#this drawing is fucked i drew w charcoal
buntsukim · 23 days
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Coal pajamas,,....
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britneyshakespeare · 2 years
drawing just eats up my fucking time man
#eats up my time and my charcoal pencils#i don't even like charcoal pencils. i love charcoal i'm meh on graphite. charcoal pencils... in some ways they're the worst of both worlds#tales from diana#i spent five fucking hours doing my drawing homework and it came out w Several Fucking Foundational Flaws#at least in composition for what the assignment was supposed to be#and i was so unsatisfied w it bc in the end the figure i ended up doing was so small#bc i was focusing on adding a lot of detail to the room i was sitting in#and im soooo fucking anal-retentive about drawing rooms. long story short i should've just. zoomed in like 3.5x and not#done all that much. i nearly burnt myself out before i even started drawing ME (THE POINT OF THE ASSIGNMENT)#(IT'S A FIGURE DRAWING CLASS NOT A LINEAR PERSPECTIVE CLASS)#the figure i drew is kinda cute actually but so squished it doesn't look... much like me at all#maybe it's also my hair being tied back but the facial features are so small they dont look like anyone in particular#and as small as they are they don't really resemble me much either#so i was so unhappy w it that i drew a very VERY zoomed in one that was just. well mainly my face.#it was on a smaller piece of paper#(normally we do them on 18'' x 24'')#i drew the ceiling and walls in the background but it's like. very much not the focus.#there's a bit of shoulder and arm too but my hair is covering up a lot bc i let it down#it's not very much fitting the assignment either but i thought it made up for the whole... lack of PERSON that i didnt have in my first one#and counting the breaks i had to take to let my brain melt that all took like... six and a half hours#but i couldn't NOT do all of that. i just. ugh. i wish drawing were fucking easy for me it absolutely is not.#there are so many things i should do instead of what i naturally think to do. and im also very slow and detail-oriented#detail-oriented but my details don't even turn out really good.#what i draw in two hours other people could draw in less than half that time#what i draw in six hours other people could draw in two#and that doesn't make me want to give it up. i'm glad i work hard. i think it's worth it for the joy i get out of learning it.#but damn. i'm just a slow-fuckin-poke.
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bubblesuga · 3 years
Turning Page - Part 1
Summary: Sometimes you find yourself in the right place at the right time and unknowingly, you fall in love. Min Yoongi certainly didn’t expect that when he met eyes with you one fateful night in late July. Nor did he expect to end up naked in your apartment while you drew his body.
w/c: 7,302 genre: struggling producer!yoongi au, new relationship, fluff, smut warnings: oral (m receiving), dom!yoongi, switch!reader, raw sex, spanking, reader has a praise kink, yoongi has a dirty mouth (but lets be honest, what else is new?), slight exhibitionism, jungkook is too nosy for his own good
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It’s not often that you find yourself at a 24 hour diner in the middle of the night with an insane amount of papers splayed out in front of you as eat your waffles while answering emails and trying your hardest to copy the manuscripts sent to you but for some god-awful reason it’s happened to you on more than one occasion this week alone. 
The manuscript, which the author unabashedly decided to hand write instead of type in this day and age, was way too long and had way too much detail. Unfortunately for you, your boss only reads typed manuscripts and insisted that you copy every word and type it for her by Monday. You know for a fact that your boss is going to get three chapters into this absolute mess of a story and toss it but you have no choice but to listen to her. 
This is definitely not how you expected being an intern to go yet here you are, wondering and waiting for the day that you can move on and start your own company like you’ve wanted to for practically your entire life. 
“Can I get you a refill on your coffee?” A voice asks, and you glance up to see the waitress, an older woman with a smile that could light up a thousand suns. 
“Yes please,” you smile, holding out your mug to her as she pours directly from the pot, “thank you.” 
“No problem, I always see you working so hard so I figured you could use the energy boost.” she grins, patting your shoulder lightly as she begins to walk away and help the other few tables which also happen to be hosting tired college students and early risers or late sleepers. 
Without even realizing it, another half hour passes by you quickly. Your eyes burn, but you count the remaining pages and try to push through. Quickly though, your ears spot the sound of dishes clanking together and you can’t help but pull your attention in that direction. 
A man with blond hair and dark eyes is cleaning the table in front of you. He adorns an apron around his waist and a white t-shirt with black pants. The busboy wipes down the table, and you admire his side profile as he does so. His features are soft, a rounded nose and down-turned lips held almost in a pout. You have never come across a man so stunningly beautiful, it nearly causes your breath to be caught in your throat. 
You’re staring for so long that the man catches on to your watchful eye, glancing over in your direction with a raised eyebrow. You smile sheepishly, “Sorry.” 
The man smirks, shaking his head before hauling the bin of empty cups and plates towards the kitchen. Your heart sinks for a moment, but you shake the feeling to the best of your ability and try to finish typing. 
A few more moments pass, and you hear someone sitting across from you. You glance up and see the man sat across from you, apron gone and a black jacket now covering his torso. 
“Can I help you?” You question softly, clasping your hands together atop the table. 
He bites his bottom lip, “I feel like I should be asking you the same thing.” 
“You were watching me earlier, just curious what was on your mind was all.” He shrugs, his hands stuffed into his hoodie pockets. 
You swallow, the way his eyes scan you causes your face to flush. Carefully, you stack up your papers and clean the table slightly while you try to think a way to dance around the answer to his question. He waits patiently, which only causes you to panic internally. 
“I was thinking that you would be nice to draw.” you finally settle on, and it’s true. He looks like a work of art, and you’d love to have had him as a model in your art class when you went to college. 
He doesn’t seem to expect that answer, his eyes widening slightly as his head tilts, “So draw me.” 
“Ah,” you immediately wave your hand dismissively, “I haven’t drawn in a couple years and I was never any good at it anyway.” 
He leans forward, mirroring your position from earlier, “But if that was your first thought then surely you still have an interest in it.” The smooth cadence of his tone intimidates you to no end, yet it entices you and pulls you in even more. How can a stranger hold so much power over you?
“I’ll tell you what,” you say after a moment, suddenly gaining a brush of confidence when you see a twinkle in his eye, “you come to my apartment tomorrow night and I’ll draw you.” 
“That sounds like a trap to murder me.” He remarks, a gummy grin stretching across his face and you have to hold back a small ‘awe’, your chest twisting at the sight. 
