#this feels like a mix of castlevania and also howls moving castle
sukunasdirtylaugh · 27 days
Idea inspired by this art!
tags: sorcerer!Gojo Satoru x f!reader, au is kind of medieval, mentions of men grabbing reader out of home, burning at the stake, reader is mistaken as a witch but she is a prophetess, it’s giving castlevania x howls moving castle vibes, Satoru is a bit cocky but we love him (might do a pt 2?)
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There’s a nice cottage outside the city, 15 minutes away by foot, you live in a home with your mother and brother (your father actually passed from a brutal cold three years ago, leaving you to tend to the home and seek work). It started off as a necessity, advising the horse racing, chicken fighting gamblers on what animal to place your bets on. your reply? intuition. that chicken has sturdy legs, that horse has agile movements. excuses that granted you money for the time being, for your gifts. an ability passed down by the women of your family though yours outweighed the abilities of your mother, so you remained unadvised. using your intuition to get by the day.
Word gets around that a young lady such as yourself is not married. 19, 20, 21, and now 22– you’re questioned behind your back by your neighbors at how you could possibly remain unmarried. It had been 6 months since men started disappearing in your route by your home, reportedly last seen by the lake not far from your home.
You had been labeled as an unmarried bloodsucking siren, a cursed demon who takes the bodies of young men, and although all that is false, it does not help your case that you’ve remained indoors most of your life and the fact that you’ve advised others in the world of gambling.
You were a sinner, sentenced by the court, but before that happened, a large storm broke 7 days before the fated event.
It was windy, dark, and rainy that your mother had frantically put everything away. “I’ll get the lights from the back shed!” you called, putting on a coat, a second for safe measures. the rain pours hard that it overcomes the splish splash sounds of your feet. When you’re walking towards the fence to the main road, and into the back of your home, you catch a man. wet, crouched, and seemingly pained from all the walking he did. the nearest town by foot was over an hour away, and waking in this weather surely meant he could catch a cold.
“I am sorry to burden you, miss...” the voice calls, head hooded from your eyes, “but is there any shelter I can rest for the night? I... I don’t have any-“
“It’s fine,” you speak, soft and understanding before you pull him gently by the arm, “come follow me,” and you lead him to your shed, making a bed of hay for him before you’ve taken your first coat and placed it over the hay for him to use as a blanket or mattress. the man behind you stands silent as you pull out to light a candle for him, turning to him, “it’s not much,” you say, “but you can stay here. It’s better than spending the night outside, right?” with not another word, you hand him the candle and grab the supplies you were originally here for. “stay here, I’ll be right back.” you direct softly, shortly before leaving the shed. at home, you take out a bowl and serve some leftover stew and some bread that you would have eaten in the morning, opting to give it to someone who could have needed it more than you.
“there’s some stew in here,” you say, handing the man a bowl and bread with your other hand. it’s at this moment you notice how unbelievably pale his hands are, almost like the statues outside the cathedrals. it almost leaves you speechless, and he notes. “Thank you, miss...?”
you give him your name without much thought. finishing your arrangements in the shed before you turn to him. “feel free to stay the night, or until the rain has settled. whatever will facilitate your journey, sir...?”
“Go-“ suddenly, he’s surprised that his bread has slipped past his fingers until you’re on your knees picking it up quicker than he can. It isn’t until you look up that your eyes meet his, a breathtakingly striking pair of azure eyes, bluer than any water or sky you’ve dreamed of, it leaves you silent. “Thank you,” he whispers softly, and the sound of his ragged voice reminds you where and what you’re doing. suddenly shy and remembering you’re a maiden, you’re quickly at your feet wishing him a Goodnight without another word, closing the door behind you.
He’s gone the next morning.
Several days pass and the talk of you around town grow more and more. you’ve asked your mother to keep your brother inside so as to protect him, but on the evening of the 7th day you’re harshly pulled from your home, leaving your mother with teary eyes as you’re feeling like the life out of you is being squeezed out with the way so many men manhandle you. pulling you, shoving you, shouting insults, you’re suddenly the main talk of the town as they expose you on the streets calling you horrible names: whore, slut, demon, murderer, and more. the names don’t cut as deep as the memory of being pulled away from your home.
“Burn the witch!” Cry out many, and you’re roughly shoved against a stake before rope is tied around your midsection, burning roughly against your soft skin it hurts. the town mayor gives a speech, then the priest calls your execution necessary for the good of humanity, blaming you for the deaths of over 12 men in a 6 month course. mother’s shout at you and men renounce your existence as worse than satan himself.
everyone wants you dead. and suddenly, the fire runs around you.
“God,” you call out, “please let these people see past their mistakes! you of all people know I didn’t do anything! please save my mother and brother from this fate! please spare their eyes from this shame, this torment they will carry- and please make my end as quick as possible so that I can look after them.” a long moment passes as your head is now dropped low, not long before you hear a chuckle.
“Well, that’s certainly not the type of monologue I’d expect from you.” calls a voice. he tilts your chin up to face him after your silence. you don’t know if you’re hallucinating, the fire is bound to burn you any second and your lungs burn. in front of you stands a man. tall, handsome, and pale. white hair and pink lips like the kind you’d see in paintings. and his eyes? they strike a familiarity you’ve seen before.
the man before you grins, and you can’t help but put your whole faith, even your idea of god on him as he looks at you with such admiration.
“So you’re the girl they call a witch, huh?”
amusement crosses his eyes. and yet again they are breathtaking, finer than any blue mosaic you’ve seen. possibly holier than any church you’ve stepped foot in.
“I’m not a witch, I... I’m a visionary,” you reply, trying not to grow dizzy from the fire around you. when you turn to look elsewhere, no one seems to acknowledge the man in front of you. were you hallucinating?
“So you’re another one of the freaks, huh?” He says, eyes laced with interest. “That’s why they have you here. even when you didn’t murder all those men.”
“I didn’t,” your coughing takes him by surprise and he remembers how sensitive humans can be, “I... I didn’t hurt anyone,”
“I believe you,” he says, lowly. “Tell you what. I’ll save you from this fire, and in return you can help me find out what on earth became of these men. put an end to this. deal?”
you nod, not remembering what happens moments later as the man wraps you in his arms, making you drown into a deep sleep before he kisses the crown of your head. the fire erupts and sparks behind you both as you both rise like shooting stats, terrifying the townspeople behind.
