#they lack the required kind of empathy - and therefore lack it for their fellow human beings they then pounce on
carewyncromwell · 3 years
5, 13, and 20 for the potter asks?
Pro or anti Marauders?
Pro overall, but let’s break this down by characters --
Remus Lupin is my favorite male character in the entire book series. He not only reminded me of my best teachers growing up, but I felt so, so much for him as a character too. I always felt kind of marginalized and different from my peers growing up, so it’s kind of unsurprising that I’ve had a soft spot for “outcast” characters since I was very little, and Remus is no exception. I completely understood why his friends meant so much to him and therefore felt SO much for him that, in the end, he had to lose all three of them and end up alone. Even his flaws, showcased best in the Snape’s Worst Memory chapter of OOTP and especially in Deathly Hallows, only serve to make him more real and human -- it broke my heart when he considered leaving Tonks and Teddy to help the Trio with their Horcrux hunt, but Remus wanting to “bury himself in his work” (which, honestly, this was -- he was a member of the Order, after all!) rather than face his worst fear of possibly dooming another person (namely, his son) to live a life like his made perfect sense with the characterization established, however horrible and wrong of a choice it was. It made me side with Harry so much in scolding Remus, yet I also felt compassion for the feelings behind Remus’s initial impulse. And of course, I was so proud of him when he overcame that fear and stood by Tonks and got to know his son before he died. I’m still not over the fact that my bb Remus had to die, AUUUUUGH, he and Sirius and Harry should’ve lived together as one happy makeshift family togetherrrrr. DX
Peter Pettigrew...that bloody rat. >> I’m sure just about everyone feels a lot of justified resentment toward Peter for what he did to the Potters, and I definitely agree with that sentiment...but at the same time, there’s still a part of me that finds him very interesting. Mainly because...I’d love to see him at his best, now that we’ve seen him at his worst! He was a Marauder, same as Sirius, Remus, and James, and we should never forget that -- he might have been a bit of a tag-along, but none of the other three, Lily, or anyone else thought that Peter would ever have been the type to turn on his friends. McGonagall disparaged Peter for his magical talent, but she openly grieved for him when she thought Sirius had killed him. Everyone was ready to believe Sirius -- who clearly adored James -- could be the traitor, before suspecting Peter. Sirius even suspected Remus before Peter...and this is when their connection in the books is so strong that HP fans have shipped Wolfstar since POA was first published back in 1999! Even when you read the books, you can see flickers of remorse in Peter at points, if you’re reading carefully. In Goblet of Fire, Peter seems noticeably uncomfortable around the rest of Voldemort’s supporters -- his efforts to bring Voldemort back to his body really seem to be out of obligation rather than any kind of enthusiasm. And of course, as we see in Deathly Hallows, Peter even as a Death Eater still retains enough honor to hesitate when Harry reminds him that he owes him his life. Gryffindor house does preach chivalry as well as courage, and in a twisted way, one could read Peter’s “loyalty” to Voldemort not just being about desperation as his friends now want nothing to do with him, but also because Peter’s standing by the choice he made...not unlike how Percy stood by the Ministry as long as he did, rather than by his family. This doesn’t justify what Peter did at all -- he is a despicable coward who destroyed so many lives and is responsible for bringing back the Dark Wizard whose return resulted in even more deaths -- but it does give his characterization as a villain interesting nuance. There’s a well-established internal logic to how Peter behaves, one I would frankly LOVE to see more of in a future Marauders-centric property.
Sirius is arguably the most polarizing of the Marauders, but honestly? I love him to pieces. He is a very, VERY flawed character -- he’s got a real mean streak, a hot temper, and more aggression than the average person. Him encouraging Snape to “go after Remus” was an indisputably terrible, stupid, callous thing to do, not just because of the endangerment to Snape’s life, but the flagrant betrayal of Remus’s friendship. The way Sirius treated Kreacher was completely uncalled for, regardless of how much the elf reminded him of his terrible home life. Sirius also can be really immature and can get really surly and passive-aggressive when he’s upset. But despite all of this, I love Sirius anyway. In a lot of ways, Sirius reminds me of my father, who I also love a lot despite his many flaws. Sirius lacks empathy for those different from him, but he’s also the only member of his immediate family who rejected the idea of pureblood superiority and fought in the Order of the Phoenix against Voldemort. Sirius was a bully and even as an adult could be incredibly petty and mean-spirited, but he also was the first person in Harry’s life who really felt like family to him -- who he could write to for help when he was sad, afraid, or insecure. Sirius was a hot-tempered, rash person who rarely thought through the consequences of his actions, but he also would’ve done absolutely anything to protect the people he loved. He without question loved James, Lily, and Harry more than his own life. Despite being raised in a cold, hate-filled, prejudiced, unaffectionate, abusive home, Sirius understood unconditional love, and he understood his godson in a way no one else could, not just because he was such close friends with the parents he’d lost at such a young age, but because he’d lived Harry’s experience as a neglected, unloved child himself.
And now we come to the often maligned James Potter. Honestly, this guy gets such a bad rap in the fandom, almost exclusively based on Snape’s memories, and I don’t think it’s really fair. Snape is really the only person who has a sour image of James, and even if we disregard the testimonials of fellow Marauders like Sirius and Remus, people like McGonagall, Dumbledore, Mad-Eye Moody, and even Cornelius Fudge had nothing but nice things to say about James, and those people don’t have reason to speak well of James at Snape’s expense. And of course, even Snape’s perceptions are bound to have their own slant to them. Pensieve memories are just that: memories. A Pensieve is not a pocket dimension that perfectly recreates the past, hence why Slughorn was able to badly modify his memory, Hokey the house elf’s memories were tampered with by Riddle, and even in Snape’s own memory, we follow Snape throughout the memory and we’re only able to hear what the Marauders are saying because he was close by. And if we judge James solely based on his no-doubt worst moment in Snape’s Worst Memory, we’re bound to get an incomplete picture -- just as we did for Hagrid, after seeing Tom Riddle’s memory of him confronting Hagrid for supposedly opening the Chamber of Secrets. Would we judge Harry solely for Malfoy’s recollection of the Sectumsempra incident, or Hermione solely for Marietta’s recollection of the time Hermione hexed her face to read “SNEAK” across it? Of course not. James was a bully and what he did in Snape’s Worst Memory was no doubt horrible -- but this is also a young man who without hesitation gave Sirius a home after he ran away from his terrible family, who supported Remus financially when he couldn’t find work, and who selflessly put himself between Voldemort and his family just to give them a chance to escape, even though he didn’t even have his wand on him. I would frankly love to learn more about James and see more of the arc he must’ve gone through as a character for someone like Lily to have fallen in love with him and for people like Remus and Sirius to feel such strong platonic love for him themselves, if a Marauders-centric property was ever created.
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Who was the bravest character in Harry Potter and why?
Oh gosh...hm...that is a real challenge. There are a lot of very brave characters! Harry, Ron, Hermione, Remus, Sirius, McGonagall, Hagrid, Dobby, Cedric...but I think I’m going to nominate Neville. While Hogwarts was taken over by Snape and the Carrows and the students were no doubt being brainwashed a la the Hitler Youth to regurgitate blood-purist talking points rather than learning anything that could defend themselves against the Dark Arts or that was even remotely true about Muggles, Neville decided to face that undeniable hopelessness -- worsened all the more by the students’ lack of independence and freedom while being housed in the castle’s walls without their families and the threat of losing both their families and all hope for a future constantly dangled over their heads -- head-on and reform Dumbledore’s Army with Ginny and Luna to stand against it. Then, even as his group’s members got picked off one by one and were forced to hide in the Room of Requirement, he stuck to his guns and kept resisting because he knew -- as a Pureblood -- he was in a position he could use to fight for others and wasn’t afraid to stand up for those who couldn’t stand up for themselves and others. It was only when his grandmother was forced to flee and the Carrows realized that Neville was too much of a threat to keep in check that he went into hiding himself. Then, when everyone thought Harry was dead and many others would’ve despaired, Neville fearlessly and fiercely stuck both by Harry, his parents’ memory, and his own convictions and refused Voldemort’s offer to join him, even keeping his head enough after getting burned by the flaming Sorting Hat to fulfill his promise to Harry and kill Nagini. And this was the kid who people said shouldn’t have been Sorted into Gryffindor at all, in his first year! What a beautiful transformation.
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Favourite Death Eater?