“You want to get drawn or not?” you bite back, just as teasingly. 
He shakes his head, a small chuckle leaving his pink lips, “Give me your phone.” 
You raise an eyebrow, reaching into your bag and pulling out your phone. You unlock it for him and he takes it immediately, keeping the screen just far enough away from you that you can’t see what he’s doing. Soon enough, he stands abruptly and sets your phone down onto the table.
He smirks, “Text me the address, I’ll be there.” 
The stranger wanders down the isle and towards the front door, and you watch in awe at his broad shoulders and shapely figure. Something about the way he carried himself made your mouth water. 
Breaking out of your trance, you quickly unlock your phone and and see a newly added contact. At the top of the screen is a simple ‘Yoongi ;)’ titling the contact. 
You blush, gnawing your bottom lip gently as he passes by the window and sends a wink your way.
He’s going to be here any moment. He’s going to walk through your door with his stupid fucking smirk and attractive eyes and he’s going to be in your living room, posing for a while so you can draw him. 
And you’re freaking out. 
After he left you immediately sent him your address, and since then the two of you have been talking non stop. It was mostly about small things, jobs, favorite foods and favorite colors... Although it may have only been a day, you feel like you know him pretty well. He’s funny and charismatic and oh so charming, no wonder you were so drawn in to his beauty because he’s gorgeous from the inside out. 
You haphazardly through your jackets and shoes into the closet by the front door, only recently becoming aware of how much clothes you leave strewn throughout your home. 
Just as you light a cinnamon scented candle in the center of the room, your doorbell rings. 
You rush over to the door and glance in the mirror to fluff your hair and wipe away any runny make up. Exhaling a deep breath, you open the door and greet Yoongi with a smile. 
“Hello.” you say simply, opening the door wider and motioning for Yoongi to come in. He’s dressed in a black button up and tight fitting black jeans, a stark contrast to his work attire. He carries with him a back pack and a bottle of whiskey. 
He notices the way you eye the bottle, and he flushes slightly, “I figured it could help with your nerves. A- and mine, because I’m a little nervous as well.” 
“Nervous?” you trudge into your living room with Yoongi following closely behind, “why are you nervous?” 
“Well, I’m not exactly sure if you expected this to be a nude drawing or not so I wore nice clothes but I’m also willing to take them off.” He scratches the bottom of his chin, watching as you set up the easel. 
You pause your movements, eyes widening, “N- nude?” 
“Yeah,” he chuckles, twisting open the bottle of whiskey, “isn’t that what you do in those fancy art classes? Draw nude people?” 
“I- I mean, we did,” you stutter, your throat going dry, “but they were always women because I went to an all female college.” 
“Ah, so you could use the practice,” he grins confidently, but it drops suddenly, “unless you’re uncomfortable with that. Then, fully clothed is fine with me.” 
The thought of being able to see the gorgeous man nude excited you more than you’d like to admit, and seeing as you two were in the safety and comfort of your own home, you had no problem with him doing it so long as he wanted to, and by the way his fingers are itching to undo the first button of his shirt, you figure he is. 
“Go ahead. You’re right, I can use the practice.” 
Yoongi smiles and with trembling fingers he begins to take his clothes off. As he does so, you focus on setting up the rest of your supplies. The charcoal set sits idly on the table beside you and you finally sit down with a sigh. 
As you turn your eyes back to Yoongi, you see that he is splayed across your couch with the bottle in hand. 
Holy fuck, his body is just as gorgeous as his face. He’s lean, but you can tell he definitely works out his arms and his legs are long, a pinkish tint holds itself to his skin and you’re unsure if he’s being shy or if the alcohol has already taken affect on him. Eventually you let your eyes land on his hips, his pelvis presenting itself neatly between his legs. It takes everything in you not to drop what you’re doing and let him fuck you into oblivion. 
“(Y/N)?” you hear, and you’re brought back to the current situation. Yoongi’s face holds a knowing smirk, and he leans forward to hand you the bottle of whiskey. 
You take it gratefully, your heart thudding harshly in your chest as you take a sip. 
“Is this position okay?” he questions, one leg bent at the knee and resting on the other one. His right arm rests extended on the back of the couch while his left hand plays dangerously close to his pelvis. 
“Y- yes.” you breathe, picking up your pencil and beginning the sketch. 
It doesn’t take long for you to get the basic sketch down, your love for drawing coming back in droves as Yoongi sits silently, watching your face as you continue to sketch across the paper. He smiles, your nose crinkling before you erase a line or your tongue poking out as your concentrating on a specific area. 
After a little bit of silence, you speak up, “Do you want me to draw, uhm,” you pause your sentence and gesture towards his hips, to which he responds with a little laugh. 
“My cock?” 
His use of the word shocks you a little bit, but you silently remind yourself that you are a grown woman and are completely capable of listening to a man talk about his anatomy, even when you’re immensely attracted to him and have to continually swallow the drool that threatens to fall from your mouth. 
“Yeah, your- your cock.” you nearly whisper, noticing the way his cock twitches slightly at your voice. 
Okay, he’s getting just as much enjoyment out of this as I am. 
“Yeah,” he chuckles, shifting a few inches, “I want you to draw my cock.” 
You nod, turning back to your drawing and beginning the last details. 
Yoongi doesn’t take his attention away from your face, gauging your reaction to his body. He likes the way you’re so attentive, and it’s taking everything in him not to harden, though he’s unsure how much longer he can hold off. 
His mind reels with the possibility of you riding him right on this couch. After spotting you at the restaurant he knew that he wanted you. It’s been far too long since he’s had sex, and his pickiness has become more and more evident, especially to his roommates. However, the moment he saw you, he could nearly imagine the way you would feel around him and when he saw you staring he knew that he was in the clear to come over and talk to you. 
This definitely wasn’t how he expected it to turn out but he has no complaints. 
“I’m almost done,” you murmur, your brow furrowed in concentration, “you can move now. All I have to do is shade a little.” 
Yoongi lets out a small breath, his fingers dancing across his hip bone as he lays comfortably on his back, “Do you need me to get dressed now?” 
You glance up, your face mostly hidden by the sketch pad, “If you would like to.” 
