#this is the true best Pokémon in SV
kylehyde · 2 years
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Pokémon that points at gay ppl and rides a gold skateboard 🫵
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vulturevanity · 2 months
I feel like SV girlies haven't seriously considered "codependent mutually obsessive JuliNemo" yet and that's a shame, really. I've seen a lot of wholesome ChampionRank (really cute but a rehash of every wholesome yuri I've ever seen, not much original content here and that's okay) and one-sided obsessive yandere!Nemona ChampionRank (REALLY do not like the villainization of Nemona's neurodivergence but eh, you can do whatever you want forever) but not as much "these two get on like a house on fire. and boy, it's dry season" ChampionRank.
Where is "battle-hungry socially starved trainwrecks who have no one but each other" JuliNemo. Where is "oh god these two exacerbate each others issues into the stratosphere and this can only end in disaster but I can't look away" JuliNemo. Where is "bringing out the worst in each other and scaring the hoes" JuliNemo. Where is "you two are perfect for each other. Never change, just never involve anyone else in any of this" JuliNemo. There's so much potential here. Toxic codependent yuri save me
#pokémon#pokemon sv#championrankshipping#julinemo#babbles#my juliana is such a mess#she does not make friends easily and can't keep relationships for long at all#whenever someone enters her life she aants to make the best impression so she lovebombs them incessantly#and that either comes across as too much too fast or causes people to get too attached.#but she's young. she is very young. and the people who bothered to match her energy had ulterior motives#so now she's too afraid of getting too close to someone#she'll act the part but never show her true self#and at the slightest hint of genuine connection she'll RUN.#this of course clashes horribly with Nemona's own overbearing personality and loneliness#you know how she wants you to be her ideal rival. and you end up becoming exactly that.#yeah to my Juliana this was kind of a nightmare because. as much as this toed her boundaries#she isn't so inept as to not recognize a bit of herself in Nemona. so she decided to ride this out and appease her#and UH OH! she got attached. fear and need for control and validation from feeling wanted mixed in her head#and she started matching Nemona's energy and the two jumped into dating too fast and oops. they're codependent now#they literally can't handle being away from each other for more than two days or they start going feral#i wish i had the energy to write this one because i'm fascinated by this horrible dynamic. i want to study them in a rat maze#edit: i feel like i should clarify that this interpretation relies on Florian existing and being the one to help Penny and Arven#Florian isn't without his issues. he's a huge people pleaser too. but he's more of a doormat who can't say no
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.
true? have some asks about it:
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i am seeing this sentiment a lot. even though this is exactly what i asked for in the tags of that post. like:
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there are so many comments on that post letting me know how much they love shiinotic and like!! it's literally what i asked for. in the tags. i could've been a bit nicer to them, sure, but you all are coming forward to show your love for a pokémon that i had never seen anyone like before and like. it proves my point. every pokémon is SOMEONE'S favorite. none of them have ZERO fans, just because i may never have talked to one of their fans. also it's funny because folks have commented on it before, how i'm always like "no one cares about this pokémon LOL!" and then everyone kills me about it. tradition, eh?
