#this is a queued post i am not hereeee
oni-tengu · 1 year
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goof idea frm last night
[ OCs rat - he/him ; miriam & lucy - she/her ]
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On the 31st of March 2017, I attended my first ever major global artiste concert with the wonderful Tanujja Dadlani. And it was gloriously amazing. Coldplay has pretty much set the standard for any other concerts that I will watch after that. This is one magnificent act that will be difficult to top in terms of energy, vocals and stage setup. I was sooo grateful that they played classics like Fix You, Yellow, Clocks, The Scientist and Viva La Vida ( Tanu and I would end up discussing why the fuck was vlv such a favourite for cedar investitures when the whole song is literally about the downfall of a king) and had the time of my life singing (or more accurately, bleating) my heart out. These were the songs that accompanied me on my long ass solo journey back home from school every day. At this point I am a tad thankful to my dad for hooking up Mio TV back in 2010 which had a free documentary on Coldplay - my first proper introduction to the band. Coldplay was the band that I grew up with. And as I explored more music - my taste ranged from Sleeping w Sirens to Michelle Branch to Bombay Bicycle Club to Maliibu and Helene - but Coldplay would always be there like that snack from your childhood you quite can't let go of or move on from because it's something comfortable, familiar and most importantly dependable. So yeah, everything came full circle at AHFOD. God knows the hell (ok fiiiine exaggeration) we went through to get the tickets. I queued at White Sands Post Office while Tanu held the fort online. #sanggup bahahahaha! At one point of time when we were trying to secure the tickets, Tanu texted me saying that she needed to poop. I told her to bring her laptop into the toilet. Tough love paid off in the end because Tanu got us the tickets. Will never forget the faces of the people behind me when they saw me leave the queue and walk triumphantly to the escalator with a huge ass smile on my face. So takabbur hahaha While waiting for Coldplay to make an appearance, my heart was somersaulting the way it did on roller coaster rides. Maybe it's from the anticipation of seeing abang Chris Martin and friends live. Maybe it's also from the thrill of being there without the permission from the parental units. Who knows. But when abang chris and gang came out I was like AHHHHH BFJDKSJKSJSHDBDHDHEBD WOOOOOOOOOOH BDKJSJSJSKDJDHSJ!!!! The set started with energetic number and namesake of the tour, A Head Full of Dreams and I felt like I wanted to die from happiness I was like OMGGGGGGGG. But then the OMGGGGGGG intensified to OMGDHDIENDHDSJJJDDJDHSJBS when they played Yellow immediately after. The wristbands on everyone's arm turned yellow and everyone started singing along at the top of their lungs and right there and then I felt a one-ness and a love so deep Khloe Kardashian would be jealous. When they started shooting confetti around guess who's heart was shooting confetti around too YES IT MEEEEEE That love and unity I felt appeared once again when abang chris and friends started playing FIX YOU. It was the highlight for me because I really loved that song. It's the song you sing when you fail your Econs mock test. It's the song you sing when you're heartbroken from unrequited infatuation. It's the song you sing to keep awake while burning through the midnight oil as you finish that wretched math assignment. Overall, it was a night to remember. Poor Tanu only knew like four songs- of which only 2 came out?? Hahaha poor girl. But she enjoyed the show nonetheless so it's still $78 well spent. The only bummer was the couple on my right who didn't do anything to me but was killing my buzz nonetheless. Both of them stayed seated throughout the whole set and took copious amounts of photos for the gram and Instastories. I suspect that they were only there for insta bragging rights. They only stood for 2 songs LOL (I have a feeling these were the only songs they recognised oh Lord). It was such a waste imo because their seats could have gone to legit coldplay fans who couldn't secure tickets. And there they were looking bored af while watching THE BEAT BAND IN THE WORLD. It was almost an insult 😒 I think I have to mention the SEA fans who flew in specifically to watch Coldplay. They were the reason why the fight for tickets was so competitive but you should know that they are the fiercest fans who came because they genuinely adored Coldplay. Boyindonesian behind me and gang were singing along to EVERY song. Hats off to you guys. Also, they smelled of minyak Telon which was amazing because I love that smell. Coldplay + minyak telon wafting through the air = what more can i ask for? Easily best night of my life. I was on such a drunken high ( Coldplay reference hereeee I didn't literally get drunk #haram) I willingly shelled out $50 for a tour t-shirt. $50 + $78 poorer but I am a happy camper.
