#to be clear I enjoy Sera a lot!! I just think she would butt heads w a lot of the da2 companions
transandersrights · 1 year
Not sure if you are still taking prompts (if you aren't then please ignore me!), but you know that tumblr post that talks about how Sera and Fenris should've switched between games? Could we have some scenes of her just interacting with the other DA2 companions?
I'm def still taking prompts! (info here for anyone interested)
I tried to write banter-style, dialogue-only interactions here, one for each companion with Sera (except Fenris, who is currently living his best life in Inquisition killing Venatori):
“Lizards in the west quarter.” “Yep.” “Dead rat in the private water supply.” “Yup!” “Honey on the door handles.” “Didn’t do it, but the honey came from me.” “Snakes in the Orlesian ambassador’s vault.” “Ooh, not me, but a good idea.” “Fine. Offal on the Chantry steps?” “Oh, that was me.” “You are so lucky I haven’t arrested you, Sera. You know these are all confessions?” “But you won’t. You already thought I did it, and you don’t have to know to arrest me. So admitting it won’t change a thing.” “I suppose.” “Do you agree with me?” “…No. Of course not.” “I think that sounds like someone who does. Thanks, I guess! You should quit your job.”
“D’you write about me too?” “That would depend on if you wanted me to write your story, Buttercup.” “Wait. Did you ask Aveline if she wanted that written about herself?” “Well, not really. But she’s our illustrious guard captain, so it’s alright. What you do… it’s a little more sensitive. That’s why I’m not in my own books, if you catch my drift.” “What we do is completely different, richie. Nothing sensitive about taking back what should be ours.” “Do you want the whole city to know who to blame next time every vase in Hightown gets filled with sewer water?” “Hmm, might be nice. But no. So you’re not writing about me?” “I write about Hawke sometimes. You might come up.” “Rad! Make sure I have a hot girlfriend. And she should have way bigger tits than Avvy has in those dirty illustrations.” “Oh, of course that was your concern. Why did I expect anything else?” “Don’t know. I only ask the really important questions.”
“Must’ve been rubbish, growing up with mages.” “Must’ve been rubbish growing up in Denerim.” “Yeah, bloody awful. You too?” “Mages aren’t exactly a place. Grow big enough and get a big enough sword, and you can just walk out.” “And that got you in exactly the same shithole as Denerim and my arrows got me, so maybe you’re not as mighty as you thought.” “Or maybe we’re both exactly as mighty as we think. You’re pretty good with that bow.” “I’m pretty mighty. Don’t think you can live up to all that.” “But we’re little people too. In the… non-literal sense, in my case.” “Yeah, all little with that biiig house up on the hill.” “All little because we don’t have the money to own it. All little, sleeping on the floor with the dog every other night in Gamlen’s piss hovel.” “Don’t know why you want to insist we both have it so hard. It’s not going to make me like you more.” “Doesn’t matter. I’m just setting the record straight.”
“I don’t mind if you’re scared of me, you know. You can say! I’ll keep my distance.” “Good. Because you should.” “I know the others mind that you don’t like magic, but I don’t. I think it’s smart.” “You don’t get to be all familiar just because you agree.” “You’re right. I just wanted you to know that I don’t hold it against you.” “Wouldn’t care if you did. Maybe you should hold it against me.” “I don’t see any reason to. Do you want me to be angry at you?” “Most people are when I tell them stuff like it is.” “Well, I suppose I’m stronger than being bothered by something I already see as true. I’m sorry about all of it, Sera. I just can’t change anything that means I won’t scare you.” “I don’t want you to, alright? Just let it be. I don’t care how you feel about your magic as long as you do it as little as possible and point it at the bad guys.” “What about if I point it at Templars?” “They can be bad guys too. Templars are bullies. Just because they stop magic from hurting people doesn’t mean they don’t hurt other people.” “I see your point. Okay, bad people only. And if I do anything else…” “Arrow between the eyes. Won’t even think about it.” “Thank you.”
“Sera, if you don’t mind me asking… you do believe in the Maker, yes?” “Sure I do. It makes enough sense to me.” “And you believe in Andraste, and the teachings of the Chantry.” “Depends on what it is, but yes.” “Ah, I understand. So you don’t see any issue with stealing or chaos, despite their position in the Chantry’s teachings.” “Well, I said I believed some of it. Andraste? Sure. Maker? Why not. But the stealing stuff… that’s just something made up by rich people to keep the little people in their place. It’s not actually about the Maker.” “The Chantry is an important institution for maintaining the moral order of society! What it offers all of us is unparalleled. I am glad you understand the basics, but if you need any further instruction into the finer points, I would be glad to lend my aid.” “Yeah, not interested.” “Why not?” “Too much waffling about shoulds and shouldn’ts. Chantry should be about how things were, not what people with too much money want it to be.” “I… am afraid I do not understand you, Sera.” “You don’t need to, rich boy.”
“You think it’s right, don’t you?” “What?” “Templars, Circles, the Chantry. You think they’re right about locking us up. Keeping us away from people like you.” “I mean, yeah. So you don’t go all demon-y on us.” “And what’s happened to some means no one gets their freedom? No one at all?” “If I say yes, will you go demon-y on me? Because I won’t think before I shoot.” “No, I suppose you wouldn’t. So would you? Say yes, that is.” “Course I would. I’ve known mages. Firstly, you’re weird. Secondly, people go all torches and pitchforks if they think there’s one around. Safer for everyone if you’re not.” “Somehow, I don’t think there’s much point arguing with you on this one.” “Damn right there isn’t. You’re not changing my mind.” “Oh, trust me. I know. You’re not as novel as you think.”
“You know, I think I might have seen you before. In Ferelden.” “I’ve been to many places, Sera. It’s definitely possible.” “Was it over by the Pearl? Did you like the Pearl? Lots of people do.” “It’s definitely a fun establishment. All the right kinds of fun. The Rose is nice, but I don’t think it can compare.” “Rose is too fancy. Take your boots off, don’t look at anyone, have the decency to be ashamed, all of that.” “Oh, I haven’t found it all that bad. There are a couple of really lovely girls I could introduce you to, if you think you want a better time. We could go together.” “Together together?” “If you’d like. I’d be up for it.” “Sounds good. I’m in.”
“You’re weird.” “Am I? I hadn’t noticed.” “You’re all… elfy. Magey. It’s weird.” “Oh, maybe to some people! It’s very normal for me though. I’ve always been elfy and magey, actually.” “Pfft. Well, don’t start shoving it on me.” “I wouldn’t. You clearly don’t want to hear it — and even if I wanted you to, and I wanted to tell you about all the wonderful things I know, I don’t think you’d listen. There are a lot of other people who want to know.” “La la la, that won’t work on me!” “I’m… not trying anything?” “Well, nothing won’t do anything either. Won’t make yourself seem all harmless just like that. I know what you are. Smiling doesn’t change that.” “You’re right, it doesn’t. I think nothing is nicer than trying to tell you, though. I’ll stick with nothing unless you change your mind.” “I won’t!”
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duhragonball · 3 years
Hellsing Liveblog Ch. 51-56
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This is the “Seras Coming of Age” part of Hellsing, but the chapters are all one-off titles: “Last Mission”, “Get Away”, “Yaksa”, “The Man I Love”, “Ogre Battle”, and “Angelous,”
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Last time, Zorin Blitz’s company invaded the Hellsing HQ, and Seras managed to kill them all except for Zorin herself, and then she used her psychic whammy, forcing Seras to relive some traumatic moment.   We saw one of the Wild Geese get this same treatment, and he briefly saw his dead daughter before Zorin killed him.  As for Seras, she relives the deaths of her parents.   Years ago, two guys barged into their home and shot them.   The circumstances aren’t entirely clear, but they must have had some forewarning, since Seras’ mom hid her in a closet and told her not to come out no matter what.   But when she saw what they did to them, Seras became so enraged that she attackedthe men and stabbed one in the eye with a fork.  
The other guy shot Seras, and while she must have survived, she remembers laying on the floor as the guy she stabbed decides to rape her mother.   I’m not even sure “rape” is the right word, since she was already dead, but the guy doesn’t care because the body is “still warm.”   You’d think he’d be too upset about losing an eye, but maybe he’s high on cocaine or something.
I don’t think you need me to tell you this, gentle reader, but hol-ee shit this dark.   We knew Seras’ parents died when she was young, and it wouldn’t be hard to speculate that they died in some violent crime, but Seras watched it happen, and she stabbed a dude in the face, only to get shot herself, and she watched her mother’s body getting molested before she passed out.  
And this gives us some insight into what Alucard saw in her that night in Cheddar.  There, Seras was surrounded by ghouls, many of them her comrades in the police department, and a vampire who promised to rape her before drinking her blood.   Alucard found it remarkable how she persevered in this horror, but now we see that may not even be the worst thing that ever happened to her.  It’s not even the first time she got shot!  
And from the earlier flashback we saw, Seras was hellbound to become a police officer like her father.  After a trauma like this, it’s amazing that she’d want anything to do with the police, since those men killed her father for digging “too deep” into whatever they were involved in.  But Seras quietly, defiantly chose to follow in her father’s footsteps, only to suffer a similar fate. 
Because, let’s not forget, Seras is dead.   She died in Cheddar, because Alucard had to shoot through her to kill the vampire who had taken her hostage.   Then she agreed to become a vampire like him, and join the Hellsing Organization.   Once more, she has quietly, defiantly, chosen to carry on in this life of public service.  
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But none of that matters to Zorin Blitz.   She just wanted to dredge up all this trauma to keep Seras preoccupied long enough for Zorin to do this...
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Oh, also she lopped off Seras’ left arm, but I liked this impalement panel better. 
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On top of that, Zorin slashes Seras’ eyes, which was pretty gruesome and shocking.   When I started watching the Hellsing Ultimate OVA, I couldn’t wait to see what happened next, so I trawled YouTube for clips of Seras, so I had a pretty good idea where the character was headed, and noticed that late-story Seras was missing a left arm.   So Zorin cutting it off didn’t surprise me much, but everything else she did to her was a surprise.