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hopefully 6/10 is good enough for you, previous anon who was hoping the anon nose rater rated shiinotic well
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more lol is very funny actually. 7/10 for that joke
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even the nose rater commented on them. i'm SORRY!!! i'm doing my best out here i didn't fuck up your fave on purpose. i promise. they're getting better from here on out, i like to think. it'll probably get worse again once we get into swsh and sv though
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a seaweed. i thought about this one for like. a few minutes. and couldn't immediately think of The Seaweed Pokémon off the top of my head, unless you mean dhelmise. but i suppose we'll see when we get there…
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PLEASE!!!!! wait why the fuck is this image all off to the side and weird. what happened to this image. okay wait i fixed it bc it wouldn't let me post while the image was all fucked up. this is what it looked like for reference:
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eeveeas123 · 4 months
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My final thoughts on Pokémon Scarlet & Violet…
Incredible! I felt like it was one of the best games I’ve ever played! There are many things that caught my attention:
Clothes weren’t restricted by gender
The characters. Arven’s motivation, both before and after Mabosstiff was saved, was inspiring! Team Star’s members were awesome too because even though they were definitely odd in different ways, they never let each other down in friendship. Some people say Nemona actually lacks character but that’s not true for me! She just represents the bulk of Pokémon games, battles! Kieran going from super shy and hiding behind Carmine to having more confidence (Not without “Bumps” in the road to get there, of course). Overall, I loved the personality these guys have! I felt a connection with many of these people
Music. Kieran’s first battle theme took number one on my personal chart! I also enjoyed the Tera Raid Theme, Gym Leader theme and so on! Some themes were also emotional, I’d get lost in them pretty easily but not everything can be cheerful all the time, even Pokémon tunes
The stories/plot. So “Twisty”, I’m not saying I enjoyed learning the fact that Arven’s parent died in bad incident but if anything, it made the story more interesting and mature. The Team Star storyline makes me cry at certain parts (Even after playing through SV 4+ times). Plus it’s a very relatable issue, bullying as well as being misunderstood. But they worked hard to help the poor students despite them also being victims. I’ll admit there wasn’t much extremely new about the Victory Road plot but that’s because they knew at least one thing shouldn’t be changed, battling and the earning badge system (It’s just something the majority are used to)
The Pokémon species. Fidough? Oh. My. Lord! Such a clever idea and the Paradox forms were very mysterious and cool since they resemble older Pokémon… Ogerpon was adorable and we finally have a dolphin species in Finizen/Palafin! Lechonk as the first Pokémon you can catch was nice! (Pigs are one of my favourite animals). I think this particular batch of new Pokémon felt very fresh
The open world approach. You could basically go anywhere you wanted by the game’s end, also, three maps!? (Paldea, Kitakami & The Terrarium). I loved how free it felt
The classes. Probably not the most popular opinion but I loved the school classes in the academy. It was a great way to learn facts you might not think about otherwise (I wouldn’t have looked up the odds of critical hits unless it was necessary, good to know though!)
That’s all I’ve thought about for now, maybe I’ll write more soon (Also, if they come out with Scarlet 2 & Violet 2 soon like they did for BW I’ll probably faint with happiness! But it looks unlikely…)
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kamenrideryeets · 1 year
You know what makes me really sad about Scarlet and Violet and the current state of Pokémon as a whole?
Though the games are definitely unfinished, Paldea as a region, SV as a story/experience, IS complete. They went out of their way to add extra towns, places to explore, and things to do, and extensively developed the story and most of the characters. A lot more than could be said for Galar, which ACTIVELY kept the region’s structure and features to a bare minimum. And with the story, characters, setting AND features of Paldea, ESPECIALLY when compared to Galar, you can REALLY tell Gen 9 was meant to be a redemption for the series.
But the powers in charge literally demanded it be released the moment the region/story itself was finished, with ZERO concern for optimization or bugs, resulting in the mess we have now. A genuine candidate for the best game in the series, buried under a mountain of issues unrelated to the game’s actual contents, which only got worse when the creators attempted to fix them. And of course that’s all anyone sees - or rather, all anyone people listen to sees. Really ever since Dexit, the “true fans,” as the haters/spite-followers call themselves, have only been looking for things to complain about, and SV’s release only massively enabled them.
Youtube and the greater community are demanding EVERYONE responsible for making these games be hung, drawn and quartered, but many of the designers and programmers are GENUINELY not to blame for the decline. Those behind Scarlet and Violet’s advancements such as the non-linear world, item drops/TM Machines, Auto Battles, true multiplayer (which was suppressed into being Switch Online-exclusive out of higher-up greed) and the like, WANT to make great games and evolve the series - they’re the same people who made Legends Arceus a thing, and a great thing at that. They are being ACTIVELY SABOTAGED by those around them, the executive greed and supported belief that the franchise is too big for any part of it to fail.
