#this isn't some age old religious conflict
Some Lightcannon Headcanons
Just some thoughts re: these two idiots, specifically how I've been writing them in the Ill-Omen's fanfic series. YMMV, 'official' lore is pretty fuzzy with League stuff. LUX
Lux was expected from a young age to continue the Crownguard legacy in some fashion. With her brother captaining the Dauntless Vanguard, the possibility that he would Die in Glorious Battle leaving that branch of the Crownguard line without an heir would mean Lux stepping up.
Demacia seems fairly gender equal so there are plenty of ways she could do this. But if Garen were to die without issue, as the last remaining heir to that branch she'd have more pressure on her to Continue the Line through marriage and children on top of whatever else she was doing.
She is a trained diplomat and very good at putting her game face on. She usually expertly plays the sunny, charming young lady that has led her to be beloved across Demacia, but she uses so many different smiles she's literally numbered them in her head.
Like most good facades, it's not entirely inaccurate to who she is; Lux really does have a lot of warmth, compassion and idealism, but she isn't naive. She won't hesitate to manipulate people to her advantage if she needs to protect herself or a loved one, defuse a conflict, or deflect scrutiny.
As an Illuminator, she is officially a member of a charitable religious order responsible for helping the poor and downtrodden of Demacia. This is an aspect that Lux excels at, her natural empathy and ability to remain calm in the face of others' distress make her a natural carer.
The Illuminators also operate secretly as a spy network keeping tabs on outside threats to Demacia, including infiltration by old enemies like Noxus. Though young, Luxanna's political status as a Crownguard makes her a valued asset to the Order.
The Illuminators are also one of the few organizations in Demacia that tolerate and utilize mages, albeit discreetly and off the record. They are aware of Lux's abilities and have trained her to use them - covertly - in service of her country.
The Illuminators have on occasion acted to conceal and protect mages or smuggle them to safety, particularly those who might prove useful to their mission.
This puts them directly at odds with the Mageseeker order, (completely separate in my canon) who consider them bitter rivals and suspect, but cannot prove, that they aid mages in secret.
Like most oppressive regimes, the Mageseekers are giant hypocrites and use mages, brainwashed or tortured into compliance, as agents themselves.
In short; the Illuminators believe magic is a viable tool to protect Demacia if carefully shepherded and trained, Mageseekers believe magic is an abomination that must be suppressed or destroyed at all costs.
Lux has proven herself to the Order in several high-difficulty missions, including spying on the Noxian high command, primarily using her invisibility and light-bending powers to remain unseen and gather intel from a distance.
Though the Illuminators have kept Lux away from missions requiring seduction, to avoid 'sullying the Crownguard name', she has killed in the line of duty more than once.
Whilst not a frontline soldier like her brother, Lux has been trained since childhood like any Demacian noble in the warrior arts. She is adept with sword, staff, knife, bow, shield, lance and a deft rider.
She excels most at tactics and strategy; whilst Garen is a fearless and shrewd battlefield commander, Lux has a greater grasp of big-picture strategy and perceptive ability to read others.
She always beats him at strategic games.
Lux is a combat pragmatist. Her magical moves are dance-like and graceful, because when channeling her light she's accessing a transcendant mental space; her swordplay is more to-the-point, favoring strong defense and a quick end to the encounter.
She's not a natural killer, though she is as trained one; she'll kill in self-defense or duty, but she does not enjoy it and feels the weight of each life taken. She finds Jinx's aptitude for killing alarming, less out of moral judgment than out of fear that Jinx may lose herself in it if she goes too far.
Lux's strict, privileged upbringing, many duties, and the necessity of guarding herself from anyone discovering her magic have left her with very few actual, close friendships. She's often lonely, and whilst she's had a handful of unrequited crushes she's inexperienced with romance or relationships and feels like the Crownguard name intimidates away potential partners. She is quick with a smile but keeps people at arms' length for her own protection; with the weight of her name and her secrets on her small shoulders, Lux is slow to trust for very good reasons.
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martsonmars · 1 year
Ok ok these all sound intriguing then I saw VAMPIRE PRIEST and yeah, this please?
Hehe thank you for asking.
This idea is more or less two days old and I am obsessed with it, though sadly I don't think I'm going to start working on it anytime soon.
It's going to be a historical fic, but I don't plan on making it historically accurate—it would be too much work, and this is going to require too much research even without the accuracy issue.
So it's going to be set in the vague “Middle Ages” of fantasy stories.
Baz is, as expected, a vampire priest. Or a vampire monk.
