#this is a bad description lmao but also this kinda is it
theclearblue · 2 months
i don’t know what revolutionary girl utena is about and at this point i’m too afraid to ask….. 💀
Have you ever wanted to stab someone you're in a homoerotic relationship with while you have a coming of age story of wanting to defy the system that keeps you down but what you don't realize is you're a part of that system and cycle of abuse and everything is fake and a lie and you need to break free of it and also gender confuses you?
RGU might be the show for you!
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volfoss · 1 year
Doll faceup under cut (word heavy lmao)
I picked up this Dollzone Mo for pretty cheap because he was VERY old and yellowed (made in 2010 so he's very old!!) And the more that i thought about the direction I wanted to go with him, the more I realized I really wanted to reshell (basically same oc but in a different doll sculpt) one of my old dolls that i got rid of years ago. I had sent the original doll off to get his faceup done by a friend but had unfortunately deleted all the pics of this doll so all I had to go off was memory and not a muscle memory of doing the faceups years ago or pictures. He's not the same sculpt but he has a lot of the same features, ie the pouty lips, nose, and eye shape so I was pretty happy that when I got him yesterday, I could FEEL that it was gonna be the right doll to reshell Theo (old dolls name) into. The faceup was definitely a more complicated matter as Theo had a very natural looking faceup which um. Not my strong suit, I love doing big dramatic makeup but I was trying to recapture the same vibes i had from my old doll. With how yellowed he was, I also had to work with that when I was blushing as to not make the head TOO yellow or red. Thankfully I work on yellowed resin a lot so I was moderately confident that I'd be ok.
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^ blank sculpt (isn't he so cute 🥺) and the first coat of pastels (hard to see there but they are there promise)
I did something a TINY bit different than my normal order of how I do a faceup and moved right onto acrylics. He has freckles all over his face so I figured doing them very early on would make it look the most natural under any other makeup I was doing. I used a toothbrush, dipped it in a warm brown-orange paint, and flicked it all over the face, cleaning up with a wet and dry q tip, purposefully leaving behind spots of pigmentation on the skin as it's something that I have under my freckles so I wanted to give Theo that too. While I was at it, I used a cool toned brown pretty close to the skin tone to add a bit of an eyeliner (in the way that it'll actually pop a bit with the eyes in place versus looking unfinished) and a waterline using a peachy pink color.
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The freckles do NOT photograph super well but they look really good so I'm happy with how they turned out! I then return to the pastels to add more face shading and start on his eyebrows
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The eyebrows were VERY hard to do and very scary. 1. I'm VERY bad at eyebrow symmetry. 2. The pastels weren't working so i had to only use a pencil (which I've done w a few faceups now but it was very scary). It was overall very frightening but I think I'm definitely getting a bit better at eyebrows in general :) lip blushing was started which I'll probably do a few more coats of pastel on them and then draw the lines on and be done. Really outside of that I'm nearly done :) natural faceups are a bit easier but they just are NOT what I'm used to so it's a bit of a learning curve to get it looking like a human face instead of whatever silly vibes I'm going for if I'm doing a more dramatic look
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The sealant is wet here (forgot to take a pic before i sealed lol) but i just did small little darkening in some areas, I think my next coat will be adding some more shadows to the eyes and lips then I'll be done 👍)
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I added some lashes as well as darkening the eyeliner and adding lip lines (hard to see in the pic but they're there 👍) and added some shadows but I finished minus the gloss! For how small he is and how I haven't done a natural faceup in 2 years, I'm pretty happy with it!
And one rq pic of him with an eye in :) I'm really happy with it and I'll have to make him a wig soonish but I'm really glad to have done my own faceup for this doll 👍
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airenyah · 1 year
it's the way i have twice as many bl series as non-bl series in my thesis dkdjdjjdjd
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pairing: ethan landry x f!reader
description: you’ve been hanging around the group more often lately, and they haven’t clocked the way you always end up leaving with ethan. when you overhear them doubting you’d ever date him, you decide to make a show of just how much your boyfriend means to you.
warnings: swearing, mindy is kinda being an asshole but i love her it just fits the plot, also they make popcorn like … impossibly fast at the end but i was not wasting time on popcorn making when i had FLUFF to write huh. no gf mentions !!!
author’s note: this has been almost finished for so long and i finally finished it today lmao. hope you enjoy!
“Hey E, when did Y/N say she was getting here?”
“What’re you asking him for?”
“Because obviously it’s him who’s going to know?”
You rolled your eyes at the argument between Mindy and Chad as you quietly paced down the hallway towards the lounge.
“Why is that obvious?” Mindy countered, and you could practically picture Ethan’s pout as he butted in now, “Why are you so sure she wouldn’t tell me?”
Mindy scoffed, “What, you know everything just because you have a massive crush on her? You probably just, like, stalk her or something.”
“I don’t stalk her—,”
“Okay, you just follow her round like a lost little puppy she has to deal with all the damn time,” Mindy snorted, “I’m just saying she’d have text the group chat, not just you.”
“Hey, that’s harsh,” Tara interjected, “Whether she’s out of his league or not, that’s not what the deal is here. They’re just as close as she is with you, if not closer. It makes sense she’d text him.”
You shook your head even though they still couldn’t see you, lingering just past the doorway and listening in as they talked.
“Why is this whole thing being blown out of proportion? He only asked when she’d get here, not for you to all talk about me like I’m a total loser she’d never be seen with,” you could hear that he was taking their words to heart as he tried to stick up for himself for once.
“Nobody said total loser,” Mindy shrugged, “But we’re just speculating. Chad talks about you two like a couple, and I’m simply reminding him that you’re obviously not.”
Anika put her hand on her girlfriend’s arm for a second, “Mindy, c’mon. You’re just being mean now.”
“I know she’s out of my league and I never said any different Mindy,” Ethan groaned, “Could we shut up about this already? She’ll be here any minute and I don’t need her hearing you talking about how pathetic I am.”
Mindy huffed, raising her arms in feigned surrender, “You said it, not me. Look, sorry, I’m not trying to be harsh I swear. Just no point in you getting your hopes up, is there?”
You took that as your cue, striding into the room and heading straight towards your boyfriend.
“Hey guys,” you hummed, throwing down your bag and plopping yourself down onto Ethan’s lap and curling your arms around his neck.
He looked perplexed, unsure why you waltzed in and made such a show of PDA all of a sudden, but his tense body relaxed under your touch regardless.
His hands curled around your waist as he shuffled back in his seat to make you both more comfortable, his voice shy as he responded, “Hey.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Mindy rose to her feet, “What?”
You rolled your eyes for what felt like the thousandth time, turning your head to shoot her a sickly sweet smile, “What?”
You could see Chad stifling a laugh, because he’d seen you sneak out of their dorm one too many times not to have figured out you were actually dating by now.
“Why are you—,”
“Sitting on my boyfriend’s lap? There’s no other seats, Minds,” you shrugged, fighting back a smirk as she went bug-eyed, “Oh, shit. I forgot we still hadn’t told you guys. My bad!”
Mindy fumbled over her words for a moment, still staring at you as your fingers twirled Ethan’s curls at the base of his neck and his fingers danced over the waistband of your jeans.
You pressed a kiss to his cheek, feeling warmth radiate from his skin as his eyes darted around the room for everyone’s reactions.
“Boyfriend? You’re together?”
Tara was grinning, “Nice!”
“Aw you guys,” Anika grinned, “That’s so cute. We can double date!”
You rolled your eyes, “Maybe if Mindy apologises for talking to Ethan like he’s the shit on the bottom of her shoe, yeah.”
“I’m sorry, I just—,”
“It’s fine, Mindy,” Ethan shrugged, nuzzling his face into your neck to hide away from the attention, “Can we just move on? At least you all know now.”
You frowned, pressing a kiss atop his curls as he remained close to you. You watched Mindy frantically search for the right words to say, before deciding to stay quiet.
Silence hung in the air for a moment, tension evident as Ethan’s grip on you seemed to tighten.
“It’s Ethan who’s been asking to keep things quiet, so thanks for the reminder of why,” you huffed, “Because you make him feel like he doesn’t deserve me. It’s not fair, Minds. At all. And you’re supposed to be my best friend.”
“I am your best friend!” Mindy replied, “I just didn’t expect this, that’s all. I’m sorry, okay? I’m happy for you guys. I really am.”
You scoffed, “Well maybe if you spent a little more time treating Ethan like an actual person and not some pointless side character in a, like, movie or whatever, you’d realise he’s a good person and that it’s me who doesn’t deserve him.”
You felt guilty for your outburst, and you could see that it had really driven your point home to Mindy, who was now staring at her feet shyly and snuggled in close to Anika.
You snuggled in closer to Ethan’s lap, interlacing your fingers as you did so. His hands were as warm as his face had become as a result of all of the attention, and you could tell he felt uncomfortable.
He did, however, enjoy the fact that everyone knew you were together now.
A sudden bout of confidence sparked in him as he pulled your joined hands up to kiss the back of yours, “Whatever. Whether she’s out of my league or not, she’s my girlfriend. Now let’s just put the stupid movie on, yeah?”
Everyone nodded silently, tension still thick in the air as Mindy picked up the remote control, but before she could press play you hopped back up out of your boyfriend’s lap.
“Oh, I brought popcorn,” you exclaimed, grabbing his hand and pulling him up as you picked up your bag again too, “We’ll go make it really quick. Won’t be long.”
Ethan followed you into the kitchen, your hands still interlocked, and smiled confusedly at you as you hopped up onto the counter beside the stovetop and quickly began preparing the popcorn.
“Sorry about that,” you bit your lip, watching him carefully as he sauntered to your side and placed a palm on your hip, taking control of the popcorn making, “I overheard the conversation and got really pissed off. Also just missed you and wanted to be annoyingly PDA’y… Is that alright?”
He scoffed, “Are you kidding? I only wanted to keep it from them because they don’t think I deserve you and I didn’t want you realising they’re right… I’m like, so happy, that I can kiss you around them now. So happy.”
You pouted, “I hate that you think that too, though. You more than deserve me, Eth. And I’m really lucky to have you.”
His thumb rubbed at the skin of your waist just beneath your top as his other hand shook the popcorn as it heated up.
“You’re the best, Y/N,” he hummed, pecking your lips quickly before refocusing on the popcorn, “I kinda wish we could just go to mine or something instead. I’m not in the mood for anyone else’s company anymore.”
You leaned in to kiss him, a hand carding through his curls briefly as he took the popcorn off the heat and set it aside, turning off the hob. His hands then flew back to your waist, settling himself between your parted legs to kiss you properly.
“I wish we could just go to yours too. We’ll dip as soon as the movie ends, yeah?” you grinned, biting your lip as you pulled back from the kiss, “We can deal with them asking questions another day. ‘M more in the mood to just curl up with you.”
He nodded, “Me too. Sounds like a plan. And thank you, for tonight, seriously. I’m not exaggerating when I say how lucky I am to have you.”
You shook your head, “You’re my boyfriend, and I’m proud of that fact. Mindy just needs to get her head out of her ass sometimes. I’m sorry they’re so shitty to you sometimes, it’s pathetic.”
He kissed you quickly again, scooping your waist to pull you down from the counter to stand beside him.
“Honestly at this point I don’t care anymore,” he shrugged, “I’ve got you. Oh, but please don’t agree to any double dates without me. No offence, but a double date with Mindy and Anika would be, like, my personal hell.”
You giggled, shaking your head again, “We’ll work on her weird unnecessary disdain for you, babe. But of course, I understand. C’mon, we better get back in there.”
“Can’t we just stay in here instead?”
“I wish.”
“Ugh,” he huffed, an adorable pout gracing his features that almost made you give in and make up an emergency reason for you both to leave, “At least we get to cuddle this time. I’m sick of you always having to sit away from me.”
You chuckled, “You do tend to watch me from across the room like a lost puppy. It’s adorable. In fact, I’m surprised nobody ever notices me doing the exact same thing back. We’ve been totally obvious this whole time.”
He kissed you again, briefly and feverishly like he couldn’t stop himself, “Our friends are idiots, huh.”
“Absolute morons,” you smiled, kissing him one final time before grabbing the popcorn and his hand.
“Let’s go get through a movie, hey?”
thanks for reading !!!
i hope this was okay, it felt a bit messy and shit when i was editing but i’ve been stuck on it so long so thought i’d post and then maybe come back to it? let me know what you thought!
feel free to request more, i’ve been chaotic with which old drafts i’m finishing lately but my requests are still open — and here’s my masterlist!
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chocotonez · 1 year
sitting in skz lap
a/n: my bedsheets smell rlly nice atm, also this is a touch different from the txt version because I got a bit carried away
warnings/genre: fluff, slight suggestive themes, no descriptions of body shape (reader is carried around by members sometimes tho)
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-likes to have you sitting on his lap while he’s working in the studio
-his breath tickles your neck, facing face to face, your chin on his shoulder while his arms are linked over your waist to reach his keyboard
-you can hear him lowly humming in your ear, or occasionally cursing when he makes mistakes
-periodically asks “you comfy?”
-loves it when you both are just sitting in a comfortable silence, late in the night with the coffee you brought for the two of you long forgotten
-when he finishes his demos for the day, he’ll wrap your arms around your waist and squeeze u super tight <3 just loves how close you can be when you’re sitting on his lap
lee know
-randomly pulls you into his lap just for fun, maybe you get flustered, maybe you just stumble, maybe his lap is cold and you’re the nearest heater
-likes to have your back facing him so he can lean his head against it, while his hands are just intertwined with your’s over your waist
-whines that it’s too hot if you jump on his lap but then cries for you to get back if you get off
-strokes your thighs a lot, not even inherently sexual, it’s just an absentminded habit
-just loves feeling you
-I think he’d like to cradle you LMAO
-so your head’s in his shoulder while his arm is supporting your back, you in his lap, it makes him feel like he could just squeeze u right there and protect you!!!
-dotes on you and teases you a bunch about how cute you are, it’s never serious lolol
-if you’re both tired though he’ll rest his head on the crown of your’s and tell funny stories about his day, tracing patterns on the skin of your side
-always so sweet and gentle with you, it always ends with cuddles!!
-it’s very domestic and sweet for him, so expect to be pulled into his lap 24/7 when you two finally get some time together <3
-just does it because it’s comfortable or he thinks you’re cute if you get flustered
-always wraps his arm around your waist, very secure even if there’s only a .0000001% chance of you maybe even slipping a bit
-kisses your cheek a lot when you sit in his lap, and then he rests his head on your shoulder <3
-he kinda becomes like a koala, just lazily holding onto you because you’re warm and smell good and- zzzz
-it’s so cozy and he feels so comfortable with you, he’s so content in that moment that he tends to doze off when you’re curled up in his lap and he’s just resting his head, it’s so perfect for a nap yknow?
-does it as a sort of minor sign of affection
-if you join him in the studio, and he’s been too focused on his work he’ll feel bad and ask you to sit in his lap so he can hug u while working :> it’ll motivate him!
-loves when you koala hug him, even if sometimes your legs can get a little bit uncomfortable he loves having you so close and ur just so !!! perf!!!
-probably gets distracted from work because he’ll hear a video you’re watching on your phone and wants to see it
-likes feeling your head on his shoulder, he loves being close to you, and even if he can’t give you his full attention he’ll at least give you this
-when he’s gaming and you sit in his lap >>>
-you can hear him muttering in your ear, your arms wrapped around his neck and head on his shoulder, warm breath occasionally making you shiver
-in between rounds he’ll rub your back or trace little shapes, and asks you to guess them
-sometimes he’ll be an ass about it tho because he’ll like trace out a convex isogonal nonprismatic solid and then laugh at you for not being able to guess it
-hums a lot, swears under his breath, suddenly you’re so aware of all his habits, it’s comforting even if it’s disturbing the way you’re resting
-he’ll always ask if you’d rather cuddle, and he’ll always pick you over apex <3
-just grabs you from practically anything you’re doing to plop you in his lap and nuzzle your cheek or squish your face and giggles
-you’re just ??? and he’s like :D because to him you’re so cute!! and he just wanted to admire you
-puts you in his lap because it’s comfortable and he thinks it’s cute hehe
-also it’s easier to admire your pretty face when you’re so close!!
-sometimes he just randomly remembers his super crazy cute s/o and just wants to pepper them with kisses and affection, the perfect place for that? on his lap, duh
-it’s not really about comfort or holding you, it’s just practical for his weird little shower of affection
-“ok u can go now I just think ur so cute”
-mainly for comfort/warmth
-he likes when your legs wrap around him so he can put his head against your chest, and he can hear your heartbeat
-usually wants you in his lap when he needs comfort, he can hide behind you but still hold you
-if he’s having a rough day, he’ll look up at you and open his arms, and you sit in his lap while he just plays with your hair or quietly vents
-loves when you trace his back or neck, it’s so calming for him
-one of the greatest comforts in his life is having you on his lap, your heartbeat slowly matching his, and he wishes he could word just how much he loves you in moments like those
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lynnlovesthestars · 8 months
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Pairing: Astarion x reader Genre and warnings: angst, lots of it, hurt barely any comfort, allusions to sexual assault, past trauma, graphic description of torture, kidnapping, blood, violence, set in act 3, mention of death. Notes: not proof read ngl, i wrote it after dreaming it, and i didnt even wanna read it again, i cried like a bitch cause it’s kinda like…. past experience projected? just yeah dont ask if im ok after writing this, the answer is no lmao... also just a side note since it’s the first time im posting on this profile, but english is not my first language so please be mindful about it. Edit 10/06/23: i finally went through it end edited it.. i hope i catched all the errors cause idk if i'll ever be strong enough to give it another read ahah
Getting so close to someone meant so much for Astarion, and the more he cared, the more new fears would swim through his brain. 
Since you arrived in the lower city, and his bed was no longer cold at night, a new nightmare snuck in.
The idea that Cazador would be able to get to you, and weaponize you against him, made his cold blood run even colder. Several nights you woke up to a trembling and sweating Astarion, as he was begging for mercy. He never explained too much about these nightmares to you, just letting you know it was about Cazador again and again, but he left out the haunting possibility of you getting hurt because of him. On the other hand you believed it was because you were getting so close to the Szarr palace, and Cazador knew about it just as much as Astarion did.
It was the middle of the night when the sound of a broken glass stirred you awake. You looked around you, Astarion still deep into his meditating state, while the others were asleep as well, none of them reacted to the sound like you did. Maybe you just had a light sleep, you thought, and someone in the tavern dropped a few glasses or something. It was when hands gripped your wrists that you jolted up, looking behind you. It was too dark to see, and all you could spot were the deep red eyes, like Astarion's, though they lacked the warmth of his.
A shiver ran through your spine as you realized what was happening, but when you tried to call for the others, you realized how deep in shit you actually were: no sound would leave your lips, like you were silenced.
"There's no need to be afraid, Tav." A deep cold voice whispered so close to your ear. "They can't hear you".
The voice chuckled at your failed attempts to call for Astarion, Karlach or anyone, as tears were starting to pool at the edge of your eyes.
Another pair of hands took hold of Astarion, magical shackles fastened around his hands and feet, just as they did to yours, and then they started dragging you both away.
The deep voice spent the whole travel taunting you with stories of Cazador, how cold blooded he was, and just how much he enjoyed torturing his victims. From one point of view you were already accustomed with such stories about him, but from the other, the idea of Cazador getting hold of Astarion again, made your blood freeze again. You were not going to let Cazador hurt him again. You were set on the idea.
When you reached the corridors of Cazador's palace, the silencing spell finally wore off, though Astarion was still not moving. Terror flashed through your eyes as you wondered if they had already…
"What did you do to him?!" You breathed out as you tried so hard to keep your calm in front of the spawns that were dragging and pushing you through the dark hallways.
The spawn scoffed as he pushed through and through.
"Don't worry, he's not dead" You could feel his eyes rolling at the question, like it was some dumb question you should have known the answer to. "..yet" he added at last.
You couldn't stop your mouth from twitching, between the state of rage that was slowly building up, or the terror of them hurting Astarion.
"What's going on? Can i know that at least?" You wanted so bad to cast a spell on him, charming him into freeing you, but without the use of your hands, you were useless.
"Cazador wants to give you a warm welcome into Baldur's gate" He giggled, as the smell of old blood mixed with the sour taste of the bile threatening to spill from your lips, and you couldn't hold it anymore, and your feelings started spilling out.
You couldn't help then to try and get Astarion free at least. You wanted to shake those hands off of you, to wiggle out of the shackles that bound your magic, but no matter how much you tried, you were like set in stone, unable to do anything but move forward, shed tears, and talk. Or more specifically, beg.
Beg them to hurt you, instead of Astarion. 
Beg them to keep you here, and let your star free.
Beg them to turn you if needed, but spare Astarion's life.
Anything, if it meant not hurting the man that stole your heart with a dagger to your throat.
Quickly you were tossed in a cage, adjacent to Astarion's, and locked in.
The shackles that bound your feet dissipated, as the cage started ascending upward.
It halted in front of an altar, you guessed, that directly faced into the chasm you ascended from. Other spawns, around twenty you were able to count, started taking seats around the edges, sitting all in religious silence on their knees.
Astarion was still passed out, cradled on the floor of the cage, both restraints still tightly bound to him.
"Please, please, please" You cried out as the last bit of your strength was going to be dedicated towards trying to get Astarion free, far away from this place. "Let Astarion go, i beg you" You repeated your plea again, as you saw all those spawns stir from their seats, they wanted to turn their heads, to face whoever was foolish enough to beg Cazador for mercy, to trade spots with Astarion.
Everyone in that room knew what was going to happen, he was going to show them what happens when you disobey, when you run away thinking you can escape him. Instead you were so foolish and blinded by love, that you wanted to take Astarion's place, unaware of the extent that Cazador would go to. Yet you didn't stop, you kept begging and begging until a voice, the voice, echoed through the altar's walls.
"Tsk you just gave me a wonderful idea" the man hummed as his scepter started glowing, and Astarion started stirring awake, he looked around him, his tired eyes quickly widening as the reality around him had set in his mind.
"Let her go, you son of a bitch" Astarion growled as he stood up so quick, and gripped at the iron bars separating him from Cazador. 
"Touch her and I swear I'll spill your guts right here" He spit out of the cage, a symbolic spit cause you were too far away to reach him.
"My, my, our dear Astarion has forgotten all the manners" He cooed as his lips smacked together, his voice so honeyed it was bringing you to the verge of vomit.
You wanted to reassure Astarion, let him know that you were going to do your best to free him, that you were both going to be out of there alive soon, but could you? Could you lie so much to the man you loved? Words were stuck on your tongue, making your throat drier and drier.
You guessed you zoned out for a few seconds as your head was flooded with thoughts, missing the hate Astarion was throwing at his master.
"Ah sweet Astarion, your dear Tav has given us a great idea though, it would be a shame to let it go to waste" He hummed, as the staff light up again, the lock on your cage fell down the chasm, as your trembling body was slowly being dragged out of the cage by magic.
"No, no, no, no" Astarion reprated as his eyes locked on you, falling on the long streaks of tears running down your cheeks as you tried to offer him a sad smile, your lips muttering an "it's going to be okay" while his body was about to give in to desperation, loud sobs echoed from him, as your heart broke at his sight: he was barely standing up now, his hand gripped tight as he screamed through the hall to let you go, to not hurt you, to stop. "This is just a nightmare" He fell on his knees as you were slowly dropped on the cold floor, barely keeping your head up as you realized you were still in his shirt, the one he loved on you.
"Oh dear Astarion" Cazador cooed again as he kneeled in front of you, his cold fingers getting ahold of your chin, to tilt your head towards his. "This is not a nightmare, this is real" His words were like cold daggers through your chests, you knew that whatever was going to happen, it was not going to be fun.
Before you could say anything, Cazador's hand slipped to your waist pulling on the shirt as you flinched away, disgusted by the touch of the vampire in front of you.
But he didn't care, he was swift in removing it, leaving you bare in front of dozens of eyes.
You could hear the rattling coming from Astarion's cage as he attempted to break free over and over again while his chest was about to explode.
He didn't have the right to undress you in front of everyone, he didn't have the right to touch you at all, not when he prayed every night to have the chance to see you bare, to hold you. His thoughts were swinging back and forth between desperation and deep seethed rage.
