#thsi is so insane to me
youjustwaitsunshine · 2 months
entranced by whatever that rindt-marko-vettel web is. helmut marko and jochen rindt were best friends and raced together. sebastian vettel reminds helmut marko of jochen rindt. sebastian vettel is a great fan of jochen rindt. did seb become a rindt fan because marko told him stories of him. is marko obsessed with seb because he reminds him of his friend. i have so many questions. there's a story about rindt and marko driving to the german gp at the nürburgring and sleeping next to the track to get woken up by von trips and hill practicing in their ferraris the next morning and rindt looked at them and said to marko that that was what he wanted to do too, become a racing driver. cut to sebastian getting interviewed as a child saying "i would like to- no, i want to become an f1 driver"
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starjunkyard · 5 months
Good god ep18 s6. House dealing (god-awfully .Full disclosure. The episode opens with house drinking himself half to death with zero regard for himself to the point of unintentionally breaking into his neighbours house and passing out there) with wilson getting back together with his ex-wife while the patient of the episode grapples with his possibly reciprocated love for the woman he loves but cannot Have because she's engaged to be wed with his friend.......... Thirteen egging the patient on to tell her how he really feels but he genuinely Cant Bring Himself To because "my friend's a great guy . He's rich, smart, and he'll treat her well. Me-- I'd do everything I could for her. But it wouldn't be much. And she... she deserves the best." And the episode ends with house resignedly throwing away the sealed envelope that held all the dirt he hired lucas to get on wilson's ex wife to try and break them upOhhhhhhhh oh. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH Ouhhhhhhh. Ouhhhhh the acknowledgement that house would do everything & anything & more for wilson Give .all of himself To Wilson and it still wouldn't be enough because house is House. Because even at his best-- house would still be house and because of that house would never be able to give wilson what he wants What he Needs. Wilson doesn't. Need the misanthropic bastard he's been in love with for 20 years who bites and spits at any threat or sign of emotional intimacy or vulnerability. What wilson. Needs is a woman . A wife and two kids and a white picket fence because that's all wilson is
Its the foundation of his entire self that would bring everything else down with it if it were to crumble. The face that wilson has spent his entire Life honing and sculpting and perfecting to present as the Perfect Hardworking American Man and Son. The perfect husband and treasured son with his own big shiny department and a stainless-white doctor's coat and the Exact Man a woman would Need
What is wilson. who is he What is left of him if he is not needed by a woman; not needed nor wanted any longer by the world he's lived his entire life by to please. What is James Wilson if not what everyone else expects him to be
House is the antithesis to all of that. A man rough and abrasive as sandpaper who makes wilson selfish makes him emotional and stupid. Who encourages wilson to lash out and fight and get angry and stand up for himself and be the exact opposite of what he's worked his entire life to be. Instead of accepting and taking wilson's painstakingly pedantically constructed facade at face value House fucking. Crashes through the walls with a bulldozer. Snatches the mask right off of wilson's face and dangles it over his head goading wilson to go ahead; try and get it back
Wilson is so deathly terrified at the idea of breaking out of the norms he himself has walled himself into-- he can't Bear to think of any other future for himself that is anything other than wholly and completely unnoticeable average monotonous unextraordinary
and House is the exact opposite of unnoticeable average monotonous unextraordinary. House is the apple of Eden that rests on the other side of wilson's pristine-white picket fence. The object of Wilson's every true desire that simultaneously threatens to doom and tear down everything wilson regards protects worships as the one untouchable unquestionable unchangeable truth of his life
House loses before it even starts. No one can compete with that; not even house. By nature, house can never be what wilson needs. What wilson truly desires or wants or needs is another subject entirely, something im genuinely not sure wilson could even grapple with, let alone come to terms with canonically. I fully believe wilson and house are the loves of each other's lives but house will never be what wilson "needs" or "wants" no matter what he does or changes about himself. They love each other more than anything and they want each other and they cant live without each other but House-- intrensically, by nature-- cannot be what Wilson wants.
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philzokman · 9 months
watched fleabag for the first time ive been staring at my wall for the last 10 minutes
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fayehartz · 10 months
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random pip doodles :3
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basofy · 6 months
i hate that the horrifying context makes it hard sometimes to enjoy the sillier parts of this conversation cuz
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mothslimes · 26 days
i say all my art is personal because if it wasn't, then there was a process behind it, and that process can be analyzed and criticized. if it's just me, then you can't criticize it, because criticizing me is rude
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francarieq · 2 months
hi erm
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i liked your picrew on that picrew chain ..
i l ike you ...
bye-bye ..
