#though it's different from the love he felt for Zenos
zakifairer · 11 months
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hazelkjt · 13 days
Lily of the Valley
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"This is the poison of giving too much. You feel yourself emptying out, dizzying, discoloring-- until you fear you will fade entirely and wither away. You have always had to give. You never had a choice before. They pluck your flowers for their beauty, they trample your leaves carelessly, they pull out your roots by the fistful and berate you for daring to grow. And now that you have a grove to spread out in, your rhizomes tangle and curl in on themselves. When cruelty is all you've ever known, thriving seems impossible. But the answer is not to make yourself small and offer every lovely thing you are to the world in the hopes it will have mercy on you. The answer is to let yourself dare to thrive for thriving's sake, to grow in the wild ways you wish to-- and to do that for yourself for once."
tagged by: @selnyam and @cindernet-explorer, tyty!!!
gonna be tagging: @hinganskies, @sparrowsong-7, @ahollowgrave, @this-is-ris, and anyone I didn't tag but is reading this!
Quiz can be found here and a LONG write-up on this answer is under the read more
For both iterations of Hazel this is pretty spot on, minus the bits about cruelty and being "forced" to give. They both start out believing the value of their lives are determined by those around them, be it friends and especially any mentor or teaching figures. Her life is spent trying to appease and "make proud" the people in her life to fuel her sense of pride in herself. This is also the biggest source of WoL!Hazel's pressure and bottled up resentment of the Warrior of Light title, because each failure weighs heavily on her sense of self worth. Both eventually learn to let go of this behavior, to take value in their own life as something individually beautiful rather than always seeking the approval of others, though at completely different points in their lives. For Reg!Hazel, it was when she and her allies in Eorzea encounter and attempt to slay a Blasphemy following the events of the Final Days. It proved too much for the party and she was told to retreat. In her mind, doing so would be turning her back on all the people who praised her skills and the people who helped instill those skills in her. She tries to continue the fight and has her blade, a physical symbol of someone's trust in her, shattered into irreparable pieces. She felt lost and shattered herself after barely escaping with her life, and she never got closure on what happened to the monster that did this. Through much self reflection and a visit back home she eventually came to not rely on the approval of others and focused her idea of self worth coming from within, not others.
For WoL!Hazel...it was a long road. The title of Warrior of Light being thrust upon her took a long, long time to get over. Not until everything was all said and done, when the song at the end of existence changed from mourning to one of joy did she finally shed her paralyzing sense of burden regarding her role. But the cracks began to form way back after the Bloody Banquet when she first went off in a rage at Alphinaud, putting blame of everything that went wrong entirely on his shoulders. It was the first time she flat out said she never wanted to be a hero. From then on she fought with herself internally over continuing to be this hero for the world or to follow what Esteem had said: she doesn't owe anyone anything.
She bottled it all up until meeting Zenos, and coming to understand his sole desire was his own satisfaction. Everything he did, he did for himself. From then on Hazel contemplated on what she TRULY wanted in life, which eventually led her back to the same conclusion as to why she left the Azim Steppe in the first place. She wanted to see the world, its people, its lands. She wanted excitement, thrills, adventure, and saving people was icing on the cake. She's still good hearted and willing to help others, but now it's for her own personal satisfaction as much as it is to be the hero she is known to be. Ironically, despite hating Zenos for his actions he was the one to finally help Hazel first come to terms with herself, only to have this view strengthened by Zero later on.
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starrysnowdrop · 9 months
Thoughts on Hali’s EW Journey
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Hali has officially finished her Endwalker journey! 6.0 is done and the 6.X patches and all the EW side content await! I have many thoughts about this, and it felt so different playing it through on Hali vs Yume, so I have an overwhelming urge to tell you all how it went!
Because I will be long winded I’m sure, plus the many spoilers, it will be under the cut.
First of all, I felt from the very beginning of the expansion that this felt like this was Hali’s story, and finishing 6.0 solidified for me that Hali was meant to be my main WoL and Hali’s Unsundered was Azem.
Why is that? Well, I had played through the entire MSQ on Yume before I even created Hali, and I can tell you that though I personally was emotionally invested in the EW story before, it still didn’t feel like it really fit Yume that much. She was not as connected to the events as Hali is, and in several ways. Yume is still way more connected to SB and ShB, as she is the one who takes on the light from the lightwardens and has permanent changes to her body and aether as a result of the light corruption, not to mention her connection to G’raha and all.
Hali, on the other hand, is absolutely the spotlight WoL of HW and EW. For HW, it’s her finally facing the fact that those she cares about can get hurt and even die, and sometimes there’s nothing she can do about it, ie: Haurchefant and Ysayle. Secondly, HW is when her story with Aymeric largely happens, of course.
For EW, it feels especially personal for Hali for a number of reasons. First, she goes back to her home of Old Sharlayan and Labyrinthos for the first time since she left home without a word to her parents. She sneaks into Sharlayan under an alias and wears a disguise, but she is still caught in Labyrinthos and must face her parents and the Forum for her being a fugitive. Hali is confronted with the knowledge that her parents were both directly involved in the plot to escape from the Final Days, which Hali has a hard time with. She is very angry that her parents kept the secret from her for her whole life, and she is also upset at them for trying to convince her to leave with them instead of staying and fighting for everyone. For Hali, EW is when Hali must face her past, and try to reconcile with her parents in order to save the star and make a brighter future for all.
Another element that is personal to Hali is her connection with Fandaniel, specifically her past life as Azem when she and Hermes were once in a romantic and sexual relationship. Though these two souls were once in love, they were torn apart and went on completely different paths. While Hali doesn’t have any romantic or sexual interest in Fandaniel or Hermes, she does get a deja vu feeling when she is around them, which she believes might be her soul recognizing his soul from their past lives. She feels sorry for how deeply in despair Fandaniel/Amon/Hermes was, and she wishes that she could have helped him, but in the end, she gives him hope that he can find the answers in his next life.
I also found that Hali is much more connected to dynamis than Yume is, especially when in her canon, Hali almost turns into a blasphemy herself after her confession of love to Aymeric and feeling an overwhelming panic take over her with Aymeric’s reaction. Hali feels her emotions very deeply and wears her heart on her sleeve, so her journey of discovering what dynamis is and then using it to keep the light of hope alive in Ultima Thule, and in her battle with the Endsinger, it all just felt so satisfying to play through. Not just her being a Warrior of Light, but Hali as a person went on this incredible journey of self discovery from her leaving Sharlayan and coming to Eorzea in ARR, to saving the star and finding happiness with the man she loves in EW.
Endwalker overall was incredibly enjoyable on Hali’s playthrough, but the one thing that rubbed me the wrong way was the last solo duty when the WoL fights Zenos. When I went through it on Yume, it felt so unnecessary, but it did not feel too jarring because of who Yume is, and she would understand Zenos. Hali, on the other hand, would not.
Why is that? Well, Hali is not a warrior like Yume is, as she’s first and foremost a healer. Yes she has some really powerful offensive spells and abilities that she can use to hold her own in battle, but it’s not her main focus nor her goal. She’s of the mindset that she’s there to ensure that everyone comes back alive, and she would not want to fight Zenos. In fact, she’d more likely try to bring him back with her and then let him go, because she not only would not want to fight Zenos and 1) kill him, 2) give him the satisfaction of a fight because why would she reward him after everything he’s done, and 3) she’s not going to put herself in danger once the Endsinger is dealt with. Hali is coming home to Aymeric in one piece damn it, and she just would not fight Zenos and take that chance of not keeping her promise. So yeah, overall I just hated the last solo duty on Hali’s playthrough.
