#thuapha x kanlong
heretherebedork · 2 years
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From denial to discomfort to acceptance to joy to protection, the journey of Kan and Thua and eye contact in episode 8.
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shipperpersempre · 2 years
Guarda "BL | The Eclipse [1x10] | Kan & Thua | If Our Love Is Wrong" su YouTube
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vpsbf · 2 years
akk: I'm not gay, I have no feelings whatsoever
ayan doing the bare minimum.
akk: I am gay and I do have a lot of feelings
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yoonmoonbii · 2 years
Mixed feelings about Thua's journey this episode. I was getting very frustrated at him. But also I can understand the conflict and anger he felt because of the fact that he was bullied for years now for being gay, and then he saw akk (who turn out to be gay) too oppressing the world remembers students. Given that this boys school drama is a big metaphor for dictatorship and authoritarian systems Thua is the neutral character who took action in own hands. So I get it, I do.
It still felt a little out of character? Especially because kan and him had conflict over this for like... 3 minutes?? And then it was fine. The telenovela-sation of it all just for shock value its conflicting. But whatever I still like thua, it just makes little to no sense that someone who always puts others first just outted two people who were his friends. Even more because he was aware of Dika's suicide story and Chadok's influence on Akk. Very ?¿ but okay, what are we going to do about it
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bellairfree · 2 years
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you need to live life in such way to get such compliments
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dyuwonafite · 2 years
Ok so, about Thua's stepfather it just clicked something: in a previous episode (when Aye and Thua and his Mom were in the Cafe of Diversity) when asked about his dad Thua says:" He is...nice to me".
That moment of esitance, in post-episode8-clarity, I am translating it as in
"I am a bit uncomfortable with his pression on me to be more proactive when insulted and his confrontational attitude towards people, but all in all he is trying his best, gives me advice (that I'm not really into because they are not in line with my non-confrontational calm personality) and his way to show me support feels a bit too aggressive, but all in all I understand the good intention and appreciate it.
He's...nice to me"
tldr; We are just vibing through life differently, but he's good
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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This is what unadulterated joy looks like, what freedom looks like, what acceptance and love and tenderness and care look like... this is what happens when people are given a chance to be themselves, unafraid of the consequences and unafraid of what people might think because they have found bravery in each other. The bravery to touch and the bravery to speak and the bravery to be.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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I just really, really want to look at how proud I am of Kan and Thua and how far they've come. From Kan panicking at Thua touch and Thua withdrawing immediately to Kan reaching out to touch his back and for Thua to just keep chanting.
But also look at the colors. The first moment is in their uniforms, no color in the room, everyone around them the same. And here, in this protest, they are dressed in color and they are bright, brilliant, themselves.
This is pure bravery. This is growth. This is how the world turns and the world changes... because people find bravery in loving each other.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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Thua let go the first time but now Kan is holding on.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
The episode really did compare how these characters are handling the process of coming out and of love and of affection and how they're navigating the waters of romance despite all the pressure on them and the painful waters they're treading.
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This is about Kan starting to find his own bravery and trying to find his place. He is desperately seeking a way to tell Thua he cares and to show him he cares but he doesn't know what to do or how to be who he needs. But he's taking those first steps. He's speaking up for him. He's trying to use his voice for him. He's offering to help him, he's chasing after him, he's pausing a game to give Thua his full attention. Kan is making sure that Thua feels seen because he loves him and wants that for him and with him.
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This is about Akk retreating, hiding himself even more thoroughly, pushing away the fantasy he had. Akk is not gentled by Ayan's weakness because he knows his future is out there waiting for him and he refuses to give up. He is desperate but he is scared and he is not ready at all despite his own wishes.
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This is about Ayan fighting and blaming himself and trying so hard to show Akk that there's nothing to be afraid of but failing and so pushing, always pushing, because he still blames himself for what happened with Dika and he can't let go of another change at making sure someone knows they matter. Ayan loves Akk with the desperation of someone who needs love and found it and doesn't understand why it's being denied.
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This is about Thua realizing that Kan might push him away still sometimes but that Kan is changing and Kan is growing and realizing that there is hope there. It's Thua discovering that there is love and there is care and there is protection and there is something so much gentler than you'd expect. It's the way he looks at Kan when he says he wants to protect him and the way
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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It's about the way Thua shrinks behind everyone else and takes up so little space and Kan finds his voice to speak for him, to try to defend him. And though Thua claims he doesn't mind, just lets himself be pushed... he's also given more space once Kan speaks up, he's given more of himself back within what he has.
It's not much.
It's very little.
But Kan is learning how to fight for Thua, how to use his voice for him and to make sure that he is protected, that he has space, that he can be himself, safely in the world, even among their friends.