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patchesjam · 11 months
I forgot my earphones so had to buy 30 euro new ones (cheapest they had) and then immediately left the case on the plane and now can't recharge them I'm killing myself I literally just paid 30 euros for a 4 hour listening party
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brookheimer · 1 year
hi! i started following you when i found your veep posts after i finished the show! I've been enjoying your posts discussing the shiv pregnancy plotline and i love all of your analysis posts! ❤️ i'm also REALLY hoping they don't pull an amy plotline on this, but i don't think they will. and this message below got really long, i'm sorry!
i think shiv's plotline is also a new way to look at femininity and womanhood through her eyes. she's considering if it will hold her back professionally, and also how people may see it as an excuse to treat her differently or fragile bc of it -at least that's how i took the fall scene and her conversation with tom on the steps. it does seem like she might be trying to prove something to her mom. she also mentions their mom the most (maybe the same/more than roman does?) and their conversation last season in italy wrecked me, personally.
i don't always agree with shiv, but at those exact points it's just like the aspect and pain of how she's seen or treated differently bc she's a woman is emphasized and it stabs right through me. like, i get it. i can truly understand what it feels like, and they portray that perspective perfectly.
awww oh my god hi !!! so glad to have another veep expat onboard here there are disconcertingly few of us. and yes i completely nd totally agree -- i'm - gulp - maybe looking forward to the pregnancy plotline possibly?? like, do i trust succession to do it well? not entirely. but do i trust it more than any other show currently airing that i can think of? ummm yeah probably. i am also a known Complicated Female Character Aficionado and while i have always liked shiv a lot, for some reason i never quite resonated with her the way i have some other female characters -- not entirely sure why that is, maybe it's the wealth, but maybe it's the lack of focus on her inner life in prev seasons. not that she isn't complicated or interesting, but that a lot of what we know about her really only relates to her relationships with men and how she exists around them -- which is obviously an incredibly huge aspect of her character and the lives of women generally (i fuckin know it is for me), but we haven't seen much of who she is outside of that. and even if she's literally nothing outside of that, i still want to see and explore it, because that's character depth too (she's so wrapped up in roy-style masculinity that she literally doesn't know who she is outside of it etc).
to me, the most interesting shiv scenes have largely been the ones she shares with other women -- with gerri, with her lawyer friend, with the woman she talked out of coming forward about cruises, with fucking caroline?? like, there are just a lot of Career Women Who Shove Down Femininity To Exist In Masculine Worlds in television these days, and i just want to see some more interiority with shiv, because i know it's there, we get hints of it and it plays across snook's face in every scene. i'm not saying i want to be explicitly told every aspect of her life -- god, no, that would be an entirely different show -- but that i want some like focus on her, not her relationship with tom or logan or kendall or roman but something with the purpose of developing her. more than any other character on the show i feel like i just know so little about her life before, beyond, outside of waystar royco. and if there isn't stuff beyond that, then i want to see that too! i just think there is so much that could be done with shiv that hasn't been quite covered already (it is an ensemble show, after all) and i'm really hoping this plotline will kind of fill that void. maybe it won't, maybe it'll suck, but maybe it will be the deep dive into shiv i've been waiting for. praying and praying and praying succession does for shiv what i so desperately wanted veep to do for amy brookheimer fr <3
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justinefrischmanngf · 11 months
i have not been sleeping well and i do think it's doing bad things to me because the thoughts i am having are not reasonable or helpful
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miiraclemusical · 1 year
an interaction that’ll better happen if ii s2 and s3 collab
*cabby rolls up to suitcase, stares at her and hands her a file reading “local therapists near you”*
suitcase: ..how do you have my address..?
*cabby ignores what suitcase said and looks into her eyes*
cabby: keep this file, you need this more than anybody here.
*cabby then rolls away climatically, while suitcase silently freaks out in the background after having a random woman inadvertently tell her that she needs to go to therapy, and has her address*
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gayemoji · 6 months
im going to kill a certain vicadin addict so bad. not before i give him some actual unrequited love first. i love him but he is so stupid.
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merriclo · 1 year
Krknfndnjenenfjdjs why are you so nice 😭😭😭 the tags on like everything I post tbat you reblog I just—I just—sobbing jfnfjfjrejr thank you, ur like 50% of the reason I still have Tumblr <333
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the reason i compliment ur posts so much is bc they rlly do deserve to be complimented !!! i love seeing everything you post it’s all so lovely.
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gurorori · 9 months
naw naw i think im rite. im jus da worst guy ever i don think i ever seen someone have this much jealousy in em
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eldritch-thrumming · 1 year
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
had such a good day today feeling very healed but then on my way to the station there were these 7th day adventists preaching and handing out books and leaflets so obviously i took them because im curious but its crazy it was actually just like that tone deaf comment about antisemitism for catholics ... the leaflet was just very like theres secret catholics running every world government and doing satanic rituals and theres a shadow government based in the vatican city that secretly pulls all the strings of the world and they had big posters with like the pope superimposed on a background of hellfire and illuminati symbols and so on well you get the picture. but they actually didnt mention jewish or lgbt people in their booklet at all so i was like maybe this is awesome like the catholics can take the heat for once..... 
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