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Then, just as Zorin seems to be ready to finish Seras off, Pip Bernadotte gets the drop on her and whacks her with the butt of his rifle.    Machine gun?   Semiautomatic?   I don’t know from guns.    He hits her with it, is my point.   Then he shoots her with a different gun to put the exclamation point on it.
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There’s two other guys left in the Wild Geese, and they toss smoke grenades to cover Pip as he tries to carry Seras to safety, but he’s wounded, and then a Millennium soldier wakes up and shoots him in the thighs.   Was that guy playing possum?  The Geese take him out, and Pip even makes it back to them, but I’m not sure what good that does anybody.   Then Zorin gets back up and cuts him down with her scythe.    I don’t think she chops him in half or anything, but he’s not getting back up again, that’s for sure. 
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Seras calls out to him, and he steals another kiss.   I guess he forgot about the last time, because he acts like he “finally” managed to do this.   Then he asks Seras to drink his blood, which will allow her to win.   I guess someone must have explained enough vampire lore to Pip for him to have figured this out.    Maybe Seras herself told him how it worked, which makes it doubly-meaningful for him to say this to her now.  
And Seras starts wailing with grief, before Zorin finally mocks her for it, calling Pip an insect.   I’ve seen a few people poke fun at this scene, because it’s kind of weird for Zorin to just stand by while Pip and Seras have this final moment together, but Zorin’s a sadist.   Much of what she’s done in these past several chapters has been about reveling in her enemies’ suffering.    She took her sweet time with Seras earlier, which was the only reason Pip managed to help her, and now she’s taking her sweet time again, like she’s enjoying this drama. 
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So Zorin uses her psychic whammy again, but this time it doesn’t work on Seras.   Maybe because Seras is already in the middle of a terrible trauma in the here and now.   She couldn’t do anything to avenge her parents back then, and she was powerless against the Cheddar Priest, but this time?   This time she knows exactly what to do.
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So yeah, this rocks.    The anime version does this cool thing where all the blood soaks up into her clothes and stains them red.   Maybe the manga was going for the same thing, but it’s harder to tell in black and white.   I find it kind of strange how Seras’ eyes grow back, but her left arm does not.    I’m pretty sure she could reform her arm, but chooses not to.   Instead, she’s got this black ectoplasm-y thing, like the same black stuff that Alucard uses when he’s not holding back as much.
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Then Seras starts slaughtering Zorin’s men.   Didn’t she already kill them all?  Yeah, but there’s more.   The anime tries to cover for this by having Zorin explain that some “late arrivals” showed up.  Well, they did have to enter the building single file to get past the mines, so it makes sense that Zorin would keep some in reserve in case there were more traps inside. 
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Seras is my favorite character in this whole thing, and since these pages of her kickin’ ass speak for themselves, I guess I’ll talk about why I like her so much.    I’m pretty sure I saw a cosplay photo of her on tumblr, and I found the design intriguing.   She’s a vampire, but dressed in something like a military uniform, kind of like the “Bridge Bunnies” in Macross. I looked up Seras to find out what she was from, and I was like “Oh, Hellsing was the show Team Four Star has been abridging, I guess I need to watch that anyway so I can watch the Abridged version and get the jokes.”
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Mostly, I just like the idea of a vampire with a very professional mentality, as opposed to the whole Lost Boys/What We Do in the Shadows/Buffy kind of aesthetic.    Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but we see that sort of thing all the time.   I’ve also seen a lot of “reluctant” vampires in my time.    Vampires who try to avoid doing any vampire stuff, or going about their business like the vampirism is just this inconvenient obstacle.   Hellsing presents this other option, where vampires like Alucard are used for the purpose of anti-vampire countermeasures.   He’s been turned into a weapon, but he’s basically just Dracula with a fresh coat of paint.   Seras is more firmly rooted in the concept.  Alucard was a vampire who became a sort of cop, and Seras is a cop who became a vampire. 
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And while I liked the idea of Seras being like “Oh, well I didn’t want to be a vampire but I’ll try to make the best of it”, I quickly found out that she wasn’t just a cop with pointy teeth.   There’s moments where she can be scary and creepy too.   “Sir, yes sir, my Master.”  It sums her up very neatly.   This is a vampire who can be polite and respectful and professional, but she can also get very deep into the more horrific aspects of this thing.   She’s got layers.  Zorin Blitz tried to peel them back, and look how that’s working out for her.
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Once the rank and file goons are dealt with, Seras goes after Blitz, and just wrecks her shit.   Blitz tries to punch Seras in the face and it does nothing.   Seras just bites all her fingers off and spits ‘em out.   Then she announces that she refuses to drink Zorin’s blood, not a single drop. This is important, because Seras was always reluctant to drink blood.  She said she feared that drinking blood would mean the end of something inside of her, but now she’s crossed that Rubicon.   One might suspect that she’d suddenly want to drink more blood, but no.  She drank Pip’s as a means to an end.   Zorin’s blood would serve no higher purpose, and I think there’s an implication that she doesn’t want to dishonor Pip’s sacrifice.  Desperate, Zorin tries to use her power on Seras a third time, and then this happens:
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  Okay, so at first Zorin sees Seras’ memories, like before, but now there’s all this stuff from Pip’s memories, and then Warrant Officer Shrodinger, of all people, shows up.   Zorin is confused by this, but he explains that he’s “everywhere and nowhere,” which means he can appear in this psychic vision just as easily as he can teleport between Brazil and England.
Schrodinger is here to pass along a message from the Major.  See, Zorin disobeyed his orders, and he would normally punish her for this, but he and the Doctor are busy with a “most interesting toy”, so they’ll just leave it to Seras to take care of punishing Zorin.  
Yesterday, I think I figured out what Zorin’s disobedience was.    Before I was confused because she didn’t start attacking until Seras opened fire on her blimp, and that only happened because Seras was shooting at the rockets fired by the Major.   Everything that Zorin did afterwards could be considered a matter of self-defense, but therein lies the problem.    Namely, what was Zorin’s blimp doing in the line of fire to begin with?  
Because once Seras shot her down, everything Zorin did next was sort of her only option.   She pretty much had to attack the mansion, and brave its defenses, whatever those happened to be.   And the Major knew that this was a big unknown.   He warned Zorin about Seras Victoria and while he didn’t seem to know exactly what her abilities were, he regarded her as an “arch-enemy” on the same level as Alucard.  That’s why he wanted Zorin to hold off and wait for the rocket attack.   It was intended to probe the mansion’s defenses, and once it became clear that they had anti-aircraft guns, and that Seras was eagle-eyed enough to shoot down their rockets, then the Major could have ordered Zorin to find a different way.   
But instead she was too close and gave Seras a target, which precipitated everything else, up to and including this:
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Yeah, Seras just drags Zorin across the walls until her whole head smears apart.   Cool!
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With Zorin dead, Seras delcares her intention to take the fight to the enemy, and the last three Wild Geese salute her before she leaves.   One way or another, they realize that Pip has become a part of Seras now, and they pay their last respects to him through her. 
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Then Seras flies toward London, using her left arm-thing to make cool bat wings.    And this is a good illustration of what Seras is all about.  Once, she might have been horrified at the thought of doing something like this, but now she sees it as a way to carry on with her duty.    This was what Alucard had been trying to get her to understand, but sometimes you just have to work these things out in your own way.   Seras is about utility, and now that she has a use for these vampiric powers, she’s finally prepared to embrace them as her own.
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In London, Schrodinger reports back to the Major and informs him of Zorin Blitz’s death.  He’s not surprised, and even declares “our ruin has begun”.   Schrodinger points out that he’s leading everyone, friend and foe alike, into destruction, and the Major simply observes that this is war.   Millennium didn’t come to London to win, they came to London to fight.
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Then the Ninth Crusade shows up.  Recall that, earlier, Enrico Maxwell organized a military response to deal with the Millennium invasion of London, but he hasn’t come here to save the civilian population.   Instead, he’s treating them as enemies, just like the Nazi vampires.    Somehow, there’s still living people in the city, and as dawn approaches, they see Maxwell’s helicopters putting off some sort of light show.  I don’t know what you call this, but the people on the ground think it’s angels, and then Maxwell orders his men to open fire.
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I want to point out that the newly promoted Archbishop Maxwell is riding into this battle in a special truck with a glass box for him to sit in.   He’s surrounded by microphones so he can address his troops and the people below.   Also the truck is hanging from a helicopter.   It’s stupid and pointless and over-the-top, so naturally the Major is highly impressed with Maxwell’s style. 
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shift-shaping · 3 years
41 and 43 for the ask meme?
lol i decided to do all of them instead
re: the lioness and the wolf
under cut
50 Questions to ask about your romance
Why do they care about each other? They begin with mutual admiration, then trust, then a sort of faith in each other's abilities that quickly turns allies into friends and finally lovers. She is disarming and clever and brave and (despite her own opinion of herself) very wise. He is compassionate and intelligent and world-weary, with a weight of guilt about him that Eirwen recognizes in herself.
Why should your reader care about them? They have a mature, reasonable, yet still complex relationship built on mutual respect and admiration and also have very good sex.
How do their friends feel about their relationship? Adaar, Dagna, and Cole (probably the people closest to them in Skyhold) are all supportive. Adaar is very happy for them and Cole likes how happy they make each other.
How do their families feel? Morrigan is the closest thing Eir has to family and she is not a fan of Solas. She didn't like Alistair either, though. I honestly don't know that she'd like any romance option for Eir because she is the sibling that immediately dislikes any of her sister's dates because 'men are stupid' and so is any woman Eirwen would be interesting in. If Eirwen's parents were alive they would definitely think Solas is too old for her (correct!) but otherwise find him neat.