*cringes* Mmm...well, character-wise, I’d say I’ve always found Lucius a very compelling character, in the books. The Malfoy family in general struck me as interesting anti-villains, since they are indisputably unpleasant, prejudiced, awful people, but their one silver lining to me is how deeply and sincerely they love each other. That aspect is really lost in movie!Lucius, since the films try to portray him much more two-dimensionally bad and that interpretation has since colored the fandom’s view of Lucius as an abusive father when there is NO textual evidence of that in the books. And I kind of find it a shame, because as much as I adore Jason Isaacs in his role, it did serve to make Lucius a bit less complex and interesting in the films than he was in the books. Admittedly as well I have a bit more of a soft spot for Lucius after taking on the challenge of writing the guy and his family a redemption arc in my way-too-long AU fic Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce. XD
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HP Ask!
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Y’all Ain’t Woke (and Neither Am I)
Okay so, I’m not sure how to start this because I know that this is a subject that requires tact. Lots of tact. Tact that a lot of people on this website don’t have, but whatever. That’s not the point of this, not all of it anyway.
The point here is.
Y’all ain’t woke.
Every day I come on this website and I see nothing but mudslinging. Some of it is well deserved and some of it is not. That is again, not the point here. The point here is hypocrisy.
There’s a lot of it. From a lot of people. It’s part of the reason why I’m not giving any specifics onto my identity (I made this blog specifically for this and I may never use it again honestly), because the people on this website will find some way to invalidate me for it. I’m not saying this as a person of a specific identity. No gender. No sexuality. No race. Though I acknowledge that the person I am behind this screen will influence my writings no matter what, I will also try to acknowledge my specific bias’ as a type away at this on my tiny ass phone screen in a valiant attempt to get my opinion out into a great sea of voices.
I am here to acknowledge something that a lot of people on this website don’t seem to have.
Common human decency and understanding.
Now you may argue, “hey aren’t you making some pretty broad assumptions?!”  and, “isn’t saying something like that rude?!” Except perhaps with more explicit language. It is the internet. I will not judge you for using the fuck word. I will however judge you for using other words if you so choose to use them, and I’m sure some of you will. But back to the point.
Every day I come onto this site and I see hate spewed from every corner. Not from everyone, no, but from many. Some of this hate is valid and rational, as sometimes the world hurts you and you need a place to vent. A place to be yourself where no one knows who you really are behind the screen (except the FBI, but they don’t count). It is a comfort in a world that is out to deride you. Oppress you. Kill you, even.
Yes, the internet is a comfort.
Yet, so many people can not grasp that on the internet you are not alone.
On the internet you are connected to millions of people, all with vastly different life experiences. Different morals and values. Different world views. Many treat the internet like some alien dimension when in reality the internet is the closest reflection to the human subconscious that we have ever known.
And that is frightening.
There are hate groups at every corner, unchallenged by the rules of an uncaring and prejudiced algorithm made and maintained by people who could give less than two shits about you.
There are cults, out to snare vulnerable minds.
There are stalkers, rapist, abusers, law enforcement, corporations.
There are people out there and they are out to get you, and that is frightening. We are a frightened race for we cannot even trust the very people who had sworn to protect us in some way. Parents, teachers, cops. All have harmed you in some way, intentionally or unintentionally.
We live in a world built upon the backs of oppressed and enslaved people. Not just in America but all across the world, in every government system, in many forms, is a sickness. The sickness is wealth. The sickness it apathy. Perhaps the sickness is even privilege.
Ah yes, privilege.
It is a word that people on this site use to hide. Yes, even me.
We use privilege to invalidate, just as we try and invalidate the existence of privilege.
No, I am not just talking about the existence of white privilege, which most certainly exists though some may doubt it.
To all those who deny, let me tell you this.
One, privilege does not make you a bad person.
Two, almost everyone has privilege.
Yes, you heard me right, almost everyone has privilege.
Despite what some will have you believe, White Privilege is not the only privilege that exists.
Straight Privilege.
Cis Privilege.
Wealth Privilege.
Able Bodied Privilege.
Religious Privilege.
Education Privilege.
Hell, the privilege to even be able to access the internet in the first place.
All of these privileges exist and you have at least one of them. Having a privilege does not mean you’re a bad person, because no one asks to be handed these privileges at birth.
Many people do not even realize they have privilege, because that is how the system is formed. It is formed in such a way that those that have turn their backs on those that have not. That they ignore the plights of others because they do not see that they exist. That they lack empathy for those that are different and therefore turn on them because that is what society taught you to do.
We are all guilty of this.
No, it does not matter if you are Black or Asian, or Indigenous, or White, or any other race or ethnicity. Just as it does not matter if you lack a limb, or if your brain does not process information in the way that is considered standard, or if your body works without trouble.
Everyone has a bias against someone and it shows, yes, even on this website which supposedly teaches tolerance.
Let me assure you it does not.
I come onto here and all I see is hate.
Now, let me preface this with saying that you do not have to love those who have hurt you. Those who took their ignorance a step to far and left a mark on you that you feel will never heal. Those that leave a thousand little scratch marks on your soul every day until you can’t stand it anymore. Those that took your act of pent up suffering as an overreaction and needless anger and never once considered the source.
You do not have to love those that hurt you.
You just need to understand.
People on this website will take one look at you and invalidate your experience because you are white, or a cis man, or straight. Just as the outside world will take one look at you and invalidate your experience because you are black, or a trans woman, or gay, or any other marginalized community.
We do this and call it progressiveness. We do this and call it rebelling against our oppressors. We do this and assume we have the moral high ground because we love one kind of person while scorning the other.
We scorn our fellow humans, people who suffer just as we do in our own lives, if perhaps in different ways, because of the benefits a cruel society born on bloodshed dictated we have at birth.
This is not a movement towards the future, but a movement towards vengeance.
A movement that turns those who could be allies into monsters because they cannot understand the exact suffering you have gone through.
But that is unfair and close-minded.
No one can understand the exact life you have lived, not even those who fall into the same categories as you. No straight white able-bodied cis man’s story is the same, just as no gay black disabled trans woman’s story is the same.
But we can empathize.
We can empathize, should empathize, hold out hope that someone will empathize with our suffering.
I see wishes for empathy. I see people calling out for it. I see people perfectly capable of it.
Yet I see no empathy.
But, perhaps that is a generalization.
Not all people are like that.
Not all people.
Now doesn’t that sound familiar.
You hear it all the time don’t you.
“Not All Men!” or “Not All White People!”
It is a loud cry. It grates on you, because for years the kind of person who says this has been the same person who saw all women as sexualized meat sacks. Who saw Black people as thugs. Who saw Muslims as terrorists. Who saw Latin@ people as gangsters.
Or did they.
You see, here on this very website we look to the people who say these things as lesser. Incels, entitled White folx, White Feminists(not to be confused with White people who are feminists, of course). Yes, we use these words to deride people who have oppressed us, who have invalidated and hurts us over the years. Perhaps it is understandable in some cases (or always in the case of Nazis and White Supremacists), but that is not the point.
We say these things and then console ourselves with knowing that it is not oppression, for these people have been the oppressors for years. Our vitriolic words hold no power over them because of the institution which has deemed us lesser.
“It can’t be racism, the person who said it was Black!”
“It can’t be ableism, they’re in a wheelchair!”
“It can’t be biphobia, she’s a lesbian!”
But it is, and always has been.
You see, despite all the powers that we lack from the government, we all have one power which can be used to hurt others.
Our words.
Words are the gateway to belief, to rhetoric, to ideologies.
You may not believe that someone is hearing you because of your place in society, but I assure you that people are listening. That people are internalizing the things you have said in some way or another. Even if that person is just you.
Every time someone says “I Hate Men,” or “I Hate Straight People,” or “I Hate White People,” it is internalized and it hurts someone. Perhaps yourself, perhaps some lost soul looking for someone to hate, perhaps someone who falls under that wide umbrella and lacks self-esteem.
You may not have meant all of that specific demographic but someone will take it that way. You can clarify all you want, but the way you say things has power. Just as the way you ignore things does.
Intentionally or unintentionally, we are hardwired to internalize propaganda. That is why so many POC, or LGBT+, or disabled people get pushed out of inclusive spaces, spoken over. We have been hardwired to believe their words are less important by a society we are all suffering under, and everyday we must work to rewire ourselves to disbelieve that rhetoric.
Everyone must work for it.
Even me.
Even you.
Do not believe that you cannot be racist just because you are not White. You grew up in a society that valued whiteness over colour. That valued pale beauty over the deeper shades and tones that are just as beautiful.
Do not believe that you cannot be ableist just because you are in a wheelchair. Society has taught you to not value yourself or others who lack parts of their bodies or have their brain work a different way.
Do not believe that you cannot be sexist because you are a woman. One only needs to look at those called TERFs and Radfems to see the rampant transphobia that plagues them.
Do not believe that you cannot be prejudiced against someone else just because someone else is prejudiced against you.
Suffering is part of the human experience.
It simply manifests in different ways.
