#they're literally like 'how dumb would it be if one of our dragons who are our best friends and love us so much and have loved us for years
rosiethedragongeek · 11 months
okay but tell me why dreamworks thought it would be a good idea to use the exact plot of rtte s1e13 as the plot for thw but do it wrong
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comradekatara · 10 months
Hi, hope you're well.
How would you rate the gaang + fire ladies' ability to work in customer service?
(there are so many fics of sokka working in retail and mai working in flowershops and I just don't think they're built like that— sokka has no patience for dumb questions and mai would probably rather die)
wait that’s so funny they literally are not built to serve people like that they’d kill themselves. especially mai i cannot imagine her having any kind of working class job and i know she hates flowers thinks they’re disgusting!!! i could see sokka being a tutor (in my modern au that’s how he meets toph. bc she drives everyone else away but then he meets her and he’s like “why ?? she is so cool”) and even working at the jasmine dragon (iroh is a chill boss so that’s why) but he could NOT do retail he’d kill himself before working black friday (in my modern au they’re also in new jersey. bc that’s very funny to me). but anyway!!
aang: i think he’d hate having to answer to someone else like just doing something he was told to do that he does not want to do ever would make his skin crawl. but when it comes to interacting with people even the worst rudest customers he is very friendly. even as a twelve year old he’s extremely patient (except when you are keeping him apart from a loved one, which is understandable!)
katara: i actually think katara working at a local coffee shop or smth is very plausible. she would have a tier ranking of all the regular customers in her head (and maybe even on paper) and she would treat them accordingly, ranging from excessive flirting to passive aggressive eye twitch. she’s good at her job for a communist who also needs to be liked by everyone at all times or she’ll die!
sokka: when he thinks a customer is stupid or annoying he starts talking slower and using smaller words in such an infuriatingly condescending way, but with the plausible deniability of “he was just being helpful” so that he can never actually get in trouble for it. but they both know he was being an asshole!!!!
toph: she needs to tell it like it is every five minutes or she’ll literally die it’s like a source of air for her. but i do think customer service would be good for her. she would enjoy it more than being a c*p that’s for sure! (low blow, sorry.)
zuko: okay well we see him be a tea server and the reviews are mixed. i think the thing about zuko that you have to understand is that if he is in a good mood he is a delight to have around and if he is in a bad mood he is a monster and his vibes ruin every room he’s in. so his proficiency at customer service is also just entirely dependent on how he is feeling at any given moment. i think he’d be happy serving tea once he’s the firelord though because it’s nostalgic and a respite for him. not so much when he’s an angry teen in ba sing se and he wants to be anywhere else.
suki: she’d be good at it because she is good at everything but she would definitely employ sokka’s plausibly deniable tactics of condescension. she has a lot more patience for people than sokka does, but she’d still enjoy messing with people, maybe even just out of boredom.
ty lee: she pretends to be stupid on purpose with customers she doesn’t like and when they try to complain to her manager she’s like “i am the manager” and when they question how she’s still allowed to work despite being so incompetent everyone else vouches for her they’re like “she’s literally our best employee.”
mai: would kill herself before that ever happened.
azula: see above, but also i think it could be good for her.
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salaapaoo · 1 year
I love de-aged Cale and I will NEVER shut up about it !!!
What if he gets deaged as a result of the group finding some beat up spell books and randomly trying them out one by one?
The smoke clears and they're faced with a tiny red headed boy with a piercing stare who doesn't respond to the name Cale.
Immediately, Choi Han comes to the realization and softly calls out a "Roksoo?" Which switches the boys attention to him instead.
"...how do you know my name?" His voice is barely above a whisper, and the group is holding their breaths in fear of drowning out their friend's voice.
Choi Han crouches down and tries to lie, spewing out some bs about how they know his parents ! But it all comes out so badly and they all have to refrain from smacking the back of his head or face palming. He thought it would make the kid feel better... But all he did was sound like some pervert trying to kidnap kids.
The look on the boys face gets colder, "don't lie to me. I'm not stupid. Now, who are you?"
Rosalyn bends down to his eye level and explains that he had been hit by a spell, and how it's probably hard to believe, but this was the "future" for him.
Roksoo pauses, deep in thought, before giving her a curt nod. There's literally a dragon flying around him... Time traveling or being wisked away to a parallel universe couldn't be too far off.
They spend the day trying to fill him in on who everyone is and how they know him. His eyes sparkle at the fairytale-like adventures they tell him about. If this is fake... At least it's interesting.
Eventually the kids all get bored of the formalities of getting him up to date, filling in the henituse family, calling the crown prince, and so on.
Hong jumps up with a sparkle in his eyes, "let's go show Hyung around our home!!" Now's the chance! They can play with him all they want because he has no responsibilities to do!!
They show him their rooms, pulling out heavy piggy banks and all their treasures and toys. Roksoo feels a pang of jealousy that he immediately brushes away, a whisper of "how nice" in the back of his head.
Raon drags him along to Rosalyn's lab, proudly displaying the mage's discoveries and current studies. There's vials of luminescent liquids surrounded by pages upon pages full of loopy writing. He can't read it for some reason. How weird. Plants he's never seen fill a corner of the room, their leaves billowing out towards a massive arching window. Everything he's seen so far is just so beautiful, so colourful. Life back home is just... Bleak. Nothing at home was ever this warm.
By the end of the tour they make it to the courtyard where everyone had been waiting. The three kids turn towards him with a glimmer in their eyes, before reaching out to take his hands.
"now we can play!!" They cheer, excited to show roksoo all their favourite games and toys.
"you want me to play?" He's never been allowed to play with the other kids before.
"do you wanna play dragon says?"
Roksoo scuffs his feet against the dirt, his eyes glued to the ground. He feels dumb.
"I don't know.." His voice soft and his eyes still turned downwards. He's scared to look back at them. Truthfully, he doesn't know how to play. He knows how to work, how to keep quiet, how to drink enough water so the hunger stops hurting for a bit... but he doesn't know how to play. The adults didn't like it when he played. Only good kids got to play.
The three share worried glances before asking if he's alright.
"I haven't been good though" he meets their eyes for a split second before ripping his gaze away, "only good kids get to play."
In seconds, they burst out in reassurances, demanding to know who said he wasn't good. Raon firmly and loudly tells him that he is the goodest human there ever can be. That no one else will ever beat him in goodness. Something crumbles inside him and roksoo finds his eyes feeling warm. He doesn't like crying. It's hard to be quiet when he's crying and holding his breath to muffle the sounds only makes him dizzy and feel worse.