What do they dislike about each other? Solas is absolutely baffled by how often Eirwen puts herself in serious danger and generally acts with little regard for her wellbeing. 'You throw yourself into battle like it's a duty', or something. She is frustrated by his tendency to be patronizing and to pick fights with Morrigan.
What do they argue about? Wardens, Solas being racist/out of touch/condescending, Eirwen making bad life decisions
What do they do together? Talk and talk and talk and wander around and drink wine and talk some more and light something on fire.
How often do they have sex? As often as Solas can handle because Wardens Fuck.
What is their sexual dynamic? Both are switches, but Solas leans more dominant and Eir is very happy either way.
Who initiates sex most often? Eirwen.
How physically affectionate are they? Very, though more in the sense of holding hands for a quick moment, standing close to each other, gossiping in the back of the party, etc. as opposed to literally hanging off each other all the time.
How do they act in public Vs in private? In public they are fairly mature and restrained. In private it does not take long for sex to start happening only to get interrupted by more talking.
What is their favourite kind of kiss? Solas loves kissing her hairline/forehead and she loves kissing his cheek. Both find each other's preferred kiss silly but love it anyway.
Who gets their way most often? It would probably seem like Solas does but Eirwen is just not that opinionated and usually gives up on arguments pretty quickly. When she does want something, she always gets it.
Where was their first date? Fighting a dragon in the Dirth Getting sad in the garden Getting trapped in the Fade Being petty in Halamshiral I'm not actually sure lol
How often do they go on dates? They go places and do dumb shit together often but I think their dreams are more like dates. So, very often.
Do they live together? Sort of. He spends a lot of time in her room because as far as I can fucking tell Solas does not actually have quarters in Skyhold and just sleeps on that ratty old couch like a loser. She has a bed, at least.
How long was their flirting phase? Several months, thereabouts.
How do they sleep when they're together? She CLINGS in their sleep and just puts most of her weight on him. He is so touch-starved that he usually just lets her unless she's cutting off his circulation.
Who is the most clingy? Physically, Eirwen. Emotionally, Solas.
Do they steal each others clothes? Not really, but I could see them doing it. If she had a particularly nice hat or something that she wasn't using I could see him taking it if he needed extra warmth. She'd definitely put on his shirt or something just to turn him on (which would work, because he's a pervert).
What petty opinions do they not agree on? Solas wants like six tablespoons of sugar in his coffee as well as creamer and Eirwen thinks it's fucking disgusting even though she has a sweet tooth, too. He also definitely likes red velvet cake and she thinks it's dumb. They agree that cream cheese frosting is incredible. Solas isn't into the concept of keeping an animal as a pet (he likes animals, just not pets) but Eirwen would definitely keep a shit ton of rescue critters if she could. She LOVES birds and would never remove a nest no matter how inconvenient, but the second one shits on his head he'd move it himself.
Why did they choose each other? Mutual respect, admiration, and intense physical attraction. She loves his arms and he loves her... everything (but definitely her breasts and butt, although he would never say that to anyone except her). Like if he were at the Hanged Man and Varric or Bull tried to push him on talking about sex with her he would not elaborate beyond it being good and happening often, and even that would be cloaked in implication. Even with a decent amount of alcohol he wouldn't say more than that she's beautiful. She, meanwhile, would immediately tell Sera he has a huge dick and is extremely good at oral, which would probably make Sera physically ill.
What is their biggest problem? She's dying and he's himself.
How do their jobs/education affect their relationship? lol. This would take a really long time to answer in full but it's hopefully clear in the story. He thinks it sucks that she's a Warden and that she had to go through the abuse of the Circle but knows she'd be a very different person otherwise. She's doing her best to parse through him being Fen'Harel because her frame of reference for elven culture is minimal. As members of the Inquisition, it brought them together and means she has her own quarters for them to bone in.
Do they share the same music taste? They would both definitely love a good fiddle.
Why did they meet? She was dying (a theme) and he rescued her and healed her. Interestingly, this was almost immediately after Wisdom died.
If they aren't together yet, why not?
What if the biggest challenge they have to overcome? Spoilers spoilers lol.
What is their most noticeable physical difference? She's very dark-skinned and he's fairly pale. Also, she has lots of lovely hair and he has none lol.
What are their opinions on marriage? Eirwen thinks it's dumb and Solas is indifferent because I imagine marriage was probably weird in elvhenan. But they'd do something informal to express their intentions of being together for a very long time. And Eirwen would be into the tax benefits.
What are their opinions on children? Neither of them has any interest in children of their own but they're both neutral on kids as a concept. I think Eirwen probably sees them more as tiny adults, though.
Is their relationship healthy? Why/why not? Yes. They are open with each other and clear about their wants/needs, or at least as much as possible given plot circumstances.
How do their past relationships affect them? I get the sense that Solas has a probably-unhealthy tendency to (lowkey?) worship those he loves. He probably had very few serious relationships, but I imagine each was monumental for him at the time. He feels very deeply and passionately and any losses he's been through make him want to protect her, which he cannot do. She is constantly reminded of Alistair, of how deeply she loved him and how thoroughly she believes she failed him. She tried for a long time not to get seriously attached to anyone else as a result. With Solas, she is trying to let go of that tendency to keep everyone at a distance.
Do they love each other, or are they in love? Both. He loved her before he was in love with her, but I think both happened for her at the same time.
Why should your readers root for them? They are essentially good people trying their best.
Do they both put an equal amount of effort into the relationship? I think Solas puts in a little more. He worships her, to some extent.
Who do they turn to when their relationship has problems? Themselves. They talk to each other unless it's something REALLY wild and plot-related that requires some inner calculations first.
Who does the most mundane household tasks? Solas in the evening, Eirwen in the morning.
What do they do when the other is mad? Eirwen uses humor to distract him, and if that doesn't work just lets him rant until he tires himself out. She doesn't get angry very often, so I don't know if Solas would have an immediate solution or reaction to her anger, which would lead him to be overly-logical and probably piss her off more. Then he'd feel really fucking bad and let her get it all out before doing whatever he could to make things better. Alternatively, they'd agree on whatever is pissing them off and just rant together and get all shitty until nobody else can stand to be around them. Then they'd fuck.
How do their flaws clash? She's too reckless for him and though he believes she'll be okay there's still a voice in his head that's like 'but what if she's not?' She thinks he's overreacting.
Why do you enjoy writing them? They both have such rich personal histories with fun parallels. They are equals, despite him being who he is, and see each other as such. She asserts her position as his equal in power and intelligence and refuses to let him doubt her capabilities, even in the interest of her own protection. Her wit and confidence ground him. They both need certainty and reassurance that they are more than what others see them as. They make each other feel whole.
What small quirks do they like about each other? From early on she's admired how gentle he can be with his hands even when he's upset. He loves how easily distracted she is by birds and flowers and miscellaneous wildlife and finds her infodumps about various critters extremely endearing.
What would a stranger think if they saw them out together? "Fucking apostates." Or, alternatively: "...Is that the Hero of Ferelden?"
How do they show the other that they love them? Physical affection and 'acts of service' or whatever. Doing little favors for each other and noticing the other's needs before they voice them.
What made them fall in love? Eirwen first felt a hint of something for him when she saw him helping the Vilbirn survivors. He first felt something when she turned into a fucking dragon. Over time, though, it was the slow realization that the other person genuinely cared for them and respected their abilities and experiences that made them truly fall in love.
Have they ever took a break?
What was their biggest fight about? ~*Wardens*~
What do they give as gifts? Food, because they both forget to eat. But also little love notes.
He is well-aware of their animal symbolism and kind of loves it. Like, he would call their story 'the lioness and the wolf' because he's a dramatic moron.
Sera: So, you and droopy?
Eir: Droopy? Hardly.
Sera: What --EWW hahahaha!
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everything has changed part 2
Summary: (Y/N) working on a mission with Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Natasha Romanoff.
Warnings: There is a bit of French used in this, but I translated it for you. 
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 2,215
A/N: Sorry if this one is shit, my mind was kind of all over the place writing this one, but I hope that it is good to you guys. Let me know what you think. Also, this is the last part of this, so what happens next will be left up to your imagination 😉
Part 1
     The next morning you woke up, feeling a little off. You weren’t sure where the strange feeling was coming from, but something deep down inside of you felt weird. You were sitting on your bed, staring off in thought, trying to figure out what it was that made you feel weird. It wasn’t until there was a loud knock on your door that you tried to shake the feeling away. “Come in.” You offer. “Hey, can we go over the mission really quick? I’m not going to make it to the briefing meeting, something came up.” Nat said walking in. “Yeah, of course.” You nod your head. You trusted that Nat would be back and ready, in her disguise, by 6. You gave her the run-down of the mission, making sure she knew that she needed to be in disguise and that she had to match Bucky, as he was her date. She nodded when you finished, understanding everything, having done missions similar to this many times before. “You okay?” Nat asked when you finished, “You seem off.” “Honestly, I don’t know, I feel really weird right now,” you admitted. “Like how?” Nat asked, putting a hand to your forehead to make sure you weren’t catching something. “Not physically, I just have this odd feeling, like I forgot something or something tonight is going to go wrong. Maybe I should cancel the mission and we should go after this guy another day.” you shrug. “No, don’t doubt yourself. You’ve been working on this mission for months, no one knows it better than you. It’s not that… are you sure you’re not nervous about being Steve’s date? Even if it is fake?” Nat was always in on trying to set you two up with Bucky, but she was never as forward as Bucky was about it. “Well, last night something weird did happen. When I was at the gym, he came up to talk to me and I mentioned that Bucky wanted me to go out with a friend of his. I, of course, didn’t mention a name. But instead of really saying anything he just went back to the punching bag, then not even 10 minutes later he punched it clean off. Maybe I’m worried that Steve is in the wrong mindset right now and that he’ll blow our cover?” Nat shook her head, “It’s obvious that he was jealous. You didn’t say who, he probably didn’t think it was him, and he got jealous. He’ll probably be fine today.” “Jealous? I doubt it, Nat. Anyway, hopefully, this feeling goes away.” You shake your body like you had chills, trying to get the feeling out of your body. 