So many on here want a better, brighter future, and yet cannot envision one that does not come at the cost of someone else’s comfort and safety.
That is not progressiveness.
That is prejudice.
That is hate.
In order to have a better future, we must not pull someone else down to pull ourselves up. That future it not better it is oppression in a different form, it is vengeance for your hurts.
In order to have a better future you must separate those that have hurt you from the system that perpetuates their hate.
You do not have to forgive them.
You do not have to stop being angry or scared.
But you must look past them.
We cannot generalize your suffering and place them on the shoulders of other people. Just as we cannot speak over those suffering an experience that you have not, and then turn around and believe it does not exist. We must acknowledge and accept each other’s existence, but deny and dismantle hateful rhetoric and no matter who it is leveled towards.
We claim the future is together, and yet invalidate those that we perceive as having suffered less when in reality they have likely suffered in a different form.
We cannot dismantle the system that divides us apart, we cannot go alone and afraid of those who do not look or think or act like us. We must go together. If we do not then we will only be torn apart by those that wish to oppress us.
We must look inside ourselves and confront the monster that has grown inside of us. The monster of hate and division that causes us to look at our fellow human and deem them lesser for things out of our control.
We must overcome the bias that society has taught us.
We must be angry, but not at those who have not harmed you, but at the system which has poised our privileges at each other’s throats.
We must go forth but with awareness and acceptance of each other’s existence and suffering.
No one is alone on this planet.
No one is alone on this website.
Someone will hear you, but will what they hear help?
Or will it divide us further?
Only the future will tell, and I hope that future is a bright one.
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ceriseskies · 5 years
It’s 5am Let’s Fucking Do This
Dear Transgender Transmedicalists.
You’ve been on my mind recently. I made this very emotionally driven post to get some of my frustration out, and well, the response I got from one of you, was— well, I got roasted.
So. Feeling like I owed a debt or something, I’ve done a little research, I’ve gone through some of your blogs. I have read actual trans people’s takes on you.  And I think I’m going to to bring a new weapon to the ring: empathy. It’s not one I see a lot of use of on Tumblr.
Because there’s one thing you’re absolutely right about: Most, or at least a sizable amount of  “truscum” are transgender.
(For the uninitiated, that means they believe you need gender dysphoria to be trans—non-dysphorics are called “transtrenders” or “tucutes”. Usually, but not always, comes with nb-phobia.)
First of all, I want to say where I think you’re right, because it’s only fair, and I want to show I’m being sincere about this.
For starters, I know Tumblr has this “you’re perfect and valid just the way you are babey!!!! Don’t change a thing!!!! <3<3<3!!!” And I can see why someone who suffers from severe dysphoria and needs medical transition for their mental health is scared off by that. I’m not here to police your positivity. If hearing someone tell you “your hormones are coming, and your transition will be smooth, quick, and soon, and you’ll come out of it a beautiful girl/handsome man” is what keeps you alive, then surround yourself in it. I want you to be healthy and happy.
Also, I believe that no one should have to date a trans person. That’s rapey. HOWEVER, I would question what makes someone uncomfortable about it. The genitalia? Okay, that’s valid. But a lot of other excuses are pretty thinly veiled transphobia, because no matter what kind of man/woman you like, a there’s a transgender person who fits those requirements. And don’t date someone transitioning away from the gender you’re attracted to. That’s sleazy.
And honestly, I think a lot of the “non-dysphoric” trans kids do experience some dysphoria, judging by their accounts. Just not an overwhelming, crippling level like I see most transmeds experience. There’s a lot of misinformation about it, and can see why they might not recognize it. And there’s a lot of dysphoric people would don’t even realize they have it until they become acquainted with their real gender. I would estimate that 90% of trans/nb people will experience some degree of it at some point in their life.
But even if 100% were dysphoric, I’d still be opposed to it being the defining characteristic. Why? Well, it makes being transgender sound like a medical disorder. And the idea of an LGBT (and continued, but that’s for another day, kids) identity being considered a disorder gives me major ick vibes—think conversion therapy, religious exorcisms, homosexuality being in the DSM…
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Let’s start by breaking down the philosophy, because I can’t start telling you what you believe is wrong until I assess what you believe.
The belief of your average “truscum” is that gender dysphoria is the core of ThE TRanS eXpErIeNcE, whereas “trenders” believe gender to be a less tangible and more fluid concept.
It’s essentially dysphoria cure-seekers versus the gender truth-seekers, which, are the terms I’m gonna use now, because as a non-trans individual all these words feel dirty in my mouth.
Dysphoria sucks. And a lot of the cure-seekers are very much displeased with their trans identity. To them, being cis is good—they want to be cis.  They encourage those comfortable with their assigned gender to be happy about it! Therefore, they’re completely at odds with the gender-is-a-social-construct, down-with-cis ideology of the gender “truth-seekers” who are encouraging kids to create new genders and just find what feels right. They can’t imagine having fun being trans—it hasn’t been for them.
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And because of that, well, I can never be too mad at them. 
There’s also an element of deep insecurity. Pretty much every dysphoria cure-seeker has latched on hard to the idea of brain sex, despite the science being shaky at best. It gives you the explanation you need for your dysphoria. You want a solid scientific ground, not just cheesy platitudes about it being ~how you feel inside~.
Just like every other trans person on Tumblr dot com, you’re seeking validation. That’s normal. Even you worry about being fakes sometimes.
But let’s not get too ahead ourselves here, it’s still mostly about people who aren’t “trans enough”.
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The problem here is that in seeking your own validity, you’re stomping on other trans people.
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I’ll let Casey, a lovely, 100% bona-fide trans woman, take it from here.
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Now, usually when I hear the word “transtrender”, I find it’s not usually used at someone who has professed a lack of dysphoria. It’s usually someone who is being trans “incorrectly”.
For example, Riley J Dennis gets called a trender a lot, despite her talking about her own dysphoria on several occasions.
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See, there’s a real fear that all these new gender experimenters are going to make the trans community look like a joke.
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There’s a belief that these cool-new-gender-flexible-trans-kids are reinforcing trans about trans being a trend, and thus, blocking “real trans” from getting the help they need.
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And you’ll notice that neither of these complaints has anything to with dysphoria. This is whining about people being annoying.
This is… very optics-focused. And hey, I think Tumblr downplays the importance of looking good to the average public. However, actual people matter more than outside impressions.
And also, who is the audience for this? Transphobes?
This tangential comment thread on Innuendo Studios’s “White Fascism” video gets it.
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A lot of you simply want to assimilate into society as your real gender. You want to pass, be given the right pronouns, and get the hormones and surgery you deserve. And you want cis people to acknowledge you the correct way.
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And so you try your best to be the “ideal trans person” for the cisgendered. You experience dysphoria, you want to pass, you’re actively seeking transition.
Sometimes you even join in the bullying.
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There’s a lot of sucking up here. All lot of trying to to prove yourself to someone who wants you to suck them off.
And I refuse to suck the cishets’ metaphorical dicks. However, their real dicks might still be on the table if they treat me right,
Look, there’s quite a few transphobes out there who are unwilling to admit they’re transphobes, are looking for a cop-out. And this rhetoric enables their transphobia, using this guise which even comes with free trans supporters!!!
But eventually, they’ll turn on you. When you start challenging their perceptions, when you start stepping on their toes, when you become too inconvenient to be a shield against accusations of transphobia, they’ll toss you right in the garbage with all the “trenders” and “tucutes” you’ve been stomping on, and something tells me you’re not getting a warm welcome in that “garbage can”.
And they’re going to treat you like shit. And you’re going to be surprised when they teach you like shit. You’re going to have to learn the hard way that a conditional ally is not a real ally, and your beliefs are all about being conditionally accepting.
Transphobes don’t care about you or your struggles. If they did, they wouldn’t be transphobes.
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What’s all of this going to get you?
What’s the endgame? Like when you kick out all the transtrenders, what will you have earned?
Will you have taken back your “trans spaces”? Will you have gotten rid of those annoying kids at the expense of actual people who need those places?
Will you have more of the non-finite trans resources?
What will that earn you?
You do realize that if you achieved your goal, you’d probably just start attacking each other, right?
And then we’d be back at square one. Because if there’s one thing all humans, cis, trans, or nonbinary, it’s someone to feel better than, no matter how stupid or toxic the reason is. Look. I don’t know what’s going on in each of your individual heads, and I don’t know any of you personally. I can’t tell you what has personally driven you to transmedicalism, but I hope you leave it behind one day.
All I can say is that I know a lot of you have had your own struggles, and as a (maybe?) good cis ally and fellow LGBT person, I sympathize with you. I’ve done my best to try and dismantle your worldview.