I'm so excited to play with vampirism to make this universe a world where Baz can be a clergyman without, you know, burning to ashes on the spot, but still feel all the discomfort and conflict about being a vampire AND a priest/monk/whatever. Because this story is all about the inner conflict.
Well, not exactly.
Because the Mage is some kind of inquisitor, engaging in hunting heretics, witches and vampires. (And possibly other creatures.) (And “innocent” people, too.) (Not that heretics, witches and vampires are guilty of anything.) I haven't decided yet if he should be a mage who hunts other mages, or if he should be Normal. I'm leaning towards Normal with a dark secret... We'll see.
Simon is the Mage's apprentice. He definitely is a Normal with a dark secret. But unlike the Mage (who knows his own secret and is hiding it), Simon doesn't know what's “wrong with him”. (Does the Mage know? Very likely.)
So they go around Europe ridding the world of evil in the name of Catholicism. All very happy and joyful.
Until one day they arrive to Baz's monastery.
I'm thinking of Baz in this fic as someone who's deeply religious but disillusioned with the Church as an institution. He decided to be ordained only because he didn't want the duties of a first born to fall on him. He just wanted to be left alone, not have to marry and produce heirs, and be free to spend his days reading and studying in a huge library. His father already had another male heir so he had nothing against Baz fucking off to a monastery. (He was probably quite happy to have his vampire and possibly deviant son out of his sight.)
He's living his quiet, comfortable life between books and inner turmoil, and then the murders start happening.
Baz knows immediately that the murderers are vampires, which isn't good for him. It draws attention to him. So, he starts investigating.
This is when the Mage and Simon arrive.
The vibes are inspired by The Name of the Rose. A murder mystery set in a monastery, but probably with more witches and vampires and less theology and philosophy (though that depends on how much I want to research).
Clearly, the Mage starts suspecting of Baz, and manages to frame him for the murders.
Simon—who until then believed Baz was evil and all—suddenly has a (motivated) change of heart and decides to prove Baz's innocence.
Things happen. Boys kiss. It will end in flames. (Who burns? Stay tuned to find out.)
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strafethesesinners · 1 year
For the oc codex can I have number 9 with Cooper please 🥰💜 (the historian one in case I got my numbers mixed up)
thank you so much beloved!
a future historian’s account of your OC’s actions
So this ended up being kind of like a Wikipedia article haha I didn't cover his entire life, just a few key snippets lol Also spoiler alert for my yet to be written fic. But this ending isn't 100% just what I'm pretty sure will happen.
Cooper Alexander McCoy was born August 18, 1985 in Melbourne, Australia. He was a deputy with the Hope County Sheriff's Department in Hope County, Montana from December 2017-September 2018. He is credited with bringing down Joseph Seed and the cult the Project at Eden's Gate, ultimately saving Hope County from becoming a separatist religious state. He often maintained that the credit belonged to all the members of the county who resisted Eden's Gate. He was a member of the group of law enforcement officers who landed at the Eden's Gate compound in September 2018 in order to serve Joseph Seed with a warrant for his arrest. The members of Project (colloquially known as "Peggies") attacked the group of officers and prevented the arrest of their leader, who they referred to as "the Father." Cooper McCoy was the lone officer to escape the attack and was rescued by Dutch Roosevelt. With help from Roosevelt, McCoy began his efforts to bring down the Project.
(insert details on the Conflict of Hope County here)
EARLY LIFE (details here)
-criminal charges -relationship with John Seed
After successfully apprehending each member of the Seed family, and effectively saving Hope County, several details about Cooper McCoy's life came to light casting him in a much less heroic light. Prior to becoming a sheriff's deputy, McCoy had an extensive criminal career as a drug smuggler. According to McCoy, he had a falling out with the leader of his "gang" and fled to Montana, disguising himself as a deputy sheriff, attempting to "hide in plain sight." It is thought that this became known to the sheriff of Hope County, Earl Whitehorse, at some point during the war, but because of the circumstances, no charges were brought against McCoy at that time. After the fall of Eden's Gate, McCoy was pardoned by both the governor of Montana (name) and the governor of Texas (name) for the crimes of evading the law and impersonating an officer of the law, due to his actions during the conflict.
The more serious charges against him included drug smuggling, international drug smuggling, aggravated assault, and even murder but were eventually dropped due to lack of evidence or credible witnesses.
Cooper McCoy's arrests of the Seed family were declared invalid due to him not being a real law enforcement officer, and they had to be rearrested by official law enforcement.