I think that’s all the blabbing I’ll do for now. I just wanted to say that I’m glad that I got to experience EW all over again and on a character that really felt personal to me and who really was meant to go through that journey. If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading!! 💖
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halikyon · 3 months
As someone who enjoys ships with minor npcs, I want to know everything about Ryune and M'naago. How did they meet? Who caught feelings for whom first? How did they confess? What trials have they been through as a couple and how have they persevered through them? Give me everything.
*Gets up on stage with a stack of documents, clears throat, adjusts mic* I'll try to summarize where I can. A lot is still being developed and written, so there may be a few slight jumps, but the general idea and timeline are certainly here.
Long before ARR, young Ryune lived near the Peering Stones with her mother and four siblings. Her father was an adventurer himself, and while not absent, was often away. When Garlemald attacked, they were forced to take refuge at the Peering Stones proper. This was the first time they ever met, though Ryune looked very different, her hair brown and short, and her name at this stage of life being M'runa.
They got along, as kids tend to do, though as time passed, Ryune withdrew more and more as her family dropped one by one until her gather took her to escape beyond Baelsar's Wall into Eorzrea proper.
Many years later, they would finally meet yet again during Stormblood, though they didn't recognize each other at first. Ryune was the first to realize, giving M'naago a big hug before realizing she should really explain. She told her about how they had escaped, how she had needed to take refuge with the U (where her name became U'ryune before dropping the U when she set out as an adventurer), and how good it was to see her after so long.
Unfortunately, M'naago wasn't quite as excited, sharing the opinion of many of her tribe about adventurers being nothing but swords for hire who shouldn't be trusted, no matter what they might have accomplished. This opinion would soon melt away, however, during the campaign to liberate their homeland, as Ryune would often be the one leading the charge, full of conviction and passion.
The respect turned to friendship, Ryune seeing her as both determined and compassionate during the campaign. Once Doma was free and the efforts fell fully to the liberation Ala Mhigo, they fought side by side quite often and formed a bond of deep trust. It was here that Ryune felt something more and began to be a bit flirty towards her, though M'naago wasn't exactly sure how to take it, as, at this time, Ryune and Thancred were rumored to be together, and while it was true they had a physical relationship, it was never a romantic one, rather one of mutual trust and physical attraction. This came to a head not long before the final battle to liberate the city proper.
M'naago had picked up on Ryune's advances and, while feeling something herself, found herself very annoyed and a more than a bit angry that Ryune was, in her mind, attempting to cheat on Thancred. A rather long, empassioned talk about what was going on and an admission of Ryune's feelings later, they had the beginnings of Ryune's first romantic involvement with another. They didn't have all that long to develop that relationship, though, as the Garlean's counterattack would force them into action once again. This was also when the Scions were being taken, and M'naago could put two and two together, understanding Ryune might soon be gone herself. On the eve of battle, a second admission of feelings, this time primarily from M'naago, took place, expressing her fear and love and hope for what could be. The night ended with their first kiss. It would be the last night they would see each other for a very long time.
The final battle with Zenos broke Ryune's body, both physically and as a vessel for aether. Ryune, believing them to be her last thoughts, held M'naago in her mind, hoping she would understand and that she would be able to move on. She regretted not being able to see her again and that End of Days had kept the apart as much as being stuck in the First had. She remembers waking for a moment on the ship, Alisae crying over her while her companions poured aether into her before it all went black again.
The next time she gained consciousness was in Old Sharlayan, in a white room with all sorts of devices hooked to her. She could barely move or see, her mouth so dry that speaking was nearly impossible. She saw a red blur leave the room in a rush and the familiar voice of Alisae calling that she was awake. An explanation of events, her recovery by the resident doctor who also was kind enough to give her a bit of water so she could speak again, and efforts by Yshtola and Krile to rebuild what was likened to a highly eroded dam within that was supposed to hold the aether in her that Ryune had essentially broken by drawing so much aether through herself.
Yshtola and Krile noticed M'naago at the door and invited her in, taking their leave and making Alisae come along to give them some time alone. It was a tearful reunion, M'naago having taken turns with Alisae by her side for the weeks she had been in bed. Here, there was a plain admission of mutual love and a long overdue kiss, and a promise that Ryune would never do something so reckless by herself again. They spent a good deal of time here in a small apartment near the medical facilities during the recovery once she was out of that bed.
The road to recovery was difficult, and it ended up placing a strain on their relationship for a time. Ryune has an anger problem, one that forced her to run from Little Ala Mhigo in the first place that had flared up every now and then during the course of her adventures. The recent outbursts were worse, though, but M'naago was able to understand, having seen dozens of friends injured and dealing with PTSD. She was able to take that anger and deflect it away, getting through to Ryune and quelling the rage whenever it would flare up. This is also when they first began spending their nights together, M'naago having to quickly learn how to calm nightmare-induced panic attacks and deflect random flailing in the dark. She also had to deal with depressive episodes where Ryune could barely be convinced to get out of bed, but M'naago stuck with her and made sure she got through it all.
Once Ryune finally recovered enough, they wanted to find a home together, deciding on Ala Ghana due to its aetherite connection and proximity to the rebuilding Fists of Rhalgr that Ryune wished to dedicate her time to now that the End of Days had been averted. Somehow, word got out about this new living arrangement, and the Ironworks engineers, along with a few Garleans who wished to repay her, set upon the place, modernizing it and expanding it. At Ryune's insistence, they did add amenities to the other homes carved into the cliff as well, but hers still ended up having the most bells and whistles. She had also used the tools they brought to make a large tub big enough to float in. It was as if someone had encased a Garlean home in carved rock, complete with electrical power and clean water that could be heated as they wished.
This era is one of relative stability, with M'naago running her reconciliation and rebuilding efforts in Rhalgr's Reach while Ryune set about rebuilding the Fists in the Temple above (this is where the bulk of stories my brain has are in the timeline). Their bond here is an established one of trust, understanding, and a desire to see each other succeed, their efforts often overlapping since their end goal is to rebuild the area and bring refugees back home. They want to see the area thrive once more, and know just how much work it will take, but believe fully that it's a worthwhile goal. Ryune's time helping in the Thirteenth weren't so far flung as to keep her away from M'naago any longer than a day or two at a time, but with Wuk Lamat asking for assistance, it's led to a crisis within Ryune. As she knew all too well to do, she spoke plainly with her partner, explaining how she felt guilty about leaving M'naago behind and the Monks as well, but M'naago set her straight, explaining that her love of adventuring and desire to help others was core to who she was, and one of the many reasons she loved her so much. M'naago told her to go, and that it wasn't like before, with a request like this likely leaving her with more time to stay here since they weren't racing the end of the world anymore. This reaffirmed Ryune's own love for M'naago, so understanding and caring with such an incredible knack for striking the core of the problems she faced: No one would be angry she would be gone, and she would still have her loving partner and home whenever she returned.