Tbc??? Idk
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zerosuitsammie · 2 months
Tag game thing
Thank you for tagging me @vuutarros :333 *muah* love you
No, I kinda just got stuck with this name. I did want something that kept my initials the same. But Samantha came from a time where dysphoria was hitting hard and I was still deep in the closet, but out to a trusted few. I asked them to call me Sam knowing to me that it felt better than my dead name but it was gender neutral so that I wouldn't out myself. Either way it stuck pretty goddamned hard and now here I am as Samantha Anna. Had events in my life transpired differently, I'd probably gone with a more fun name.
I literally cried watching the fucking Sonic the Hedgehog movie yesterday for absolutely no reason. I cry a lot ... *facepalm*
Ahahaha... no... and I don't really want any... and even if I eventually change my mind on that I'll have to adopt, I do not produce the genetic material required for breeding
I did Tae Kwon Do from like the age of 5 until like 17 wish I would've kept doing it. I was in such good shape then and could rock someone's dome with a kick even when they were quite a bit taller than me. I also played Rugby in high school, I originally played scrumhalf, then wing, and finally found my fitting role as hooker. (Yes Rugby has a position called hooker 🤣🤣🤣)
No. Never. I have never been sarcastic in my entire life. Not one single time. None. 😉
Uhm that's tough, I don't think I notice one particular thing first about people. I just notice something that stands out. Like if someone has really pretty hair I'll notice that or a cool outfit or something.
I do a heckin' cook :3 ask @its-brit-bruh she'll you that I can food
Both??? Unless like it's a really fucking good scary movie. Most scary movies don't scare me at all and then I end up thinking they're dumb but when one actually scares me unnnfffffff that's good shit
Hazel around the pupil, blue around the Hazel, gray-blue near the white. My eyes are ridiculous to describe
In Missouri 😑😑😑
Dungeons and Dragons, Video Games, watch the TV's with the @its-brit-bruh, food cookings, restaurant exploration, finding and shopping at unique international grocery stores
@its-brit-bruh and I have our kitty, Soup. And our boofy doggo, Ivy.
I'm kinda little. I'm only like 5'5"
History but that's probably only because I had a really fantastic history teacher.
Uhm yeah my dream job would be to actually get paid for all this silly nonsense I do on social media.
I'm going to tag @its-brit-bruh @coelii @maidenofmadness @ladyvalfina @myfriendgoo94 @mothgoblin @dustsculptures anyone else who sees it and wants to fill it out and tag me so I can read about chw
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convenient-plot-device · 10 months
My unorganized thoughts after finishing The Dragon Prince season 5
Finished binging the season!!! I loved it. It dragged in places and that stupid fucking lemur thing is still the bane of my existence but I loved the character development and plot beats! I also loved seeing more of Terry. He has something deeply wrong with him <3. Also liked Viren completing his redemption arc, though I would have preferred the resurrection spell actually require Claudia to sacrifice herself or at least like sacrifice a limb or something to truly complete Viren's arc. He has no attachment to that fuckin homunculus thing, and his reasoning for not killing it being that "Dark magic led Claudia down a dangerous path, I'm not doing any more dark magic" is a little weak. I do appreciate that the way they did it gave us a whole scene of Aaravos talking about "our child" with Viren, peak evil gay, but it did a disservice to Viren's redemption arc. I get that it was kinda the only way, since Aaravos knows Viren would never hurt one of his actual kids at this point in his arc, but still. I also am really interested in how Zubeia being corrupted goes, how Claudia losing her leg goes, and what's up with that magic pearl. Is that really Aaravos's prison? Or is that the key to his prison? Loved Callum struggling with what he's willing to do under pressure to save those he loves, and how that's contrasted with Claudia, who's kind of a dark mirror for who he could become if he can't learn to let go of those he loves. Loved the reveal that he used dark magic to save Rayla in the Sea Legs episode. Also just really liked Finnegrin, he's a great character and I love his design. Love a ruthless evil pirate who wants revenge on the Archdragon of the Ocean for killing his beloved hermit crab, who keeps pet hermit crabs all over his office, and who has a neckline low enough to kill god. I also love Elmer! What the fuck is his deal though. Are there just plant trolls in Xadia now? Not opposed, just wanna know.
I also really loved Soren this season! I like how his kindness and unwavering faith in others is his greatest strength. Very sweet. That man is the One True Himbo. Dumb, strong, and most importantly, kind. Fucking LOVED seeing Tidebound elves this season. I've wanted to see ocean elves since season one! Fuck yeah! Janai and Amaya are so cute together. Same with Terry and Claudia, love a good fucked up couple. He's just like "I can fix her" and she's just like "No you can't but you CAN join me in my insanity." Callum and Rayla go back and forth for me; sometimes they're really sweet, but sometimes they seem almost forced and I'm just like... can't they be BFFs? Or in a QPR? I feel like it would fit better than a romance TBH. I also love how Villads was 1000% willing to get his hand chopped off for a few kids he met once three years ago. My kind of dude. Fuck that General lady, also. Like, how is Karim worth betraying your entire people and possibly ruining the future of your whole society?? Does he kiss you on the forehead sometimes? Please get better judgment you are literally a judge on the High Court. Also what is up with the Sunfire high priest? He's clearly hiding what's most likely a corrupted wound but why? And why side with Karim? I loved Kim'dael. Love an emo vampire lady with sapphic energy who could kill a man with her fingernails (literally). I like how she isn't strictly evil and has a clear goal that she acts toward with logic. She wants to be freed from her mercy debt so she can drink the blood of anyone she wants, and she acts with logic toward that goal. I still CANNOT wait for them to finally free Runaan from the coin. Honestly Rayla's parents come second for me because we just don't know them as people. But like. I wanna see the cut to Ethari standing over the pool and seeing Runaan's life lily rise to the surface again. I will cry and that is a promise.
Also, that bit where Janai has a nightmare where Aaravos tells her that her great-grandmother's fate was that Aaravos "swallowed her"??? Why are half the lines out of Aaravos's mouth innuendos. Is it the VA's voice? Does it just compel people to write his characters like that? Or is Aaravos just Like That as a person.
