. “Awww c’mon Skeptic! I really need your help with it! I need to run to the store and grab the ingredients for dinner tonight since I got caught up napping earlier. I didn’t have time to do it. Pleeeease?” He scoffed and shook his head. “Hell no. You know I don’t do well in traffic. It’s 3:00 and you already know the road is cluttered with a bunch of dimwits that don’t know how to drive. I’m not doing it.” You groaned  as you wrapped your arms around him and placed your head atop his. “Pretty please? I’ll do anything Tomoyasu!” He sighed in defeat and closed his laptop once more. You let go of him and stepped back as he swiveled around in the chair before standing up to face you. “Anything eh? Alright fine. 3 rounds tonight. I want you worn out, got it?” You smiled and nodded. “Deal.”
Tomoyasu groaned as he leaned his head against the window of the car. The radio played softly, complimenting the gentle atmosphere provided by the steady wind blowing from the AC vents. His head perked up a bit when he noticed the teachers finally emerging from the glass double doors in front of the building. He kept a close eye on the lines coming from the entryway until he locked eyes on his princess. He smiled and got out of the car, waving her over to him. “Daddy!!!” She immediately let go of the rope that the rest of the line was holding onto, running her tiny little feet down the sidewalk until she crashed into his legs. “You’re here to pick me up!?” She spoke loudly and he laughed. “Today I am, yes. I missed you.” He picked her up and spun her around before hugging her tightly. “I love you daddy! I did a lot of stuff in school today! And did you know Penguin starts with the letter P?” She began rambling about her day as he strapped her into her booster seat. “Is that so? You’re getting to be so smart Tomo.” He smiled before pinching her cheek. She giggled and grabbed his finger in her chubby little hand. “Like you daddy?” He nodded before clicking the seat straps in. “Just like me. Now let’s hurry and get home. Dinner should be just about started when we get there.” He snickered at the way his daughter loudly shouted out ‘yaaaaaaaaaaay’ as though she’d never lose her excitement over the simple things. 
The joy of the ride home wouldn’t last too much longer once he made it into the crowd of cars on the freeway. Tomoyasu was doing much better at managing his anger since Tomoko was born/adopted, but even the calmest man had his limits. Road rage was a different kind of demon when it came to him. While you overestimated his ability to handle it, he knew just how much he could and couldn’t take. 
And this?
He could not take...
“Ughhhhh.” He began gritting his teeth. So far he’d been cut off by a few people, stuck behind someone deciding to go 10 under the speed limit, and he’d got caught up at every single red-light on the way home. Now he was dealing with trying to pass someone that refused to use a signal for the past couple of miles. The straw that broke the camel’s back you ask? When he was going to get over and a truck sped up instead of letting him get by. He missed his exit and now would have to spend another 10 minutes taking a different route home. This extended his trip far beyond it’s anticipated time, and made it so he wouldn’t be home when he felt he needed to be. “Grrrrrr...YOU STUPID FUCKING ASSHOLE! I’LL GUT YOU LIKE A FISH-ooooo!” He quickly covered his mouth with one hand. “Daddy?” 
“What’s a fucking asshole???”
Oh no...
“T-Tomoko listen to me. That is a very bad word. Do not say it because you’ll get in trouble. Especially do not say it in front of mommy/daddy/Y/N, got it? Can you promise me?” He waited nervously for a reply. “But daddy, if it’s a bad word then why come you said it?” Tomoyasu sighed shakily as he finally turned down the street you lived on. “I said it because I was very upset at the car on the road. But I shouldn’t have said that. I’m going to put myself in time out when I get inside.” He pulled into the driveway and got out of the car to help Tomoko out of her seat. Before heading into the house he kneeled to her level and stared at her, sweeping his bangs to the side so she could see his eyes and know he was serious. “Tomoko remember what daddy said okay? Do NOT say those awful, terrible, bad words in front of mommy/daddy/Y/N, okay? You have to promise me okay?” She smiled widely and shook her head. “Okay daddy!!!!” Her promise was null and void because about 20 minutes later at the dinner table she dropped her fork and growled. “My fork fell on the ground and it’s all dirty now. STUPID FUCKING ASSHOLE!” Your fork was the next thing to drop (right after your jaw). “Oops! I’m sorry daddy!” Tomoko quickly went to pick up and fork before heading into the kitchen and stepping onto her little stool to try and wash it off in the sink. Your eyes immediately cut to him, glaring fire. He didn’t need any words to know he was in trouble. 