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On the 31st of March 2017, I attended my first ever major global artiste concert with the wonderful Tanujja Dadlani.
And it was gloriously amazing.
Coldplay has pretty much set the standard for any other concerts that I will watch after that. This is one magnificent act that will be difficult to top in terms of energy, vocals and stage setup.
I was sooo grateful that they played classics like Fix You, Yellow, Clocks, The Scientist and Viva La Vida ( Tanu and I would end up discussing why the fuck was vlv such a favourite for cedar investitures when the whole song is literally about the downfall of a king) and had the time of my life singing (or more accurately, bleating) my heart out. These were the songs that accompanied me on my long ass solo journey back home from school every day. At this point I am a tad thankful to my dad for hooking up Mio TV back in 2010 which had a free documentary on Coldplay - my first proper introduction to the band. Coldplay was the band that I grew up with. And as I explored more music - my taste ranged from Sleeping w Sirens to Michelle Branch to Bombay Bicycle Club to Maliibu and Helene - but Coldplay would always be there like that snack from your childhood you quite can’t let go of or move on from because it’s something comfortable, familiar and most importantly dependable.
So yeah, everything came full circle at AHFOD. God knows the hell (ok fiiiine exaggeration) we went through to get the tickets. I queued at White Sands Post Office while Tanu held the fort online. #sanggup bahahahaha! At one point of time when we were trying to secure the tickets, Tanu texted me saying that she needed to poop.
I told her to bring her laptop into the toilet.
Tough love paid off in the end because Tanu got us the tickets. Will never forget the faces of the people behind me when they saw me leave the queue and walk triumphantly to the escalator with a huge ass smile on my face. So takabbur hahaha
While waiting for Coldplay to make an appearance, my heart was somersaulting the way it did on roller coaster rides. Maybe it’s from the anticipation of seeing abang Chris Martin and friends live. Maybe it’s also from the thrill of being there without the permission from the parental units. Who knows. But when abang chris and gang came out I was like AHHHHH BFJDKSJKSJSHDBDHDHEBD WOOOOOOOOOOH BDKJSJSJSKDJDHSJ!!!!
The set started with energetic number and namesake of the tour, A Head Full of Dreams and I felt like I wanted to die from happiness I was like OMGGGGGGGG. But then the OMGGGGGGG intensified to OMGDHDIENDHDSJJJDDJDHSJBS when they played Yellow immediately after. The wristbands on everyone’s arm turned yellow and everyone started singing along at the top of their lungs and right there and then I felt a one-ness and a love so deep Khloe Kardashian would be jealous. When they started shooting confetti around guess who’s heart was shooting confetti around too YES IT MEEEEEE
That love and unity I felt appeared once again when abang chris and friends started playing FIX YOU. It was the highlight for me because I really loved that song. It’s the song you sing when you fail your Econs mock test. It’s the song you sing when you’re heartbroken from unrequited infatuation. It’s the song you sing to keep awake while burning through the midnight oil as you finish that wretched math assignment.
Overall, it was a night to remember. Poor Tanu only knew like four songs- of which only 2 came out?? Hahaha poor girl. But she enjoyed the show nonetheless so it’s still $78 well spent.
The only bummer was the couple on my right who didn’t do anything to me but was killing my buzz nonetheless. Both of them stayed seated throughout the whole set and took copious amounts of photos for the gram and Instastories. I suspect that they were only there for insta bragging rights. They only stood for 2 songs LOL (I have a feeling these were the only songs they recognised oh Lord). It was such a waste imo because their seats could have gone to legit coldplay fans who couldn’t secure tickets. And there they were looking bored af while watching THE BEAT BAND IN THE WORLD. It was almost an insult 😒
I think I have to mention the SEA fans who flew in specifically to watch Coldplay. They were the reason why the fight for tickets was so competitive but you should know that they are the fiercest fans who came because they genuinely adored Coldplay. Boyindonesian behind me and gang were singing along to EVERY song. Hats off to you guys. Also, they smelled of minyak Telon which was amazing because I love that smell. Coldplay + minyak telon wafting through the air = what more can i ask for?
Easily best night of my life. I was on such a drunken high ( Coldplay reference hereeee I didn’t literally get drunk #haram) I willingly shelled out $50 for a tour t-shirt. $50 + $78 poorer but I am a happy camper.
A very happy camper.
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