I mean like. Aarvos also flirts needlessly with Viren every chance he gets. Not even for manipulation because Viren is not into him, he's just incapable of not acting like that. Viren is definitely gay though. Like definitely. Even my cishet brother could tell in that scene where Viren is having a dark magic-induced fever dream about Harrow. Like oh you *liked him* liked him. Sure had a funny way of showing it, Mr. Kill The Princes. Anyway. Yeah that's my thoughts on The Dragon Prince season 5! Cannot wait for seasons six and seven, I'm sure they will be so cool.
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pttucker · 6 months
[I've become the retired SSSSS-grade Son Wukong!!] Haven't I seen that many 'S' letters somewhere before? Even though I knew I was being taken for a ride here, I still tapped on the info tab of this chamber. And that's when I saw its introduction. – Introduction: Only I know the end of the Journey to the West.
Wow, what a totally not at all familiar title and plot.
Oh man, but them saying that they had someone they wanted to play Sun Wukong but he got delayed. 😭
And then the loooong pause after Dokja gives Sooyoung his new Modifier.
Am I reading too much into this or did they totally set this story up in the hopes that Dokja would fill the role that's so obviously his? Is Sooyoung surprised that it's not Dokja? Did her Predictive Plagiarism tell her this was the best way to find him and she's wondering what went wrong? Is the pause because she's upset and trying to decide if they should just go without him?
Or does she know it's Dokja and is wondering if he's lying or if he got a new modifier or is she deciding if she should call him out or just go along with it or...?
Ugh, both her knowing and her not knowing make sense.
It soooo seems like they have to know, though. I mean my goodness if this isn't straight up yelling directly in Dokja's face idk what is:
(This small stone monkey had a nasty habit of sacrificing himself to save other people, and many of those who received his unwanted rescue attempts ended up with psychological scars.) (Gods and Buddhas of the heavens all criticised him for it, yet that dumb rock-for-brains continued to throw his life away to save other people over and over again.) N-no, hang on a minute here. (The heaven's Great Jade Emperor and Buddha felt that they could no longer accept such actions from Sun Wukong anymore and imprisoned the Monkey King inside the stone crate under the Marble Mountain.) (And our story starts from there.)
...especially after Jihye literally said that they should bury him in a coffin and leave him there until the scenarios are over. They may not be able to do it in real life but at least they can play pretend!
But despite those harsh words they're so gentle and caring with him? 😭 Literally Dokja's job is to do nothing but rest and relax and let his companions handle things (for once).
I stepped forward and spoke up. "Both of you, please hide somewhere. I shall handle this." If my memory was working fine, then one of the players took on the role of the 'Tang Sanzang's White Dragon Horse'. I was pretty sure that he was the one behind the current event. Seeing that the kids were participating in this Story chamber, the rest of the players should also be from , but if someone with ill intention had somehow butted in here… "…We told you, you just stay on the bus."
Oh man, look at Dokja immediately going right back into protector mode and even assuming that maybe someone had infiltrated the story. And the sass they give him in return! Saying he can't even afford proper clothes for himself but wants to save them? And Yoosung's scary little smile?
Is this their way of showing him that they can handle themselves so please trust them to do so? Maybe some kind of angry "stop treating us like children, we are going to be the ones to save you"? An even angrier "how dare you save us when you can't even take proper care of yourself"?
And maybe also their way of letting him just rest finally? After all, how is Dokja to deny them taking care of him when it's literally the plot of the story they're enacting?
Also there's this weird little exchange:
– This way, he'll trust us more, you dummy. What will you do if he decides to wreak havoc later? I felt goosebumps break out on my skin. – …You're actually scared of him? Look at his current state, will ya?
Why would they assume some random stranger is going to wreck havoc??? In fact, who is the one person they know who regularly wrecks havoc for everyone around him? Also, the whole "look at his current state." Dokja assumes they're just talking about his shabby clothes or something but they're definitely talking about how weak he is right now, right? Like, I don't think Dokja was able to fully recover back at Secretive Plotter's place because last we saw he was only like 38% healed. (Yet another reason for his party to pamper him right now.)
Gilyoung and Yoosung are definitely saying "we can totally take Dokja right now he's so weak, if he starts to act up we'll shove him a box somewhere before he causes his usual mess," right???
Ughhh but everything also makes sense if they don't know.
Sooyoung would know that such a story would (and does) appeal to the Great Sage because he also wants to just have a nice relaxing time where he doesn't have to save anybody and is pampered by this companions. And of course a story mirroring the Demon King of Salvation's story in any way is going to draw attention, both from the Great Sage and the general public, as we literally just saw with both the Earth news and the news here. (And Sangah! Sangah is back!!!!!!!!! We actually get to see her again!!!!! And this is the story she's drawn to!!!!) And Dokja himself points out that by doing all of the work of the story, they'll ensure that Kim Dokja's Company gets all the story shares.
...Actually, you know what, just the fact that those are all Dokja's observations and reasonings makes me 100% believe they absolutely know it's him because Dokja always, always, always does exactly this every single time people try to help him or show that they care for him. He always assumes they have some ulterior motive and that they're doing it for their own gain. He never thinks that people are there for him. He is the most unreliable narrator ever when it comes to his own story.
If Dokja believes they're doing it for themselves then they have to actually be doing it for him.
They MUST know.
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fireemblems24 · 1 year
Fire Emblem Engage 15 - 17
Spoilers for FE Engage 15+. Though, this game is way better at gameplay than it is with story, but the characters are all likable so I'm good.
I really appreciate how different all the nations and their castles and interiors look in this game. I adore Three Houses, but one thing I really wish they did was have more variety in the weather, landscapes, etc . . . This game nailed it.
Solm, a desert country, having waterfalls in their palace is such a good touch. Not only does it show that water would be valued in a place like this, but it's also flaunting the royal family's wealth and power, like a palace should.
I'm not sure I'll ever warm up to Veyle. She's a walking moe cliche. Mind control. Innocent cute loli type otherwise. But, hey, I didn't like Hortensia at one point but her VA sold me in the last chapter.
Does anyone else find it a bit funny that we're a dragon worshipped as a god with influence over the land and this is a good thing. It's like a giant middle finger to those people who tried to rewrite the entire history of the franchise around a certain character's not-so-great view of dragons.
Also worth noting that Brodia invading Elusia is seen as a universal bad and something Diamant's supports resolve around stopping. Just putting that out there.
Ivy/Diamant feels cannon to me. It makes too much sense.
Kagetsu is so awkward. I love him.
I feel like I just took half of my units and got them with level 5 with Byleth. Mentorship is too good not to stick on a few people, and it's cheap too.
