#they think i'm a cishet guy
the-biornicles · 10 months
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aromantic-diaries · 10 months
"people want to be oppressed so bad" says person talking about asexuals and 15 year olds with neopronouns rather than incels on 4chan who think women are evil for not sleeping with them
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thinking about pilot draft dean harrison again
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watery-melon-baller · 8 months
I can't be too mean to him because we're in the same program and we have classes together until we graduate. I don't think he will react poorly if I turn him down but also I don't wanna risk anything so. most of this is advice from my friends if you have any other ideas feel free to contribute
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canonically47 · 5 months
might go insane and *gets the idea of jack hoffman and emily wokerson adopted family*
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spaghett-onaplate · 4 months
sixth day at my new school and i didn't sit alone at lunch today 🥳🥳
#woohoo!!#some girls invited me to sit with them so i did and chatted to them and this other guy#some of them are in my classes!! they were all very nice#honestly i was aiming to just try and fit in with the cishet boys and last week when i heard the rumour i was gay i was kinda freaked out#but i've scoped out the situation and it's not unsafe to be out (as bi. not anyone's business i'm trans)#so i realise it's better to just be open and have better chances of finding the right people than living in fear and squashing myself to--#--fit in with the wrong people. bc if i can't be fully myself around someone then why would i want to be good friends with them??#so yar i'll stick with other queer guys and supportive girls. gay guy/straight girl friendships are stereotypical but it's an ecosystem tha#works in a situation like high school tbh#ooo and i guess he was away today but the guy from a couple of my classes who i think is cute is in that group so added bonus#o and actually unrelated but at recess i went to this queer group thing i was invited to by a teacher last week#(recess is first and lunch is sceond)#i wasn't sure if i was going to go (mostly bc of my 'blend in' mindset) but i'm glad i did!! it was pretty nice#mostly just nice to get an idea of 'safe' people and teachers yaknow#'people and teachers' -- those aren't two mutually exclusive categories of being ajdsgjf but ykwim#and if i didn't go then i probably wouldn't have been in the better mindset for being just myself with everyone at lunch#so wahoo yippee :D#now i just needa keep talking to everyone and putting myself out there a bit more and i'll find the right people :)
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and-make-it-double · 5 months
the cishet sam ppl are all not only wrong but also boring
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essenceofarda · 11 months
so i finally finished rings of power
they really made sauron just... some dude huh
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kiunlo · 7 months
i think we may have gone back around to calling virgins losers again and i'm really not liking it at all.
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agendratum · 9 months
i keep being like "can't believe these people are friends they don't even like each other" but like i have to admit it makes all the sense
1. rich kids of politicians/influential people, "the golden youth", from what i know usually sticks together basically because they're growing up in the same circle anyway, they know all the same people, go to all the same places, all know each other etc
2. queer people tend to flock as well (at least it seems to be a widely agreed upon fact? i mean from personal experience, my queer friends group aside, in uni we were friends with the only other queer guy there even before i started to like him, at work i also found most of the queer people and stuck with them, even tho, again, some of them were not that likeable to me, but that's just personal experience) it's like, if you're queer, sticking with queer people you don't like that much is still better than sticking with cishet people you don't like that much, if this is making sense
3. they're in the same university, they have the same classes
combining the first two factors with the third one, they just have to stick together, because they don't necessarily have anyone else to stick to and they need somebody, at least until they graduate. it doesn't matter that your friends are shitty assholes who aren't even really your friends, cause at least you have somebody by your side and you know exactly who that is
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biracy · 8 months
Also in general I don't know when trans guys started acting like men are oppressed for having body hair or whatever. Literally no one who's even vaguely A Trans Ally is going to have an issue with you having body hair. If anything, it makes it a lot easier for cis people who might not "really get the whole trans Thing", because, believe it or not, body hair is considered by our society to be masculine. And things that are masculine are generally not oppressed, suppressed, or frowned upon
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aeide-thea · 8 months
still thinking abt the tumblrinx i encountered a while back whose pinned post said they were transmasc… and also demanded that men dni
like—i’m not confused by the convoluted not-like-the-other-boys doublethink that gets you there, i can follow the chain of illogic just fine, but i sure am deeply wearily depressed by it!
#i know plenty of good men—good cis men even! gasp!#and i just think like. if we can’t move away from‚ like‚ cold gender war how the fuck do we move forward#fundamentally like. 100% block people who have behaved towards you in ways you didn't like.#but like. this whole thing where ~afabs~ preemptively self-victimize by conjuring up the creepiest cishet man they can imagine#and self-harm by worrying abt that imaginary guy jacking off to them#is just like. i understand how it happens but it’s like. you’re actively doing negative visualization#and‚ like‚ preemptively self-victimizing#ime it feels a lot better to move through the world unworried‚ in the knowledge that if someone says sth gross to you: you can block them!#anyway ultimately i’m pretty clearly making this post bc i'm overdue to unfollow the tirfiest blogger i’m currently following#like. yeah loads of cishet men are shitheads but ~misandry~ is so last decade#and frankly i don’t have a lot more time for the cishet women who have bought into the same system—like i have some sympathy but.#these people all get warped by the system into complementary fucked-up cogs whose teeth bite into one another#and i’m just not interested in biting back—i want to leave all the biting behind in the dust of the junkyard that birthed it#and like. i don’t want to dismiss the oppression that births this sort of rhetoric. it's super real and it's toxic and it fucks people up.#but it’s like. when people have bad dads and then are like Dads R Always Bad!!!#and i’m just over here like. i don’t know how to say this without sounding like i’m invalidating you but my dad was a fucking saint tbh#not perfect dgmw but like. a sweet gentle encouraging man who got ground down by my mother’s toxic heel along with the rest of us#so like. actually not only are you closing yr eyes to a better future‚ yr closing yr eyes to other ppl’s lived realities#like i personally managed to have a totally life-ruining mother without deciding Mothers Are Ontologically Evil Actually!#idk. obviously women remain *enormously* systemically oppressed! but surely we can acknowledge and decry that without#implicitly rhetorically closing off any possibility of a gentler queerer gender dynamic?#anyway none of this is revolutionary i’m just like. i KNOW the fascists want to cut off my toes and force me into the glass slipper#of viciously constrained femininity#that in turn makes itself feel better by sneering at men‚ critiquing other women who Do It Wrong‚ and exerting control over children#so i have strong personal cause to care about misogyny even if i didn’t care about it in the abstract#but i just think like. acting like traditional gender roles and dynamics are a fixed truth we can only bruise ourselves on#instead of a human construction that we can undermine and work to topple#is not actually the path to a healed world in the long run!#anyway. beta edition post (thumbtyped & not reread): may contain bugs.