There are rumors that were never substantiated, that Cooper McCoy engaged in a relationship with the youngest of the Seed family Project leaders, John Seed, prior to the failed arrest attempt of Joseph Seed and the conflict of Hope County. He is even rumored to have continued the relationship after John Seed was ejected from the Project, but none of these rumors have been proven and both McCoy remained silent on them until his death. John Seed was the only casualty of the Seed family and was killed by members of the Project of Eden's Gate. Eyewitnesses claim he died in defense of Cooper McCoy.
Later life (details here)
Cooper McCoy died of old age at his home in San Antonio, Texas, at the age of 98, survived by his spouse, younger siblings, children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. (names)
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lulusoblue · 2 years
I mean I don’t think the book is the most accurate source of information on ages since it did manage to somehow put Jack’s birth two years after it happened in canon
While leaving in a hint to jasmine being pregnant during the correct date. Was she pregnant for two years, Bioshock book, what’s going on
So I’d personally go with the in-game information in regards to character age, lol
Oh the book isn't 100%, I absolutely agree, but I don't think that discredits it for what it gives us in terms of background story and lore. I (and I think most other people) take it as canon-adjacent, so game lore and canon takes precedence but anything in the novel that doesn't conflict with game lore can be considered as part of canon, e.g. Jack's "birth" is pushed forward in the timeline by 2 years in the novel which conflicts with the game's timeline, but the "electroshock" therapy Suchong used to program baby Jack in the novel can otherwise be taken as canon as it's information we never got in the game.
The thing with going by the in-game information alone for Eleanor's age is that there really isn't any to go with. Best we have is Eleanor's height chart in Grace's room, which tells us she was 7 when she was abducted by Stanley Poole. From that we can presume she was at least 7 in 1958, ergo she would be born before the end of 1951.
Before, I'd used events in the novel to establish a timeline and figure out Eleanor's age and it lined up with what we know in-game:
Eleanor is 3 years old at some point in 1954, during a scene in Dionysus Park where she claims her first victim (Mr Diary).
Eleanor is taken into Grace's care when her mother is arrested in 1955, and her height chart in Grace's apartment shows ages 5 to 7 so that lines up.
Eleanor is abducted while in Grace's care, so would at least have to be 7 years old when she ended up in the Little Sister Orphanage and was submitted for conditioning under Fontaine's business and then Ryan's.
However, I had overlooked the event when Sofia Lamb takes control over Persephone, as it's easy to forget that it's not the same as when she broke out of Persephone. Sofia takes over in 1957, motivated by her circumstances conditioning prisoners for Sinclair, but she's pushed to finally launch her plan with the knowledge that Eleanor was "the subject of experiments somewhere in Rapture". If we take it as a fact that Eleanor is abducted for the Little Sister Programme at age 7 based on her height chart, then it's not possible for her to be 7 in 1957 and have been born in 1951; she would have to be born in 1950.
This event doesn't conflict with existing lore or timelines as far as I can tell, and actually paces things out in a way that can make sense;
Eleanor would have been abducted in 1957, and that would put her in the hands of Fontaine/Ryan from then up to New Year's 1958.
Eleanor had to have spent some time in confinement for her to recreate her height chart in her corner in the orphanage. It indicates a need for sentiment as well as that rebellious spirit we know her for. (Yes I know it's just a reused asset but I can GIVE it meaning)
Eleanor's mental conditioning would have taken time like other Little Sisters in confinement, leading up to when she would be used by Gil Alexander for the Alpha Series pairbond phase, likely unable to identify herself. Little Sisters would also be kept for years up to this point as Fontaine, Suchong and Tenenbaum would have been using them to mass produce ADAM for Fontaine's business.
Gil not realising who Eleanor was would line up with potentially 3 years of not seeing his cult leader's daughter. Stanley was using Dionysus for his own means and religious groups would be dangerous to host post-Sofia arrest, so she would have grown for 3 years without regular contact with any cult members.
Sofia having to wait over a year before retrieving her daughter would make sense; even with her control over Persephone, she was trapped inside it with Ryan holding control over the rest of Rapture, and getting to Eleanor through all the security between then would be suicide at the time. Her breakout proper on New Year's 1958 feels more intentional, getting her daughter on the busiest night of the year at a point where she knew her daughter would be out in public and not within a secured facility.