Slight disappointment hits Yoongi as he realizes that he’s not going to be able to touch you today. He sits up and reaches for his boxers, but you stop him. 
“Or you could give me a minute and I’ll undress too.” you say casually, shrugging as you pick up a black pen and sign the bottom of the drawing.
Yoongi’s jaw drops, and there’s no stopping it now. He instantly feels blood rush to his cock and watches intently while you spin the easel around and show him your work of art. 
Across the page, Yoongi sees himself displayed and detail lining every area of the sketch. He notices the way his eyes twinkle even in the drawing and if there were ever a time to think of himself as attractive, it would be now that he’s been drawn by you. 
“Do you like it?” you ask nervously.
Yoongi grins, “I love it.” 
“Good,” you whisper, and you stand up. You take a careful step over to him, and Yoongi doesn’t take his eyes away from you. As you’re about to slip your shirt over your head, he stops you. 
“Let me, please.” he begs gently, and you nod. He stands up quickly and hooks his fingers around the hem of your shirt. You lift your arms and allow him to slip the material over your head. His movements are slow, tantalizing and teasing you but also drawing you into him. 
He places his hand against your side, drawing small circles before leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. 
It lasts no more than a few seconds, but you instantly miss the contact. He smiles, his nose crinkling as he does so and your heart can be heard from inside your chest, singing as he looks you in the eyes. He unhooks your bra, tossing it to the side and suddenly his lips are back on yours. 
It’s much more feverish than before, the taste of the whiskey and his strawberry flavored lip balm mix together on your tongue. The combination is harmonious, and he tastes exactly like you thought he would. 
Suddenly, he grips your shorts and pants, slipping them down your legs and softly commanding you to step out of them. You steady yourself on his shoulders and do as he says, your legs trembling with anticipation. 
“Last chance to back out of this if you don’t want it.” Yoongi says, his hands cupping your jaw and using his thumb to swipe gently at your cheek. You smile, “I want this.” 
He nods, “On your knees.” 
You instantly listen, dropping to your knees in front of him and licking your lips hungrily at now being eye level with Yoongi’s now hard cock. He smirks, “You can touch.” 
You nod hesitantly, then reach forward and pump him up and down a few times. Instantly, Yoongi’s head falls backward and a moan falls from his lips, gloriously loud and deep. 
The sound sends tingles straight to your heat, and you tentatively stick your tongue out to lick the tip of his member. His hips flex and you open your mouth automatically to accept him into your mouth. He goes a little further than expected and you gag as you feel him hit the back of your throat. 
“’M sorry,” he moans, “fuck your throat feels so good.” 
He looked heavenly, sweat begins to line his forehead as you use your tongue on the underside of his cock, paying special attention to the pulsating vein. 
His hands gather your hair up in his hands, “There we go, wanna see your pretty face as you suck my cock.” 
You take him as deep into your mouth as you possibly can and hold him there, moaning at his dirty mouth and feeling yourself grow wetter by the second. 
“Good girl,” he feels your hands begin to roam his torso, his muscles flexing beneath his fingertips, “gonna cum.” 
With that, you pop off of him and see his eyes fall to you incredulously. “I was gonna-” 
“I know,” you grin, “but wouldn’t it feel better inside of me?” 
“You are so fucking hot.” he says, pulling you up to his level and slamming his lips to yours. You tug him down as you fall onto the couch, his cock brushing ever-so-lightly between your legs and causing both of you to gasp. 
It doesn’t take Yoongi long to line himself up at your entrance, your legs wrapped carefully around his waist and guiding him in slowly. Yoongi watches the way your eyes roll backwards as he bottoms out, a moan falling from his lips as he steadies himself.
He had never felt as much pleasure than in this moment. 
The eroticism of the entire situation made everything feel more sensual. Despite barely knowing him, you felt a connection to him stronger than anyone ever before. The way his cock seems to fit perfectly within you, stroking and massaging your velvety walls, immediately has you reeling beneath him. 
“I’m not gonna last very long,” Yoongi starts, his arms shaking as he holds himself above you, “what can I do to help you out?” 
“That’s okay, just fuck me.” You gasp.
You feel him reach a point inside you that sends waves through your body, your back arching off the couch. Yoongi catches the way your breathing has grown ragged, and reaches his hand between the two of you. 
His thumb manages to find your clit, collecting your wetness and rubbing over it gently. His thrusts stay slow and steady, but even so you’re unable to hold back. As your orgasm approaches, you bring Yoongi down to your mouth and feel the way he nibbles at your bottom lip. Suddenly, he speeds his thrusts up and his thumb swipes fast and sloppy circles across your clit. 
You feel your breath catch in your throat as your orgasm washes over you, a mewl of content leaving your mouth as Yoongi soon follows after, strings of hot cum coating your walls and adding to the sensitivity of your heat. 
He collapses on top of you, his lips peppering kisses across your exposed chest while your hand caresses his hair. 
“I would have been able to last longer if you weren’t so fucking good at giving head.” Yoongi nearly whines, his chest heaving while he attempts to catch his breath. 
“It’s okay,” you smile, pushing his hair back and exposing his forehead, “we both got there in the end.” 
Yoongi shrugs, making no effort to move off of you as he buries himself in your chest, “If you hadn’t, I would have no problem making you cum on my tongue.” His words are slightly muffled by your breasts which only causes you to giggle. 
“Hm, I’m open to experiencing that on another day,” his lips turn up against your skin at your words, “but can I give you some pointers?” 
Yoongi’s head pops up, his eyes looking at you incredulously, “you just said that we both got there in the end, what more do I need to do?” 
“Be louder,” you whisper, his tone teasing, “I like when a man is vocal.” 
His eyes glare jokingly, “Okay, you’re on. I’ll be as loud as you want.” 
You giggle, pressing a light kiss to his nose and watching the way his face scrunch up at the contact. 
His chin rests on you, his thumb stroking your cheekbone, “I like you a lot.” 
“Are you basing this solely off of the fact that I made you cum?” 
“That plays a part in it,” he chuckles, “but I want to see you again for sure. You seem cool, and I’d really like to take you out to dinner some time.” 
“Ah,” you click your tongue, “we did it backwards.” 
Yoongi laughs, a melodic sound that instantly makes your heart speed up. 
