#this is for you guys !!! ✨️✨️✨️✨️
littlelightfish · 17 hours
This were my personal favorite of episode 26. Feel free to add yours on the notes :D
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This guy. Null Milchain. He is so fucking terrified. He just witnessed his friend get fucking murdered for some unknown beast that attacked them. He doesn't know what happened. It all happened so fast. He is terrified. And I love that. He dies next also. I loved him </3
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When they talk about splitting after Totan's death. The only one who looks afraid is Null. He's always been more objective than them. He knows they're going to die but he hopes for the best. Spoiler: he does, in fact, die within 10 seconds later.
Invar is made to be nice-looking. I hate it. He so handsome. But my boy Null is there so fuck it. Look at him. And then it's fucking villager from minecraft but with a beard. Also Gillin, you were such a nice older brother figure to senshi </3.
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He so scared here. I love it.
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I find this one funny. Something about it its just... tee-hee.
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He Chil but he'll be chuckin'
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Loud noise and surprise bars doesn't surprise senshi. He's an elf, he can't let himself be bothered by silly things like bars.
Marcille, on the other hand...
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She doing well enough.
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They all getting ready and Senshi being ✨️fabulous✨️ on Marcilles clothes. Also, Laios has to sew his pants at some point. They're all ripped.
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Cooking. Thinking. Many thoughts. Or none at all.
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evilminji · 3 days
@the-witchhunter >:3c I am choosing Violence~☆ Got a question you might like!
Who??? Gets the MAGICAL/ALIEN SUPER TECH/REALITY WARPING ACCIDENT SUPRISE BABY? Pick the two(or more-ish of) Most Interesting Combinations of Parents!
Romantically connected or intwined? Not even REMOTELY. Possibly not even co-workers yet! Could just be "oh YEAH, I read about that guy in the phone book!" lvls. Baaaaarely acquainted!
We passed once in the Watchtower cafeteria.
But NOW!?
✨️~ Baby ~ ✨️
The forces that be of the week just... fuckin HANDED one of them an infant. Maybe the child was sitting in a crater after some suitable impressive light show, who knows. Might have been a Wish or Machine of dubious province.
All that matters?
*gasp* A Child.
Wait... wait no. They aren't ready to be parents! Co-parents! With a STRANGER!!!
They didn't even get SEX OUT OF THIS! They might be married! Be gay! Or NOT gay! A robot! Non-human!
Frankly, it'd be fascinating (and just as statistically likely as anyone else) for one of them to be a SIDE KICK which means their mentor and every OTHER decent Hero in the area is gonna try and MURDER parent B!
If we wanna make this DpxDc? Then that baby is? Either half HALFA oooor? What? Half ghost? Half human but limnal af? Is it a Fenton? Cause THOSE Sure Ain't Normal.
If TUCKER is the parent? But magic was involved? Are the odds HIGHER that the child will ALSO be reincarnated?
Things not taught in parenting classes~.
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @hypewinter @legitimatesatanspawn
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Guys how did I end up with 1000 followers 😭💖✨️
Out here like 🧍‍♂️
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I've always been intrigued but afraid of svsss. Idk how to explain it but from the snippets I've heard of it's like, the MXTX universe's version of the invention of the atomic bomb. It's there, brought forth into the universe, and it is so powerful in its unhingedness that it could change my life in an irreversibly profound way??
"I am become a deviant, conniving lil guy, the destroyer of this plot line ✨️"
And like, I'll be coming straight from being in the tgcf fandom to this. With like "Hualian created love!" "What matters is you, not the state of you!" Then to like, idk, whatever fucking unhinged energy spawned those naked mole rat/cat things.
Im excited for it but also should I be afraid?!?!?
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shycroissanti · 2 days
sebastian is so cool ,, love that guy
I'm so glad you like him!!! (*^▽^*)✨️
The next comics will be more focused on him and a bit of his past too :3
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The little purple potato is happy^^
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✨️I do not forgive Khan Doorman✨️
Listen man I get that your wife died and you loved her so much it hurt so it positively broke you when you had to mercy-kill her yourself and now you stay away from your daughter because she reminds you so much of your dead wife it hurts even WORSE, but dude. That is NO GODDAMN REASON TO CALL YOUR DAUGHTER, YOUR CHILD OF YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD CIRCUITS AND CODE A "Disappointing failure of a child" !!!!
HERE'S A CRAZY FUCKIN THOUGHT, you ever think that MAYBE, just MAYBE, if your daughter reminds you of your wife so much, maybe LOVE HER LIKE YOUR WIFE WOULD HAVE WANTED YOU TO?? Maybe do things that would make her PROUD like how you would have wanted your WIFE to be proud of you??? Maybe, I dunno, provide for her like how you would have provided for your WIFE???????
Sometimes I think I'm warming up to this guy,
Anyway. *Straightens out dress*
This has been a public service announcement.