That's how things stand for now, with Ryune awaiting word while they both continue to live happy domestic lives with the occasional local adventure while time allows.
Ryune's love for M'naago stems from her compassion and ability forgive others, like with her reconciliation efforts with the Skulls, her bravery, leadership ability, and her really bad puns/jokes (that I made up as a trait) that Ryune can't help but enjoy. When one is said, the urge to smooch her face goes through the roof. Ryune saw her as a strong comrade-in-arms, dependable ally, and now, as someone she couldn't imagine her life without.
M'naago's love for Ryune comes from how she is so passionate about the things she cares about, whether it's the Monks or Gyr Abania or M'naago herself, her desire to help everyone she comes across, and her adventurous spirit which has often lead to her trying all kinds of new things and seeing new places. She is also quite happy that Ryune is so open with her, speaking her mind openly and plainly about what troubles her ever since Ryune began her recovery.
They know the other means what they say and, after the few early misteps, know the best way is to always speak your heart. This is also why M'naago is unbothered by Ryune's past and present proclivity for more physical affection/interactions with people she trusts. For example, if Ryune gave G'raha a big kiss after not seeing him for a while, she wouldn't see it as something that worries her at all, though she would be quite entertained to see what his reaction would be!
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aetherotransformer · 7 months
ASHENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN (heavy rain style screaming) 5, 8, 27?
5. Where are they from? What was their childhood like?
answered here!
8. How did they feel about the liberation of Ala Mhigo? Do they feel it could have been handled differently? Where they at all bothered by how they were involved? 
i mean ashen teared up a little at the end of stormblood she was up there singing the anthem with the cast. she does wish that eorzea gave a shit earlier lol but at this point its a "well im glad it even happened" thing for her because zenos's attack on rhalgr's reach/finding out that her dad was actually alive and conscripted into the garlean army left her pretty shaken and she did seriously doubt the resistance's ability to win. ultimately she was aware that it was probably their last chance to do so for a while so she went all in with supporting them and didn't regret it. she was sort of pissed at having to go to the far east though because it felt even more like the scions were prioritizing doma over her homeland. and also because she ended up not really liking hien. she would have preferred they let her stay in gyr abania but what can you do
27. How did the events of Shadowbringers impact them?
ohh boy this one is a lot so im keeping it to 5.0 and not the patches. besides the baseline msq stuff (ardbert soul merge etc) the one physical impact it had on him was that his hands stayed sin eater-ified. they have a feathered appearance now but are cold and waxy to the touch and incapable of channeling aether (hence making monk the one job physically inaccessible to ashen)
anyway you're here for the yuri. ashen didn't understand why ysayle sacrificed herself for him when one of the last conversations they had was about settling down in dravania after the dragonsong war ended, and assumed it was a suicide-by-garlean-airship because she felt the sins she'd committed were too numerous and dying like that was the only way to redeem herself. his brain immediately pinned this as being his fault because he'd previously told ysayle that he wouldn't forgive him for what she did in the name of shiva (but that it didn't matter to him). this sort of fucked ashen up for an expac and a half and made him resent that kind of self sacrificial behavior. he almost had a thing going on with ardbert in the first but by the time he realized his feelings they were in amaurot and he was actively dying. ardbert's soulmerge was just sort of further salt in the wound.
but then he met cyella—cyella, who was undone by ardbert's mercy—who was now, a century later, begging for ashen to kill her, so that she might be redeemed for all her sins—and something in him broke, and he refused, because he's tired of people being self sacrificial. and if maybe they were willing to do that for you it's not because you're a warrior of light or because they want to atone. it's because they love you. now theyre dating and ashens almost come to terms with ysayles death* (*ill type the last loose end up when i do aitiascope its living in my mind right now)
oh also the ancients stuff didnt really do anything for ashen i guess. she already believes in the cyclical nature of fate. the ancients fell due to their mistakes. this current civilization will, too, someday. what is the point
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📥👖🧠✨️ for the fic asks!
Thank you Liz! More centered on my ffxiv stuff since this is the blog for that haha. Anyway! Let's get right to it starting with the last question!
FanFic ASk Game
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
Emotional, tongue-in-cheek, free-spirited or at least so I hope!
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Is it cheating to say any of them? Because I love seeing what people have to say on what I write and put out there! Among my ffxiv stuff I always love seeing comments on things that involve Stasia and Carly (which is mostly wips i know) as they are the ones that stray from the general story and aren't always likable so I like being able to see how they come across and make sure that its the way I intend to and think I'm doing when writing. A more specific piece it would have to be this piece with Anthea and the final days. I feel its one of my best works posted in completion and I like seeing how an event like that comes across to others especially given that much of that time period is up to interpretation of an individual.
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
No planning we die like men! jk jk I am more of a plantser in that I go into a wip with a general idea in my head on what I want the main focus of a piece to be, the intention of it, and any specific lines or actions that inspired it. After that I just write it out and see what happens! A lot of times I get to where I was planning and in ways I didn't expect, other times I end up somewhere different but it felt so natural writing it that I had to leave it. There are the rare occasions I don't do any planning and just get the urge to write and so I do just that and will come back to it if I get stuck, this happened recently with a piece where I had very little in mind other than knowing Phobos is reading various letters Deimos got, but who they were from and what they said and going back home were all things that I came up with on the spot.
One thing I really let free and hardly put any thought into ahead of time is the formatting of my writing though. I like to at times be a bit of a visual writer in that I will use breaks, bolds, italics, lack of spaces, etc. to convey something that I probably would take too long to write out in any other fashion. Besides how else can I best describe racing thoughts and anxiety than putting a bunch of words together without any space between them haha.
Also will mention that much of my stuff looks like panster writing because I was writing it as I was actively playing the story so I had no idea how it was all going to end and what I wanted to do with my kids as Sib and Demos started in two different universes.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
This would depend more on what you would call a wip. I tend to count anything that's at least a few paragraphs or dialogue long, which there's quite a bit of that. If we're talking just straight ideas then there's plenty of moments that I would love to write but I don't have a way to write them quite yet. Things like the last conversation Carly and Zenos have, the conversation Demos has with his mentor after the Vault, lighter moments like Sib trying to tackle Emet in ShB or the montages of the gang waking up at first light to get moving with a frantic Sib trying to catch up anime style getting ready. Hell the time that Deimos believed he could randomly tame a unicorn resulting in him, Emet, and Hyth being chased by a herd of them. Or the start of Etheirys' Worst Girls Trip with Sib and Stasia landing on their guide. I just have a lot of little things or big moments that I'd love to write because I can see them in my brain and how they play out but it can be so hard to translate that. I feel this is also why gposing has become a way for me to tackle these ideas as I plan as if I'm watching a show or movie so I can better get the angles and descriptions without having to actually describe anything haha.
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snow-system-wol · 7 months
Aftermath of the Tower of Zot dungeon, protective instincts, and a complicated conversation about self-sacrificial tendencies:
Despite  having no clear solution as the Tower of Zot quickly began to shake apart under them, S'ria didn't expect to die. It wasn't that he thought himself immortal, very far from it, but rather that it just didn't seem like a place that things could end. So many entities in the world had a plan for Hydaelyn's Champion. It just felt as if he'd know when his time would be up. And, in a more morbid train of thought, S'ria thought Fandaniel may have intervened to keep him alive, if only to preserve the meeting in Garlemald that Zenos clamored for. Certainly just him, though, none of the other Scions.