“From now on, you’ll live a life free of torment,” whispers the sorcerer, bringing you into the comfort of his cave.
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thenightling · 4 years
I love Gaslight fantasy
I love Gaslight fantasy.  Gaslight fantasy is also known as Gaslamp fantasy.  And before I go any further, no I am not “Confusing” the terms.   Gaslighting as a term comes from a 1940s film called “Gaslight” where a man tricks a woman into doubting her perceptions of reality.   The concept of “gaslighting” as a verb to mean this didn’t exist until that film.   The title of the film was named for the object, “gaslights” which were common in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
This has nothing to do with “gaslighting.”   I should not have had to explain this but... Tumblr...  
There is a new genre of fantasy / Gothic horror fiction called Gaslight fantasy.   This genre can be compared to High Fantasy, Gothic Horror, and Steampunk in many aspects and yet it is wholly it’s own entity.   
Gaslight Fantasy is a genre where a fantasy world resembles our world’s Victorian era but the supernatural such as monsters and magick are known to be real.  It bears a lot of elements of Gothic Horror and many examples of Gaslight Fantasy also fit the genre of Gothic Horror but unlike the term “Gothic Fantasy” which feels like an attempt to circumvent acknowledging that Gothic Horror is a form of Horror, Gaslight Fantasy can exist in tandem with Gothic Horror as descriptors for the same property.  As a result it is a new sub-genre I welcome as opposed to “Gothic Fantasy” which feels like a term invented by those embarrassed of liking horror.  
Example: Barnes and Noble slapping “Gothic Fantasy” across the cover of their leather bound versions of The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, and H. P. Lovecraft, as well as Dracula, and Frankenstein.  Those are all Gothic Horror and the use of “Gothic Fantasy” feels like a term for those ashamed of the horror aspect or don’t realize horror can be more than just gore and jump scares. 
Further note: Frankenstein is often considered the first science fiction novel but Victor found the secret of life while reading the works of Agrippa and Paracelsus, a self-proclaimed alchemist and sorcerer.  Also Victor was studying metaphysics, not biology.  The Frankenstein monster is often considered (in fantasy-loving circles) to be a “Flesh golem with a soul.”  Psuedo-intellectualists seem to chafe at the idea that Frankenstein is a horror story and prefer to call it science fiction because there is still this incorrect ant antiquated notion that horror is low brow and cannot contain romanticism or emotional, spiritual, and moral explorations. 
Even The Shape of Water, which can easily be mistaken as a remake of Creature from the Black Lagoon and Revenge of The Creature (But with a happy ending for The Creature) is often called “Supernatural romance” instead of Horror even though there are scary moments, atmosphere, violence, death, supernatural elements, and other things usually associated with the horror genre. 
The same thing happened with Silence of the Lambs, which was branded “Thriller” when it got its Oscar nomination.   It seems the Oscar nomination might be why The Shape of Water isn’t classified as horror either.
Director Guillermo del Toro (though a clear lover of Gothic Horror) seems reluctant to classify his own films as Gothic Horror even though Crimson Peak is clearly paying homage to Mario Bava’s Black Sabbath and Hammer Horror films.       
It’s the cultural resentment of Gothic Horror that makes me dislike the term “Gothic Fantasy” but I am willing to embrace the new idea of Gaslight Fantasy that can exist within Gothic Horror or side by side with it, in the same story. 
Though it’s still a relatively new genre I do love the refreshingly new concept of Gaslight Fantasy as a reimagined Victorian era that isn’t just full of zeppelins, steam engines and gears (like the typical superficial Steampunk tropes) but also supernatural creatures and or magick being common place.   Not to mention so many fantasy stories are set in a pseudo-Middle ages Europe-esque land like in Game of Thrones and The Witcher, that it’s clever and different that the fantasy world doesn’t look like the late dark ages but instead the late nineteenth century, just to give it a different aesthetic and atmosphere while retaining a sense of wonder and historical nostalgia, though blatantly and deliberately inaccurate.    
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  Examples of Gaslight Fantasy include: Amazon Prime’s Carnival Row - Set in a nineteenth century style city where humans, faeries, werewolves, Franeknstein-style monsters, trolls, fauns, and centaurs co-exist.   This is probably the first true, mainstream, gaslight fantasy and the best example of the genre.  It deals with Jack the Ripper style murders in a slum inhabited by magical creatures.  It’s a lot like Penny Dreadful but Penny Dreadful pretends to be set in our world where most people do not know the supernatural exists whereas Carnival Row is not quite our world and people know about most of the supernatural creatures who reside there.  
Dolls of New Albion - Dolls of New Albion is described as a steampunk musical, is set in a world where human souls can be summoned from Elysium (Greek Heaven) and inserted into semi-mechanical dolls.  The fact that the afterlife is treated as a common knowledge fact in a world that just resembles ours in the Victorian era, and human souls can be inserted into doll-like bodies indicates to me that this actually drifts into Gaslight fantasy.     
The movie Van Helsing- Though this film is what I would call Goth Action (Gothic Horror merged with action) the film Van Helsing is very much what I would consider Gaslight fantasy. Set in what looks like our world’s Victorian era and even using real-world place names there are distinct differences, such as The Vatican behaving as a secret monster hunting organization instead of just the Capital of the Catholic Church.  Similar can be said about the setting of Castlevania that is distinctly another world even though it resembles ours and has our European place names though that one is set in the fifteenth century.
Howl’s moving Castle - Though bearing Steampunk elements, the common knowledge of magick, in a setting that is not quite our world, and reminiscent of the Victorian era of our world, or even the Edwardian era, makes Howl’s Moving Castle very much a Gaslight fantasy.
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Though easily considered Steampunk or Gothic Horror, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen bears some fantasy elements mixed with the horror and the resemblance to our world is dubious at best. 
Stardust - The film and novel by Neil Gaiman deal with a wall that separates the human world from the realm of Faerie and a young man’s journey where he meets a fallen star in humanoid form, and his own long lost mother.  In this world the barrier between the human world and the realm of magick is a known and tangible fact.
