#this makes it easier to scare away Yata's dates though
ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Chitose creates a secret Tinder account for Yata without his knowledge. Partially to prank him, but also in hopes that it will finally get Yata laid. He's kind of shock by how much interest is expressed in Yata's profile (far more than his own), and tries to find a way to a way to trick Yata into attending these dates/hook-ups. But something always goes wrong before Yata can even meet up with any of these people. It's 'cause of Fushimi. If anyone is going to de-virginize Misaki its gonna be him.
Aka 'that time Fushimi found Yata's Tinder account and made it his mission to be sure Misaki never gets laid.' Maybe Chitose gets tired of Yata being such a virgin and figures they need to do something about this, like if we don't step in that guy's never going to get laid. Chitose then gets the 'genius' idea to make Yata a Tinder profile, Dewa's like there isn't much point to that if he doesn't use it. Chitose figures Yata doesn't need to use it though, Chitose will just like 'curate' the whole thing by running the profile himself and then tricking Yata into attending the dates without Yata ever knowing about the whole Tinder thing. Dewa feels like this is not going to end well but Chitose thinks it's genius (plus if there are any really cute girls Chitose can try to swipe them for himself). He's pretty surprised when Yata's profile starts getting a lot of attention right away, at first he figures maybe this is like newbie's luck but soon it's clear that Yata's even getting more hits than Chitose's profile does and he's kinda annoyed about that. This makes him more determined to get Yata laid though, like once the experiment is a success he can shut down this profile and then try to figure out what it is about Yata that's catching so much interest ('Is it the virginity?' he wonders, as Dewa throws a hat at him).
The next part of the plan involves having to actually get Yata to attend these dates and Chitose assumes that will be the easy part, just tell him he has to meet like a Homra informant at a bar and let things go from there. The weird thing is every time Yata goes to the designated location he comes back confused and asking if Chitose had the right place because there was no one matching the description he was given there. The first time it happens Chitose shrugs it off, like okay maybe it was a catfish thing and the description was wrong and they were too embarrassed to show themselves to Yata. The next couple times though it becomes clear that there's something wrong. In desperation Chitose schedules Yata to meet someone at like a street corner that he knows Yata passes every day on his way to Homra from his part time job, when Yata reaches the bar though he mentions that it's weird, like four streets he usually uses were suddenly closed for road work and he had to take this really wide detour. Chitose is really starting to get annoyed and he's wondering if there's something wrong with this app, like why is no one actually showing up when they're supposed to. Then Yata's profile gets mysteriously hacked and eventually deleted, Chitose doesn't get how this could have happened. Dewa listens to him complaining like gee I have no idea anyone we know who has genius hacking skills and would have a vested interest in making sure Yata doesn't score a date, Chitose's like yeah me neither it's so weird. (Fushimi meanwhile finally got tired of having to scare off Yata's dates and just decides next time he'll do the hacking part first and save himself the extra effort.)
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