The two of you lay there for a little bit, your hand stroking his hair as you talk about the most mundane tasks. He tells you a little bit about his job, how his friend owns the diner the two of you met at and Yoongi likes to help out every once in a while for some extra cash. 
His real passion lies in music, which is why he was so hellbent to see you make art again. He loves encouraging people to create, to take charge and express themselves in the purest forms. 
After what seems like hours, Yoongi hears his phone ding. With a groan of disapproval, he climbs off of you and reaches into his jeans for his phone. 
You situate yourself on your side, watching the way Yoongi runs a hand through his messy hair and checks his phone. 
“Seokjin wants me to come serve tonight,” he says with a sigh, “I’ll text you after I get off, yeah?” 
You nod, “I need to finish up some work anyway.”
Silently, Yoongi begins to dress himself for the first time since he entered your apartment. You pout visibly as he slips his boxers back on, standing up and following suit by dressing yourself as well. 
As soon as you’re both dressed, you carefully tear Yoongi’s drawing out of the sketch pad and reach out to hand it to him.
“You’re giving it to me?” He questions, taking it with a raised eyebrow. 
You nod, “I don’t feel right in keeping it.” 
He shakes his head, “You should keep it for a rainy day.” 
Your eyes turn to slits while you inspect the drawing. You quietly slip it back into the sketchbook while Yoongi lets out another laugh. 
You lead him back to the front door, your arms crossed over your chest. Different from previous hook ups, you didn’t feel dirty after everything that you did. Instead, you felt comforted by the fact that he didn’t just leave as soon as he finished. He seemed like he genuinely wanted to take care of you and that wasn’t something you came across often. 
As he shuts the door behind him, you can’t help but touch your lips while you remember the feeling of his. 
“Hey Seokjin,” Yoongi greets as he enters the diner through the back door. 
Seokjin flips some sauteed vegetables in a pan and glances over at his younger friend, “Hey Yoon-” he pauses, setting down the pan, “you got laid didn’t you?” 
Yoongi throws his head back, muttering a small ‘damn it’ knowing that he’s going to get grilled until Seokjin is happy with the amount of details he’s received. 
“Yeah I did.” he sighs. 
“Hm, well you don’t seem too happy about it. Was she awful or something?” 
Yoongi whips his head towards Seokjin, “What? No, god no. She was fantastic.” 
“Then why the long face?” 
“Because I had to leave her to come help you.” Yoongi shrugs, chuckling when he feels Seokjin shove him lightly. 
Shaking his head, Seokjin plates up the food while he talks to Yoongi, “Was it the cute editor you were talking about last night?” 
Yoongi feels a twinge of jealousy hit his chest when he hears Seokjin saw you too, but it’s quickly replaced with triumph once he realizes that he got to you first. 
“She’s an intern, not an editor quite yet, but yeah that’s her.” 
“Good man,” he praises, “does that mean you’re back on your game?” 
Yoongi scoffs, “Just because I fuck one girl doesn’t mean I’m immediately going to try and fuck every girl I’m attracted to again.” 
Sure, Yoongi admits he went through a phase of... being well known. Especially in college, Yoongi was known to be a man of many special talents. After a while of random hook ups and making girls scream his name, he lost interest. He assumed it was because he got bored of it, but now he’s realizing that he was much more interested in having a relationship. Ever since he realized that, he had been waiting for someone to fall into his lap. 
For some reason, the moment he saw you he felt some indescribable feeling that drew him to you. Like all that waiting had finally paid off and he needed to talk to the girl with laser focus and a cute smile. 
“Oh, so you like this girl?” Seokjin says, glancing at the screen as another order comes in. 
“Yeah, a lot. She’s an artist.” He grins, calling back from the locker room connected to the kitchen. 
“Awe, did she draw you a picture?” Seokjin coos, a loud laugh following his teasing words. 
Yoongi’s cheeks blush as he suddenly flashes back to the events of today, “Yeah, you could say that.” 
Seokjin glances into the locker room, “I’ll question further later, for now you need to go to section A and help out Hwasa because she is drowning in tickets.” 
“Yes sir!” Yoongi mocks a salute, walking out to the dining area. 
From: Yoongi (received 16:34)
Be ready in 20.  Dress comfortably.
Your jaw drops as you stare at your phone, rushing upward from your position on your couch with a bag of chips and blankets surrounding you. 
You glance your at your reflection in passing and practically run to the bathroom to comb your hair. 
It’s only been two weeks since the two of you met. Your comforted by the fact that your phone always has a good morning text and a good night text from Yoongi. The two of you have yet to have a dry conversation and even if Yoongi is stuck at work or working on one of his secret projects, he makes sure to send a text that he’ll respond as soon as he has the chance. 
Previously you had never had someone so attentive, especially even in just the talking stages. At one point he called you, his voice rough and laced with sleep but the entire time he seemed lively and excited to talk to you. Your heart swelled with adoration the entire time and you’re safe in thinking that Yoongi feels the same. 
Because you haven’t seen Yoongi since the day you drew him, you find yourself regularly looking at the drawing. 
For the first time in what seems like years, you felt proud of something you had created. A constant rut that collapsed in on you like a black hole, drowning you in a state of constant despair, disappeared in half a day. Since then, you’re brain is reeling with creative thought and you couldn’t wait to show Yoongi what you’ve been drawing in your free time. He encourages you in a way that makes you feel like you can be whatever you want to be. 
One thing you were most proud of was your self-portrait. Your legs laid spread in front of a mirror for hours while you tried to perfect a drawing for Yoongi, to give back since he allowed you to keep his. 
“Why do all my cute bras disappear when I need them most?” you whine outwardly, your phone dinging again. 
From Yoongi (received 16:48) 
Oops, I’m early. 
You smile. 
To Yoongi (sent 16:49) 
You’re lucky you’re cute Be out soon
Quickly, you slip on a simple blue laced bra and t-shirt with a red skirt. Hoping that you were still cute in your comfortable clothes, you let out a nervous breath and head to the door. You grab your sketch book before you lock your door, Yoongi’s car parked at the end of the breezeway. You spot him before he spots you, a black beanie adorned on his head with his gorgeous blond hair peaking out beneath. 
You open his door and Yoongi immediately puts his phone away, “Hey.” 
“Hi.” You greet, slipping your sketchbook into the back seat. Yoongi leans over the center console and holds your face in his hand, and he kisses you. 
