#this is the ep where uther is even like you and Arthur have a bond huh
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The fact that in ep 1x09 they went with the choice to dress Uther and Gaius up like Merlin and Arthur is making my brain draw comparisons I really don't want it to draw
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coinofstone · 4 years
1x09 Excalibur
I'm oding on these eps/posts today because I'm avoiding real responsibilities, like an adult.
Is the horse ALSO undead? Did this creature really make a living horse crash through a window to make a big entrance? Cuz I'll hate him more for that.
I'm American, I know fuck all about Monarchy. I'm not totally clear on the Crown Prince distinction. Is it just a ceremony for Arthur's milestone birthday? Like a quince but for princes? I mean he's the only son of the king, what difference could it possiblity make?
Sir Owain calls himself Oh-wahn but everyone else calls him Oh-wane and it's irritating as balls.
The rules for the gauntlet challenge make very little sense to me. You throw it down and anyone who picks it up can fight you. But presumably, you're throwing it down because you want to fight somebody specific, so what is the deal with this loophole? Is it specifically to prevent the death of kings?
How many brothers does Ygraine have and why are they all annoying
The way Merlin books it when the black knight turns his head towards him 😂
Is it me or do all the villainesses in this series have hair that is not straight? It seems to range from wavy hair to messy curls to line, dreads, but all the women who play villains seem to have some kind of styling that includes some degree of curling.
"You could say... there is a bond between us" yea a PROFOUND bond amirite
"I gripped you tight and raised you from the lake" 😂😂😂ok I'll stop
Arthur walking up fully dressed and realizing he's overslept is a fuckin MOOD
Touching moment between Arthur and Uther. The parallel between them and the following scene where Gaius and Merlin are having dinner, a healthy father/son relationship contrasting the strained, toxic, (even tho they DO love each other) relationship between Arthur and Uther is just perfect.
The anguished dragon is pretty cool too.
Commentary is Angel, Richard, Colin, and Jeremy (who I'm starting to suspect just really likes the sound of his own voice)
Colin and Jeremy confirm it's a coming of age ceremony for Arthur's 21st. That makes a lot of sense.
For some reason everyone is mumbling and I can barely understand anything being said, but luckily Jeremy seems to just be repeating things he's already said in previous episode commentaries. They constantly mention when it's gone from France to Wales and frankly their production schedule is stressing ME out even tho it happened to other people ten years ago
Apparently they had to deal with like, school trips to the castle while filming, which is just endlessly funny to me
Apparently they use an actual book of spells in Old English for Merlin's incantations! It's nice tho near them having a laugh about people's criticism of the pronunciations.
Also love Colin laughing at Merlin's obliviousness, reminded me of this:
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Apologies for the sloppy photo cred, I can't figure out how to do it on mobile since html doesn't work. I will edit to correct it when I'm at an actual computer.
Lollllllll Gaius hightailing it out of the chamber when Arthur came in after he'd been released from his chamber had everyone cackling, myself included.
I really like having Colin do the commentary cuz he goes into the details of the story, not just the sort of technical aspects of filming. He makes a good point about the sword: what exactly was he supposed to do in that situation? Merlin is alone in the set up tent with Uther, the fucking king, he didn't really have ant recourse to keep the sword out of his hands - what it ultimately comes down to, is who is the bigger threat? The king standing in front of you, who you know FOR A FACT considers your life to be of exactly ZERO value, who could have you executed on the spot, with Arthur not even there to defend you, OR the talking dragon chained up in the basement that you don't even have to face immediately? I hadn't even thought of that but it really was a lose-lose for Merlin.
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thegeminisage · 4 years
i am late to the party bc i just woke up but if u still want to then 🔥 merlin
THANK YOOOU i was hoping someone would send merlin. im gonna do two hot takes bc the first hot take isnt actually that hot: the writers are p*ssies for not allowing their characters to develop and grow naturally and forcing them into a tragic ending “because that’s how the legends go” when they had the opportunity to end it or write it 30000 other infinitely more interesting ways, if only they weren’t desperate to stay attached to the status quo until the last goddamn minute. (i read the other day that they werent even planning a magic reveal at the end originally and only did it to appease fans. what??)
but everybody thinks that so my other hot take is:
i don’t...actually care...about the knights that much? IM SORRY LIKE this sounds bad. i’m not at all anti-knight. i think the concept had amazing potential and the episode where they become arthur’s little rugby team is one of my all-time favs. i definitely care about them as people and as individual characters. their solo episodes were all really good (especially the ones we got more than one solo ep for like gwaine and lancelot). and as a group they are VERY funny their bonding via bullying thing is charming. 
...but like it’s very difficult for example to stan percival when he hardly ever speaks. you have to look really hard for those hints of personality! like they weren’t given any screentime outside of gwaine and lancelot! elyan’s a little easier bc he got screentime but he spent half of it possessed so like...idk it’s just difficult for Me Personally. UTHER got more character development than elyan, how is that fair?? fuck uther! i love the knights conceptually and as one half of the @cambionverse duo i DEFINITELY understand making and stanning ur own version of a three-line character but it just never happened for me like that in merlin. i did become way fonder of leon after giving him four (4) lines in my fanfic though so maybe i just need to write a 100k knights epic and then i will See
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 5 years
I was tagged by @occidentaltourist. This was hard but I gave it my all, thank you for including me, now please come read my rantings...
my shows (in no particular order) :
Xena: Warrior Princess
Stargate SG-1
1. who is your favorite character in 2?