     After the briefing meeting, all of you went into a different conference room where the stylist had set up. “(Y/N), sweetie! It’s so good to see you! Tony didn’t tell me you’d be one of my clients today.” She came over to hug you. “Hey Angelica, I didn’t realize you’d be helping us today!” You smile at her as you pull away from her. “What can I do for you guys today?” She asks, looking over what she has to work with. “This is Bucky,” You motion to him, “We need a haircut, like this…” You pull up a picture on your phone. “And a clean shave, that should make him almost unrecognizable.” You smirk. “As for Steve here… do you have any like 24-hour hair dye, we could dye it a darker color like black or brown. Then maybe some hair gel and fake glasses.” You shrug, not really sure what to do to make Captain America less recognizable. “Then me, I trust you to work your magic.” You wink. “I have just the thing for you, sweetie,” Angelica said to you. 
     It was about 5 o’clock when all three of you got done with your complete makeovers. Bucky now had hair like he did back in the ’40s, had a clean shave and was in a sleek black tux. Steve had a brown temporary dye in his hair, it was styled similar to Bucky’s with some gel, with a pair of thick-rimmed black glasses and a sleek black tux. As for you, you had gone from having (your hair length) (your hair color) to having hair down to your butt with bleach blonde and caramel highlights throughout it. She had put loads of hair extensions in your hair with the different streaks of color in it. She did a light face of makeup, making it complement your features nicely. You were in a beautiful floor length blue, sparkly gown. She had given you a dress with a slit in the leg, knowing you’d want to have a gun strapped to your leg. It was a perfect disguise. All of them were perfect, you barely recognized the lot of you. “Wow, you look… amazing” Steve says to you when Angelica finished up with you. You blush, feeling it quickly spread from your cheeks to your ears and neck. “Thanks, you do too. Barely recognize you.” You say. He really did look amazing. The dark hair contrasted his baby blues beautifully. Looking at him alone made butterflies burst in your stomach, but him telling you that, made everything in you feel like it was on fire. Bucky cleared his throat, bringing your attention to him. “Oh. my. gosh. Bucky! You look amazing!” You say running over to him and lightly touching his hair, as to not mess it up. “Thanks (Y/N)” He blushed a little. “Wow, look at us.” You say looking around at the three of you, “We all look so different. You did amazing Angelica, I expected nothing less. Thank you.” You give her a quick hug goodbye and you all head to the weapons room to load up on items that you could easily conceal in your not exactly mission friendly outfits. 
     There was something off with Steve, and you hadn’t failed to notice. He became very quiet after you guys left the conference room where Angelica had set up. “Hey (Y/N), can I talk to you for a second?” Bucky said, pulling you to the side. “What’s up?” you asked, working on putting your gun holster on your leg. “Steve’s jealous,” Bucky said without a hint of doubt in the statement. “What do you mean he’s jealous? Jealous over what?” You asked confused. “The way you reacted to my disguise compared to his.” Bucky shrugged. You scoffed at the idea, “You know this is the second time someone has told me today that he is jealous. Why would he be jealous?” “Because he likes you! You’re way too blind to see it apparently, but it’s there. It’s also really obvious that you like him too, so just do something about it already.” “I do not!” your voice rises an octave when you try to defend yourself. “Nat told me that you felt weird this morning, you were clearly nervous because you have to act like you’re dating Steve tonight. You like him. Someone who didn’t have a crush on him wouldn’t care.” Bucky shrugged, saying it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. However, you stayed strong to your word. “I do not like him as any more than a friend, end. of. discussion. Barnes.” you stomp off to finish putting your weapons on. 
     Nat had arrived right before you guys had gotten on the plane, ready to go with weapons and disguise. You all went through the fight with little conversation other than talking about the mission that Nat just got back from. When you arrived, you landed the plane at a track a good distance away and drove the rest. You went in two separate cars, goings strictly as couples, not as a group. Steve and you didn’t talk at first in the car, sitting in a sort of awkward silence. “Hey, Steve… If something happens tonight, I just wanted to let you know that…” You were trying to find the words to tell him. While you didn’t want to admit it to Bucky or Nat because you couldn’t stand to see the smug looks on their faces as they say I told you so, you owed it to yourself and Steve to admit it to the both of you. “We’re here.” The driver said, cutting off your thought. “Thank you,” Steve nodded, getting out of the car and holding his hand out, to help you out. He then sticks out his elbow to allow you to wrap your arm around his. You gladly do so, it feeling almost natural to be that close. “Bonjour, Monsieur et Madame” (”Hello, sir and madame”) The man standing in the entranceway greets. Steve froze because he didn’t really know French, luckily you knew enough to get you through the night. “Bonjour” (”Hello”) you reply, faking the best French accent you could. “Avez-vous vos invitations?” (”Do you have your invitations?”) He asks. You smile, look over at Steve and whisper, while still smiling at him “Invitations” Steve nodded and smiled to the man, pulling the invitations from his jacket and handing them over. “Je vous remercie” (”Thank you”) The man thanks Steve, looks them over and says “Vous pouvez entrer, profiter de votre nuit M. et Mme Rogers.” (”You can come in, enjoy your night Mr. and Mrs. Rogers”) motioning you in the doorway. Him calling you Mrs. Rogers, bringing a big smile to your face. You liked the sound of that. “Merci, vous aussi” (”Thank you, you too.”) You smile at the man, entering with Steve. “I didn’t know you spoke French.” Steve looked at you, impressed. “I took some in high school and have practiced it here and there. I hopefully know enough to get us through the night without raising suspicion. Another reason why I chose myself and Nat, we both speak a little French.” You smiled. You guys head to the bar to get drinks. “Bonjour, que puis-je avoir pour vous ce soir?” (”Hello, what can I get for you tonight?”) the bartender asks when you guys sit down. “un peu d'eau pour nous deux s'il vous plaît, ce sera tout” (”Some water for both of us please, that will be all”) You say, trying your best to keep up that French accent. “à venir” (”Coming right up”) She says as she pulls out two glasses and pours you guys some water. “vous voilà” (”Here you are”) She says, sliding them over. “Merci beaucoup” (”Thank you, very much.”) you smile and tip her a few euros for her time. “That’s oddly attractive.” Steve sort of blurts out, but immediately looks like he regrets it when he realizes he said it out loud. You laugh a little “Merci beaucoup” (”Thank you, very much”) you say to him as you pat his leg, assuring him that it was okay for him to say.
     The night went by pretty quickly and you were easily able to find your guy. At the end of the night, he made his purchase and left the gala. “Steve and I are going to pursue the guy. You guys stay here, but be ready to leave if we need back-up.” You whisper into the little speaker you were wearing. You stand up from your seat and hold out your hand for Steve, who gladly takes it. The two of you walk out of the gala, keeping a good distance from the man who you were now following. You remained holding hands, in case he did happen to turn around, it would just look like a couple on a stroll. Your skin was on fire where it touched his. You hoped that your hands weren’t becoming clammy and grossing Steve out. You hoped that Steve felt just as nervous as you did. When you rounded a corner, the man was gone. “Where’d he go?” You whispered to Steve, but he had just as good of a guess as you. Not even a minute later he walked out of the shop that you guys were standing next to. You panicked, only thinking about the fact that he’ll know you’ve been following him if he sees that you’re stopped. So you quickly throw Steve against the wall and pull his head down to yours and connect your lips. You felt the man look at you, but he quickly looked away once he saw the PDA, letting go of any suspicion he might have had. You continued to kiss Steve until the man was a couple feet away. When you pulled away, both of you were out of breath. “So…um… yeah, let’s keep going.” You say, flushed and confused as to why that was the first thought that came to mind. Steve nods and you head on. “That doesn’t count you know,” Steve says quietly. “What do you mean?” You ask, looking at him confused. “That doesn’t count as our first kiss. When we get back, I’m going to take you on a real date. Then, if you’ll let me, I’ll kiss you. That will be our first kiss.” Steve smiled at you, blushing like crazy. “J'aimerais beaucoup ça. I’d like that very much.” You say, adding a little wink.
Taglist: @keepyourdreamsalive @theonelittleone @denzmallows
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Thank you, xx.
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sky-scribbles · 6 years
OC described by companions
@norroendyrd tagged me to do this for ‘Levyn Trevelyan’ - aka, Jowan, who, after running from Redcliffe, changed his name, joined the mage rebellion, and ended up as the Inquisitor.
The rules:
Describe your OC as they are described by your companions.
Show us what they look like!
Tag at least 5 (or more) followers and 5 blogs you follow! :) (Not gonna tag anyone this time, unless they want to do it!)
Enjoy writing! :}
Here’s the disaster child (who I’ve tried my best to recreate in Inquisition graphics):
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And here are the companions’ thoughts on him:
We have not spoken since he confessed the truth. At first, he simply frustrated me, with his vocal, if nervous, support for the rebellion, and his constant habit of finding some way to fall down gullies or spring traps. Then, when I had started to respect him for the good he was doing, I learned he was a liar. A maleficar. He led the Inquisition under a false name, made us all into deceivers. I... know he has done good things. I would not want him removed from his position. But though I will fight with him, I can’t forgive him. Not yet.
When I met him, I thought he was out of his depth. A jumpy mage who didn’t know what he was doing and didn’t have the nerve for leadership. But he was so... admiring of the Wardens. He so obviously respected me, and felt safe around me, and it was... I felt unworthy of being admired by him. I told myself all I could do was protect him and try to be worth his admiration. When I was dragged before him in chains, I couldn’t bear to look at him. Couldn’t bear to see him get his pedestal broken. But then he... he confessed who he was. To everyone. Pardoned me, because he wouldn’t punish a man for crimes so similar to his own. That’s dogshit, of course. He acted out of fear, he was trying to help. I acted out of greed. I’ll stand by him now, the way he stood by me, and if anyone has a problem with who he was, they can take it up with my fist.
