#this the bitch that gets pissed when i was hesitant to try Mexican food she ordered (it was nastly btw)cuz i legit cannot find decent ethnic
starszinhis3y3s · 1 month
I'm so dead 🤦🏽 this older white lady im associates with (im friends wit her daughter, theyre a packaged deal unfortunately) told me last night the most racist conspiracy theory ever!!!!
okay, so basically this woman thinks that housecats were artificially created by Ancient Egyptians (cuz they were all aliens dont u know? they brought this technology from their homeworld!). she legitimately thinks that Egyptians created housecats by combining SNAKES and LIONS. she acted like i was stupid for not knowing this, when shes basing all these lies on that cats are the "only mammals" that have slitted pupils 😐 like....wtf. please hop off the fucken youtube conspiracy theory train girl.
ik she'll never see this but like heres some actually correct knowledge for ya hannah!!!!
the following mammals ALL have slitted pupils:
goats, sheep, deers, most snakes, all cats smaller than a bobcat, etc. pretty much a shittonne of herbivores, reptiles, insects, and predators that hunt close to the ground! literally hundreds of animals, the only distinction between herbivore and carnivore/omnivore slit pupils is horizontal (helps prey animals live) versus vertical (helps predators move in darkness)
Egyptians were COLORED FOLK NOT ALIENS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. they were all just people, like we are!! they just happened to live a long time ago. now i will say, the Egyptian Empire was so long lived, and not documented super duper well (time is a bastard lol she'll have us all) that we will never 100% know what happened and/or what all technologies they had. that being said, it was period appropriate technology 😭 please get off the fucken misinformation trail.
hey bitch guess what?! being a transbian dont excuse/erase your rampant bumpkin ass midwestern ass racism. "theres no racism in Kansas! racism is like soooo different in kansas, it barely exists! oh i black family and friends who all tell/encourage me to say the n word so its okay!" BITCH IM FROM TEJAS ILL FUCK U UP IF KEEP ON WIT THAT SHIT IN MY FACE THEN ACT LIKE *IM* THE FUCKED UP FOR BEIN UPSET😒
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aesthyuckic · 5 years
AVENOIR | l.dh - DUO
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(gif not mine - credits to rightful owner)
Genre: High School AU (at beginning) ; Tarot Reader!Witch!Hyuck
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: (for future chapters will bold if in use) belief contradictions, mentions of r*pe, blood, swearing, violence, mentions of abuse, slow but with a purpose
Pairings: Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) x Reader (F)
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PAGE OF PENTACLES - dreams, desire, new opportunities
Later that day, Donghyuck had found himself at work late the evening. The sky turned a granite purple, once that’s usually only seen in summer. It was odd to see it at this time of year but, also quite soothing to him. He sighed to himself as he stood at the front counter of the fast food restaurant that was usually busy but then again it was a weekday. The parking lot as well as the dining area was barren, he noticed. He sighed before looking back out through the huge glass windows.
For some reason, when he looked back up, he saw Cosimia there, with a bike beside her. He froze there as she looked back at him. She was alone and he saw she looked different from earlier today. She wore a pink dress showed a lot more than he had ever seen. The bruise on her neck was gone as well. That’s when he realized it was just a figment of his imagination. He just blinked and suddenly no one was there, no trace either.
He brushed it off with the excuse of not sleeping properly. He wondered why he saw her of all the people he could and would see in hallucinations. After all, he had just met her that day. Though, even after the hallucination, he started to see her more. Donghyuck noticed whenever she was around, could spot her from a distance as well. It’s like after that day it was impossible to unsee her.
The sound of coins on the counter filled his ears as he counted the change he had. Renjun and Mark, two of his best friends, had already payed for their food and were ready to go. Donghyuck cursed under his breath when he realized he didn’t have enough money to get the burrito he ordered. Mark heard this and came over and before he could ask he saw the coins on the counter. The older was quick to hand the cashier some money.
“Thanks,” The younger muttered. “Again.”
“Any time.” The other nodded.
Truth be told, he felt pathetic about not being able to pay for his own food half the time. Despite him having a job and working late hours, he never had money and his friends always had to pay for him. They knew it all went to providing for his siblings and mom and they didn’t have a problem with paying but he still felt bad about it.
He walked out of the Mexican restaurant with his friends, more focused on the food in his hands than anything else. They were ahead of him and already at the Mark’s Hummer. They laughed together talking about the small party they went to together the other night. They hadn’t notice Donghyuck being abnormally quiet that day.