Xena. How is this even a question? This bish was so extra I didn’t even know the meaning of the word until I saw her bury her damn armor in the first 30 seconds of the first episode. The battle cry, the chakram-- the leather. My poor baby gay brain melted.
2. who is your least favorite character in 1?
Fucking Merlin. I would normally say Kilgarrah the dragon, as the instigator of most of Merlin’s dumbfuckery in one way or the other, but I can at least say Kilgarrah had his motives for doing what he did and insomuch at least remained consistent. Merlin not so much.
3. what is your favorite episode of 4?
Tie between “Exodus” and “Luthors”, I think. Maybe. Any Lena-centric episode is up there, honestly.
4. what is your favorite season of 5?
Probably S1. It’s the most cooky, and the most unique, where they really leaned into the teslapunk vibe and the revisionist history angle (not in a “if the nazis won” kind of way either) in how Helen knew so many people from across history. It also has Ashley, my poor heart.
5. who is your favorite couple in 3?
Sam and Jaaaaack
6. who is your favorite couple in 2?
Xena and Gabrielle. Can you believe my ace ass watched through the entire series thinking they’ve got the absolute Life™, tooling around the ancient world as besties? I only saw the gay when I atched a BTS interview with Lucy Lawless and Renee O’Connor where they were like “yeah it was totally gay” and I was like ( O.o ) and immediately went to re-watch it and only THEN did I realize how fucking gay it was oh my god.
7. what is your favorite episode in 1?
“To Kill the King”. I know it sucks when a show peaks in S1, but honestly? We’ve got the pinnacle of Morgana’s spirit in her efforts to free Gwen’s father, her rage in her failure to do so, and her impulsivity in deciding to do something about it by conspiring to assassinate Uther. And then we also have the embodiment of her kindness when she changes her mind at the last moment and kills to protect him. It only goes downhill from there.
8. what is your favorite episode of 5?
TEMPUS. Motherfucking god almighty “Tempus” took my breath away when I first saw it. It’s always the first one I go back to. The continuity, the performances, the sheer badassery from Miss Helen Magnus…. THAT was a masterpiece of television and anyone who disagrees can kiss my ass.
9. what is your favorite season of 2?
I gravitate towards the second season of X:WP, honestly. They’d hit their stride, and the season was predominantly one-offs, which I prefer over the heavy seasonal arcs they get into in later seasons. It also has my favorite episode, “A Day in the Life.” I live for “day in the life” type episodes, and this is the reason why. 
10. how long have you watched 1?
Ummm I binged the entire series oh…. Two years ago? Since then, I’ve watched only the pre-evil Morgana-heavy eps when I need something on in the background.
11. how did you become interested in 3?
So what happened was that I got to military training early, and had to spend two weeks in med company until my training billet opened up. While there, a buddy of mine had some atlantis eps on a usb drive and we watched during personal time. After I heatstroked twice later in said cycle, I had insomnia for the following year, and decided to catch up on the show-- from the beginning of SG-1. I watched whenever I couldn’t sleep and ended up getting through all 200+ episodes by the end of the semester. It’s probably the only reason I survived that year at all, tbh.
12. who is your favorite actor in 4?
Three-way tie between Melissa Benoist, Chyler Leigh, and Katie McGrath. All three have the knack for non-verbal acting that I really gravitate towards. Some cases in point are Kara’s physicality in Season 1, and Alex’s coming out arc in Season 2. For Katie McGrath, I could point to any scene between Lena and Lillian, or Lena and any moment of vulnerability. Given the right material, all three are breathtaking.
13. which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Uggggghhh….. It’s definitely between 2 or 5. Both are equally meaningful to me. But I have to admit that I re-watch Sanctuary more, and I was definitely more active in the fandom there than I was for Xena, so… Sanctuary.
14. which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
Ha. Ha ha ha hahahaha… 3. Stargate SG-1 has 214 episodes, not including two spinoffs, plus a short-lived animated series, a mobile game, and 31 tie-in novels (50+ if you include the atlantis tie ins and assorted novellas). 
Merlin has 65 episodes.
15. if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
By nature, Lena. By choice? Alex Danvers. She is the embodiment of everything I ever wished I could be. Her close bond with Kara. Her fierce protectiveness-- and ability to back it up. Her trust and confidence in herself and her friends. Her authority and physical prowess. Yeah. I’d choose to be Alex.
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
Strictly speaking… yes. There’s not enough room here to go into full details, but yes. It’s entirely feasible.
17. pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple
Arthur and Morgana. I say this in full knowledge that they’re siblings (hence the unlikely and strange part), but they’d be okay because in my mind they’d rule platonically and each of them would have their own spouses and it’d be two pendragons ruling to protect camelot and the rest of the world quivers before them.
18. overall, which story has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
What kind of question is that? Which storyline? They both have duds, and they both knock it out of the park. Am I supposed to compare bests? They fill different niches, bro DO NOT MAKE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN SANCTUARY AND SG-1 I REFUSE
19. which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
I feel that this is an unfair question in this day and age, as most current tv shows don’t have theme songs the way they used to. They don’t have opening credits, so how are we supposed to be able to ID a theme song like we did in the old days? 
That said, I’m able to hum the Xena theme right off the bat, while Supergirl I’d only recognize if I heard it. So, Xena wins. Xena also wins for opening voice-over.
Tagging: @magicalstripedhorse. @samarallewis86, @cloudytiger, @storyiicharacter, @motorcyclegirlfriends, @calculatingdistances and anyone else who wants to rant about their shows.
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