Iron Bull
Gotta say, I’m surprised I didn’t have him pegged as a blood mage. But you can’t see the scars on someone’s hand when the scars on someone’s hand when they’ve got a glowy Fade mark in the way, can you? Guess I know why he always seemed so edgy around me, he thought I’d catch on to him. Smart guy. (laughs) I know I should be keeping an eye on him, what with all the blood magic and demon crap, but... gah. I look at him, all I see’s a kid who’s been treated like crap trying to find out who he is. Got a lot of those in the Chargers. Life’s too short to keep hating people over what they used to be.
At first he was just good to laugh at, ‘cause he was always tripping over things and screwing up stuff, like that time when he knocked Bull into the sea. Or when he fell into that quicksand stuff. Or when those druffalo chased him halfway across the Hinterlands. And when he wasn’t getting his butt kicked by something, he was busting it to help the little people. Guess he’s trying to make up for everything, right? Not a fan of the whole blood magic shite, but that’s years done. Like Beardy, he’s trying. Aren’t many who try. Plus, turns out he’s not really a Trevelya-whatever-noble-nob after all. So that’s good.
Pretty good hero’s journey, start out as the sidekick to one of the world’s greatest heroes, accidentally destroy a town, set out to make amends... Disaster’s a lot less ‘brooding angsty hero’ and more ‘tearful nervous hero’, but I don’t know. Maybe we’ve had enough dark. Maybe it’s good to have a hero who gets upset by mistakes and just wants to help. He’s a good kid who lost his way, so he needs someone to be looking out for him and picking him up when he falls. Might as well be me.
Memories scattered like blood on the Circle floor. A knife drawn across a shaking hand, arm thrown out to protect her, but she turned away. I don’t know you, blood mage. Dark liquid in the Arl’s drink, corpse feet dragging, the Arlessa’s men with cold eyes. Regret rips, red and rending. Have to make it right. He never wanted to hurt, he wanted to help, and then he changed. He’d never do it again, and he’s scared and good and he cares. That’s enough. Levyn Trevelyan was a shield, because he thought no one would ever want Jowan. But now he tries the name again. Jowan. It sounds strange and it reminds him of the wrong and the red, but a soft voice shapes the name and it sings a little stronger.
I respected him at first - he was a Circle mage, and from a noble family, or so I thought. I wasn’t pleased when he made it clear that he was in support of the dissolution of Circles and the Templars, but all the same, he reminded me of many impressionable, clumsy young apprentices. I was willing to tutor him, help him control his magic... and then this came to light. A maleficar. Never harrowed. Responsible for countless deaths because he, an incompletely-trained apprentice, presumed to think he could train a child who should have been in the Circle. It’s a disgrace to the inquisition, to have such a man at its head. And yet... he brought me the wyvern heart. He came with me to Bastien’s side. He’s been avoiding me since all this happened, but perhaps... perhaps I should offer him another lesson. His barriers really do need work.
Jowan? Well, I suppose it’s easiest for me. I never had any shockingly dramatic revelation, I had the privilege of knowing the truth from the start. When he broke down in Redcliffe, during that dark future, when he spilled the whole story of his last disaster in Redcliffe to me... all I saw was the inevitable result of these ridiculous southern Circles. Terrify a mage enough,and of course he’s going to resort to forbidden magic. Most blood mages I’ve seen have just wanted power - and I’ve seen an awful lot of them. Jowan wanted to not be turned into an automaton, thank you very much. I found myself taking him under my wing a little, showing him how to embrace his magic - he’s actually a very powerful entropy mage - and since he could talk to me about who he really is, we ended up as... friends, I suppose. Seems rather infantile to slap a ‘best’ onto that title, but I can’t deny it’s accurate. Don’t tell anyone.
At first, I pitied him, as I pity all mages who are taught to fear who they are. When I learned the truth, I was angry to begin with, but now I respect how far he has come. He was a child threatened with becoming a shadow of a person. He sowed destruction, but out of good intentions and ignorance, not out of malice. He ran from what he did rather than face it, but he has accepted it now. He has saved the place he once nearly destroyed, and more besides. He is trying to rebuild. (sighs) It is all any of us can do.
I did wonder why he always walked large circles around me. I thought it was just because I was an ex-Templar, but since he confessed... I remember him from Kinloch Hold. Always nervous, huddling in Surana’s shadow. I expect he learned the blood magic from Uldred’s lot - 
But he wasn’t there when Ulred - well. I’ve tried to despise him for it. For the blood magic, for poisoning a good man, for Redcliffe. And then I think of the things I did, when I was younger, and ignorant. I’ll keep an eye on him, in case he ever turns to blood magic again, and I doubt it’ll ever stop being awkward talking to him. But I suppose he deserves a second chance.
He never had me fooled. By the time he closed that rift in the Temple of Sacred Ashes, I’d remembered his face, his voice. At first, it deepened my suspicion of him - the last time I’d come across him following a catastrophe, he had instigated it, albeit accidentally. But I reminded myself that my friend Surana trusted him, and I am glad I gave him the chance. He has thrown himself upon the chance to help and redeem himself - a chance I once needed myself - and he has done well. I... try to look out for him, for Surana’s sake. He would not forgive me if his oldest friend was hurt on my watch. That said, if he had broken Josephine’s heart as he broke his first love’s, no one would ever have found his body.
I... found him endearing from our first meeting. He was nervous, and scared, but so kind and eager to help. He never seemed like a distant leader, only a normal person trying to deal with something so much bigger than he was. I promised myself I would do my best to take care of him, and... well, one thing led to another.
When... when he confessed his past to me, I was shaken. But I understood. A single death I caused foolishly has weighed on me all these years. It pains me to think of all the guilt he carries, for deaths that came about because he wanted to help. Perhaps I should have been angry with him, but I was not. He had told me the truth, knowing that I might turn away from him. If anything, I was... touched, that he trusted me with it.
So I kept his secret, and encouraged him to face up to his past when the time was right. And when he did at last... I was so proud of him. He has come so far. He will go further - and I will always be at his side.
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Chapter 1: Matteo di Girasole
Matt smiled thinly as he straightened his tie. He was exhausted after this long day, but he has had this meeting on his radar for two weeks now so skipping was not an option, regardless of how much he wanted to go home and curl up on the couch with his fiance, whining about his long day while Mike would give one of his magical foot-rubs. Maybe Ace would even be willing to lower himself to some cuddles - though knowing their arrogant kitty-cat, he’d lift his tail and walk away from Matt as he did every day. They really needed to get a more cuddly and nice kitten.
“Mister di Girasole, I’m so glad you could make it.”
Matt did his best to fill out his smile to that ‘a hundred watt smile of yours, sunshine’, as his fiance liked to call it. Sonia Gold looked stunning as always. Honestly, the woman was a little scary in just how perfect she appeared all the time. Not a hair out of place on her honey-blonde hair, jade-green eyes sparkling as she smiled at him politely, the white suit not having a single unwanted wrinkle.
“Miss Gold. It’s a pleasure to finally meet in person”, replied Matt and reached out for her.
She raised one eyebrow as she smiled at him. This woman was top-notch, a businesswoman nearly unmatched. Matt had a lot of respect for her, he had done plenty of research before setting up this meeting.
“I have to admit, this is... not the kind of location I expected to be taken for a business dinner with the CEO of Chiron Training”, drawled Sonia.
She looked wearily at the establishment they had met at. Matt smiled pleasantly as he pushed the door open and motioned ofr her to go ahead. He instantly felt a bit more relaxed in this familiar environment. The “home away from home”, as Mike liked to call it because the couple spent so much time here.
“I find the... high-class establishments to be too stuffy. And too many noisy people with ears of interest trying to listen into the deals made there”, replied Matt casually. “Not to mention, this place has the best burgers I’ve ever eaten.”
Sonia chuckled amused and followed, clearly intrigued by this odd approach. The bartender looked up from where she was wiping down the bar, broad grin on her freckled face as she recognized Matt.
“Left the better half at home today, eh?”, called the young woman out.
“Jessica”, greeted Matt with a short nod. “Table for two?”
“Take yer pick”, replied Jessica, wildly gesturing around the nearly empty pub.
“The Saint John’s is the preferred place to eat for me and my fiance”, elaborated Matt as he went to his regular table.
It was still pretty early so the Irish pub was practically empty aside from Jessica behind the bar and two of the elderly regulars who enjoyed a good lamb stew for dinner. Matt nodded at them in greeting as he pulled a chair back for Sonia.
“I was pleasantly surprised to hear from you, Mister di Girasole”, stated Sonia as Matt sat down opposite her. “There’s been rumors about you looking for a new ad campaign.”
Matt hummed in confirmation as they opened their menus. He was the CEO and founder of one of the biggest sports-equipment companies world wide - Chiron Training. They were currently ironing out a new image of sorts. A new ad campaign, a new face to the name. For that, he was seeking out a new partner to work on said campaign. He had his PA go through all possible advertisement companies.
And Tanya was very thorough with everything she did. She had also found out from Sonia’s assistant that Sonia Gold tended to order burgers for lunch when frustrated. Which meant that burgers were her comfort food. So taking her here, that was strategical. Also, Matt really loved the burgers here - and the view.
“What can I get for you?”, asked Jessica curiously.
“The same as always”, replied Matt with a small smile.
Sonia hummed as she went through the menu. “Oh. Mh. I’ll go with a double-cheese bacon burger. And I suppose... an ice tea.”
Jessica saluted them and turned around to pass the order on to the kitchen.
“I want a... broader campaign”, started Matt. “We’ve been mainly defined by America’s favorite passtime and all things ball-game.”
“Something that speaks to more than just the teenage boys and dads of those?”, chuckled Sonia amused.