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Can we get a headcanon of how skeptic dealt with the pregnancy and birth of Tomoko?
I am inlove with dad skeptic ❤️!
(This one is a bit specific so I have to disregard the readers that will be adopting. However, if anyone wants an adoption spin on this then please let me know and I’ll write it for you!)
~Dad!Skeptic and the Pregnancy/Birth~
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-It’s funny to watch how he progressively gets more and more stressed throughout the entire pregnancy. It started with him after the announcement. He came home one night and placed his work bag on the floor next to the front door. You were standing there smiling at him from the kitchen. At first he misread the situation thinking you must want to go to bedroom and get your shit rearranged. So the way he approached you was much different than how you intended. You laughed and lightly pushed him away. The confusion on his face was apparent but he shut up anyway and let you continue your little announcement. When you slid that little box across the kitchen counter to him and he opened it, the rest of his world changed from that moment on. 
-He usually would be found working but suddenly he’d been finishing it rather quickly so that he could research things for the baby. He’s moving far down the line. You don’t even know if the baby is a boy or girl yet and he’s already searching the best colleges around Deika. He’s got an entire shopping list compiled of the best baby items organized from newborn to toddler age. He’s so on top of things but you can still see the way he’s unraveling at the seams. It gets worse later in the pregnancy when he starts to research the risks of giving birth. Suddenly he’s at your side day and night clinging to you like a lost little puppy. “Did you know you could bleed out and die? I could lose you forever Y/N.” You slowly turn your head and stare at him. All you wanted was to eat ice cream on the couch, not listen to this madness. You banish him to the room for a little while after that.
-On the day of your ultrasound, he’s all over the place. Between his excitement and the other members of the MLA calling you back to back trying to get a chance to come see you, it’s a little overwhelming. The upside is that you get to see Tomoyasu’s reactions as he sits next to you on the table. His hair is pulled back today so you see everything. The wonder in his eyes as he keeps them trained on the screen is your favorite part. You feel him grip at your hands when the doctor smiles at you both. “Congratulations, it’s a babygirl. You quickly look up at him and he’s smiling just as wide as he did on your wedding day. This was also one of the only times you’d seen him crying. He just looks down at you and whispers a soft ‘thank you’. Later that evening the two of you tell the others and Chitose has already planned a small dinner celebration for it.
-Despite the joys that come with everything, he still holds a lot of stress that unfortunately ends up making you stress a little as well. Every time you experience morning sickness he freaks out. Sometimes the baby kicks and he panics even over that. He worries with every ache and pain you go through. He hates the thought of you hurting and he hates the thought of the baby possibly being affected by things (even if Tomoko is just fine, he worries). 
-When the big day finally comes, he snaps into high gear. You’re in the nursery, rocking in the new chair and watching as the others bicker over how to build the crib. “I fucking told you that I skipped the 5th step because the paper didn’t say anything about putting the last screw into that spot.” Geten grumbled and Skeptic slapped the top of his head. “Don’t skip any steps you fucking dunce or the whole crib would fall apart and my kid could get hurt. Start over and do it right!” Rikiya chuckles at the boys fighting while he helps Chitose paint the walls. Trumpet heads into the kitchen to bring you another bowl of ice cream when you suddenly hear the sound of liquid sputtering on the ground. Everyone slowly turns to stare at the puddle and then you. “Did you just piss yourself?” Geten questions, breaking the silence. Your face contorts as the pain hits you all at once. “Water broke, baby coming! Fuck this hurts!!!” You manage to utter out a few words before you hold yourself and moan in pain. Chitose is the first one at your side, beating Skeptic by a few seconds. “Y/N remember your breathing exercise.” While she’s trying to breath with you, Hanabata comes back around the corner and stares in confusion. Poor Trumpet gets the worst of Skeptics anger when the stress fully kicks in:
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-Skeptic doesn’t leave your side the entire way. He almost gets into a fight with the hospital staff when they basically have to rip him away from you and make him wait in the next room. He doesn’t sit down either. He just paced back and forward making the other people in the waiting room uncomfortable as he mutters to himself like a maniac. ReDestro takes it upon himself to personally apologize to each person having to witness it. When they finally call him into the room, he shoved the nurse aside and immediately goes to your side. He kneels on the floor and grips your hand, staring at you with teary eyes. “Are you okay? Has anything gone wrong??? Did they have any complications? Are you alright?” He asks again. You choke out a dry laugh as he reaches to wipe the sweat from your forehead. “Am I alright? A little bit aside from pushing out an entire human.” It’s not long before the contractions remind you of their presence. You do all with groan, crying, moaning, and damn near begging to die. Skeptic let’s you hold his hand as he ignores the pain from the sheer force of your grip. It seems like time all stopped when the room fell silent aside from the sound of a shrill crying and you trying to catch you breath. He hadn’t even noticed he was sobbing until the nurses carefully placed the small baby into your arms. “Congratulations you two!” He tried to pull himself together (and so did you) but it seemed the tears didn’t stop flowing. 