It’s short and sweet, not as feverish as the first one you shared but it made you realize how quickly you had fallen victim to missing his kiss. 
“I have wanted to do that for weeks now.” He states as if he read your mind, his eyes closed in bliss. 
“Why’d it take you so long then?” You tease, kissing him again. 
Yoongi smirks, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” 
“Does that mean you’re fonder of me?” 
He watches you pull the seat belt over your torso before he responds, “Definitely, I was thinking about you last night before I went to bed.” 
You raise an eyebrow, “Oh?” 
“Mhm,” he hums, a hand moving over to rest on your knee while he backs out of the parking spot, “you’re very talented with your tongue, even in my dreams.” 
You don’t respond, instead you look down at his hand on your knee with a blush.
The drive consists of soft music playing of the speakers of Yoongi’s 2003 Kia. A choice of car you wouldn’t expect him to drive but it oddly fits his personality. It’s quiet and gets him just where he needs to be, a simple thing that Yoongi tells you he takes pride in. 
It isn’t a long drive, but you take the time to admire the way Yoongi looks as he drives. The windows are rolled down and soft summer air breezes throughout the car while you drive across the countryside. The evening sun shines across Yoongi’s face, those soft facial features that drew you in still prominent, his nose curling upward while he laughs at a joke you told. 
“Alright,” he says after about 15 minutes, “we’re here.” 
Yoongi parks near a beach, where you spot a group of people around a fire. You tilt your head, “Are we meeting your friends?” 
“Yeah, I hope that’s okay. It’s just a small get together to celebrate a friend’s promotion.” Yoongi scratches the back of his neck and lets out a nervous chuckle. 
You survey the crowd, cases of soju surrounding them while they laugh among each other. One of them seems to spot the car, waving at the two of you enthusiastically. 
Butterflies swarm in your stomach as you draw your bottom lip between your teeth, “Sure, I’d love to meet your friends.” 
Yoongi rushes to the other side of the car to open your door for you, wrapping his arm comfortingly around your shoulder while he leads you to the group. 
A log was left empty that had just enough room for the two of you. As you approach, Yoongi calls out, “Shut up everybody! This is (Y/N), be nice to her. I like her a lot,” instantly everyone quiets down, and Yoongi points to the tallest first man, “That’s Namjoon, Seokjin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jimin.” 
“Hyung, why’d you say my name last?” Jimin pouts, his voice already slightly slurred. You giggle, following Yoongi to the log. 
Namjoon reaches over, sticking his hand out, “It’s nice to meet the girl that Yoongi’s mentioned.” 
“Mentioned?” Jungkook scoffs, “He doesn’t shut up about you. You’re all he ever talks about and it takes a lot to get this man to stop talking about music.” 
Yoongi leans over and smacks his friend on the arm, his cheeks turning red at his admission. 
You giggle, “If it’s any consolation, I talk about Yoongi all the time too.” 
“Ah great, they’re both crazy about each other.” Seokjin jokes, a laugh unlike you had ever heard falling from his lips. His laugh causes you to laugh, and you quickly cover your mouth once you realize what you did. 
“Yah! She’s already making fun of my laugh!” Seokjin remarks, his bottom lip jutting outward cutely while Jimin shakes his head. 
“Take this and shut up.” Jimin reaches a drink out to Seokjin, who laughs and sends a wink your way to ease your mind. 
The night continues on gleefully, exchanging stories among each other and getting to know Yoongi’s friends - and Yoongi - more and more. 
At one point you could tell that Yoongi’s friends were grilling you in an attempt to see if you were a bad person. They were quite bad at it, though, seeing as Jungkook asked if you had ever killed a man and Taehyung was hellbent on trying to get you to say you liked country music. Though, you did admit that Carrie Underwood had a few good songs. Taehyung took this as a win and threw his hands up in victory while Namjoon told him to settle down. 
Now that you were more than a few drinks in, you listened intently to every story that the boys were telling. 
"Just wait until you hear about Yoongi’s parenting diary for Holly.” Hoseok spills, laughing so hard that he leans into Jimin who sits beside him. Jimin eyes disappear behind his smile, and everyone begins to chuckle. 
“No way!” you gape, turning to look at Yoongi who holds a beer tightly in his left and draws circles in your back with his right, “Min Yoongi, you never told me you were such a softy.” 
“I’m not a softy, I’m mean and scary,” Yoongi retaliates loudly, then he leans closer to your ear and whispers, “and I bite.” 
A chill runs down your spine and you immediately turn away, rubbing your hands together in an attempt to conceal your chill. Yoongi chuckles low enough for you to hear, his fingertips reaching beneath the base of your shirt and massaging gently. You didn’t realize how rough his fingertips were, callouses from hours of guitar playing evident on his hands. 
“Alright, children. I think it’s time for us to head out.” Yoongi says suddenly, interrupting a conversation between Hoseok and Namjoon. 
He stands and pulls you up with him. You smile and wave, “It was nice meeting you all.” 
“It was nice meeting you too,” Namjoon waves back to you, “excited to have you back around.” 
As you say goodbye to the rest and walk away, you hear a patter of footsteps walking behind the two of you. “Hyung! Can I get a ride?” 
Jungkook stumbles towards the two of you, and Yoongi glances at you in question. You shrug, “I don’t mind, it’s your car.” 
Yoongi waves Jungkook over, the three of you walking towards Yoongi’s small car. Yoongi opens the door for you, bowing gently and humming while he walks over to the drivers side. In the few short seconds that you and Jungkook were alone in the car, Jungkook leans forward and rests his head on the back of Yoongi’s seat. 
“I haven’t seen Yoongi this happy in a while,” he pats your shoulder, “thank you.” 
You don’t get the opportunity to respond as Yoongi opens the car door and hops in. You swallow, smiling and biting your lip. Your chest swells with the thought that Yoongi is just as affected by you as you are by him. 
The drive is quite, but suddenly Jungkook speaks up. 
“Is this yours, (Y/N)?”
You turn your head back and instantly your eyes widen, Jungkook glancing through your sketchpad. You spot the edge of your Yoongi drawing sticking out, Yoongi’s face visible but Jungkook had yet to spot it. 
“Y- yeah.” you say, praying that he stops flipping through the pages. Yoongi glances over to you, his eyes just as wide as yours. He simply shakes his head as if to say ‘stop him’. 