Matt confirmed with a gentle hum. “I’ve seen the wonders you did with other firms.”
The two of them talked shop for a couple minutes until the owner and cook of the pub personally brought their meals. The pub wasn't very hands-on with the staff, it was run by the Saint John siblings and though they had some hands to help them behind the bar and in the kitchen, it was mainly just them. They had one waitress, but mainly it was a system of ordering at the bar and self-pickup. Occasionally, James Saint John - or Jamie, as he preferred to be called (and by ‘preferred', Matt really meant that Jamie's sister had enforced the nickname and made sure everybody used it until Jamie accepted his fate) - would bring them their food personally, if there wasn't a lot going on. Matt liked to read a little more into it though. He turned to offer Jamie a charming smile.
Oh, how was that guy allowed to be this pretty? His gentle, reddish-brown curls framed his face at chin-length, freckles adored his pale skin and then there were his dark, gentle green eyes. Jamie returned Matt’s smile, his pale cheeks darkening just a little. It was cute how easy the other man could be flustered considering he was about a head taller than Matt and athletic.
“Thank you, Jamie”, said Matt, voice soft.
“What can I say? You rich folks bring me and my sister good money. Have to keep you entertained”, grinned Jamie teasingly. “Enjoy your food.”
Matt’s eyes lingered on Jamie’s retreating form. It wasn’t his fault that Jamie’s retreating form included that heart-shaped butt in the tight leather-pants. Sonia opposite him cleared her throat. Her jade eyes were sharp and calculating.
“If you brought me to your boy toy’s bar to make him feel like ‘you really want to include him and you’re so going to leave your fiance for him, you swear’, then I will take this burger and any negotiations off the table and leave”, warned Sonia.
Matt blinked slowly, stunned. Was he truly that transparent? He had always prided himself on his schooled features and his good poker-face. Sure, Mike could read him - but the two of them had been dating for years now - and Mike’s sister, because she was ‘exposed to the both of them far too often’. But this woman, who had known him for half an hour now...?
Well, her sharp perception was one of the reasons he had picked her. She was wonderful at analyzing every situation and accessing it. It was what made her so good at her job.
And that sharp and short threat was the final reason why he had picked her.
Tanya, the brilliant genius of a Private Assistant that she was, had gathered all the intel needed and then some more. Sonia Gold had a strong sense of moral and she always followed her moral compass, even if it cost her money. She had once slapped a million dollar deal into her business partner’s face after the jerk had made crude comments about Sonia’s PA for ‘not making up her-his-its damn mind’ (from Tanya, he knew that Sonia’s PA was genderfluid).
Sonia Gold held her business to the Gold Standard and she herself lived it too.
That was the kind of person and firm Matt wanted to work with. He offered her a bemused smile over the rim of his glass. A good thing that he knew she was also trustworthy, wouldn’t share gossip and secrets for her own gain, due to her moral compass.
“Not an affair, I assure you, Miss Gold”, drawled Matt lowly. “More a... shared interest of my fiance’s and mine.”
Sonia raised one elegant eyebrow, looking at him intensely as though she was trying to detect a lie. When she deemed it the truth, she lifted her burger up to take a bite.
“Oh, you weren’t lying about that either”, hummed Sonia pleased. “This might just be the best burger I’ve ever eaten.”
“It’s the home-made barbeque sauce”, stated Matt seriously and with a light grin. “Now, do you think we can continue with business?”
“I suppose”, mused Sonia. “Though I’d love to meet your fiance some time. Perhaps we can set something up to celebrate the deal we’re going to negotiate now. A double-date.”
“That sounds wonderful. I’m sure Michael would love it”, replied Matt with a charming smile.
By the time the rough outlines for the deal stood and Matt finally returned home, it was long dark and his prediction about Ace proved to be true. The unfaithful cat didn’t even look at him with his ass. Matt huffed offended as the cat continued sleeping while he made his way past the couch.
“Caro, sono a casa”, called Matt out softly before sighing. “...If you’re still awake.” [Italian trans: Honey, I’m home]
“Mh... Whazzat?”, slurred a tired, sleep-rough voice.
A messy mop of black hair emerged from the couch. Matt smiled softly. He should have known. Even with an early shift tomorrow, Mike would still wait for him. Running his fingers through his hair, he loosened the bun in the base of his neck and let his collarbone-long hair fall free while stalking up to his fiance. Mike still looked drowsy, the unshaved scruff giving him that rough edge that Matt loved so much. Straddling Mike’s waist, Matt leaned down to kiss the sleepy man.
“Buona sera, mi amore”, whispered Matt gently. [Italian trans; Good evening, my love]
“Right back at cha”, yawned Mike with a pleased grin.
He wrapped his strong arms around Matt’s waist, pulling him down. Sighing contently, Matt snuggled up to his fiance’s chest, finally able to relax for the day. Mike started gently running his fingers through Matt’s hair in that way that made Matt go lax.
“How was the meeting, sunshine?”, asked Mike. “Twas an important one, right? With that silver lady?”
“Gold lady”, correted Matt with soft amusement. “And I think it went pretty well. She wants to meet you. Double date with her and her boyfriend Sander.”
“Mh...”, grunted Mike, kissing the top of Matt’s head. “See. Knew you’d rock this, babe.”
Matt snorted in fond amusement and tucked his head under Mike’s chin. “How was your day? Locked a lot of bad guys up? Got a headache from Rick again?”
The groan escaping Mike’s lips told Matt that yes, Rick had given him a hard time. Not that it was actually serious. Mike and Rick had been partners since the day they graduated the police academy and they were so inseparable that Matt was about 95% sure that they were obligated to name their firstborn child after Rick at this point.
“We ran so late that I couldn’t get lunch because of a stupid case”, muttered Mike, sounding like he was pouting.
“Mh. You missed out on the dark-red leather-pants”, whispered Matt teasingly.
Mike groaned again, pinching Matt’s ass. “Don’t tease. Brat.”
Matt yelped and laughed. Mike and Rick spending their lunch at the Saint John’s Pub was how they had even learned about the establishment and how they had met Jamie. Though it had taken Mike months before he had dared to take Matt there the first time and then some more weeks before he had admitted  to having a giant crush on Jamie. At that point, Matt was already gone himself.
“What are my chances that you’ll carry me to bed, amore?”, asked Matt hopefully.
“...We’re gonna sleep on the couch tonight. It’s why we bought a super expensive, giant-ass couch”, grunted Mike seriously.
Matt sighed and grabbed the blanket from the backrest of the couch and pulled it over himself and his fiance. Both of them were too tired to get up or to get changed. And Mike was right, this was why they had bought the expensive couch.
“Buona notte e sogni d’oro”, whispered Matt, kissing Mike’s collarbone. [Italian trans: Good night and sweet dreams]
“Mhmh, night, sunshine”, replied Mike, kissing the top of Matt’s head.
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shannaraisles · 7 years
Set in Darkness
Chapter: 45 Author name: ShannaraIsles Rating: M Warnings: Language! Summary: She’s a Modern Girl in Thedas, but it isn’t what she wanted. There’s a scary dose of reality as soon as she arrives. It isn’t her story. People get hurt here; people die here, and there’s no option to reload if you make a bad decision. So what’s stopping her from plunging head first into the Void at the drop of a hat?
Fair Warning
Mornings in Skyhold were an education in the myriad wonders of mortal man.
Take Iron Bull, for example. Every morning, those still sleeping in the tents were roused by the sound of the big Qunari breaking the ice on the communal water butt with his head, and swearing like a sailor as the frigid water tricked down to his pants. It wasn't uncommon to hear fresh icicles breaking off his horns as he went to wake the Chargers.
The next to wake after him were usually the warriors - Cassandra, Blackwall, Cullen. Which, of course, meant that Rory was also invariably one of the first to rise. But where she would sit huddled under a blanket with a mug of steaming tea, they seemed to think running drills was the perfect way to wake up. It wasn't that she couldn't appreciate their dedication and skill; she just didn't approve of the display of energy at such an ungodly hour. They were inevitably joined by Kaaras and Rylen, and other officers, exerting themselves until they actually steamed in the icy dawn.
As the sun began to peek into the courtyards, Evy would crawl under Rory's blanket with her, and not long after, Dorian generally joined them. The Tevinter mage wasn't much of a talker before breakfast, usually focused on taming his hair and mustache in sleepy silence, his eyes following the energetic warriors with vaguely envious disgust for their display of prowess. Varric wasn't silent when he roused himself, though he tended to limit himself to muttering his complaints as he went about his morning routine. To hear the grumpy dwarf tell it, the whole world just felt wrong, and only a cup of ale and a round of toasted cheese could make it right.
Josephine and Leliana emerged only when breakfast was ready to be served, each perfectly turned out, not a hair out of place, and by that point, Rory was usually working to rouse her patients so they could wash and breakfast. Some needed help with both, which meant she herself tended to be among the last to eat. Solas, Cole, and Vivienne breakfasted apart from the main throng, sometimes not becoming evident among the bustle of people until the sun was high in the sky. And eventually Sera would drag herself out of her blankets around mid-morning, well after everyone else was already about their business, and threaten to camp out in the kitchens unless someone fed her.
Thankfully, the Orlesian nobles who had started to arrive at Skyhold got up even later than Sera did, so they missed these fascinating insights into the early workings of the Inquisition. Just as well, really. Some people really weren't made to cope with seeing Inquisitor Adaar burn his tongue on his tea every morning without fail, and turn the air blue cursing about it. But Rory found that she enjoyed these layered wake ups. For someone who had hated early mornings for most of her life, it was a strange feeling. It wouldn't last, though - the rooms of the fortress were quickly becoming habitable. Soon, they wouldn't see each other until breakfast at the earliest.