And it might not work perfect, it might not be everything, but it matters.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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What we got in this scene:
Kan abandons his basketball game for Thua. Thua is still taking comfort from Bruce Wayne. Kan chased him down deliberately. Thua knows Kan is Bruce Wayne Kan knows Thua knows. Thua knows Kan remembers the kiss. Kan knows Thua knows. They both smile at each other. Neither of them has to speak. Public wrist grab/drag baby out of the crosswalk Neither one has to let go this time
One scene, so much to take from it.
This scene is about them in the light, about each tentative step they take towards their true and honest and open selves. This is about each reveal, each layer being peeled back.
Bruce Wayne is a secret identity for a superhero but when Kan can stand beside his own wish to protect Thua he doesn't need a secret identity. Bruce Wayne is not a necessity to his life, just a cover up for the feelings he's starting to accept.
The more Kan steps into his own place in the world and accepts his own emotions, the more he is able to set aside the narrative of himself as a superhero with a secret identity and realize that he doesn't need that.
This is why my prediction is that he is going to be the first prefect to fall from the position. Whether it's because he actively fights for Thua directly or because he resigns, I think Kan will be the first to put down the mantle that they've been carrying and that this start of the Bruce Wayne reveal is the beginning of that.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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Akk and Ayan take comfort in darkness. They take comfort in the cover of the moon and its safety, a chance to be weak, a chance to be young and to be held.
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Kan and Thua take joy in the light. They seek each other in the bright places, in the moments when the world is clear and they know who they are meant to be.
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Akk and Ayan set up walls in the light. They avoid their weakness beneath the too-seeing sun and seek places apart, seek silence, even as the pain eats them up inside, even when together they do not fully reach out.
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Kan and Thua hide in the darkness. They are both hurting, they are both lonely, they cannot see themselves when the moon is out and they cannot be safe when the light flickers.
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Kan and Thua kiss in the light and Akk and Ayan are a fantasy in the darkness and they are all together but in different ways.
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Together, they are the eclipse. Akk and Ayan are the moon, Kan and Thua the sun and together they will shatter the school to its very core with their love.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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It's about the way Kan and Thua look at each other without looking at each other before and after their kiss that neither of them was asleep for, the way they both wanted this and took this and took a chance without opening their eyes, their own personal darkness as the light shown on them. They have both been yearning and loving for so long, apart but waiting, and now something has changed, something has broken, and the light that has been held back so long cannot be kept in darkness forever.
They are meant to be in the light, they are meant to be bright and joyful and beautiful and together.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
One of the biggest differences between how Kan is starting to recognize and act on his feelings while Akk is falling deeper into denial and regression is how Thua and Ayan are responding to their changes.
Thua is more hurt and more withdrawn and quick to quiet down. He does not push Kan. Far all that it hurts him each time, he lets time pass and gives in peacefully to denial. And Kan needs that time. Kan needs to simmer and stew and slowly find his way to himself.
Ayan pushes. He pushes and he teases and he demands answers and he doesn't let Akk sit. He's constantly there, always asking another question and asking another answer and demanding again and again. And now it's Akk's turn to be defensive, prickly, to push back in return.
We also saw the change in Kan, the way he responded to Ayan going after Akk with quiet happiness rather than teasing, the way he tried to get space for Thua in the car, the way he abandoned the basketball game without hesitation, the way he used the words 'want to protect' for Thua despite those exact words constantly being used against him by other people...
Thua's patience is working with Kan, inch by inch, as he learns how to grow as himself and how to be a better version of himself.
But Ayan's pressure on Akk is breaking him.
Akk is not ready to come out of the closet or to face himself and the more pressure Ayan puts on him the more walls he puts up to keep himself in. When a door isn't strong enough, you build a wall and if the wall still isn't strong enough you build more walls, more space, more guards against what can hurt you.
Akk is avoiding Ayan because being near him is worse, being near him is a constant pressure to be what he isn't ready to be, to be who he isn't ready to be.
It's about how Thua's patience has left him weaker and more hurt but is also what's drawn Kan to him while Ayan's pressure and desperation are born from guilt and pain and holding him together and how Kan is slowly discovering himself and how Akk is rejecting himself and how much this show hurts.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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Kan's first time in a queer space versus his second time in a queer space.
This is growth. This is Kan going from visibly uncomfortable and worrying about Thua without truly knowing what going on to be able to look around, accept, and then support Thua directly through touch and understanding. Kan has been uncomfortable with his sexuality for so long that this acceptance is like a breath of fresh air, like a new day is dawning and it is dawning with Thua and that's so, so important.
But, truly, think about Kan walking into the Cafe for All and the desperate discomfort, the way he was trying to crawl out of his own skin and run but stayed for Akk and then for Thua versus the way he stays at the protest, the way he looks around but doesn't get that same nervous smile on his face, doesn't start stammering excuses, doesn't try to discourage Thua. He just stays with him, he chooses him and then he puts his hand on his back to support him, to be there for him.
Kan has been fighting an internal war for so long and it's good to see him finally let love win.
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