Discworld - The Discworld books by Terry Pratchett are set in a fantasy world known as.. the Disworld, supported by four elephants riding on the back of a giant turtle, the Discworld pays homage to and parodies fantasy tropes in a pseudo-Victorian / Edwardian setting.  The setting includes witches, wizards, Death incarnate, ghosts, golems, faeries, and so on.
His Dark Materials - His Dark Materials (i.e. The Golden Compass) is set in a fantasy version of the Edwardian and provides a stark commentary about religion and society.
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - A very odd British mini-series and novel about two competing men who work with magick in what looks like late eighteenth century or early nineteenth century England but it’s really its own fantasy setting.  The subplot deals with a dark faery known as The Gentleman and his schemes.
A study in Emerald - Another one by Neil Gaiman, this is an alternate universe version of Sherlock Holmes’ story A Study in Scarlet, but a version of late Victorian England where Lovecraftian Old Ones have taken over and nothing is quite what it seems.  Anno Dracula - Anno Dracula is an alternate universe version of Victorian England set after the events of the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker but if Dracula had won and married Queen Victoria.
Beauty and the Beast - The 1740 novel by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve. Though nearly a century before the Victorian era this does fit much of the criteria of the Gaslight Fantasy.  There’s political intrigue with faeries, and unlike the Disney film, the novel is not set in France. It’s a fictional land that just resembles eighteenth century France.  And there are other fictional kingdoms such as “The Summer Isle.”  
Pinocchio -  The original novel by Carlo Collodi was set in a surreal, fictionalized version of early 1880s Europe and featured anthropomorphic animals, faeries, self-aware tree bark, and heavy handed human to animal transformations to represent the metaphor of becoming a jackass.   
Ravenloft - The Gothic Horror portion of Dungeons and dragons.  Where Dungeons and dragons already featured elves, dwarves, and wizards Ravenloft contains vampires, Flesh Golems (Frankenstein-style monsters) and werewolves.
Castlevania - Not so much the Netflix Castlevania series... yet but parts of the Castlevania video games franchise count as Gaslight fantasy.  Castlevania begins in a fantastical version of fifteenth century Wallachia (Romania) where vampires, demons and various other monsters are known to be real.   Later installments in the game are set in that world’s version of the nineteenth century.  Though place names match our own it is very clearly not our world as teleporting castles, vampire warlords, and entire towns being wiped out by vampire armies never made it into our own history books.   There are also some steampunk-esque historical inaccuracies in technology and science.  Castlevania is most assuredly a horror themed franchise but it also fits the criteria of Gaslight fantasy.
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Quarantine questionnaire
Tagged by @lavellanlove. I’ll just throw a general tag out there for anyone who might want to share their situation (and especially their self-care strategies, because I feel like that’s an important aspect of all of this that largely gets overlooked)
Are you staying home from work or school? Yes. I had the strange foresight to quit my teaching job a few weeks ago before everything went to shit and pursue online university so... that worked out well. Especially given schools are still open where I am despite the risk.
If you’re staying home, who’s with you? My parents, my older brother and my goober dog.
Are you a homebody? Honestly, yes. I think I always have been, even if I really tried to force myself out of the habit in the past couple of years. Staying in doesn’t really bother me, although I will admit a bit of a strange, primal itch to go outside simply because I’ve been told I can’t (but don’t worry - I won’t!).
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled. The wedding of two of my closest friends. They’ve had to move everything (tentatively) to next year. I feel terrible for them, but they’re taking it really well and so far everyone they have deposits with have been very chill about it. My bonsai classes have been cancelled as well, which is sad. The community painting class I was planning to take with an old work friend (from back when I was in retail) also closed, so that plan is going to have to go on hold.
What movies have you watched recently? What shows are you watching? I recently watched Howl’s Moving Castle and Spirited Away with my mum and brother. I also re-watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame for the 10000th time. I am currently dreading looking forward to Cats with @lavellanlove whenever her schedule allows because apparently we like to suffer.
For shows, I binge-watched Season 3 of Castlevania (which was... interesting) and The Untamed and now I’m in TV series limbo.
What music are you listening to? Weirdly, none. I don’t really listen to music much anymore. It was something I only really did when I was driving, and even then, I ended up on podcasts like MBMBAM and Critical Role.
What are you doing for self care?
Online study has helped keep me grounded, because I generally do very poorly when I don’t have something to occupy me (semester breaks used to really impact me and my mental health, especially the long one at the end of the year).
Outside of work/study, I’ve been trying to get myself to write more, with mixed success. I feel over the past couple of years I’ve lost interest in a lot of my fandom OCs, and my attempts to rekindle that haven’t really worked out. I’m more interested in working on my original projects, but actually sitting down and writing a novel from scratch is definitely a skill I need to practice and refine. STOP REWRITING CHAPTER ONE, YOU FOOL.
Looking after my bonsai trees is very relaxing and grounding. I have them out by the pool, so I’ll bring a chair out and just work away for a couple of hours in the sunshine, trimming and wiring/re-wiring to the sound of water and birds and sometimes music.
Doing a bit more drawing. I bought a tablet a few years ago with the intention of working on it, but life got busy and it never really happened. So messing around and drawing stuff for my DnD campaign is a fun thing I do when I’m feeling a bit over it all.
After an archaeological stint, I have unearthed the ancient home gym that my dad bought before I was born. I’d like to get back into lifting weights and just getting stronger in general. Not gonna lie, it’s largely because I want to be able to give my dog standing cuddles for longer, but that feels like as good a reason as any.
I see my therapist every 2-3 weeks (depending on availability). I started around October last year and it’s definitely helped me get an idea of the feedback looks and criticisms I constantly level at myself and put them into perspective. I’ve got a long way to go, but I finally feel like I’m at least moving forward. They’ve moved to online therapy, so that’s good too.
Still keeping in contact with friends via discord (etc.), so that we can check in with each other. I think it’s easy to feel very isolated, so taking some time to talk with people outside your house can help.
I treated myself and bought myself a new knife, so I’m hoping to do more cooking as well!
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callunavulgari · 6 years
Scrapbook 2018 - Pt. II
Second part of the scrapbook for 2018. A reminder, for myself and others-
Italicized titles - enjoyed quite a bit | bold titles - love | titles with an asterisk* - all time favorites | (bracketed titles) - re-watches/re-reads | strikethough - dislike
Goals are: read forty-five new books this year (34 so far!), finish six video games (2 so far!), write either 30 fics or 70k total, finish the damn Sabriel AU (not so much), and write something original.