And I want you to know: it gets better. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I know someone does, especially someone who’s ideology portrays their very being as inherently suffering.
Look, my PMs are open if you want to talk to me about this (or anything else). Please be polite, don’t come at me with callous accusatory questions you don’t actually want me to answer.
With love,
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helloresumeme-blog · 5 years
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It is no secret that bullying and social issues are problematic, at school, on social media, at home and in the workplace.
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So why does it happen and how do you deal with it?
The workplace is like our second home, so we should respect it and those in it.
So why is it that people in the workplace are so mean?
It is no secret that bullying and social issue are problematic, at school, on social media, at home and in the workplace.
Given we spend so many hours of our life in our work space, we not only need social interaction to survive, we also need to be happy and to feel valued. When we experience social issues like bullying and exclusion for an extended time, this can lead to complex mental health issues amongst other things.
When you are placed in a work space, you don’t get to choose who you work with. So, you are spending almost 40 hours a week with people who you have to co-operate with.
There are varying reasons for why people at work can be mean, and underlying issues to explain their behaviour.
Social Comparison.
Personality clash.
Many years ago, when I was 16 years old, I attended a school that catered to both adults and adolescents. I was enrolled into the adult section, repeating year 11. There was a 21 year old girl, who learned that I was working at her local Woolworths on the register. For reasons unknown to me, she would regularly come in and taunt me.
As a teen, I assumed that when you become an adult, you mature. But this is not our reality.
According to Psychologist Leon Festinger.“
Human beings have the drive to assess their opinions and to know more about their abilities and when they are incapable of evaluating their opinions and abilities, they tend to compare themselves with others.
Active downward comparison happens when a person compares himself with others by demeaning or causing harm to them. By derogating the target or causing harm to him, this person generates a situation in which the target is worse off than him, therefore giving him the chance to make a downward comparison.”
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When someone says something cruel to bring another person down, their ultimate goal is to make that person feel insecure.
For the girl who would taunt me, she had decided that there was something about me that threatened her. She had her own insecurities to battle with, so it made her feel better believing she could break me down.
And in case you are wondering, it did not work.
Eventually, she gave up.
In the working environment, we have a lot to prove. When you look around, you see people doing things with what seems to be
‘complete ease.’
For example, a girl I used to work with was an extremely fast typer, so she was able to complete her admin work much faster than I. People have skills and qualities that you don’t have, but vice versa. So, what happens is, we tend to compare. And for some people, this can feel threatening.
When we compare, we do 1 of 3 things.
Accept that they have something we don’t and focus on our own skills.
Be inspired and try to improve upon that skill.
Resent them for having something we don’t.
: What do you do when you can see someone else is progressing further along than you because they are stronger in this skill?
I want to leave you with something on this particular point. When my son and niece were both about 4 years old, my sister and I took them to a mums and Bubs music group.
As we were playing a game where a child would get chosen to “hold the puppets”, my niece desperately wanted to be chosen but wasn't. I saw my sister quietly say to her, “when someone else gets chosen, you should cheer them on”. Her message here was...
"Build others up and celebrate their successes as they happen."
A clique is a small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them.
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To feel included and a part of something, requires social interaction.
A social group
is formed by fellow colleagues chatting in the workplace and everyone is welcome to join.
A clique
is a group of people who stick to that group and rarely, others receive invites or acknowledgement from those within the clique.
Usually, there is a leader and how this leader thinks and behaves will potentially influence the others in the clique. So, if the leader is somewhat of a mean girl, the others will generally follow.
The problem with cliques are, for those who are not in them may experience exclusion and isolation, and maybe some workplace bullying.
So what happens when the leader is your manager?
Horrible bosses much?
I once witnessed a manager telling her team about a staff member who had called in sick. Our manager didn't believe the employee’s reason and discussed this opinion with her team, giving the girl a bad reputation.
Heres a thought, If she had said nothing, people within the team probably wouldn’t have given it a second thought.
Managers are to manage the team as a whole and individually. So when it comes to personal matters, this should stay between the manager and the individual. This was the moment where I lost confidence and trust in her.
My point here is, my manager was the leader of this clique and those who were not a part of it were gossiped about and spoken down to.
So how do you manage people like this?
The issue is their behaviour and beliefs, not them as people.  Although it can be really hard to, separating the 2, may help you navigate this much more easily.
Another consideration is to not always assume the worst. Expect that people will let you down, but don’t assume they will.
Option #1
Why not try getting to know them individually. Separating one from the herd can open doors for change.
Option #2 
Step up and ask why they behave this way. Put them on the spot. Even if it’s your boss. Why this works is because they won't be expecting it. The element of surprise is quite effective.
Option #3 
Take it to the boss. They have a responsibility to ensure each staff member is treated with respect. Even if your boss is close friends with them, do it anyway. They are your boss first and foremost.
Those who welcome others are true role models.
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I have a Labrador, she is very playful and great with kids and other dogs. I wanted to take her to my friends place, but decided against it because she has a Rottweiler, who is very territorial.
When we feel secure in a space, it can be confronting and intimidating to have someone else come into that space. I am not saying we are like dogs, but I am saying, there are some emotional and protective similarities.
With kids, its their toys or bedroom. With adults, it’s our work space or home. We like familiarity, and something unfamiliar can make us feel uncomfortable. Some people have the ability to embrace this, but others don’t.
So, when a new staff member enters a workplace, certain people may respond in a negative way toward that person. They may need for others to gain their trust before they let their guard down. This type of person is very territorial. They earned their place there and expect, like a rookie, others should to.
So how do you manage people like this?
I believe it is important to allow them the time to get to know you. Don’t hold it against them that this is how they deal with change. Be exactly who you are and do your job well. Focus on your work and learning the ropes. Eventually, by doing this, you will potentially gain their trust and be accepted into friendship with them.
Sometimes, it is simply because they just don’t like you. We can't be liked by everyone, even though it does seem as though there are people out there who are loved by all, this is not possible.
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We all have annoying traits, and some more than others, so when people are irritated but someone, they may tend to be pretty obvious about this.
A close friend of mine, Hayley, has a very outgoing personality, a great sense of humour, beautiful heart and is very loud. She never hides who she is, so when you meet her, you know exactly who you are getting to know.
She worked with a girl who would say nasty things to her, not because Hayley had done anything in particular to intentionally upset her, but simply because she didn't like how loud she was.
Why did this bother her so much?
I believe there was an element of envy here. When someone is drawing attention to themselves, others are likely to stay in the shadows. Also, it can be tough for someone who is introverted to be spontaneous and outgoing. These people may need to do some soul searching.
At the end of the day, we don’t change our personalities so as everyone likes us, we be who we are and if people can't accept this, then tough bickies, that's on them.
So how do you manage people like this?
Honestly, you don’t. You can't change other people, but you can only control how you respond. Continue being who you are, so long as you are doing it with integrity. So, if you are loud, that's okay, but don’t do it so as to annoy that person. If you are talkative, don’t antagonise them by talking to them a lot. Say hello and make small talk, but keep it to the minimum.
Showing kindness despite whether or not someone likes you is the best approach. You are then not giving them reason not to like you.
Why are bosses mean?
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Lack of self awareness.
Denial & Culture.
Emotional intelligence is a combination of self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skill.
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As leaders, It is our responsibility to set an example. When we behave badly, we are setting a tone for our team that certain behaviours are acceptable. So, the second I see my manager gossiping with their staff about other staff, or humiliating them in front of others, I instantly lose a level of trust and respect for them.
When I was working for a medical clinic many moons ago, The office practice manager was renowned for her gossip in the workplace across her team. Every staff member knew and expected no less from her.
One day, a colleague took offence to something I had said which was in no way intended to upset her. A patient had a voicemail left by someone from our clinic and when I listened to it, I recognised my colleagues’ voice. The patient did not understand why this message had been left as it only requested for her to call back.
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So, I asked my colleague what she was needing to talk to them about. She became angry with me accusing me of being wrong. I explained that I had heard her voice on the message service and that the patient was on the phone waiting to speak with her as requested.
She raised her voice at me and behaved quite irrational, saying that it is not possible for me to know it is her. Clearly, I had struck a nerve. I decided to end the conversation and advised the patient it must have been an error.
A day later, our practice manager approached me about the matter. What I found to be odd was her message behind what she said. She was talking to me about conflict in the workplace.
I found this to be quite ironic, mainly because she was in no way an example of someone who had an ability to resolve conflict or nurture healthy relationships with those around her.
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The point I am making here is, when Managers behave poorly, it makes it very hard for their staff to see them as a leader. Nothing she said resinated with me because my focus was on her hypocrisy.
My boss lacked all of the qualities that made up emotional intelligence. She didn't realise that many staff submitted to her out of intimidation, or that her team perceived her as a dishonest and disloyal manager.