Of course, as the days passed, there were more people to add to this morning routine. The merchants, who gossiped and chattered through their yawns; the new recruits under Cullen's immediate command, who swore and complained but dragged themselves out of tents to run laps before being allowed to eat; Master Dennet and his stable-hands, who made sure their four-legged charges were fed, watered, and already exercising before Bull attacked the water butt each morning. And eventually, the alchemists and apothecaries, some of whom had been up all night to tend the stills.
Elan Ve'mal, a member of the College of Herbalists, was the undisputed senior when it came to the small army of apothecaries, assistants, and Tranquil. She had apparently been in contact with Adan while he was in Haven; when she arrived, she had immediately sought out Rory and her team, quick to put her people to work on replenishing the Inquisition's stock of potions for healing and soothing various ailments. Only when that was done would the elven woman countenance using her equipment for other potions, such as the contraceptive Granthis had given Rory the recipe for what felt like an age ago. Elan had even gone out of her way to improve it, distilling the formula down until the dose was only a mouthful a day. That meant the healers would be able to give out potion bottles that would last a sensible woman a month or more, rather than force them to come back each time they got careless for a fresh dose.
It was a relief when Elan finally told her the first batch was ready. Rory had already confirmed four pregnancies by that point, three of which she'd then assisted in terminating at her patients' request. Whether she agreed or not, it wasn't her place to judge. It was her place to be supportive, and to offer options that would not result in certain death. The do-it-yourself alternatives were too awful to even consider. Her method wasn't pleasant, but it solved the dilemma without killing the patient. Still, she was glad to have the preventatives to hand again. Even if a woman was certain she had made the right choice, the process of inducing a miscarriage was painful and traumatic. Far better to use the contraceptive than to put people through that unnecessarily.
"They're talking about expanding the herb garden," Elan was saying as the two women made their way into the cloistered space. "That would be a great help. Most potions can be made with dried herbs, but occasionally we need them fresh."
"I'm sure if they're talking about it, it's likely to happen," Rory assured her with reasonable confidence. "Unless some alternative is being floated."
"The sisters are pushing for the garden to be made a place of contemplation." The elven herbalist sighed. "I can't see why it couldn't be both."
"Probably because people who don't know anything about herbs would pick the pretty ones if the space isn't clearly defined," Rory suggested ruefully. "The noble visitors aren't exactly what you'd call considerate."
"That is true, I suppose," Elan said in a regretful tone. "And sharing the space might result in the Chantry sanctioning what we are allowed to grow and use."
"Mmm, they don't really approve of medicine," Rory agreed. The Chantry certainly didn't approve of contraceptives outside the Circles, that was for sure.
"I wanted to ask you something, actually," the elven woman began curiously as they passed through the cloister around the garden. "Why did you confiscate those leeches? Every other healer I've known swears by blood-letting."
Rory grimaced at the memory of the jar filled with blood-suckers that she'd tipped into the waterfall that morning. "The only thing blood-letting does is weaken the patient further," she told Elan. "There's only one situation I can think of where relieving that kind of pressure might help, and no amount of leeches can accomplish what trepanning does in that case."
"Is it true that even medical leeches spread disease?" the herbalist asked. To be honest, the question surprised Rory - she hadn't realized people in Thedas were becoming aware of cross-infection methods. The majority of healers seemed still to rely on the dubious four humors theory, which she knew was absolute codswallop.
"It is very likely they do," she answered her colleague's question easily. "It's not as though you can sterilize a leech. What it picks up from one person's blood, it can easily pass onto the next. Like fleas and lice do."
"And that's why you don't use them?"
"Well, if I'm honest, they also make my skin crawl," Rory admitted sheepishly. "But if they did any good, I'd use them. Luckily for me, they don't."
Elan chuckled, pushing open the door to her workshop - a large chamber that was very crowded these days. "You're too honest for your own good," she smiled, inviting the healer inside.
Oh, I'm really not. "Well, I need people to trust me if they're going to tell me what's bothering them," Rory pointed out with a shrug. "The truth can be hard to hear, but it's better than living a lie you're not even aware of."
"Seen in that light, it makes a kind of sense," Elan agreed, leading the way between work benches stacked high with bubbling glasswork, each potion watched over by her many assistants, Tranquil and otherwise. "You're sure you're happy for me to keep this recipe?"
"You've improved it," Rory reminded her. "It's more yours than it ever was mine. If Granthis complains, he can take it up with me."
"Oh, Master Perivale created it?" The elven woman nodded to herself with a smile. "He mentioned that he knew you."
"He's a friend." A friend that I wrote, but still a friend. "How is he?"
"Still charming his way through the ranks of the Imperial Court," Elan told her in amusement. "There are rumors that even the Empress patronizes him from time to time."
"You know, that really doesn't surprise me," Rory drawled. "No wonder he's on the guest list for the Wintersend Ball."
"Always has his eye on the main chance, that one," Elan agreed sagely, coming to a halt in front of a reasonably clear table, on which stood a small open crate packed with bottles. "Most of this batch has been sent down to the city, as you requested, but this lot should do the fortress for a couple of months."
Rory nodded, silently counting the bottles. Plenty to be going on with. "And what was the new dosage again?" she asked, wanting to confirm that she had it right. It wouldn't do to start overdosing her patients just because the formula had changed.
"Two fingers for a human," the herbalist told her promptly.
"And half that for an elf or dwarf, right?" She nodded again as Elan confirmed she was correct.
"I'd ask them to take the first dose in front of you," the elf added. "If they're already carrying, they'll throw it straight back up again. Because it's so strong now, a pregnant body will reject it totally if it can."
"Good to know." Better than shoving my hand up their hoohar or playing with wee. Rory lifted the crate easily. "Thank you, Elan, this is an enormous help. We'd be lost without you and your team."
"It was an honor to be asked to continue Adan's work," Elan told her simply. "Now go away, I have work to do."
Laughing at this no-nonsense dismissal, Rory obediently took her leave, retracing her steps out of the workshop and back to the lower courtyard with the crate secure in her arms. Cullen's table was gone - he'd finally been set up in the far gatehouse tower as the finishing touches were put to the newly-rebuilt walkway over the lower space. Most of the tents were being cleared, accommodations having been found inside for almost everyone. It would still be some time before Skyhold was fully put to rights, but they were well on their way. Kaaras might even have a room of his own when he got back from the Emerald Graves.
Offering a grin to Evy, who was learning how to shave a man in the afternoon sunshine, Rory ducked into her consultation tent, setting the crate down next to the rest of the immediate treatment potions they held in stock. Pulling her stool up to the makeshift desk, she absently poured a measure of the preventative for herself, swallowing it down as her attention turned to a request for additional trained staff for the infirmary down in the city. She sighed wearily. Who would have thought that the senior healer would have all this admin to do? Her daily duties saw more writing than seeing patients these days. Reaching for her quill, she began to scratch a note to speak to Roderick about it ... and abruptly stilled as a wave of nausea swept through her. It only took a moment for the shock to give way to panic.
"Oh, fuck ..."
Pushing away from the desk, she only just made it to the chamberpot in time, heaving up not only the potion but the remains of her lunch as well. The smell was revolting; if she'd had anything else to throw up, she would have done. Sweaty and shaking, she reached for her ever-present cup of water, washing her mouth out before slowly sipping to calm her roiling stomach.
"Fuck," she said again, with feeling. Her body had certainly rejected the preventative, right enough. But that doesn't necessarily mean what I think it does. Could be anything. Just check it out. It's probably just because you're not use to the brew being this strong, that's all.
Checking the toggles on the tent flap were secured, she found a glass beaker, and set about the business of collecting a urine sample. Thank goodness I'm wearing a dress today, was all she could think as she willed herself to relax. She didn't need much, after all. Just enough to run a test she'd done dozens of times for other women. It was awkward and uncomfortable, but she did manage to produce about an inch, trying not to panic prematurely. Washing her hands, she located the little pot of powdered Amrita Vein, tipping a pinch into the beaker with trembling hands. Now ... stir for one minute.
The act of counting the seconds helped to calm her down. There was no reason to think she might be ... that, not really. Yes, she'd missed the last month at least, but that was nothing new. Her cycle often skipped a month or two when she was under stress, and the journey from Haven had been all kinds of stressful. Not to mention, she and Cullen had been careful not to risk it. All right, so there had been that one time against a tree, but surely not. One mistake in the heat of the moment couldn't possibly have happened at exactly the right time, could it? That would hardly be fair.
The minute up, she looked down at the mixture in the beaker. Who ever said that life was fair?
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alittlestarling · 7 years
Rosalind as a Companion
Because I have too many feelings about her these days, I’ve completed the whole Inquisitor-as-a-Companion meme for Roz. I may or may not be working on an outline for a whole story sort of around this >>;
1. If not for the Conclave, what would drive your character to join the Inquisition? Rosalind wouldn’t necessarily join the Inquisition of her free will. The game never states as much, but I’ve had this headcanon that the rebellion at Ostwick wasn’t quite so peaceful. Rosalind, along with a handful of others, escaped just before the Circle fell when things were rocky and precarious on what the future had for mages. She was on the run for a time with others but they were separated before the Conclave. Rosalind would be found not far from the mage hideaway in the Witchwood and given the option to be recruited (which I’ll go into with the next question).
2. How would they meet the Inquisitor? In the Witchwood just after the Inquisitor cleared out the violent rebels. Rosalind wasn’t with them; rather, she was trying to reach the camp so talk them out of fighting with everyone coming through the area. The Inquisitor is given the choice to recruit her since she has information about the rebel mages (or has an idea of how to connect easily with them) in Redcliffe.
3. What would some of their cutscenes look like? Most notably there would be a couple cutscenes where Roz is helping with the refugees, both in Haven and when they’re settling in at Skyhold. The Skyhold scene involves Rosalind probably being followed around by some of the children they’ve picked up (like a little row of ducklings) which is so flipping adorable and one of my favorite headcanons.