He didn’t mind not being included in the conversation. He was only meant to hear it anyway but he really wasn’t even doing that. He was too lost in his thoughts, which was odd for him when he was with people. His mind dragged on Cosimia for unknown reasons to him, he figured it was the hallucination he experienced.
“Still can’t believe all the dumb shit Yangyang did that night.” Mark tsked. “He just had to get stupid high.”
“Please,” Renjun scoffed. “You would considering you’re the dumbest bitch of them all.”
“Not the one that ended up in the cooler of melting ice though.” Mark retorted.
“At least Yangyang wasn’t the one that ended up in the creek that resulted in an infection the next morning.” Donghyuck butted in.
Mark finally unlocked his car with his keys to which he and the long dark haired boy hopped in. His best friends continued their conversation as the youngest had only put the food in. He still stood outside, ready to get in. Something told him to turn around, he didn’t know why but he trusted his instinct nonetheless. When he looked out toward the street, he saw Cosimia on the other side.
He blinked this time to make sure it wasn’t just another one of those figments again. It wasn’t, it was really her. She looked small with her backpack so full as tear slide down her cheeks. She would wipe her tears away occasionally with the sleeve of her black sweatshirt. Her lips were quite swollen as well. He wondered why she was crying, and why so hard but it really wasn’t any of his business. He felt bad seeing her like that as well. She’d be late to sixth period as lunch was almost over.
“Are you getting in or what?!” Renjun yelled, knocking Donghyuck out of his trance.
“Yeah, sorry...” The other boy mumbled under his breath as he hopped in the car.
The eldest had his hand on the key which sat in the ignition. Donghyuck glanced back at the girl across the street once again before he came back to staring at the key in thd ignition. He hesitated for a moment to say anything about it. Though, when the car started, he finally brought himself to lurch forward.
“Hey, Mark,” Donghyuck said, grabbing the car seat in front of him. “Do you think we can pick up that girl and give her a ride back to school?”
His dark haired friend had followed where he had pointed. His eyes landed on the infamous girl and left him a bit confused. He didn’t take the other boy as someone who would’ve been in cahoots with her.
“The crazy freshmen girl?” Mark questioned.
Donghyuck nodded, gingerly at the other’s expression. He felt weird about what he had asked now and felt the uncomfortable stares coming from his friends penetrate through him like arrows. He really wondered how everyone knew her when she was invisible practically. He knew the name she was called but never knew the face that went with it until the other day. Was it like that for other people? What exactly were the things she said that made her such a topic of pathetic gossip from high schoolers? He didn’t even get that much attention and he was quote-on-quote popular.
“She’s my Biology tutor.” He was quick to find a lie. “I should be nice to her, shouldn’t I?”
“Whatever.” The older rolled his eyes, feeling like giving her a ride was just going out of his way to be nice (which he really didn’t feel was the word to describe the youngest boy).
Nevertheless, Mark still did what Donghyuck asked since, for once, he did it so nicely. His sandy colored Hummer pulling up beside her didn’t seem to frighten her. Rather, it made her panic by the way she tried to dry her tear stained cheeks and blink away the tears left in her eyes for unknown reasons.
Donghyuck scooter over to the opposite of the car and rolled down the window to talk to her, “Would you like a ride back to school?”
He noticed his voice was much softer and calmer than usual, “You’ll be late the way you’re walking.”
“Ah, fuck.” She muttered under her breath, a shakiness still clear in her voice.
As if on queue, a man stepped out from one of the house’s driveways, “¡Cosimia!”
It caught everyone’s attention as they all saw the very tan, greasy looking man standing not far down the street from them. Anger could be seen in his expression, especially his eyes, it seem like they were about to turn red.
“¡Ven acá ahora!” He yelled, veins popped out of his neck and forehead.
Donghyuck was shocked at how calm she had remained in the situation. With what he assumed to be her father looked absolutely terrifying. He started to connect a few things in his mind as well, assuming she was crying because of the man just down the street as well. When she came to look at the boy once more, it was obvious she was trying to hide the fact that she was scared. Despite how calm she seemed and terrified was actually was, it was like she accepted and knew everything.
“It doesn’t look like I’ll be needing it.” She sniffed. “Thanks anyway.”
She ran down the street toward the man who was presumably her father. The boys focused on them and saw them walk into the driveway of the the orange house that sat next the creek. Donghyuck always loved that house for some reason, he thought it was pretty where it sat in the mist of plush green.