I love how literally no one takes Hortensia seriously. It makes an otherwise grating character kind of cute.
Holy shit, Merrin laid it on thick for Chloe. Honestly, don't blame her. But she is not subtle, gave Chloe flowers, called her beautiful, then asked her to dinner. Homegirl's even willing to try and stomach Chloe's . . . uh "food" choices. And Chloe thinks Merrin is like a cool knight out of a fairy tale. 100% new ship happening.
So far I like AlearxAlfred, IvyxDiamant, CelinexAlcryst, and now ChloexMerrin.
Alfred and Boucheron's support went exactly like I imagined it would. Poor dude. Alfred would lose his mind meeting Dimitri, someone who's abnormally strong despite not looking like a hulk, but is still shredded.
Alfred is probably the only person in the world who would've be offended or weirded out when someone asked to lick the flowers he's wearing and also offer to get licked later. Otherwise, Bunet is weird.
Seadall is VERY hot. He's like Sothe and Navarre had a baby. Or like Navarre put Sothe's clothes on.
F!Alear confronting Veyle again had really good voice acting. As long as we ignore that everyone just stood around instead of attacking her. Gratned, it was un-brainwashed Veyle who wasn't attacking so I'll let it go. Maybe.
Doing Ike's prologue is making me feel things. The nostalgia is real.
I love so, so much that one of Byleth's canned dialogue in Somniel is "Nothing to report!" and his paralogue is the Holy Tomb. And most of his dialogue was about Rhea, lol.
Eirika, my beloved, she's finally coming to me 😭😭😭😭😭😭 thank you, Rosado and Goldmary.
Rosado and Goldmary are both amazing. I want to use both, but I can't. There's just no room for both. But I think I'll use Goldmary because she's a bit better out of the box. She takes self-absorbed to hysterical new levels lol.
Anyone else think it's dumb that in Classic your units can die in the ring paralogues? It's like, oh bummer, Lyn/Corrin/etc just killed my healer who's the little sister of my mage, but our bonds are now stronger!
It feels extra sad seeing Firene get attacked. It's such a peaceful kingdom. It's nice to see Alfred back in the spotlight though. His lines about how these are just farmers and not soldiers reminds me a lot of Dimitri after Lonato.
I love how often the villains chit-chat with the heroes before and after battles, but like they never attack or threaten each other.
So mean that they're making Ivy and Hortensia fight their own dad :(
So I didn't start ch 17 after seeing the dialogue because it was too late and I didn't realize it, but I'm seeing the world map now and it's on fire :(
FYI, put Corrin on Alear. She/he can use all of the Dragon Vein terrain bonuses. I know most classes are locked to one type or another. I don't know if there's any other exceptions like Alear, but man I'm loving using this ring on Alear.
Alfred just did 5 criticals in a row. You think enemies would wise up and quit attacking him, but no. He is pissed off right now.
Alfred deserved that MVP. Boy put in the work.
Haha, they lost a ring. Wonder who I got back? And Veyle threw us another one? Nice! She got some points back despite being a character archtype I'm not about.
SIGURD! Fuck yes. Everyone's getting Canto. And Lief. Less exciting, but I'll take it. Jugdral boys are back.
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jennajaeger · 9 months
My general feelings on my F/Os' canon love interests and how I picture my dynamic with each of them:
Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid):
Eric is MY GUY. BESTIE. HIMBO EXTRAORDINAIRE. We high five each other as we pass each other in the hallway because we both have the best wife in the world. Literally the epitome of this meme:
Me: "The stars are so beautiful tonight."
Eric: "You know who else is beautiful?"
Both of us in unison: *sighing dreamily* "Ariel~"
Keyleth (Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina):
So admittedly I have not finished the series yet but as far as I can tell, Vax and Keyleth have a very "right person, wrong time" type of relationship? Like, I get it, they're always gonna love each other, they're just never going to be in a place where they can BE together? And I mean......that works for me :P I feel marginally bad about stealing her man because she's so sweet and deserves a break, precious bean, but if it works it works <3
Meryl Stryfe & Milly Thompson (Trigun Stampede):
I felt so bad the moment I started watching the show because I was like "oh god another female character I'm gonna have to throw under the bus in the name of self shipping" but honestly so far in the 23 version I read their dynamic as platonic?? And just in general, I love her <3 She's a tough little cookie; and I haven't properly met Milly yet but I just know I'm gonna love her :P girl frankly you deserve to have Nick maybe you'll mellow him out a little good heavens XD
Helen Wick (John Wick franchise):
I will always have a moment to pay homage to our lord and savior Helen Wick who died to give us the best action franchise of the modern age, girl you were a real one and rest easy knowing I am going to RIDE THE TRAUMA OUT OF YOUR HUSBAND
Tess Marshall (Barbarian):
SHE DESERVES S O MUCH BETTER OH MY GOD I mean they both do, they're stuck in this terrible movie :P In a better world I would love to be friends with Tess, and act as Keith's filter because good lord boy you're cute but you're dumb as fuck sometimes XD Also if I ever see Keith's ex-gf I'm throwing hands
Alt Cunningham & Rogue (Cyberpunk 2077):
god I'm glad these two are Johnny's exes XD I'm sure I would have liked Alt a lot more had I known her when she was, y'know, alive, but as a......tech ghost or whatever, she's not a lot of fun :P As for Rogue, she's a bitch, I KNOW she's a bitch, and I respect her for it. She DID stab Johnny in the back though and I'm not about to let her forget it.
Alys Rivers & Helaena Targaryen (House of the Dragon):
I haven't properly met Alys yet but I'm looking forward to it, I feel like I'm gonna like her :P And Helaena is A SWEETHEART, an absolute darling, I would love to sit with her and have tea while she does her embroidery and listen to her talk about anything that comes into her pretty little head because THE GODS KNOW SOMEONE HAS TO. I will also be her "dump your shitty husband" friend so fast XD Like, LOOK AT AEMOND. LOOK AT HIM. HE'S RIGHT THERE GIRL I WILL SHARE.
Anyone Dream has ever been romantically involved with and yes I'm including Hob Gadling (The Sandman):
I have nothing but love and respect for Dream's past partners (Calliope babe I'd die for you) and I just love the idea that we have like, dinner together and they all just spill the tea about the shit Dream got up to in past decades :P
Vision (Marvel Cinematic Universe):
I have no problems with Viz, he was a good man. Wanda really could have done BETTER in my opinion, but y'know, she could have done a lot worse too, so :P And thanks to Viz we have the boys, Billy and Tommy <3
Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives):
I don't hate Martin. He's a sweetheart. But I need him to not even BREATHE in Jon's direction, because that is MY MAN. Nothing personal :P
Mikasa Akerman (Attack On Titan):
I will meet that bitch in the FUCKING PIT IT IS ON S I G H T LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!!!
