#this episode was one of my favorite moments of the series!
frostytherobot · 2 days
Alright. Because I’m thinking about Creep as a film series because they just announced more Creep in the form of THE CREEP TAPES (I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG… it’s not a movie but a TV SHOW!!!) I’m just gonna ramble a little bit about why those movies are so important to me.
First, though:
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^ That’s my Creep tattoo. I got it over a year ago and show it off whenever I can.
So, onward.
I watched the first Creep movie for the first time during quarantine lockdown. It was like March of 2021? (Hold on, let me link the episode of my podcast for that.) (Yup. Don’t mind my pre-T voice.) That was like one of the loneliest times of my life. You know how it was, you were there, too. Fucking. Awful. I felt like there was just this bubble of sadness around me and nobody could get through to me. Sure, I had friends I could talk to over the internet, but that can only get you so far. Especially when they have their own lives and you can’t see them face to face.
One night, my two best college buddies and I decided we should watch it for our podcast. That was the one thing we could do that we could talk to each other consistently with, so we went for it. And, fuck. You can hear in that episode how freaked out that movie made us! We talk about human behaviors and the compulsion to kill and where that stems from, the relationship between politeness and gender roles, and lot of other related topics in that episode. It’s a smart film that knows how to suck you into the reality; you see these two men up close and personal, their odd behaviors, and the found footage formatting and intimate setting make you feel as though you are there witnessing all of this with them. As them. Those awkward moments make you cringe; watching Josef admit to stalking Aaron, catching Josef on the lies, tubby time. Oh, god, tubby time.
And then there was the ending. The moment where the camera is left in the car, you’re left in the car, and you just have to watch as Josef puts on the Peachfuzz wolf mask, flourishes his jacket, and buries that axe into Aaron’s head. The shot is static. It’s matter-of-fact, and that’s why it’s so horrifying. He’s dead. You followed this shy, awkward guy on his journey getting to know an oddball all the way to the lake, and he’s dead now. And then, the murderous oddball looks directly into the camera, and while he says Aaron’s name, he’s looking at you as he says, “That is why I love you. And that is why you will always be my favorite. Of them all.” Like he was thanking you for witnessing this event.
I felt like there was someone behind me for hours afterward. Josef had somehow gotten into my home. And that’s how it started.
Months later, we watched the second one. (Episode link here.) Of course we loved it. I loved it. It wasn’t as scary as the first one, but the intimacy and emotional connection was still there. That feeling of watching two people through their own eyes was still there. Only this time, they were trying to out-weird each other, or at least come together on a level they could both understand. The thing is, they were still misunderstanding each other. Sara is only comfortable with Josef’s Aaron’s freakiness because she thought he was lying to her when he wasn’t. The moment she starts to take it seriously is when she decides to leave, and that’s when Josef Aaron pulls out the lies and the deceit to bring her back in. And when she comes back in, that’s when she starts being genuine, letting her guard down, and that’s when she gets into trouble. She starts to believe in the watered-down version of Josef Aaron, seeing the front of softness as a vulnerability in him, and to a point, it is. But she totally disregards everything else that has happened during this day as some kind of ruse, when she should have kept those moments in mind. He’s still a killer, and dangerous, even if he plays it like he isn’t.
Sara ultimately pays the price for entertaining his whims. I guess Aaron did, too, but in a different way. While Aaron died and became a part of Josef, Sara now cannot get rid of him. He tries to kill her, and she runs, refusing his gift of death and absorption into himself, but now he follows her. She’s literally moved on, but like a ghost or a bad dog with attachment issues, he still follows her. He gave her his heart, after all.
And then I got to putting two and two together on why exactly all of this was appallingly appealing to me. I was alone. I was drifting further into this state of paradoxical nothing-pain. And suddenly, I was being welcomed into a dynamic in which I was wanted. It was an obsessive want, but I was wanted. He got me. They all did. Josef, Aaron, Sara. Suddenly I’m seeing aspects of my loneliness on screen. The slow reveal of the odd personality traits, the waiting to see the reaction. Pulling those traits back in when they’re not met with the tolerance I wish was there. The staying when I feel so uncomfortable because I want to understand. Upping the ante in an act of bonding. Feeling like I’ve found someone who’s on my wavelength, only to find they weren’t as okay with the whole me as I thought. The sudden urge to end it all. To kill the relationships. Move on, knowing they were dead, but I could still have the memories. They were getting distant. I could do it, you know. Just end it all right then.
Of course, I didn’t do that. But I felt it. I felt it a lot during that time.
I’ve not been super mentally healthy over my time being alive. I’ve been hospitalized for it. Not a fun experience, by the way. But that was another aspect that just drew me closer to Peachfuzz. He’s funny, and weird, and unstable. Always lying to appeal to the people around him because he wants them to stay, for sincere and sinister reasons. He’s terrible and lonely. I was terrible and lonely.
And there it was. Crystal clear. Los aguas milagros de corazón. I was taking comfort in a manifestation of something dark that I saw in myself. A mischievous, funny, isolated, totally fucked-in-the-head, murderous darkness. I wasn’t alone in that room anymore, and yeah, perhaps my company should’ve been something not so, well, creepy, but I thanked him for being there. I could put a face with the feeling, and the nothing-pain started going away.
He’s a friend of mine now. And I love him a lot.
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thatseventiesbitch · 2 days
It's heeeeeeere!