Is your manager actually being mean by gossiping about you or publicly humiliating you by pointing out a mistake you made?
YES! Let’s turn the question around. Is it nice to spread gossip about someone? Is it nice to belittle someone in public?
So how do you manage a manager who behaves this way? If I had my time again, I would do this.
Sit them down and let them know that what they are doing is not something you will accept. You are an individual who has a right to feel empowered in the workplace and free from bullying and slander.
If you are worried about making your work environment harder for yourself, then ask yourself, is it not hard already? Would you see yourself staying for the next 5–10 years being treated this way?
By standing up for yourself you could potentially make things better, maybe there could be a future for you there.
If you are worried about losing your job, and you decide not to address the issue because of this, then it may be worth looking for another job. In saying this, consider that it could be the same in the next joint. You can't predict this, neither can you predict whether or not good can come from addressing the issue where you currently are.
You may save yourself a lot of time and energy searching for a new job simply by giving it a crack and fronting up to your manager.
Respect is never gained by pushing others around.
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When I was 18 years old, I was working at a Gloria Jeans Cafe in Brisbane. The Manager there would yell and swear at her staff, me included.
She even received a complaint from a customer saying she frightened her and will never return again.
One day at work, I had just topped up the beans, both the normal and decaf. My manager didn't trust that I had done it correctly, so she took a handful of each and put her hands out in front of me. She then asked me which was which.
Now, this may seem like a normal and calm situation, but it wasn't. She was angry. I found this quite intimidating and therefore was unable to think clearly. So, I just kept staring at her hands. Finally someone outside the situation stepped in and answered the question. This ended it for me.
This form of behaviour is actually quite common across many work places. The biggest issue is that yelling and swearing in the workplace is not illegal, so unless Human Resources resolve the issue, there are not too many options available.
Did you know these behaviours have names?
Bullying, emotional abuse, psychological torture, verbal abuse in the workplace.
So, why do bosses behave this way?
I recall my manager saying to me one day that her bosses treated her this way when they managed the store. So, was this her way of excusing her behaviour and making it okay?
I believe she recognised that it was wrong, but I also believe she didn't know how not to do it. So, it was easier for her to live in denial and find excuses to make it acceptable.
The trouble is, her team one by one quit. Many of her staff were young girls who would tense up at the sound of her voice being raised. They would silently and subtly cry hoping she wouldn’t notice.
Work-related mental health conditions AKA psychological injuries, have become a major concern in Australian workplaces.
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How much can one person really take on?
I have seen managers makes so many mistakes and absolutely lose it, simply because they are under a lot of pressure.
If your manager is under a lot of pressure and they are behaving terribly because of this, maybe it’s worth gently letting them know. I would not recommend talking to their superior about it unless you have already tried to address it with your direct manager and they were unwilling to listen.
It is not just you at risk, it is your manager, the company and the team who suffers.
Why it’s important to go to your manager first is, they may be the kindest person in the world when not stressed. They may just need to have it pointed out to them the impact on the team.
They may not be aware of the extent of the problem, or they may even have things going on in their personal life in addition. Who knows if your boss just had their husband or wife leave them that morning.
I am not saying their behaviour is acceptable, but there is a way around addressing it by bringing the issues to light and supporting them at the same time.
Sometimes managers too, need support. Yes, they are our leaders, but they are human beings who rarely get the recognition they deserve. In fact, they are more likely to be criticised than complimented.
To be slow to react takes strength and wisdom.
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Misunderstandings happen all the time, I would even be inclined to say nearly on the daily. The biggest issue with misunderstandings is, sometimes there are no opportunities to clear them up. Like a misunderstanding with a stranger who you never see again.
They can also lead to major problems, like mistakes at work or office conflict that never gets resolved.
When I began working for a company many years ago, my manager failed to train me on certain things. She ran the show quite differently to other managers. 6 months later, I was transferred to another site, and my new manager noticed that I didn't know as much as I should have.
I copped a lot of flack from her and other staff until finally, we had conversation that helped her realise I had not been told or taught certain things.
This was a defining moment for both of us. Not only did it improve our relationship but it also improved our work life. By learning this, she began to teach me things I didn't know and found that I was actually a pretty good employee. But had she not learned the underlying issue, I would have eventually left.
If you notice your boss is behaving unkind or frustrated toward you, maybe just ask them why. Who knows what information might come to light.
Power is to be used for good, not evil.
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I am going to share a little story again, this one i’ll never forget. Earlier I mentioned I was working at a Gloria Jeans Cafe. The Manager set the tone for the Shift Supervisors that they can behave just as poorly.
One shift supervisor, Hannah, was regularly on a power trip. Her issue was that she not only gained no respect from the team but she positioned herself in a place only to be made fun of.
It was getting late in the day and Hannah was checking in that everything was being completed for closing, so she turned to the team and yelled “That dishwasher had better be down by 3pm, OR ELSE!”
Now, if this had have been a big brawly man with a powerful voice, maybe the intimidation tactic may have worked. But not for Hannah.
My colleague Taylor responded with, “Or what Hannah, what are you going to do?”. Of course, the entire team burst out in laughter at poor Hannahs expense. Let’s face it though, she kind of asked for this.
My last manager on the other hand did use his
power and intimidation
to influence his staff to ‘
’. The secret about people who try to use ‘
power & intimidation
’ as a means to getting results, they need to be challenged. Submitting to them is only reinforcing their behaviour.
I rang my boss one day and told him that I didn't appreciate something he had done, to my surprise, he accepted my request to change that behaviour. The issue still was, that although he changed toward me, he continued to behave poorly toward other staff. All but 2 staff eventually quit.
When it comes to finding a solution, I recommend trying to resolve the matter with the person rather than going straight above them. Give them an opportunity to work through it with you rather than making a complaint.
Here are 15 steps you could follow to help you determine how to identify underlying issues and how to best approach someone or a group of people in the workplace.
Consider the motivation behind their behaviour.
How is this behaviour impacting on you and your ability to work?
What about their behaviour would you like to see changed?
If they were to make the changes, how could they go about this?
Do you feel comfortable talking to them about the issue?
If you do feel confident having a chat with them, ask them to meet with you for a coffee.
If not, maybe consider asking a third party to be present so you are able to.
Let them know that their behaviour is having an impact on you and your work and ask them why they are doing this.
Whether or not they respond with an answer, remind them that it is impacting you and let them know what you would like to see changed.
Then ask them if they feel this is a reasonable request.
If they disagree, let them know that it’s an expectation of yours to see something change. Ask them what they feel may be more reasonable.
If they can't give you anything. Then there is nothing more you should do here. Document it and take it to your superior or their superior.
If they respond well to your approach, then this is a great opportunity to build a new relationship with someone you possibly never thought you would.
NEVER try to approach more than 1 person at a time.
Make sure to document everything that happened in the conversation and the changes you both agreed to put in place.
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outrageousloveinc · 4 years
413 Synonyms for Compassion
be compassionate
be merciful
be pitied
be sorry
be sympathetic
being compassionate
beneficent god
bleeding heart
brotherly love
close relation
compassionate care
compassionate person
de grâce
emotional support
fair treatment
feel bad
feel sorry
feel sympathy
feeling pity
feeling sorry
fellow feeling
fraternal feeling
good intention
good will
goodness of heart
great understanding
have compassion
have mercy
have sympathy
heart goes
heart goes out
heart is going
heart is gonna
heart of gold
human kindness
humane manner
inside story
kid gloves
kindly disposition
la merced
literary bounty
lord have mercy
loving kindness
may turn
mercy killing
most beneficent
mutual attraction
mutual fondness
mutual understanding
pity of it
pity party
pleasant relationship
public spirit
self pity
shared feeling
show compassion
show pity
social conscience
soul of kindness
steadfast love
sympathetic chord
sympathetic reaction
sympathetic response
sympathizing with
sympathy strike
sympathy to
take pity
takes pity
tender feeling
tender mercies
thank you
thoughts go
two cents' worth
unfailing love
warm feelings
warm-hearted relationship
warmth of heart
word to the wise
your compassion
Most folks value compassion and agree that it's important both in our own lives also as in society more generally. Undeniably, compassion is additionally a part of our everyday experience of being human. We love and look after our children; confronted with a person in pain, we instinctively pity them; when someone reaches out and touches us during a season of pain we feel connected. Most folks would also wholeheartedly agree that compassion has something to try to integrate with the essence of what it means to steer an honest life. So it’s no small coincidence that compassion seems to be the footing where the moral teachings of all major traditions, religious and humanistic, begin and end.