The only thing that may conflict would be Sofia's arrival in 1950, as it makes a tight window for Eleanor to be born in depending on Sofia's intent. It's possible for Sofia to have arrived very early in 1950, as in the novel only one event occurs before her introduction that year (Bill and Ryan discuss the state of Rapture). With the implication that she hired a surrogate for Eleanor in the game, Sofia could have decided to "have" Eleanor as soon as possible when moving to Rapture. (That itself could imply she'd already had some kind of plans for a prodigy child and the freedoms of the underwater city helped her realise those plans quickly.)
I don't think any of us can really know how old Eleanor is intended to be, but with the information presented to me and the fact that there aren't any contradictions or issues (that I'm aware of right now), then I'd say Eleanor would have been born in late-1950, meaning:
Eleanor can be a 3 year old murderer in 1954,
at least age 4 when her mother was arrested in 1955 and later starting the height chart with Grace at age 5,
age 7 when confined for Little Sister conditioning in 1957,
age 8 while pairbonded with Delta on New Year's Eve, 1958,
and age 18 when reviving Delta 10 years later in 1968
Like I know I was the one with the facts about Eleanor being 17, but that was before I actually focused on the year Sofia became girlboss of a prison, and honestly if I had actually noted that part in the novel I would have been saying Eleanor is 18 for like 4 years.
Yes, it's very tinfoil-hat, but with my hyperfocusing on special interests I take that part of myself as part of the joke. I'm just a woman, standing in front of a franchise's lore, asking its timeline to make sense, and it answered, "Eleanor is legally allowed to purchase alcohol in the UK. She can order herself a beer and chug it while flipping her mother off."
Now let's discuss the universe where Bayonetta is a fancy cheese wheel.
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qvincvnx · 2 years
Re your post about vampires, I definitely agree...I have a half baked thought that there's something really interesting also in how iirc Dracula mentions ancient heros who fended off the turks (I think referring to himself) and how this is the so called land of the Turk so that religious tension exists narratively, but the fear of Islam as a colonial anxiety obsession isn't quite in the mainstream discourse yet. There's an interesting shift in right wing discourse after world war ii from anti semitism to (still antisemitism but also) anti Islam - at least in western Europe but also so much of the conversation in the Balkans conflict is about age old religious divides - and so for the modern reader, the sort of 'spectre' of Orientalism as Said might describe it is discursively there but not quite developed yet
YES. i think it's interesting to see the way jews are like, variably uh... i haven't read enough theory not to make an ass of myself on some of these issues but i guess the way jews are variably orientalized. like in the time period of stoker there's a sense of Foreign and Otheredness, and obviously a big component of antisemitism is the uh historic Statelessness of the Jew (there we get into like wandering jew shit, right) and the diaspora, like, "the jews don't have their own state so they must want to infiltrate ours" kinda shit. whereas the turks/ottomans were doing afaik more like, outright conquest and then state/administration stuff. so there are different kinds of social anxieties that are definitely interrelated as well, like it's not JUST antisemitism that animates dracula, the idea of "reverse colonization" from the east that was going around is absolutely also topical... and like in addition as i think i mentioned tangentially there's like the ways in which certain forms of antisemitism have become recognizably less publicly acceptable post wwii while at the same time being present / other forms of antisemitism developing and strengthening at the same time, sort of a forcible theoretical assimilation of the jewish with the mainstream and then turning destructively towards the middle east... (eg the word judeochristian which means Literally nothing, serves to forcibly identify jews With christians, AND to other muslims). obviously there is a lot of stuff going on there but i am not a modern history knower so i will tap out after like 1900 but.
i just think it's neat to see what social anxieties in dracula are like stated outright (cf. all the orientalizing ethnic group stuff in eastern europe + as you mention positioning dracula against the Turks; talking about the ways that internecine ethnic conflict has bathed the land, etc) and which social anxieties that are closer to home and directly parallel the ones discussed.. can't be discussed openly (eg obviously antisemitism and xenophobia towards jewish immigrants, but also as other posters have mentioned analysis of various british and irish vampire novels as referencing colonial anxieties around ireland, etc)
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riverofrainbows · 9 months
Thoughts on religion.