WAIT, before you start, no, I am not going to blindly defend/victimize Game Freak. They’re a big part of the problem too, and I’m standing up for the new guard, not the old. The leadership’s choices and the smaller, mostly older staff’s outdated skills ARE suppressing the games’ potential. Both Game Freak and the Pokémon Company itself need new staff and directors in their high ranks, who see the franchise through fresh new eyes. 
Scarlet and Violet are not a step in the right direction as games, but they ARE a BIG step in the right direction as CONCEPTS. The advancements made by the game’s features and region are genuinely good, even when you surround them with people screaming that other game series incorporated them much earlier just to try and rile more people up. The ones TRYING to catch the Pokémon games up to the modern day, after the outdated past staff refused to advance them forward for several Gens, need to be placed in a situation where they AREN’T being suppressed by deliberately poor working conditions and time crunches.
The Pokemon games are not degrading. The houses that built them are, and something needs to be done soon. Will it? I dunno, but I do know HOW it could or “eventually will” be fixed, and I have faith in the next generation of game designers. How long it will take for them to be able to step up, however, remains to be seen.
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For the Pokemon ask do Exp. Share, Master Ball, and then whichever gen is your favorite and whichever type is your favorite!
Exp. Share: Your first Pokémon game & when you played it
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Ruby version for the gba (actually played on my DS lite tho). I did some math and iirc I was like 12/13 at the time. There's actually a funny anecdote about how I got into pokemon in the first place – I was at summer camp and there was this kid one or two years older than me who had brought his gameboy and spent every lunch break playing pokemon Ruby. He was kind of the “cool kid” so everyone naturally gravitated around him. One day me and a couple others went up to him and asked him if he could show us what he was playing. Fast forward two days later and I was pestering my parents for a pokemon game. One of the best decisions I've ever made, honestly asdfghjk
Hoenn still has a very special place in my heart for that very reason and some of my all-time favourite 'mons are from gen III!
Master ball: favourite legendary
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Ho-oh, Latias and Latios
I don't have much to say about Ho-oh, other than I've always really liked how it it looked and, since I was too young to play Gold when it came out, when I finally got my hands on HG I literally rushed it until I could finally get my hands on it.
Latias and Latios, on the other hand, I like both the design, their unique typing, and the lore around them (they're twins, how cute is that??). I think that, despite blue being my favourite colour, I like Latias a little bit more? But they're so similar that picking just one didn't feel right, so yeah.
Favourite pokemon of my favorite gen (gen III)
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My boy. My son. Absolute peak design. Jokes aside, this is very much a case of "I don't know why I like this specific 'mon so much, but I do". I guess I just find its design very unique for a dragon type and very pleasant to look at, not to mention the fact that I've grown even more attached to it ever since having it on my main team last time I re-played B2W2, a couple years ago. It looks friendly and I want to be its friend :)
Favourite pokemon of my favourite type (flying)
You know, up until a few months ago I would have said fire was my favourite type without a doubt. But lately I just sort of realised that in terms of sheer numbers there are actually more flying type 'mons I like using than fire types, so flying it is! I narrowed it down to these three:
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Talonflame, Altaria, Wattrel
Using talonflame a lot is legit one of the few memories I have retained of my pokemon X playthrough (the other is a random shiny Sylveon I got from wonder trade that basically became my ace). The design is simple, but imo it works well for what it's trying to represent. Then again, I might be biased because I've always liked 'mons that are basically "what if this real-life animal had a cool elemental power?" 😂
Altaria is one of those nostalgic faves that bring me back to my early days as a pokemon fan. I vividly remember seeing the Altaria in Winona's team and being like "WHAT IS THAT I WANT THAT". Except it was my very first pokemon game, kid me had no concept of how evolution worked just yet and also had very limited access to the internet. I don't know how it dawned on me that I had to catch a Swablu and train it in order to get one, but I do know that I was ecstatic when I finally did!