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spiral-wizard · 11 days
Interviewed for a school bus driver job earlier this week and it was the most casual/streamlined interview I have ever experienced??
My overprepared ass showed up in a nice button-up with 2 copies of my 3 page resume and the guy who interviewed me (who was wearing basketball shorts and a shirt with mickey mouse on it) handed me the CDL study guides and had me fill out the background check forms before asking me a single question
Oh AND they gave me a piece of cake. Wild
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lingerxng · 1 month
"you're not gonna jump, are you? i don't think i'm qualified to give ledge talks."
bittie looked up over her shoulder. "nah, i'm not gonna jump," she said, turning back to face the city.
she heard more than saw as pierce moved to sit next to her, legs dangling over the edge if the helipad. they were quiet before he spoke again. "was wondering when this was gonna hit you," he said plainly.
she shrugged. "we had shit to do," she replied.
"didn't help that shaundi was fuckin' hysterical."
"that's sexist."
"man, you know what i mean." he shook his head. "she didn't take it well. i can't believe you held it together."
she turned to look at him, frowning. "what, did you expect me to just fall apart?"
"no. but i expected you to do something. he was your best friend."
bittie looked at him a moment longer, then turned to face steelport again. "we had shit to do," she said again, as if that explained it all. "loren needed to be dead."
"yeah, and after?"
"you saw what pryor did. i couldn't let him get away with that shit."
"boss." pierce waited until bittie turned to look at him. "everyone has to grieve."
she rolled her eyes. "i dunno if you noticed, but that's not really what we do around here."
"you think i didn't pour one out for johnny?" he tched softly. "shit, boss. you knew him for how long? and you think you can just ignore it? that's how you end up like shaundi."
bittie frowned. "finally getting off her ass to do her fucking job?"
"angry at the world." he turned out again, hands folded together loosely between his legs. "we're bangers, boss. we lose people. it comes with the territory."
she was quiet for a beat. "i wasn't supposed to lose him," she said finally, voice softer than before.
"i know. we all thought he was invincible."
"because he was." she shook her head. "i've seen him shot, stabbed, gutted, beaten. he could take anything."
"i know."
"he wasn't supposed to die."
"i know, boss."
bittie didn't want to cry. she'd worked so, so fucking hard to get where she was, and she didn't get there by breaking down. she swallowed hard, forcing her way last the rock in her throat. "he was my only friend, pierce."
"well, then what the fuck am i?"
she looked at him, brow furrowed. "huh?"
"boss, you're my best friend." he looked halfway between confused and... almost insulted. "shaundi, too."
well. at least he'd confused her beyond her sadness. "but... we don't..."
"what, just because we don't get our nails done and have fuckin' sleepovers, we aren't friends?"
"i di--"
"shit, this is why i'm not friends with women, they don't--"
"pierce!" he stopped, looking up at her. she took a breath, then let it out, somewhat shaky. "...thank you."
"for what?"
"i dunno." she shrugged one shoulder. "checking on me. being here."
"...yeah, sure thing, boss." a beat. "you gonna start crying now?"
she sniffed. "yeah, probably. you gonna leave?"
"nah. i can deal."
"cool." she leaned until their shoulders touched, took a breath, and stopped holding it in.
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jellogram · 6 months
It's really fascinating how so many (predominantly white cishet) men will say they are really into history when they're only interested in WW2 or maybe the Roman empire or vikings. Like fifth grade level history and only wars. They're not like, reading about aristocratic culture at pre-Revolution Versailles, or the development of musical instruments in ancient Persia, or the disappearing religions of indigenous groups.
Because these guys aren't actually interested in history as a means to understand people from the past and how cultures mix and how we ended up here, they're just using history as a fantasy world. They long for a time and place where they wouldn't have been a loser and instead they would have been a war hero fighting for glory. They're so drunk on toxic masculinity and short of finding some Fight Club to join, their only outlets for these feelings are video games and history. And society treats video games as a Loser Hobby, but we treat history as a Smart Person Hobby, so they call themselves history buffs instead. Despite using it for essentially the same purpose they use video games — to imagine they live in some other place where they get the respect and self-righteousness they think they deserve.
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cantarella · 8 months
love when an immortal character looks like a teenager behaves like a teenager is treated by everyone in the story and by the narrative like a teenager and is just purposefully written like a teenager and yet people refuse to accept maybe they're intended to be read that way. media literacy am I right
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