"My, my I can see why our Astarion has fallen for this little creature" Cazador's compliment almost made you retch as you stumbled back a little. "She even puts up a fight" He chuckled as he lunged forward just enough to grip at your wrist and whipping you on your feet.
Every inch of your skin was visible to everyone, from the battle scars you got through the years of adventuring, to the teeth marks on your neck, down to the stretchmarks that lived on your hips.
A shiver ran through your spine as Cazador’s fingers grazed over the two marks on your neck. “Mh, your blood seems to be sweet enough, right Astarion?” His cruel words hit Astarion through the chest. He was one word away from a breakdown as he couldn’t do anything but witness his nightmares coming alive, not his Tav, not when he would be so careful to cradle you and comfort you to his chest whenever he'd drink from you.
Whatever he was screaming was incomprehensible to you, as all you could feel was the way Cazador gripped and pushed you towards a plush chair, where he sat with legs wide open before dragging you on his lap. You felt so nauseous as he bent you towards the arm rest, making you face the cold grey floor.
You wanted to hear the taunting explanation of what he was going to do, but all the sounds were drowned by the thrumming of your chest and the desperation in your own thoughts, repeating over and over that you were going to find a way out, trying to convince your brain to shut off and dissociate as you were there, like you were just in a nightmare, and you’d be awake soon.
All you could gather was few words like “knife”, “mark”, reminder”, and then “Astarion”. He was torturing him through you, and you couldn’t do anything about it. The worst part in this, was that you were the one that gave him the idea, cause you wanted him to free Astarion, and instead he let it all out on you instead than on your Aster, as a punishment for you both. You cause you were so careless to offer yourself though you didn't know the risk, and Astarion for being reckless and disobedient. Right there, as the dagger pierced your spine, you regretted not whispering Astarion how much you loved him, while you were tight against his chest, when the world around you was asleep, and you had a corner of peace. You always knew what you felt for him, from that moment on the beach, at the shipwreck, and yet you just wanted to tell him in the right moment. But what was the right moment? You might never know, as a broken scream broke through your lips, salty tears flowing free, so much that you thought for a moment that you might have died of dehydration, if the knife wasn’t going to do it first.
He carved and carved over your back, intelligible lines and symbols as you finally understood what Astarion meant when he told you how he got his scars. How gut wrenching the pain was as he couldn’t move, and how Cazador didn't allow a break, and retraced the lines that were wobbly if he moved too much.
“You know?” Cazador asked, as everyone’s eyes were on what he thought was a work of art, your carved skin, while Astarion’s plea echoed over and over in the room. “Our sweet Astarion used to whine just like you” He hummed. “Just a pathetic little child” He spit out like venom as you could barely breathe out few words along the lines of “you disgusting monster”, though you were not sure you actually let them out until, Cazador’s laugh filled every corner of the disgraced altar. Your tadpole writhed as another line was cut at the height of your hips, before, Cazador started retracing the lines and pulling away the skin, exposing the deepest layers of your flesh, the pain was so deep your vision blurred, and you were so close to passing out right there.
You don’t know how long you sat there, you slipped between pain and numbness as Cazador slapped you back to consciousness whenever you'd slip away, you had to endure the agonizing scarring and remember every second of it. He decorated with bloody lines almost all over your body.
You didn’t know what was worse between laying on the raw scars of your back, seeing your own skin being peeled away or the cries and sobs coming from the man you loved. You had to find a way, you couldn’t give up, you couldn’t allow this monster to walk the earth again. You had to do it for Astarion.
You were not sure when he dropped you on the floor, your body barely able to hold itself together as finally you could look around you and towards Astarion. Every face around you was stoic, like they were used to witnessing such spectacle, and they knew what was going to happen next.
You wanted to reach for Astarion, to take him away from the revolting scene in front of his eyes, you wanted to take away his pain, give him the last bit of hope you had, but when you were about to link your tadpole to his to do it, you hesitated. Connecting your minds meant he would feel how dirty, wretched and lost you felt, along with the gut wrenching pain ebbing through your body.
You could barely make out the words Cazador said as his nails dig through your skin again, even when he pulled your eyes to his you could barely read his lips as he said words you just wanted to cancel from your brain. A broken sob regurgitated from your throat as he was going to take the last thing you had. You just had to let your brain go, right? To ignore the teeth dipping in your throat and the putrid hands slithering down your skin, taking away enough blood to barely keep you alive as he took you in front of everyone.  It was no longer just physical pain, it was the way you felt your own body being stolen away and used in way no one ever dared before.
Numbness was all that was left of you after a while, of your barely beating heart while more hands crawled their way through places were you never wanted anyone to touch, then, in that moment, you realized you were free of your shackles, because you were so drained and broken that you could barely do anything. You could barely by aware of your surroundings, of how many bodies were preying on you, as you could barely manage to move inches.
Your vision was all but clear, you could make out the outline of Cazador as he was buttoning up his blouse again. Then you could see Astarion, still caged, struggling to stay sane as he wanted just to take you away from the monsters abusing of you, abusing of the fact that you were powerless in front of them. His eyes were a bloodshot, he was so hurt that he resorted to supplicate for mercy, to let you go and just kill him, whatever that could stop the agonizing pain. You didn’t have much strength left, maybe if you put all of yourself, you could muster two spells before passing out again. 
It took all you had to even raise your hand towards the lock that sealed Astarion’s crate, you mustered all your willpower to cast that knock spell, just enough to let the damn lock fall down. Astarion instantly turned to you, to your teary form still being touched by unworthy creatures, noticing how your hand barely held up, as you tried to cast one more spell, just for him, before another broken scream echoed in the room, bouncing from wall to wall till it reached Astarion's core. The kind of scream that should never be drawn by someone, nevertheless by you.
The radiant dagger materialized in his hands, and for a moment he didn’t notice it as he was fixated on the broken look on your face, encouraging him to end his master, although you suffered right there, paces away. “I love you” You mutter barely, you wanted to let him know before you could draw your last breath, then everything blurred.
Everything was muffled, you couldn’t see what was going on around you, you just felt all the presences around you disappear, while Astarion’s voice was crystal clear through the excruciating pain.
"I'll kill you, then I'll bring you back, and kill you again.” He shoved Cazador on the floor, just like he did with you, to remind him how he hurt you, how he used you, how he touched the only person he should have never laid hands on. “I’ll do it over and over again until you have suffered a tenth of what you did to her. Then I'm going to gut you one more time, and paint this shithole with your putrid blood. The halls of this place will reek with your disgusting blood, to let the whole city be aware of your death and from which the hands it came from” His hands were shaky, but he had to do it. For him, but mainly for you. All that was left of him was you, and nothing could ever be enough to vindicate you.
The shiny dagger stabbed over and over again through Cazador’s chest, while Astarion cursed him, every thrust of the dagger through the heart earned a new mocking insult, a new reminder of what he did, while all of Astarion's anger was channeled into annihilating him.
You just laid there, all you could do was listen to the grunts and the hate slipping from your lover’s lips as he dipped that dagger in the gutted body. You didn’t even realized when he dropped the disemboweled body on the marble, you weren’t even sure you could breathe, at that point.
A pair of shaking arms wrapped around your drained body, Astarion’s shirt was used again to cover your skin, as he picked you up, trying to be as delicate as possible. His salty tears fell over your body as he carried away from the nauseating scene, you frail body barely shivering, and your chest barely moving. He was muttering something to you, but everything sounded foreign at your hear.
He had to move quickly, find Shadowheart or Halsin, or anyone to heal you, to keep you alive. It was in this moment that he wished he could beg a deity to keep you alive, but he didn’t trust anyone else to tend you. He needed to rush outside of this place and get you to safety. 
He didn’t expect to see everyone outside the locked ballroom door, as they fumbled to open the door. They were taken by surprise at the sight of Astarion cradling you to his chest, all covered in blood, while his eyes were a pit of pain and tears.
Shadowheart didn’t hesitate to heal you right there before they all guided you towards the tavern you've been resting. They all offered to carry you, to make Astarion breathe a bit while on your way back there, but he refused. “I can’t..” He mumbled. “I don’t want..” His voice was just a whisper, broken. “I need” He wanted to break down again with you in his arms, but he had to lay you down first, to let you rest in a warm bed, he had to bring you to safety again, away from anyone that could pose any harm to you. He needed to see that smile again, cause no power flowing through his veins could have replaced you. He failed you once, he was not going to do it again. You saved him, twice, he had to do it just once for you. He had to thank you, and he had to tell you how much he loved you.
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slackerlifewhere · 6 days
random thought #3
[Minor SPOILERS for the first part of TCF]
Cale treats his ancient powers like they're his friends. Some would say he "stole" them for his own benefit but I just can't see it that way after everything I read in the novel.
Cale, former Kim Rok Soo, made a connection with these people. To me, they're not just powers to him. In fact, it feels like he understands what happened to them and if he doesn't, he quietly listens to their stories. And the way he talks to them also feels less like a selfish person who wants to use them for his own protection and greed for power but more like giving them the chance to see a beautiful world that became peaceful because of them. It's like he's comforting them after they suffered so much in the past (which is also connected to the healing thing I talked about in my other post).
Like yeah, he's annoyed at them most of the time but he doesn't blame them whenever he gets hurt or bleeds way too much as a backlash after using them. Instead, he simply helps them achieve what they couldn't do when they died.
“I’ll come back tomorrow.”
Cale said goodbye to the rumbling tree as if it was a person and exited the fenced area.
- Chapter 5: They Met
If he truly didn't care about them, he wouldn't get angry for them or at one point, he would've let their voices disappear in favor of getting stronger.
I like his relationship with them. Like they're the voices inside his head (lmao) and it might feel like he has wireless headphones attached to his ears 24/7 but he treats them the same way he treats the rest of his friends and family and it's really nice to see.
This is kind of the reason why I feel a bit weirded out(?) when fanfiction authors would completely erase Cale's (OG KRS) existence in the fic and replace him with OG Cale and give the other the ancient powers. Like I get people like OG Cale, I do as well, but it feels kinda wrong to see them with another person after seeing Cale bond with these people. In fact, I can't imagine them being with anyone but Cale, this chaotic little shit who gives Super Rock huge headaches and makes the others go violent for or with him whenever he's fighting with an asshole. Aside from one ancient power (if you know, you know), I just can't see him having none of them with him after everything he went through with them.
I keep remembering his almost one-sided conversations with all of them because most of the time it's chaotic but the rest are just as emotional with a feeling of deep understanding coming from him. It feels like he always has someone with him so whenever they're silent, I feel like the air is too heavy (like those few incidents when I just want to hug Cale).
I think the best description for Cale is that he's full of empathy.
So yeah, this is a random topic I thought about chaotic Cale and his equally chaotic ancient powers. Yes, I'm including Super Rock who isn't normal either. He's tamer than the rest but he's definitely not normal 🤣 I swear some people who think they're normal in the story are probably in denial like Cale is.
It just popped in my head when I saw the line about the tree in Chapter 5, which I quoted above ☝️
[Note: I'm not saying these authors are doing anything bad, by the way. This is just my opinion and I usually just skip those fics when I see them. I won't stop others from reading those fics just because I feel weird about this one thing about the ancient powers]
[Second note: This is about the first part of TCF, I dunno what happens in the second part yet but I hope to see more of his interactions with them]
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ginkgo-phyta · 4 months
I dunnu if I'm asking right but Spencer with injured knee who feels bad that his gf is taking care of him so much but he's horny and he's also kinda feeling shy asking her to take care of his lil problem but she ofc delivers.
On a side note: cane spencer drives me insane ok thank you <3
yes yes, you asked right!! what a wonderful first request THANK YOU I LOVE YOU hopefully this inspires more people to request pls pls PLS im actually begging atp. anyway, im so loving this request and tell me why i was thirsting over spence w/ a cane literally last night we’re on the same wavelength rn anon ilysm. i hope this piece satisfies you! i actually strayed a lil bit from the prompt, in this spencer doesnt outright ask. i hope that okay eeee but if you want me to do another where he DOES actually verbally ask, i would love to do that, too. fair warning idk if this is still a "drabble" LMAO its 2.6k words i couldnt stop myself, but here you go, my love :] i hope you enjoy
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SMUT, afab!reader, description of female anatomy, oral (male receiving)
It’s some odd hour of the night, the sounds of a black-and-white film Spencer’s not quite paying attention to playing on your laptop intermittently gets interrupted by the hoot of an owl perched on a tree somewhere in the distance. You pay it no mind, engrossed by the inviting images flashing before you as you absent-midedly trace figurines onto Spencer’s clothed leg. The two of you were nestled on the couch in his living room, your head resting in his lap after triple-checking you would be far enough from his injury and that he was comfortable. Although he tried his best to repeatedly reassure you, his current shifting began raising your doubts again. Your fingers abandoned their dancing right above his knee as you pushed your body up, leaning your weight on your hands placed firmly on the cushion to crane your head and look at your boyfriend
“Spencer, honey, what’s wrong?” Your voice was warm and full of worry, the timbre washing a feeling of love and desire over the doctor's body, sending a shiver down his spine.
“N-Nothing’s wrong,” he started with a stutter, clearing his throat before continuing, “why’d you move?” you were vaguely aware of his eyes darting down before meeting yours again, but you waved it off, figuring he was just caught off guard. In actuality, Spencer was trying his best not to stare at your mouth-watering cleavage pouring over the neckline of your lounging shirt, deliciously pushed up by the position of your arms.
“I moved because you keep moving, silly. Is your knee hurting again?” Your hand reached out to resume their traces, this time ghosting the top of the ailed joint, your gaze moving along with it. “Maybe it’s time to put some heat on it, hmm?” you mumbled to yourself and before Spencer could even object, you were moving off the sofa and toward the kitchen.
As soon as you were out of the vicinity, Spencer’s head fell back against the couch with a soft thud, a groan of frustration rolling out of his throat. You had been taking such good care of him since his knee got shot last week, refusing to let him do anything by himself. He tried to stop you at first, but you explained to him how rewarding it was to you. 
“I enjoy taking care of the people I love, Spencer,” you said with a serious look in your eyes, his face cupped gently between your palms, “I enjoy taking care of you. Please let me?” your words became quieter as your face inched closer to his. Spencer sighed at the feeling of your hands starting to card through his hair
“Okay, if you insist.” he sighed against your lips, finally giving in. The giggle his response drew from you drowned Spencer’s heart in ecstasy, and he decided he would simply return the favor some way, some time in the future.
That’s not what was frustrating him, though. It was how incredibly turned on he had been feeling the last couple days. The guilt of you having to take care of him, even if it’s something you wanted to do, prevented Spencer from touching you and he hated that. When it came to you, his lovely, kind, caring, thoughtful partner, all he wanted was to put his hands on you- sexually or not. Peppering your jaw with kisses, nuzzling his head into your neck, caressing your back as you rested on him, pressing his nose into your clit as his tongue delved into your folds; he lived for all of it. Even as you laid your head in his lap, he held back from massaging his fingertips against your scalp out of guilt and fear. He didn’t want you to feel like he was taking advantage of you, or pressure you into servicing him, if you will; even though he wanted it so bad and you were so close to his crotch it was making him crazy. Like a madman, he craved to touch you, to feel you. Your bare body pressed against his, nails scratching down his shoulders, your lips sucking his balls into your hot mouth, wet cunt spasming around his twitching cock. He knew none of that would happen, you reminded him as much after a check-up at the doctor’s office 
“The doctor said no physical activity, remember? I can’t have you moving around, honey.” you said to him with a pointed look after the two of you had returned home where one kiss led to two, becoming deeper and more passionate. You pulled away before it could go any further and dutifully reminded him. 
Since then, you mellowed down. Of course you gave Spencer massages wherever you felt he could use one, but you kept your kisses to pecks and made sure to stay on your side of the bed at night. Safe to say, Spencer was feening. 
He shut his eyes tight and ran his hands through his hair, trying to compose himself before you came back into the living room. “Come on, get a hold of yourself.” he grumbled quietly, slapping his fingers against his cheeks in an attempt to drill it into his head. The sound of your light padding drew him back to the moment and you emerged into his eyesight with a tray. 
“What’s all this?” Spencer let out a breathy chuckle, shifting to sit forward a bit more, as much as he could with his injured leg propped up on the table (on top of two pillows, as per your directions). 
“Well,” you started after setting the tray down next to the laptop, standing straight to admire your handiwork and huff stray strands of hair out of your face, “I was in the kitchen getting the hot pack ready, so I put some snacks together. And then I thought maybe you could use some tea! It’s just an herbal tea I put together earlier- it’s mainly willow bark, but I also used some ginger and cinnamon. It’ll help with the taste while helping you heal, too!” you clapped your hands together in excitement, holding them against your chest like a giddy toddler. Spencer couldn’t help but laugh lightly, pride swelling in his heart, joy stretching a smile from ear to ear. 
“I love you.” Was all he could say as he stared up at you. 
You laughed at his dumbfounded reaction, lightly pushing his shoulder. “And I love you, too.” you smiled back at him before leaning over to hand the cup of tea to him, “I want you to get better fast.” you said matter-of-factly, this time duly noticing Spencer’s eyes fixated on your breasts. As you bounded over to the other side of the couch, you bit your lip as dirty thoughts of Spencer flooded your mind. Even though you’ve been doing your best in controlling yourself, you still missed him. A pout couldn't help but mold your lips every time you gave him a short and simple peck or you restrained your hands from traveling over sensitive parts of his body when massaging his shoulders. 
You leaned back, body facing Spencer as you watched him sip on his tea. “How’s it taste, hon?” your voice had an unplaceable hint, causing Spencer to look over at you.
If he had taken a larger sip, the tea would have surely been spat out of his mouth as Spencer’s eyes met your figure. You were draped over the arm of the couch like a centerpiece, head tilted curiously to the side as your fingers played with the buttons of your thin satin shirt, a couple more popped open than before. He could see the edging of lace peeking out, beckoning to him, the shape of your pearled nipples begging to be free from their restraints. Spencer’s dick twitched in his pants.
“U-um,” he stuttered, shakingly putting the cup back on the table and averting his gaze from you. Spencer wiped his hands on his thighs, “G-good. It-” an audible gulp pierces his sentence, “Yeah, it’s nice.” He tries to lean back and focus on the movie still playing in front of him, but your movement from the corner of his eye has a grip on his attention.
You basically crawl over to him, the leather couch creaking as you settle as close to his body as you can. Side pushed against the back cushion, your legs tucked under you, knees pressing against Spencer’s thigh. He begins to squirm, trying to ignore the tent growing in his pants- but you don’t. 
“Oh, baby,” you rasped seductively, one hand reaching out to press against his thigh, the other tucking his long hair behind his ear, “do you need me to take care of you?”
Spencer let out a shaky breath, the feeling of your hand so close to his crotch immediately caused his eyelids to drop close. The beginnings of a whimper bubbled up in the back of his throat, but he contained it. He didn’t trust himself to speak, residing to vigorously shaking his head. 
“No?” you demurred with a quirk of a brow, fingers waltzing over to graze his hardening cock, “It doesn’t seem like that’s true.” you lean closer to him, breasts pressing against his arm as you whisper against the shell of his ear. “It’s okay, baby, you can tell me.”
Against his wishes, the whimper broke free from Spencer’s throat, sauntering like music into your ears. You hummed in delight at the reaction you’re eliciting from Spencer as his head rolled to bump into yours; his hands shoved under his hands, veins in his arms bulging as he tried his hardest to hold himself back. His bottom lip is trapped in between his teeth, chest rising and falling at a quickened pace to keep up with his ragged breathing as your fingers fully grip him, palm slowly grinding into his base. 
“No!” he blurted out, “It’s okay, you don’t have to. You- oh! You already do s-so much for me. Besides, we can’t, you said…you said so yourself- mm-mhm!” a piteous moan cuts his sentence off and you can’t help but revel in it.
You think back to the conversation he references, shaking your head when you find a loophole, “I said you couldn’t move…That doesn’t mean I can’t still take care of you.” with a smirk you shift slightly, moving your hands to push at the waistband of Spencer’s plaid pajama pants. Before you could get it down even an inch, Spencer’s hands fly up to grab your wrists. 
The way he crooned out your name had your eyes whipping to meet his, confusion welding your features, “You r-really don’t have to,” Spencer swallowed hard once again, but his voice was steadier than before, more firm, “I feel so bad, you’ve done so much for me. I…” a second passes as he tries to find the right words, “I feel so guilty for making you do this. I shouldn’t even be so turned on it’s wrong-”
You cut him off before he can go on, your hands moving to gently grasp both of his as you attempt to reassure him, “Spencer, you’re not ‘making’ me do anything. It’s not wrong at all. I want to- I want you. I miss making you feel good, baby. It’s okay to be turned on, won’t you let me help you?” One of your hands caresses his cheek, thumb shifting to trace under his bottom lip. “I’ll be careful, I know exactly how to make you feel good without you having to move a muscle.” Your once reassuring voice is back to dripping with desire as you whisper against the corner of his mouth, reeling Spencer in with ease.
He moans at your words, nuzzling into your palm and he digests your words. After a couple seconds go by, eyes flitting between each of yours to confirm your feelings, he caves in, “Please…”
His breathy plea spurs you onward and you make quick work of pulling down his pants just enough to let his cock spring free. The sight of his unbelievably hard, thick length hitting his abdomen was drool-worthy. Spencer sighed at the feeling of the cool air slicing the leaky head of his dick. He rested his head back against the sofa, watching you through heavy lids. You adjusted your position to get more comfortable before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to his tip, looking up at Spencer to watch his face. “Remember,” you started with a wicked smile, a single finger drawing up the underside of his length, “don’t move, honey.” And with that you descended onto his cock. 
Ideally, you would have taken your time, but you were a starved woman. As soon as the head of Spencer’s cock passed your lips, you were moaning. You couldn’t even look up at him as you usually loved to do, losing yourself in the feeling of his fat cock stretching your lips. You sucked him in, first working the top half to warm yourself up, swirling your tongue around the tip, pressing into his sensitive spot, before swallowing down the rest. Obscene sounds filled the fervent air of the apartment, the salacious music emanating from Spencer’s throat proved to be the icing on the cake. 
His hands were balled up, one desperately trying to hold onto the leather of the couch while the other fisted the fabric of your shirt, knuckles pressed against your back. Spencer felt like he was ascending to heaven, each suck of your lips, lap of your tongue, moan around his cock, had whimpers and unintelligent pleas mumbling from his mouth. “Yes, yes, yes!” was the only coherent sentence he could form. He didn’t hold back, either, paying no mind to whether or not his neighbors would be awoken. 
His head thrashed against the back couch cushion as the desire to buck up his hips heightened. Your palms pressing into the top of his thighs, nails digging into his skin, prevented him. Still, you deftly bobbed up and down his long cock. 
“A-ah, please! More, more, pleasee!” he whined out, his entire body shuddering from the pleasure. You moaned in response, not waiting any longer to burrow down on him, his length reaching even further down the back of your throat until your nose hit the dense plat of curly hair covering his base. “Oh my fucking God” Spencer groaned, his hands flying to rest on your head, fingers tangling into your hair, but not pushing you down. You stayed there for a few seconds, nails grounded further into the flesh of his thighs, allowing Spencer to feel the way your throat contracted around his cock. “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!” he breathed out, pushing your hair out of your face to look down at you properly. The view of you completely consuming him, eyes rolled back into your head, tears pricking the corners, brows furrowed in concentration as you fought your gag reflex and moaned around him almost had Spencer cumming down your throat right then and there. He would’ve, too, if you hadn’t released him from your mouth with a squelch, moving up closer to his line of sight, panting to catch your breath. 
Spencer tried to thrust his hips up, but you held your weight down on him. “Oh, baby,” he whined out, cupping your face with both his big hands. You stared at him with a fucked out smile, chin covered in a mixture of your drool and his precum which you then wiped at with the back of your hand. “Please,” he whined, his splayed fingers pressing into the side of your hairline and your neck, “I’m so close. Wanna cum so bad…” he pulled your face to his and dove into to engulf your lips with his. He moaned into the deep kiss, tasting himself on you. Much to his dismay, you pulled away just a couple seconds later, leaving your lips against his to whisper:
“You wanna come in my mouth or in my pussy, baby?”