Another new entry from SV, I was so excited to see this little guy leaked. I've seen a lot of people online complain that Wattrel is just some bird, which I guess it's true, but I happen to like just some bird. Plus, flying-electric is a very cool type combination that makes it and its evolution a lot of fun to battle with too. I went with Wattrel instead of Kilowattrel simply because, visually, I like the small guy a little bit more.
Thank you for the ask, this was lots of fun!
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Obviously, one of the things that bothered me most about SV was that it gave you an open world, explicitly told you that you could tackle it in any order you wanted, and then quietly dictated a clear order to follow for the best experience. At first, I thought that the design principle itself was bad, but then I realized that Elden Ring does the same thing: big open world, but a clear (ish) order in which you should explore it. I think what Elden Ring does better than Pokémon, though, is that it is a game which is designed for failure.
In Pokémon, you are supposed to feel like the champion the whole way through. Generally speaking, you’re not supposed to lose 99% of the fights you get in. Even gym leaders, the bosses of Pokémon, are supposed to be a challenge you fight once, maybe twice if you’re unlucky. If you’re fighting it three times, you clearly need to change something up. Not only that, but because this is a strategy game, there are fights that you simply cannot win. Your level 20 Pokémon just are not going to be able to defeat level 50 Pokémon (without abusing very specific strategies). And Pokémon battles can be long. If it’s a tough fight, it can last up to ten minutes or more. If you lose at the end of that? It feels very bad. Despite the actual consequences (a minor loss of currency and a relocation to your closest rest area), losing repeatedly invalidates the power trip you’re supposed to feel as the protagonist and future regional champion.
Meanwhile Elden Ring goes out of its way to call you a nobody, and says repeatedly that your rise to power is something nobody expects. Your downfall is eminent, and when you lose, enemies rub it in your face. Not only does this inspire the “fuck you, you don’t know what I’m capable of” stubbornness which is required to beat a soulsborne, it also kinda helps you accept the fact that you are going to lose 90% of the boss fights you start. Augmenting that is the fact the game is clearly designed to minimize the issue of fighting the same battle again and again. Spawn points are right near by the arena entrance, death is quick and largely painless, and you can usually recover everything that you lost. Not only that, but by locking your currency in the boss room, you are encouraged to go right back at it, but not horribly punished for leaving them behind. And even when you’re clearly outmatched and out-leveled, because the game is a skill game and not a strategy one, every fight is technically winnable, and not just by luck or an abuse of a combination of exponentially symbiotic mechanics; the only true limiting factor is your skill.
All that blends together to make exploration feel good in Elden Ring; if you wander into an area too high level for you, it’s fine. The worst that can happen is you have to make a corpse run for your runes and book it back out. In SV? If you wander into an area over your level, you lose, and not only does that loss feels weird and unintended, but the game basically handwaves the loss as “not a real part of the story” (except, admittedly, for a few choice moments where loss is treated as as legitimate an outcome as victory, interestingly).
It is this difference in the thematic treatment of loss that makes SV’s open-but-guided world feel so much less intentional than Elden Ring’s: loss in Elden Ring is normal, and loss in SV is a fluke. If Game Freak wanted exploration in SV to feel as risky but rewarding and exciting as Elden Ring’s exploration, they should have designed SV’s bosses and enemies to always match the power level of the player, rather than try to force the player to follow an intended path.