It was still a welcome surprise to open his eyes and find himself nearly unharmed, laying on the ground where the tower was – and an even more welcome one to realize that his friends seemed none the worse for wear.
Well. S'ria was still scanning for G'raha.
It wasn't immediately alarming that he was found unconscious as S'ria recalled the same had happened to him. However, G'raha didn't wake. He tried not to panic at least – Krile was sure he'd be fine, nothing irreversible, just completely drained.
S'ria felt – well, … it was a complicated mix.
Upon truly realizing the scale of it, it was impossible not to feel awestruck at what G'raha had pulled off. And his kindness, unable to be stifled even when there was already so much to worry about – S'ria imagined G'raha's spell seeking out every last soul in the tower and holding onto them, refusing to miss a single one of them. He could hardly explain what that made him feel and put that properly into words, emotions were difficult, but it was surely some type of love.
Of course, that didn't mean he was entirely pleased. No one was going to say anything unnecessary without prompting, but S'ria had half a mind to ask Krile or Y'shtola precisely how close G'raha was flying to the sun. Perhaps if there were even just a few more people there to reach out to, that would've been the line where G'raha's magic would need to cannibalize parts of his own life force to follow through – self-sacrificial to a damned fault. It didn't happen, though, that was the important part S'ria needed to focus on. For the moment at least.
And how could S'ria possibly be mad at G'raha later? He would never have suggested G'raha do anything differently and everyone deserved to be saved – there was nothing to actually criticize.
S'ria was eager to get G'raha somewhere a touch more comfortable than the ground, even if he may not wake immediately. As things were, S'ria had already sat on the ground and shifted G'raha's head onto his legs. The now barren island was no place to treat him, though, nor anyone else here.
Varshahn sounded impressed and thankful with all of them, for how unexpected their complete success was. S'ria grappled with whether he should clarify that G'raha was the one who kept all of his people alive, or whether it would be dangerous for all else present to know what G'raha was capable of. Besides, S'ria expected one such as Vrtra may already know what had happened here, as well-attuned as dragons seemed to be and how keen their senses were at times.
Varshahn was making arrangements for the care, treatment, and transport of the Arkasodara – a task which S'ria knew he'd be of little help in. To be quite honest, he was unsure if he could even handle the far smaller burden he intended to take on, but he was loath to accept doing otherwise.
S'ria shifted into a kneel and pulled G'raha into his arms, resting his body across his legs while getting a sense of his weight. Thancred and Estinien both immediately turned to him, likely having assumed that G'raha would be one of their responsibilities. S'ria was… not weak, but he lacked the type of endurance and consistent strength both of them could manage. Thancred looked hesitant.
"S'ria, are you certain that this is the best –"
S'ria could admit that it was maybe a bit irrational of him to insist on this – and maybe safer for G'raha to have someone who could carry him more easily – but S'ria was certain that he could. He would not drop G'raha.
The fierce near-protectiveness he felt – was that the difference between something platonic and something romantic? It seemed an odd and unkind line to draw between types of bonds… but, no, S'ria recalled when Gaius had appeared with Alphinaud and how he'd been unable to breathe until Alphinaud had been safely transferred into his own arms. This was simply how he reacted with a select few people, it would appear. That made sense to him.
S'ria wondered how it looked to Thancred – like something sweet or something idiotic.
S'ria's legs protested being straightened with the added burden, drawing himself to his full height cautiously. He got G'raha settled more comfortably against his chest. Pulling him in as tightly as possibly slightly lessened the strain on his arms. S'ria would not pretend that G'raha was easy for him to carry, though the short distance back to the boat proved to be very manageable (even if S'ria hid a sigh of relief upon settling down for the short sail back to shore.)
Returning to the Great Work, the easiest place to look after G'raha for a moment, was less easy. S'ria's arms and lungs both ached by the time they drew near and Thancred had begun to hover, deciding between whether offering help was appropriate or not. S'ria shifted G'raha again and continued walking, pointedly, certain of his ability to finish the trip.
The way one arm wrapped under G'raha's back and the other fit behind his knees, though burdensome, had grown familiar. At some point, perhaps in the aftermath of casting the spell, the clips had been knocked out of his hair. S'ria wished he had a hand free to brush G'raha's bangs out of his face, even if it wouldn't matter in his current state. S'ria would do that once he had some place proper to lay G'raha down, perhaps dig through his own bag to see if he had any hair pins to replace the missing ones with.
Once G'raha was gently placed onto a bed and the adrenaline started to leave S'ria's body, he nearly collapsed in exhaustion by G'raha's bedside himself. He managed to save his dignity by dropping heavily into a nearby chair instead. 
S'ria had been rather clear on the point, "I shall catch up with the rest of you when he is awake", but he hoped G'raha would not remain unconscious for long enough to scare him.
Much to S'ria's relief, it was not too long at all. G'raha's eyes fluttered open with a grimace and S'ria finally relaxed. G'raha's eyes focused enough to snap onto him and he smiled, before it shifted to something a touch more nervous.
"Ria… you are unharmed?"
"Should you really be the one asking me that? I'm fine, no one was majorly harmed – which we can thank you for." S'ria smiled at him. "They're preparing to treat the tempered as quickly as possible."
"Ah, good. I did not know if I had managed in time." G'raha broke eye contact with him. "I am sorry – that barely worked, and it was risky, and I did not know it would take so much from me. I did not intend to somewhat break my promise to you."
S'ria spent several seconds grappling with how he wanted to respond. He both wanted the apology and wanted to tell G'raha no apology was needed – because it had been a necessary thing, but it was also a terrifying stunt to pull. The simplest answer S'ria settled on was just leaning down to kiss G'raha, gently but lingering a few moments longer than was necessary to prove his point.
G'raha cleared his throat once S'ria pulled back. "I have no complaints, but… I have only just regained consciousness – mayhap causing my heart to race is not medically advisable."
It was said with a hint of a joke, but S'ria's face remained intense.
"If you were serious about apologizing for doing something self-sacrificial again, make a new promise with me."
"Of course, anything. What is it?" S'ria immediately made a face at him agreeing before even hearing the request.
"I do not disagree with what you did today – but if there is any sort of next time, I am freely offering my own aether for your use as well."
"You said anything. I am very serious, I am asking you to share the burden instead of putting your life at risk again. Please, promise me." S'ria's knuckles had gone white where he held onto the edge of the bed.
G'raha hesitated for far longer than S'ria would've liked. "Okay. I promise. But I would ask something of you in return." S'ria nodded and waited for G'raha to continue. "This is not St. Coinach's Find anymore. Do not leave me behind or, barring that, do not take it upon yourself to fight by yourself."
S'ria's face fell. "Raha…"
"I mean it. Don't you dare go off and die alone."
"I-I'll… promise as well as I can." S'ria caught himself pulling apart loose threads at the edge of his sleeve cuff and settled his hands firmly on his legs. "You know what happens is often beyond my control. Things happen too fast or I'm spirited away from the rest of you all or I'm told no one may accompany me… but I promise I won't do it on purpose."
"I am sorry. That does little to assuage my fears, but thank you for at least giving me that much. Maybe someday the world will be… different, and we both shan't need to worry so much."