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A/N: and, scene!! thank you again, anon, for being my first request, this was so fun and i actually finished this in one sitting just for you! anyone want a pt.2 where reader rides spencer??? wink wink :D also why do i have this scenario in my head when reader is absent-mindedly like...stroking spencer's cane LOL but it just turns him tf on cuz hes like omg i need you to do that to my dick pls HAHAHA
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jazeswhbhaven · 4 months
That's What You Get When You Eat a Mandrake~ (Beel Butt L-Card Story: Ch.1) *React 2*
S t o p
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Be sure to check out Part 1 of this react first ->
If you've already checked it out you're good to go ^^
So we left off on Beel, Dong-hyung and MC making it back to the palace after walking through Avisos. MC is very much still drunk asf.
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But our cute bby did it!! He carried MC all the way back and Beel is impressed so-
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So Beel pulled down DonBear's pants lmao and left a tattoo on his booty that says 'cute' lol So now we know how Beel 'tattoos' he uses magic to do it. (kinda reminds me of that Misfits episode...)
And here this is how I realize that getting a tattoo from Beel is the highest honor. Also we do know DonBear is of age because he was at the bar in the first place, but perhaps he just didn't earn the piercing just yet because there are a lot of citizens of Avisos to go through...I'm sure some of them don't have a piercing yet.
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Awh that would be cute, imagine DonBear being the future king of Gluttony? (Though I wonder if Bael would be like...uh maybe let's not say that even though he needs a damn break lol)
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Even when MC went back to Gehenna he was still poking around wondering when he'd see them again T^T and he crafted the booty chocolates in the idea of MC's butt that's just amazing to me. (also he's an ass guy confirmed then)
But but but-
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So I jumped ahead a bit in the last react post it seems they didn't' drag him along with them until AFTER the flashback ^^;
But still a hundred doctors??? Damn I wish I had that many at my call when I get sick like dang help (mammon would probs get me doctors, the best care around or I could just see Morax &lt;3)
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This is the part where I'm like, dang what would that do to MC if they ate it???
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Again then why the fuck were ppl putting it in the chocolate omg, MC was literally about to eat like a box or two T^T (which I mean maybe it does nothing in small quantities but still)
But I can't help but not feel sorry for Beel he didn't have to eat all those boxes like a jealous heathen lol
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So it's explained that if he doesn't get the antidote that it will consume his mind and make it troubled and Beel is just like "Yeah uh my friend is fucking dense so will there be any difference?"
Pls. The shade.
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So Beel didn't hit him because of what he said about his mind, but because-
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Our bitey horni king of Gluttony is fucking scared of needles I cannot.
This is just really funny seeing as how he seemingly isn't really afraid of anything but that.
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He really doesn't want that shot lol
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They ask MC though if they're willing to give him the shot and I'm sitting over here like...
(I have to sometimes help my roommate with their T-shots so...I kinda know what I'm doing/ they also don't like needles btw so this has been a ride for the household)
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So everyone leaves the room so MC and Beel can discuss this and right off the bat I feel that MC is me here too because I'd say the same shit "That's what you get, Beel. Now look at you."
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NOPE NOPE You don't get to grrrrrr at me >:( you got one more time to growl
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*shakes my finger* Don't you dare....bad devil...bad boy!
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ULTIMATUM TIME. Because yeah if we're gonna be childish and growling and shit, let's get real I ain't coming back. I'm staying in Gehenna and ordering Satan to kick you out on sight >:(
So it seems the threat made him serious, because he pulls down his pants (lmaooo he was like damn it's like that then...)
and phew the description of his ass
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Huh, I wonder what MC is watching then because man sometimes there's some nice booty in porn *shrug* BUT I DIGRESS this is MC's universe lmao
I just know we've seen his pale non tanned booty on that card and it's nice. I'm trying to decide if Mammon's is better though cause it's got that badoonk round thing going for it...hmmmmm
(sidebar: on his attacker card I wanna be in that club seeing how his butt flexes and moves when he fucks because-) ahem
moving onnnnn :D
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Same MC. Same.
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So he's not gonna do the shot for free. He has bad memories. Hm.... I'm sure we will know more about that later. Possibly something bad involving angels is a high reason why he hates shots.
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Oh???? So we're gonna have to distract him then....
This is gonna get hot...like really hot, and it's probably gonna take me forever to unlock the unholy board because I'm f2p lmaooo I'll just partake in the spoilers when they pop up btw there is a weird bug that I'm not sure they fixed yet for this card's unholy board. Most aren't able to proceed and some aren't able to use his ultimate either. BUT in conclusion: Beel was being an ass and now his ass in on the line. Lol I bet you he won't even remember or care about this once he gets the shot. No accountability will still eat any gift anyone gives MC in the future no matter what. But as always thank you for sitting in on another react by your lovely admin. I am now going to finish that Bael oneshot and gear up for a full Valentine's day of Beel for you all. -your lovely admin ♥( ˆ⌣ ˆԅ)
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comicglitterr0909 · 7 months
Confused. Vanessa Shelly/Afton x Fem!Reader
Vanessa Shelly/Afton x reader who is really bad with emotions. Reader basically had not the best life, and wasn't allowed to show emotions growing up, and so when reader starts catching feelings for Vanessa, you don't know what it is so they are really confused and awkward around Vanessa, also Mike kinda just doesn't exist in this lmao :D
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Even though the pizzeria might not have been my first choice, it's really not that bad. Or maybe I'm just trying to convince myself of that…oh well. I close my car door, careful not to do it too hard, the door would probably fall off. I really needed this job, I have maybe 100 dollars to my name. Sighing I use the key that Mr Raglan gave me, I try to unlock it one way, it doesn't unlock.
“Shit..” I mutter to myself, I turn the key a different way, flip it around, I try everything and it just isn't unlocking. I stand there for like 30 minutes fumbling with this stupid fucking key, and just my luck. A cop car pulls up, oh cool they can probably help me, wait oh shit, they are gonna think im trying to break in. I worriedly look at the cop car and wave, the windows are tinted and it's dark out so I can't see who's in there. Fuck fuck fuck fuck, I try to use the key again, glancing back at the female cop who just got out of her car. She looks nice… she can help, wait, all cops look nice, that's their tactic. 
“Hey. What are you doing?” The officer says as I quickly turn around, I can feel my heart start beating faster, I'm usually fine around cops though, whatever it's just nerves. “Officer! Hi um I'm the security guard here, the key I was given isn’t working. I've been trying for like 30 minutes haha…” That was convincing and definitely not suspicious. Shit. She raises her eyebrow, looking me up and down, and glancing at the lock behind me. “You're really lucky that the owner said there was a new security guard, or I'd probably arrest you. Here let me try.” She says with a smile, I hand her the key without saying anything. Woah my stomach feels weird, am I sick or something?? It feels like my stomach has like… horses running around in it. Weird description but whatever…taking a step back I watch as she unlocks it on the first try. 
That's awkward. “How did you do that?? I swear I... I tried for like 30 minutes…” She turns around and gives me back the key, looking me up and down again, god what happens to me? It feels like I'm going to throw up every time she does that. What is happening to me?? “It’s fine, keys can be difficult sometimes.” She smiles at me, fuck I feel like a fool all I can do is just stand there looking at her, I think im having a stroke. No wait, a heart attack, that more likely feels like my heart is eating itself. “Um, thank you Officer.” Why did I say that so weird, god she must think i'm drunk or something.
“Please, my names Vanessa, Vanessa Shelly.” She holds out her hand for me to shake, AND I STARE AT HER HAND FOR LIKE 3 SECONDS BEFORE AWKWARDLY SHAKING HER HAND OH MY GOD. I'm freaking out, is it hot? No, it's cold, why am I sweating?? “Right, uh, y/n, y/n y/ln. It's really nice to meet you.” It's really nice to meet you? Did I really have to put the really, whatever i can't go back in time. “You too, mind if I stick around for a bit?” YES, wait yes what the fuck is happening why do I feel this way? “Yeah no problem.” I say like a fool, I don't usually overthink things like this. Or do I? Have I just not noticed? Huh, whatever. 
The night goes on, and my heart doesn't slow down, the odd feelings in my stomach continue as she talks to me, and asks me a couple questions. It feels like the night goes way too fast, and I find myself upset when it turns to 6am. Driving home all I can think about her, why? I think I just really want to be friends with her, probably, that's all it is. I get home and lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling, maybe this job won't be as bad as I thought it would be. 
The next day Vanessa doesn’t show up, maybe she never will. I also find out how creepy the pizzeria is and even though my life is practically in danger, I just keep wishing that I’d get to see her again, but just as friends though. Just friends. 
I pull into the parking lot of the pizzeria. Walking up in my goofy looking security vest, I sigh. Yesterday I was actually able to unlock the lock, after 10 minutes…but at least I got it. Ugh, time to try to unlock this for half of my shift. And just like I said, it's been 5 minutes and I still can’t get it. “Does it…go the other way or..” I mutter to myself, before I see headlights shining at me. SHES HERE. Oh god I feel like I shoulda put more effort into myself today, does my hair look okay. I zone out thinking about every possible thing that I could ever overthink, before finally getting snapped out of it by her. “Hey, need help with the lock again?” She says teasingly, grinning at me. Woah, my heart just went to the moon and back okay that's normal. “Uh yeah haha, still can’t seem to get it right.” She takes the key from me and just like before, unlocks it with ease, before handing the key back to me. “I'm gonna hang out again today, hope you don’t mind.” “Hah no, I don’t care, I enjoy the company.” Finally I said something without sounding like a 5 year old. 
We both walk into the pizzeria, without saying anything, as we are walking her hand brushes against mine, there it is again, that fuzzy feeling that only happens with her. Maybe I should google my symptoms. “So how's your day been?” She asks me, with a smile. “Oh, pretty good, better now that you're here haha.” I pause, DID I JUST SAY THAT, holy shit oh god what? What was I thinking?? “That's funny, I was going to say the same thing.” She says with a wink, before continuing to walk down the hall. Everything in my head was screaming at me, I had to remember that walking is something that you do if you wanna follow someone. So I started walking again, maybe I should ask her? She's a cop, she might know what's wrong with me.
We go over to the showtime area. “Hey, have you seen them perform yet?” “They perform?” “Yeah watch.” Vanessa presses the showtime button, and the animatronics jump into a song. I watch them with intent, probably the first thing I've thought about that wasn't Vanessa in 3 days. We both walk over to a booth and sit down, just watching and listening to them do their thing. “So this is cool isn’t it?” She asks, looking at me, I look over at her. That feeling again, I swear I'm having a stroke. “Y/N?” Yup this is a stroke why can’t I answer her? “Y-yeah, right, um yeah this is super cool.” I say looking down at the table, smiling and looking back at her. “Are you okay?” Vanessa asks me, looking genuinely worried.
I gulp and look at her nervously. “Um, not really? I don't know.” “You don't know? What do you mean what's going on?’’ She stands up and squats down in front of me, looking up at me. She takes my hands and holds them. I swear my heart just stops at that point. “Hey, talk to me, what's going on?” “Do you um” I clear my throat. “Do you ever get this weird feeling? Lately my heart has been beating faster than normally, and I'm really nervous and anxious and my stomach feels like it's being twisted up.” She looks at me, with those doe eyes of hers, with genuine care and worry. “And the weirdest part of it all, is it only happens around…well…you.” And with that, the worry on her face disappears into a softer one. She laughs and looks back up at me with a smirk. “Y/N have you ever had a crush before?” “A crush? What's that have to do with this, I’ve never had one before but I’ve heard- oh” And it finally clicks, all those movies i’ve seen are like this, a crush, I have a crush on her. Oh shit. I just admitted to her that I have a crush on her. As she watches me come to realization, I feel my face heat up. “Don’t start stressing yourself out, y/n, I like you too.” She says grinning and looking at me sympathetically. I’m still processing all of it, so I don’t really say anything for 10 seconds. “That's good, I um I like you too…a lot.” “Yup, I realized that.” She teasingly smirks at me. “So are we dating now?” I ask genuinely as she laughs again, standing up. “Wow, you really haven’t ever done this before huh? It’s cute, and yeah, we are dating, cmon.” Vanessa holds her hand out for me to take, and finally, it feels right. No more confusion, it feels right, being with her. I’m finally happy. With her :)
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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American Idiot: King!Steve Harrington x Goth!reader.
Summary: Enemies (kinda?)to lovers, opposites attract, early 00s college AU. Steve Harrington had it all. Money, popularity, the perfect girlfriend. He had his whole life planned and laid out for him, and he accepted that. Working for his dad and marrying his collage sweetheart wouldn’t be so bad, right? That’s what he thought at least, until he got paired to do a project with you and you turned his world upside down. WK: 6.1k 18+ MINORS DNI
Warnings: angst with a happy ending, steve is still “king Steve” in the beginning, reader kissing someone other than Steve, oral(M&F receiving) unprotected sex(reader is on birth control), lil bit of daddy kink, Steve and reader kiss before he dumps his gf but he does it like right after though, reader smokes a lil weed. I think that’s it? Lmk if I missed any!! My masterlist
A/N: this was born from something I was tagged in where you saved the last character and song you listened to and I got Steve and American idiot and the fact that I have seen so many Eddie opposites attract fics and not enough about Steve with an alt GF. The reader is very much self indulgent for me but I left her description as vague as possible. I think the only thing I mentioned is the shirt she’s wearing and the fact that she’s wearing a skirt. Also I added “Dylan” because I really wanted to make him Eddie but I knew I’d end up involving him too much if he was in it at all lmao. I hope you guys like it!! I’d love feedback so much!✨
You aren’t exactly sure how you let Robin talk you into coming with her to this party but you are deeply regretting it. You were standing in a corner of the packed living room with a red solo cup that you took one sip of and then gagged because whoever made the punch was probably already wasted. Robin was dancing with Vickie, which made you smile. She told you all about how she had the biggest crush on her in highschool and when they both ended up at the same college she took it as a sign and finally made a move.
You glanced around the room and rolled your eyes at what you saw. You really thought by your third year of college the whole “clique” thing would be behind you. But no, for whatever reason the people here still wanted to abide by the conformity of the highschool food chain. You weren’t popular in highschool and you aren’t now, you made friends with Robin your freshman year when you were assigned each other as roommates but you honestly don’t have many other friends.
It’s not like people straight up bullied you like in highschool but the atmosphere was very much the same with the “popular” crowd. They all thought they were better than everyone else. You let your eyes wander to the cluster of people all dressed in the black, white, and green Chicago state colors and scoffed. At the center of it all was the bane of your existence, Steve Harrington.
He thinks the world revolves around him just because everyone in this stupid school kisses his ass. The teachers, all the students, even ROBIN is friends with him. She worked with him the summer before they left for college and she INSISTS that he isn’t actually as big of an asshole as he seems.
Steve Harrington had it all. Perfect car, perfect friends, perfect grades, he was the star of the Chicago state basketball team, and he had the perfect girl. Steve and Veronica had been together since freshman year. They met when he was leaving basketball practice and she was starting cheer practice and the rest was history. Yes Steve Harrington had it all, the perfect American life for the perfect American boy but apparently that wasn’t enough. He needed you too.
It started off when you had been partnered for a project in your English class and you spent some time together working on it. It was all going way more smoothly than you anticipated, you guys were getting along surprisingly well aside from you not being able to hold in your eye rolls and passive aggressive remarks towards him when he said something meat headed. But he would just laugh it off. On the last day of the project things changed drastically. One second you were finalizing your notes and the next thing you knew Steve’s lips were crashing into yours. You were so confused at first, frozen in place.
Then after a second you pushed him off “What the fuck are you doing Steve?? Is this some kind of joke to you? I think I’ve made it pretty fucking clear that I’m only toleranting you for this grade so I don’t understand where your wires got crossed thinking you could just kiss me?” He stared at you wide eyed before catching himself and scoffing “what? Don’t act like you didn’t want it, I could see how you were looking at me.” he gave you a smug look. “This is exactly why I didn’t want it, you ever thought not every single person wants to worship the ground you walk on? Has no one ever rejected you in your life? Get over yourself Harrington, I’ll see you tomorrow for the presentation” you grabbed your notes and swiftly exited the library after that.
That was two months ago, and since then Steve couldn’t let it go. You weren’t wrong, no one had ever rejected him and you continued to over and over again every time he would try and talk to you or approach you in any way and it was doing things to him. It kind of felt amazing, you couldn’t lie. The golden boy chasing after you like a little lost puppy. Especially since you were very much his opposite. You weren’t anywhere near rich, your car was an old piece of shit, and you definitely weren’t preppy in any sense of the word. So yeah, Steve Harrington pining after the quiet goth girl was kind of giving you an ego boost.
You watched him shotgun a beer while everyone around him cheered him on, tossing the can on the ground when he was done. He must’ve felt you looking at him because his eyes locked with yours and he smirked. As you were rolling your eyes Veronica’s arms shot around his neck and she started sloppily making out with him right there in front of everyone. It was honestly pretty gross to watch, you felt like you could hear their tongues and lips smacking from across the room, it made you want to gag.
Just as you were turning to head outside for a smoke break you felt a hand on your arm. When you looked up your breath hitched, because god damn this man was beautiful. It was like he was crafted with Peter Steele from Type O Negative in mind when they made him. “Hey, I like your shirt” he smiled sweetly at you. Suddenly you couldn’t remember your own name let alone what shirt you were wearing so you looked down and saw your Deftones baby tee before you looked back up at him and smiled “oh, thank you. I like yours too!” You pointed to his Korn shirt “their self titled album will always be one of my favorites of all time” he sent you another sweet smile “hell yeah, me too. I’m Dylan.” He held his hand out for you to shake and you took his much larger hand in yours and shook it for maybe a second too long before telling him your name.
“Pretty name for a pretty girl” you suddenly felt a little shy, it’s been a while since anyone (besides Steve, unfortunately) had really given you the time of day and this beautiful goth rock god just started chatting you up so you were a little nervous “do you smoke?” He pulled a joint out from behind his ear, offering it to you. “Yeah, totally, I’m down.” You tried your best to sound nonchalant but you were screaming inside. You decided right then that if this man wanted to take you home? You were fucking going.
You guys passed the joint back and forth and chatted for a bit, he was really cool, you had a lot in common and you enjoyed talking to him. When the joint was almost gone he held it up to you and raised his eyebrows “shotgun??” You bit your lip and nodded. He took the last large pull off the joint before cupping your cheek in his hand and leaning forward to let the smoke into your mouth. You inhaled and let a giggle out on the exhale, his face was still so close to yours, he smelled really good, and the weed was giving you confidence so you grabbed him by his shirt collar and brought his lips back to yours. His hands went to your hips as he kissed back passionately, pushing you up against the wall and deepening the kiss.
You guys had just started really making out, his knee pushed in between your legs under your skirt, his hand groping your chest over the shirt and your fingers tangled in his hair, not even caring that you’re in the middle of a packed party. Then he was suddenly ripped off of you. “What the!?” You opened your eyes in confusion and were met with Steve, shoving Dylan away from you “can we talk??” You scoffed “are you fucking serious right now Steve? I’m obviously busy, so you can get lost now. Dylan? Let’s go.” You started to walk past him but he grabbed your wrist “I want to talk to you. Alone. Please?” His demor changed by the end of the sentence and you saw a softness in his eyes you’d only ever seen a few times when you worked together on your project “Dude. She literally said she was busy, why don’t you just back off?” Dylan came over and stood next to you again glaring at Steve.
“Okay?? And I said I want to talk to her so you can get fucking lost before I make you” Steve got in Dylan’s face and basically growled at him before he shoved him against the wall and grabbed your arm, dragging you through the party and into one of the empty rooms and shutting the door behind you. You ripped your arm out of his grasp “What the fuck do you want Harrington!? You are being a serious cock block!! Did you SEE him?? I could slap you right now!”
“I didn’t like it. Seeing him kissing you like that when I want to be the one kissing you like that! I honestly couldn’t fucking stand it!!” He ran his hands through his hair and dragged them down his face in frustration.
“Okay Steve, I don’t know what your sudden fucking obsession with me is. If you’re just trying to prove a point to yourself that you can have any girl or if this is some kind of bet you have going with your stupid fucking friends but it has GOT to stop!! This is TOO FAR!! You’re keeping me from getting dicked down now and for what? Just let it go, you better hope he’s still out there or I’m going to track you back down and murder you!!” you go to walk past him and leave the room but he grabs your hand, making you turn to face him.
When you look at him you see that same look you saw a few minutes ago, the normally smug look on his face replaced with something softer. “Wait, please? Please just hear me out and then I’ll never bother you again.” You ripped your hand from his grasp and rolled your eyes. “Oh my god. Okay, you have two minutes, that’s it.”
He sighed deeply “Okay. I’m sorry, I know I’ve been bugging you a little-“
“PFT!! A little?” You rolled your eyes again, you honestly think if you have to talk to him much longer they’re going to get stuck in the back of your head.
“Oh my god. Can you just let me talk without interrupting me for two seconds?”
“Okay, yeah, sorry. Continue”
“Anyways… I know I’ve been bothering you a lot since we finished our project… and it’s not just because you rejected me, yeah that didn’t help, it just made me want you more but I wanted you before that. When we were working on our project together I just.. I started to fall for you. You were just so real compared to everyone around me. You made me feel like a person, you didn’t treat me like ‘king Steve’ or just do things how you thought I’d want you to. You told me like it is, and that was so refreshing to me.” He let out the deep breath he felt had been holding since you were still working together and waited for you to respond.
But you didn’t right away, you just stared at him with wide eyes stunned at his confession. “Please… say something, anything.” He gave you that pleading puppy dog look again.
“I… Steve you don’t mean that. You have everything. You’re popular, rich, you’re the star of the basketball team, you probably have some fancy office job lined up with your dad for after you graduate, and you have Veronica. I definitely don’t fit into that equation in the slightest.” You looked at him confused, searching for any kind of explanation that would make this make sense.
“Okay? Yeah I have all those things but I don’t WANT them. Most of those things are what my parents want for me, what my DAD wants. Basketball is fine, I’m good at it so it’s cool I guess, but did I really want to spend all these years just doing that? Not necessarily. And yeah if I work for my dad’s company I’ll be financially stable for the rest of my life but is that what I want to spend my life doing? No, it’s not. And Veronica? We may seem perfect to you but we aren’t. We fight all the fucking time and she’s honestly only with me because of who I am, because I’m king Steve. She doesn’t love ME, she loves the basketball star, she loves daddy’s money, she loves the extravagant wedding, white picket fence, and 2.5 children that we don’t know how to love because no one ever showed us so we just fill that void by showering them with material things. I had that life growing up, and I hated it. But you? You’re different. You’re free. You don’t care what anyone thinks and if you do, you don’t let it change who you are. You’re true to yourself, you don’t treat me like I’m some kind of god, you treat me like a person. THAT'S why I want you.” He took a step closer to you and grabbed your hands, ducking down so you’re forced to look him in the eyes “also you’re so beautiful, like so beautiful I feel like I can’t even breathe when I look at you.”
You looked into his eyes, searching for any kind of falsehood in his words but you didn’t find any. Instead he was looking at you adoring, hopeful. “Steve, I…” you didn’t really know what to say, you had never really entertained the idea that he might actually like you. You didn’t want to even have an ounce of hope in that aspect, because of course you thought Steve was hot. You also couldn’t deny that you did sort of like the side of him you saw during your project, and you liked what you saw now. Maybe you liked HIM and you didn’t even realize it. Maybe you did see the real Steve and maybe you liked that person. Before you could truly think about it you put your arms around his neck and pulled his lips to yours.
You had never had a kiss like this one, Steve’s lips were so soft, and he brought his hands to your face and cradled it like you were something precious. You got lost in the kiss for a moment but soon pulled away from him entirely, bringing your hand to your mouth and staring at him wide eyed “we shouldn’t… we shouldn’t have done that. This is a bad idea. I have to go find Robin.” You turned to leave and once again you were stopped by his hand in yours. “I honestly think this is the only good idea I’ve ever had actually” is all he said before putting his hands around your waist and pulling you into another kiss. Rationally you knew you should pull away, but your heart and body had other ideas.
Suddenly you absolutely needed him to touch you, anywhere and everywhere. You wrapped your arms around his neck and licked into his mouth, deepening the kiss. You went on standing there making out until you were both pulling away breathless “Fuck. You are so amazing.” He pushed some of your hair that fell in your face over your shoulder and left a soft kiss on your jaw. You tried to hold in the little whimper that escaped, but you couldn’t and just hoped Steve didn’t hear it. But he did, and he looked into your eyes again and gave you a mischievous smile before ducking his head to place more little kisses along your jaw.