-All he could feel was pure joy and pride when he watched you sleeping in the bed later on. Not even the sound of the others being welcomed into the room and immediately bickering over who gets to hold her first could bring him down. He was a new dad now and he couldn’t be anymore glad about it.
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Totally random thought about Dad Skeptic and Tomoko: I really love the idea that Tomoko has a bunch of coloring books and crayons just in Skeptic’s office for whenever she hangs out with him. I also love the idea that she would probably gift her finished pages and other drawings to him so he can “decorate” his office.
My dad always kept the random drawings and art projects I would give him and even now, I’m in my 20’s, he still keeps random sticky note doodles I give him on his desk.
I get the same treatment. It’s especially true as an artist. Everything I give him even today he keeps posted up on his wall. My dad still has this old box of stuff I did in Highschool and Junior college too. I think Skeptic would be the exact same. I can’t imagine him throwing ANYTHING away which makes it difficult to conserve space in the house for a little while. Just the thought of it makes me giggle.
“Tomoyasu what are you doing?” You step into the kitchen and frown. “Tomoko drew me this. I’m hanging it on the fridge.” His eyes shortly run over the expanse of the refrigerator and you sigh. “There’s no more room for it on the fridge unless you get rid of some of the stuff already there.” You try to talk some sense into him. “You’re right. I’ll hang it on the cabinet door instead.”
��No wait!”
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Here. Me. Out. If Skeptic is emotional when Tomoko first calls him 'Dad' imagine how much he'll cry once tot Tomoko says 'I love you' back to him for the first time.
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No because I can totally imagine the tears lol. Like He goes to put her to bed and read her usual bedtime story. Just recently has she begun to form full phrases and sentences by herself. So when he’s finished reading he does the same thing every time: placing a sweet peck on her little head and saying “I love you, princess.” But like when he turns his back to turn off the light he hears her mumble in her tiny little voice, “I love you Daddy.” Oooooh the way he whips his head around to look at her already sleeping form! He’s giddy, over the moon even. He creeps out of the room and tries to stay quiet about it as he rushes down the hallway into your shared bedroom. I feel so bad for you if you’re already sleeping because he violently shakes you awake from his excitement. He’s shouting in a whispered voice about how Tomoko just said she loved him for the first time but he’s so busy chattering that he doesn’t even notice he’s silently crying about it! Very happy dad for the next week or two. Quite possibly one of his fondest memories to reflect upon once time catches up with him and he’s old and grey someday.
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What I imagine its like when Tomoko and Skeptic play together
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~The MLA Masterlist~
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-”A Little Longer” Skeptic Imagine Fluff
-”Worries & Stresses” Redestro
-How would the MLA celebrate Wedding Anniversary?