S'ria gently squeezed his hand. "Maybe. But we need to save this world first for that to ever come to pass. We'll be okay." There was a notable lack of promising anything in that last statement and S'ria's smile didn't feel fully genuine. "I need to go let a medic know that you're awake, I'll be right back and then we can get you on your feet again."
Within the same bell, Vrtra would warn S'ria very solemnly to "spare no effort to keep thy loved ones safe." It need not have been said – S'ria would never have done otherwise.
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disciple-of-frost · 8 months
1. Where were they during the Calamity? 
8. How did they feel about the liberation of Ala Mhigo? Do they feel it could have been handled differently? Where they at all bothered by how they were involved? 
9. How do they feel about Zenos?
Mwah <3
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1.) Where were they during the Calamity? 
She was sill living on The Tail Mountains at the time, but on that day specifically she was with her parents in Reunion as they were selling/trading their wares. They were completely unaware of the Battle of Carteneau until sometime after and word had reached them via traders from outside the Steppe.
8.) How did they feel about the liberation of Ala Mhigo? Do they feel it could have been handled differently? Were they at all bothered by how they were involved? 
She was honored to have played apart in freeing the people of Ala Mhigo from Garlean occupation. It was also important to her because she felt like she was able to help her teacher, X'rhun, get some sense of closure for "failing" the Crimson Duelists. At times, she did feel like she was being used as a weapon, but she did what she could to help her friends first and foremost.
9.) How do they feel about Zenos?
She pitied him at first, it was clear that this man had grown up with no true human connection and he though his obsession with her was the same as actual friendship. However, after she was abducted from Camp Broken Glass, forced into someone else's body, and had to watch as Zenos took hers she was infuriated. This monster was going to wear her face and use it to try and kill the people she loved. It was a traumatizing experience for her and after she was able to reach the others in time she swore that she was going to kill him, once and for all, no hesitation.
Thank you for the asks hun! 💙
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cheerfulmint · 10 months
Hi there! I'm your new gifter for the FFXIV OC swap! I can really only write things, so I was wondering what could you tell me about Eisa? Like her personality, backstory, more about her relationships, how she takes the MSQ? Anything, really.
I realized I never posted her backstory on the blog, so I'll just answer here. I didn't realize how tragic her story was until I tried to get it in order lol please ignore any spelling issues or inconsistencies. This was typed up on a phone.
Eisa Lhea (ay-suh lhee) -currently goes by this as an adventurer. Kept the name given by her father, just used a more doman pronunciation. 
Eisa lux Glycias (eye-suh lux g-lye-shus)- name given by her father, and her title
Brief timeline
Born in small village in doma
Raised to be a shrine maiden/ healer (but like, in a Fatal Frame sort of way. She was raised to be sacrificed. This mentally is one of the reasons she is quick to jump into danger to help people. She was always meant to die for the greater good. She still considers that her duty to some extent)
Bad home life/parents
Saved a garlean soldier with healing magic at age 7
Adopted by garlean medicus shortly after, he saw her potential 
Adoptive family is genuinely kind and loving. She has a dad and an older sister 
Graduates academy at 17, becomes a medicus
Dalamud drops when she is 22, loses her adoptive sister at carteneau
Fakes her death to flee to eorzea while keeping her father from being punished for her desertion
Ends up in gridania and stays with the conjurers guild
Becomes a white mage at 25
ARR happens at 26
EW ends at 28
Father - Leontinus mal Glycias (missing after destruction of garlemald) a kind man, a doting father to both of his daughters.
Sister - Callais lux Glycias (deceased) only a couple of years older than Eisa, but took her duties as an older sister very seriously. Was eisas first confidant. Used to chase off bullies that targeted her sister. Known for her beauty both inside and out, though she was top of her class and is an incredibly talented engineer. Last seen during the fall of dulamud piloting an experimental magiteck armor. Died protecting her sister.
G'raha Tia- Fell for graha during crystal tower, was going to tell him but he shut himself in the tower before she could. Knew he was the exarch right away. Is trying to get the courage to confess to him as of the end of EW. both would sacrifice themselves for the other without thinking, but actually talking about their feelings is too scary.
Haurchefant - was engaged to be married, and then the vault happened. Decided that her job wasn't really conducive to romance and decided not to fall in love again.
Emet-Selch- felt an inexplicable pull towards him, Azem's feelings towards him are still engraved on her very soul. She eventually was able to learn the difference between Azem's feelings and her own. came to see him as a friend. His death still haunts her. Especially after the events of Ulima Thule 
Zenos - battle buddies, had occasional run ins during academy days growing up. Also still messed up over his death. He had so much potential for good if only he was raised right. Could she have turned out the same if her father never saved her...?
Thancred - drinking buddy, closest friend in the scions
Yda/Lyse - very close as a result of their time in Gridania.
Y'Shtola - will 100% flirt with each other, Eisa absolutely calls her mommy as a joke
The twins - those are her children, has adoption paperwork ready to go the second their father starts his fuckshit. Would kill to keep them safe, absolutely has killed for them after the collar incident in EW. 
Tataru - the only person Eisa says she fears. Also one of her closest friends.
She's generally very close with the scion A team. Is friendly with most of the B team.
Aenor - Eisa is still salty about her comments towards G'raha when he joined the scions. Is noticably cold towards her, even though she knows it's petty.
Gaius - was relatively quick to trust him again. She understands he was doing what he believed to be right and just. Has a bit of a soft spot for him because he reminds her of her own father (in a normal way, not a "daddy issues" way) 
Nero - somehow buddies. Got close during the events of the crystal tower. She's elated to see him everytime he shows up.
Cid - considers him an older brother.
She's generally close with all those that defected from garlemald. They meet for drinks once a moon to reminisce about home. 
As far as most people know she is a woman of few words. Gives off a calm, self-assured vibe. Academically talented, she picks up on new areas of study quickly. Could be an archon, but generally hates sharlayan attitudes. Moves with grace and purpose 
Around those she is closest to, she's a total dork. Super shy when it comes to romance. Always down for a good time. Will attempt to out drink anyone that challenges her. Tends to sing when drunk. Her sense of humor can be confusing to some, she genuinely thinks Urianger and Estinien are the funniest people she's ever met. She's got my AuDHD.
Slow to anger, believes that most people are capable of good. Believes that those who have done wrong deserve the chance to fix their own mistakes. That one can be redeemed after even the most heinous offences if they truly wish to make up for it, even if it takes a lifetime. 
Is terrifying when truly angry. it's an icy, calculating type of anger. The only story events to cause this so far are facing thordan, when the twins were held hostage in EW, and when fake!valens was talking about Solus. Will keep her signature smile on her face when she is angry, it only makes it more unsettling as far as her enemies are concerned. 
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necromeowncy · 2 years
“ are you awake? ” for the sleepy prompts!
Thank you, @raynshyu ! :)
Prompt: "Are you awake?"  Pairing: WoL x G'raha Tia  Takes place immediately after 6.0 as WoL recovers from his fight with Zenos.
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"Are you awake?"
The sudden question had startled him. G'raha Tia had been teetering the precipice betwixt wakefulness and dreams when his partner's voice pulled him back. 