You let out more little breathy whines and it was the sweetest sound he had ever heard. You grabbed his face, pulling it from your neck so he would look at you “I think… since you DID totally ruin what I had going with that guy out there, you kind of owe me now” you smirked at him and bit your lip.
“Yeah? You want me to make it up to you baby? Bet I can make you feel better than he ever could.” He ran his hands down your shoulders and around your back, sliding them down until he had two handfuls of your ass, your skirt riding up. “Yeah? I bet I fuck way better than Veronica. What’s she into? Missionary and reluctant blow jobs? Girls like that never like giving head” you smirked at him, not even feeling bad for shit talking his girlfriend. She didn’t deserve him anyways, Steve was yours now, you weren’t giving him back after this.
You were more spot on then Steve liked to admit but he can’t deny hearing you say those things was doing something for him. “Yeah? You like doing it then? You wanna get on your knees for me, pretty girl? Is that what you’re saying?” That’s exactly what you were saying, so instead of responding you dropped to your knees and looked up at him through your lashes while you reached for the button on his jeans, pausing before actually unbuttoning them “I’m going to give you the best blow job and fuck of your life, but only on ONE CONDITION”
“Okay, anything, whatever you want honey, it’s yours.” The nickname sent chills down your spine, you wanted to hear him call you every pet name under the sun. “You’re gonna go out there, and you’re gonna fucking DUMP Veronica, and then when you come back to me, I’m going to blow your mind Steve Harrington.” You stood up from the ground and booped his nose “Can you do that? Or were you bluffing when you said ‘anything?”
He meant it. He would quite literally do anything for you, not only in this moment but just in general. “Okay, I’ll do it.” Was all he said before he walked out the bedroom door, closing it behind him. You stood there stunned for a moment, mouth hanging open, staring at the closed door. You couldn’t believe that actually worked, Steve Harrington was about to throw away his “picture perfect” life for YOU of all people. If he even wanted to be seen with you. If he even did it, if he even came back.. His friends would never approve... God, his PARENTS would never approve of you. Before you could start to fully spiral you heard yelling coming from the other room.
“YOU CANNOT BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!!!?? THIS IS A JOKE RIGHT!!???” Veronica. You walked closer to the door to try and get a better listen but all you could hear after that were jumbled voices. So you decided fuck it, and walked out of the room into the crowded living area. Except people weren’t partying like they were before, pretty much everyone was silent, gawking at the couple they all thought were perfect. When you pushed through some of the bodies and were able to see them your breath caught in your throat. Veronica looked fucking pissed, she had her hands balled into fists and she stomped her foot on the ground several times like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
“What the fuck are you talking about THERES SOMEONE ELSE!? Are you serious right now? Who is she? Some other bitch on the cheer team? Swim team?” She scoffs and then makes a gagging noise “oh god, is she in the DRAMA club? Or some nerdy girl you tricked into doing your homework since you can’t do it for yourself?” That last comment had you seathing, giving you insight into how she probably talks to him all the time.
“God Veronica, can you be any more shallow? Not everything is about popularity or some fucking club. We aren’t in highschool anymore, grow up.” You looked over at Steve who honestly looked like he would rather be doing anything but having this conversation right now. “That’s rich, coming from you, KING STEVE!!! Since when do you not care about all those things? I thought that was our whole thing?” She let out a dry laugh “you think anyone else really wants to deal with you? I only dealt with you because of all the perks that came with having a life with you. You think I actually loved you? You think anyone will really love you and your pathetic, whiny, daddy issues bullshit??” Steve looked stunned, he knew she felt that way but hearing it coming out of her mouth hurt a little. He never really loved her but there was a point when he did at least actually like her.
You couldn’t take it, between what she said to him and the look on his face you snapped. You walked over there without even caring about the consequences and got directly in her face. “You’re. Wrong.” You snarled at her.
“Excuse me, what? And what the fuck does it matter to you, mistress of the dark??” She looked you up and down with disgust.
“It matters a whole lot to me actually, because I DO like Steve. I don’t give a fuck about his popularity, or basketball, or how much money he has. I don’t need any of those things because he’s so much more than that!” You thought back to when you worked on the project together, at the time you hadn’t really allowed yourself to notice how different Steve was with you but he was. He told dumb jokes, he smiled sweetly at you and fumbled over his words. When you would tell him like it was, or act annoyed by him he didn’t say anything, just took it. You guys would talk sometimes for an hour or more after you had already finished working, and In that moment you realized that he let you see parts of him he probably didn’t show to anyone, you were just too dumb to see it. “He’s funny, like the stupid kind of dad funny that’s kind of embarrassing but down right endearing at its core. He’s sweet, caring, and listens to me when I talk. He’s not stupid, he’s incredibly smart. You just never took the time to see him and you’re the biggest fucking idiot for it!!” You didn’t move, stayed directly in her face, staring into her eyes daring her to do something.
Her eyes widened and then slanted into a glare “HA!!! Oh my god!!! You’re dumping me for this freak!? You’re even more of a joke than I thought Harrington! Talk about a downgrade, you really think your parents would ever approve of HER? Your dad would cut you off as soon as he saw her, your mom would-“
“THAT'S ENOUGH!!! Just SHUT. UP. For once in your fucking life Veronica stop talking! Don’t talk to her like that, you don’t know anything about her. Or me for that matter. Stay the fuck away from us.” Steve grabbed your hand and started dragging you away towards the front door “come on baby, we are leaving” you let him drag you to the door but before you walked out you turned around and flipped Veronica off “I win, you lose! Dumb bitch!” You stuck her tongue out at her and started cracking up at her stunned face on the way out.
Steve took you back to his apartment, your immediate reaction was to feel uncomfortable because of course even his apartment was way nicer than yours. But before you could even really get a look around he was on you. Kissing you in a way that made you feel like you were going to melt into a puddle on his carpet. You pulled away from him and smirked at him before dropping down on your knees in front of him and he felt himself starting to get hard instantly. “I believe I promised you the best blow job of your life, did I not?”
He reached down and caressed your cheek “Yeah you did pretty girl, but honestly you don’t have to, we can just watch a movie or cuddle or something. I wanna do this right with you. I don’t want you to think that’s all I want, ya know?”
“Hey Steve?” You smiled up at him sweetly “yeah sweetie?” You reached for the button on his jeans and popped it open before pulling his zipper down, placing a gentle kiss on the small sliver of skin exposed where his shirt rode up “Stop talking. I want to, I like doing it. If I’m being honest I wanna suck your cock so so bad Stevie” he groaned at that “fuck, yeah, okay baby. Whatever you want.” You smiled at him triumphantly before grabbing his pants and boxers and pulling them down in one swift motion.
His cock sprang out and you forgot how to talk for a moment because holy shit it was the biggest and most beautiful cock you’ve ever seen. “Wow…” was all you could manage, spitting on your hand and wrapping your hand around his girth, giving him a few strokes before leaning up to kitten lick the salty precum from his tip. “Oh shiiit that feels so good” you gave him a few more licks before abruptly taking as much of him as you could at once. He involuntarily jerked forward sending his cock further down your throat, causing you to gag before he pulled back “oh shit, I’m so sorry”
“Don’t be, I like it” you said before you took him back down your throat as far as you could, causing yourself to gag again before pulling back and repeating the action causing spit to drip down your chin and all over Steve’s cock. Steve was a mess, he was making whining sounds he’s never heard from himself and he seriously needed you to stop soon or he was going to bust before he even got to fuck you.
You pulled off and looked up at him “I want you to fuck my face, daddy” that was it, he was obsessed with you. “Oh god, I want that too baby girl but I will seriously cum if I do that right now and I really really want to fuck you.” He pulled his pants up before pulling you up on your feet grabbing your hand and walking towards the bedroom. He closed the door behind him and turned to place a gentle kiss on your lips when he pulled back you pulled your shirt over your head and his eyes nearly popped out when he saw you weren’t wearing a bra “holy shit honey… these are the best fucking tits I’ve ever seen” he grabbed them in his large hands, squeezing them before he leaned down to take an already hardened nipple in his mouth. “Mmm daddy, your mouth feels so good.” He groaned at the sound of you calling him daddy again. He’s always wanted a girl to call him that, it’s just no one he’s been with has been into it and you calling him that in your own accord was making him crazy.
“I know where it’ll feel even better.” He said before pushing you back until you were laying on his mattress with your legs hanging off. You propped yourself up on your hands so you could look at him. “God, you are so fucking gorgeous I’m not sure how you’re real. Sitting all pretty on my bed with those beautiful tits out. I can’t wait to see the rest of you” He pulled his shirt over his head and you didn’t even have time to properly ogle him before he got down on his knees in front of the bed and ran his hands up your legs until he was at the bottom of your skirt. He looked to you for permission, and you nodded excitedly. That was all he needed before he was pushing the front of your skirt up to reveal your red lace thong that had a very obvious wet patch.
“Look at these pretty little panties… too bad they have to go.” He looped his fingers in the band and ripped them off, throwing them over his shoulder. “This pussys is waaaay prettier than those panties anyways, god damn.” He started kissing your calves and the inside of your knees, leaving soft kisses and little bites as he made his way up to your thighs. He bit into the meat of your thigh before soothing it with his tongue and repeating the action on the other side. He left little kisses and licks down your inner thighs until he reached the spot you wanted him most. He kissed the top of your mound and then held his mouth over your clit for a minute letting his breath hit you while he looked you in the eyes “I’m going to fucking devour you”
He licked a stripe all the way up your entrance and to your clit, circling it a few times before sucking on it. Your hands reached down and tangled in his hair and your back arched immediately. “Jesus Christ Steve, your mouth feels so fucking good.” You whined.
He unlatched from your clit to look up at you “Steve? There’s no Steve here right now, only daddy.” You outright moaned at that and he smirked, circling a finger around your entrance before pushing it inside you. “Fuuuck daddy, that feels so fucking good. Put your mouth back on me, please?” You looked down at him with big round eyes and he felt like he was actually going to cum in his pants this time. His tongue started circling and sucking on your sensitive clit, he slid a second finger inside you and that was it for you.
You came so hard, probably the hardest you’ve ever cum in your life. Your grip on his hair tightened and you rocked your hips against his face “oh f-fuckkkk fuck, holy shit.” You pushed his face away “s-sensitive, come here” you reached your arms out for him and he put his arms on either side of your head, looking down at you adoringly. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a heated kiss, groaning when you tasted yourself on his tongue. “Please please fuck me now, I want you so bad” you couldn’t even believe you thought you hated him just a few hours ago and now you were laying under him begging for his cock. He stood up and took his still unbuttoned pants off, now standing completely naked before you.
“God damn.. you are so fucking HOT holy shiiiiit, get over here and fuck me right now.” You pulled your skirt off and scooted up to the head of his bed and spread your legs wide open “how do you want me, daddy?” You giggled a little, feeling high on him. “Fuck, baby, will you ride me?” He walked over to the side of the bed and looked at your naked form, biting his lip. You grabbed his wrists pulling him down on the bed, pushing him on his back and climbing on top of him. You ground down on his dick, sliding your pussy easily up and down his length with your wetness. “Condom?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you. “I’m on the pill, I wanna feel you, I want you to fill me up.” His eyes rolled in the back of his head “oh goddd, fuck. Yeah? You want me to fuck you full of my cum?” You didn’t even answer, just raised yourself up so you could line his cock up with your entrance and began to sink down on it.
“Holy fuuuck baby, that feels so good.” You were still holding his cock, sliding the head in and out of you slowly adding more of him inside you with each thrust until he was fully inside you and you could feel his hair at the base rubbing against your clit. You just sat there for a second, adjusting to his size. “Oh shit, you are so fucking tight oh my god.” You move back and forth, just the slightest rock of your hips. “Fuck daddy, you’re so big. I feel so full.” You whimpered. You raised up until you reached the head of his cock and then slammed back down out of nowhere and he let out a moan that you wanted to record and use as your fucking alarm clock. That egged you on, you started riding him hard and fast after that, sitting up fully with your hands on his chest to stabilize you. His hands were on your hips, head thrown back, he felt like all he could do was moan. He was pretty sure you were sucking his soul out of his dick and he had never felt this good in his entire life.
“Jesus Christ, you are such a good girl. You look so fucking beautiful riding my cock.” He moved his hands to your ass and slammed up into you, quite literally fucking the shit out of you. He moved his thumb up to your lips “Suck.” You took it in your mouth and swirled your tongue around it a few times before he pulled it out with a ‘pop!’ And brought it to your clit. Rubbing tight slow circles on the bud. “F-fuck, I’m g-gonna I’m gonna cum” he started fucking you faster, the circles on your clit got quicker “cum for me, cum on my cock like a good girl” your orgasm hit you hard, falling forward on Steve’s chest, letting out loud moans and pulling on his hair. That combined with the feeling of you clenching around him had Steve cumming right after you, filling you up just as promised. “Holy shit, holy fuck, I’m fucking cumming! God baby you feel so fucking good!”
You both just laid there for a moment, catching your breath and coming back into your bodies. You placed a soft kiss on his chest and sat up to look at him. “Wow Stevie. That was amazing, seriously.” He gave you a huge smile “Yeah it was. Holy shit. I’m obsessed with you.” You sent him a shy smile and tried to hide your face on your shoulder but he put his hand on your chin and made you look at him “Hey” he said your name softly “I mean it, I really fucking like you. I really do think you’re beautiful, you literally ruined me for any other woman ever. I’ve never met anyone like you. I’d really like to take you on a real date, like you deserve. If you’ll let me.” He gave you the most bashful adorable smile ever but you couldn’t help the little laugh that escaped you “Steve. You’re literally still inside me right now and you think I don’t want to go on a date with you?” He shrugged and chuckled, “I just wanted to make sure, I didn’t want to assume anything, ya know?”
You rolled off of him to lay next to him, resting your chin on his chest. “Of course I want to go on a date with you silly. It took me a minute to realize it, but I think I’m kind of obsessed with you too, Steve Harrington.” You tilted your head up to kiss him, soft and sweet, different from all the other kisses. “I just hope I didn’t ruin everything for you. I feel like you threw everything away for me.” You sighed and looked down at his chest, running your fingers through the hair there. He said your name more sternly than you were expecting “Look at me.” You looked up into his eyes and suddenly felt extremely shy under his intense gaze. “You didn’t ruin anything, you made everything better, you saved me from a life I was miserable in. I’ve never been more happy than I am at this moment. I don’t give a fuck what my so called “friends” or my parents think anymore. I did it for you, of course, but also for the first time in my life I did something for myself too. I’m not sure what exactly my life is going to look like now, but I know if you’re in it, it’s going to be beautiful.”
You felt tears welling up in your eyes at that, no one had ever said anything like the things Steve had said to you tonight. He kept talking so much about how you see him that you didn’t even realize how much he saw you too. “I think so too Stevie.” He saw you and you saw him, and the rest you would figure out together.
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roanniom · 2 years
The Shift - Part 2
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 9k~
Read Part 1 Here
Note: You can blame @millenialcatlady (lovingly) for the angst in this part. She is reminding me daily to appreciate a wider range of emotions in fic (i.e. more than horniness) and that spilled out big time here. You can also thank her for the length, because without the part that happens mid way, this part - as originally planned - would have been literally half as long lmao
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, PIV sex / Unprotected sex / Car sex / semi public sex, fingering, teasing, dirty talk, slight degradation, slight praise kink, kinda inappropriate PDA in a grocery store, brief mention of masturbation (m), mentions of food and food consumption, Angst with a capital A (you are pretty mean to Steve at a certain point but then we realize you might have intimacy issues), enemies to lovers continuation
Steve is fucked. He knows it from the minute he touches you that he’s crossed a line he’s not going to be able to uncross. But you just got under his skin so much and on his nerves so frequently and the heat in that back room had been so unbearable he wanted to rip his clothes off - and yours in the process.
And that’s what’s got him banging his head against the counter today, while he sits overly early for his morning shift. He almost could have gotten away with blaming the heat - both the heat of the moment and the heat in that damn back room. He almost could have been able to chalk it up to a mix of repeated-bad-date-blue-balls and a hyperactive sex drive in need of an outlet.
But then he’d called you sweetheart. And you’d reacted like that.
And he’d said what he said.
He’d called you sweetheart and you’d positively clenched around him. You’d moaned and opened up even more for him and suddenly he’d confessed to having always wanted to be sweet with you.
It wasn’t a false statement. He’d spent hours at home, especially after particularly long shifts, touching himself to thoughts of you. It always had the same pattern - it always started out with frustration. Fantasies of shutting you up with his cock in your mouth, or pushing you onto the checkout counter and fucking you where anyone could walk in and see. But they always melted into something different. Something slower. Deeper. Lips clashing and hands roaming. Harsh pants and expletives became low moans and whimpers.
And your face.
In his fantasies your face always opened up. Gone was the judgmental frown, the challenging quirk of your brow. Instead, you always gazed up at him in wonder. Lips parted in a silent gasp. Eyebrows knitted together in startled pleasure, like you were teetering on the edge of crying.
Intentional or not, that is what he had been alluding to when he said he wanted to be sweet with you. And your reaction was like a beat out of those fantasies. The only bad part about it was that he didn’t get to see your face when it happened.
Robin’s sudden presence had thrown a wrench in everything. The two of you had scrambled apart before he’d even had a chance to consider what you both had just done. Steve had never pulled up and buttoned his pants so fast in his entire life, and when he’d looked over at you your eyes were wide with panic, hands manically tucking your shirt back into your jeans.
The jeans he’d just admitted to getting so turned on by only minutes ago.
Your shirt, however, was ridiculously askew, but you apparently hadn’t noticed it because you’d moved on to smoothing your hair and attempting to arrange yourself in a casual pose next to the vending machine as Robin approached the door.
Steve had lunged forward and adjusted your shirt and you had glanced up at him, startled by his sudden action but then softening at the gentleness of his touch.
Your eye contact only had a moment to simmer though because he’d had to jump back again as Robin barreled through the door, launching straight into a lengthy description of every exchange, look, and breath that occurred during her date.
Steve was happy for his friend. He really was. It had been such a long time in coming and he was so happy Robin was finally on the path towards actual, tangible romance.
But currently Steve is too bogged down with his own actual, tangible - what even should he call it? Definitely not romance. A hate fuck? Couldn’t be that, not after what he said and how you’d reacted. Steve continues putting Family Video stickers on the boxes of the new shipment of tapes that had come in the night before. Every few moments his eyes flick towards the door, both desperately awaiting and desperately dreading your impending arrival. It’s Sunday morning - the shift you usually work together, the previous day having been out of the ordinary what with you covering for Robin.
More often than not these shifts aren’t memorable. The two of you orbit around one another on a wave of sarcasm and antagonism, but other than that the day usually passes by quickly. Perhaps because he spends all of his time and energy trying to think of new ways to annoy you and make the cute angry furrow appear on your brow.
But today will be different. Because now he’s been inside you.
Steve abruptly slams his head into the counter, letting the intrusive thoughts finally take over, but a voice interrupts his self-flagellation.
“How could something possibly be wrong with you already? The day just started.”
Robin’s voice rings out along with the bell as she enters the front door, shouldering on her Family Video uniform vest. Steve’s mouth goes dry.
“What are you…this isn’t your shift.”
“Nice to see you, too, Steve,” Robin says, patting the back of his hand over the counter before walking towards the back room to put her bag down. Steve jogs after her.
“Yeah, nice to see ya - but seriously. You don’t work Sunday mornings.”
Robin places her bag down and turns to Steve with her hands on her hips.
“I picked up the shift. That something you need to be made aware of? Should I have called you last night and informed you ahead of time?”
“Well I mean, first of all yes because I’m usually your ride,” Steve points out, rubbing the back of his neck. “How did you - ?”
“The bus. I am capable of public transportation, Harrington. There was a time before you graced my life with your presence, you know.” Robin breezes past him and walks back onto the main floor, grabbing onto the stocking cart and bringing it out to the shelves lining the far wall. Again Steve has to jog to catch up.
“But…the trainee usually works on Sunday.” Steve’s voice is low, almost speaking to him self as he realizes that this line of questioning probably isn’t going to get him an answer he will like. But to his surprise Robin turns on her heel abruptly, rounding on him with a finger pointed at his chest.
“Two minutes!” she cries triumphantly. Steve lifts his hands up in confused surrender.
“What are you talking about?”
“It only took two minutes for you to bring her up. You guys fucked, didn’t you.” It’s an accusation but a massive smile splits her face. Steve cringes away from her enthusiasm.
“What the fuck, Robin!”
“Was it good? Did you initiate it? Did she?!” Now Robin is the one to chase after Steve as he stalks back to the front counter.
“I don’t know what could possibly make you think - ,”
“Because she called me and asked me to cover for her today, dumbass.”
Steve crosses his arms over his chest and leans back against the counter.
“I don’t see what’s so incriminating about that.”
“The incriminating part was the fact that she didn’t call you an asshole once. Didn’t tell me to make your life miserable today or anything. Either of which would have been standard trainee behavior.”
“Did…did she say anything about me?” Steve asks, internally kicking himself over how pathetic the question sounds.
Robin’s face melts into a look of pouting sympathy.
“Bangs her once and he’s hoping she’s thinking about him. Steve Harrington’s a sap, ladies and gentlemen.”
Steve’s about to wag his patented stern babysitter finger at her when the bell on the door rings, signaling the entrance of a customer. Both Robin and Steve whip around, tense with the knee-jerk instinct to provide low-grade customer service. They both deflate immediately, however, when they notice it’s just Dustin.
“Not now, Henderson,” Steve calls out across the length of the store. The curly headed boy throws his hands up defensively.
“How can I already deserve this hostility? I just got here!”
“Steve’s having a crisis,” Robin says, as if it is a holistic explanation. Dustin leans against the checkout counter.
“Did he run out of that mousse stuff he puts in his hair?” Dustin asks, nodding sympathetically. Steve's head shoots up with a frown.
“What? No!”
“Really?” Dustin asks. “Cuz it kinda of seems like it’s got less va-va-voom than normal.”
Robin cocks her head to the side and surveys Steve beside her, making him scowl.
“You know, now that he mentions it, you’re a little less shampoo-commercial-ready than you usually are,” she agrees. Steve runs a hand through his criticized locks in frustration.
“I was a little distracted this morning. Maybe I didn’t pay as much attention getting ready, alright? Lay off, guys.” Steve pushes the stock cart back to the counter to pick up the next set of returns to shelve.
“What’s got you so distracted, buddy?” Dustin asks, resting his elbows on the counter and his chin on his hands. He looks so genuine that Steve’s heart pangs and his usual instinct to yell at the kid is dulled. He opens his mouth to respond but then Robin speaks up from behind him.
“Steve’s got a lady love.”
“Another flavor of the week or is this like an actual thing?” Dustin asks, his eyes lighting up.
Steve rolls his eyes and feels the moment of sincerity pass. He grabs the next stack of tapes with a little too much aggression.
“Dude, grow up, don’t say ‘flavor of the week.’ And women aren’t ‘things,’ dumbass.”
“That doesn’t answer my question, Steve,” Dustin points out.
“That’s because your question is stupid and not worth an answer,” Steve dismisses, pushing the cart back onto the floor. Dustin watches him retreat quietly for a second before turning.
Robin runs over to the counter and opens her mouth to respond but Steve throws up a hand from across the room.
“NO!” He interrupts. “No. We aren’t having this conversation.”
“Ooo he’s mad mad. That means this is an actual thing,” Dustin says, shoving a candy display off the surface of the counter and hopping over, landing ungracefully behind it.
“Not again, Henderson damn it!” Steve yells, covering his eyes with a hand. “And what did I say about calling women things!”
“It’s the other girl who works here, isn’t it?” Dustin asks. He directs the question to Robin who’s nodding and smiling before Steve can stop her.
“Why the fuck would you assume -,”
“It is her! They had…a moment, it would seem,” Robin says, catching herself before she says anything inappropriate but wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“You guys had sex?!” Dustin cries out, this time whirling around to address Steve. Steve’s hands fly to his head and he ducks, as if he could dodge out of the way of Dustin’s out of line comment.
“Woah. WOAH. You are a child. You are not allowed to ask me that!”