Even within the contested political sphere, compassion is one value that each side of the range or spectrum is wanting to claim. Even though we have widely shared beliefs and experiences about compassion, we fail to offer it a central role in our lives and in our society. In our contemporary culture, we tend to possess a rather confusing relationship with values like kindness and compassion.
In the secular West, we sometimes lack a consistent cultural framework for articulating what compassion is and the way it works. To some people, it’s a matter of faith and morality, a personal concern of each individual with little or no societal relevance. Others question the very possibility of selflessness for humans and are very suspicious of sentiments like compassion that produce other people’s welfare because of the primary concern. As scientist Michael Ghiselin once remarked, “Scratch an altruist and watch a hypocrite bleed.”
At the opposite extreme, some folks elevate these qualities to such heights that they're way out of the reach for many folks, possible just for rare individuals like Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King jr., Dorthey Day, Gandhi, and Thich Nhat Hanh. With this view, compassion becomes something that is admired from a distance in great and exalted beings, but not relevant or practical to our everyday lives.
Broadly defined, compassion may be a sense of concern that arises once we are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to ascertain that suffering relieved. The English word for compassion, comes from its Latin root, literally meaning ‘to suffer with’. Consistent with what religious historian and ex-nun Karen Armstrong has defined, the word for compassion as found in Semitic languages (rahamanut in Hebrew and in Arabic: rahman) is etymologically associated with the word for womb, evoking the mother’s love for her child as a prototypical expression of our compassion. At its core, compassion may be a reaction to the inevitable reality of our human condition—our experience of pain and sorrow.
Compassion offers the likelihood of responding to suffering with understanding, kindness, and patience, instead of, fear and repulsion. As such, compassion lets us open ourselves to the truth of suffering and to seek its alleviation. Compassion is what connects the sensation of empathy to acts of generosity, kindness, and other expressions of our altruistic tendencies.
When compassion arises in us within the face of need or suffering, three things happen almost instantaneously: 
We perceive the other’s suffering or need.
We emotionally connect with the need or suffering.
We respond instinctively by wishing to ascertain that situation relieved. 
Compassion may cause action; it's a readiness to assist or to require to try something ourselves about another person’s situation. Today, scientists are starting to map the neurobiological basis of compassion and explore its deep evolutionary roots.
As a society, we've long ignored the elemental role our compassion instinct plays in defining our nature and behavior. we've bought into a well-liked narrative that seeks to elucidate all our behavior through the prism of competition and self-interest.
This is the story we've been telling about ourselves.
The thing is, a few stories like this, often tend to be self-fulfilling. When our story says that we are at the bottom selfish and aggressive creatures, we assume that each man is for himself. during this ‘dog eat dog world.’ It's only logical, then, to ascertain others as a source of rivalry and antagonism. We then relate to others with apprehension, fear, and suspicion, rather than with sympathy and a way of connection. In sharp contrast to this, if our story says that we are social creatures endowed with instincts for compassion and kindness, which as deeply interdependent beings our welfare is intertwined, this totally changes the way we view – and behave in – the planet. therefore the stories we tell about ourselves do matter, quite profoundly so.
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Dear Speaker Ryan and the GOP, Here's a picture of me waiting to learn the details of your planned cuts to Preexisting conditions protection & Disability, while I was getting my 6hr immunotherapy/chemo infusion today. 
When I got home, I wrote you a letter: 
(via Chronically-Something.com) - 
Dear @SpeakerRyan and the @GOP,
Here’s a picture of me waiting to learn the details of how the #AHCA would impact my healthcare via #preexistingconditions & #Disability, taken while I get my 6hr immunotherapy/chemo infusion. Treatment for my progressing, incurable, neurodegenerative, autoimmune disease.
Just so you know, without the #ACA I wouldn’t have healthcare coverage at all and, after a grueling 6 years of trying every medication available for Multiple Sclerosis, and having them fail, I wouldn’t have access to the immunotherapy concoction that has allowed me to remain mobility and keep my eyesight from failing regularly.
When I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I had no healthcare coverage in the US. I was studying overseas and came home for a friend’s wedding. Then I went blind in one eye. I tried to ignore the symptoms for a week, hoping they might go away, knowing I had no healthcare coverage and couldn’t afford an ER visit. A week later, it got worse, and I spent 7 days in the hospital. 7 days that would start a stream an insane number of tests, seizures, falling, and more. I could barely find a doctor that would see me, and all of this was paid out of pocket. The bills were insane, in the thousands within a month or so. This process took everything I had, literally and figuratively.  It was only thanks to SSI disability assistance that I was able to find a place to live and feed myself.
Yes, SSI disability not SSDI.  It turns out, the time I spent working for the state, and a state-funded agency that didn’t pay into social security, meant I was just 2 quarters short of the required amount of work to receive full disability coverage. Those 5 years of work didn’t count, and there was nothing I could do about it despite being 15 when I got my first job. I was more than broke. I was in debt. Trying to be a good citizen, I paid my bills with everything I had, including student loans I had intended to use to finish my degree. It was thanks to the incredible kindness of my friends - one of whom allowed me to live on her floor for over a year - that I wasn’t homeless. All this while learning that I now had a diagnosed, therefore preexisting, neurodegenerative disease. Lucky for me, the #ACA took effect, and thanks to it, while having nothing at all to my name, I was able to get healthcare. Finally, after almost a year of accruing medical debt.
The reality of my situation, and the unpredictable nature of Multiple Sclerosis and its impact on my ability to function well enough for any regular job, means that I must remain below the poverty level in order to remain on healthcare and have a roof over my head, something that you seem to believe is a luxurious life I’m living on the tax payer’s dime. Every month I hope I am able to make ends meet, maintain my independence, and have to remind myself that I am a worthy member of society and I deserve treatment for my condition.
I haven’t even mentioned the reality of learning that my brain was eating itself alive. That I would slowly get sicker and sicker, likely end up immobile, and a million other things that come with life with Multiple Sclerosis (and the co-morbid autoimmune diseases I hadn’t yet realized I had). The reality of my condition was enough to bear. The treatments, side effects, and ever-increasing failure of my body was enough trauma to induce its own medical PTSD, but again I continued on thanks to determination, desperation, and the kindness of the people around me. I haven’t talked about the half-written dissertation that held all the passion of years of work that would be my career, how I would change lives, and that will never be finished now. All of this is an aside to this conversation, but gives a bit of context through which you can view what I’m telling you.
When the #ACA passed I had visions of future policy discussions, dialogues about improving the system, maybe even seeing disabled Americans of all backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, racial/ethnic backgrounds as deserving of QUALITY of life, not just those humans you’ve ‘given the privilege to continue to live’. I had such incomprehensible thoughts about being seen as someone who has a contribution to make regardless of my health, that the United States is a place where you are supported when you’re struggling, and thought maybe we can do that in a way that helps people flourish. Ridiculous, right?  I can hear you laughing.
You and your party have proven those thoughts to be nothing more than laughable, a pipe dream. Beyond that, you’ve decided it’s time to revoke that ‘privilege to live’ you bestowed upon me. That fear you use as a tool was so successful this election- that fear you instilled in so many. Fear of the other, the struggling, the afraid; fear of those whose lives have hit rock bottom or lives that could be beautiful but require a long-term helping hand. With that fear fostered, hate and blame given the biggest of platforms, you have decided now might be time to take back that privilege to live. Yep, you might wanna revoke that ‘hand out’ because anyone of us ‘could be’ choosing a life of poverty, stealing from the hard-working Americans …that we aren’t… because we need help. You embrace this, I suppose you always have, and use it in your daily dialogue discussing which of us truly deserve the help we need to simply survive and what, in your opinion, isn’t really essential to our existence.
So today, as has been the case for the last 6 months, I sat and watched my life discussed as something we may just have to sacrifice so wealthy people can be wealthier and you can have a win for your party and the president. Congrats, it has dominated the news cycle in such a way that every mention of the #AHCA leaves me on the verge of a panic attack. That probably sounds silly to you. Probably because nothing you just read is new information or particularly meaningful to you and your goals. My story doesn’t evoke empathy beyond that momentary trained reaction to someone’s sad story.
No, my story doesn’t remind you that this is the story of a huge number of Americans that you represent, or of human beings in need of support. It doesn’t even help you connect your policy goals to the fact that this is something that could happen to anyone, to someone you love, or even to you. The truth is, you are fully aware of all the things I have discussed here. You’ve heard stories like mine, you know people like me. The truth is that you understand what your tax cuts and health care plans mean to someone like me. You repeat these party lines about maintaining accessibility despite cuts, caring about pre-existing conditions by claiming we will always have ‘access’ since insurance companies won’t be allowed to refuse us outright. You repeat this over and over, completely aware of the difference between availability and accessibility. I can’t honestly believe that you do not understand the difference. I cannot believe that you’d assume the homeless man standing by the door to a restaurant you are walking into has access to dining there, simply because he can walk through the door. You are intelligent men.