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
(The Lost Boys)
(Road to El Dorado)
The Philadelphia Story
Singin’ In The Rain
Incredibles 2
Funny Girl
High Society
Blade Runner 2049
Ocean’s 8
Ant Man and the Wasp
Lego Batman Movie
Good Morning Vietnam
Mary and the Witch’s Flower
(Wonder Woman)
Flavors of Youth
(Song of the Sea)
The Losers
The Greatest Showman
(Jurassic Park)
(LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring)
(V For Vendetta)\
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
Wreck It Ralph 2
(Howl’s Moving Castle)
Ready Player One
Home Alone 2
The Stand | Stephen King
Think of England | K.J. Charles [Fin] 
Reincarnation Blues | Michael Poore [Fin]
Voyage of the Basilisk | Marie Brennan [Fin]
Wishful Drinking | Carrie Fisher [Fin]
(Captive Prince | C.S. Pacat) [Fin]
(Prince’s Gambit | C.S. Pacat) [Fin]
(King’s Rising | C.S. Pacat) [Fin]
The Fifth Season | N.K. Jesmin [Fin]
The Power | Naomi Alderman [Fin]
The Stand | Stephen King [Fin]
King of Attolia | Megan Whalen Turner [Fin]
Conspiracy of Kings | Megan Whalen Turner [Fin]
The Ocean at the End of the Lane | Neil Gaiman [Fin]
Postcards From the Edge | Carrie Fisher [Fin]
A Closed and Common Orbit | Becky Chambers [Fin]
The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 1 | Kieron Gillen [Fin]
The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 2 | Kieron Gillen [Fin]
The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 3 | Kieron Gillen [Fin]
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street | Natasha Pulley [Fin]
Half Bad | Sally Green [Fin]
Spinning Silver | Naomi Novak [Fin]***
(Uprooted)** [Fin]
The Bedlam Stacks | Natasha Pulley [Fin]
If We Were Villains | M.L. Rio [Fin]
Circe | Madelline Miller [Fin]
Lord of the Flies | William Golding [Fin]
The Goldfinch | Donna Tartt
The Obelisk Gate | N.K. Jesmin [Fin]
(His Majesty’s Dragon | Naomi Novak)
The Goldfinch | Donna Tartt [Fin]
(His Majesty’s Dragon | Naomi Novak) [Fin]
Pachinko | Min Jin Lee [Fin]
The Cruel Prince | Holly Black [Fin]
Thick As Thieves | Megan Whalen Turner [Fin]
The Language of Thorns | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
Salt Magic, Skin Magic | Lee Welch [Fin]
Red Queen | Victoria Aveyard [Fin]
Record of a Spaceborn Few | Becky Chambers [Fin]
The Labyrinth of Drakes | Marie Brennan [Fin]
The Stone Sky | N.K. Jesmin
Luck In The Shadows | Lynn Flewelling
The Stone Sky | N.K. Jesmin [Fin]
Luck In The Shadows | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Stalking Darkness | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Within the Sanctuary of Wings | Marie Brennan [Fin]
Traitor’s Moon | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Shadow’s Return | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
When Breath Becomes Air | Paul Kalanithi 
The White Road | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Casket of Souls | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
Shards of Time | Lynn Flewelling [Fin]
The Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
The Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss [Fin]
When Breath Becomes Air | Paul Kalanithi [Fin]
Little Fires Everywhere | Celeste Ng [Fin]
Titus Groan | Meryn Peake [DNF]
The Fellowship of the Ring | J.R.R. Tolkien
Howl’s Moving Castle | Diana Wyyne Jones
The Wise Man’s Fear | Patrick Rothfuss
The Fellowship of the Ring | J.R.R. Tolkien [Fin]
Howl’s Moving Castle | Diana Wyyne Jones
The Wise Man’s Fear | Patrick Rothfuss [Fin] 
Howl’s Moving Castle | Diana Wyyne Jones [Fin]
Ender’s Game | Orson Scott Card
The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
Wolf 359 (Eps 49-61) FIN
The Bright Sessions (56 - Finale) FIN
Penumbra Podcast (1-32)
Alice Isn’t Dead (5-6)
Penumbra Podcast (32)
Penumbra Podcast (ALL OF IT)
EOS 10 (Rewatch of s1 & 2, then 1-5 of s3)
Welcome to Night Vale (1-26)
EOS 10 (s3; eps 5-FINALE, bonus episode)
Welcome to Night Vale (26)
Welcome to Night Vale (26-29)
Wolf 359 RELISTEN (1-34)
Penumbra Podcast (Juno Steel and the Long Way Home pt 1-2)
Wolf 359 RELISTEN (34-62)
Westworld s2
Legion s2
The Flash s4
Siren s1
Sense8 Series Finale*****
Black Mirror
Voltron s6
The Bold Type s1
Anne With An E s1
Black Mirror
Big Mouth
Anne With An E s2
Legion s2
The Flash s4
Voltron s7
San Clarita Diet
Jeff Jeffries
American Horror Story: Apocalypse
Killing Eve
The Dragon Prince
American Horror Story: Apocalypse
Killing Eve
The Haunting of Hill House
The Good Place s2
Castlevania s2
The Good Place s2
Castlevania s2
American Horror Story: Apocalypse
Killing Eve
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
She Ra s1
(Dead Like Me)
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer s4)
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC - 2 hrs
Song of the Deep
(Final Fantasy 15) - 30 hrs
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC - 2 hrs
SOMA [Fin]
(Kingdom Hearts Final Mix) - 34 hrs [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Remix [Fin]
(Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix) - 40 hrs
(Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix) - 40 hrs [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Terra - 20 hrs [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Ven - 5 hrs
Prey, M Morgan - 30 hrs [Fin]
Prey, F Morgan - 6 hrs
(Final Fantasy 15) - 100 hrs
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC - 6 hrs
(Final Fantasy 15) - 100 hrs
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC - 6 hrs
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Ven - 12 hrs [Fin]
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Aqua - 5 hrs
Kingdom Hearts BBS, Aqua - 5 hrs
Pokemon Go?
Pokemon Moon (34 hrs, Ghost trial?)