Just because you've been raised in a religion doesn't mean it's real. Most of the core principles of modern Christianity, the ones that brought the most harm to people, have been additional stuff added in later centuries by some guys. There are conflicting information in the bible because it was essentially a big discussion club with people putting out what they thought was right about it, because you couldn't do much else in the iron age i suppose. Revelation is an apocalyptic rpf fix it fic about emperor Nero. Christianity, from the beginning, was an apocalyptic cult. Paul was entirely celibate because he thought Jesus was coming back any day so what's the point in procreation, except that then he didn't come back. A lot of things how Jesus fulfills prophecies from the old testament was because Matthew (who wasn't actually Matthew but they assigned him several hundred years later) put them in to make it sound cooler and more connected to the old testament. Several of those were misunderstandings of his about the meaning of the stuff he quotes which is where we get the Virgin Mary (she wasn't virgin in the prophecy). God being omnipotent and omnipresent and almighty is an invention of those later christians in the middle ages, he wasn't in the old testament. He also wasn't the only real god in the old testament, they thought the other gods were real too just that theirs was better. Hell wasn't mentioned even fucking once in the bible. Slavery is fine with the old testament, but it says fuck all about homosexuality (and so does Jesus) because they basically had ancient roman homosexuality going on. All the stuff that gives so many people the religious trauma is made up later additions that Jesus never once even implied. Jesus just wanted you to be kind and help the needy. God being omnipotent, omniscient, almighty, reading your every thought and throwing you in hell for it is not in the text. The trinity is made up in a council a few hundred years after Jesus. Jesus doesn't blame women for "men's uncontrollable sexuality" so modesty lest the priests get urges is bullshit. Jesus doesn't value virginity over a person's inherent value. He is friends with prostitutes. The way the garden of eden story about hereditary sin and god's all-knowingness create an absolutely fucked up horrible god is baseless because god in the garden of eden isn't all-knowing. God punishing people for executing their free will when he created them with free will knowing what they would do with it is baseless because he isn't omniscient. He just gave people free will, went "well shit" and then intervened to enforce his rules. And he doesn't intervene anymore because he isn't omnipotent because he never was. Also it's ancient texts where people needed an explanation for stuff like natural phenomena. This doesn't mean religion is stupid (and i really respect modern judaism) but that most of Christianity has fuck all to do with the bible and with Jesus especially. It's made up and reinterpretated in later times in ways they thought best that turned into this thing that tells you it's righteous to tell gay and trans people that they're abdominations and will go to hell but Jesus loves you. How their love is contingent on stuff made up in the middle ages but they cite the bible to take away human rights. How throwing out their own child is love because you save them from sin so Jesus may love them but Jesus already loves them because he loves every single person including the sinners, and the only sins he cares about are being cruel and kicking the needy to the curb so who is the sinner in this. The pope declares he is Jesus representation on earth but he says "love the sinner hate the sin" and trans people are an abdomination. Evangelicals say that helping someone is doing a sin because satan is nice and deceives people but satan isn't even in the bible and they are a death cult built on revelation. But the end will never come because revelation is not about us it's a contemporary piece of literature about the roman empire.
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bts-mbti · 2 years
I came across recently a website explaining mbti in a developmental way, as in the first function is developed in childhood, the second one in adolescence/ early 20s etc.
What do you think of it, and if you agree how does it impact how you type the members ?
How do you think the amount of stress of idol life impact the way they appear and how they’re typed ?
Joon seems to be more knowledgeable than the others, why do you think he sticks with calling himself enfp ?
i think that there's some definite truth to the correlation of age with the functions, but i don't believe it's that structured. people in the mbti community who use this aspect of the theory religiously are really just talking about personal maturity & awareness when they say "development". a lot of people follow a slow pattern of growth over their lives, only really achieving what would be considered healthy in typology in old age bc type health is mostly a categorization of wisdom, maturity, and self-awareness. but this growth pattern is far from fixed. people develop, in this sense, at wildly different rates based on endless variables, so it's impossible to assign age ranges to function development using this understanding of what mental development is
that said, i do think people naturally develop their functions in order from dominant to inferior. that can be disrupted, but it won't disrupt itself & you'll never have underdeveloped upper functions compared to your lower. the speed that you develop your stack is about psychology not typology, tho. which should be considered when typing someone, but it's an intersectional thing & not so much an mbti theory thing
so a) when i type the members, or anyone, i don't rlly consider the functions in a structured way until i've assessed their overall level of personal & mental development unrelated to mbti, if it's possible to observe, as well as any mental health issues. then i determine if age is a reasonable variable or not, based on those things. as for bts, most of the boys don't rlly follow typical patterns of function growth for their ages. jungkook is the only one who seems to be on the common function development timeline, tho only jin, jimin, & yoongi are very in touch with their inferiors