How many times has his voice guided me home? he thought absently. Guided him from that vessel of crystalized blood into his sleeping body on the Source; guided him from that vast sea of Dynamis that had swallowed him whole, suddenly beckoned by his Warrior of Light to return amidst a field of Elpis flowers. 
"I am now," G'raha mumbled. He blinked the memories away like sleep dust.
Arms tightened around his middle. Not too tight; he knew Aedric's body was still healing after their ordeal at the edge of the universe. Broken ribs and a fractured wrist - not to mention bruising all over - had been the Warrior of Light’s price for fighting the Endsinger - and then Zenos - alone. 
"I-I'm sorry…" He felt the elezen nuzzle his face into his hair. "Did I wake you, then? I just… need you."
G'raha's eyes opened fully, and he turned himself around from his position of being held from behind. Feline eyes beheld his partner's face in the darkness of their bedroom in the Baldesion Annex. Since their return, they’d slept beside each other every night. This hadn’t been the first night Aedric had had trouble sleeping. His hair was in disarray. Had he been tossing and turning this whole time? The expression he wore was one of worry. 
That woke him up fully. 
"Aedric-" He placed his hands on his lover's face, cupping his soft cheeks. Without his typical glasses, the Warrior of Light’s face looked gentler, somehow. “What’s wrong?”
Aedric’s expression softened. He turned his head to the side, kissing G’raha’s palm. “Just wanted to hear your voice, I guess…” Melancholy in his normally gentle timbre. “I-It’s fine, I’m sorry for waking you.”
G’raha could hear that there was more he wanted to say. That there was something he wanted to address, somewhere beneath the surface. But Aedric had always put others before himself, he well knew. 
Not that I’m any different. 
Face still held in his hands, he leaned up and brushed a kiss to Aedric’s forehead. Then, the tip of his long nose. Finally, his lips. Warm lips kissed him back - chaste, comforting, familiar. 
They parted slowly. “Tell me, love,” G’raha prompted. “Please.” Aedric, he knew, sometimes needed prodding when it came to discussing his own emotions. Give him a book of new spells to learn, or an impossible quest, and he’d do it;  but talking about emotions was something the hero was still learning, it seemed. 
“I…” Blue eyes temporarily averted. “It’s been barely a fortnight since…” Ultima Thule. Much had happened to the small band of Scions in that strange realm of Dynamis. “I thought I’d lost you again. I-I… keep replaying it in my head. I can’t stop it. W-when you-… And the twins…” 
Their gazes met once more. 
“I’m here,” G’raha assured him. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Hold me?” A gentle request, bathed by moonlight. Simple; heartrending.
“Of course, my stars.” Devotion. 
The two of them rearranged in the soft, warm bed. Though the nights could be a bit cold in Old Sharlayan, G’raha was spoiled enough to share his bed with a warm-hearted Ishgardian, curling up to absorb his ample body heat. He held him from behind, face pressing into the back of his neck. He planted a few kisses on the bare, overwarm skin. 
“I’m here,” he said once more. “You have me. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and all the days after.” 
Aedric relaxed into his embrace. Though much larger, he could tell the elezen loved to feel small, sometimes, the way he curled his long legs up. To be held. Cherished. Loved. 
“You know I do.” 
He held him in the soothing stillness of their room. Breathing - deep and slow - could be heard now. 
“Are you awake?” G’raha asked.
He smiled, and held him even closer. Together, they both drifted off to sleep. 
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halt-kun · 1 year
Hunter x Hunter Chapter 202 - Duel
Okay let’s keep them coming, another one !
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I love them so much
look at them, still sporting 2000s fashion
Leorio dresses like my dad did when I was a kid
4 cuties
hug them all
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Netero really loves to tease people
he’s still very strong I bet, maybe a bit out of shape at this point in time but strength isn’t just raw muscle and aura
I wonder if aura weakens when you get older, after all it’s “life energy” it should wane
But there is also a mental part to it and old people usually are still improving on that front until it wanes
I would like to know how this relate to nen
Of course Netero’s muscle are weaker but in martial arts, experienced people are scary, I have firsthand experience when I was doing aïkido, one of the guy there was in his 60s and had done a lot of fighting sports like boxing and several martial arts. He was always efficient and knew how his body worked well and never used too much strength or too little. He felt in control all the time
ANYWAY next page
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really terrifying how it dwarves the ant nest
I know it’s referred as an amoeba later on and yep, Pitou’s En looks like it keeps changing and getting distracted or focused on something different, very cat like of them.
It’s also the biggest En we’ve seen up until now, Zeno was 300 meters at his best but he can’t hold it for long. Pitou’s using their En all the time
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GOOO Knov with your weirdo spatial hole
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I like that Knov has basically smuggled a giant pipe across a border, he is definitely the nightmare of border control
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Lil’ bunnies !
I love bunnies (see previous chapter)
Smoke bunnies
no brain only lil bunnies
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my serotonin is just in every part of my brain
Kittens would be the only way to make it even worse
sound would be needed though
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Pitou is definitely a vibe
like best catgirlboythingy ever
actually acts like a cat too and not just a sexy delusion of a cat
like scary playful cat
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the villain, the actual villain
I love him too but he’s a piece of shit too
it seems like he reads mind but he doesn’t
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look at him !
fabulous, perfect in every way
you just need to look at his shirt to know he’s queer
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how many days have passed ? Only one ?
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as always
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Thanks Biscuit, but Palm nearly killed you right there right now (as if she could ever do that)
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she’s terrifying
but right, what they need most currently isn’t just theoretical strength but battle experience
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Well they found him even without directions
PUPPY BOI vs tired boys
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Perfectly understandable, imagine someone telling you, you’re going to fight people
and two 13 yo appears completely void of any energy, damp from sweat
well end of the chapter
it was a pretty nice set up chapter on the two fronts
for Netero’s squad and the royal guards and the training of Gon and Killua
I’ll definitely do one last chapter liveblog but it’ll be later today
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FFXIVWrite2022 Prompt #11: First Kiss (you pick!)
CW: So MANY Endwalker SPOILERS. also, you know, kissing.
I'm serious about the spoilers. and the kissing.
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Each step crackled and crunched, underfoot, memories and lives and hopes and dreams dried up and sifted down, detritus over which she now walked. So many of the things she’d walked on lately had been like that, loud with the broken nature of the world. She wondered, sometimes, if she would ever be done with walking over the remains of the past. The world was littered with them, crystals from this disaster, trees and greenery forever frozen by that one. Whole plains and ranges completely altered by the actions of the few. 
They’d even named a camp after the way the ice sheets that had covered it had crackled, like broken glass. Were those from the calamity? Had the ground always been this frozen? Did the Emperor know the cost, when he’d summoned down the moon? She’d wondered those questions and more, like what the people who really lived there had called it, in one of the moments between. Not that she’d had many of them, chances to catch her breath or her thoughts. Probably for the best. If she’d had time to think she probably wouldn’t have thrown herself forward after Zenos. She wouldn’t have felt the crunch and crumble of the moon beneath her boots, the difference in the way the surface felt. Or the luxurious and grossly oversized carpets the loporrits had designed. She wouldn’t have walked forward in the Crystarium. She wouldn’t have… wouldn’t have… wouldn’t have.