Pokemon Go
(Kingdom Hearts: DDD - La Cite de Cloches, 5 hrs?)
Pokemon Let’s Go Eevee
Detroit: Become Human
take the stage and deliver by mothwrites | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Kepler | 3k | “Why me?” Jacobi asked.“You’re just his type,” Cutter said. “He’ll never see it coming.”
push to the limit by gortysproject | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Kepler | 10k | five times kepler asks too much of jacobi, and one time jacobi can't pull through for him.
you be the motor, I'll be the gasoline by crookedfingers | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Kepler | 5k | The hold music begins before Jacobi can finish his sentence. He blinks at the far wall and then glances at a clock. He’ll give it thirty seconds before he hangs up.Then the music stops jarringly mid-note and someone says, “Thank you so much for your patience. I understand that you’re seeking career opportunities with Goddard Futuristics.”
life 2.0 by goldtreesilvertree, mothwrites | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Eiffel | 5k | "Alright... Daniel. Why are we having a movie night?" Minkowski never seemed the type to be into movie nights, and Hera probably doesn't get the point. He's beginning to get the feeling this will be the first movie night Eiffel 2.0 is going to remember, and he doesn't know if that's a good thing."Because," Daniel says, passing him a DVD so he has to get up again, "I really want to watch this, and my usual movie-buddy is dead. My backup movie-buddy is also dead. Any further questions?"
 'til your heart goes numb by LuckyDiceKirby | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 1k |  Instead of going out and getting drunk with Rose, Mark goes for a drive.
black sheep and mischief by grim_lupine | Thor | Thor & Loki | 3k | A bird alights on Thor’s shoulder and pecks his cheek twice, hard enough to make him wince.“What are you doing?” it warbles in his ear.“Wondering what my brother is doing up at this hour, little bird,” Thor replies. “Will you go ask him for me?”
(Lines on Palms by Fahye | Captive Prince | Damen/Laurent | 35k | "You're lying," Damen says. "You walked into Akielos and stole something from me.")**
On Tilt by 13th_blackbird | Solo | Han/Lando | 3k |  “You want to play?” Han says, nodding at the cards, before he can think better of it. “Or are you just showing off?”
tell me, get my shit together by paperclipbitch | Solo | Han/Lando | 5k | “I thought we were actively avoiding each other after the Trandosha Shitshow,” Han says.“We’re actively avoiding each other after the Iridonia Shitshow,” Lando corrects him, “the Trandosha Shitshow is That Which We Do Not Speak Of.”
Make Me Feel by Copper_Nails (Her_Madjesty) | Solo | Han/Lando | 2k | Winning the Falcon back is supposed to fill the empty space beneath his ribs. Han told himself this the whole way to Lando, tells it to himself again, now: it’s immensely satisfying to stare up at the ship’s sleek (battered) lines, so he can stop thinking about Crimson Dawn, thanks; can stop thinking about Beckett on the cliffside and Qi’ra, fading like a star in the morning.
Proving It by sailingonstardust | Solo | Han/Lando | 1.5k |  “You know,” Lando interrupts Han in the middle of a story about a seedy club and two twi’leks, “you can talk, and talk, and talk, but I don’t believe half the things you’re saying for even a second.”
one night on the falcon by topaz | Solo | Han/Lando | 3k |  If Han was the kind of guy who thought about things like this, the idea of fucking Lando Calrissian in the ship he'd used to own would have fallen somewhere on the Cool side of the prospective ideas spectrum, probably shading to the Not really likely to happen but still fun to think about group. 
A Cornstalk Fiddle by notbecauseofvictories | Devil Went Down to Georgia | Devil/Johnny | 9k+ |  Where Johnny goes, the Devil follows; where Johnny goes, the Devil is already there.
The Beginning After the End by notbecauseofvictories | Star Wars | Padme & Obi-Wan | 7k |  Padmé wakes to the back of Obi-Wan’s head, his hair mussed and his arms spread, outstretched over her knees as though to shield her from all that would come.
( Stargazers by Ruby_Wednesday | Captive Prince | Laurent/Damen | 90k | Five years after the Truce of Marlas, Damen and Laurent meet again in Delpha. They're forced to work together to soothe the growing tension between their countries. But Laurent does not forgive easily and Damen's not that sorry.)
( One the Other by Ruby_Wednesday | Captive Prince | Laurent/Damen | 200k |  Marlas goes badly for Damen. He goes back to Ios with Laurent as his reluctant ward.)
Any More Obvious by idiopathicsmile | Les Mis | Eponine/Cosette | 2k | “Look, folks,” says Musichetta, ten minutes from the end of cheer practice, “we have an audience. A spooky audience.”
speak in tongues by SpineAndSpite | Yuri On Ice | Yuri/Otabek | 7k | The last time Yuri went sightseeing with Otabek it had been the middle of winter, and he only had breath to contemplate the speed of the bike and the warmth of Otabek through his jacket. A crowded bus is a far cry, but he still has the same feeling of displacement--of not knowing what will happen next.
cherry pie by brawlite, ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 133k | Billy Hargrove lives for summer. Endless sunshine, heavily chlorinated pools, roaming ice cream trucks, and unencumbered freedom? There’s nothing better.**
(you hate me) cause i got what you need by brawlite, ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 6k | “You smell like coconuts,” Billy murmurs. “Like the ocean, too.”
Draconia by perceived_nobility | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Mark | 4k | "So I was driving. One ex wife and one ex husband later, stopping at the same fucking gas stations you and I stopped at."
untalked of and unseen by prouvairing | If We Were Villains | James/Oliver | 5k | Four times Oliver and James slept together, and one time they didn’t. Not exactly in that order.
Swipe right by mee4ever | HP | Draco/Harry | 2k | Or then one where Harry swipes right, and it turns out Draco does too.
The Truth by mee4ever | HP | Draco/Harry | 4k | Or the one where Harry is too bloody thick to see the truth, even when it's staring him in the face.
Victory Condition by astolat | Transformers | Megatron/Optimus | 39k | “Do you want me to tell you a story?” Megatron said mockingly. “You won’t like it, Prime. It’s not a very nice one.”
chases, escapes, true love, miracles by pepperfield | The Flash | Cisco/Harry | 55k | Just because the timeline has been restored, doesn't mean things are back to normal. Cisco's got 99 problems, and Harry Wells is approximately 38 of them.