b) the idol job inherently demands certain features of type to be active. an idol being good at dancing, for example, doesn't say much abt Se. neither does them having Se skills most intuitives don't, since being an idol requires access to Se. it also requires access to Fe or enneagram's social instinct, the heart center, and the sexual instinct. you have to type idols with this + other interactions between job description and typology in mind to be accurate
as for stress, specifically, an exemplar of this interaction is yoongi. he's drained by pretty much everything abt being an idol except the creative process & performing, but has to do the draining activities daily. so "lack of energy" in and of itself isn't proof of anything abt his typology, since his lifestyle doesn't support him being energetic
another obvious interaction is hobi's Fe becoming even more closed-off with his own feelings than normal exfjs are due to the pressures of his image & persona, to the point where he appears emotionally unavailable. surface-level, this conflicts with exfjs' need to connected with externalized emotions
jimin responds to the stress & pressure of being an idol by accessing his lower Te, which can make him appear tj-ish. there's too may ways each of their types intersect with idol-dom to list, but not a lot of armys seem to filter their typings through this lens, strangely
c) because he still doesn't know what a cognitive function is & he's tested as enfp a few times. i'm hopeful that maybe his curiosity will eventually lead him to the functions, but not expecting it. and even if it does, i'll be very suspicious of his sources lol
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kirbyofthestars · 2 years
Aight I'm just gonna get it all out in one message wish me luck:
*I had once watched KRBAY in a car ride since we have fright ti the finish on dvd and I didn't realize it was the Kirby anime until like 2020 when I actually got into Kirby I think. I was like "so that's where the purple snail guy and the penguin man are from"
*younger me had a fixation on the way mind control and stuff like that was used in the Pokemon anime (and tbh I still love mind manipulation tropes for how disturbing they can be and the conflict they can introduce and stuff)
*I was into Yandere Simulator and oblivious to its controversy when I was 12
*I used to watch Power Puff Girls Z on YouTube religiously
*once when I was 10 and we were at my brothers' high school for one of their graduations I rolled down the window and yelled to some unsuspecting guy "YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL!" And it's haunted me since (at least that's how I remember it going down)
*when I was in daycare I once took the zebra toy a kid was playing with and tried to hide in the bathroom (evil was apparent from a very young age)
*in my 2nd grade FNAF phase I thought toy golden freddy was a thing because of this one youtuber's Minecraft FNAF videos (I think the YouTuber was called like MangoTango or something?)
*Balloon Boy is one of my favorite characters
*I used to hate the Puppet because of how my second grade phase ended (side confession: yes I'm serious, I didn't know about the dead kids thing until the end of my first FNAF phase, and it ended because that really just scared me that badly. And I thought the Puppet was the one who killed the kids because that's what my friends told me). When I got back into FNAF as a 12 year-old and saw Pizzeria Simulator and thus learned the actual lore she became one of my favorites.
*I was a preteen and really into Steven Universe and played Attack the Light but got stuck in like the second world(?) and quit. Revisited it years later and beat it several times. Never got to play Save the Light tho.
*My YouTube childhood trauma experience was from Sonic Zombie Apocalypse I think but I swear I remember it being creepier.
*I once got in trouble with my parents for watching TAWOG YouTube Poops.
*I think Mangle is bigender
*I once shipped Princess Rosalina with Lord Betrayus and I still don't know why
Those were my confessions I am begging for forgiveness
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nature-god-christ · 3 years
Salvation: Of A Double Minded Man
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"Christian" But Religious, Damned Agents of Darkness:
In the following verse, God speaks directly to Antichrist, who is coming and is now in the world. He is coming, having intimate knowledge of God and Christ; yet, rejecting the way of Christ's discipline. Being deceived, he desires to gain the whole world, at the loss of his own soul. Fool!
Ps 50:16-17 But to the wicked, God says, What is it to you to proclaim My statutes, and to take up My covenant on your mouth? Yes, you hate instruction and toss My Words behind you.
To the Wicked, who in opposition to what they do, proclaim God's word in hypocrisy; and yes, priests and pastors, we're especially talking to you. God does not accept your sacrifice, as a covering for sin. He hates your hypocrisy, even as you have hated his instruction, having conveniently tossed them aside at the slightest hint of elicit gain or pleasure of sin.
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So, if you think that in the end it will be well with you, it will not. You have deceived yourselves and are further deceived by your enemy, the Father of all deception, Satan.
And, though there be, many of our religious leaders who are ignorant or simply undisciplined in the ways of Truth, God foretells ominent judgements against them, nontheless:
BSB'19 Jam 3:1: "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly."
Why are those who teach the word of God, judged more strictly strictly? It is because, some teachers stiffle the growth and development of their own discipline, by discouragement of investigation and research on the part of their own students.
