#they didn't fit tho so ill have to make another post or 2 n then I SWEAR ill shut up abt it for awhile
cosmobrain00 · 9 months
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I KNOWWW U GUYS R SICK OF ME ALRDY OKAY I KNOW!!! I got bitten by the au bug n I need to get it out of my system- AND bc I finished my fantasy mike's full design so🫶
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chainmailpurse · 3 years
ello blog
yesterday was a cool day
got ready 4 work feeling significantly less anxious than all my other days n I liked my outfit ( but my shirt actually kept unbuttoning it was too much omfg it was this little black fitted polyester collared button up 90s era and it popped open while I was just talking with this guy . yeah ) im used to how everything works now so the day was a piece of cake . I worked with this cool girl that I befriended last week when we were paired 2gether and she's so sweet and funny finishing the shift with her was very fun .I saw so many beautiful pieces...... this one Marc Jacobs heaven sweater that's coming out . . . holy shit it was so sexy it was like navy blue and navy green stripes with burgundy writing (?) I think . my description is shit but when its out I will post a pic 2 show. im trying to remember it so hard because I was like wtf this is the sexiest thing I've ever seen its MINE !!!!! im going to have it soon as its out on the website. too beautiful. must have in my collection.
this guy was randomly placed in receiving from another department and we had this sexy sexual tension . I love when me and a stranger have really hot sexual tension , we both know and we don't really talk about it but we just flirt with our bodies and heavily make eye contact a few times over our masks <3 he had a sexy voice
I am attracting a gf at this point in time . I've been craving a relationship with a woman for ages now but knew that before that I wanted to get in a relationship I wanted 2 be a better version of myself . like I wanted to have a job and to be active and be happy and feel at least somewhat secure by myself and I think im reaching that point now so I have been telling the universe that im ready for a girlfriend . I have faith that everything will fall into place
after work yesterday I took an uber from my bus stop cuz I didn't have enough change for my second bus and I had just smoked a joint to the face in the same park from the day before and ate a crunchy apple and when I got in I was fried and tired but felt good n wanted to be kind and more social so I started conversation with him and we spoke the entire ride home mostly about pot . he asked me if I drank and I said yeah sum times but im not a huge fan I prefer 2 smoke a joint . he said he only smoked once in his life and that the weed was bad and he asked me all sorts of questions about it it was really funny. when I got home my mum was home with her bf and he confronted me about taking a bunch of chartreuse from the bottle in my mums room LOL on Wednesday I poured like 4 shots at least into a glass jar to take for my flask on Sunday. my mom never made a comment after so I was like yeah . its chill . lolllllll anyways I got real quiet and then made a big fruit plate n scurried off to my bedroom . my mum was surprised cuz usually I never take anything when she buys a bottle of liquor which is not that often but yeah wrong bottle wrong time . if it was hers she really wouldn't have cared, I still have the jar tho and its gonna be wonderful 2 share tmr so it was still worth it .
ALSO yesterday at my bus stop I saw a little light brown bunny hopping around some grass and bushes and it was so pure
this morning I was up before the sun at 5:50 cuz my brain is wired from the last 2 days . smoked a joint in my fur coat with absolutely nothing under on my balcony and watched the sun ride a bit. then cleaned my room and did laundry at the Laundromat downstairs all before 10 ! it has been a productive morning . I have veggies roasting for breakfast and then ill get ready to go see my dad for lunch + the afternoon .
listening 2 les by childish gambino + oldie by odd future
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