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seldompathic · 5 months
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A classic era "no u" before bed
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willowser · 7 months
katsuki blames the alcohol for making him stupid.
really stupid.
not that he's had a lot, but his tolerance is low for a guy of his size, and he can feel the edges of his inhibitions dulling with every drink of whatever denki has shoved in his hand. it doesn't taste like absolute shit, which is rare enough to have him indulging, just a bit, for the agency halloween party.
another sip has his head feeling a little swimmy, and before he knows it, his eyes are trailing across the room until they find you. again.
whatever the hell you're supposed to be tonight—a witch, or something else in a pointy hat—is really fucking with him, and has since you walked in. the costume isn't revealing in a sense that it's inappropriate for a work event, but it's...hugging you in all the right places. in every single one of them.
without tights, it would be on the too-short side, but—and no, katsuki can't fucking explain this—something about them is making everything worse. and your calf-high boots ain't helping, either.
it's just—your fucking—hips.
katsuki couldn't tell you what song is playing, but you're swaying back and forth to the tune and one of his canines digs into the plastic of his cup, so deeply that it makes a terrible creaking sound and dents beneath the pressure—and that's when a sharp elbow is delivered to the center of his chest.
mina is at his side when he looks, and her wide, freaky eyes scan his face before narrowing in her little shit-eating way.
"you're a pig."
katsuki chokes, and the little freak takes that as an admission of some kind.
"oh my god," she gasps, mouth falling in all her disgust and awe. "you can't even deny it!" and then she laughs, high and chirpy, and there's no way you can't hear her. "oh, you're down bad."
"cram it," he snaps, sinking his scowl into his cup. "i dunno what the hell you're talkin' about."
"you know i really thought better of you," mina sniffs effectively, turning her face up and away. "not the type to be blantly checking out somebody's ass."
katsuki bristles, and his aggrivation growns until the plastic in his hands starts to melt. "i wasn't—"
"i'm kidding!" mina snorts before flicking him in the nose, narrowly dodging the hand he swipes out at her. "quit being a baby and go shoot your shot already."
"piss. off."
but the hero is unaffected by him, simply scrunching up her face in response before turning on her heel to disappear further into the party.
she's wrong, katsuki thinks, because he's not a pig like sero or fucking dunce face or even kirishima, from time to time, who gets red in the face over a low cut shirt and a pair of tits.
fucking ridiculous, katsuki thinks, because he's way better than that.
it's just—the alcohol. that's making his lids heavy and his thoughts dark and his face hot. has him peeking at you over the lip of his cup, has him picturing you in his head when he's forced to look away.
and, well, maybe, the short cut of your dress has a little something to do with it, too—but he's keeping that shit to himself.
taking it to the grave, even.
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normal-internet-user · 2 months
Could I get added to your taglist for DC if you have one?
Also what does the Superfam and Batfam do for doctor/dentist appointments? Does the Superfam constantly x ray you to check for issues?
What would they do if you have a toothache? Or would they notice before you?
(Sorry if this is a lot. I’m currently stuck in bed for a few days.)
Okay Hi yes yea, hello hi DC ask literally so excited forgive me- I literally adore you for this (i can totally tag you in my dc stuff just tell me what you would and would liked to be tagged in<3
Now, I personally don't think the Superfam would use x-ray vision to check you over unless they thought you were seriously hurt, you feel me?
I feel like they're all well aware that it's a huge invasion of privacy, and the most they would probably do along those lines is check in to make sure your heartbeat is as normal as ever ykyk.
How they would treat appointments is also I guess just dependant on YOU and how you feel.
If your scared of the dentist for any reason, they'd treat it sensitively, but it necessary. The doctors as well, wether it's a fear of needles or the offices themselves. You're treated with care, but they can't just NOT let you go.
Call me OOC or whatevs idk but they're all detectives and invasive af. Private information? Don't know her. Them mfs know what time you drank a glass of water at school.
If they think you're sick they WILL find out with what, the flu, cold, or even just a gd migrain.
Doctors office immediatly. No if's and's or but's. Scared of needles? That's okay, just squeeze your eyes closed and hold my hand but we gotta be here boo.
They know when you got a toothache. Body language said it all.
(All jokes aside, it's just because they care and they're all severly emotionally unwell and don't know how to ahow it without knowing all things.)
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elitadream · 7 months
Guys I wanna apologize in advance for my next piece. I did promise you more Mareach art a few days ago, and that's precisely what this is gonna be; but I have to warn you that it's very dumb and very self-indulgent. 😂
Hadn't made anything humorous in a while, so I felt prompted to get back to it for a quick post! x3 🤭
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xejune · 1 year
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pretty sure iorveth's caught onto the fact that geralt doesn’t actually need archery lessons. but hey, who's he to complain?
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gaylactic-fire · 2 years
The way the LU fandom (and outside the fandom) treats Jojo honest to god makes me fear if my own Linkverse ever took off the way LU did. If my AU got big would I suddenly be placed on a pedestal and expected to have all my work to a certain quality? Would people try and fight/ harrass others on my behalf? Would I have people who despise my guts because I dared to set boundaries on content I don't wanna see with my characters? Would those people then try and claim the characters don't "technically" belong to me so actually they are allowed to do whatever they want with them? Would I get criticism aimed at me because of shit people in my fandom did outside of my control? Would I have people still consuming my AU who actively hate me and let it be known very regularly?