Turn by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | Star Wars | Reylo | 9k |  I would kill for you, he thinks at her, inside her, and this is the result of what they just did, the culmination of all of their history together. I would destroy the entire galaxy for this.
You should see the things we do by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | SW | Reylo | 13k | “Maybe Ben will come home from his business trip and bend me over the nearest piece of furniture and fuck me hard and fast.”
Your Pretty Little Heart by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | SW | Reylo | 64k |  “Good. Good little Omega.” He says the words against her gland, almost sweetly, and Rey—Rey is going to die. A wonderful, delicious death. Depraved, all of this. Filthy. Beautiful.
✓✓ Read by Boyue | South Park | Kyle/Stan | 65k | AKA how Stan Marsh met Kyle Broflovski through a dick pic mishap.
Pretend There Is No Wreck by LuckyDiceKirby | The Flash | Harrisco | 11k | Cisco and Harry figure out how to not kill each other, and also maybe how to talk about their feelings.
the cure by aquaexplicit | The Flash | Harrisco | 43k | “I guess I don’t really get what you need to fix? Harrison Wells is a hot, rich genius that pays you to make cool stuff with his daughter and is totally into you. If you guys boning is the biggest problem you have, I think this officially qualifies as your best relationship ever.”
and everything nice by perzimon | Voltron | Sheith | 5k | when he's beautiful and you love him but he can't make toast, the fic
hello, i love you, won't you tell me your name by perzimon | Voltron | Sheith | 12k | Keith's human enough to have wisdom teeth and unlucky enough to need them extracted. The team despairs.
Unexpected Developments by mific | SGA | McShep | 14k | Detective John Sheppard after Vegas (S5E19). His near-fatal wound's slowly healing and he's got his old job back, but then someone turns up unexpectedly who's a greater mystery than any of the cases on John's desk, and John has to make some hard choices.
teach me something new by tagteamme | Voltron | Sheith | 64k | Keith and Lance accidentally get into trouble. Shiro is the TA that has to Deal With It™.
to go, to follow, to kneel at your feet by arahir | Voltron | Sheith | 12k | They think it will be funny to leave him with a Galra in heat.
called out your name (but it was too late) by arahir | Voltron | Sheith, Griffin/Keith | 5k | Walk into the Garrison like—wait, what the fuck, is that Keith? Or: an old classmate watches Keith fall in love with someone else.
To Consummate is to Burn by the_glow_worm | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk | 6k | Miryem, the Staryk, and their wedding night.
The Time-Traveller's Portion by PutItBriefly | Pride & Prejudice | Elizabeth/Darcy | 7k | Darcy always knew she was to be his wife. He just didn't know she was poor.
songs about love by sarahyyy | YOI | Yuri/Otabek | 8k | In the embedded Instagram photo just under that subheading, a very grumpy Yuri is cuddling a very grumpy-looking cat. The caption reads: I found the cat version of me at the shelter today. #iknowisaidnomorecats #canyoublameme
Between the Lines by Dementordelta | Harry Potter | Snarry | 22k | Harry discovers a secret in his Potions text and a friend in the Half-Blood Prince.
More Than Gravity by JenTheSweetie | Marvel | Stony | 20k | “Aw, time travel, no.”On Christmas Eve, Tony came unstuck in time.
Of an Arcane Binding by Salvia_G | The Hobbit | Thilbo | 44k | An inexplicable magic ties Bilbo Baggins, hobbit of the Shire, to Thorin, dwarven prince of Erebor.
Back and Forth by kiyala | Yuri On Ice | Yuri/Otabek | 4k | Yuri convinces Otabek to get snapchat, just to send selfies of himself making faces at Victor and Yuuri. He gets more than he expected.
your tongue is sharp, but i miss the taste of it by thecopperkid | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 7k | Billy had one job -- don't take off the scarf. / Science is probably not Steve's strong suit, but he's really trying to make sense of why Billy's suddenly found him so appealing.
Things Already Said by balloonwhisk | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Mark | 4k | Damien gets a not entirely unwelcome early morning surprise.
Wreak Havoc by myfandomsareinfinite | EOS 10 | Ryan/Akmazian | 8k | Five Times Ryan Dalias Saved Akmazian's Life (Sort of) and One Time Akmazian Saved Ryan's (Sort Of).
you will see what it is to be overcome by magneticwave | Star Trek | Spirk | 10k | What kind of an idiot would try to explain magic to a Vulcan.
Bloody Ruin by esama | Castlevania | Alucard/Trevor | 37k | Vampire hunter and a vampire try to get along.
Minus 1 by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) | Star Wars | Reylo | 6k | The text—'What’s up, daddy?'—was originally intended for Finn.
Paint it, red by CeruleanHeart | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 3k | " That's a pretty color..." Billy repeated and stepped closer, crowding Steve against the door "... for a pretty boy."
a road less traveled and a life less led by Azzandra | Dishonored | Gen, Outsider & Billie | 9k | She took him out of the Void, as promised.And then she kept him, she supposed.
Changing the Sound of Your Name by Agrotera | Dishonored | Outsider/Corvo | 14k |  It was the first thing she said to him when they stumbled out of the Void. You’re going to need a name. Emerging from the dark into what promised to be a lifetime of questions impossible to answer, and she broached the hardest one first.
if the end comes (don't let us hear it) by Kandakicksass | Dishonored | Outsider/Corvo | 5k |  "He comes in like a ghost in the fall of 1854."
Work of All Saints by antistar_e (kaikamahine) | Coco | Hector/Imelda/Ernesto | 210k | Imelda Rivera (b. 1899 - d. 1969), a story that includes but is not limited to: the finest music school this side of the Santo Domingo, three traveling musicians and the mess they made of love, the twice-cursed assassination of Venustiano Carranza, all the patron saints, and ninety-six ways a man can try to cross a bridge.**
Traveling Far by astolat | GOT | Jaime/Brienne | 24k |  Three weeks into their delightful slog across Westeros, during yet another charming day of shitting in the woods, eating half-raw squirrel, and trudging his feet bloody, the single most dour and uninteresting woman Jaime had ever met in all of Westeros stopped in the middle of a field, drew a deep breath, and said, “When I was seven, my aunt came to visit with her son. My father told me that as the daughter of the house, it was my duty to show hospitality to my guests and to be gracious to them. I wanted to make him proud. So for three weeks, I let my cousin follow me around and talk to me about spiders.”
insert baseball pun here by hoppnhorn | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 6k |  He’s considering taking up smoking again if it keeps him from trying to pick up Steve in the middle of the office. That’s really the last thing that he needs to do, start fucking around with someone he works with. He had sex with a coworker one time back in college when he worked at some shitty deli and that had devolved into his manhood being threatened with a meat slicer.