-”Showtime” Skeptic Imagine Smut
-(Untitled) Skeptic Smut Imagine
-”Valentine” ReDestro
-MLA & Hero/Vigilante S/O
-Skeptic & the Christmas Dilemma
-Friendship with Geten
-”Tenderness” ReDestro Smut
-”Very Much So” Skeptic 
-Beach Vacay ft. MLA
-No Nut November & MLA
-S/O “Piercings” ft. MLA men
-(Untitled) ReDestro Fluff
-(Untitled) Dad!Skeptic Imagine
-Getting Proposed to by Redestro
-The Snoring ReDestro
-S/O likes to leave Kiss Marks ft. Geten
-2023 Holiday Prompts Skeptic x 1
-MLA Members During the Holidays
-MLA Crush & the Chaotic Fair Ride
-2023 Holiday Prompts Skeptic x 8/15/17/20
-2023 Holiday Prompts Skeptic x 19
-Dad!Rikiya Kid Home for the Holidays
-Dad!Skeptic & The New Puppy
-Dad!Skeptic Unsupervised Attention
-Dad!Skpetic “Tomoko’s Tooth”
-Dad!Rikiya Kid Going off to School
-Dad!Skeptic “Haircut”
-ReDestro’s S/O & Geten
-Skeptic has Grown Tired of You
-”Romance” Skeptic Smut
-ReDestro & Fishing
-Skeptic “Jealousy Jealousy”
-(Untitled) Skeptic Smut Imagine
-”Showtime” Skeptic Smut
-(Untitled) Stressed Rikiya Smut
-”As if I have to Say it” Skeptic Fluff
-ReDestro “A Different Person”
-Soulmate AU with Skeptic
-”A Little Longer” Skeptic Fluff
-ReDestro “Worries & Stresses”
-”Tomoko Chikazoku” Dad!Skeptic
-Skeptic “Failure” Fluff
-Dabi Falls for Geten’s S/O
-”Take a Moment to Recharge” ReDestro
-MLA Parents
-”Because I missed you” Skeptic Fluff
-”Just Like Daddy for Halloween” ft.Trumpet &Skeptic
-Getting Gum Stuck in Skeptic’s Hair
-Dad!Skeptic & The Video Call
-Friends with Benefits ft.Skeptic & Trumpet
-”Carry Me Through the Storm” ReDestro Fluff
-Dad!Skpetic “The Apple Doesn’t Fall too far from the Tree”
-”Can I stay for a Little While” Skeptic x Chubby Reader
-”First Time” MLA Smut
-Kissy Marks ft. Trumpet & Skeptic
-ReDestro & Skeptic Smut Headcanons
-Dad!Rikiya & The Empty Nest
-Pumpkin Patch Date ft.Skeptic & Curious
-Skeptic’s Marriage & Honeymoon
-MLA Halloween
-Dad!Skpetic & Pregnancy/Birth
-MLA Comfort
-Dad!Skeptic & Tomoko’s Timeline
-”Hard Work & No Play” Curious Smut
-”Hesitation” ReDestro Smut
-Living with Curious
-”A Little Bit of a Tease” Skeptic Smut
-”For the Glory of Destro” ft.Skeptic & Redestro
-Eloping with Skeptic
-Skeptic & Geten falling for the same S/O
-Hurricane Season ft.Geten
-Unplanned Pregnancy ft.Trumpet & Skeptic
-Love on an Island ft.Skeptic
-(Untitled) Skeptic Headcanons
-Oblivious S/O ft.Skeptic
-MLA running into S/O’s ex
-How Skeptic, Trumpet, & ReDestro Confesses
-Taking Care of a Sick Skeptic
-Sleepover Party with Skeptic
-Trumpet “Childish”
-Getting a Love Letter ft.Trumpet
-S/O with a High Sex Drive ft.Trumpet & Skeptic
-ReDestro “Step Dad”
-Serenading Geten
-Protective Geten
-Jungle Juice ft.Skeptic & Trumpet
-Everyday Life with Skeptic
-Everyday Life with ReDestro
-ReDestro vs. The Dog
-ReDestro “I’m not Jealous”
-The Deadly Silent Treatment & ReDestro
-Working for ReDestro
-”Spoiled & Nasty” ft.Geten & Skeptic
-”Water Works” Trumpet Smut
-Wet Dreams with Geten & Skeptic
-Singer S/O ft. Skeptic
-Geten & the Hero S/O
-”Can I Pull Your Hair” Skeptic, Geten, & Curious
-MLA Pillow Fun
-”Wishful Thinking” ReDestro Smut
-MLA & Their S/O being Hit On
-”I Miss Your Touch” ft.Geten
-Random Trumpet Headcanons
-”Saturday Evening Fooling Around” Trumpet, Geten, Skeptic, ReDestro
-”Pushing the Limit” Skeptic Smut
-”Reluctant” Geten Smut
-Cockwarming ft. Skeptic & Geten
-Geten’s S/O Insecure with Chest Size
-Grocery Shopping with Geten
-”Dew” Geten Fluff
-”Everything is Not as it Seems” ft.Geten
-Geten’s First Kiss
-Smut Alphabet Geten
-Dad!Skeptic “Sleep Deprived Parents”
-Geten’s Cowboy Merc S/O
-”Conferences and Confessions” Skeptic
-”Informative” Skeptic Smut
-”I’ve got a Crush on You” Skeptic
-”Backseat Loving” Skeptic ft. Stain & Moonfish
-”Urgency” Skeptic Smut
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