4. What would their romance route look like? Would they be romancable? For sure! Roz would be romancable by male or female Inquisitors of any race. Approval is earned through helping others (high approval when they’re mages), agreeing that the Circle needs to be changed and by engaging her in conversation about the world around her. When her approval is high enough, her personal quest is unlocked. A cutscene triggers and she comes to see the Inquisitor with a letter in her hands and asks for a favor. Rumors of someone she mentored have reached her and she needs someone to look into it. Scouts are sent through the War Table and a mission opens up (which Roz requests to be part of). Reunited with her mentee opens up the option to romance her. Despite her rather shy approach to the subject, she’s straight-forward in her desire to explore a romance if brought up. There would definitely be lots of smooching in the garden for kiss scenes. She would also be the first to admit that she could have never expected something like this since romance and love was strictly forbidden in the circle.
5. If they romanced someone as Inquisitor, would they still fall for that person as a companion? How would that play out? How would they react to that person being romanced by the “new” Inquisitor? I mean, if it were up to me, YES. In a universe where Iron Bull wasn’t set as a romance for Dorian on the side, I could see the pair of them pairing off if they’re in the same party often. There would be some ambient dialogue at the beginning, especially in regards to mage rights where they butt heads but eventually it would spiral into conversations with blatant discussion of wants and needs. Their romance would only trigger after Demands of the Qun and only if the Inquisitor saved the Chargers.
If the new Inquisitor romanced Iron Bull, there wouldn’t be any bad blood or anything. More it would keep things a little distant between Bull and Roz, more professional and maybe friendly without being too close.
6. Write some of their party banter (in reaction to major events, scenery dialogue, or just shitting around. Askers can specify for which character/event, or leave it up to the writer).
Bringing Roz to the Storm Coast by the water would trigger this dialogue:
Roz: Maker, can we...can we not go climbing along the rocks? Inquisitor: Is something wrong? Roz: No, I mean - (sigh) I just don’t want to fall in. Inquisitor: Afraid of getting wet? Roz: No. I just...well, I can’t swm, actually.
(If Cole is in the Party)
Cole: Splashing, gasping, weighed down, you fear a dark death beneath the waves. But on solid ground you know better than to worry. Roz: I know you’re meant to be helpful, Cole, but that most certainly was not comforting.
7. What would be on their tombstone in the fade (what is their greatest fear)? Made Tranquil
8. What kind of Inquisitor would drive them to leave the Inquisition/confront them about their actions (what gets their approval low? what does that scene look like)? Low approval would definitely come from actions like making Erimond Tranquil, suppressing mages and generally making choices that cause more bloodshed rather than compromise. Roz wouldn’t make a big deal out of leaving, simply pack her things and go. She might write a letter in the end as a gesture of thanks either way for saving her life but now she’s searching for a greater purpose, which she obviously knew she wouldn’t find there.
9. Where in Skyhold would they be found? (e.g. Cole is in the tavern rafters, Leliana in the top of the tower, Varric in the throne room, etc.) Initially she could be found in Skyhold’s gardens where she tries to help things grow (she may be less than great at healing but herbalism is a strength of hers). If the Inquisitor builds a Mage tower, she moves up there and works with the NPCs in that building, making her desk up on that second floor.
10. If Inquisition operated like DA:O, what would their gift items be? Rose scented perfume, a locket that looks pretty close to one she had back in the circle and probably a few different books.
11. How would they grow as a person? How would they compare at the end of the Inquisition as a companion to who they were as the Inquisitor? Without the pressures of command, I think Roz would be more open on her opinions, regardless of who it made angry. She’d have a much stronger stance on reforming the Circles and finding a way to keep the power-hungry from looking over their charges. She grows a little more powerful and stronger in her voice either way, but as a companion she just uses it more to help causes near to her heart without worrying that she’s going to offend some third party or that the organization will fall apart under the weight of her choices. Her biases remain intact, to be honest, and she doesn’t have to harden herself as much to make the hard choices.
12. Do they believe the Herald of Andraste is really the Herald of Andraste? Roz would be skeptical about the whole deal, honestly. The idea of being around a holy figure is a little overwhelming, even though she has roots in her faith that she holds tight to. Instead she views them as more of just an important figure rather than a religious symbol.
13. If the Herald didn’t have them tag along to prep the trebuchets, what would they do during the battle for Haven? (bonus: would they join in on the impromptu Dawn Will Come choir practice in the camp?) Evacuating the houses and encampment of the people who have joined up. Then ultimately holding off enemies as they went up the path. She would sing - a soft soprano that is barely noticeable but there all the same.
14. What nickname does Varric give them? Rosebud.
15. Without the influence of their decisions for the Inquisition, which of the companions do they get along with? Which ones do they bicker with? I LOVE thinking about this. Roz would definitely get along best with Dorian and Vivienne - despite Viv’s desire to reinstate the Circle, there’s a healthy respect between the pair of them, though Roz very specifically does not talk about her use of Blood Magic around her for good reason. It’s one of the few secrets she keeps close to her chest. Bull and the Chargers are also high on the list of people she gets on with. Pretty sure she flirts easily with Blackwall before the revelation of who he is but she tries to still be a friend since she understands the weight of a secret like his.
She’s pretty neutral comes it comes to Sera, Cole and Cassandra. She gets along with them fine but they’re not people she actively seeks out (though eventually she and Cassandra enjoy romance novels together for fun when they have downtime). Josephine is also someone Roz would be cordial to but doesn’t seek her out often.
Solas, Cullen and Leliana are people she pretty much avoids for varying reasons. She and Solas don’t see eye-to-eye; Leliana kind of terrifies her; and Cullen she avoids for the obvious reasons that he was a Templar she doesn’t trust them at all.
16. What would the Fear Demon say to them in the Fade to try and discourage them? “Do you think they’d readily accept you when they knew what you’ve done? Maleficarum in the Inquisition, a stain on their organization. They’ll hold you down and turn you Tranquil the first chance they get.” It’s unnerving and probably the first time anyone in their group has heard her called a Blood Mage (the closest secret she holds) but Roz snaps back (shakily) that it’ll have to try harder than that old line.
17. Where do they hang out in the Winter Palace? What’s their thoughts on the nobles/The Game? On one of the balconies or in the gardens; somewhere she has room to move and isn’t up to her eyeballs in nobles pestering her or whispering theatrically about another Mage in the Inquisition. Since she came from a noble family, people expect her to have a firm grasp of the Game and how to react to things; surprise surprise though, Roz left for the Circle at the tender age of six and so this is like throwing a minnow to the sharks. She’s visibly uncomfortable and is happier to go off investigating rather than standing around and being stared at.
18. What’s their reaction to a dragon showing up? Profuse swearing, honestly. “Are you sure you want to fight that thing? Let me make sure we have healing potions on hand.”
19. Once Corypheus is beaten, what do they do during the party? Do they stay with the Inquisition, or go somewhere else? What could the Inquisitor do to convince them to stay? Roz is probably at one of the tables (near Bull since she probably comments on that if they were romanced). She’s excited and talks about going out to enjoy the night sky without that mess of green there. “Nightmare fuel’s gone and now we can just enjoy the quiet that comes with a victory, yeah?” If romanced by the Inquisitor, she expresses hope to continue working in the garden. “If you want me to stay, that is.” There’s relief in her voice when the Inquisitor agrees. If romanced into being with Bull, she talks about seeing more of the world around them. “The Chargers seem to get around and I figure they could use a mage.” There’s a few winks shared over the obvious white lie of it.
Unromanced, Roz can be convinced to stay and tend to the garden if she wants or encouraged to go exploring in the world. “You have a choice now, freedom to do what you want. Don’t you want to venture forth and see what’s out there?” A chuckle from her. “Perhaps I could, Inquisitor. It’s because of you I can do that. Thank you.”
20. How do they react to learning abominations can retain their consciousness and identity, and even live peacefully with their spirits/demons, as seen in Stone-Bear Hold? Roz would be endlessly intrigued at how things are run at the hold versus what she knows of magic in the Circle. Wary, perhaps, and a little sad for those who she knew that had to be made Tranquil rather than let them live.
21. What do they think of the discoveries made in the Deep Roads? Do they make any comments on anything? Amazement, honestly, especially when they reach the central chamber where the Titan is located. Beyond that, though, she probably has a few things to say about being underground and hoping they’re not down there for too long (“I need fresh air sooner or later.”).
22. If you have another Inquisitor, how would those two get along, specifically? She and Ellana would probably get on well! Roz would probably try to take Ellana under her wing and there would be a lot of discussion about the differing forms of magic that they practice.
23. In trespasser, what “gift” would they give the Inquisitor, if any? A few balms to help with the pain of the anchor. Even if she’s been off in the world, being around the Inquisitor again would make it very clear that they’re in pain. These would be new concoctions that she created with them in mind. Also lots of tea.
24. What are their plans for after the Exalted Council? Will the Inquisition staying in tact or being disbanded make a difference? Roz tells the Inquisitor of her plans to settle somewhere, perhaps make brews and potions for those who need it. A quiet life, she tells them, one she’s certain she deserves. If she’s with Bull, it’s a place big enough for them and the Chargers; a romanced Inquisitor would be invited along. “I know it wouldn’t be as big as a castle, but perhaps you deserve a little peace and quiet instead.” She’d stay with the Inquisitor, either way.
25. In the alternate reality, if they were corrupted with lyrium, how do they act? What’s their attitude about the end of the world/their inevitable death? After seeing the Inquisitor and Dorian vanish, Roz would have done any and everything to change the reality they wind up in, including making deals with demons and spirits. She doesn’t matter, she tells her companions, but the Herald needed to come back to them to save the world. There’s a high chance that she was an abomination living in a shell; Rosalind Trevelyan wasn’t there any longer, simply a host. But the deal they struck would have kept it in check somehow so there was no reason to stay alive with the world falling apart. Long before the demon took control, Roz was willing to die and that’s exactly what she would have done in the face of it all.
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