“I’m fifteen, I think I can handle -,”
“Robin, you’re a bad influence. You lose your babysitting privileges,” Steve says, speaking over Dustin and grabbing Robin by the shoulder to drag her away from the boy.
“I mean I never really wanted to babysit your kids in the first place, Steve, so that’s not really a punishment...”
“But I don’t get it, if you had sex with the trainee, why do you seem so mad?” Dustin pipes up, clearly confused.
“WAY out of line, Henderson.” Steve cries out with a glare.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Dustin again puts up his hands defensively. “I mean, if you ‘made love’ with the trainee, then why - “
“Jesus FUCKING Christ!” Steve covers his ears and stomps to the back room.
“What did I do?” Dustin asks Robin, shocked. Robin shrugs.
“I mean to be fair, ‘make love’ is absolutely gross, dude,” she says before running after Steve. Dustin remains alone in the front of the store, defeated.
“Well then what can I call it?” he calls out after them both. “The horizontal tango? The beast with two backs?”
“HENDERSON!” Robin and Steve both scream from the back room.
“Yeesh. Puritans.” Dustin rolls his eyes and jogs to join them.
Later that evening you find yourself dragging yourself through the entrance of the local grocery store. You’d spent the whole day in bed, flipping through radio stations with shitty static and thumbing through magazines and books you’d long since finished. Doing anything and everything to keep Steve Harrington off your mind.
Fuck Steve Harrington.
Well…you had.
Fucked Steve Harrington that is.
And it had been good. You slap a hand over your tired face in front of the bananas in the produce section as the memory of his hands on your hips comes rushing back. It’s been like this all day. A nonstop highlight reel of every second of your sexual encounter with your archnemesis. But can you even call him your archnemesis anymore after what happened yesterday?
Was calling him your archnemesis ever even accurate to begin with?
You’d spent hours revisiting conversations and arguments and blow ups in your mind, trying to piece your way through the memories to make sense of the way your body had reacted to his touch and his words. The more you thought about it, the clearer it became.
You’d had a thing for Steve when you first started working at Family Video, Robin hadn’t been wrong when she told him that. You’d always been intrigued by him from a distance back at school, and being up close at the same job just intensified things. He was pretty and cocky and funny. And that first week he seemed genuinely kind and welcoming. But as you traced your memories back, you realized exactly where your favor started to darken. It was the way he flirted with any girl who stepped over the threshold of the store, turning on a charm that shot so much electricity through the place that it could probably blow a fuse. The girls often ranged from neutral to interested in response, but their presence and his behavior around them infuriated you.
You’d always chalked it up to the fact that it would be against your feminist nature to accept such flagrant hounddog behavior. You’d lied to yourself that you felt bad for these girls and that you were annoyed that Harrignton couldn’t keep it in his pants long enough to do a second of his job right.
But today, in the cold hard light filtering through the window of your shitty apartment it dawned on you that jealousy was the root of your problems. You didn’t hate Steve for going after women. You hated that you weren’t a woman he was going after.
After this earthquake of a revelation rocked your world around midday, you had barely enough strength to drag your ass to the kitchen until the sun started going down and your stomach screamed in protest. Upon opening your fridge, however, you’d come to the sad realization that you had little more than a half empty jar of jelly and a few pickles. Money had been tight since you’d defiantly moved out of your parents’ home after graduation. You probably shouldn’t have skipped your shift today. If only the fucking sex god with beautiful hair and an infuriating personality hadn’t also been scheduled.
And that’s how you find yourself poking at tomatoes and trying to figure out what food will land squarely in the center of the venn diagram of stuff you can afford and stuff you can bear to eat.
“You know if you bruise them they make you buy them.”
The voice coming from behind you makes you jump, sending several tomatoes rolling down to the ground in the process. You drop down to your knees and busy yourself with picking up the spilled produce, doing your best not to look over at the person who had spoken.
As you reach for the last tomato, however, your hand touches another hand reaching for the lumpy little fruit. You wrench your arm back and whip around to look at Steve Harrington.
“I can handle this, thanks,” you snap, lumbering to your feet with an armful of floor battered tomatoes. He straightens up holding the one he’d managed to snag and he watches you as you dump your own back onto the display. Your heart is beating out of your chest but you bring your eyes up to meet his.
“Hey,” he says. It’s anticlimactic. It almost makes you laugh. But you don’t. Instead you continue frowning.
“Why are you here, Harrington?”
“Um…getting groceries?” He quirks an eyebrow. “Because it’s a grocery store.”
You shift awkwardly from one foot to the other while grabbing onto your shopping cart.
“I guess that makes sense.” You’re searching for something - anything - that you could say to transition out of this conversation so you can run home and throw yourself under the covers. Before you can make a hasty exit though, Steve speaks up.
“You weren’t at work today.”
“Congrats Sherlock. That means you can tell Robin and I apart.” Your words are biting, but you see a smirk play at the corner of his lips at your familiar antagonism. “And here I thought anything with boobs looked alike to you.”
Steve rubs the back of his neck and seems to contemplate his next words carefully which annoys you, so you continue.
“That was a softball, Harrington. I assumed you’d say ‘well now I’ve seen your boobs so I’d know them anywhere,’” you challenge.
“Technically I only felt them. I was behind you, remember? I didn’t actually see anything,” he challenges with a sheepish grin. You feel your stomach drop. The urge to reply with “well do you want to?” is so strong you literally have to bite your tongue.
You need to get a hold of yourself.
“I do remember. But I was pretty sure you were going to claim amnesia,” you answer casually, pushing your cart onward. Steve puts his hands in his pockets and kicks the corner of the tomato display lightly before deciding to follow you.
“And why would you think I’d do that?”
“Mr. Steve another-date-every-week Harrington? Pretty sure blacking out experiences is what makes it easier to move on, right?”
Your flippant comment wounds him harder than he would have liked, and you would have been able to see it on his face if you were looking at him. But you’re not because you’re turning the corner and starting to walk down the frozen foods aisle.
“You really think you’ve got me all figured out,” he says bitterly. It’s a statement, not a question. You wrench open a freezer door a little harsher than you intend. Let the icy chill from inside waft over you and hopefully help calm your frazzled nerves at his biting tone.
“I know I do,” you reply simply without looking at him. You peruse the frozen dinners, trying desperately to remind yourself that there is a goal to this grocery trip. You hadn’t dragged your ass out of bed and all the way here just to be grilled by an asshole with amazing hair.
You try not to think about the fact that his hair seems more disheveled than usual today. You also try not to think about the fact that you like it that way.
“You don’t know the first thing about me,” Steve counters, leaning up against the freezer door next to the one you have open. You tear your eyes away from the rows of unappealing lasagna and fix him with a glare.
“And you don’t know the first thing about me.”
Steve lets out a bark of a laugh and you raise a brow at him.
“I know some things now, sweetheart.”
Steve doesn’t miss the way you involuntarily shiver. At his words, not the fog that starts to accumulate from the freezer chill mixing with the warm grocery store air. He pushes himself off the freezer door and moves towards you. In a panic you try to step away but he’s quick, and suddenly you’re pressing yourself up against the inside of the freezer door as you try to keep space between your bodies.
“You’re such an asshole, Harrington.”
“Yeah. And you’re…a slut.” He whispers the word, conscious of the fact that you’re in a public place. A deserted aisle. But a public place nonetheless. Again a ripple passes over your face and your eyelids flutter closed, only for a second. Steve chuckles and leans a forearm against the interior freezer door right next to your face. “I saw that.”
“We’re in a damn freezer. It’s f-fucking cold.” Your lie sounds weak even to your own ears.
“That’s a shitty excuse and you know it,” Steve reprimands. His tone goes straight to your core and you shift from foot to foot. His eyes search your face, so you do your best to lift your chin in defiance.
“So you know some things that make me horny. It’s 1986, not the Victorian era. I’m not, like, ashamed.”
“So you admit I make you horny,” Steve points out, a grin on his stupid handsome face.
“UGH! I said ‘things’ that make me horny.”
“A little dehumanizing to call me a thing, to be fair, but hey if you want to use me like one, baby…”
“You are IMPOSSIBLE,” you whisper-scream, fisting your hands in the front of his shirt. Steve’s eyes go wide at the contact and he takes a lurching step forward due to the force of your grasp. The hand of his that’s not braced on the door behind you lands on your hip to steady himself.
“I’m impossible?” Steve asks incredulously. “You’re the one who’s both pushing and pulling. I’m getting fucking whiplash over here, babe.” His eyes glance down at your hands on him and back up to you pointedly.
“You make me so mad, Harrington,” you say, your voice low. He sees something other than anger in your eyes, however. If you hadn’t pulled him this close, maybe he wouldn’t have been able to notice it. But it’s there, just under the surface.
“Yeah? And I think you like that.”
“I make you feel something,” Steve says, like it’s a cold hard fact. “None of those other assholes ever make you feel anything. You’re so fucking desperate not to be numb that you pick fights with me just to get your blood pumping.”
Your fists tighten in his shirt, nails pinching his skin through the fabric. Steve hisses.
“Well if that’s true about me, what about you? Those bimbos not stimulating enough? Can’t get your dick hard if you’re not getting yelled at?”
That statement pinches one too many nerves and suddenly Steve is pressing up against you, chest and pelvis flush to yours, your fists trapped between your bodies. Your back pushed hard up against the condensation wet interior of the freezer door. The door strains on it’s hinges from the force, threatening to hyper extend past its 90 degree limit.
“And you get off on being an absolute bitch. Being mean to me makes you wet, huh? I bet you’re soaked under that skirt right? Dropped those tomatoes earlier because you hoped if you bent over I’d fuck you right there in the produce section?”
Your gasping inhale is so loud both of your eyes widen, the sound ripping the two of you out of the lust-filled haze of aggression in which you’d been wrapped. You turn your head to break eye contact, blinking and taking a few centering breaths while Steve tosses a look over his shoulder to make sure nobody’s walked up.
You’re still alone in the aisle.
And Steve’s still got you pressed up against the inside of the freezer door.
You wait a few more stuttering heartbeats before you allow yourself to look at him again. When you do, your heart palpitates even more. He’s abandoned his grasp on your hip to run an agitated hand through his hair again, making himself even more disheveled than before. His lips are wet and red from nervous biting and his eyes are sheepish as he gazes back at you. You give yourself only a split second to think before you’re ducking under his arm and peeling yourself out from between him and the door.
“Hey, I didn’t - ,” he starts to call after you, but you grab his wrist and yank him to follow you. He stumbles but recovers, breaking into a brisk walk to keep up with the way you drag him. Out of the frozen food aisle, abandoning your empty cart. Past the empty row of checkout lanes and the bored cashier who doesn’t look up from filing her nails to perceive either of you. Through the open door and into the wall of heat and humidity of the Hawkins summer night air. You stop abruptly when you step off the curb outside the store and Steve’s still moving body collides into yours.
“Where’s your car?”
“What?” he asks, still a few seconds behind, physically and mentally. You bounce on the balls of your feet impatiently, scanning the sparse smattering of vehicles spread out in the lot.
“Where is your fucking car, Harrington!”
“Um it’s that one,” Steve rushes to say, pointing to the maroon BMW parked a couple spaces from the front of the store, mercifully to the side on the row furthest to the left of the lot. You drag him by the wrist over to his car as his confusion continues. “Why do you need my car?”
“Because I suspected, and it appears I’m correct,” you say, sizing up his car as you approach it. “That your back seat is bigger than mine.”
“My back - hmph!” his response is silenced when you shove him in front of you and slam his back into the side of his car. You get right up into his space, pushing him against the door and getting up on your tiptoes as you reach up and wrench him down by the hair at the nape of his neck.
And suddenly you’re kissing him with a ferocity of which you didn’t know you were capable. Your other hand pushes against his chest, fingers splayed and palm pressing, feeling his muscles clench and tighten.
Despite the surprise nature of your attack, Steve doesn’t miss a beat. He’s kissing you back and matching your intensity head on. His hands grip at your waist and he hauls you against him, helping you press him harder against the car and making sure your bodies are fused as tightly to one another as physically possible.
You’ve never been the one to press someone against anything before, and there’s a heady rush that hazes your mind as the dynamic sinks in. Sure you’ve had men press you up against walls or doors before, but you’ve never been the instigator. Never felt the need to exert control over someone else’s body so bad that you have to take it. Have to ground them against a hard surface to ensure they feel the weight and pressure of your touch. The power trip sends you reeling and have to pull away, gasping for air before you can get so lightheaded you do something stupid like pass out.
“Harrington.” His name sounds desperate with your jagged voice. Steve seems utterly out of it, staring down at you dumbfounded with drooping eyelids and wet lips parted to facilitate a heavy pant. When he doesn’t respond, just staring at you, you pull at his hair, making him hiss. “Harrington, open the fucking car.”
It takes him a beat to comprehend what you’re telling him to do, but then his hand is digging in his pocket and he’s scrambling to unlock the vehicle. You step back to give him space to do as you told him, trying not to think too hard about the heartbeat hammering away in your chest and between your legs. You throw a glance over your shoulder at the entrance to the grocery store, but it still seems quiet. A quick scan of the parking lot gleans a similar silence. When Steve’s got the car unlocked he opens the back seat and turns back to you, leaning heavily on the open door.
“Um…did you…what…” he’s blinking at you, suddenly unsure. The streetlight overhead illuminating this section of the parking lot has him looking younger than he ever has before, and there’s a softness in his eyes when he looks at you that doesn’t match the mood of what you’ve been doing. You swallow the emotion threatening to climb through your throat and you step forward briskly, ducking into the backseat and pulling him in along after you.
Steve clambers into the car to find you laying yourself out along the bench seat. Your hands grab at the front of his shirt again and drag him to climb over your body. He barely has the wherewithal to pull the door closed behind him before your lips are attacking his once more. You’re greedy and grabby and you wrap yourself around him like a boa constrictor. Arms wind around his neck and shoulders. Legs come up around his hips, ankles locking against his back. Steve feels suffocated and overwhelmed and turned on and agitated and -
“Fuck just - easy. Easy!” Steve’s loud words in the close confines of the car rattle you, as does the vibration of his raised voice against your body. You freeze and he is finally able to pull away a bit, propping himself up with his hands on the leather seats on either side of your head.
“What? What is it?” You seem confused. A bit dazed even. Now you’re the disheveled one. Steve takes in the way you look beneath him - clothes askew, eyes too bright if a little hazy, lips kiss bruised and wet. You blink up at him with a furrow deepening in your brow, becoming more and more uncertain with every second that passes of him just looking at you.
“You just…” Steve exhales in frustration and goes to sit up abruptly, slamming his head on the car ceiling. He yelps and grips his skull, but looks down quickly when he hears a giggle erupting from beneath him. You have your hands covering your mouth to try and contain your laughter, but the mirth is evident in your squinting eyes, crinkling at the corners. Steve can’t help but chuckle along, trying to ignore the zing of fondness that burns behind his eyes along with the pain from the bump.
He lurches forward and grabs your hands away from your face, dropping to support himself with his elbows on the seat either side of your head and pinning your wrists against the door behind you.
“You think that’s funny?”
“A little,” you admit, biting your lip in a continued attempt to contain your laughter.
“Of course you think my pain is funny.” He rolls his eyes and your eyebrows shoot up.
“You squealed.”
“I shouted,” he corrects. You shake your head.
“You went very high pitched there. Sounded like it hurt,” you say cheekily. “If it still hurts don’t mind me. Feel free to whimper if you’d like.”
Steve chuckles low and you feel the vibrations in your abdomen where his is pressed to yours. It makes you squirm against him and he notices.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” When you nod with another uncharacteristically light giggle he smiles down at you. “I’d like it too, you know.”
“You whimpering?” you ask. Steve shakes his head and dips so that his lips are a centimeter from yours. You hold your breath.
“No, you.”
Just as you lean up to try and make your lips meet, he ducks his head down and latches onto the skin of your throat. You gasp out, disoriented by the sudden switch and thrown off by the pleasurable sensation.
“You seem to like getting your own way,” he says gruffly, shifting your two wrists into one of his hands so his free hand can hike your legs higher up around his hips. “But so do I.”
Steve rolls his hips into you, starting a steady rhythm out of nowhere. The friction of his hard on against the apex of your legs is delicious and immediate and you find yourself squeezing your eyes shut and biting your lip to keep from reacting too dramatically.
“You really should open your eyes, sweetheart,” Steve coos, gripping onto the flesh of your outer thigh. Your eyes snap open and you find him smirking over you, watching. “You’re the one who dragged me in here. Be fucking polite.”
“You don’t know anything about being polite, Harrington.” Your response floods out on instinct, words not even matching tone because they aren’t even congruous with what you’re currently feeling. You’ve just got such extreme muscle memory of being combative with Steve that you can’t help it.
Steve gasps in mock surprise before tsking at you, his eyes dropping to your lips which part wide after a particularly good roll of his hips.
“We’re not doing that. You’re not going to fight me. Not when I’m on top of you.”
“Why…why not?” Your jaw tenses and he nips at it with his teeth.
“Because we’re doing it my way this time,” he replies definitively. His hand slides from the outside of your thigh up to your hip, flipping your skirt up in the process and exposing the comfortable pair of cotton panties that you’re wearing below.
“Was you fucking me from behind in the break room not ‘your way’ enough?” you challenge, though your voice is losing its edge. Steve’s hand slides horizontally from your hip, over your abdomen and down to cup your mound, fingers pressing into the wet spot on the fabric lower down between your thighs. “You always get your own damn way, Harrington.”
“Can you just fucking…” Steve closes his eyes for a second and hums out a frustrated exhale. When his eyes open back up he looks serious and it makes your stomach swoop. “I’m going to stop if you keep fighting me.”
“Because I won’t fuck someone who doesn’t want it,” Steve says definitively. He lets go of your hands and sits back on his heels between your legs, this time remembering to stay low enough not to bang his head on the ceiling.
Panic floods your system from the decrease in physical contact and your newly freed hands scrabble to clutch at his shirt.
“What - no! I want it!”
Steve shakes his head and grips your wrists gently but firmly, getting you to unhand him.
“You seem angry with me and I…that doesn’t work. I need like…enthusiastic consent or whatever the fuck they call it.” Steve passes a stressed hand over his face and slides it up to ruffle through his hair distractedly. Your chest moves up and down frantically as you try to think of what to say to reroute from this disappointing new trajectory.
“I’m the one who brought you here. Obviously I -,”
“There is nothing ‘obvious’ when it comes to you, sweetheart.” Steve sighs. “Pretend I’m stupid, like I know you already think I am. Spell it out for me.”
“You and I argue. It’s what we do…” you try to reason.
“We argue, yeah. But it’s usually fun. Teasing.” His hands finally drop back down, resting on your thighs, albeit closer to your knees than the apex. His thumbs begin smoothing circles into your skin. “But today you’re mad.”
You swallow harshly and try to look away but there’s nowhere to go. You’re in a car. Underneath him still. In the place where you wanted to be. Where you dragged him. Emotion wells up inside you and you shiver from discomfort this time.
“I’m not…mad. I just…” you struggle with your words and Steve seems to take pity on you, stroking his hands back and forth on the length of your thighs.
“You just what?”
“I don’t…god damn it.” You turn your head to blink rapidly in the direction of the passenger seat. “I don’t know how to…be sweet.”
“What?” Steve lets out an incredulous laugh. “What do you mean?”
“I mean what I said,” you mumble, still not looking at him. Steve’s fingers gently grip your chin and he turns your head back to face him.
“Now I know that’s bullshit because I’ve seen you be sweet plenty of times.” Steve lowers himself slightly. Not fully back on top of you, but removing some of the distance he’d place between your bodies. “You’re always sweet to kids who come into Family Video. You’re very nice to your friends. Robin fucking loves you…”
“Robin isn’t very discerning, to be fair,” you say with a self deprecating snort. Steve gives you a lopsided grin.
“Yeah, she keeps me around, doesn’t she? Points against her taste.”
You laugh in response but then you screw your eyes shut and put your hands over your face.
“See! Jesus fucking Christ, I can’t even pretend not to say something mean.”
“Hey hey hey,” Steve says to you, prying your hands off your face. “You’re not the one who said the mean thing about me, I did. And we’re laughing. This is okay.”
“This is okay?” you ask uncertainly, squinting up at him through one open eye.
“As long as you’re not frowning up at me as if I kicked your hypothetical puppy, we’re all good.”
“Well good then. Just make sure not to kick my hypothetical puppy then, Steve,” you say, cracking a hesitant smile. Steve’s answering smile is radiant. You’d called him Steve, something you don’t often do.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart.”
Then he’s leaning down and pressing a kiss to your mouth. A proper kiss, firm and sweet. Unlike the aggressive ones that had passed between you when you’d first toppled into the car. You breathe him in and when your lips open his tongue seeks refuge, which you welcome.
Steve settles back down over you. Your arms wind back around him and pull him close, making him chuckle against your lips in response. He breaks away only to pepper kisses across your cheek, around the curve of your jaw and back down the side of your neck. His attention to the skin of your neck makes you hum, so Steve hums right back at you.
“See? Sweet.” Steve kisses your collarbone as his hands return to where they had been before your emotional intermission. He begins to rub his finger over your dripping slit through the fabric of your underwear while his other hand begins to push up at the bottom hem of your top. “I like all of your flavors, to be honest. But right now this just…this works for right now.”
Your breath catches in your chest as he lifts your shirt up to expose your naked breasts. You’d left the house in a rush for what was supposed to be a quick trip to the grocery store (what a lost cause of a goal), so you had just left wearing what you’d slept in. Steve bites his lip at the sight before him.
“Fuck. Yeah…” comes his inarticulate assessment. His hands grips your sides over your ribs, thumbs sweeping up to swipe slowly at the bottom curves of your breasts. You chuckle at his reaction and reach up to push his hair out of his face like you’d been wanting to do.
“Yeah?” you prompt. Steve shakes his head.
“Committing these to memory. So next time I can say ‘I’d know them anywhere’.”
The call back from the produce section has you full on laughing. His grin is obnoxiously wide as he takes in your relaxed body language and open, happy features.
“You know you’re so fucking pretty,” he says quietly. Your laughter calms down a little and you shrug. “Shut the fuck up,” he adds, rolling his eyes.
“I didn’t say anything!” you gasp with mock offense. His hands slide up higher under your arms so his thumbs are now rolling over your nipples. You let out a sigh.
“You’re pretty and that’s a fact. Not an opinion, so don’t you shrug at me, sweetheart.”
“Pretty sure an aesthetic assessment can only be opinion, so -,” you begin to argue, but Steve puts a hushing finger up to your lips.
“Ah ah ah,” he interrupts you. “We’re doing this my way, right?”
“Right,” you agree quickly, not about to let things backslide now that his hands are making you feel so good. The hand on your lip returns down to your abdomen, tiptoeing back down to your panties. But this time it slides under the elastic, coming down to rub through your waiting slick. Almost like a reward for cooperating.
“According to me, you’re fucking pretty.”
“Okay, Steve,” you say, testing your theory about whether or not he rewards you for cooperating. Immediately two fingers of the hand between your legs sink deep inside your pussy, just ask his other hand closes fully around your breast for the first time. “Oh god…”
“Say that again.”
“Oh god,” you repeat, this time more of a moan.
“No not - christ,” Steve laughs, breathless. “Say my name again.”
“Steve,” you whisper. His middle and ring fingers have begun to move in and out of you while his thumb rubs circles into your aching clit.
“I like that,” he says, his honesty unmistakably vulnerable. You get a fleeting urge to make fun of him for it, but then your heart pangs, taking in the way he blinks at you, eyes dark.
“Steve,” you repeat.
He’s on you then, back to kissing and sucking and biting. Now that there’s more exposed surface area with your shirt pushed up, he has more real estate to mark and explore, which he does diligently with his mouth.
His preoccupation leaves you beside yourself with want and need. Your hips have begun to rut up into his hand to meet his thrusting fingers and your moans become more substantial.
“I-I want…want…” you keep trying to speak but the words get trapped on your tongue.
Steve pulls away from your wetted skin long enough to check in.
“What do you want, baby?”
“I want…you.”
