#this goes to the Werewolf to who is of Naumkeag descent which is historical tribe of Eastern Algonquian-speaking Native American people who
mayday396 · 5 months
Story idea: The Constable and the Witch
Set in a Historical Fantasy version of Late 1600s Colonial America, a Constable from Massachusetts, Thaddeus Fernsby, keeps running into a Runaway Slave, who is a Witch, with Magical abilities granted to her by Phulu Bunzi, Chief blacksmith and lord spirit of the waters in Kongo Mythology.
Throughout the story, Thaddeus and the Witch become Chaotic Besties duo, while her Werewolf Partner of a Freedom Fighter thinks they are dating while pinning for the Witch.
The big bad of the series, are the Puritans because the Salem Witch Trials are going to Happen.
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