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My opinions on Disney and non-Disney movies (+ my opinion on the new Mario movie)
Okay I don't know if this is too early or too late to give my opinions but I just wanted to say, since I put out an instagram live and also got caught up since I went to see the new Super Mario movie yesterday. If you want to read all this, feel free to chat with me in the comments section and give me your opinions, I'm here for it!
As someone who enjoys animated kids movies, and hates adult movies with a lot of action and violence, I'm sorry to say that I'm not much of a Disney fan, and didn't have the Disney childhood that everyone else did. I'm 20, and the first Disney movie I watched was Up, so I was probably about 7 or 8 when it came out. As a kid I mostly watched Disney Channel, Disney Junior/Playhouse, and Disney X.D. I grew up in America so we had other channels like Sprout and Qubo too. I didn't grow up on classic Disney movies, in fact, I actually hate a lot of them, and notice a lot of problematic things about them that someone who grew up with them might not notice. There are some of the older movies I like, but it's not most. I'm here to bring up the topic of Disney and how I feel about them, and i feel like they're a very greedy company. I mean, they've been greedy for like 100 years, they are still very greedy more than ever.
Disney is finally getting what they deserve after all these years, with these lesser known companies starting to become the big shots now! Do I feel bad for Disney? NO! They're doing this to themselves. I don't like to hate too much on Strangeworld, even though in my opinion, it looked like a really dumb movie. I don't want to hate on it because unlike all these live action remakes that they're crapping out one after another, Strangeworld was it's own story. Would I ever watch Strangeworld? NEVER! I'm just happy that these underrated companies like DreamWorks, Illumination, Sony, and Aardman are given a chance to shine for once! I thought that new Super Mario Bros and Puss in Boots Last Wish were the two best movies of 2023! I also saw an animated German-British film called "The Amazing Maurice" and I enjoyed it but not as much as the other two. For years, I've only been going to non-Disney movies in theaters (the last Disney movie I saw in theaters was either Zootopia or Moana, can't remember) and my mom and I were always really pleased with them. I'm sure most of you have never heard of Artic Dogs or Rock Dog, but those are incredible and underrated movies for the whole family. My mom and I especially enjoyed the first Sing movie by llumination, and Buster was our favorite! Sing 2 was even better and I wish I could have seen it in theaters with her before she passed. I'm really happy for Illumination and that they're branding is not just a bunch of silly singing minions, but they are now a confident company that creates their own characters as well as use old ones too. I mean, Disney has branded off recycling 200 year old fairytales, and then later on, books that they could buy the stories from. Walt Disney literally tried to buy the Moomins from Tove Jansson, but Tove was smarter than that! And if you think Toy Story was original, might I remind you that the "Talking toys" concept was around for almost 100 years before the movie came out? I'm really happy for both DreamWorks and Illumination that they have been getting so much admiration lately!
Another thing I wanted to discuss was the new Illumination movie, "Migration" and how it looks a lot like Duck Duck Goose, which is another really underrated movie. However, I respect Illumination for creating a completely different story and completely different characters. Duck Duck Goose is an underrated masterpiece by Origin Pictures, that Netflix took credit for, and it was never released in theaters. It deserved so much better, along with Wish Dragon which was in the same boat. I still hope Migration does well, because it looks amazing! As someone who's always loved ducks, and grew up in the northeastern part of the U.S, there's something about the scenery in the trailer that made me feel nostalgic. I know the scenery looked really similar to Duck Duck Goose, which also makes me feel nostalgic even though Duck Duck Goose does take place in China, which I've never been too. (The scenery is a bit different if you look closely, but not that much). Again, I hope to see Migration do really well.
To finish things off, I'll make another post, another time, with my top 20 underrated Non-Disney family animated movies but I think you all want to hear my opinions on the new Super Mario movie! I loved it! 9/10, and the "Peaches peaches" song was the best part! The Puss in Boots one was incredible too, and 10/10 for that one! Bowser and Jack Horner are actually really well written villains, evil and funny! (Bowser a bit more since he had a soft side, where as Jack Horner was just a dumb jerk). I thought that Puss in Boots Last Wish deserved to beat Disney, along with this new Mario one! They both deserve it!
If you learned anything from this crazy essay, just remember that not all movies have to be made by what was always considered "The best" and that smaller companies will often surprise you!
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zodiacspirit17 · 3 years
Disney Descendants... Kinda Sucks
So... I know I’m just a little late on watching all three films. The first one came out five years ago and the third just a year ago.. But, I’m doing this anyway.
For a long time, I avoided these movies. I’m not a fan of any of Disney’s live action movies, so I went out of my way to avoid this trilogy at all costs. 
So why did you watch them then? I can hear you asking. 
The answer is simple: ... I listened to a couple of the third movie’s songs through different amvs of Miraculous Ladybug. A few of them are actually really good and are on my playlist- and it did make me curious. Besides, one of my friends said I couldn’t judge something without watching it (which, uhm- in this case I was correct in my assumptions, but whatever...)
And so, I watched the three films. And let’s just say... I wasn’t impressed.
Where to start? 
How about.. the couples? To put it plainly... all of them suck. 
Mal and the beast’s son? Let’s not forget that Mal used him in the first movie to steal the fairy godmother’s magic wand- and put him under a love potion. I know he apparently wasn’t affected, but the intent was still there! In the second movie, it’s even worse! The beast’s son constantly makes her uncomfortable, and also- Mal is actively lying in their relationship. Using her magic to put up appearances. I honestly don’t remember anything about there relationship in the third movie.
Evie and Doug. They’re quiet frankly lame. I honestly can’t say anymore about this. They just don’t seem to have any chemistry.. Also, they get together in the last movie- and that’s an automatic sin for slow-burn romance. 
Honestly, I shipped Mal and Evie more than any other couple in the trilogy. They have more moments and chemistry than anyone else. Seriously the “Space Between” is radiating couple energy. Look!
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Make them a couple you cowards!!! It would certainly be more interesting then the romance we actually got.
I think it says something about the romance in these movies when you end up shipping these two more than the actual couple's they're apart of. I think it says something that these two have way more chemistry than the actual couples.