They ended up having to drive by the house in the following moments in order to get back on the other side of the road to get back to school. Their attention still focused on the orange house as they went by. For a brief moment they saw Cosimia be dragged up the driveway by her hair and thrown inside the house by her backpack. The door slammed shut, blocking her off from the world. The orange paint looked so inviting but it didn’t seem so nice on the inside from what they had witnessed.
“That explains a lot.” Mark mumbled.
“If she has to deal with that,” Renjun sighed. “No wonder she acts so weird...”
“Her name is Cosimia.” Donghyuck butted in , feeling a random surge of anger corse through him. “You both should really stop calling her ‘the weird freshmen girl’ and act like that’s her only trait. It’s rude, kinda long and she probably doesn’t like it.”
“Do you have a crush on her or something?” Renjun asked.
“No,” He shook his head. “But if she’s going through what we just saw, you think you could at least respect her and make her feel safe at school if she can’t feel it at home.”
“What do you know about respect, Haechan?” The oldest tsked. “You’re an asshole to everyone.”
“I know she deserves it. The only reason I’m an asshole to you guys is because I love you and you know that, so shut up. I’m not an asshole to randoms like you think.”
The car went silent after he leaned back in his car seat with his arms crossed. The atmosphere was still enough to be suffocating for all of them. Renjun and Mark both glanced back at the other boy through the mirror occasionally. It was clear he was pissed off, the look prevalent on his face as he looked out the tinted window. They didn’t understand why he’d be upset either about what they had said. They were all just thankful it was a short ride back to school and they had different classes for the rest of the day. Everything would be better tomorrow, wouldn’t it?
The conversation was forgotten the next day and everything was back to normal between the guys. Though, Donghyuck noticed Cosimia missing from her seat the next day and she was also missing a day after that. He started to wonder about her whenever he saw the empty desk in class. He still remembered the scene in her driveway, vividly. It made him feel anxious thinking about it again as he twirled his pencil in his hand. He wished he would’ve gone through with his thought of checking up on her after school the other day. He even questioned himself for being so worried about a stranger.
“Hey, Donghyuck,” Ms. Nelson called him over once the bell rang.
“Yeah?” He asked as he zipped up his backpack before he threw it over his shoulder.
“Cosimia is tutoring you, right?” She questioned.
“We’re sorting it out... Why?”
“Can you do her a favor and go to her classes and pick up the work she’s missed and bring it to her?”
“I thought that’s why the freshmen got chrome books this year for.”
“Yes, but she hasn’t email any of us. It isn’t like her and we need someone to check up on her.”
He was rather eager to take up the responsibility. His teacher handed him a sheet with teachers and room numbers. At the end of the day, when he collected everything he walked to her house as it wasn’t that far from the school. He could see the top of the orange house from a street down which he focused on.
He was shocked to see her outside when he got there. Her back faced him as her hands clung to the black fencing that blocked the house off from the creek. Her hair was brushed but fizzy. The wind blew it gently. She only wore black shorts and white tank top, it was weird for him to see her in something that revealed more of her skin but the colors seemed to stay the same. Her legs and arms had bruises here and there that ranged in colors. Seeing the ones the color of red wine truly sickened him. She must’ve been freezing.
“You’re lucky my father isn’t here...” She uttered, he didn’t think she knew he was there. “He would beat you to a bloody pulp if he knew you came here.”
Her words sounded threatening but her tone suggested otherwise. It seemed like a warning but not a threatening one, one to protect rather. Donghyuck didn’t really pick up the difference in the moment and still felt panicked at what she said.
He coughed, “I just came to give you your homework.”
“Thanks,” She mumbled.
She still didn’t budge from her spot at the fence though. He felt annoyed by that, her not even turning around to look at him when they talked. He came to stand next to her in hope she’d finally take the papers so he could get out of there. She still didn’t pay any mind to him and stayed focus on the shallow creek below that’d soon get bigger as the rain started to come.
“I’ve always wanted to follow the creek and see where it would take me...” She sighed, softly.
“Don’t be stupid,” He huffed, looking at the creek as well. “Everyone knows it leads out to the bay and into the ocean.”
“But before that,” She muttered. “Where would I go?”
“That’s what maps are for.”
She chuckled, almost inaudibly before she came to smiling. He’d never seen that either, it was refreshing, honestly. She finally came to look at him.
“I like you,” She blurted. “You’re the type of friend I’ve always wanted...”