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Religion, is one such discipline, rife with oligarchy who will not tolerate those who simply want to know more, and know with greater accuracy. Students, especially want to know, what says the word of God, concerning the issues in life and the relationship between Christ and God.
Again, why would these individuals desire to strangle the advancement of knowledge? It is mostly because, they fear that inquiring minds might prove some of their longheld traditions to be, wrong or outright lies.
And they can't have that. So they construct obstacles to truth, such that all paths lead back to them, their organization, doctrine, and dogma. But again, what does the Word say?
BSB'19 Jer 29:23: "For they have committed an outrage...by...speaking lies in My name, which I did not command them to do. I am He who knows, and I am a witness, declares the LORD.”"
Because many errant religious leaders know the Word of God, even as Satan knows the Word and his own end, they fear their own end (Heb 10:26-27); and thus, a fracture of psychy occurs within; a double mind, owing to a corrupt heart.
BSB'19 Mat 6:24: "No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
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HCSB Is 29:13: "The Lord said: Because these people approach Me with their mouths to honor Me with lip-service — yet their hearts are far from Me, and their worship consists of man-made rules learned by rote —"
All who love this present world or age, does not love or obey God; nor can they. The consequence, is separation from God and fellowship with the world. For that reason, many of us, are "Christian" in name only.
It is for that reason, God cannot consistently heed our requests; because we regard sin, in our hearts, even while we pray.
Why Prayers Fail:
AKJV+ Ps 66:18: "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:"
As we pray, let us not regard iniquity in our heart. Because, all such, oppose the knowledge of God and Christ; and thus, deviate our focus away from our conversation with God. Under those circumstances, Jehovah, will not hear our prayer, because he cannot. We, have cut the connection.
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Jas 1:6-8 But let him ask in faith, doubting nothing. For the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, being driven by wind and being tossed; for do not let that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-souled man, not dependable in all his ways.
He who doubts: ebbs and flows, rises and falls, according to the tide of passions that sway him; according to the beating rhythm of a world passing away. The spirit (or "wind") of error, drives and buffets him, because he is conflicted, in his love of the world and his desire for God.
His double mind, results from his being strongly affected and trying to fulfill two opposing attractions, simultaneously. The pleasures of sin, yields death; while the joy of sanctification, immortality.
Both are at war, in the heart and mind of a man. He yields to one or the other, according to the mind, spiritual or carnal, subconscious or conscious, which he himself (heart) allows dominance.
But, understand this: While loving one, he outwardly feigns love for the other, while in the presence of those who affiliate with like affection; being able to invert, his outward mentality. And as a camilion, he switches between opposing affiliations, affections, and causes; cunningly adapting his words and deeds, to accomodate whatever social circumstance in which he finds himself, as is convenient.
The double-minded man, allows for simultaneous inspiration by opposing spirits, producing opposing motive forces that drive him in drunken fashion.
Niobe Ps 42:7: "Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterspouts; all Your waves and Your billows have gone over me."
"Deep calls to deep": Therefore, as Spirit calls, spirit of like kind answer.
God calls to all. But only they that are his, heed the call. The rest, answers to another spirit that is of their own desire and kind; and even while they may feign obedience to God, their heart is not with him. Therefore God's heart, is not with them.
That is the bad news.
The Cure:
The good news, for all who seek truth and righteousness, is this: In our relationship with God, we can change; from state, to state; from bad, to good; and from good, to better or even perfection.
HCSB Jms 4:8: "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and purify your hearts, double-minded people!"
First and foremost, in our daily routine, let's incorporate the following admonition.
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HCSB Dt 22:9: "Do not plant your vineyard with two types of seed; otherwise, the entire harvest, both the crop you plant and the produce of the vineyard, will be defiled."
Our heart, is the "vineyard".
The "two kinds of seed" sown in the heart, are good and evil.
The "crop sown," is the character of the seed planted.
The "harvest" or "yield": We reap what we sow; be it good or evil, life or death; In the end, we are weighed (Judged) and awarded according to all we have said and done. That is the natural law of things. That is not, The Good News or Gospel.
The "produce of the vineyard", is the character of the fruit flowering from the seed, in the interior. It is righteousness or iniquity;
The "produce of the vineyard", also describes the fruit yielded in the exterior, as words and deeds. So that it also defines the character of the individual manifesting said fruit.
NASB+ Mat 7:16: ""You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn [bushes,] nor figs from thistles, are they?"
However, in Christ, we have his shed-blood as our protection, even from the character of our own fruit. Our continual confession of sins, to God, and our repentant lifestyle, ensures that Christ's blood negates our negatives; so that through him, God sees in us, only the perfection that is Christ; that is, if we remain in him, the blood of Christ has already filtered from us, all things that offend God.