All of this leads me to conclude that you must truly lack empathy for a good portion of your fellow Americans. It seems reasonable to assume that you care more about your reputation and political power than the lives of others. At the very least, it is incredibly easy for you to forget we exist. You won’t see the blood on your hands if you accomplish even half of your goals, and THAT is the scariest part of all of this.
So enjoy this picture. I am back home now and will be spending the night on the bathroom floor. Be aware, at least one of the moments I find myself retching in the toilet tonight will be at the thought of such incredibly thoughtless, heartless, men and women, celebrating the idea that they may be able to “rid the American taxpayers of the burden” of me and people like me.
NFN- A Chronically Ill, Disabled, Latina who Votes
P.s. Please feel free to prove me wrong on all points. I’m an open minded person and always willing to rethink my opinions, maybe you are too.
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sagebodisattva · 5 years
Antinatalism and Nihilism
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Yeah. In case you didn't know, or were somehow a bit unsure about whether or not antinatalism was a nihilist philosophy, antinatalism is perplexingly nihilist, nihilistic supreme; that means it's the grand chalupa, with fresh sour cream.
The most standard commonly known definition of nihilism is a philosophical doctrine that suggests the negation of one or more reputedly meaningful aspects of life. If nay you say, then are you implying that antinatalism isn't asking it's prospective antinatalist to negate certain values that the majority of humans all share in common? I mean, it is called antinatalism, isn't it? Asking a human to consciously avoid procreating, whether just, correct, most moral, or not, this is still a value subtraction equation. The idea that consciousness is better off to never have existed is certainly a negative value conclusion, even if you twist around the narrative to demonize the perceived opposition.
If some condition independent of consciousness that exists out there in the universe is somehow a morally BETTER configuration, in all it's independently existing isolated betterness, without anything existing, any unavoidable prognosis, prescription, or proscription, that may be proposed, will all be subtraction transactions. That's antinatalism, and that's the common understood consensus as to what the definition of nihilism is. There's no way around it. If you’re an antinatalist, then you are at least nihilistic. Period.
Yeah. A dirty stinking value negating nihilist.
And I understand why antinatalists want to reject nihilism, for, while suggesting the negation of a commonly held meaningful value, they do so under the banner of a righteous pro-value. Which is all well and good, but it still doesn't change the fact that it's aim is still to negate a value.
And I'm not against antinatalism, in fact I agree that, for people who are serious about discovering the truth about reality and seek to walk the path of self recognition, of which, is the only existential function for why we are here, procreation isn't helpful. It's an investment, which is a distraction, and that's passing the buck to someone else. And for the people who are NOT serious about reality, the truth and self recognition, you definitely shouldn't be procreating either, because you are just recklessly creating giant amounts of demand and deprivation just for it's own sake, and that isn't a requirement. If one is not seeking to understand the reality, then why should one be ignorantly pushing more lives into existence, for the mere sake of selfish gratification? It's an abuse of power. You don't have any way to obtain consent for the life you are causing to manifest, so therefor this is indicative of an immoral act, like it or not.
And I know there are a lot of people out there that are grateful to have been pushed into existence and appreciate it deeply, but just ask yourself, for what? Pleasure seeking activities? Is that what it is? Just raw hedonism? Back dropped against a life of mundane routine and pointless empty lives of quiet desperation and frustrating futility? To endure large amounts of suffering, boredom and tedious undertakings, just to have a small sip of ecstasy? It seems that we have forgotten that this realm should be treated as a training ground, and not like a lounge for fat cats and lazy lizards.
I won't go too far into depth about the positive aspects of choosing not to procreate, perhaps reserving these thoughts for a future video, for the main idea of this exposition is to show how antinatalism is a nihilistic philosophy. As if antinatalism was somehow something else other then nihilism? Yeah right. If you think so, then you must somehow have your narrative about the logic twisted up.
I know, I know, you have a certain subjective feeling about certain facts, and since the fact is a fact, how you feel about those facts must also be facts! I know, I know. Anything less would be a case of mental illness.
But, one should always try to understand who one's allies are. And one should also try real hard to try and stop maligning and demonizing an adjacent ally; in exactly the same way everyone else tries to malign and demonize you. Atheism, antinatalism, nihilism, post modernism, deconstructionism, futurism, transhumanism, are all relative philosophies existing within the same ideology cluster, despite having some differences. Maybe what they all share in common, in a broad sense, is a rejection of an old world and an old way of doing things.
You do know that, in theism's mind, atheism, and thereby also antinatalism by default, are considered nihilist philosophies simply because they both reject theism. And you know that this is where nihilism primarily got it's bad name from. It was a label frequently used to malign those that rejected theism. And I say 'antinatalism by default" because I think it's safe to assume that if you are antinatalist, you certainly can't be any kind of theist worth his salt. What kind of theist would think that being fruitful isn't in accord with a sky daddy's wishes? Unless there are theists out there, that I don't know about, who believe in an incompetent fucked up god who can't be trusted, but if that's the case, why bother with remaining a theist? Overthrow that motherfucker. If believing in a loving all powerful god, while having an attitude that the world is too fucked up a place to bring children into, isn't cognitive dissonance, then what is?
And I wonder, just as a side note, who was worse for the theists; the atheists, the heretics, or the nihilists?
But anyway... Yeah. Antinatalism is a form of nihilism. So it's truly quite very bizarre that antinatalism tries to take the high road; goes holier then thou, and plays the role of moral warden against another philosophy that, in fact, represents some of the same concepts and positions.
Nihilists advocate victimization and/or ignoring victimization? Bullshit. That isn't even the case, so it isn't true in the first place. It isn't nihilists who are the ones responsible for the horrors of the world, nor the ones ignoring the horrors. So maybe instead of trying to straw man a scapegoat, antinatalism should either redirect this false characterization right back from whence it came, or try focusing the vitriol upon that which is more befitting of these tragic poetic condemnations. It would seem to me that Theists and statists are the violators of innate human morals.
And don't let the religious aspect of theism create some false sense of a dichotomy existing between theism and it's slave atheism. They are both materialists. Only one is justified by a belief in God, and the other is justified by a lack of a belief in God. The "materials" are on a pedestal in both of these so called diametrically opposed polar opposite positions. And post hence, they are both full of shit. Neither one of them are automatically morally upright. Religion, do we even need to go there? If Jesus came back he'd kick the shit out of the Christians; once he matrixed around their gunfire. And atheism, well where does one exactly derive morality when there isn't some scary supernatural force threatening you, or offering obedience rewards, in a world where cash is king; and only the collection and hoarding of objects and resources are the measure of one's well being? From whereforth, and unto what?
Oh, I know. From empathy. From compassion. From a sense of charity. From a sense of duty, integrity, justice, service, and heroic Herculean honor. Only, this sense of duty is easily derelict when it comes to the raw material reality. In a game of heavy investments and gambling with the margins of profit and loss, wherein the consequence of ignoring dysfunction and not running the risk to do what's called "right", is rewarded by sustaining a retainer of wealth and resources, the objectively morally thing to do, is to do what most benefits yourself and your immediate group. And that's what I mean when I say “objectively moral.” I mean so in the sense that, there will be groups of individuals who feel they have a special status to make decisions on behalf of everyone else, because this self elected special status also affords one a superior perspective to decide and execute what's BEST for everyone...
Sound familiar? And it isn't nihilism that is doing this. It's hard materialism; cause, hey, its logical, it's objectively moral, it's very utilitarian, all of which the nihilist knows, doesn't really exist, and therefor doesn't invest into the motivated fervor of this material passion play. And yet the criminal trouble making shit stirrer uppers have the audacity to point out at the audience and blame them for the stage theatrics. And antinatalism, who sits in section B, points over to section A, where nihilism sits, and passes the blame on to them. It's a joke.
But I can see why everyone's so upset with nihilism. True nihilism upsets the whole apple cart. The passion whores don't want people to resign and give up on the Game of the lemmings, cause jeez, what would happen if everyone became nihilists? It would be unprofitable. We'd have a bunch of peaceful generous self sufficient people who had relaxed forgiving caregiving dispositions, who mind their own business, but share and help others, and who don't want to victimize their fellow humans. And we couldn't have that now, could we? Pointing the finger at you and saying it's all your fault, is so much more convenient and fun!
