#this isn't about religion. this is about conquest. this is about the rape of a land and the slaughter of its people
ruthlesslistener · 3 months
The most disgusting fucking thing that zionists keep circling in response to palestinian suffering and people crying for an end to a genocide is the fucking cries about the thousand killed on october 7th
I don't care how many settlers died. I don't care. I don't care because 1,000 dead does not ever equate to 100,000 murdered and lost. It doesn't equate to all the horrendous suffering and the torture that Israel inflicts on innocents. It doesn't equate because human lives are not a fucking math equation and yet it becomes extremely fucking apparent that to these people it is because they view palestinian lives as so much lesser than those of the settlers that thousands of them cannot pay back the life of one colonizer
'Civilians shouldn't be killed' is the most neutral thing that can be said about a war and is IMPLICIT to saying that the Hamas attack on october 7th was poorly planned. But when israeli civilians are actively participating in the genocide of people they already were tormenting then it becomes really fucking hard to think of the people killed as innocents, and when they are being used as the justification to set military dogs on 4 year olds and to selectively target and destroy safe havens and ignore peace treaties then it is altogether. I dont care that nearly two thousand filthy fucking colonizers died because there is NO justification for the river of blood spilled in retribution, nor the painting of a race of people as terrorists despite only a scant handful of them being willing to bloody their hands in retribution for decades of torment
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gothhabiba · 6 months
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[ID: Anonymous ask reading "israel's policy of displacing arab muslims by settling in lands they used to live in (note that arab muslims being in said lands is itself the result of arabo-muslim conquests, so no i dont feel that teary eyed about it) is in solid part a ploy to destabilize europe by sending muslims there (the ummah in its great generosity refuses to take in the palestinians as a whole, they dont want refugees in general) who" message cuts off. End ID]
the rest of this message is complete virulent fanatical racism that’s not worth publishing, and of course this part of it is senseless racist blather as well, but this "arabo-muslim conquest" idea comes up often enough that I can almost convince myself it’s worth responding to.
first of all, this doesn’t matter at all in this context. like I said, genocide is just simply wrong no matter what. if you feel no sympathy as people are trapped in an open-air prison by the millions, trapped in actual prisons by the thousands with no charge trial or conviction, unable to have basic autonomy or freedom of movement, forbidden from harvesting food they need to live, subjected to racist discrimination and hate crimes even if they are among the Palestinians who are citizens of Israel, bombed and murdered by the thousands with nowhere to flee to, purposely disabled by armed soldiers and denied the means to support their families, raped (men women and children) with impunity by settlers and settler soldiers (men and women), shot at by soldiers as they try to work their own land, living in constant fear not knowing if they or their families will wake up to-morrow, not knowing if the crops they’re consuming have been made unsafe for consumption due to repeated bombardment by chemical weapons, having their children shot and killed with impunity while playing, having their deaths by bombing watched as entertainment, having their nonviolent resistance regarded as terrorism, their violent resistance regarded as barbarism, being expected to basically lie down and die, having the entire western media establishment cast them as the aggressors and the perpretators of their genocide as the victims of their resistance, having even people who are ostensibly sympathetic to them basically believe that they shouldn’t resist and are only sympathetic as long as they lie down and die—
if you can regard all of that without feeling any sympathy for the victims of it because of who you believe them to have been descended from over a thousand years ago, then no, you are not allocating sympathy based on any objective or enlightened rationale, you are just casting about at random for reasons to be racist until you believe you've lighted on one that makes sense.
second of all, it isn't even true that the modern population of Palestine (or the rest of southwest Asia, or North Africa) is descended from ethnic Arabs who replaced the indigenous population that had existed before the Islamic conquests beginning in the 700s A.D. I'm not sure what people who claim this is the case believe happened to the indigenous populations (where did they go? did they flee elsewhere? were they all killed? how could such a wholesale replacement have happened without being recorded in any account of history?). I'm not sure either why the idea that this happened is so remarkably persistent in so many different contexts amongst so many different people, if not out-and-out racialism that believes "Muslim" is basically a "race" and thus it's impossible for a population to be converted? I'm also not sure what people who believe this do with the fact that there are Christians, Jews, followers of indigenous religions, and other smaller religious groups in these regions. nevertheless, the Arabisation and Islamicisation of these regions (two different processes!) were cultural and political conquests that did not largely replace the preexisting population. again, not that this even matters.
thirdly, there is no reason whatever to believe that Israel seeks to "destabilize" Europe. that is fantasy talk with no correspondence with any events that have occurred in the last century and more. I suspect that you're conflating Israel with Judaism, and that this conspiracy theory is simply that old antisemitic canard that Jews have some secret plot to overtake the white races dressed up in new, bizarre clothing (shocker! that anti-Arab racism and antisemitism would go hand in hand! /s). Israel is a creation of Europe, its strongest diplomatic ties are with Europe and the U.S., it has no power of its own that it doesn't maintain because it is convenient for the colonising and imperialist powers of the world. what on earth would it possibly gain from this plan you've invented.
fourthly, the vast majority of Palestinian refugees (other than those who were internally displaced) live in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. millions of them. Europe, Canada, and the U.S. have collectively accepted about 1% of that number. what on earth are you talking about.