HCSB Heb 10:14: "For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are sanctified."
That being the case, for all who earnestly seek God through Christ, our sins were washed away, at every point upon each of our individual life timelines; be it relatively past, present, or future to our consciousness. We were made, the Righteousness of God, by Justification, through Christ, more than 2000 years ago. Now, isn't that cool?
Mat 5:8: "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God."
Our job, is to make sure, very sure that what we profess, we also live; or at least, be of willing mind and fighting the good fight, for self-discipline and good conduct. Justification, makes up the rest, of what we lack.
However, to him who, regarding his faithfulness to God, is Double Minded and have diagnosed himself to be such, say and do the following, over and over again, until it becomes your reality:
I love God.
I hate Evil.
I love the light.
I hate the darkness.
God's word says, "Only the pure in heart, will see God". I, therefore, purify my heart by the word of God.
It is not, at all, for mere convenience that I site his commandments and words of wisdom; but, through patient study and self-discipline, I make the word of God, my practice.
I desire to see you, oh God. I, therefore, purify the desires of my heart by your word; I meditate on them, day and night, to make it so.
My faith is that the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, 2000 years ago, eradicated all my sins, past, present, and future; your word, has declared it so.
Your word, oh God, has convalidated your promises to me and all who dedicate themselves to your Son, Yeshua, your Christ.
I, being chosen, am willing.
I, therefore, struggle to overcome my old self that I might align my words and deeds to the commandments of Christ the righteous one who serves as our example of faith and trust in you, oh God.
And even as it was with Yeshua, so may it be with me that the word of God becomes flesh, through my life, as I submit and obey him.
BSB'19 Ps 91:14: "“Because he loves Me, I will deliver him; because he knows My name, I will protect him."
Immediately above, God speaks of Yeshua, his Christ who was yet to come in sinful flesh.
Because Yeshua loved God, God delivered him from all of his enemies, even death itself.
Because Yeshua knows God's name, God protected him from all his enemies, even corruption and decay of his body, in the grave.
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If we love God and Christ, Jehovah will deliver us from all our enemies, even death.
If we know Yeshua, if we trust in his name, then at his coming, when Christ calls to us by name, we will hear him. Thus, overcoming corruption and decay, we too will awaken to everlasting life. Christ, declares as much:
NOG Jn 5:25: "“I can guarantee this truth: A time is coming (and is now here) when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who respond to it will live."
Say and do the following:
Jehovah, protect me, deliver me. I repent. I do your will, not my own; because, I love you.
May I respond to Christ, now, even as he calls to me in this life; so that I may be able to respond to his voice, when he calls to me, hereafter.
So then, can a double minded man unify his thoughts and purpose, unto single mindedness in dedication to Christ?
Yes, we are now made aware of a mechanism to do just that: Foremost, by continually washing the heart; filtering out or sanctifying the very core of the inner realm, through the word of God; casting out every seed of iniquity, to strangle every wicked motive that gives rise to sin. But, then, we must want to do it. We must want, to change.
Easier said, than done? Oh, yes! But consider that Yeshua entered this life, with the exact same weapons of spiritual warfare as we; and yet, lived a perfectly sinless life, while passing through struggles of flesh and mind, far greater than our own.
RSV Heb 2:17: "Therefore he had to be made like his brethren in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make expiation for the sins of the people."
Yeshua, however, had a secret weapon: Prayer
AKJV+ Luk 6:12: "And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God."
Yes, indeed! Yeshua, prayed to God, all night. That was his custom and preparation, which sharpened the weapons of his warfare; which was, principally, the word of God.
If prayer to God, was instrumental in Yeshua's example of Christ, then so it is, and must be, with the example of Christ that we manifest to the world. Prayer, is how we daily overcome, even our own double mind; even as we implant, God's word, deeply into our hearts.
MLV Mt 21:21-22: "Now Jesus answered and said to them, Assuredly I am saying to you, If you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only be doing the miracle of the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, Be lifted up and cast yourself into the sea, it will happen. And all things, as many things as you may ask in prayer, and believing, you will be receiving."
Yeshua says:
• have faith, do not doubt.
• pray believing, be receiving.
• do it often.
• so that as you say, no power can resist your desire.
• whatever you say, it will happen.
• You will be doing miracles, great and even greater.
• And all things, as many things as you may ask in prayer, and believing, you will be receiving.
Heb 10:22 Iet us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in pure water.
For your consideration
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