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lx-5point0-blog · 7 years
Initiating contact… LX – 5.0 Uploading… How I spent my summer vacation 2016 by John Driver "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" (Exodus 20:16). In the immortal words of B-A Barackus, Mr.-T A-Team, "I pity the fool." …….. 11-15-16 @ 11am Los Angeles, undisclosed area.. Dear members, In response to a sad situation I have recently been involved in as a test of my character, and the strength of my integrity, I have prepared a not too long piece, in hopes that it can make all of us a better person. The truest tests of character always come with great adversity, strong temptation, or the amassing of personal power. We sell ourselves out when we perceive that the promise of temptation, and immediate gratification, is greater than the risk of the negative consequence. Even when we are aware of the price we may have to pay for it. An example of a lack of ethics perhaps. By looking at a persons actions, some may perceive this to be. A judge of character must be made by another of stronger character, but, remember this, Character can be GOOD, and, it can BAD, as well. Some like to deal in the 50 shades of gray on this subject. I do not. Also, integrity. Integrity is NOT the state of honesty. Integrity is the ability to hold water. The solidity of the vessel. Translation: Are you gonna perform the character that you posses the same way every time when faced with adversity? Therefore; a person of BAD character can posses integrity, as can a person of GOOD character can posses integrity. No gray exists in that sense of the words. All of us display solidity of character when we deal patiently and mindfully with adversity. Some do not see the value of suffering, but it is what strengthens our core as Men. Instant gratification and instant relief deprive, or rob, our age of man of the source to actually build and strengthen our character. I welcome the challenge, the confrontation, the test, as it gives me a sense of energy in my soul every time. In my Humbleness as a Man, I came to a biblical resolution to the actions of another Christian brother, of whom has attempted to take my freedom from me, as they did Brother John the Apostle. He attempts have an authority, behead me, and place it up high. It is very unsportsmanlike in my opinion. In fact, if I am not mistaken(insert sarcasm font here), it is rather... Warlike. Today, as I am driving my car out on the highway, the turnpike, directed my true path, through the Badlands, of a stream of consciousness I have. As it did in the past, in the Lost Hills of the Wilderness. I recall the power of all the energies, and, the collective beliefs of the good, and, the kind. Reminding me, my abilities are mine, and, no one else. Responsibility for actions, Is in MY possession, and, NO ONE else. Therefore, I, am in control of EVERYTHING, I am. Brother Charles, Rest In Peace, said it so, precisely, well," BELIEVE." Because, to "know" is to believe. As a Minister of theology, universally, and, with an education in Fire Science, I have put to work, what I know, and, consulted with my "Father. The omnipotent... I am." You know who I am referring to, I hope. I mean, I understand, there are a few of my fellow Christian brothers, and sisters, that may, mmm, backslide a bit on their ethics at times, or, only think of the subject on Sunday's. It's alright. You are still a great person. I am meek, so, a little something about myself many of you nose-bleeders may not be privy to. The Human condition derives its power from a belief, that something greater than ourselves is the way to survival and happiness. I am human. And an awesome one at that. I also can humiliate myself way better than anyone else can, and, I can tell bad jokes, as well. My imagination is pretty vivid. I write and I am an author, too. I have a condition only 1% of the human race. Oh, and I can defend myself, and protect others with amazing results, also. I am a warrior of energy and light. A spirit of FIGHT. And of compassion. Empathy. Kindness. Oh, and a Good Samaritan. So, the word is strong, and, by example, our true character is judged. "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord" (Romans 12:19). "For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffetted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an EXAMPLE, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, WHEN HE WAS REVILED, REVILED NOT AGAIN; when he suffered, HE THREATENED NOT; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously" (I Peter 2:20-22). “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake” (Matthew 5:11). The old nature, the fallen nature, will always tend to the sins of the flesh and these are contrary to the Spirit, we know that. The new nature imparted by Christ Jesus will produce the fruit of the Spirit, which fruit is contrary to the sins of the flesh, we know that too (Galatians 5:16-24). But, how often do we yield to the flesh rather than the Spirit when we are attacked or otherwise set upon by an injurious accusation coming from someone unscrupulous enough to not establish the facts in the matter? Remember that when we put on the Lord Jesus Christ, we will be like Christ in how we respond to things like false accusation. "But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof" (Romans 13:14). The Lord Jesus Christ took upon Himself the mantle of meekness. When He was reviled, He reviled not again. He was meek and lowly. "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am MEEK and LOWLY in heart: and ye shall find rest for your souls" (Matthew 11:29). And understand that meekness is not weakness. It is strength, for God honors the meek in spirit, and upholds those who would depend upon Him in the clearing of any unjust matter. The man who will chose to not defend himself against the unjust accusations of others is taking the position of meekness and humility leaving the matter in God's hands alone for His resolution. When a brother or sister is falsely accused, and matters are taken into one's own hands, pride and arrogance will follow, leading to a bad case of bitterness and anger. Translation: Malicious behavior with an agenda of only destroying a persons life is usually an excuse for a caveman to crush his skull. Usually, ending up in Life without parole. Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: THE LORD REWARD HIM according to his works" (II Timothy 4:14. "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord" (Romans 12:19). God will honor those who honor Him, and the false accuser will find that his wrongdoing will come down upon his own head. God knows how to clear the just, and in time He will do that. In the meantime, it is important that we pray for those who have falsely accused us, and have made themselves our enemies. Let us guard our own hearts against this sin, and let us deal with false accusation in a manner that pleases the Lord. Have an awesome day, JL That being said… there is more… Tactics used against a victim of harassment or more clearly defined recently , is PsychoTerror. Perfected by Scientologists and the L Ron Hubbard doctrine, are: • Sleep deprivation (a step required to achieve brain washing according to Russian documents) • Noisy investigations / accusations(a cowardly, in my opinion, tactic of defaming a victim without ever coming into contact with a person) • Arrogant (shit eating grin-a subconscious method of the absence of humility)) • Mimic(meant to disrupt/ or a want to be something other than ones self; cops dream of being Outlaws) • Up bridge (Image/ status/ success perceived) • Kennesaw, GA (Location and proximity of past residence and employment is a trail of the crime in all cases.) REVENGE is entirely a feminine trait. REVENGE is sweetest served up cold. I personally do not seek revenge, but, do seek to even the score, impose STREET justice, put my hands on them, but, my hands are my words, and my words are weapons of humility. That being said, I do not ever chase or hunt, instead prefer to trap. Patience is key to successfully trapping the perpetrator. I've already mentally imagined the encounter, for life is like a wheel, and whatever goes around, comes around. The inevitability of the encounter is highly likely. The network or social connections, prove that we all know each other, or, if you know the right seven people, you are connected to everyone on the planet. This is the reason I choose kindness and honesty, live and respect. Somebody I have never met before is some how a friend of a friend of an associate to a relative, and so on. It is my Legacy I am creating. I prefer to find the strengths in people, and if it is good, dwell on this. I know who I am and I am forever learning daily of new subjects. The human race is one race and racism is not a condition I participate in. I am colorblind, literally and figuratively. I am only 1% of males in the world with this brand of visual deficiency or an Evolutionary Mutation an Adaptation. It is considered to be an assets to overcome and see through objects which are camouflaged. Just an interesting point I would like to add. In the human race, and the species of homosapiens, I believe the female is the smartest of the two. Why? Because the emotional and subconscious blinders that men have do not exist in women. Therefore, they do not need testosterone. The power of suggestion is the strength of the most intelligent ones. These times and situations are changing to allow the woman to excel and produce far more than the male. Some women, even believe they do not need one man. And that marriage is a trick, and an unnecessary social brainwash. I know of a woman that believes this is true. And she convinced her parents of this, and to assist her in a purchase of a home. Our paths crossed during the occupancy of that time, and it taught me a valuable lesson of why it is necessary to never assume anything about someone you have recently just met. And that everyone, is up to something. Without a doubt in my mind. It's just relative to the degree of good or bad. But they are doing it, or thinking it, or even talking about it. Some are special patient creative and selfish in their methods. Some will attempt to talk you around and around, or just out in out lie, believing they have convinced you of something that is not reality, in an attempt to create another more suitable for them. Excerpts from Sermon on the Mount: Matthew, Chapter 5-7: 11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. The Fulfillment of the Law 17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.18For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.19Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.20For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. Murder 21 “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’22But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell. 23 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you,24leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift. 25 “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison.26Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny. Eye for Eye 38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ 39But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.40And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.41If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.42Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. Treasures in Heaven 19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.23But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! 24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Judging Others 1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brotherʼs eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?4How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brotherʼs eye. 6 “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. 9 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?11If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!12So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. The Narrow and Wide Gates 13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. True and False Prophets 15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheepʼs clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?17Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. The Wise and Foolish Builders 24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.25The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.26But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.27The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” 28When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, 29because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law. Stay Strong, John T. Lober, Minister of the Universal Life Church ©COPYRIGHTED ™LUBRXbrand ®UNIVERSALlifeCHURCH
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