All this and more because I made a popular AU with some funny elf dudes.
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@re-is-back-in-black @silence-between-seconds @her-midas-touch @daydream-of-a-wallflower @not-rab @good-oldfashioned-lover-girl @thedvilsinthedetails @dementorfromazkaban @harry-potter-just-posted
Tagging all you guys because I mostly actively talk to you.
I am 51 days away from my exam which means it's time for me to start getting my shit together. (it is insanely stupid how they make us take one (1) exam that'll quite literally determine our whole life when we're so young tf that's so messed up)
I'll be deleting tumblr til then. Ik I promised you guys a smut fic but istg I'll come back with atleast 3 smutfics to maybe make up for it? *laughs casually in obvious attempt to conceal my guilt spiral on leaving you guys "High and dry"
@multishipperofgaydeadwizards dw I didn't forget you lmao I just wanted to say that I'm gonna come back with SO MANY wierd ass ships just be ready I'm gonna make up for 2 months of absence muahahaha
Wtaf guys- I had insta for like a year or so before i had to delete it for same reason but I wasn't 1/8th nearly as emotional and I am now and I've had tumblr for only like 2 and half months now sndkdkdndfjjdjdkdn
Ik some of you guys sent me messages but I'm gonna have to come back to them because the more I stay the more I'll chicken out of deleting because I love you guys so much aaaaaaahhhhh
Please spam me with a shit ton of stuff to come back hehe <3 {but like only in my asks and messages plis coming back to two months worth of mentions will just send me into a dysfunctional spiral💀 wow am I so easy to manage? (/sarcastic)}
I love you guys sooo much and I'm gonna miss you and I'll most definitely cry later today hehehehehe
*dramatic whisper* this isn't goodbye. This is just a see you in a bit * sparkles sparkles* *dramatic whoosh of the cloak and I dissappear into the darkness*
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autistic-shaiapouf · 4 months
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Fruity!/Does anyone have any orange slices?
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good-beansdraws · 3 months
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Wooooo did an art trade with @ruvikdraws , I got to draw her lovely oc, Emilio! It was so fun drawing him -- he has such a sweet design and I hope I did him justice 📸✨️
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logicaldelta · 1 month
I'm about to begin working on a dating sim game featuring my original world and characters alongside some friends of mine, but first I need YOUR HELP with finalising the line-up of dateable characters!
The currently decided dateables are as follows (with varied art pieces I've done of them included for visualisation purposes):
Enatras (he/him): known best for being the king of the Orchels, more commonly known as "dark gods". He's the god of destruction and the void, and he's had a history of violence. Currently he's trying to repent for his past actions by establishing diplomatic ties to his brother's group of gods. He's sarcastic, slightly suspicious, and definitely still seems evil despite his right-hand woman trying to assure you that he's just acting like that for fun.
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Lendelrem (he/they/she): the god of life and death, their main job involves collecting spirits of those willing to move on and reincarnating them as plants and animals. They seem blank faced and unfeeling at first, but there's a lot of complex emotions hidden beneath their mask.
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Karmelerre (she/they): Acrente's twin sister and the god of knowledge, she's one of the most responsible gods and takes her job very seriously. They act put together and strong in public, but behind the ornate doors of their library rests a tired woman, seeking comfort in the strong halls of books. She dedicates a large portion of their time to cleaning up their brother's messed.
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Acrente (he/they): Karmelerre's twin brother and the god of creativity, known and widely loved by mortals for the huge parties they throw alongside their best friend. His irresponsible and fun loving demeanour is near constant, but when it falls it falls hard.
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(Art for Acrente done by @derpoprime)
Soubern (she/her): the god of summer and one of the royal children, Soubern is the brightest of all her siblings. Lights up a room like sunlight and brings with her the warmth of summer. A comforting and kind character, known to fall in love easily. She also loves wearing the worst colour combinations known to god-kind as a way to annoy her brother.
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Purzentry (he/they): the god of cats and adoptive father or Bezenade (god of bees). Purzentry is gruff and unfriendly at first, yet fiercely protective of their child. They're slow to warm up to new people, and he tends to linger in quiet places. Has seen a lot in his life and now wants to focus on their family.
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(This art was also done by @derpoprime)
Lozured (she/him): god of love in all its forms, she has a tendency to latch onto new people and make sure they know how amazing they are. An extremely positive god with a loving demeanour, he uses a lot of pet names and nick names for people, and is big on all forms of affection and love.
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Unexrial (he/him): the Orchel god of death, Unexrial is pretty much the exact opposite of Lendelrem. Energetic, loud, and very expressive, Unexrial is widely viewed as one of the two nicest Orchel gods. As an added bonus, he comes with a dog/bug/thing (Dyanyre, the shadow creature depicted with him below).
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