All of which was irrelevant here, now, somewhere beyond her wildest dreams. She’d gone back, and forward, met people she’d not thought were real, realized the monsters from her stories were people, had loved and lost as she had. And wondered, with the ache of empathy, if she would be any different, any less driven, any less seemingly mad with the desire to fix everything. A small flex of one hand, remembering, and she knew, deep down, with the ache of knuckles broken and never set, never healed by a proper healer, that she was no different in anything but time span. Could she judge? No. Was she still here, still walking her path, to prevent their desire? Absolutely. Because even with all she had lost, she had found more.  Her heel crunched again, foot rolling through the broken landscape of the place they called Ultima Thule, the edge of the world, the edge of everything. Mostly sand, here, in the abode of the Ea, and still somehow crunchy, as though it did not know what it was, what it would be, sand made from the memory of sand, half forgotten, beaches from another place, another time. Urianger had asked G’raha and her for assistance. A paper thin excuse to draw them from the others; no one had been fooled by the request, not the twins, not Y’shtola, and certainly not her. Her heart hung heavy, weight dragged at her like the blackness she could see, off past the horizon. Black holes, maws that sucked and ate the things around them, the same weight that Thancred’s sacrifice had only barely brought to bay. The path forward was only exposed by Estinien’s sacrifice in turn. Here they stood, once more stalled by the creatures Meteion threw in their way. She knew what Urianger was going to say. And so she dragged her feet, walking through this alien sand, this memory of sand, rather than join him to hear his last words. 
She couldn’t speak, her throat tight with knowledge, with the desire to scream, to rail at him. How could he choose this? And yet, even as he and G’raha spoke, she knew the simple truth of it, the same way she’d known the truth when he’d taken her hands in his own, ink stained, on the moon. Urianger could no more not make this choice than he could not do all in his power to help the loporrits, despite their devious little ears and machinations. She’d listened then, and she listened now. She owed him that. He’d sworn to never again betray her trust, words he repeated even now. The last time, he’d spoken of feelings for her, feelings she’d been interrupted before responding to. There hadn’t been time, since, to return to the conversation. 
And now he stood here, resolve written on every inch of his face, and spoke of choosing his moment. Of the place where he could stand strongest. She wanted to scream at him. To ask him how she was supposed to be strong, if he left her while everything between them remained unsaid. She couldn’t, though. Not after G’raha’s adorably determined and uplifting words. Silence, then. Her standby. A nod, to let them know she’d heard, she understood, and a few quick steps across the sand-that-wasn’t to catch long fingers with her own, holding him back for a moment, a heart beat. G’raha continued on ahead, oblivious, as she stared up at those golden eyes for what was likely to be one of the last times. 
There weren’t words - there never seemed to be, between them. She simply reached up, and he bent, and for a long moment, there was only a fraction of space, a question, unasked, unanswered, before she closed that last distance, lips meeting his own for a long, breathless moment. Or perhaps it was the moment that stole her breath. She wasn’t sure which. It wasn’t perfect, it was flawless. He tasted as he smelled, and over that a layer of ash and sand and hope and hopelessness, the moment tinging even this, coloring their first kiss with the knowledge it was likely to be their last. The only. A scuff, the sound of shoes on that stupid sand, and they broke apart, blush coloring their cheeks and his ears, invisible in the light of Thule, unless you were as close as they were. “Guess we’d better get to Elegeia, then.” 
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tenuuchlegch · 1 year
[ UNSENT ] @ Estinien
Letter Prompts
[ UNSENT ]:     a letter written for the recipient, but which the writer ultimately never sends for reasons that the writer conceals, or may reveal within the letter itself.
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         A sigh escapes au ra, as pools of orchid scrutinized the pen and parchment before her. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. She could do this. With those actions performed, xaela then commenced her writing.
Dear Estinien,
You likely think it is quite unusual to communicate with you, in such a fashion. Why write to you, when I can perform a quick teleportation and visit you in Radz-at-Han? Well, to be frank I feel I can speak more freely in letters than I can with actual face-to-face conversations. Ridiculous, as that may seem. Here is the warrior of light, who cannot even bring herself to be social? That is to say, it is not as if I feel uncomfortable in your presence! Quite the contrary, for I am proud to call you both a companion and ally during times of crisis. Truly you have risen above and beyond Azure Dragoon. I cannot help but be inspired by you, in some instances. That being said, I believe a long overdue expression of gratitude is in order. 
First of all, I would like to thank you for joining the Scions. I am aware you did it mainly or mayhaps only for Alphinaud’s sake and he needed it, especially after the fallout with his own father prior. Alisaie required some extra support too, in that front as she too seemed devastated by his disownment of them. Though I am certain you have heard enough about my mad ranting on that man, to last a lifetime when we were on the boat towards Sharlayan. 
Secondly, I would also like to thank you for accompanying me, Thancred and Urianger to Radz-at-Han. I admit when I heard we were going there I felt a bit apprehensive to do so, considering what happened when I was there last time. Nevertheless, I found it strangely comforting to have you in our group. It kept my mind from delving too much into my past, in some ways. Because of this I confess I was a little on edge when you were taken by those alchemists, as Thancred and Urianger could surely attest. It was also quite astute of you to see through Vrtra’s guise. While there was something about Varshahn that struck me as unusual, I never would have deduced him to be one of the first brood.
But on to a different topic, Garlemald. I admit after what Fandaniel and Zenos did there I was not myself. I was terrified, to go and confront them so soon. Uncharacteristically cowardly of me, I know. Nevertheless you and the Scions remained by my side and pushed me forward, so I cannot thank you enough for that.
I would like to think we have both come a long way, from those people who traveled in Churning Mists. You should know, you were the first person I have openly discussed Hotgo with, outside of my family. It felt nice to have someone who I could confide in, concerning that topic. I eventually told others of course, or they deduced it themselves but nevertheless thank you for being my start of opening up more. You really are a wonderful person, you know? I am aware you enjoy portraying a gruff persona, but you have such a kind heart. You are so much more than weapon, you’re someone who has done great works who many people care about. Maybe a few even feel deeper than that. 
I know you offered me your lance that night, but you should be aware that I will always care for you health and value it more. When you dissipated in Ultima Thule I was devastated beyond compare. Not only at the fact that you were gone, but that the others including myself may never come back either. Indeed for a bit I entertained the notion of turning back, but such a thing was not possible then. It would have made yours and the others' sacrifice amount to naught wouldn’t it?
That is also why I sent you back to the ship without me, because despite being warriors yourselves I could not bear the thought of loosing you all again. I love you. You are one of my dearest friends, and the Scions my family. I already lost everything once, I refuse to lose it all again. 
But enough about my ramblings. When you have the time, I would like to meet with you in private to discuss certain matters that have recently become apparent. I am aware that I claimed it is easier to be more open in letters than face-to-face conversations in this very message, but there is something I need to get off my chest and I think it is best that I speak with you in person about it.
Sincerely yours,
           Once done writing she looked over the paper, as a result red-faced embarrassment grew on her cheeks. Bah! This was far too sappy. Plus what if he read that one line she scribbled out somehow? Crumbling it up she then threw it into a bin by fire place. 
          Dancer would make sure to burn it, a bit later. 