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fierykitten2 · 4 days
Here’s me once again thinking about the fact that we’re getting a Direct at some point in June and what that means for me as an F-Zero fan (probably nothing because who likes F-Zero amirite (sarcastic)) and a Pokémon fan (probably nothing because Game Freak likes to do their own thing. This isn’t a predictions post, it’s just me saying what the best case scenario would be for me
I think this would be a great chance for Game Freak to announce some Z-A stuff given we still don’t know anything other than it’s coming out in 2025, it’s entirely set in Lumiose City and you can say goodbye to the freedom of being able to choose all six of you team without having to reserve one in order for you to stand a chance against half the NPCs, not that competitive is likely to be possible in this game and they’ll probably remove Megas again in Gen 10 in favour of a more interesting, less restrictive gimmick (though will it be as cool as Terastalising? Probably not) Megas are returning. And if that’s not there (or even if it is) we could get some side game info and you know I need the Proto Beasts and Neo Swords in a side game at some point (obligatory okay I’m talking about Z-A how can I hype up SV/the Pokémon in SV?)
As for F-Zero, for some reason (the Metroid Prime remaster leak eventually becoming true) I do still believe that Nintendo (I’ve spent so much time in the last few months talking about Game Freak I keep accidentally trying to call the company who makes F-Zero “Game Freak” instead of Nintendo. Ironically at one point I did start work on a fan comic where I imagined Game Freak working on F-Zero which involved a Pikachu, a Charizard and an Eevee (who wasn’t allowed to evolve) joining the Grand Prix. I never finished it and don’t intend on working on it anymore) could be working on a GX remake (so you guys will just forget about the GX remake/remaster leaks but you won’t forget about the Zelda remaster leaks and will keep on insisting they’re true not that I doubt those leaks either and okay I get it the F-Zero leak hype brought us to F-Zero 99 being a thing (and the day after the release of The Teal Mask and I don’t think we celebrate that enough as an F-Zero fan and a Pokémon fan) but I do remember at least one of the F-Zero GX remake/remaster leaks being from a vaguely credible source and what’s to say Nintendo (okay that time I really did try to type Game Freak) aren’t thinking let’s just do this now for the Switch in its last year so no one buys it bc they’re too excited for the successor to the Switch who’s buying Switch games anymore lol? Or you know they could do that accidentally but you know that’s what the entire F-Zero fandom would believe they were doing)
I’m just gonna say it though, if a Direct features both F-Zero and Pokémon it’s automatically the best Direct we’ve ever had
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feitanswife · 2 years
So it’s not like I ever stopped being obsessed with Pokémon but it definetly takes a backseat once in a while.
And now that it’s back and the Internet genuinely cannot keep up with my content consumption
(I literally open this app to the pokemon sv tag every hour or so, scroll till I hit stuff I’ve already seen, then open up the ao3 tag for it, read everything I haven’t already read/passed over during previous sessions, rinse and repeat every free moment. If it’s been posted I have seen it. Yes even that thing you’re thinking of. Yeah it was weird. I read it anyway. Hyperfixation does not care it just wants MORE.)
I’ve started to reawaken older interests related to it.
(One of them being cringey chatfics with like the entire anime cast and then some, I read them all multiple times so I have a word doc with 70 pages of one I made myself. But that’s not really the point of the post)
So I remembered something and decided to poat it here in case anyone else had this same niche experience:
If you:
We’re born in the years 1997-2001/got into Pokémon properly around Gen 4
Watched the Pokémon anime religiously once you found it
Ended up being gay
What are your favorite ship tropes and why are they “enemies to lovers” and “the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one”
Honestly I’m not even being subtle here I was letting YouTube auto play music and “true love” by Pink came on and I just had violent flashbacks so I made a long rambly post about it because ao3 writers do not share my vision which is so sad. Nobody is writing about My Boy. Someone please write about My Boy he’s one of the best characters in the anime.
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doubleddenden · 2 years
Opinions and speculation on the new SV trailer:
I like what I see. I've heard rumors we'd be getting 2 professors but I wasn't expecting it to be true. The past and future vibes are also interesting, especially considering the legendaries also share this trait. I hope it's more than an aesthetic, I'd be down with find past and future variations of Pokémon or towns.