Moving on to acting.. well- I’m certainly no expert, but most of the actors range from okay to great. Except for one.. the beast’s son.
Put it simply... he sucks at acting. And dancing... he’s actually pretty good at singing, so he has that going for him. Most of Mitchell’s lines sound forced and don’t flow well. He also fails to hit any of the emotional notes.. and the acting is just plain weird at times. Just thought I’d point this out..
Now, onto the big one... the stories.
The first one was kinda interesting around the middle. I saw the ending coming from a mile away. But the premise... hmm, yes- let’s invite the children of the baddest of the bad to our kingdom. What could go wrong? Let me tell you- a lot of things... Did they seriously think the parents wouldn’t plan something? Speaking of the parents.. Maleficent. This movie killed her. Murdered her character.
“Do this or you’re grounded for eternity.” Wow. Such bad. Much scare. It’s not like Maleficent can burn you alive or, the much more child friendly, curse you or anything...
It’s hilarious there’s only one security guard working in the entire museum (or wherever the dumb staff is)
So.. the second movie... Uma is.. underwhelming to be completely honest. At least she was more enjoyable than the third movie’s villain though. I’m getting ahead of myself though. Mal going back to the villainy isles? Cool concept.. if she didn’t turn back to good by the end. Honestly, the writing is so predictable. It’s insulting that Disney think’s they’re being clever. 
But hey, who needs good writing when you’re Disney?
Uh... anything else? No, no not really. The dragon fight was pretty cool. I liked the gay duet “Space Between” from Evie and Mal
The third movie? Easily the worst of the three, honestly.
From Mal’s decision to close off the villainy isles to the most underwhelming villain in existence. It was a slough to get through to be honest. What’s-her-face was annoying the whole movie. Benjamin’s ex. I don’t care what her name is. She’s not threatening. Nor did she have me on the edge of my seat.
Mal’s decision to close off villainy isle forever was dumb. Not like, dumb as in it made no sense for her character. It was dumb in the sense that... why did anyone let her do that? Much less Benjamin (who is the king- oh yeah, side note.. why did Beast give up the (plastic) crown when he was perfectly healthy and not old?)
Also, speaking of plastic crowns... The props in this trilogy suck. It was almost like they spent all of their budget on the CGI... hmmm...
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This is more of a nitpick than anything.. but... That crown looks so fake....
But hey, who needs decent props when you’re Dis-
The “true love’s kiss” between Evie and Doug made me uncomfortable. I don’t know, just something about singing about kissing an unconscious person without consent just.. makes one uncomfortable I guess.
The dragon “fight” wasn’t interesting like the last two times. Mal didn’t use her fire! What dragon doesn’t use fire?? She didn’t even have to transform for this fight. If she stayed in her human form, the fight wouldn’t have changed.
Oh yeah, speaking of that fight... does someone want to tell my why Evie, Uma and whats-his-face were suddenly cheering Mal on when they literally just told her to deal with it herself? That really confused me.
The only thing I liked about this one was some of the songs. From the soundtrack playlist audio. Not the audio from the actual movie. (Queen of Mean, Night Falls, One Kiss). Oh, and Hades. Hades was cool, I guess. Didn’t see him being Mal’s dad though.
Uh... I think that’s it? Yeah, that’s it.
In conclusion, why is Disney going to become our overlords? We can do better.
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sunsetnest · 4 years
Ok so here's a dumb question... I, myself have never had a spirit companion and want to know what it's all about. How do u know when they're near? What all do you do with a spirit companion? I tried purchasing a few before from a website and in the end felt it was a scam and huge waste of my hard earned money. My hopes were crushed. What is your honest and personal experience with spirits?
It’s not a dumb question!! I’ll try to answer these as best I can!
“How do u know when they're near?”This is different for each person and each spirit! Most spirits can influence the physical world in small unintentional ways called manifestations. Manifestations are usually faint and dependent on the spirit’s own energy and how strong their energy is. Manifestations usually affect your senses. Examples (could include but are not limited to) could be the smell of bread or lavender, small dots in the corner of your vision, tasting citrus, the air around them is warm, the sound of claws on tile, or wind chimes. Those are most common, but manifestations can also be more abstract or unexplainable. Some examples could be (but are not limited to), an abundance of snails, lots of thunder when it rains, the feeling of being watched, bird making nests outside your window.Really strong spirits can even affect the physical world like how you see in movies. Nothing REALLY big, but pushing over a cup, or messing with your dice as you roll them. 
Some spirits are too weak energy wise to give off manifestations. Manifestations aside there are otherwise to know if they’re near. Divination is always my go to suggestion for those who aren’t energy inclined. Grab a pendulum, a deck, an ouija board and ask questions. Make sure you have wards up to keep teasing spirits out, but just ask “Hey, spirit, ya here?”I really recommend pendulums because they’re easy to make, easy to do alone, and if there is no spirit, you won’t get a response. Unlike a deck that will always give you an answer just bc you’re drawing cards, and unlike ouija boards that require more energy and unless you’re skilled, it’s recommended to do with another person or two.
Another way to know when they’re near is to do energy work. Meditate, do whatever you do to get ready to sense energy, and then see what you find. If you are just starting with this, I recommend asking the spirit to leave for the first few sessions and getting used to the energy in your room. Then ask the spirit to join you in the room and see what feels different. This isn’t the best method if you are trying to make sure a spirit is real because unless you already know what to look for it can be hard to tell.
The most 100% assured way to tell that the spirit is real is also the most difficult. And that way is to astral travel/project and see for yourself! Of course, this can be a lot of work and practice before you reach that level, but when you do, it’s hella easy to check to see for yourself.
“What all do you do with a spirit companion?” What can you do with a physical friend?
I copied this bit from this other post I wrote. It’s about bonding rather than what you can do, but it gives from good ideas.