“These are really goo- oh! You drew Yoongi!” Jungkook’s fingers begin to pull at the piece of paper which causes you to unhook your seat belt and take the entire sketchbook out of Jungkook’s hands. 
He seems lost for a second, “Can I see the Yoongi drawing?” 
“No!” you and Yoongi respond simultaneously, panic lacing both of your voices while Yoongi pulls into an unfamiliar neighborhood. 
Jungkook raises an eyebrow, “You two doing something freaky?” 
Yoongi coughs, “I was just a model for (Y/N) to practice with.” 
“A nude model?” Jungkook asks in a sing-song voice, noticing the way you glance at Yoongi.
“Cool it with the questions, Kookie.” Yoongi scolds gently. 
“Hey, I don’t judge. I posed nude for a sculpting class once, those girls got to look at my bits for hours and I’m sure they enjoyed it as much as you enjoyed looking at Yoongi’s-” 
“Wow would you look at that, we’re home! Get the fuck out of my car.” Yoongi turns around, gesturing for Jungkook to exit. Jungkook holds a smirk on his face, “Be safe.” 
As soon as Jungkook gets out of the car, you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. Yoongi rests his head on the steering wheel, laughing quietly to himself in both embarrassment and joy. 
“Why did you have that drawing in the sketchbook?” He questions as he reverses out of the driveway. 
You shrug, “I don’t know... I just wanted to show you what I’ve been working on since that day.” 
“Like what?”
“A self portrait.” you shrug, opening the sketchbook and flipping to the most recently filled in page. You hold it up so Yoongi can glance at it while he drives, but you didn’t expect his eyes to bulge out of his head while he slams on the breaks and pulls off to the side of the neighborhood road. 
Instantly, he reaches and takes the book from you, his eyes scanning over the drawing repeatedly. 
“Gorgeous,” he breathes, “you’re so fucking gorgeous.” 
You smile gently, pointing your finger to your chest, “I drew my boobs more even than they actually are so I’m not that gorgeous.” 
Yoongi’s eyes turn to slits, “Well this is tainted now. How will I ever be able to hang this up when it’s not accurate to the real thing?” 
You giggle, pushing Yoongi’s shoulder gently. His joking tone diminishes once his eyes fall back on the drawing, the smile dropping from his face while his finger traces the curve of your hips. “Gorgeous...” he whispers again, “Fuck, I love this so much. Thank you.” 
He leans across the center console and presses a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth. 
That’s just not enough, though. 
You slip the sketchpad out of his hands and close it, “You want to see the real thing?” 
Your lack of touch from Yoongi these past couple weeks didn’t seem to bother you but now that you have him alone, you want to jump his bones. 
Yoongi doesn’t hesitate to nod, unhooking his seat belt and leaning his chair back a little bit. You grin, slipping the t-shirt over your head and pressing a harsh kiss against Yoongi’s lips. He welcomes your lips, drinking you in while his hands begin to roam your now bare skin. He slips his grip down to your thighs, pulling you over the center console and causing you straddle his thighs. 
Not breaking the kiss, you begin to grind yourself down onto Yoongi’s quick-hardening cock. He moans into the kiss, his hands kneading your ass roughly. You gasp when you feel his hand lay a hard smack against your ass, the sound resonating throughout the car and causing Yoongi to smirk. 
“Oh, you like being spanked?” he peppers kisses across your neck, “have you been a bad girl?” 
“Mhm,” you moan, “I’m your bad girl.” 
“That’s right,” Yoongi growls, spanking you once again, “my bad girl.” 
You toss your head back when you feel Yoongi’s hips begin to twist beneath you, his cock straining against the zipper of his jeans. You reach between the two of you, unzipping his jeans and threading his cock through the hole. 
Yoongi sucks in a breath through his teeth while your small hand pumps him up and down carefully. 
“No time,” Yoongi groans, “ride me.” 
You didn’t have to be told twice. 
The feeling of the slick between your legs was enough to show that you were ready, so Yoongi’s fingers push your panties to the side while he holds his cock and lines it up with your entrance. It doesn’t take long for him to slip inside, his hands gripping your hips and lifting you up and down while you moaned above him. 
“You like my cock, don’t you baby? You’re gonna cum so good for me, aren���t you?” His voice is gruff, the encouraging tone causing your body to jolt with pleasure. You nod quickly, your mouth opening to respond but the only noise to leave your throat was a whisper of his name. 
He feels the way your walls clamp down on him, leaning forward and nibbling across your breasts. “Fuck,” he curses while you speed your hips up, “your pussy feels so good around me.” 
Yoongi’s words cause your orgasm to creep up on you, his name falling from your lips like a mantra as you pulsate around him. Yoongi bears his teeth as he cums, growling low and deep while his fingers grip your hips hard, sure to leave bruises but you didn’t mind. 
You both sit for a moment while you catch your breath, Yoongi’s tongue licking a long stripe from your collarbones to your jawbone before he kisses your lips. 
“Did so good for me,” he rubs soothing circles in your burning thighs, “was I vocal enough for you?” 
You laugh, “Yes sir. Please keep it coming.” 
You both wince as he lifts you off of him, falling into the passenger seat and sighing happily. 
Your feet rest in his lap after the two of you are cleaned up, his hands gently massaging them while he tells you about a new song that he’s working on and how he hopes that someone will be interested. 
It’s then that you realize that this is going to extend past the need for sex, because the two of you were both genuinely interested in each other’s lives. He speaks animatedly about his interests and listens intently to yours. It doesn’t take you long to begin imagining waking up beside him every morning with the smell of coffee brewing in the kitchen. 
As he drops you off at your apartment for the night, Yoongi walks you to your doorstep.You unlock the door and turn to give him a goodbye kiss but he stops you, grabbing your hand and stroking across your knuckles. 
“So, do you think you’d be interested in being my girlfriend?” He asks nervously, “I- I wasn’t sure if you were just thinking of this as a friend with benefits situation so I figured I would ask before one of us gets hurt.” 
You nearly coo at the man, watching the way his eyes dance across his feet. 
You bring your arms around his neck and pull him down to your level, slamming a kiss onto his lips one more time. His hand grips the back of your shirt tightly, his tongue exploring your mouth while you lean against the wall. He pulls away with a grin, resting his forehead against yours. 