Regrowth by moogle62 | Uprooted | Agnieszka/The Dragon | 1k |  Agnieszka’s wood-green cottage stands waiting for her when she leads Sarkan carefully by the hand back home. They wind through the trees together and only she does not flinch at the stray touch of branches. The Wood has known her too completely, now, for her to mistake friend for foe.
I just met you (and this is crazy) by littlesystems | Captain America | Steve/Bucky | 41k | After Steve gets outed by a grainy cell phone picture, it takes the media less than 24 hours to discover Captain America’s secret relationship with James Barnes: classical musician, teen heartthrob, and son of a former president.The only problem? Steve has never met James Barnes in his life.
will you chew until it bleeds? by brawlite | Venom | Venom/Eddie | 7k |  Venom drags Eddie into a seedy club out of sheer curiosity. Trying to make the most of a night he didn't choose for himself, Eddie tries to get laid. Instead, he gets mugged. Afterwards, Venom doesn't let Eddie feel too disappointed about the missed opportunity. 
devil's backbone by starscry | Castlevania | Alucard/Trevor Belmont | 3k |  “Come, now. I’ve seen you stalking around, pent up like a bitch in heat. You’re quite high-strung; it’s beginning to wear on the others, me included,” the vampire drawls. His sharp eyes find Trevor’s, narrowing slyly. “You need a good fuck.”
Steam and Skin by LuciferianRising | Castlevania | Alucard/Trevor | 5k |  He wanted to spare Sypha the horror of having to share a bath with either of them, but Trevor never imagined choosing to share it with Alucard would lead to this. He's not exactly complaining, however.
when the devil comes to plea (he'll be running quicker than you've ever seen) by Hornswaggler | EOS 10 | Ryan/Akmazian | 3k | Akmazian runs with some pretty shady people. Akmazian is a pretty shady person. Now the Destroyer of Stars has developed something of a soft spot. Not all of his employees approve.
like it's supposed to by Hornswaggler | EOS 10 | Ryan/Akmazian | 2k | Ryan is consistently busy. Luckily for him, that means he's consistently distracted from things he'd really rather not think about.Unluckily for him, he's apparently not too busy for impromptu visits from one of the most wanted men in the system.
a lesson in cartography by novembersmith | Uprooted | Agnieska/Sarkan | 7k | “I will never cease to be amazed at your unequaled talent for creating chaos out of the simplest components. You were meant to be scrying and map-making. What were you doing?”
heart on a string by jilliancares | She-Ra | Adora/Catra | A good Force Captain would do a lot of things that Catra wouldn’t, like not pulling their punches when fighting Adora and not sneaking into Castle Bright Moon for anything less than evil purposes. Unfortunately, Catra wasn’t a very good Force Captain, despite striving all her life to become one.No, everything had changed when Adora wandered into the stupid Whispering Woods to find a moral compass. Little did she know she was dragging Catra’s heart on a string behind her.
Aia ke ola i Motunui by asteriae | Moana | Moana/Maui | 25k | The trouble with saving the world and returning home a hero with a demigod by your side, is it really scares off potential suitors.
lilies of the valley (cover me with kisses, make my garden grow) by diasterisms | Star Wars | Reylo | 8k | Every girl is entitled to the mistake. That one colossal fuck-up that permanently alters the terrain of who you are. You'll either learn from it or you won't, so might as well have the time of your life.
Astronomical Odds by xzombiexkittenx for Cinnamaldeide | Hannibal | Hannigram | 2.5k |  Picked up a hitchhiker last night. He said, “Thanks! how do you know I’m not a serial killer though?” I replied, “The chances of two serial killers being in the same car are astronomical.”
meet me in the woods tonight by brawlite, ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 86k | There’s something in the woods of Hawkins, Indiana.
Notes of Noy, Notes of Joy by pendrecarc | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk | 5k | "I might wander ten thousand years in the goblin depths and never find a way out again...."Miryem descends into the depths with no more than a dagger in her hand, a mirror about her neck, and a song in her heart to bring her husband out again.
if you don't like the company, let's just do it you and me by hoppnhorn, thecopperkid | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 9k |  “Stevie, Stevie, Stevie,” Billy tuts, and it’s nearly sickening, too fucking good, the way he looks like he can think of nothing better than digging his teeth into Steve Harrington. “Look at you. What’re we gonna do with you, huh? Tell me what you want, pretty boy.”
B-Sides by notbecauseofvictories | Devil Went Down to Georgia | The Devil/Johnny | 5k | All the tunes that didn't make the cut.
Steve Rogers | Elegy
Lucifer | Heaven's Door
in my veins | keith
Voltron | Rise 
VOLTRON || H O M E || Season 6
Eleven || I'm this way because of you
Tenth Doctor | Reminiscence 
Lucifer | Heaven's Door
Marvel || Where are you now? (Faded)
Stranger Things | Heroes
What if THOR RAGNAROK had an anime opening?