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misedejem · 2 years
It always kinda annoys me how adamant some people are that there are ‘correct’ dialogue options in FFXIV because like… you don’t know my character? The WoL is a blank slate, you can write them however you want and if the writers wanted them to react in a certain way, you wouldn’t get a choice.
Though the… many, many arguments I’ve seen about a certain dialogue choice (one in Endwalker) gave me headcanon ideas so I guess I can’t complain?
EW spoilers and very headcanon-heavy below but
The options you get right before fighting Zenos are very good food, even though I disagree with the first option - ‘that, I can’t deny’ - being the ‘best one’. It’s cool and satisfying, but it’s not what my character would say. Not really accurate for myself either because I am Afraid of hard content, haha
For my WoL, Misede, I had to go with the third option (‘I’ve had enough of you. This ends here’) because after an entire journey of having to play the nice and noble hero around her enemies so often, she should be allowed to absolutely lose her shit with somebody who has hurt her and her loved ones again and again, and kill him for no other reason than for the satisfaction of removing him from her life. I generally play her as a polite, patient, reserved person, so in climactic moments where emotions are running wild, it’s a big deal that she can lose her composure and get quite mean.
In her story, it was never her that Zenos felt a kinship with, even though he’d never know it. Because the first option, word for word, is the answer her Azem would have given. Kassandra would spend all her time designing concepts with no other purpose than to pose her some kind of challenge in a fight (Proto-Carby may have been her doing, for example.) She was the physically strongest of the Ancients, an unparalleled master of combat, and she would have revelled at the thought of somebody like Zenos existing to face her, because only her Master and Venat) could have ever hoped to hold their own against her, (and Hades, but he never would), and she had surpassed them centuries ago. But she could never have taken a person’s life. Why would she? Who would deny somebody the right to return to the Star of their own volition, after all? Right up until the final few years of her long life, she had no reason to believe that anybody would be capable of deserving it.
Misede, bereft of the Ancients’ Paradise, never had the opportunity to see combat in that way. She grew up on the road, and spent most of her youth risking life and limb in Dravania, so it had always been something she did because she *had* to, not because it was what she wanted. It was part of Azem that never really manifested in her for this reason, even though she is an adventurer at heart in all other ways. Always a part of that Soul, but not always apparently so.
Zenos never truly knew the Warrior of Light in the way he thought he did. Maybe in a different life, that would not have been the case, she wouldn’t have denied him. But she is not Azem. And that is not the life she is leading.
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kintsugiscars · 27 days
-; breaking point
Throughout his life, Lex was merciful. He was gentle, kind, and forgiving. He frequently let enemies go or tried to give second, third, tenth, twentieth chances. He always held out faith people could change.
It is only during the Endsinger fight and subsequent fight with Zenos that Lex finally realized he's reached the end of his rope.
He tried to give Endsinger a chance. He called out to the part of Meteion he loved and lost, the part he thought was still in there. However, the emotions she felt overwhelmed him and he realized that there was no part of her to redeem. Lex couldn't save any part of her.
Following that realization, Zenos challenged him to a fight. A reminder that there would be endless suffering if he didn't stop those who wanted to hunt him and his family down. Zenos quite literally chased him to the end of the universe. There was nowhere to hide his family away from this man.
Some people don't want redemption. Some won't give up.
At the edge of the world, at the end of his rope, Lex finally realized this. He had to throw away whatever mercy he had left to protect those he cares for the most. He couldn't hesitate anymore. Plenty of people already thought of him a monster and it was time to see that as a badge of honor. Being a terrifying force of nature meant that people wouldn't hurt his loved ones anymore. They would know that angering him would lead to their demise.
Though he won't seek out violence, though he may still try diplomacy, he would harden his heart and do what he must to protect his loved ones. When he starts the journey into the Void and further adventures into Tural, few would notice the change. It would only be when he is once again pushed to violence that the difference would be obvious.
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lazymoogle · 3 months
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To be honest, this is an old post from my drafts that I never published because I reverted my main character back to a female Au Ra. I considered redoing the screenshots, but now it's too late for that. I hope you enjoy the story and the screenshots nonetheless. 😄
Orinna visited a place which had a special meaning to her. She wanted to be alone, to think, to become clear about something, but even that was not granted - to be alone for a longer moment. There always happened something, she always ended up helping others.
For a unknown reason Estinien joined her, he wasn't really surprised to see her grieving, after all she had to carry a lot of weight on her chest, without being asked if she even wanted to. He coughed slightly, but the Warrior of Light didn't moved a muscle.
"What are you doing here? We've been searching almost everywhere for you." he kindly asked, and approached her.
"Who is 'We'? Who else is looking after me but you?" she replied, though it was more of a counter-question. It was obvious that something was upsetting her, that her voice sounded sad, shattered even.
"Zero, to be precise. She was worried because you disappeared without telling her where." he answered, paused for a moment. "That's not entirely true, Alisaie at least knew where you went."
"Well, because I told her, otherwise she would worry too much."
"You are here because of Zenos, aren't you?" he gripped his chin, pondering. Nothing escaped his attention.
Orinna exhaled a loud sigh. Since he "disappeared", she felt empty and abandoned. Yes, she had Zero and the others around her, but it wasn't quite the same. "You are a bright spark, huh? What betrayed me?" she blustered towards him, finally turning around to face him. Except for the snotty reply, her expression didn't change.
"You are here quite often actually, Alisaie told me that as well before I headed out to find you."
But now her facial expression changed. She slowly became furious.
"WHAT do you want from me!?"
"Zenos tried to kill you, didn't bat an eye, and you still grieve for him?"
Her hand flattened again, she looked away sadly, avoiding Estinien's gaze. "I was hoping there was more behind his actions. I wanted to turn him around to our side, making him realize how much he mattered to me, despite our differences."
The former Azure-Dragoon heaved a contemptuous sigh. "Like he felt anything but hatred. He followed you to the end of the world to duel til death part your ways. He searched for reasons and ways to provoke you each and every time. I'm almost sorry to say this, but he was a selfish motherfucker who got exactly the proper payback for his actions."
"When we first met here, he asked me to be his partner and stay by his side. Without even hesitating, I answered yes. I wanted to have a chance to know him better, to make sure he got back on the right track instead of wasting his own precious life. He didn't believe me and ultimately released Shinryu from his cage. One thing led to another..." she started to cry. "He grabbed his katana after I won, and exited himself out. At first, I felt nothing but relief. Until some days had passed, when everything seemed to be normal, I was really angry at him."
"And in the end he reappeared, more or less." Estinien answered meekly. "He didn't only expelled Elidibus, but also murdered his own father as punishment for wanting to use the Black Rose instead of fighting honorably. Zenos walked over dead bodies, no matter how close the people were to him."
She looked back to Estinien, still weepy in her face. "That's just the point! All he ever cared about was to reach me."
"Because he ...! Ugh, Ori! He grasped every possibility to become stronger than you. He would have killed you if he was capable in doing so. You almost died from the consequences of your last fight against him. Wake up, girl. He wasn't in love with you, not even in a friendly way. He intervened in the battle between the Endsinger and you out of pure self-interest."
"You just don't understand..." she answered him disappointedly.
"I get it very well, you loved him, but he didn't loved you."
Orinna was so heartbroken that she pushed Estinien aside. "You are outrageous! I hate you!" She ran away weeping.
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