“Is that a yes?” 
You smile, “Of course.” 
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hoekins · 6 years
i hope you guys don’t cringe at the metaphors i am SO sorry i was so up in my feels
pairing: mike wheeler x oc (steve’s sister)
warning: some more angst, language
request | prompts | masterlist
2.3k words
Will watched the color in Stacy’s eyes burn and fade. It was as if he witnessed firsthand how she built walls from scratch brick by brick until she confused herself of her own motives. Will supposed she engineered it all to keep people from invading her space but Stacy thought she did it to keep herself locked in a carefully crafted space so she would not spill at the edges when she falls apart. In simple words, perhaps they were built not to keep others out but to keep herself in.
A lot can happen in just half of a day. The sun rose and Stacy was positive, she breathed in the rays of the sun and reveled in the warmth like a sunflower would. She started the day with a glass half full and went on to spend it with someone who has relatively the same frame of mind as hers. Will Byers sat on the bench perched out front of the crafts store as he waited for Stacy Harrington to arrive. It was rare that he arrived earlier than her but Will went on an early jog and didn’t feel like lounging at home before leaving again so he simply picked up his bike and pedaled his way to the destination. On his way there, he spotted a new flower shop giving away free peonies so he picked two from the basket and continued to ride through Hawkins. When Stacy arrived, he passed her the flowers that already became the highlight of her day. She told him so as she held onto them, even until they walk inside the bright shop.
The two radiated joy which even the man behind the counter noticed. It’s not frequent that kids their age visit the crafts store in the morning. Will and Stacy passed by pans and tubes of pigments, sharing nods and opinions about which brand suits which medium best. They spent half an hour messing with the opened markers with stickers on them that say Test Me, writing silly things. Stacy drew Will dressed up as Willy Wonka just to get on his nerves but Will only laughed it off, not even minding the least bit. The employee would’ve reprimanded them for messing around and touching things on the shelf that generally aren’t allowed to be touched, but he only let it go. The two were the only things keeping him awake then.
Stacy and Will left the crafts store with plenty of paper bags containing the items they splurged on. Although they weren’t bound to meet their friends at the diner until two hours more, they headed there anyway. The two sat on a booth for six to ten people and found entertainment in the new things they got earlier that day. Stacy bought a hollow cardboard in the shape of a W with the intention of painting it just cause Will was nice enough to give her a flower for no reason. Stacy thought it’d be a nice Christmas gift too, so even though it’s just July, she already planned which designs to put on everyone’s letter blocks.
Will watched his friend in amusement, looking up from the sketch pad and charcoal pencil to glance at Stacy’s work every once in a while. She seemed to have forgotten about her milkshake that already melted under the scorching rays of the mid-noon sun. When she was done, she pressed the flowers Will gave her and attached one of them to the letter block before giving it to him. Stacy told herself she wouldn’t mind doing that again if it meant seeing Will smile the way he did when he thanked her.
Their day only got better when Max arrived and ordered a big serving of nachos which she shared with the both of them. She took a shot at drawing but got bored of it easily when she noted how she butchered her attempt to sketch her friends. The table was tidy and free of any art materials when Lucas and Dustin joined them. They were already in the middle of a casual argument when they sat at the booth. It was something about Star Wars and Star Trek that Stacy didn’t pay much attention to. She found Dustin’s facial expressions more comical than the points he was making.
Mike and Jane arrived a little late, and quite frankly, Max thought the two wouldn’t attend at all and just curve the invitation. Lucas paused the argument to tell the two as soon as they walk inside the shop, “Late members treat everyone to some pie.” Will nods to this, already thinking about a slice of the diner’s well-known apple pie.
In the middle of this, Stacy remained quiet. She couldn’t care less about pie or the two being late. What caught her attention the moment the two sauntered in with synced steps and mirrored bright eyes were the colorful dessert in their respective hands. It sure feels just like yesterday when Stacy told Mike about them.
Mike of course knew that the bubblegum-flavored ice cream was unique to Stacy; she called it a secret, special flavor after all. Stacy knows that Mike knows that but she wonders if he cares at all. It seems childish for her to be so worked up about some secret ice cream flavor— of course anyone can know about it and order it and share it with someone else but it’s not the ice cream itself that bothered Stacy. It’s the fact that she shared that with Mike before he acted as if looking at her burned his eyes. She considered the secret flavor a trademark for her and Mike because like it, they weren’t out there yet and almost like they were special too. Stacy inwardly laughs at herself for thinking that way. It’s almost pathetic, really. Now she wonders if he takes her to that place he called special. She wouldn’t be surprised.
“Stac?” Will nudges from next to her. She snaps out of her headspace, looking up at Will so he could repeat whatever was going on while she disassociated. “We were voting on which flavor pie to get.”
Stacy blinks at the mundane question, not giving a single fuck whatever the pie flavor is because personally, she doesn’t have the appetite to consume anything. But as Will mouths ‘apple’ to her, she only repeats, “Apple,” before she’s back in her head.
Stacy has always had a thing for telling what certain emotions people are feeling at certain times. She’s had that even when she was younger and could tell whenever her parents are in a good enough mood to let her bike around the neighborhood with just her childhood friends sans Steve. It’s just funny how now that she’s scrambling to specify which feelings are invading her head, she can’t tell apart between disappointment, hurt, anger, and sadness. It’s like they all joined forces and morphed into a mega-emotion that clawed at Stacy’s chest relentlessly. At this point, all she wants to do is to lie on her bed at home and stare at her ceiling.
It took Will a hot minute to notice the shift in Stacy’s energy. He was too caught up in his apple-pie infused excitement to feel how tense his friend truly is. Everyone else stayed oblivious, Max too who usually has trouble finding out other people’s feelings though she tries for her friends. Their other friends can tell between emotions though, but even they were kept in the dark. Will understands why they can’t pick up on the signals because for one, Stacy hides them well but not well enough for Will to be able to blink at and move on and two, it’s familiar to him. Maybe it does take one to know one.
Soon enough, pie is served and each help themselves to a slice, except for Stacy who continues fumbling with the condiments on the table. Dustin is the first to ask, “Stacy, you okay? You’ve been real quiet.”
Stacy looks directly at Dustin, “Yeah, of course.”