the maze [multifandom]
Gilbert Blythe || The last, the only
K E I T H // "I won't quit" (6x07)
(Marvel) Avengers | Sacrifice
sᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴏʀ (ᴇᴘɪᴄ) // {Voltron AMV} ᴍᴀᴊᴏʀ sᴇᴀsᴏɴ 𝟼 sᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀs
Voltron | Rise (Season 6)
sᴏʟᴅɪᴇʀ // {Voltron AMV} ᴍᴀᴊᴏʀ sᴇᴀsᴏɴ 𝟼 sᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀs
Marvel | We Will Rock You
infinity war || bleeding heart
How Far We've Come - Voltron AMV (s1-s6)
Kylo Ren | Look What You Made Me Do
Way Down We Go|Detroit: Become Human
Loki // Hustler
Born ready [VOLTRON]
You could be h̶a̶p̶p̶y̶ and I won't know
ʜᴏᴡ ғᴀʀ ᴡᴇ'ᴠᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ
voltron s7 | home
VOLTRON || FIX YOU || Season 7
almost everything;
Infinity War || Flesh and Bone
Broken People || Avengers Infinity War
Marvel || Death is not the End
Blood//Water || Voltron Legendary Defender
The Wolf|Voltron| AMV
Harry Potter || Across this New Divide
► I Like Me Better
Game of Thrones | Flesh and Bone [6K]
The Byers || We can fix it, together
Legion || The World Killer
Infinity War || Violet Hill
Mike & Eleven || Out of the darkness
My Hero Academia「AMV」|| You Can Become A Hero
MARVEL || Stronger [The Score]
Peter + Roman | he hurt you
peter & roman | animals
Excelsior, Stan Lee
[Catradora] The Enemy
Avengers: Endgame - (Logan Style)
2018 --Trailers Mashup
X Ambassadors - UNSTEADY | Official Dance Video #LoveisLove
2018 Movie Trailer Mashup
just a machine? [Detroit: Become Human] *HBD Pteryx*
who are you? | Connor | Detroit: Become Human
Detroit: Become Human || Paralyzed
Emeli Sande - Daddy
EMPIRES Hello Lover
Stupid | Brendan Maclean
Chaos Chaos - Do You Feel It?
GHITA - Mindfvck
Olivia O'Brien - Fuck Feelings
gnash - i hate u, i love u ft. olivia o'brien
Paradise Valley | Honey and the Sting
Hidden Citizens - Hazy Shade of Winter
Attila the King | Nick Glennie-Smith
Lawless - Crossing Over (feat. IO Echo)
Is This the End | Joseph William Morgan
Man or a Monster | Sam Tinnesz(feat. Zayde Wølf)
Nothing Matters When We’re Dancing, Sense8 Remix ft Zoe Wise 
Moonlight End Credits | Nicholas Britell
Ori and the Blind Forest Soundtrack
Little Sadie - Crooked Still
That Feeling When - Dagny
Asylums for the Feeling - Silent Poets
Starboy - The Weeknd
Lash Out - Alice Merton
Liztomania - Phoenix
Alice - Fields and Planes
Little Black Submarines - The Black Keys
Ahead By a Century - The Tragically Hip
Can I Sit Next To You - Spoon
Fantasy Reading Soundtrack
Watercast Soundtrack
HAEVN - The Sea
Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
Ocean Size - Jane’s Addiction
174 Hours - Jeff Russo
you should see me in a crown - billie eilish
the trapper and the furrier - regina spektor
the war - syml
lion - saint mesa
island - svrcina
who are you - svrcina
lovely - billie eilish
hold me - the sweeplings
natural - imagine dragons
mermaid - skott
sky full of song - florence + the machine
music to watch boys to - lana del rey
road river and rail - cocteau twins
hypnos - daemonia nymphe
in a landscape - john cage
mmm mmm mmm mmm - crash test dummies
queendom - aurora
ordinary world - duran duran
silent lucidity - queensryche
friends - marshmello
popular - nada surf
song of the sea lullaby - nolwenn leroy
flesh and bone - black math
the wolf - siames
broken people- rag n bone man & logic
nina cried power ep - hozier
kol nidrey - the yuval ron ensemble
amen - for king & country
stronger - the score
rise like a phoenix - conchita wurst
heroes - mans zelmerlow
cut to the feeling - carly rae jepsen
electrified - just loud
all my friends - the revivalists
the way you used to do - queens of the stone age
the morning after - maureen mcgovern
killer shangri-lah - psychotic beats
work it out - effee
sous les aquarelles - ingrid st-pierre
the other side - greatest showman ensemble
the greatest show -  greatest showman ensemble
never enough - loren allred
this is me -  greatest showman ensemble
SOS - Cher
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! - Cher
Dancing Queen - Cher
Perfect Opening Line  - The Frames
Twin Fawn - Chelsea Wolfe
The Plains/Bitter Dancer - Fleet Foxes
Don’t Fall In Love - Still Corners
Acid Rain - Lorn
One Night Only - The Struts
Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt
Always Starting Over - Idina Menzel
Ghost of John - Kristin Lawrence
Fernando - Cher
The Ancestors - Dario Marianelli
Turn Back Time - Cher
It’s Quiet Uptown - Kelly Clarkson
Stranger Things - Facing West
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
The Origin of Love - Hedwig
DJ Earworm Mashup - United State of Pop 2018 (Turnin' It Up)
DECADE OF POP | The Megamix (2008-2018) // by Adamusic
MASHUP 2018 "THE GREATEST HOPE" - 2018 Year End Mashup
DANCE TO 2018 | YEAR END MEGAMIX (MASHUP) // by Adamusic
Vivaldi Recomposed by Max Richter
and i'm always tired, but never of you | The Bright Sessions | Sam/Damien/Mark | 10,405 words | Sam runs into Damien at the grocery store two years later. It changes everything.  
tides will bring me back to you | Kingdom Hearts | Axel/Roxas | 7,383 words | When Axel was sixteen, he did something stupid. He and a couple of his friends took his mom’s car up to the mountains, where they’d spent the better part of the day drinking bottles of stolen liquor and staggering along a heavily forested trail, laughing and bumping into trees as they went. As it was getting dark, they’d ended up near the end of it, where the heavy brush of the trees gave way to open sky and sea, a quiet little cove in the middle of nowhere.Then, one of his friends said, “I dare you to go in the water.”
Smallest Light | Stranger Things | Gen, El & Will | 5,165 words | In the summer of 1986, Will’s mom marries Jim Hopper. OR, Will and El learn how to be real people again together.
i don't want to rest in peace, we can haunt each other's dreams | EOS 10 | Ryan/Akmazian | 1,520 words |  In the dream, Ryan wakes up and Akmazian is there. 
Looking For Atlantis | SGA | Mcshep | 4,632 words | Hey Rodney, the postcard reads. Go see a movie.
keep your heart open (i'll keep mine open too) | Stranger Things | Harringrove | 7,915 words | “Did you even like me before you found out I was your soulmate?” Billy murmurs as he kisses a line down Steve’s throat.
2018 Playlist
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