#they'd make a great team
royalarchivist · 3 months
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taikanyohou · 1 year
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“Chief of the Ghost Valley, it’s been a while. My ally!” WORD OF HONOR (2021). Episode 35.
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
One of the MANY reasons Sarah and Jo should go on wacky post-UNIT adventures together: I think Sarah's distressing tendency to think the Doctor is dead, plus Jo's distressing tendency to think she herself is dead, could lead to some really entertaining setups where they both briefly think Jo is a ghost.
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beartrice-inn-unnir · 1 month
I am not far into Dead Boy Detectives, but if they talk one more time about leaving Port Townsend on the ferry, I might ragequit. It's just VERY clear how this wasn't just filmed in BC, but quite possibly the makers never even visited Port Townsend or done a maps search to figure out how to get there.
Port Townsend has one (1) ferry, and the Kennewick only goes to Coupeville on Whidbey Island. You will not get to any major airport that way.
I know it doesn't sound as cool or whatever, but take the bus, kids.
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musicalcompanions · 10 months
Do you know a character I'd love to see in Good Omens? Lilith.
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thyandrawrites · 10 months
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You can practically hear the sound of their single braincell rattling and bouncing around in all that empty brain space. It's amazing
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sadbeautifutragic · 1 year
jon batiste went to metlife and he wants to collab with taylor oh :')
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lilacthebooklover · 8 months
if tgwdlm happened in this timeline, i'd be absolutely screwed. i may not want much, but i'd wind up inviting like the entire hivemind to wherever i'm hiding by singing. it's an addiction, i have a Problem. tbh i'd probably just join them voluntarily, saves on having to pay for dance lessons
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aecholapis · 10 months
I never thought I'd say this but I think IDW1 Prowl and F1 Toto Wolff have a few things in common
For those who have yet to be convinced: [x] [x] [x] [x]
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claire-starsword · 2 years
Breakdown of Deviantart’s new AI policies
if anyone still thinks the deviantart thing is just miscommunication, i took the time to read carefully all their infuriating word salad, and here’s the important thing about their new AI:
“While DreamUp is based on third-party technologies (like Stable Diffusion) which have trained their models with the open web, DeviantArt does NOT and WILL NOT add images submitted on DeviantArt to these training sets, on or off the platform.”
Translation: of course we wouldn’t ever steal you art! We’ll just use the thing that has already stolen your art. The thing we said we disagree with. We doing it. Yeah.
Also, about that opt out form going around:
“Artists should be able to choose whether or not AI-images can be generated in your style. Artists who meet the criteria in our manual human review of applicants will be able to request an opt out of their username along with several desired pseudonyms linked to them be unavailable for use in DreamUp prompts.”
Translation: artists should be able to choose if their art style can be used by AI or not. But screw them, we’re choosing. Meet our criteria if you want to opt out. We’re not telling you what the criteria is. Except we kinda do, in the form, and it’s beautiful:
“Currently, we'll be approving this ability for free to artists who are most likely to have been sourced by Stable Diffusion. In this first version of the opt-out process, we will only be considering accounts that follow best practices, including but not limited to:
An up-to-date email (must be the same one associated with your DeviantArt profile)
Any social accounts linked in your DeviantArt profile’s about section”
Currently = this criteria may change at any time I guess! They will protect your art! They love artists! They’re just keeping their options open in case they wake up tomorrow loving them less. Reliable business model!
including but not limited to = they legit don’t wanna tell the whole criteria lmao. I know people are already filling out this form and I hate to say it, be ready for disappointment, because they clearly are paving the way to be able to deny it for literally any reason. This should be a case study of obfuscation via stupid vague legal wordy stuff.
The “for free” part is also terrifying as it implies they have considered and are still considering paywalling this. You’ve heard of $8 for blue checkmark, now get ready for $8 for basic art rights! Except for that part I covered early where your art is already stolen, of course.
The up-to-date email thing again means that people locked out of old accounts are being opted in against their will, and they know, and they’re deliberately enforcing it. Note that this form isn’t about your art being used in datasets though, it’s about your style being used as a prompt for the AI. Nevertheless both things should be opt out by default, as that how consent works.