“Bonding with spirits can be just how you would bond with physical friends! Grab a divination device (like a pendulum) if you can’t easily communicate with spirit and just sit down and talk! Talk about your day, or about a book you’re reading, or anything! For pendulum users, ask questions like “Isn’t that crazy?” or “do you understand what seminar is?” to make it less one sided and also fill in some blanks for the spirit! One thing I always personally said was if the spirit had a question or something to add, just start swinging like crazy and I’ll try to guess what’s up!Bonding could also just be watching a movie together, or reading a book (aloud or with the spirit looking over your shoulder), or just going for a walk and enjoying silence and nature together (or not silence, up to you and your skill/availability).Bonding can literally be just chilling!Or! If you’re talented or have a talented friend, you could do things like going roller skating together! You (or a friend) can create custom rollerblades for the spirit (depending on species, this may or may not be the best idea) and just zoom around!Or paint together physically and astrally! Or go out for coffee and split it (maybe double as an offering too). Bonding could also be just working on witchcraft or spirit skills together.Another way to bond would be to astral travel. Go into the astral and build a home together! Or just explore! Meet others! Find really awesome places! Discover new games and try those! Visit thousands of different planes! This is starting to sound like an MMO advertisement! But seriously, just chill in the astral, or do whatever you do there!But, just as much as you share about yourself and your activities, ask your companion if they have anything they’d like to do! Do they have games from their childhood they’d like to play? Do they have any traditions they’d like to share? Don’t push if they don’t want to talk about it, but be sure that not everything you two do is based around you and not your friend as well!“
Yea it can feel a little silly if you try to do something like go ice skating with a spirit if your senses aren’t 100% up to it and you feel like you’re doing it alone. But have faith that your friend is there! and even on the off chance that they’re not, well ice skating is fun and you should enjoy yourself!
In the astral, it can be a little more wild! Assuming you are human in the astral, it could be fun to fly with a dragon companion, or go swimming with a merperson, or anything else like that!! The possibilities are endless! You just need a little creativity and to talk to the companion!
“What is your honest and personal experience with spirits?”I am so sorry that you got ripped off!! Keep in mind that you did ask a shop about our personal experiences though. Not that I’m trying to sell you anything, but I have good experiences with spirits. It’s why I opened a shop.
Not everything has been hunky dory, of course. Like...6 years ago or something I got eaten by harpies. I’ve suffered my fair share of malicious spirits and injuries (just because you might have wings in the astral doesn’t mean you instinctively know how to use them. Don’t just go jumping off of houses because trust me, you don’t know how to fly).
Still though, I have had enough good experiences to encourage me to keep going and open shop. I’ve adopted 8 spirits from a variety of shops that have all been legit and wonderful. The rest of my family are spirits that I’ve met along my way. I love meeting new spirits, both for my shop and just in passing.
Even when my senses aren’t up to par and I can’t do everything I want to for months on end, I still love the fact that I can still say I love you to my companions every day, even if I don’t know if they’re there to hear it. I love the small things, like when I try to use my astral body to cheat on a math test only for a 500 ton dragon to tackle me to the ground because she wants me to be honest and do my own work. I love when I’m dragged out by two kids to play in the snow and they purposely make me look like a fool to all of the by standards who don’t sense spirits as I throw snowballs at seemingly nothing. I love when I’m playing pokemon and my family and I sit with baited breath to see if a pokemon catches and when it doesn’t we all collectively fall on the floor in agony. I love my family, I love my friends, I love my spirits in vetting with all of my heart.
Spirit work hasn’t been an easy road by any means, but even when it fucking sucked, I loved the thought of where I might be in the future. 
Though your path hasn’t been easy, you’ve been ripped off and hurt and have come to us for any confirmation, I hope that you can find happiness on your path again. I’m really sorry that you’ve gotten ripped off and your hopes crushed, but I hope that you can find a good shop and a good spirit that just rings your heart and you experience nothing but good times on your path again.
I truly, from the bottom of my heart, wish you (and everyone in a similar situation like yours) the best of luck!!!!If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!!
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this one's a bit of a loaded question, but what do you think the kids swapped with their patron troll would be like? like rose in kanaya's place, jade in karkat's place, dave in terezi's place, and john in she-who-must-not-be-named's place. they're all trolls ofc
Rose Maryam, a troll of moderate wealth and status, whose lusus is a Virgin Mothergrub. Well, we know from how Kanaya spoke of her and the brief times we saw her that Mamagrub was a very loving lusus. She comforted Kanaya when she was crying over getting her heart broken and Kanaya told a story of how she and Mamagrub just stayed in for troll-christmas and read stories. Mamagrub is, then, likely to be a more authoritative parent, as much as a weird alien bugmom can be. Rose would probably act somewhat less recklessly than she does in canon, more used to there being consequences to her actions and used to the potential for deadly consequences thanks to her culture. She’s very strong, with quick reflexes, used to having to fend off zombies from her desert home, but I doubt the experiences would be particularly traumatizing because her lusus is right there to make sure she’s okay and zombies are just oogie boogie scary monsters. Probably still has very similar interests, mirroring Kanaya’s own interest in Rainbow Drinker Trash Fiction and whatever passes as troll-goth, which I have firm reason to believe is actually light-centered but that’s a different post. Her role as a Seer of Space- okay, so, full stop, I imagine Space to be the ULTIMATE in Seer aspects, so I’m a little biased- but her role would be p much The Storyteller. Much like Calliope in canon, she is the one who sees not the timeline, but the STORY. The WHOLE. Space, by my understanding of it, is very interested in the WHOLE, and less interested in the PARTS. So Rose can’t really say “do x thing for y result” but she can say “This is our current goal for the moment, we need to work towards that.” Breeding the frog would be… fun… She’d honestly probably need help with that task, if I’m being wholly honest. Rose would, of course, be ENAMORED with the aliens they end up running into, and Kanaya, who I’m assuming would take the role of Light player in this scenario, would fit perfectly with Rose’s Alternian-goth aesthetic and the two of them would generally just continue being soulmates like they are in canon.
Jade Vantas, a mutant troll with incredibly low funding and pretty much no status, whose lusus is an anthropomorphic crab. She’s already pretty punchy in canon, but raised by Crabmom, she’s likely gonna end up with her particular apple not falling far from that tree. Not to mention the constant injustice of her society being shoved in her face, the stress of having to keep herself hidden, she’s gonna wind up pretty snippish! Would absolutely lie about her blood color, though, not hide it. She’d pass herself off as a rust, do absolutely everything she could to make sure the people around her saw her as a rust blood and not suspect her as a mutant. Stays away from games that could make her bruised or bleeding, but if she DOES accidentally get bruised, well, it’s CLOSE ENOUGH, right, no one should stare too long because it’s a reddish hue. She’s gonna make social connections first because she likes having friends, but second because she knows her chances of surviving go up exponentially if there are people who are like, actually important, who care about her. Angrily feels that there should be more worth placed on her own life, but feels deeply insecure due to her own place in society. Her lusus, while cantankerous, does love her though, and while they do have a mutual back and forth of caretaking, Crabmom is somewhat more intelligent than Bec the magic dog so Jade has better met emotional needs. Still ridiculously smart, but with less access to resources Jade’s intelligence is going to be more of a “known in theory not in practice” variety. Being able to alchemize a lot of shit during the Game is gonna be SO FUN for her. Her role as a Witch of Blood would be focused on her ability to use her bonds with her teammates to accomplish their goals. Jade’s gonna end up a little master-mind-y, and she’s the one who’ll take Rose’s “This is our goal now” and go “Okay, here are the people who need to work on that and here’s how” so she ends up sort of the leader? More like team manager, maybe. She knows her friends well, knows their strengths, and can accurately direct them. The fact that her friends will actually listen to her, even after learning her true blood color, and still love and respect her, will be very affirming for her and help her with her insecurities! Being really irritated all the time will need some work, but once removed from the society that makes her frustrated that’ll slowly simmer down.