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voluptuarian · 2 years
The Worst History/Mythology Posts I've Ever Seen
Idk sometimes I see some unbelievable horseshit on here in the history or myth tags so bad I can't just let it go, I have to address it. However getting into online drama with someone who is obviously clueless or purposely spreading lies is not only a waste of time, but not my style. So I've decided to post up some excerpts from the most offensive takes I've seen for my own satisfaction and your potential viewing pleasure. (I'm not including anything from Tiktok or Twitter, otherwise I'd never be able to choose-- this is just Tumblr brand brainrot).
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I love this one-- first off, whiteness as a concept didn't exist, so "white savior" can't be workably applied here, so define what's meant here about these "vibes" with Real Words. Secondly, in a geographic and cultural context where every other Roman of note claimed descent from some god or hero, and were frequently deified after death (and in the case of Julius Caesar, in life), the old pharaohs had proclaimed themselves gods since time immemorial, and even Alexander (whose Egypt she lived in) was identified as the son of a god in 2 different religions, Cleopatra identifying herself as one is definitely too much, right? (Also who "criticized" her-- the Romans??)
And on the topic of Egypt, I found this post about Rhodopis-- which to start op claims they were fighting another equally delusional person on twitter who claimed Rhodopis was actually black; op then corrects that she wasn't, she was Greek, but that's the last glimmer of hope we get
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kjhfkjdahkhjakgjh just. Where does it say that op. Who said that. What source is there for this concept. (see the above, "whiteness" as a racial concept didn't exist, which makes this even funnier).
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The decline of Egypt began with its conquest by the Persians in the 600s BC; Alexander's takeover followed his conquest of Persia, since Egypt was a Persian satrapy (this was in the 300s BC). The courtesan Rhodopis lived in the 600s, Archaic Greece-- 300 years before Alexander got there. Also "fall" is an odd term to describe the Ptolemaic dynasty, especially since it isn't applied to the Persian conquest; Egypt remained semi-autonomous until after the Roman takeover, which incidentally, we're about to get to
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This is untrue across the board. First, while Arsinoe and Cleopatra had the same father, we're not sure they had the same mother. So Arsinoe's ethnicity does not prove Cleopatra's and vice versa. The "bones" in question are a headless skeleton which may be Arsinoe's but has not been conclusively identified (the fact that it wasn't mummified being one of the major reasons to doubt the identification); the "tests" in question refer to analysis of measurements of the skull which were done in the 20s-- the skull itself has been lost. The measurements show traits typical of black and North African genetics, but also are not conclusive. So in summation, archeologists found a fancy tomb and a woman's headless skeleton and think she might have been mixed race-- it doesn't prove Arsinoe's race, and certainly not Cleopatra's.
(Also doing my best to spare you all the numerous grammar/spelling errors throughout this post, as well as the superior *nails emoji* attitude that pervades every line)
and lastly, some Greek mythology! A post about famously cuddly and loveable war god, and apparent bastion of modern morality, Ares!
First off
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words that killed me on sight, I can't even handle it. This is how I want to see every Greek mythology post started from now on
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whAT DOES this even MEAN
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literally flatlining here
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yes, that's definitely an anti-rape stance, not a possessive god thing, for sure. Also if he was so anti-rape, maybe he shouldn't have been the personification of the most violent, animalistic aspects of war and conquest?
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putting these back to back because they're basically the same thing, but the *sparkles* kill me. Also, didn't you know that the Spartans were fierce warrior women??? (I swear to God, if a genie gave me 3 wishes I'd spend one on erasing the knowledge of Sparta from the average American brain) Let's not even get into the ethics of "homosexuality" i.e. pederasty here and how they relate to the aforementioned supposed anti-rape policy.
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and op doesn't drop the ball with the conclusion, we get this beautiful cherry on top to sum it all up
And here ends this installment, but expect this to become a series because sadly there is no end to this shit, and I've got to cope somehow…
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