I legit don’t know what to say about the social accounts linked in your profile. They are likely gonna say it’s to help verify the person’s identify, and it makes no sense at all as social media isn’t for that, as recent events have taught us more than ever. The email tied to your account should be all a service like this needs. As I said, they clearly wanna keep their options open to deny people through whatever criteria they pop out of a hat that day.
TL;DR everything DA says about avoiding art theft in their AI is word salad to confuse their users, their AI is based of one that has trained on stolen art anyway, and their opt out processes are way too convoluted to not be intentional.
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koumeowkami · 1 year
ren nanahoshi from argonavis would be such a huge ryuseitai fan. considering that he loves tokusatsu so much, i just need them to meet
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detect-thoughts · 2 years
listen, listen, i kno i already said i love lucy's lips... but hear me out ! every time i come to ur blog, do u kno what a distraction they are ?!
I blame Kramp for being really good at drawing hot tieflings. Sometimes I catch myself staring a little too intensely as well, cannot blame you. We got our hot little tiefling boys in common and I encourage Ocean to do something about it if they're so distracting 😏
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aobawilliams · 2 years
5+ headcanons thing: au where sonoko finds out the truth about conan
[Send me an AU I’ll send you headcanons]
1- When she finds out (by accident, she heard Shinichi's voice and decided to hunt him down, only to find the brat hiding in a cupboard, talking with Shinichi's voice) she was so, so mad. (Which, is an understatement. She is still very very mad at him.) Her first instinct was to drag him to Ran and force him to spills everything.
2- She stopped when she saw the real dread on his face. She has never seen him so scared. (And they have been in a lot of terrifying situations together, she'd know.)
3- So instead she listens to him. And forces him to explain, when he try to deflect. And ignores anyone trying to get them out of that closet.
4- Not sure if I want this to be pre- or post- Haibara, but either way Haibara would hate that Sonoko knows. I feel like they'd be excellent friends in normal conditions, but in this case she considers Sonoko a threat to their secret life.
5- Sonoko tries her best to help them, but still cannot convince Shinichi to tell Ran. If it were pre-Haibara, she'd have better chance at it though. Her help mostly comes money/ressources-wise, and also at being the obvious Detective to Conan's deductions (sleeping Sonoko is out! Deduction Queen Sonoko is wide awake and slaying as she sends you to jail.)
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feietouhuo · 2 years
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an unlikely alliance ............ 
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rubys-domain · 10 months
should've saved all this sentimental stuff for chong's birthday. but i guess it's fine 😅
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factual-fantasy · 1 month
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Grimace has a lot of internal struggles that he deals with.. primarily his sense of worth and belonging..
This comes from the fact that he loves his friends very dearly, and he wants only the very best for them.. Which in turn makes him analyze himself and whether or not he's good enough for them.. if he's worthy to be a part of this great team.
He tries his best to make them laugh. To be strong and protect them. To give them all a shoulder to cry on when they are sad.. he just wants to fill their lives with joy. Just as they have done for him.
Though sometimes he falls short. Someone needed advice and he didn't know what to say.. or he wasn't strong enough and someone got hurt. When this happens Grimace takes it very hard..
Of course Grimace never tells the others about any of this. The last thing he wants to do is burden his wonderful friends with all his problems.. Instead when he gets overwhelmed by these feelings, Grimace will hide away in the shadows. That way not even Gloria can sense his distress as he tries to cool off on his own.
In this particular drawing, I imagined that Grimace left while everyone was sleeping to work through his feelings. But this time he was so distressed that Gloria could sense him through the shadows.
She woke up Sylvester and sent him after Grimace. He wouldn't usually show himself during times like these.. but Sylvester was worried about him so.. he came out.
Sylvester tried to comfort him with his ribbons auras, and it helped calm his nerves some.. V kept asking what was wrong but Grimace refused to tell him. "I'm just stressed.." "About what?" "..nothing.."
He would eventually simmer down and they'd return to the group. But Grim would never tell anyone what was wrong. Even days later. He just keeps all these feelings to himself, not wanting to burden his friends.. 💔
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