The Pokémon themselves are pretty decent, but the LEGENDARY POKÉMON. OH WOW THOSE LOOK SO FUCKING COOL. I get Yugioh vibes but in the best way possible. My favorite of the two is Miraidon, but my favorite professor is Sada, so it's a tough choice and I'll need to see version exclusives. Lechonk, Pawmi, and Smoliv are kinda generic but cute, I'm hoping we get some cool evolutions down the road. Although I am afraid Lechonk is becoming just another Wooloo meme.
The rival? character looks cool, and I kind of get supportive senpai vibes. Nemona is her name I think. She gives me Pokémon Go vibes, though.
Interesting that she also wears a school uniform like us and other players- which btw we seem to have a variety of uniforms, including pants and suspenders. I wonder if maybe we're students in school instead of trainers collecting badges?
Other than this, the site claims we'll be able to explore at our leisure without worry about story- this is something incredibly important that they cannot, CANNOT fuck up. It's so very appealing, but I also know it's Game "YOU CAN'T GO THIS WAY BECAUSE THIS SNAKE IS SLEEPIN" Freak, so I'm looking at this with caution. However I do notice that the Pokémon centers are outside ish, meaning they don't waste time with load buildings, which I hope is a streamlining "get back to the game quicker" thing and not a "designing a room is too much work" thing. As a side note I could see these Pokémon gas stations in a future American region just randomly out on the road lol
Oddly there was no gimmick. Usually the gimmick is introduced by now, which has me intrigued. They're probably waiting to talk about it, but I'm actually thrilled at the idea of a no nonsense generation with emphasis on new Pokémon instead of new forms or mechanics they're going to throw away a game later. I'd also be cool with my previous idea of past/present/future variants and locations.
All in all not bad. I want more but I'll take what I can get. The graphics look a little better than I thought too, so maybe they improved it. Next I want to see the regional bird, some cool water and fire Pokémon, and generally more cool Pokémon and less cutesy stuff. I like cute shit, dont get me wrong, but I also want another Corviknight or Golisopod. And speaking of cool, I wanna see some cool clothes and more customization.
I speculate a presentation sometime in late July or early August, so we got a wait.
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syos-princess · 4 years
5, 12, and 13! - stars-sunglasses-and-sodapop
Hello, Meena! @stars-sunglasses-and-sodapop
5) Does your f/o ever get flustered by something you do?
Well, I can think of something right off the bat. We are a couple, that doesn’t really kiss on the mouth that often. (We just prefer other types of smooches more.) But, when we do, it’s Syo initiating. I’m really too shy to make the first move. Though, sometimes, I get these confidence boosts out of nowhere, for like a couple of seconds, and then I just go in for a smooch. Which catches Syo off guard.
But then I realize what I’ve done and the confidence is gone. I get flustered too and it’s a double K.O. We’re a mess sometimes. T^T
(That’s true. But I get to see Jules’ blushing face as well, which is so adorable! ^-^)
12) Do you play any games together?
We love playing games together! Just Dance, Pokémon or Mario Kart, for example. It awakens Syo‘s competitive side and he wants to win every time (which he does). I, for one, am not competitive at all, which makes us a very funny combo, haha!
We also play (MMO)RPG‘s together. He always plays as a strong knight, while I am a petite, agile archeress. Syo’s protective side likes to come out here and I think it’s sweet. It’s fun doing quests with him.
But we like to play „laidback“ games as well. Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley and the like. Though, SV (sometimes) really brings out his competitive and protective spirit again.
13) What’s your f/o(s) favorite thing about you?
I think, that’s something Syo himself can answer the best. Go ahead, babe!
Oh, wow. Hm. I really love everything about her, but if I really have to choose just one for this question... Her eyes. Yeah, definitely her eyes! The most beautiful blue I‘ve ever seen! ^-^
O-oh... (//∀//)
Thanks for your questions! <3
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