You’re not asking him to fuck you. You’re not demanding he get inside you. You’re just asking for him. It makes his throat tighten and he’s nodding. He props himself up on one hand and uses the other to unbuckle his belt and jeans but he fumbles so you reach up frantically to help him. Together you manage to yank his jeans down far enough to expose his boxers and you slip your hand against him to massage through the fabric. You feel the aching emptiness now that his fingers are no longer inside you. Now that their much better replacement is in your sights.
Steve pulls his cock out and pumps it a few times while you admire the pearlescent precum that’s collected on the tip. Subconsciously you lick your lips, causing him to laugh.
“You’re something else, sweetheart.”
“No you are,” you mutter with a smile.
“Nope, just you,” he shakes his head and rubs his nose against yours while settling lower between your legs, pushing your panties to the side to line himself up with your entrance. You laugh.
“Are we now being argumentative over compliments?” you tease.
“Sounds on brand for us,” he agrees. He slides in with little resistance. Just a slow, agonizing stretch that has you both moaning. Your heels dig into his lower back from where you legs lock around him and he buries his face in your neck.
“Oh my fucking…christ, how are you…” Steve struggles with speech for a second before nipping at your shoulder, making you squirm. “Not sure how I forgot how good you feel.”
“There’s that amnesia,” you joke hesitantly. Not sure if it is too soon to bring up the mean spirited thing you had said earlier but wanting desperately negate the intent you’d had in the first place. Steve’s answering chuckle calms your nerves and you relax, melting down against the leather seat as he begins to move inside of you.
“I think it’s less amnesia and more that I blacked out from how fucking amazing this pussy is.”
“Jesus, Steve,” you admonish, but it holds little weight because with the crescendoing pendulum of his hips Steve is already well on his way to undoing you.
“God, I wasn't exaggerating. You sound really good when you say my name,” Steve says with a moan.
“Mmm, Steve,” you hum. His face pulls away from your neck and he looks down at you with a renewed intensity in his eyes.
“Just one thing missing,” he says. Your brow furrows in confusion.
“I meant it when I said I want you to whimper for me.”
Before you can react, Steve has your legs hoisted higher, pushed so that the tops of your thighs are pressed further toward your stomach. You take in a hasty inhale as he begins to pound into you with vigorous intent now.
He’s steady and persistent with it. Rocking into you - pulling in and out and adjusting to hit different angles until he finds the one that has you throwing your head back against the seat, back arching.
“Oh we like that? Yeah?”
“Th-that the royal ‘we’?” you laugh breathlessly, making fun of his word choice.
“Yeah I guess,” he answers, but he’s distracted.
“Makes sense. You are King Steve, after all.”
He rolls his eyes and punishes you by reaching down and pinching your clit, making you spasm.
The windows are way past fogged up by now. The heat coming off your bodies makes the air thick with sex and tension and Steve is sweating above you, but so are you. The wet slap of skin on skin has never sounded better. Your head thrashes from side to side, stopping only when Steve descends down upon you again, kissing up the hollow at the base of your throat and migrating around that sensitive expanse of skin.
“Where is it…” he mutters against your skin under his breath. You barely hear it, as if the statement isn’t intended for you. “It’s here somewhere.”
“What?” you ask, biting your lip and squeezing your eye shut from the sensations. Your hips are slamming up to meet each of his thrusts by now, teetering closer and closer to bliss. Steve’s lips suck and his teeth nibble at different patches of skin up and down your throat, around to the side of your neck.
“There’s a spot here that fucking wrecks you,” he says by way of explanation. You scoff even as your fingers knit through his hair and tug, toes curling.
“Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah,” he doubles down. You can practically hear the honeyed smirk on his lips as they continue to kiss and search. “It was a spot that had you convulsing, baby.”
“I don’t seem to remember convulsing,” you contradict, despite the way the coil in your belly tightens impossibly tight. Your eyes are halfway rolled to the back of your head and you’re panting openly. Steve snorts against your shoulder.
“So maybe your memory isn’t as great as you claimed? Huh, sweetheart?”
“I don’t know, all I’m saying is - .” You’re about to continue challenging him when suddenly he’s sucking on a spot just below your left ear and your back shoots right off the seat.
“Bingo,” he gloats against your skin like a fucking nerd before sucking on the spot again. Hard.
“Oh my-oh my god.” Your voice is high pitched. It’s a certifiable whine, tapering off into a whimper. “Steve.”
“There it is baby, that’s all I wanted from you.” His voice is teasing, but it’s considerably huskier than before. He’s close. You can feel him throbbing inside you, though it’s a miracle you can feel anything beyond your own pulsing, aching need. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You can’t respond to him, though, and he knows that. Which is why he doubles down by reaching between you to rub again at your neglected clit. You let out a choking sob which seems to please him even more.
“So god damn good. That’s right.” His words are more rambling now. His face hangs right over yours, eyes staring into your unfocused ones, watching your brow pinch and your lips part in an unending gasping pant. “You’re so pretty. So fucking sweet.”
Your words come out garbled and he almost feels like he’s hearing things, but you’re staring up at him with as much focus as you can muster. Expectant. Waiting for a confirmation that you seem fearful might never come. So Steve nods.
“So sweet, baby. Always knew you were,” he affirms through gritted teeth. You roll your hips up into his arrhythmically. Desperate for release now that you feel worthy of it.
His praise breaks you and suddenly you’re a writhing, whimpering mess beneath him, hurtled over the edge with a flurry of spasming muscles. He fucks you through the imact, holding onto you for dear life.
The car must be rocking by now, if it hadn’t already been for a long time. You think in some distant coherent part of your brain about the fact that anyone could have walked out of the grocery store at any point since you first entered the car. A working mom who’d gone out on a late night shopping trip. A broke college kid not unlike yourself who needed a TV dinner. Any of the many people who you had known your entire life growing up in small town Hawkins, Indiana.
But none of that matters with Steve driving into you with abandon. With Steve’s hot, sweating body bearing down on yours, heavy and solid and wanting. He pumps into you long after it’s beneficial to your orgasm, finally chasing his own release. In answer you tighten your grip on him. You go back to meeting him thrust for thrust, even through the achy feeling of overstimulation. He buries his face back in your neck and you coo into his ear things you never would have imagined you’d say - to anyone, let alone Steve Harrington.
You hadn’t exaggerated when you’d said earlier that you didn’t know how to be sweet. You’d never truly settled into anything like sweetness with any previous hookups. Your past ‘boyfriends’ had really only ever been long term flings, with little to no actual vulnerability shared. Sure, you knew how to flirt. You knew how to tease. But usually that was the extent of it. Your inability to meet Steve on his level initially had been part of a deeper problem, one you were probably only just beginning to acknowledge.
But pressed against the leather backseat of his car on a hot summer night, held in his arms, you find it in you to be sweet for Steve.
“So good. Yes Steve. Yes. Please.”
He groans against you and you feel his hips begin to stutter. He’s so close and you want this for him more than you wanted your own release for yourself.
“Please, baby. Come on, Stevie.” Your hand smooths his sweaty hair away from his forehead comfortingly, just as the walls of your pussy squeeze down on him, your pelvis tilting to cradle him down against you.
And at the warmth of your words and your touch Steve cums. His moan is loud and low in your ear and you hold him through the orgasm as it rocks his body, his hips pushing against yours once, twice, a final time before seizing, his hot cum spreading within you.
If the air inside the car had been thick with sex earlier, you can’t even fathom what it’s like now. You feel your nerve endings buzzing as Steve shudders on top of you. Your fingers mooth soothingly on the skin at the base of his neck, helping him come down.
A few minutes pass where there’s nothing but the sound of breathing - his ragged gulping breaths mixed with your more even ones. When he pulls away from your neck to look at you, his eyes are lighter. More clear. He stares at you and the intensity should make you uncomfortable but it doesn’t.
You want to ask him something - anything. What does this mean? What happens next? A nagging feeling in the back of your head reminds you that this almost didn’t happen because you’d almost fucked everything up. Another nagging feeling worms it’s way in too, reminding you that you’d previously convinced yourself that this - he - isn’t something or someone you wanted in the first place.
Your warring thoughts must be visible on your face because his nose nudges yours and he speaks for the first time in a while.
“What’s going on in there?” he asks, eyes darting up to your forehead indicating your mind.
“I -,” you go to speak but your voice is hoarse, so you swallow thickly and go to start again.
Maybe you were going to be honest or maybe you were going to make something up. Even as you opened your mouth to speak you still didn’t know exactly what you planned on saying.
But you never get a chance.
Suddenly there’s a timid knock on the window of the front door. Both of your heads snap up to find the shape of Robin hazy through the foggy glass, body angled away with a hand covering her eyes. Steve sighs and covers his face with his own hand as if just remembering something for the first time.
“Sorry to, um, interrupt guys but Steve…you drove me here and…”
“I thought you said you could handle public transportation Robin. Fuck!”
Tag list (tbh I’ve lost track of who wanted to be tagged so I am trying my best lmao, will try to add more people later): @millenialcatlady​ @theoncrayjoy​ @sacklerscumrag​ @boomhauer​ @copycatkillerfics​ @theshoehanger​  @zegrasbabyy​ @notafinalgirl​ @amelialupin-black​ @wroteclassicaly​ @peeaachyyyyy​​ @thegirlwiththatolduglybookshelf   @marvelwomen3000​​ @miraclesabound​​ @thatstoomuchman​​
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jinkiezzsstuff · 3 months
Emily x male!reader
this was requested by @wfig123 and the request was: “can you do Emily x male!reader where Emily becomes a fallen angel and ends up with Valentino, but reader saves her and he takes care of her”. They also drew art to go with this request which is so cute! <3 Their art is added below t
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Summary: Emily coudlnt sit silently and watch heavens cruelty once Adam was gone, after a fight with Sera nothing could be done when the hellfire sucked her down. And just as Emily’s hope lifted with Charlie finding her, it dropped again when she got snatched up, luckily you like playing knight in shining armour
Warnings: Valentino and his crew, bad explanations of action sorry gang lmao, kinda disney-esque saviour stuff, kidnapping, swearing, sexual harassment, Emily is portrayed as meek, male reader, no physical description except the reader has lightning powers like last request. NOT PROOFREAD alrighty lads lemme know what i missed :))
word count: 2.2k
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It was an unfortunate state of events for Emily, one minute she’s being guided by Sera, then she finds out her guide, the one she adored most, lied to her. Charlie opened Emily’s eyes to world she never knew existed and the goodness in her heart wouldn’t allow Charlie to fight the battle alone, especially knowing that those were human souls, just like they had in heaven, she had to believe.
Emily had pestered Sera since Charlie left, and when the extermination happened, Emily couldn’t just stand by as Lute returned single handed, uh, literally. Emily had what could only be described as a mental breakdown paired with an identity crisis. She screamed at Sera about how angels were the symbol of love, peace and that the exterminations are everything but that. Not to mention it brought forth a catalyst of problems, with Lutes missing arm, and Adam seemingly dead, it wouldn’t be long until the whole of heaven heard of what’s become. Emily’s emotional outburst caused catastrophe, as the portals opened to pull Emily down all Sera could do was stand aside watching the hellfire grip and pull her down, Emily screaming for Sera to help her, to do something.
And just like that Sera had backstabbed Emily a second time, or was it a third? Landing harshly in the smog, and ashes, Emily coughed, her wings burning her dress tattered. Physically she didn’t change but her halo had fallen and horns curled out of her hair. Overwhelmed with emotions, Emily curled into herself in the dilapidated alleyway, unsure of what to do from here on out. After another good cry, Emily pulled herself off the ground, hair tattered, dress dirty and feeling the worst she’d ever felt. It was like falling into heaven took the clouds from her eyes so she could see things as they really are, and as much as she hated the feeling, she preferred to know.
That’s when it hit her, the reason she originally fell, Charlie, the hotel, safety. With new motivation Emily pulled herself off the ground beginning to walk towards the open streets. Eyes jumping from demon to demon, brick building to brick building, it was surprisingly advance and the demons looked less grisly, like she originally imagined.
If anything it looked like a crueller heaven, which she supposes shouldn’t be a surprise considering Lucifer was drone heaven originally. Stumbling through the streets, many demons could tell she was fresh meat by the way she carried herself, it was very skittishly, something that screamed victim.
Wringing her hands together, she went to ask some lady demons, who looked kind, where the hotel resided. However before she could a gasped sounded out behind her, turning on her heel Emily barely had time to catch her footing when Charlie crashed into her, giving her a organ crushing hug. “Oh my goodness Em! My dad got a message from the Seraphim! We were so worried there’s been a search out all day!” Charlie exclaimed, pulling away to inspect the fallen angel. Emily began to tear sniffling at the thought of people looking out for her, it was much kinder when people were willing to risk themselves for you.
Wiping away tears sheepishly, Emily shot Charlie a kind smile. “Thank you so much Charlie, I- it’s been so scary, I don’t know what i would have done without you.” Emily says meaningfully, giving Charlie a warm look.
“Cmon, let’s head back to the hotel so we can call everyone back.” Following close behind Charlie, Emily slumped twiddling her fingers as she walked down the hectic streets. Across the way a demon screams for mercy, before a shot rings out making Emily jump. “Is it, uh, always like this?” She asked meekly, not entirely sure of what she wanted the answer to be. Smiling Charlie nodded looking a little embarrassed at the fact. “Yeah, i mean some of these souls don’t deserve what they get, which is why stronger, and more violent demons go after them. Like that poor guy.” Charlie ushered Emily away with a guiding arm behind her back.
Pulling out her phone, Charlie sent a message to Angel, Husk, her father, you, and Cherrie who stayed back after the reconstruction of the hotel. Charlie got a quick response from you as per usual, and quickly opened her phone, reading the response. “My friend YN, he’s excited to meet you. He’s kinda been obsessed with the whole fallen angel thing. He’s hoping to get into heaven at some point, but he originally came to in his words, ‘stick his nose in your business’.” Charlie laughed at the recollection of your first arrival, gazing up at the pentagram covered sky. “He sounds kinda nice.” Emily muttered unsure of what she should really think.
“Don’t worry everyone will be nice, it’ll be grea-” Suddenty four demons burst out from an alley, right in front of both Charlie and Emily. Emily immediately jumped back a small shriek emitting from her. Charlie being the kind soul she was, attempting to yank the demons off eachother, reprimanding them for being so stupid, and getting tossed back. Emily watched a few feet back, hand to her mouth watching as Charlie’s demonic form emerged, as she got shoved away once again by the large bore demon.
Charlie was too carried away with the idiocy in front of her, to realise her dear friend was not used to the things residing in hell. And with one foul swoop, silent as a ghost, Emily was whisked up and away, dragged drugged and banged against god only knows what. Her vision was blackened and she knew she was crying but couldn’t control it nor could she properly feel her body.
She couldn’t tell if she was tossed in some cage or whether she was thrashing around a small car but all she knew is that it was a bumpy ride. When it finally stopped, it felt like her body was covered in bruises, she felt her body being dragged up by someone much stronger than her. “Here ya go boss boy.” A light voice hummed, not what she expected to come from someone so strong. There was the wicked smell of smoke invading her nose, making her want to cough and sneeze, however she held it together too afraid of what they do if she suddenly moved or made noise.
There was a long exhale, a breath hit Emily’s blindfolded face and she couldn’t help the recoile that happened when the smell hit her. “What a beauty, mm; she’ll cost a pretty penny y’know. Bring her.” Emily felt claws pick at her chin and then release her. At the beck and call of the man, Emily was taken to another room, this one was less echoey compared to the last, making her feel claustrophobic with the men in the room and cloth on her eyes.
It smelt like incense, cheap perfume, carpet, sex, booze and cigarettes, something Emily was not familiar with at all. Suddenly the arms gripping her, shoved her roughly against a surface, her bounced against it gently, establishing it was more than likely a bed. It was bare nothing but mattress underneath giving her no comfort nor way to hide from prying eyes. She felt cold hands pinch the top of the cloth near her eyebrows, and then the light hit her eyes, causing her to flinch, blinking rapidly.
She tried to bring her hand up to shield her eyes from the light, but found they were bounded by chain or something behind her back. Emily scanned the room in a panic, the room was small, only fit for a bed, a mirror and a few plants and such. It appeared more like a set then a bedroom, the walls were hot pink and furry, the mirror was large and in the shape of a heart, lights surrounding it, the worst part was that it was aimed right at the bed Emily sat on. There was two doors on each side, and near the one on the right closest to Emily was two men. One big beefy man who resembled a shark, and another tall lanky lavender coloured demon. He wore a long red coat, that was spread open, underneath was a black button up, and regular khaki colour suit pants. He wore the ugliest heart glasses paired with the ugliest top hat, and to Emily he was a hideous sight.
Grinning the sickly moth showed off his gold tooth, closing in on Emily’s shrunken down figure. “Look at you kitty, you’ll make such numbers, my pretty little angel.” The demon purred bending down to invade Emily’s space, smoke blowing at her. Coughing slightly, Emily scowled weakly tugging her head away from his cold hand. “I’m not- what’re you talking about?” Emily whispered in horror, standing to full height the moth brushed his clawed hand against his chest, and down. “Oh pretty little thing, you’ll figure it out hm? By the way sweetie, Valentino.” Sticking out the lower arm for a hand shake, he cackled to himself like he was hilarious before pulling it back. “Oops~ I forgot. Silly me!”
The shark behind him laughed like an idiot the two of them observing the way Emily’s body shook with fear, rage, and grief for what may come, tears free falling down her cheeks. “Oh c’mon, you’ll be fine.” The moth tutted, flicking his hand, he turned his attention to the shark whispering to start the cameras and bring in the centipede. As the shark left the room, the power cut out making the moth growl enraged. “What the fuck is this now?!”
Emily flinched back at the tone Valentino took compared to his previous coy tone. Valentino stood awaiting a response, his fists suspended up. Sighing with frustration he began to leave the room. Emily, unable to properly see in the dark of the room, stumbled off the bed tripping slightly.
She watched strobes of lights shoot through the hall, and without a second thought she booked it out the door. She ran down the hall, and turned, a window lighting the hall granted her sight with a staircase, she quickly sped to the stairs walking down cautiously as to not trip. She wished she could spread her wings but with her hands bound she wasn’t able to.
At the bottom of the stairs she followed the red glow of an exit light out a door, and down a creepy hall. The corridor led to a metal door, using her body to push the door open, Emily tripped crashing out of the door and onto her face. She teared up face scratched against the concrete, to the side of her she could hear the sound of demons muttering. Twisting her head to the side she saw two slutty looking demons, one smoking the other drinking. “Oh your Val’s angel, luckyyy. Let’s getcha back inside sugar.” The one with the cigarette said country twang slipping out like molasses.
Emily squealed, inching away awkwardly as her hands couldn’t lift her off the floor, before the two demons could put their hands on her, lightning appeared striking the two in the head. It was as comedic as it was blinding, the two demons sunk to the floor after the strike, Emily teared up turning her face away. You stepped out from the side, panting getting your ass kicked by waves of different demons including Val himself in attempts to find Emily.
You walked up to her shaking figure crouching down, you broke the cuffs with the heat from the lightning you were so generously gifted. “Bad time to meet huh Emily, my names YN, Charlie called me after you got snatched, thankfully she recognized that foul shark.” You explain when Emily turned tearfully up at you, slowly you pulled out your phone, opening a picture you took with both Charlie and Vaggie. “Here’s the proof, I’m a man of many crimes, but never a man of lies.” You say jokingly, trying to relieve the tension, thankfully that seemed to convince her. Looking up at you with diamond like tears across her lashes, she through her arms around your neck sobbing into you.
Gently you wrapped your arms around her, cooing at her softly while combing your fingers through her hair. “S’okay hun, you’re safe now.” You reassure giving her a tight squeeze, your heart breaking at the sight of the angel in your arms. You knew thanks to Charlie she had quite the reality tossed unwillingly in her face, and now she’s here. “Let’s get you to the hotel, okay sweets?” Gently you lifted yourself with her, your anxiety getting to you as you realised you were still in the alleyway where Valentino could get you any second.
Speedily you took off with the angel in your grasp, a block away you’d put her down, as she insisted, but you kept your hand intertwined with hers. She blushed when you took a tight grip, telling her that you wanted to keep her safe.
Once back at the hotel, you messaged Charlie about you being back with her, before turning to Emily. “Make yourself at home, this is the lobby and Charlie should be making her way back soon, once she’s here you’ll be given a room.” You smile at the angel, she reciprocates, her cheeks dusty a hue of purple. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she sheepishly tugged you at the collar pecking your lips with a chaste kiss. “Thank you for saving me.” You grinned at her shy gratitude, and pulled her into a side hug . “No problem.”
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scribblemetae · 11 months
Yes, Miss | Hyunjin Smut | Part 1
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Website Tagline:  ‘Virgin boy with years of backed up cum pleasures himself for you, come watch my live videos and teach me how to fuck’
Description/Summary:  It wasn’t your fault, you didn’t know this was going to happen, how were you to know the person behind the videos you used to get off to was none other than your favourite straight A student Hwang Hyunjin. How would you ever look at the boy with thick black glasses properly again?
Genre: Nerd!Hyunjin, Teacher!Reader, Student!Hyunjin, Taboo but fully legal relationship.
Word count: 9k
Main warnings: general teacher student naughty business, Hyunjin got a Miss!Kink, Cam!boy Hyunjin, Desperate Hyunjin. Masturbation (f) and (m), Mutual Masturbation (Kinda?) Slow burn but also not a slow burn lmao
A/N : Re-post from my Stray Kids story, I do love writing about cam boys! I might write more members as cam boys
He drove you wild, you were here panting hard on your bed sheets as you watched him stroke his cock into his camera. You’re not sure when you became a slave to his live shows, you never expected to become a regular viewer of anybody on the website, only signing up to relieve a bit of stress every now and then. However, since the first video of his you watched, when he was talking about how desperate he was to fuck you with his virgin cock, you were stuck on him. You even went as far as signing up to the website to get notifications for when he would be going live.
A virgin cam boy with a sweet voice and a perfect looking cock, how could you not live for that?. There was something so hot about the idea of him being completely innocent and untouched, yet here getting off for anybody to see.
His viewership seemed small, but that wasn’t exactly a bad thing, it meant not as many annoying messages popping up during live streams when he would say something in need of an answer. He always interacted with his viewers, pretending to be their boyfriend who was to scared to fuck so jacked off just for them, he was delectable. He had said the virgin thing wasn't just a character and was actually true and that made you mouth water for him, he seemed so sweet when he would talk to views before and after lives.
Right now he was the complete antithesis of sweet, hand wrapped around his hard cock as he layed back on his bed, face out of screen as always, filth leaving his lips as he helped his viewers reach their highs. 
“Fuck, I’m so backed up with cum, wanna cum for you so bad.” You were right there with him, fingers deep inside your cunt as you thrusted inside at the same pace he stroked his cock. You watch him as he sits up slightly reading some of the comments panting. “Yeah, yeah I’ll fuck you soon, promise I’ll let you take my virginity soon but for now just enjoy watching me baby.” he continued stroking himself, breathing getting heavier and heavier as you got close to the edge, deep voice turning whimpery. “You’ll have to teach me how to fuck, teach me what to do -shit- cum with me, please cum with me.” The perfect blend of dominant and submissive, you couldn’t help but do exactly what he asked and cum at the same time as him.
When you’d finished your session you were damp and warm but the last thing you wanted to do was move, your shower would have to wait till morning before you go to work. For now all you wanted to do was roll over and fall asleep.
It was only 8am and you’d already had it this morning. Mondays were always pretty bad but this one was worse, all the professors and teachers had to come in an hour early to discuss work plans and for the last half an hour your boss has just gone in on you all for your students' grades. It's not like they were bad, in fact your college was one of the best in the area but he just wanted them to be better. He’d taken your can do attitude and good mood and slammed it into the ground. Today was going to be a long day 
“Correct Hyunjin, does anybody else have any ideas or are we just going to leave it to our fellow classmen over here to answer everything for us?”
You were in the last lesson for the day and your mood had gone from bad to worse. looking around the room at your class and everybody was silent, looking at you with vacant stares, eyes barely open. Mondays were always the same. The majority of your class turned up but most of them were nursing hangovers and dealing with their own sleep depravity. It was times like these you wanted to bang your head against the table. When you swapped over to teaching college students you thought things would be easier, these are young adults who have decided to come to your class, they’ve purposely come to study and learn and yet most of the time it was like trying to get blood from a stone. Days like this always reminded you that in reality they are just young adults that only came to college for the promise of good parties and sex.