“We barely know each other.” He reminded her.
“We should run away together.”
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cat-lover-300 · 5 years
Things I overheard during track season.
These are all the dumb quotes from my time with the track team. I apologize in advance for the cursing and the overall dumbness.
“I will come to your house and steal all of your left shoes.”
“Y’all I just stabbed a worm” “WTF JIMMY.”
“I thought my mom left the house because she was going to get me food, but she came back with a whole new car. She was like ‘So, you you like it?’ And I was like ‘where’s the food tho?”
“She smell like some greasy ass lays.”
“In the weight room* LETS GET THIS BREAD” “AHHHHHHHHH”
*Gets a tiny scratch on her leg* “GREAT, NOW I GOTTA GET MY LEG AMPUTATED.”
“Melissa’s dead.” “Well, aren’t you in an unfortunate predicament right now.”
“Y’all, if I don’t get crawfish within the next week, I am going to kill someone.”
“Do y’all remember when bass pro had a sonic? Times were so much easier back then.”
“Y’all make me wanna take a tall glass of vodka and down it”
“What are we doing here?” “I don’t know, why am I alive?”
“Oh my lord, they building him a hairline.”
“Are you ready for the meet?” “Gurl, I rolled out of bed 5 minutes ago.”
“I can’t get wifi, I live too far away.” “Then move bitch, chop chop.”
“My laundry detergent smells like beer.”
“I would throw my rice crispy at you, if I wasn’t gonna eat it.”
“Baby, honey, you so fuckin ugly.”
“How long is that book?” “Like, a half a donut.”
“I don’t know what’s going on, but I keep spraying perfume in my mouth.”
“I stole this FOR the school, y’all.”
“MOMO” “YEE YEE” (this happened on multiple occasions)
“Your eyes are so small you could use denim floss as a blindfold.”
“The older I get, the more I want Pringle’s.”
“FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS” *on the phone quietly* “see I’m trying to give people good advice.”
“It stuck upside down bro” “what the fuck”
“The fuck is growing on that.” “Idk bro, aspestes.”
“Do you know geometry?” “Hell nah gurl” “ahhhhhhh shit.”
*climbing in a locker* “this is why you so damn slow.”
“OH MY GOD KEMIRA DIED.” “Nah fam she just went into that room.” “NO SHES DEAD.”
“FUCK YOUR TOE.” “FUCK your chicken strips” “you mother fucker.”
“You look like Bart Simpson.”
(In the distance) “OH SHIT.” *loud crash*
“Jeremy scared me.” “Is it because I’m black?” “BITCH IM BLACK TOO.”
“I really like this guy, he’s sweet and funny and just...” *glances down at messages* *looks back up* “Men are fucking disgusting and I hate all of them.”
“Hello Snapchat, I’m working hard, as usual.”
“If you hit me and I die, it’s okay.”
“They gonna bring some expensive liquor and shit, and I’m gonna be over here with wine in a bag.”
“Are those sonic shorts?”
“Boy why you walkin around like you on the country bayou.”
“Where my car keys at?” “The same place my chips went, bitch.” “YOU ATE THEM?”
“Are we doing any athletic activities today? Because I’m seriously debating putting on my crocs.”
“Pee now or forever hold your piss.”
“One time my brother got his truck stuck in the mud, so I had to get the lawnmower to pull him out.”
“I’ve never seen an ugly Mexican baby”
“if you were a stripper, people would only throw Monopoly money at you.”
“Your ass gonna reincarnate as a roach.”
*pulls a family size bag of chips out of his pocket* *another kid stares* “I ain’t sharing bitch.”
“Yeah you was sniffing markers in your sleep, you may be a little bit high.”
“If I die by chocolate cake, I will consider my life a success.”
“Y’all know me, I can do my who-ra’s from Facebook.” “That was the lamest sentence I have ever heard.”
“I wanna be albino” “The fuck”
“We a ghetto-smart school, bitch. We won’t hesitate to kick your ass in the parking lot and win the literary rally.”
“First of all, they done sat up here and gave me a t-Rex foot.”
“Man, I need to stop doing crack, I keep seeing stuff.”
“Let me get on your neck” “No gurl, this ain’t basketball season”
"My farts smell like them flowers... From the angel garden... From that, damn, what's that called?" "The garden of Eden?" "yas, that bitch."
"Thats why I don't go in the sun. I'm already Black as hell, I ain't trying to be a wakandan color."
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