That '90s Show Season 2 Official Trailer
My favorite bits:
Leia's grandparents all teaching her to drive 🥰
I know a little bit about how Jay and Nikki find out about the almost-kiss, and it was fun seeing it play out 😆
Guys, gals and nonbinary pals, we have our first falling(/jumping?) off the water tower moment of the series!
"Okay you know what, I've talked myself back into it". Nikki my love!
Leia's Hot Topic interview!!!!! With Mitch. Who is still in love with Donna. 🙄 Very excited to see the rest of that storyline.
Lol why are the guys car-surfing? First it was Nate in the teaser and now Ozzie.
"If we got past me calling her grandma hot, we can make it through anything." 🤣
Ooooh, the girls shoplifting and Gwen being the only one they stop is inch-resting! Very very intrigued by how they handle this storyline. Reminds me of the Ginny & Georgia episode.
Why is Jay like, hugging Donna like that? (And the "Dude!" just sounded like LP to me 🤣)
I do love me some Will Forte
"We have some fun news to share!" LMAO that entire scene already had me dying. This Bob is back, baby!
T-minus 23 days, people. It's happening (again)!
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kisris · 2 days
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AHHH I'M STUPID SHIT and accidentally deleted a question from anonymous about the Dead Boy Detectives!! Open the tab to see the answer!
Can I share my thoughts on the series rq? Of course, I am interested in the supernatural stuff and all things related to it, so I was excited to see a story about two unlucky detective ghost-friends. However, I cannot say that at least one of the protagonists caught any attention. Maybe there was not enough backstory or my favorite daily moments, or perhaps there was a narrative convention that moved away from empathy for the characters (orrr I simply don't belong to the target audience, who the hell knows). Nevertheless, I really enjoyed the graphic as well as the interpretation of the hell. The episodes were dynamic and not boring, that's for sure.
Well, I watched the entire season in a day and I wasn't particularly captivated, to be honest.. My favorite characters were all the villains and this seducer!
Edwin... Oh, how difficult it is for an innocent dandelion boy to question his sexuality when two men are drooling around him (and the third is sending mixed signals). But. There is no mystery or excitement in this situation to me, it's just a matter of "when already" and a sigh of "WELL FINALLY". All the hand-to-heart gestures and hugs look like a missed train. And how well it was discussed at the end! Perhaps the best response to unrequited love from two sides. I'll definitely watch the second season just for fun, but unfortunately I don't want to actively follow the fandom..
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5m-ay-a · 1 day
So a few weeks ago I came across a fan made live action series called Red Hood: Resurrection At this moment only one episode is out and when I watched the episode I was amazed by how good it was so here are the links to the series TikTok and YouTube channel if anyone wants to check it out:
And I just have to post my favorite moment in episode one
(tagging a bit of my mutuals to try and spread this around) @periwinkle-the-11th @yeetus-feetus @mylifeingotham @random-sparks-98
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storywood · 1 year
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Because I’m very excited about the Mighty Nein animated show announcement, here’s a throwback to one of my favorite fanarts from Critical Role campaign 2! 
Isharnai's Hut 🧁
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latin-dr-robotnik · 2 months
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20 years ago, Sonic X gave us the definition of love. Happy anniversary, episode 52!
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mayabishopgold · 25 days
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Maya & Beckett | Station 19 - 7x07
I'm a horrible person.
Maya, you did what you needed to do.
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jaynaneeya · 10 months
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Sean Persaud as Ichabod Crane in Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story Episode 2: The Ghosts in the Graveyard
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seventhdoctor · 9 months
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Graduation photos, episodes 161 and 167
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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TK/Carlos + Touch
↳ 1.05 Studs
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look ill dunk on the rise movie a little for only developing leo as a character (everyone else DID things in the plot, but their character was static/used to showcase leo’s development), i don’t deny this
but its galaxy brain to end the movie with raph center-frame and everyone chanting his name, it does the heart good. rise team slapped the top of this movie overall and said “this bad boy can fit so many important group shots with raph in the center and we love him very much” and i respect that
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cartoonslovers · 2 years
TFA Sentinel Prime is such a character, one minute is saying shit like the "primer Prime" and the next minute he saying the rawest list ever like " it's too late for apologies now Optimus, too late for all of us"
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woulddieforloki · 1 year
i will never get over how good episode eight of wandavision was
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
Is the aim of every Endeavour season finale just to rip my heart out of my chest, throw it on the ground, and grind it to powder beneath someone’s heel???
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ravensilversea · 10 days
7, 18 and 25! for the favorites ask game :3
Ask Game
7 - quote?
"art is not about capturing PERFECTION it is about capturing HONESTY OF A MOMENT. because perfection does not exist but raw honesty and connection to this ever passing timeline does. we are here grabbing life out of the stream and holding it in our hands to cry out I WAS HERE" - Chuck Tingle [Original post here]
So one of my frustrations with my creative writing classes in college was that there was this expectation that we should and want to seek perfection in our writing, and I just didn't. I wanted to tell a story, and telling it in the most perfect technical way didn't matter to me- it still doesn't tbh. So I really vibed with this paragraph of that post in particular
18 - constellation?
Orion! He's the first constellation I learned to find in the sky, and still the only one I can find consistently lol
25 - kind of candy?
Cadbury crème eggs! One of the reasons why Easter has the best candy selection of the year imo. I always tried to save them for last when eating my Easter candy as a kid, but I was not always successful. You just can't go wrong with a sweet creme surrounded by milk chocolate ya know?
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getitoncamera · 5 months
i’m also so glad we got to see the fates!!
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