As much as your students could drive you mad you did have a select few that would sit at the front, always turn up on time and always engaged with your lessons but that was 4 out of about 30. Yun-hee, Felix, Sunny and Hyunjin, they always made your lessons slightly bearable but you knew everybody else relied on them to get the answers correct so they could just jot it down on their laptops and be on their way. You weren’t blind to it, you could see right through them all, it wasn't long ago you were in college doing the exact same thing. People always relied on the nerdy kids who sat at the front and tried their hardest to get them through.
You rolled your eyes as you turned to face the projector screen trying not to let everybody see your clear annoyance with them, if you thought your last few lessons were bad you had another thing coming. You continued through the next 45 minutes and you were getting nothing from them. Hyunjin and Sunny answered most if not all the questions of class, obviously looking golden in your eyes, but nerdy in the eyes of their piers. The phrase ‘Fucking nerd’ was flung out while Hyunjin answered a particularly hard question, forcing you to remove the foul mouthed ass-hole from the lesson.
You always felt bad for Hyunjin, you noticed that he was picked on a lot and never really stood up for himself, in fact all four of your best students got it pretty rough from the others. You thought bullying would calm down slightly in a college environment compared to the pre-school you taught in beforehand but you were wrong, people were meaner here and if there's one thing you couldn’t stand it was an asshole bully. You shook your head reminding yourself this wasn’t the place to be cussing out your students and looked at the time on your laptop. You still had another 5 minutes to go but you really didn't see the point in continuing considering that for the last 15 you’d just had everybody work in pairs and study the subject. So, you did what all mature, respectable professors do. “Okay guys we’re gonna finish the lesson 5 minuets early, i'll see you all tomorrow”. You know you probably shouldn't have but it was your last lesson of the day and you were just ready to get home and relax.
As the class were packing their books away and you were doing the same, you feel a knock against the table and turn to see that Hyunjin had accidentally walked into it while approaching you, he softly rubs his elbow as he whispers out an “owch.”
“Hyunjin, are you okay?” You reach over touching his arm making sure that he didn’t hurt himself too badly. He just nods at you slowly with a small smile on his face. “I just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed the lesson today.” Everything he did was awkward, you noted as he put his hand out as if he was going to shake yours before slowly pulling it back realising that would be a weird thing to do.
“Thank you Hyunjin, your input on the subject matters are always impressive to say the least.” He blushed at your compliment looking down. It was only as the conversation went silent that you noticed all your other students had left, but Hyunjin was still gripping his bag to his chest as he stood in front of you. “Is there something else you need Hyunjin?”  He went wide eyed at your question, almost as if you’d caught him doing something he shouldn't. “I, No, Miss, your shirt looks really pretty.” 
As you took a second to think about his words he had already started to leave, face bright red in embarrassment but the sound of slapping on the floor makes you whip your head around to where he was laying on the floor. God, he was so clumsy. You run over to him trying to help him up but he looks mortified as you grab his hand and some of the stuff he had dropped. “Hyunjin, you have to be more careful.” He looks like he hit his knee pretty badly as he stands up hopping a little bit waiting for the pain to go down “I know, I'm sorry Noona, I mean, Miss Y/L/N.”
You slowly start handing over his things, a book, a flask and a medium sized green pouch that felt heavier than it should. He was quick to grab them off you as you handed them back, ears still red from embarrassment. “Don’t be sorry Hyunjin, just be careful. You know these kids will do anything that they can to find a weakness in you.” 
You didn’t have to elaborate on any of it, he understood exactly what you meant looking down toward the floor unsure of how to answer. You really did make him nervous, butterflies appearing in his tummy every time he was in the same room as you. “You need to stick up for yourself, be more confident, you're such a bright kid Hyunjin” your hand was on his arm now and he nearly flinched back at the feeling of you words flowing through him. “I’m not a kid, Miss Y/L/N.” You take a deep breath and do your best to say no more, not wanting to offend him in any way. It must be hard when people are so cruel to him on a daily basis. “I know Hyunjin, that's not what I meant”  
He was quick to remove himself from the room after that, shrugging a small goodbye as he walked out on you, leaving you to finish up your day ‘Well that was different’ you thought to yourself as you went back to packing everything away. Something seemed so different about Hyunjin lately and you couldn’t put your finger on it. He was still excelling at classes and still dressing the same way. He still had the same friends and did the same things and yet you could tell there was something on his mind. All you could do was shrug it off and hope for the best for him.
It didn’t take long for you to get all your things together finally and leave the classroom. As you walk down the hallway rushing to get to your car but your name booms down the hallway. Your boss, the man in charge of the school, was shouting you and you hoped to god this could be over quickly so you could just go home. You turned around and smiled at him, maybe you just dropped something.
“Have you handed in all your lesson plans for the next few months''. You couldn’t help but look at him confused, you’ve never really had to go over your plans with him before, this was a college not a pre-school. When you didn't answer he made sure to bark back at you. “___, If you’re not prepared for lessons its no wonder your students are failing” before you could even babble out your defence and make him aware that only 8% of your students actually were failing he continued to berate you in the hallways “You weren’t hired to bring the university down, you were hired because of your remarkable ideas that quite frankly I'm yet to see any of”
You wanted to shout and scream, this being the second time you’d been spoken to like this by him today but you knew it would get you nowhere. This was just the way he was, it was nothing personal, he was just an absolute dick. It was only when you looked around that you saw Hyunjin in the hallway standing by his locker listening into the conversation. You thought everybody had hurried off but knowing there were still people around you felt embarrassed. You didn’t let it show though, or at least you tried not to, smiling at him and looking straight back to your boss missing the uneasy smile he threw back at you. 
You opened your mouth ready to defend yourself but were cut off by him shouting the name of another teacher and you quickly took your chance to leave the conversation. You felt bad for whoever he was about to scream at but at the same time you had taken your share and just wanted to leave 
The drive home was easy, luckily for you. Every traffic light was green and the roads were pretty clear much to your surprise. You managed to make it home much quicker than you usually would. As you slammed your car door a little bit harder than you probably should have you walked up to your door, unlocking it and breathing a little bit easier as you walked into your living room.
After you made yourself food, sat down with a glass of wine and finished up all your jobs, that you finally slumped on the couch not letting the stress from the day dissipate in any way when you sit there replaying everything you could have done better in your head. All the annoyances big and small start to eat away at you until your head starts pounding, when you phone pings your glad there's finally going to be something to knock you out of it when you grab it quickly from beside you. 
You thought it would be a text message, a notification from a game you could mindlessly play until you had to go to sleep, or even a reminder that you set for something you’d obviously forgotten but no it was none of them, the little notification was from SKZCamboys.net, ‘babyboy has gone live’ you immediately bit your bottom lip reading his tagline that pops up every time along with the notification ‘Virgin boy with years of backed up cum pleasures himself for you, come watch my live videos and teach me how to fuck’.
He never goes live on a weekday, only every showing his face, or should you say body, on a Sunday night getting everybody ready for the week ahead of them. To say you were wet immediately just from the surprise of seeing the notification would have been an understatement. You wasted no time grabbing your laptop and rushing to your bedroom thanking the heavens that today of all days he decided to spring a surprise live on everybody
As you open your laptop you're quick to position yourself on your bed, laying down and setting everything up ready to wash away the annoyance the best way you knew how. As soon as you log into your laptop account the notification letting you know he's gone live pops up and you click it, way more eager than usual. You had no shame in masturbating but you did have a little shame at doing it so eagerly. 
There he was, kneeling in front of his camera, slacks on but shirtless. You never got to see his face, you could only imagine how handsome he looked, if only he would tip his camera up a little bit more to help your imagination. Fuck, just seeing him like this was starting to get you wet. 
“I’ll wait until I have a few more views to start, for now we can just have some fun talking.” His voice was sweet like honey, something familiar and safe about it but you knew you’d never heard a voice quite like it, you’d remember the way the vibrations of the deep timber would shake your heart. You can see him reading the comments that are already rushing on the side of the stream, you wish you could click them away but it was the only negative of this website. You always had to see them there next to his perfect body. 
Suddenly his voice turns timid as he reads out one of the comments ‘What do you have instore for us today H? Why the surprise live’ H was his pseudonym, a stage name if you will, he never gave out his real name much to your dismay. You’d do anything to moan it out for him. 
As you saw him covering his body you could see him slowly getting in to character, he pretended to be shy and innocent but theres no way somebody who was willing to get his cock out on camera really was, but still, the show he put on always worked for you.
“I’m sorry about being so abrupt, I know usually we wait till a Saturday to have fun but, I really wanted to touch you today, I know you’ve had such a hard day today I just wanna help you get rid of all that stress”
You gasped at his words, a whimper slightly following it. V had a storyline in his videos, one that you were a slave to. He was your virgin boyfriend. You’re not sure when you started watching his videos but each one you’ve watched was a continuation of the last, usually basing them on the premise that you were his girlfriend, watching him get off because he was to scared to fuck.
"The more time we spend together, the more we talk and get to know each other, the more I wanna be dirty with you." Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, its like he was speaking directly to you. His hands were starting to stroke over his body and you couldn’t help but picture them as your own. As his fingers danced around his skin your eyes raked down his body noticing the hard on that was pressing against the thin material of his pants and your mouth started to water slightly. You couldn’t help but slide your hand down your pants, laying them on top of your panties and slowly starting to rub, trying to warm yourself up a little bit ready for him.
“No, no, baby, stop.” His voice was winey and it stopped your movements “Don't touch yourself yet please, I wanna do it for you remember? I wanna do all the touching.” This was something you loved about watching him, he could read all his viewers like a book, he knew exactly what he was doing and he loved to tease with it.
“Please, just let me enjoy your body tonight, i’ve got so fucking much backed up cum to give you, just let me have my way with you.” As always you followed along and did as he said, restraining from touching yourself and biting your bottom lip frustrated that you couldn’t start without him. 
You couldn’t see it from his lips, but you could see the bouncing of his Adam's apple as he chuckled slightly dropping his innocent character, enjoying what he was doing to his viewers. Comments popping up at the side of his stream asking him to start, begging him to really let them take his virginity.
“You’re all so excited about getting to fuck me, so many juicy pussys ready to let me have there way with them” he moved his had down and grasps his cock groaning slightly “Makes me so fucking hard thinking about it.” As he started to palm himself the pure version of himself makes his appearance again “but, I don’t know if im ready for that just yet, you don’t mind waiting for me do you baby? Just a little longer, I promise I wont make you wait to much longer but tonight I just wanna lick, just wanna stroke and touch you till you’re Cumming for me, is that okay, baby?”
You look around at the background of his live, trying to distract yourself knowing that if you look at him any longer you won't be able to help but start touching yourself out of pure desperation. His bed sheets had math equations on them, different trophies across his wall for academic achievements. You eyes wondered slightly over his body again but this time you weren’t looking at his chest, you noticed a bruise on his elbow and all you wanted to do was kiss it better. While your eyes dances around his bedroom and you mind fluttered with all the ways you’d like to take care of him you managed to change your position so you were up against your headboard, clothes completely removed and your laptop was in between your feet that were now spread out in front of you.
“Lets see who we have joining today, who's going to let this desperate little tongue explore them tonight” The soft stuttering of his words were in huge contrast with the things he was saying making your brain melt and he pulls you back to attention when he starts reading the names of some of his views and your pussy throbs when he calls out your user name ‘Missy/n’. Yeah, you knew it wasn’t exactly original but when you signed up to the website you never thought you'd become a regular viewer of anybody. “Will you let me please you tonight Missy/n? You’re always so silent on my streams”
Shit, he was addressing you, calling you out essentially. His viewership was so small he could remember his regular viewers, sometimes addressing them by the name they asked and talk to them while he streamed. It looked like tonight it was your turn. “Do you like being called Miss, y/n? Does my girlfriend like being called miss? I can do that if you just talk to me baby” Your pussy was dripping at his words, you had to clench your fists in order to stop from touching yourself. You could see other comments on the side begging for his attention, asking him to talk to them since you were clearly too shy. They weren’t wrong. You never interacted, and clearly he has noticed that.
“You always watch my streams but never join in on the fun” He slowly starts pulling on the waistband of his slacks and his cock pops out into view. He's so big and hard, he has one of the prettiest cocks you’ve ever seen and you verbally moan out loud. “We had so much fun last night, I know you where there, you can tell me anything remember, I'm a good boyfriend I'll do whatever you want” he pushed his hand into his pants and you heard a gasp from off camera “Please, Missy/n, please tell me what you like so I can make tonight all about you”
The fact he was directing this to you makes your brain vibrate, all sense being thrown out the window as your pussy clenches around nothing, needing to feel something. You type up your reply, talking to him for the first time, it's strange how nervous it makes you but you need him to start, your stomach is starting to hurt with want. You want to sound sexy but don’t want to embarrass yourself 
You settled with something simple 'Call me Miss, H, I really like that' and hoped to God he would keep going, You’d never felt as nervous as you did pressing the enter button on your keypad. “Fuck yes, Tonight's all about you miss, its all for you”
Waking you up felt great, the laptop was pushed to the end of the bed as you sat up and rubbed your eyes starting to stretch for a second before starting to panic.
No alarm?
You searched your bed quickly looking for your phone, throwing the covers and the pillows around untill you eventually found it hidden underneath the laptop at the end of your bed.
8:35. Shit.
You had 25 minuets to get dressed ready and at work. You let out a frustrated 'fuck' As you flipped your house around trying to find everything you needed. You were lucky you put all your clothes on the right way round at this point.
Your hair was thrown up quickly and your face was bare, you'd have to skip the make-up for today. You threw your laptop in your bag and hauled ass to your car making sure you're there as quick as the speed limit would let you.
You were lucky, every light turned green and the roads were practically empty meaning you were only late to your first class by 5 minutes.
As you ran through the door you were quick to apologize to your students, not that any of them were really paying attention to you. You were in such a rush you barely had a grip on your laptop case and bags while they were slipping down your arms.
"Do you-" you feel your bags slipping lower and lower as you hear Hyunjins voice and his hand reaching out to help you "-do you need a hand Miss?" He was always so sweet. His black hair was tied back and his big blue jumper looked nearly too big for him as he grabbed your laptop bag off your arm allowing you to reposition your other bag on your shoulder.
"Thank you Hyunjin" you give him a smile and shouted out to the rest if your class "You guys talk amongst yourself for a second while I set up"
Both you and Hyunjin walked to your desk and placed all your stuff on there "There-erm-what" as you looked up to your side Hyunjin was still standing over you struggling with his words. You couldn't tell what he was saying over the noise of a nearly full lecture hall talking amongst themselves though "Hyunjin, are you okay?"
He looked surprised at you addressing him and shook his head as he was released from whatever daydream he was in. His cheeks and ears looked slightly flushed as he opened his mouth to say something but the words wouldn't come out.
"Do you want to help me set up?" You weren't sure why he was always so nervous around you, but you tried to help him out wherever you could. You assumed it was because you were his teacher. You weren’t much older than him, but old enough that you held the authority, besides, no matter what your age difference you were the person who held his grades in your hands. He was twenty one years old and he could do whatever he wanted in his life, as long as you gave him the grades to achieve it.
You tried to sound as casual as possible as you directed him to the chair at your desk and asked him to set up the laptop and your google documents, maybe if you were slightly less formal with him he would calm down a little when he was around you. As you pulled everything out of your bag that you needed you heard another whack as Hyunjin rubs his elbow sitting on the chair at the other side of it. That's the second time he's hit his elbow on your desk, he's so clumsy. So much so that in another few seconds you heard a crashing of your laptop and another bang on the table from Hyunjins direction. 
As you look over, your laptop is on the floor and Hyunjin looks shocked. In a second he was rushing to pick everything up as he almost groveled to you “Im sorry, i'm so sorry, wait-”
You can hear everybody in the background starting to turn and talk about what was going on at the front and you feel that frazzled Hyunjin even more. He was clamoring around the desk and the floor trying to pick up everything that had been dropped. You moved around the desk and dropped to your knees trying to help him, as he scrambled, you were trying to help him by grabbing things calmly. The whole class was starting to get louder and you could hear people laughing at him and you were starting to get frustrated. 
“It's okay Hyunjin, don’t worry” but as you grabbed your laptop he seemed to get even more stressed out grabbing it at the same time as you almost as if he was trying to pull it out of your hands. When you looked down at the screen, you realized why. 
The screen was lit up glowing on SKZCamboys.net. All the air felt like it was punched out of your stomach. You must have forgotten to exit everything when you rushed this morning and now both of you were staring at the screen that was on H’s profile. Thumbnail of the video finished and paused on the screen of his cock in hand, with cum all over it. 
There was no explaining this away, you slammed the laptop closed and started to apologise but before you could, the laughing from the class was getting louder “You’re such a fucking loser” - “Look at him stairing at her! Hyunjin wants to fuck the tutor everybody” - You heard laughing coming from all different directions and you could see the mortification coming from Hyunjins face. 
He was quick to react, pulling his body from the floor and running towards the door. You shouted his name but you knew there was no quick fix to this. All this had done was added fuel to the fire of Hyunjin getting bullied and honestly all you wanted to do was hit your head on the table. 
As you managed to pull yourself off the floor ready to scold your students there was a knocking on your classroom door, the entire off you class were silent and that could only mean one thing.
"What's going on here miss Y/L/N" there he is again, the bane of your job. "Sir we just had a small mishap, it's nothing I can't ha-" he interjected before you could say anything. "Small mishap? You have a student running out of your classroom, your entire class shouting about and all your lesson notes seem to be scattered onto the floor"
You took a deep breath before you could answer him. You needed to compose yourself "I can assure you Sir, it's not what it looks like"
"Not what it looks like? So you haven't completely lost control of your class?" Before you could say anything he was walking towards your desk with fury in his eyes "take the rest of the week off miss y/l/n, i'll deal with you on Monday"
You were shocked to say the least, you were standing there in the middle of your classroom and he had the audacity to send you home? As if you were a student yourself. You shook your head, surely he was just being dramatic "Sir, I don't think that's necessary"
"Oh Miss y/l/n I think it's very necessary. In fact, make it two weeks, now collect your things and head home"
You didn't say anything. You felt embarrassed. The entire time this was happening your class was watching over your shoulder in silence. They all looked as surprised as you as you awkwardly bent down to pick up the rest of your papers and packed all your things away. Your exit from the room felt shameful. Your head was hung low as there were no words exchanged, the only sound was the clicking of your heels on the hardwood floor.
As you left and closed the door behind you, you leaned against it hitting the back of your head on it. There was nothing you could do. You weren't the first tutor he'd sent home but if you were honest, you were the first one he'd sent for a legitimate reason. You had lost control of everything going on back there.
That's when you remembered what had happened with Hyunjin. Oh God, you needed to make things right with him, for him. You wondered where he'd run off to, unsure where to even start. How do you make that up to somebody. Nobody wants to see the porn their teacher gets off to, especially not somebody as sweet and nieve as Hyunjin. Not to mention unintentionally embarrassing in front of the class, if he hadn't seen what was on your screen he wouldn't have dropped anything and nobody would have thought anything of it.
The walk to your car was slightly defeated. Head hug low, ignoring everybody who you walked past and slumping yourself into your front seat. As you pulled your phone out to check any notifications you saw the email the university had sent you.
Dear Y/N,
This email is to confirm your suspension from USTRAY University with immediate effect. This will be a 12 day suspension period and you will be due to return on Monday 1st of May.
In the meantime if you have any queries please take them up with your HR representative.
You may still be asked to contact students via email if any on-going work issues present themselves but in these cases you will be paid for your time.
On your return date you will have an investigation to look into the details of your suspension, the out-come of this meeting could rage anywhere between no further action taken to a disciplinary hearing.
We hope you are in good health and we look forward to seeing you soon.
USTAY University 
you rolled your eyes and threw your head back in defeat, the one thing this university had going for it was that it was efficient, you weren't even off the grounds and you already had your suspension email. As you drive home you play the email over and over in your head.
You weren't really sure what to do with yourself. You'd been at home for two hours, sat watching TV twiddling your tumble idoly while thinking of how to be productive. Your situation was shit to say the least but you wanted to at least do something with the forced time off. 
You'd been almost in a trance for the last hour, bored and watching TV only managing to snap out of it when your phone rang next to you.
You didn't even look at it when you pulled it up to your ear to speak to whoever dared interrupt you wallowing. "Hello"
"Oh Hi _____ it's Chris"
Why would Chris be calling you? He was one of the music studies tutors at your uni, you'd only talked to him a handful of times so he's not somebody you thought would call to discuss your current situation. "Oh yeah, Hi Chris what's up?"
"First of all I'm really sorry about what happened, you're a great tutor you didn't deserve that, the man has lost his mind I swear" after a few seconds and a small thank you from you he continued "what I actually called to ask you about was Hyunjin"
Oh god, did he tell everybody what had happened. You're sure you'd lose your job straight away if the other tutors thought you were watching porn in your lessons. 
"He didn't come to his second class today and he's never ever missed a class and the somebody told me what happened in your lesson and it all made a little more sense"
You nodded your head as he spoke but you weren't entirely sure why he was telling you this. You knew what had gone on and you'd do anything you could to help Hyunjin out but you weren't allowed back in the uni and he knew that.
"I was wondering if you could reach out to him?" His suggestion left you feeling a little bit of dread, it made sense if you were Chris, to have you be the one to reach out to him. Everything happened in your class and you had always had a soft spot for him but if he knew what Hyunjin saw, what it was that caused the situation then he'd know that your probably the last person that Hyunjin wants to talk to right now.
"You're his favorite tutor, I always over hear him talking about you to Felix in my lessons, maybe if you just gave him an email for an update and a 'How's it going' chat, you know, I don't want him to start missing lessons, I wouldn't ask cos I know your technically not getting paid but" he finished his sentence without actually finishing it. 
You knew you'd have to speak to him, as it stands he was still technically one of your students so you'd have to approach him eventually, maybe it would be easier to do it over email.
"Yeah, yeah okay sure I'll see what I can do"
Before you'd even amended to finish your sentence Chris was thanking you from the other end "just keep me updated on anything that happened, and again, I'm really sorry about all this. He really is a dick sometimes"
You huffed out a small laugh to him and agreed before putting the phone down getting ready to send an email over to Hyunjin.
Where would you even start? How do you talk about something like this to somebody who struggles even talking to you. As you open up your emails on your phone and start what you were sure was going to be the most over thought out email of your life you noticed a notification at the top left of your phone
Babyboy has gone live.
You knew you shouldn't, you knew you had other things going on in your life that were way more important than you getting your rocks off and yet something made you click on it. You weren't working, you weren't getting paid to message him and as much as you wanted to help him the temptation of watching the man that always helps make you cum. Still, there was a small hint of guilt that washed over you, okay, maybe just a sneak peak and then you’ll get back to the email.
As you clicked on the notification and the video started playing you saw that he was already talking to people. Your volume was down and as you turned it up what he was saying was already turning you on 
“Will you fuck me today? I know you want me so bad, i'm ready, please” You were shocked, immediately immersed attention fully on him as his needy voice left your phone speakers. You could pull your eyes away and your body was getting hot. 
“You’re here, fuck you’re here. Fuck me, please” As he speaks he pulls into frame a small looking green bag, it almost looked like a pencil case but a bit bigger and with a bit more weight to it. It looked familiar but before you could even care to think about it he started to pull out its contents. 
Your mouth started watering as you saw the fleshlight. You were biting your bottom lip as he started pushing his finger inside it groaning out loud. What made him take this turn with his videos, you were sure he’d never actually get this far, only ever teasing his audience, but now you have this you weren't sure you’d ever be able to think about anything else. 
“Can’t wait to feel your pussy, been waiting for so long” as he talked you sat further back on your sofa and quickly pushed your hands into your jeans and underwear and started to rub yourself. You couldn’t control yourself when it came to the faceless man, when you felt how wet you were you pushed a finger inside of your hole and let out a soft but long gasp as you felt some of your tension running away from you. 
As he pulled his finger out of the toy he moved it further up in the frame, dipping his face down slightly as his tongue connected to the fake pussy. You immediately clenched around your fingers, this is the most you’d ever seen of him and he was licking a fleshlight, you couldn't help but imagine he was on the floor in front of you, tongue licking inside your slit as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. 