Max is already interested though, because only then did she realize that Stacy hasn’t uttered a word ever since they asked her which flavor of pie to get— the pie that she doesn’t even want a piece of. “I need to go to the restroom.” Max says, moving out of the booth with a knowing look at Stacy. Of course Max doesn’t usually go to the toilet with Stacy having to accompany her, but she does want to talk to her alone.
When they‘re inside the ladies’ room, Stacy waits for Max to enter a cubicle and do her business but Max only leans against the line of sinks next to her.
“What’s really the matter, Stac? I’m sorry I only figured out now... I’m not really good at reading people.” Max looks down bashfully before looking back up at her friend.
Stacy sighs inaudibly, “I just don’t feel good.”
Max furrows her eyebrows worriedly, “Do you feel sick? Wanna go home?” She almost reaches up to get a feel of Stacy’s forehead, but she stops when he notices her friend’s eyes gloss a little. “Hey...” she continues softly, “You can tell me, Stacy. I’m right here. Friends right?” Max would hate to assume that it has anything to do with Mike though she has a feeling that it does, just because she knows that not everything that goes on in Stacy’s life includes the boy. It could be something else, so she can’t rule out that possibility.
Stacy shakes her head, feeling overly dramatic and diva-like. She feels so stupid for caring so much about some stupid ice cream. No one gets as hurt about a fucking ice cream as she is. She hates feeling this way. “It’s stupid...” she trails off.
“It’s not if it upsets you.” Max adds carefully. She may be Stacy’s best friend but she still doesn’t want to overstep boundaries.
Stacy rubs her right eye as if it’s irritated, “Just some ice cream.” She tries to appear as nonchalantly as possible, but because Max really tries her absolute best to help, she’s finally cracked the code.
Max rakes her mind for any significance in relation to ice cream. It takes her a few seconds, but she does remember that Stacy told Mike about a secret ice cream flavor at Jodie’s Creamery that can get anyone free ice cream. Max supposes it’s not just ice cream. Despite this, she doesn’t know what to do about her revelation. She hasn’t dealt with boys who make her feel special for a week and then blatantly ignore her right after. Sure, Mike doesn’t have to do the same things with Stacy, but the least he could do is acknowledge her when she’s in the room. The boy acts as if Stacy’s invisible even when she’s right in front of him. Max can only offer a warm hug at her best friend until they both have to go back to the booth so the others won’t suspect a thing. All that, and Stacy still wants to put up a front.
The moment Stacy got home, all she wanted to do was wallow in her sadness, turn her AC up, and bury herself in warm blankets. She thinks of one that she brought from Sydney that still smelled like her old room. However, she’s stopped by Steve who already built up the courage to ask Stacy about what has been going on between her and Mike. He meant to ask her about it before, but he has no idea what has been going on so there’s no possibility he would have known that Stacy doesn’t want to talk about it.
Today really took a turn and tolled at Stacy that all the pent-up emotion she swept under the rug piled on top of each other and spilled right through the cracks in the walls she built. Tears well in her eyes as she reaches for a hug from her brother. He has always been a sure source of comfort for her when she was younger and would frequently fall off her bike and hurt herself. She cried, hugged her brother, and moved on. Stacy just hopes it’s that easy nowadays.
“Hey, you’ll be okay. I got you.” Steve mutters, bringing up a hand to cradle his sister’s head the way he usually did when they were younger. Stacy wonders how she survived when she got herself hurt thousands of miles away from Hawkins where her emergency person was.
Stacy sniffles, “I feel terrible.” She admits out loud, thinking that if she lets it out, it would slowly leave her system.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry for asking.” Steve inhales, regretting it already. He wished he knew about this when things were still okay so that he would have seen Stacy all smiley and blushy even if it was because of Mike Wheeler who he already had mixed feelings for the moment Stacy got back.
“I’m sorry I ruined your shirt,” Stacy leans back to see the wet splotch she left on her brother’s shirt.
Steve chuckles lightly, “Oh shut up. You used to leave snot on me when the younger you cried but you didn’t care then.”
A short laugh escapes from Stacy’s lips, swollen from trying to hold back her tears earlier on. She feels terrible, she really does, but she thinks that if she can laugh right now, things are only going to get better. From where she’s standing, she can almost see light peeking through the cracks in the walls she built.
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
My new friend’s childhood best friend is in prison. It’s bullshit, right, but it is what it is and it’s very hard on everyone who loves this guy. My friend, the guy’s girlfriend, the guy’s family. The guy himself obviously but that goes wo saying. The prison-industrial complex in the United States is fucked up. It especially hits you when you have such a close connection w someone who’s on the inside of it.
I recently did a portrait of this guy. I spent about a month working on it. For his girlfriend’s birthday. But I’m making copies of it for his family because I want everyone who loves him to know... you know. People care. They’re not alone. No one is. I’m not planning on posting the portrait on here for privacy reasons. This guy’s family has been through some serious harassment and if my portrait were identified, which is very possible, that could become very very dangerous.
My friend has shown all of his family and friends my portrait, though. Everyone but his girlfriend who we still haven’t been able to meet up w since her birthday, lol. And the guy’s stepfather owns a restaurant that I’ve been to three times. It’s really good. The mixed drinks there are no fucking joke though. I’ve been there three times, but I’ve walked out sober zero times. You know you know.
The first time I went, my friend introduced me to the guy’s stepfather. It was really late at night though and it was only for a second; I hardly remembered what the guy looked like. And he was just like “Hey this is my friend” and I shook his hand and all that. And I was pretty obviously drunk. This was last month, before I finished the portrait. I don’t remember if at that time he knew the portrait was being made; I know my friend showed several of his family members pictures of it even when it was just in progress. But he did not say “This is my friend who’s doing the drawing” when I met him the first time.
This time I met the guy’s stepfather again. I was DRUNK drunk. And my friend called him over to the table and said “This is my friend who drew your son” and I did look him directly in the eyes (I remember what his face looked like this time) and he was just very kind to me. I wish I could remember better what he said, but he was like, “It’s very beautiful, and you’re very talented. The features look so much like him.” And I was just like. “Thank you. It was really really really really really really hard.” Or something like that. Nodding over and over again. Lol.
One day I will meet the family of my latest portrait’s subject, sober. One day they’ll meet the artist who did a charcoal drawing of their son when she’s not fucked up on tequila in their eatery.
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