Dave Pyrope, middle class, raised by a dragon egg. Probably ends up doing something cocky because he puts forth a “hot shit” persona and gets himself injured lmao. He’s chilly, but not cold blooded, and he can get away with some shit but he’s not invincible. Probably for the best that he lives in a goddamned tree tbh. He’s still a sweet boy though, he just craves that validation a little too hard and does stupid shit for attention. His Dragondad isn’t really around to give him all the attention he needs, especially in his more formative years, and even after Something Dumb makes him wake up on his moon when he can talk to Dragondad, Dave still wants ATTENTION dammit. Also I just realized that all the patron trolls were on Prospit, I just realized that. Anyway, Dave does indeed put forth a coolkid persona because it’s something he thinks is going to make people like him, and he’s kinda lonely out in the middle of a forest by himself with only a giant egg for company. That, and it’s Alternia, and signs of weakness can get you killed, so he wants to seem impenetrable and aloft and put out “don’t fuck with me” vibes even though Dave is, admittedly, pretty easy to fuck with. His role as Knight of Mind would start out as him closely guarding his own mentality, shielding it from others’ eyes so they do not know what he’s truly like. He would think, based on his classpect, that this is the right and true way for him to act, that makes sense, and become briefly even more entrenched in his own coolkid persona. But then going past that, he would need to understand that guarding one’s mind can be good, yes, but he’s not actually doing himself any favors by locking his true thoughts and feelings up. Rather, he needs to protect his mind, and the minds of his friends, by encouraging openness and honesty between them. He needs to come to terms with the fact that nothing is going to be clear cut and logical, that everything is messy and the smartest, most pragmatic thing to do when dealing with brains- these things that house all our messy thoughts and emotions and spur our behaviors- is to cultivate them. Dave has to learn how to productively manage psychology, his own and those around him, and accept his own personality. This is something Latula never did. Something Latula ended up failing to do, which is why, even millions and millions of sweeps after her death, she still puts forth her coolkid persona and uses her fake persona as a shield. Karkat remarked on it in canon, and a Doomed Dave in this verse would be a Dave that follows in canon Latula’s footsteps. They have to be honest.
John Serket, upper middle class, with a nasty nasty lusus. He’d get the demand to kill other trolls and feed them to Spiderdad, and honestly? I don’t think he could. I think he’d refuse and he would die, Spiderdad would die, or Spiderdad would have to go get his own damn food, possibly abandoning John. Or maybe Spiderdad would scream in John’s brain until he DID kill somebody. But John, he’s not the kind of person who would take it well. He’d be numb for the start of it, yeah, he wouldn’t feel anything about the warm corpse still bleeding body heat, even as he chucked it into Spiderdad’s web, and I don’t think he’d feel anything in the shower or as he went to sleep that day, even though he wouldn’t be able to stop THINKING about it I don’t think there’d be an emotional connect. Until the daymares. He wouldn’t stop thinking about it, and the guilt and disgust and horror would sink in slowly, slowly, slowly, building and building inside him until he’s sobbing on his kitchen floor and choking on his own breathing because what the FUCK did he do?! Oh god he killed somebody. I could imagine John making the decision that, since he has proven he can kill a troll, he can defend himself, and he can’t do that again, he cannot kill another troll to feed Spiderdad ever again. John would likely use his mind control powers to prompt Equius (or, whoever he’s living next to, idk how trollswaps really work either) into using his STRENGTH into causing a minor avalanche, effectively killing Spiderdad, because how dare he force John to kill, he didn’t want to do that, yeah he’s Cerulean but he never wanted to hurt anybody! And then, of course, comes the guilt of killing his own lusus, of forcing his neighbor to do the dirtywork, of using his powers against a FRIEND and John hadn’t wanted to ever do that either. He’s a list of broken promises to himself. So anyway very traumatized. John’s also likely to end up a very ANXIOUS person, in this kind of swap. A lusus who didn’t really love him, when a lusus is SUPPOSED to be the one creature in a troll’s life that they can KNOW values them, would leave its mark on his psyche, and the mantra that the people who you love/who love you will make demands, demands that come at deep personal detriment, is gonna fuck him up too, regardless of whether John kills his lusus or his lusus just starves or his lusus sticks around but keeps SCREAMING at John to do things for him. Literally all of those options are gonna leave John jittery and utterly anxious as a person. He’s gonna be the type of person who gives into demands very, very easily, and see requests from his friends as things he really can’t back out of, or else it’ll make him the bad guy, a terrible friend, a selfish greedy lazy person who doesn’t pull his weight, no matter how often he says “yes” it’ll never feel like enough to justify a “no.” He and Jade would end up working very closely, because Jade is the one issuing out orders and John responds quickly and without much argument. Like as not, John is gonna be the one helping Rose breed the frogs. As Heir of Luck, which I sorta discussed in my John Lalonde post, he’s a very lucky dude, and breeding frogs would probably go REALLY well for him! But given his different life situation, John Lalonde and John Serket are pretty different people with pretty different goals. John Serket’s personal quest would be more about becoming bright, as a person. John’s natural disposition is to be friendly, cheerful, playful and even somewhat childish. He was stripped of that, by his lusus and his society as a whole, but now he has a chance to play a Game with his friends free of his lusus, free of his old planet and it’s culture, and to truly bloom as a person he has to shuck all the things that were unlucky about his past life and embrace the things that WERE lucky. He’s got good friends, a solid inborn set of morals, and a laugh as brilliant as the dawn. He’s a cheery sunny boy with a lot of love in his heart, so his quest is to really, truly shine.
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