“Taste so good Miss, fuck I want more” The use of the word Miss made your eyes open and what you saw on your phone threw you through a loop. You pulled your fingers away from your body bringing them up to cover your mouth that was open in shock.
You could see his jaw, his tongue had pushed into the fleshlight and now his mouth and lips and jaw were in view as he tongued the toy, but that wasn’t what surprised you. 
You’d recognise him anywhere. Your pussy was still leaking and it felt so wrong. After all this time it was Hyunjin on the other end of the camera? His tongue was so deep inside the toy and you could hear his moans, watching his jaw move tentatively as he kissed around the lips bathing the toy in his saliva.
It took everything in you, every ounce of moral to exit the window on your phone and place it down on your sofa. Your eyes were closed as you tried to take deep breaths and forget about it but when you did you pictured him again, the vision of his tongue between your legs, pushing it deep inside of you as your legs quivered around his head.
You couldn’t help but jump up off the sofa, clapping your hands to the front of your body and to the back, pacing around trying to do anything that could get the picture out of your head. It was wrong, the thought of it shouldn’t make your body squirm and your pussy clench the way it was.
You’d never thought of him like this, you’d always noted that he was good looking, it was the main reason you thought the boys all picked on him, jealous that he was attractive and smart, a lethal combination.  But, untill now, never once had you thought about him sexually.
Your phone once again goes off, a notification sound ringing around the room.
Perfect a distraction.
It was a text from Chris
"Thanks for getting in contact with him, I'm sure he'll be grateful for it. Just if you can make sure you message him soon and then send me any updates or just CC me in on the email"
Okay maybe not.
What the hell were you supposed to do? There was no way you could CC Chris in on the email. What would happen if Hyunjin replied and mentioned what happened, in fact, maybe it wasn't a good idea to email him at all. You needed to get some distance. You were having the most inappropriate thoughts about him.
You typed back a quick reply to Chris with the perfect excuse.
"Hey Chris, I've just tried emailing him but sadly I'm having no luck with my Internet connection on my phone and due to my laptop being dropped today I'm unable to try on there until it's repaired. You may have to try and contact him yourself, Sorry for all the hassle"
Okay so you lied through your front teeth but that was the best option out of all the ones you could think of at the moment. This would allow you time before you got back to work to deal with this all in your head 
"Oh that's fine I'll send you over his phone number, maybe just giving him a call would be easier anyways, it's a bit more personal, just let me know how it goes. Thanks again"
Sure enough in the next text Chris sent you over his number and you were near rolling your eyes. 
He was right, a phone call would be much more personal and you wanted to avoid that the best you could. Could you get away with texting him? No, that's far too informal and awkward. 
You couldn't help but let out a loud grunt of annoyance. Fuck it, just call him and get it over with. It's not like he knows what your thinking, this is just as casual as it would have been before you found out. It's only different on your end of things.
You planned out how it was going to go in your head, looking at your phone weighing out the possible opening lines and options you could take 
"Hi Hyunjin it's Miss __, I was just calling to talk about what happened today in class" maybe? No, wait, this opens up the possibility for him to talk about your laptop "Hi Hyunjin, I'm just calling about you missing your lessons today" Nope, that kinda feels too accusatory. You didn't want him to feel at fault. "Hi hyunjin, I just wanted to call to make sure you were okay after today, Professor Bang said you'd not been in for your next class?
That felt better, you weren't accusing him of anything and you didn't give him too much time to talk about the incident, more leading it towards the missing off classes than anything else.
You must have paced around the loving room for a good half an hour before you hyped yourself up enough for the call, anybody watching would have thought you were getting ready for an Olympic run. You'd managed to straighten up your living room, make yourself and drink and do the dishes all until you had nothing left to procrastinate over.
Your heartbeat had slowed down in the half an hour avoidance but as soon as you picked up your phone again you could feel it increasing. You dialed in his number and took a deep breath, it was going to be fine.
Well, it would have been fine if he didn't answer his phone so quickly, throwing you off completely. 
How did you never recognise his voice? Without a face attached all you could hear was the man you watch on the other end of your computer screen. It was different when he was there in front of you though, when he was there his voice was soft and stuttered, unsure of what to say next. When you watch him on camera, although his voice was still soft, there was a confidence that made the two personalities indistinguishable from one another.
"Oh, Hi Hyunjin? It's ___, oh I mean. It's Miss ___"
Shit, now you were the stumbling idiot.
"Oh, Hi Miss, how're you? I mean, what makes you call?"
Okay, so not just you, you were both stumbling idiots. Come on, you just had to get this over with. Just ask him how he's doing and convince him to go back to classes tomorrow.
“Oh well, one of your tutors, Professor Bang? He called me and said you’d missed your lesson with him, I was just wanting to make sure you were okay, it's not like you to miss a lesson.”
You were honest and straight to the point, that's exactly what had happened. He didn't exactly seem happy with your reasoning though as his voice sounded slightly dejected in his reply
You weren’t exactly sure where to run with that without talking a little bit more, the only problem with talking more about it was you knew that inevitably you’d have to bring it up, you’d have to mention the one thing you really really wanted to avoid
“Oh? Are you okay Hyunjin?-” You tried to think of a way to address it but your voice was reluctant “-I know-” Ugh, here you go. “-I know what happened in lesson must have been so weird for you and i'm so sorry for that, I didn't mean for you to see that”
You released a deep breath at the end of your sentence, it felt good being able to say it, just getting it out in the open. Maybe it wasn’t that big of a deal after all. It was porn, and you were both adults regardless of Hyunjins innocent seeming nature, besides, he really wasn't as innocent as he seemed evidently. 
“Its, its okay Miss, I’d never judge you for it, its more of a complement than anything”
Good? Why would seeing your porn make him feel…. Wait. It takes all of a second for you to realize what you were looking at when he saw your laptop. It was one of his videos, he knew you’d been watching him. Your eyes widen as realization slaps you right across the face. You can’t believe it. How could you ever live that down, this was worse than you could imagine. This was more than just him simply knowing you watch porn. He knew you watched him, he knew you watched him before you even did.
“Oh My God, Hyunjin, i've just realized”
You couldn’t believe it took you now to figure it out. He must really have thought you were a pervert. You needed him to know that it wasn’t something you did intentionally. You must have sounded so frantic as you tried to convince him
His voice though, was a lot calmer, very soft and shy with a hint of confidence that you’d only ever seen in his videos 
“And now you’re calling me up just to check on me, you must really like me Miss”
Wait, that voice, that is the voice he puts on in his videos. Did he really think you did this on purpose. How could you have possibly known it was him? He never once showed his face until today, not once did he mention his name or anything.
“Hyunjin, you have to know I had no idea it was you. I never would have if I’d have known” 
You managed to calm yourself down slightly but you were still bewildered, the most shocking part was that he wasn’t shocked. You thought he'd be embarrassed when he found out that, essentially, his teacher was watching his porn videos. Instead, it seemed to give him a confidence that you’d never seen in person before.
“Oh, so, you don’t like me?”
Why did he sound so disappointed? You could almost hear the pout that you were certain was on his lips right now. It's not that you don’t like him, it's that you can’t view him in the way you unintentionally have been. How is he not understanding what you’re saying?
“Hyunjin that's not what I mean, i'm your tutor, anything else would be ridiculously inappropriate”
Your voice was stern with him, you weren't tripping over your words anymore. Sure, you may still accidentally be thinking of his tongue licking up and down a sex toy but at least you weren’t verbalising that to him.
“You’re barely older than me”
Again with the sulking, everytime you try to explain yourself he seems upset and offended. He wanted you to like him.
“Hyunjin, do you, do you like me?”
You didn’t feel like you were reaching with your question, in fact you thought it had become pretty obvious after the conversation you’d just had, and apparently Hyunjin thought the same.
“You mean you didn’t know before now?”
God, his voice was so soft and coy. Wait, no, not soft and coy. This is wrong. You shouldn't love the way it sounds when he says it. 
“Hyunjin, you can’t say these things”
Saying it outloud almost made you believe it, made you believe that you didn't want to hear these words coming out of his mouth. Morally and realistically you didn’t but in the back of your head lived a fantasy. A fantasy that only became a thing when you watched his stupid live stream. Him and you, together. Apparently you weren’t the only one with that fantasy either.
“But I've wanted to say them for so long, I always try and compliment you but it always comes out so…-” You could feel his frustration, his voice was no longer pouty and more frustrated “-So wrong, it's so hard to look into your eyes and not get lost”
You fear hearing these words coming from his mouth and you're scared it's for different reasons that it should be. He was turning you on. You were already affected by what had happened earlier and now hearing him say things like this, it was sending tingles through your body
You try to stop him but he just keeps talking.
“I know you would never look at me twice, I'm not some hot, popular older guy, but you do watch me, you care about me right?”
Of course you cared about him, you cared about him so much that you’d always treat him slightly differently, it broke your heart that even in this situation he was talking down on himself. His confidence once displayed was wearing down with your rejection.
“Hyunjin we can’t have this conversation anymore”
Just because you felt bad for him didn’t mean you could let this continue though. You couldn’t let him keep talking. You were scared he would convince himself further that this was okay. You were scared he would convince you.
There was silence, you couldn’t think of the right thing to say and there was no way he was going to lead the conversation.  The tension was so high as the both of you were lost for words. 
“Do you?-” Finally, he was talking. It was still stuttering and slightly unsure but at least he was attempting because at this point you had no idea what to say “-do you ever join in?”
You ended the call. You had no idea what else you could do. You couldn’t answer him, you had no idea what the right thing to say was. You’ve never heard him speak like this, not to you anyways. You were just so surprised that he had this side of him. Filming videos of yourself was one thing, yes one very surprising and unexpected thing for him to do, but to have that same confidence when talking to a real person, that's something you never thought you’d see in Hyunjin. 
What happened to the cute boy who wore oversized jumpers, baggy jeans and stuttered when he spoke
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eyenaku · 5 months
*sliiiiiides in* good evening
ooooo you wanna ramble about your pantomime au so bad ooo
I DO I DO I REALLY DO- here's a Very Long Ramble!!
let us meet our cast:
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columbine (or columbina, as they're referred to in plays and promotional material)
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harlequin (harlequin sun) and pierrot (pierrot moon)
Now these bad boys are the star actors (?) puppets! in a world renowned theatre specializing in Harlequinades, Melodramas, and other Pantomime-character-centric theatre.
(More accurately they're Commedia'dell arte characters, but people only know what pantomime is so. I'm calling it pantomime AU I guess LMAO)
The parent company (not quite a troupe due to their nature) also puts on other plays in other locations (with different characters and "tropes"/genres- like ballets, operas, etc. perhaps diff. fnaf characters in all of these).
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The theatre is built like an opera house. The music is played by mechanical instruments- mainly a massive orchestrion housed in the back of the stage.
Now these puppets are entirely not sentient, manned by strings and puppeteered by a very advanced mechanical system of rails and the like in the ceilings (think similar to Moon's line thing in security breach- they move freely about a space, just with more lines to control each limb like a typical marionette). They're tall! Taller than the average human, Columbine included- they are very much life sized.
The characters are utilized much like human actors. They're used for meet and greets! They sign autographs! They gain fanbases and followings!
Columbine is marketed as Columbina the stock character. Female, with heavy make-up and vaguely promiscuous. Columbina is the target of affections. How attractive is she, in the eyes of the audience. How seductive. A soubrette- coy and cocky and conceited and saucy and a great deal of other descriptions.
However, just as the stock character was often the only Functionally Intellectual character in these plays despite all the not very demure connotations, Columbine, too, is multifaceted. Or perhaps single faceted, yet presented in a way that clouds the audience's perspective. Columbine is a puppet. Columbine is not female. People treat them as though they're female. People do not treat them well, especially in contrast to the followings of Harlequin and Pierrot
Columbine is pissed off.
Feeling a very strong emotion for the first time grants these puppets sentience. Why you may ask? Does it really matter? Its fiction.
Columbine's trigger so to speak was the issue of being perceived as female (and being treated in gross ways, thanks to the nature of theatre) when that isn't you. You are a puppet. Why is this happening? It's not so much being pissed off as being unbelievably frustrated. Columbine is frustrated!
So, in a huff, they carefully remove all their strings and just. Leave. Leave the theatre behind.
On the way to the exit they have to pass through a hallway with massive posters of the three of them illuminated. They see themself there and grimace.
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So Columbine is gone now. And the theatre's management is sort of freaking out, after all this is one of the main three characters- arguably *The* main character. But they just try to cover it up, albeit poorly. Columbina is just under maintenance! Do not worry, audience! Harlequin Sun and Pierrot Moon are still here! Plays are still ongoing! They substitute in very basic clearly thrown together quickly "Columbine" stand ins for plays that are just. kinda sad. Blank dummies in an almost mockery of their costuming.
Speaking of sad, something is brewing within Pierrot Moon! Columbine leaving is kind of destroying him. He's sad, like really sad. Like... depressed. This is so strong that Pierrot, you guessed it, becomes sentient. Columbine being replaced is the final straw.
Moon becomes the kind of sad that drains everyone around him. He is not the only one suffering. It's not an uncontrollable thing either, he's just decided to not even attempt to manage his emotions, and everyone else has to deal with it. Anyone who is kind to him suffers for it. Moon's behaviour is not just disturbing to everyone, but is actively ruining plays.
Guess who this pisses off? Guess who else is sentient now? Harlequin Sun! He loves the theatre- a stickler for the rules and so very passionate about his plays. About his skills as an actor. Sun is incredibly unbelievably pissed off- Columbine is gone and Moon isn't doing anything right, and this stand-in dummy is godawful, and everything Was perfect, and now it isn't. and how incompetent! And so on and so forth. Sun is unabashedly pissed off. He is violent. When a play ends, he just about dismantles the stand-in dummies (more like rips them apart with his bare hands). A pile of "corpses" builds up, Everything is awful.
Moon decides it's all too much. He's going to leave. Maybe he'll find Columbine. He's desperate. He makes it to the exit hall, rips off his strings roughly with no care, and then!
Sees the same poster of Columbina from before.
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Moon is just. stuck there looking up at it. Transfixed, he falls to the floor sobbing. He can't move. Sun finds him and *physically drags him* back. Hooray more violence 👍🏼
More plays, more Sun scrapping dummies, rinse and repeat. It just. Sucks. Human staff are quitting, it's too much for them. Dealing with either of them is just so horrible. Stage hands come and go and come and go and never stay.
Sun gets a turn to have a breakdown at the poster too!
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He's not happy about everything sucking. Obviously he's not the issue, he loves the theatre, it's the other two. Why did you have to leave? It's not just anger but grief- he really truly misses Columbine, though he shows much differently than Moon. It's all too much.
(re)enter the new stage hand: totally not Columbine
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ahaha what a nice welcome back! Columbine came back because they missed the two only to come back to. whatever tf this is that's going on. Violence from Sun, Moon's whole deal, The matter of the poster and littered approximations of their past self mangled about the backstage area. Yk how it is
Now at this point both Columbine and Moon don't have their strings (though Moon has stray bits still half tied to him). But Sun? Sun has his. They're Extremely Frayed though. His aggressive tendencies serve to have him work against the strings, even though he doesn't want to intentionally. Perhaps a lash at Moon mid-play, or pantomimed motions played out too rough. He's a touch too aggressive to be any kind of restrained. They're very close to just snapping- quite a feat considering they were made to support giant marionettes!
Anyhow, Columbine is back! They expect any sort of welcome but.. neither Harlequin nor Pierrot recognize them (and their dumbass didn't fkn think to... y'know... tell them? oh hey it's me?). They sorta assumed the two would recognize their face, or perhaps their oddly tall stature, or the remaining recognizable details (face paint, hairstyle (even with hoodie) eyelashes, etc) but nope! They're both blinded by their own selfish bitterness and can't see Columbine literally in front of them.
So the two are horrible to them, of course, since. Y'know! New stagehand! Ripe for Sun to be so passive aggressive to that it might as well just be aggressive to, and for Moon to be difficult and taxing towards.
Columbine is abhorred by this since, y'know. They missed them. And they take this as a sort of more messed up version of the silent treatment- surely they know it's them and are just acting like this out of spite! Fine, two can play at that game. Columbine can pretend they're strangers too.
They pretend they don't think Sun demolishing the faux-columbinas isn't a direct threat towards them. They pretend it doesn't affect them. They pretend Moon acting horrid and a type of sad so selfish it makes them want to leave all over again doesn't hurt. They, again, think Moon sobbing over heartbreak and abandonment is him rubbing their actions in their face. That him comparing them bitterly to themself is the same thing. They just do their job backstage. The two directly antagonizing them all of the time is hardly tolerable, but tolerable nonetheless since they do still care!
So it's horrible. At least it can't get any worse- WRONG! It can!
Sun went through too many stand-ins. The theatre can't just...get more. These are carved. They may have been simpler, and worse that Columbine, but they're still massive. You can't just get more like that. Management is freaking out- the public is getting even more upset. Where is Columbina? They need Columbina! A play is about to be put on, and the crowd is chanting for her. They're getting upset. They're demanding. But what can they do? There's nobody to put in the role- no human tall enough, no mannequins unscathed.
And then Management notices something- or someone. Columbine. Columbine is weirdly tall. Columbine would fit in the costume.
Before they know it, they're back on stage- stringless. In the same costume, the very thing they tried to escape.
The crowd goes absolutely wild- there she is! There's Columbina! The *real* Columbina! Columbine is distraught, they look around the stage for any semblance of help- Sun and Moon may be mad at them but they trust them! They know them!
And they make eye-contact with Sun. He's absolutely seething. He looks ready to rip them limb from limb. Does he recognize them? Nope! But this Stranger, this impostor is taking their place. A simple stagehand is taking Columbine's role, their spotlight, their fame, their cheering, their fans- He looks at them, who are identical in all but expression, and can't see Columbine. He's completely blind in his rage.
The bells begin to toll. The music starts to play. A final dance.
Columbine is passed between the two- spun in dizzying circles by Pierrot before being seized in Harlequin's crushing grip, and so on, and so on, and so on, again and again and again.
But then they see something change in Moon's eyes- recognition. It's actually them. He has no time to celebrate, to talk, to convey the overwhelming feelings bubbling in his chest. The dance becomes more fervor-ed- a true battle between Harlequin and Pierrot, one for Columbine's literal hand, for their safety.
The audience is oblivious to the ramifications, to the plight. They're mesmerized by the passion, the emotions so thick they can be felt in the air. There's tension, there's drama- it's a masterpiece of story and vehemence spinning and pushing and pulling and twirling about the stage.
Columbine can't tell if the snapping noises are from Sun's strings or from where his hands grip them in a stranglehold and splinter their limbs.
It's a struggle as entrancing as it is violent. The audience watches with bated breath- what will happen next? The three weave and lunge and with each forceful effort, Sun's strings making awful creaking snaps. The very system he's so desperate to maintain is working to subdue him, the two have a chance!
But just as Columbine manages to weasel their way out of his grasp-
Nobody can do anything but watch in horror as Sun's strings feather limply at his sides, frayed like a violin bow gone sour. There's nothing stopping him now.
He's deaf to Columbine's pleas, to Moon's, to anything but the pure rage rolling through him. He lunges towards Columbine in a frenzied attack- a sickening crack ringing through the opera house.
And the audience erupts in applause as he realizes what he's done.
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welt except he has a fever and desperately needs sleep
cw: descriptions of illness, high fever, being kinda delirious/out of it, sleep deprivation?, nightmares, headaches, mentions of death
contains spoilers for welt's hi3 lore
also, disclaimer! welt in here is very reluctant to ask for help and feeling bad about it because... well i imagine he'd react like this, BUT! needing help and asking for it is completely normal and valid and okay; please remember that and take care of urself ok!! ily /p
alright, so...
i'm gonna be honest since i found @bugbytez13 's blog welt sickfic ideas don't want to leave my head LMAO except i will write a detailed description of a fic instead of the fic itself. that's it that's the post
tbh this ramble in particular could be made into two separate fanfics (one sickfic and one specifically about the nightmares) but shh
i will forever be self conscious or anxious about things i post that aren't just headcanons or silly little rambles, but also... writing this went surprisingly smoothly so! enjoy the essay or something idk HAHA
so, about welt...
i just know this man is going to force himself to stay awake. maybe his self-sacrificing issues are less present now, and he doesn't immediately throw himself in danger in every fight ever, but he's still stubborn as hell. so he won't admit something is wrong. he won't admit that maybe getting way too little sleep several days in a row wasn't doing wonders for his immune system and he's now finally feeling the consequences. to be fair, he expected it might end like this, but he didn't want to take breaks - there's still too many things to take care of before they finally head to penacony. and now, he will still insist of taking care of everything, even though his body is basically begging him to go take a nap.
except maybe, he didn't even expect it to get this bad. or thought that he can just power through it. i mean, he's been through much worse, right? this is nothing compared to literally losing his body for some time. but he's sitting in the parlor car, and he's half awake, and unusually cold, and his head is hurting, and keeping up the act is getting harder and harder - but he has to, because the younger members of the crew are here too, even if only march is talking to him.
but they pick up on the fact that something is wrong, of course they do. his eyes are unfocused, he looks like he's about to fall asleep - or pass out - and march had to repeat herself twice for him to even fully process what she was asking him, and so suddenly stelle is next to him, attempting to touch his forehead - and he recoils. "i'm fine," he says, and it's probably a bit too quick and a bit too firm than he'd like it to be, and all of this is stupid, really, because he shouldn't be scared of someone touching him. how hot can it really be anyway if he's feeling so cold, right? but if that wasn't enough dan heng asks an even more dreaded question, "are you sure, mr yang? do you want us to call himeko?" and welt decides it's time to excuse himself, before he makes them even more worried. because even in his present state, he can pick up on the fact they're concerned, but at the same time unsure of what to do, and it makes him feel guilty. of course they're unsure; he's usually their caretaker, and he always knows what to do, and it should never be the other way around. he should've just stayed in his room all day, shouldn't he.
"thank you all for your concern, but i'm alright." he stands up. "now, please excuse me, i still have some work to do." of course that's true, but he's almost certain he won't be able to focus on that- but he just needs an excuse to get out from here and be left alone anyway.
but stelle is right next to him, and looking determined to accompany him to his room, too. "you look like you're about to fall, mr yang," they explain, and he wants to insist that he's okay once again, but realizes he's too tired to do so. it would take him at least a few minutes, and it's a few minutes he doesn't have nearly enough energy for. he just wants to finally lie down. so, he lets stelle essentially escort him into the hallway and to his bedroom, and make sure he doesn't collapse on his way there, and-- it's embarassing, honestly, because it's already so difficult for him to show himeko the slightest hints that something might be wrong, and right now the situation is similar but ten times worse - so it's also ten times harder for him to come to terms with the fact he needs to rely on someone.
"my... apologies for making you all worry," he says quietly when they reach his room, and he's so thankful that he left the lights off, because the parlor car was way too bright, and though the hallway was a bit better, it still wasn't good.
"it's alright," stelle shakes her head, and stands there in the doorway, even as he heads towards his bed and sits down. "i'll ask himeko to check up on you in a bit?" she asks, and he only nods, though he isn't sure if she can actually see it. he doesn't want to talk anymore, he doesn't want to think because even just that seems to make his headache worse, he just wants stelle to leave, he just wants to sleep-- he isn't even sure if he understood her question correctly, but he also doesn't have the energy to care. he falls asleep the moment the door closes behind her, fully clothed and half covered with a thick blanket, but even then he isn't allowed a peaceful rest.
memories from old battles flash before his eyes, silhouettes of enemies he once fought, those against whom he won - but also of those who severly injured or even killed him, and with that come the memories of the pain
and the fear of losing his body again.
when he finally awakens, sweating, shaky for reasons other than his fever, and still feeling pretty awful, it takes him longer than usual to remember where he is. it takes him longer than usual to remember that he's safe.
but now there's medicine and a thermometer on his nightstand, and a note written in himeko's neat handwriting - though he actually spots and reads it some time later - telling him to rest as much as he needs to, because she'll take care of everything; and only after he does read it and feels a sense of relief come over him, he realizes how much the thought of having to leave all the work in order to take a break actually stressed him out. he still feels bad about it, because of course he does, and of course he's going to apologize to everyone later.
but he's also able to sleep more peacefully now.
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